2019-11-12 21:52:18 +00:00

185 lines
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/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 8 -*- */
/* vim: set sw=2 ts=8 et tw=80 ft=cpp : */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_WindowGlobalParent_h
#define mozilla_dom_WindowGlobalParent_h
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/DOMRect.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/PWindowGlobalParent.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BrowserParent.h"
#include "nsRefPtrHashtable.h"
#include "nsWrapperCache.h"
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/WindowGlobalActor.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/CanonicalBrowsingContext.h"
class nsIPrincipal;
class nsIURI;
class nsFrameLoader;
namespace mozilla {
namespace gfx {
class CrossProcessPaint;
} // namespace gfx
namespace dom {
class WindowGlobalChild;
class JSWindowActorParent;
class JSWindowActorMessageMeta;
* A handle in the parent process to a specific nsGlobalWindowInner object.
class WindowGlobalParent final : public WindowGlobalActor,
public PWindowGlobalParent {
friend class gfx::CrossProcessPaint;
friend class PWindowGlobalParent;
static already_AddRefed<WindowGlobalParent> GetByInnerWindowId(
uint64_t aInnerWindowId);
static already_AddRefed<WindowGlobalParent> GetByInnerWindowId(
const GlobalObject& aGlobal, uint64_t aInnerWindowId) {
return GetByInnerWindowId(aInnerWindowId);
// Has this actor been shut down
bool IsClosed() { return !CanSend(); }
// Check if this actor is managed by PInProcess, as-in the document is loaded
// in-process.
bool IsInProcess() { return mInProcess; }
// Get the other side of this actor if it is an in-process actor. Returns
// |nullptr| if the actor has been torn down, or is not in-process.
already_AddRefed<WindowGlobalChild> GetChildActor();
// Get a JS actor object by name.
already_AddRefed<JSWindowActorParent> GetActor(const nsAString& aName,
ErrorResult& aRv);
// Get this actor's manager if it is not an in-process actor. Returns
// |nullptr| if the actor has been torn down, or is in-process.
already_AddRefed<BrowserParent> GetBrowserParent();
void ReceiveRawMessage(const JSWindowActorMessageMeta& aMeta,
ipc::StructuredCloneData&& aData);
// The principal of this WindowGlobal. This value will not change over the
// lifetime of the WindowGlobal object, even to reflect changes in
// |document.domain|.
nsIPrincipal* DocumentPrincipal() { return mDocumentPrincipal; }
// The BrowsingContext which this WindowGlobal has been loaded into.
CanonicalBrowsingContext* BrowsingContext() override {
return mBrowsingContext;
// Get the root nsFrameLoader object for the tree of BrowsingContext nodes
// which this WindowGlobal is a part of. This will be the nsFrameLoader
// holding the BrowserParent for remote tabs, and the root content frameloader
// for non-remote tabs.
already_AddRefed<nsFrameLoader> GetRootFrameLoader();
// The current URI which loaded in the document.
nsIURI* GetDocumentURI() override { return mDocumentURI; }
// Window IDs for inner/outer windows.
uint64_t OuterWindowId() { return mOuterWindowId; }
uint64_t InnerWindowId() { return mInnerWindowId; }
uint64_t ContentParentId();
int32_t OsPid();
bool IsCurrentGlobal();
bool IsProcessRoot();
bool IsInitialDocument() { return mIsInitialDocument; }
bool HasBeforeUnload() { return mHasBeforeUnload; }
already_AddRefed<mozilla::dom::Promise> DrawSnapshot(
const DOMRect* aRect, double aScale, const nsAString& aBackgroundColor,
mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv);
already_AddRefed<Promise> GetSecurityInfo(ErrorResult& aRv);
// Create a WindowGlobalParent from over IPC. This method should not be called
// from outside of the IPC constructors.
WindowGlobalParent(const WindowGlobalInit& aInit, bool aInProcess);
// Initialize the mFrameLoader fields for a created WindowGlobalParent. Must
// be called after setting the Manager actor.
void Init(const WindowGlobalInit& aInit);
nsIGlobalObject* GetParentObject();
JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aCx,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override;
const nsAString& GetRemoteType() override;
JSWindowActor::Type GetSide() override { return JSWindowActor::Type::Parent; }
// IPC messages
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvLoadURI(dom::BrowsingContext* aTargetBC,
nsDocShellLoadState* aLoadState,
bool aSetNavigating);
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvInternalLoad(dom::BrowsingContext* aTargetBC,
nsDocShellLoadState* aLoadState);
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvUpdateDocumentURI(nsIURI* aURI);
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvSetIsInitialDocument(bool aIsInitialDocument) {
mIsInitialDocument = aIsInitialDocument;
return IPC_OK();
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvSetHasBeforeUnload(bool aHasBeforeUnload);
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvBecomeCurrentWindowGlobal();
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvDestroy();
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvRawMessage(const JSWindowActorMessageMeta& aMeta,
const ClonedMessageData& aData);
void ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aWhy) override;
void DrawSnapshotInternal(gfx::CrossProcessPaint* aPaint,
const Maybe<IntRect>& aRect, float aScale,
nscolor aBackgroundColor, uint32_t aFlags);
// WebShare API - try to share
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvShare(IPCWebShareData&& aData,
ShareResolver&& aResolver);
// NOTE: This document principal doesn't reflect possible |document.domain|
// mutations which may have been made in the actual document.
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mDocumentPrincipal;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mDocumentURI;
RefPtr<CanonicalBrowsingContext> mBrowsingContext;
nsRefPtrHashtable<nsStringHashKey, JSWindowActorParent> mWindowActors;
uint64_t mInnerWindowId;
uint64_t mOuterWindowId;
bool mInProcess;
bool mIsInitialDocument;
// True if this window has a "beforeunload" event listener.
bool mHasBeforeUnload;
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // !defined(mozilla_dom_WindowGlobalParent_h)