Ms2ger 3cee792603 servo: Merge #4766 - Import the util crate as util rather than servo_util (from Ms2ger:util); r=Manishearth
This used to conflict with the util crate from the standard library, which
has long since been removed.

The import in layout has not been changed because of a conflict with the
util mod there.

Source-Revision: 27e0f16407629422b5e047e067d458142372c97e
2015-01-29 05:12:49 -07:00

623 lines
26 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
//! The task that handles all painting.
use buffer_map::BufferMap;
use display_list::{self, StackingContext};
use font_cache_task::FontCacheTask;
use font_context::FontContext;
use paint_context::PaintContext;
use azure::azure_hl::{SurfaceFormat, Color, DrawTarget, BackendType, StolenGLResources};
use azure::{AzFloat, AzGLNativeContextRef};
use geom::matrix2d::Matrix2D;
use geom::point::Point2D;
use geom::rect::Rect;
use geom::size::Size2D;
use layers::platform::surface::{NativeGraphicsMetadata, NativePaintingGraphicsContext};
use layers::platform::surface::NativeSurface;
use layers::layers::{BufferRequest, LayerBuffer, LayerBufferSet};
use layers;
use servo_msg::compositor_msg::{Epoch, PaintState, LayerId};
use servo_msg::compositor_msg::{LayerMetadata, PaintListener, ScrollPolicy};
use servo_msg::constellation_msg::Msg as ConstellationMsg;
use servo_msg::constellation_msg::{ConstellationChan, Failure, PipelineId};
use servo_msg::constellation_msg::PipelineExitType;
use util::geometry::{Au, ZERO_POINT};
use util::opts;
use util::smallvec::SmallVec;
use util::task::spawn_named_with_send_on_failure;
use util::task_state;
use util::time::{TimeProfilerChan, TimeProfilerCategory, profile};
use std::mem;
use std::thread::Builder;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender, channel};
/// Information about a hardware graphics layer that layout sends to the painting task.
pub struct PaintLayer {
/// A per-pipeline ID describing this layer that should be stable across reflows.
pub id: LayerId,
/// The color of the background in this layer. Used for unpainted content.
pub background_color: Color,
/// The scrolling policy of this layer.
pub scroll_policy: ScrollPolicy,
impl PaintLayer {
/// Creates a new `PaintLayer`.
pub fn new(id: LayerId, background_color: Color, scroll_policy: ScrollPolicy) -> PaintLayer {
PaintLayer {
id: id,
background_color: background_color,
scroll_policy: scroll_policy,
pub struct PaintRequest {
pub buffer_requests: Vec<BufferRequest>,
pub scale: f32,
pub layer_id: LayerId,
pub epoch: Epoch,
pub enum Msg {
Exit(Option<Sender<()>>, PipelineExitType),
pub struct PaintChan(Sender<Msg>);
impl PaintChan {
pub fn new() -> (Receiver<Msg>, PaintChan) {
let (chan, port) = channel();
(port, PaintChan(chan))
pub fn send(&self, msg: Msg) {
assert!(self.send_opt(msg).is_ok(), "PaintChan.send: paint port closed")
pub fn send_opt(&self, msg: Msg) -> Result<(), Msg> {
let &PaintChan(ref chan) = self;
chan.send(msg).map_err(|e| e.0)
pub struct PaintTask<C> {
id: PipelineId,
port: Receiver<Msg>,
compositor: C,
constellation_chan: ConstellationChan,
/// A channel to the time profiler.
time_profiler_chan: TimeProfilerChan,
/// The native graphics context.
native_graphics_context: Option<NativePaintingGraphicsContext>,
/// The root stacking context sent to us by the layout thread.
root_stacking_context: Option<Arc<StackingContext>>,
/// Permission to send paint messages to the compositor
paint_permission: bool,
/// A counter for epoch messages
epoch: Epoch,
/// A data structure to store unused LayerBuffers
buffer_map: BufferMap,
/// Communication handles to each of the worker threads.
worker_threads: Vec<WorkerThreadProxy>,
/// Tracks the number of buffers that the compositor currently owns. The
/// PaintTask waits to exit until all buffers are returned.
used_buffer_count: uint,
// If we implement this as a function, we get borrowck errors from borrowing
// the whole PaintTask struct.
macro_rules! native_graphics_context(
($task:expr) => (
$task.native_graphics_context.as_ref().expect("Need a graphics context to do painting")
impl<C> PaintTask<C> where C: PaintListener + Send {
pub fn create(id: PipelineId,
port: Receiver<Msg>,
compositor: C,
constellation_chan: ConstellationChan,
font_cache_task: FontCacheTask,
failure_msg: Failure,
time_profiler_chan: TimeProfilerChan,
shutdown_chan: Sender<()>) {
let ConstellationChan(c) = constellation_chan.clone();
spawn_named_with_send_on_failure("PaintTask", task_state::PAINT, move |:| {
// Ensures that the paint task and graphics context are destroyed before the
// shutdown message.
let mut compositor = compositor;
let native_graphics_context = compositor.get_graphics_metadata().map(
|md| NativePaintingGraphicsContext::from_metadata(&md));
let worker_threads = WorkerThreadProxy::spawn(compositor.get_graphics_metadata(),
// FIXME: rust/#5967
let mut paint_task = PaintTask {
id: id,
port: port,
compositor: compositor,
constellation_chan: constellation_chan,
time_profiler_chan: time_profiler_chan,
native_graphics_context: native_graphics_context,
root_stacking_context: None,
paint_permission: false,
epoch: Epoch(0),
buffer_map: BufferMap::new(10000000),
worker_threads: worker_threads,
used_buffer_count: 0,
// Destroy all the buffers.
match paint_task.native_graphics_context.as_ref() {
Some(ctx) => paint_task.buffer_map.clear(ctx),
None => (),
// Tell all the worker threads to shut down.
for worker_thread in paint_task.worker_threads.iter_mut() {
debug!("paint_task: shutdown_chan send");
}, ConstellationMsg::Failure(failure_msg), c);
fn start(&mut self) {
debug!("PaintTask: beginning painting loop");
let mut exit_response_channel : Option<Sender<()>> = None;
let mut waiting_for_compositor_buffers_to_exit = false;
loop {
match self.port.recv().unwrap() {
Msg::PaintInit(stacking_context) => {
self.root_stacking_context = Some(stacking_context.clone());
if !self.paint_permission {
debug!("PaintTask: paint ready msg");
let ConstellationChan(ref mut c) = self.constellation_chan;
Msg::Paint(requests) => {
if !self.paint_permission {
debug!("PaintTask: paint ready msg");
let ConstellationChan(ref mut c) = self.constellation_chan;
let mut replies = Vec::new();
self.compositor.set_paint_state(, PaintState::Painting);
for PaintRequest { buffer_requests, scale, layer_id, epoch }
in requests.into_iter() {
if self.epoch == epoch {
self.paint(&mut replies, buffer_requests, scale, layer_id);
} else {
debug!("painter epoch mismatch: {:?} != {:?}", self.epoch, epoch);
self.compositor.set_paint_state(, PaintState::Idle);
for reply in replies.iter() {
let &(_, ref buffer_set) = reply;
self.used_buffer_count += (*buffer_set).buffers.len();
debug!("PaintTask: returning surfaces");
self.compositor.assign_painted_buffers(, self.epoch, replies);
Msg::UnusedBuffer(unused_buffers) => {
debug!("PaintTask: Received {} unused buffers", unused_buffers.len());
self.used_buffer_count -= unused_buffers.len();
for buffer in unused_buffers.into_iter().rev() {
self.buffer_map.insert(native_graphics_context!(self), buffer);
if waiting_for_compositor_buffers_to_exit && self.used_buffer_count == 0 {
debug!("PaintTask: Received all loaned buffers, exiting.");|channel| channel.send(()));
Msg::PaintPermissionGranted => {
self.paint_permission = true;
if self.root_stacking_context.is_some() {;
Msg::PaintPermissionRevoked => {
self.paint_permission = false;
Msg::Exit(response_channel, exit_type) => {
let should_wait_for_compositor_buffers = match exit_type {
PipelineExitType::Complete => false,
PipelineExitType::PipelineOnly => self.used_buffer_count != 0
if !should_wait_for_compositor_buffers {
debug!("PaintTask: Exiting without waiting for compositor buffers.");|channel| channel.send(()));
// If we own buffers in the compositor and we are not exiting completely, wait
// for the compositor to return buffers, so that we can release them properly.
// When doing a complete exit, the compositor lets all buffers leak.
println!("PaintTask: Saw ExitMsg, {} buffers in use", self.used_buffer_count);
waiting_for_compositor_buffers_to_exit = true;
exit_response_channel = response_channel;
/// Retrieves an appropriately-sized layer buffer from the cache to match the requirements of
/// the given tile, or creates one if a suitable one cannot be found.
fn find_or_create_layer_buffer_for_tile(&mut self, tile: &BufferRequest, scale: f32)
-> Option<Box<LayerBuffer>> {
let width = tile.screen_rect.size.width;
let height = tile.screen_rect.size.height;
if opts::get().gpu_painting {
return None
match self.buffer_map.find(tile.screen_rect.size) {
Some(mut buffer) => {
buffer.rect = tile.page_rect;
buffer.screen_pos = tile.screen_rect;
buffer.resolution = scale;
buffer.painted_with_cpu = true;
buffer.content_age = tile.content_age;
return Some(buffer)
None => {}
// Create an empty native surface. We mark it as not leaking
// in case it dies in transit to the compositor task.
let mut native_surface: NativeSurface =
Size2D(width as i32, height as i32),
width as i32 * 4);
Some(box LayerBuffer {
native_surface: native_surface,
rect: tile.page_rect,
screen_pos: tile.screen_rect,
resolution: scale,
stride: (width * 4) as uint,
painted_with_cpu: true,
content_age: tile.content_age,
/// Paints one layer and sends the tiles back to the layer.
fn paint(&mut self,
replies: &mut Vec<(LayerId, Box<LayerBufferSet>)>,
mut tiles: Vec<BufferRequest>,
scale: f32,
layer_id: LayerId) {
profile(TimeProfilerCategory::Painting, None, self.time_profiler_chan.clone(), |:| {
// Bail out if there is no appropriate stacking context.
let stacking_context = if let Some(ref stacking_context) = self.root_stacking_context {
match display_list::find_stacking_context_with_layer_id(stacking_context,
layer_id) {
Some(stacking_context) => stacking_context,
None => return,
} else {
// Divide up the layer into tiles and distribute them to workers via a simple round-
// robin strategy.
let tiles = mem::replace(&mut tiles, Vec::new());
let tile_count = tiles.len();
for (i, tile) in tiles.into_iter().enumerate() {
let thread_id = i % self.worker_threads.len();
let layer_buffer = self.find_or_create_layer_buffer_for_tile(&tile, scale);
let new_buffers = (0..tile_count).map(|&mut :i| {
let thread_id = i % self.worker_threads.len();
let layer_buffer_set = box LayerBufferSet {
buffers: new_buffers,
replies.push((layer_id, layer_buffer_set));
fn initialize_layers(&mut self) {
let root_stacking_context = match self.root_stacking_context {
None => return,
Some(ref root_stacking_context) => root_stacking_context,
let mut metadata = Vec::new();
build(&mut metadata, &**root_stacking_context, &ZERO_POINT);
self.compositor.initialize_layers_for_pipeline(, metadata, self.epoch);
fn build(metadata: &mut Vec<LayerMetadata>,
stacking_context: &StackingContext,
page_position: &Point2D<Au>) {
let page_position = stacking_context.bounds.origin + *page_position;
if let Some(ref paint_layer) = stacking_context.layer {
// Layers start at the top left of their overflow rect, as far as the info we give to
// the compositor is concerned.
let overflow_relative_page_position = page_position + stacking_context.overflow.origin;
let layer_position =
Rect(Point2D(overflow_relative_page_position.x.to_nearest_px() as i32,
overflow_relative_page_position.y.to_nearest_px() as i32),
Size2D(stacking_context.overflow.size.width.to_nearest_px() as i32,
stacking_context.overflow.size.height.to_nearest_px() as i32));
metadata.push(LayerMetadata {
position: layer_position,
background_color: paint_layer.background_color,
scroll_policy: paint_layer.scroll_policy,
for kid in stacking_context.display_list.children.iter() {
build(metadata, &**kid, &page_position)
struct WorkerThreadProxy {
sender: Sender<MsgToWorkerThread>,
receiver: Receiver<MsgFromWorkerThread>,
impl WorkerThreadProxy {
fn spawn(native_graphics_metadata: Option<NativeGraphicsMetadata>,
font_cache_task: FontCacheTask,
time_profiler_chan: TimeProfilerChan)
-> Vec<WorkerThreadProxy> {
let thread_count = if opts::get().gpu_painting {
} else {
(0..thread_count).map(|&:_| {
let (from_worker_sender, from_worker_receiver) = channel();
let (to_worker_sender, to_worker_receiver) = channel();
let native_graphics_metadata = native_graphics_metadata.clone();
let font_cache_task = font_cache_task.clone();
let time_profiler_chan = time_profiler_chan.clone();
Builder::new().spawn(move || {
let mut worker_thread = WorkerThread::new(from_worker_sender,
WorkerThreadProxy {
receiver: from_worker_receiver,
sender: to_worker_sender,
fn paint_tile(&mut self,
tile: BufferRequest,
layer_buffer: Option<Box<LayerBuffer>>,
stacking_context: Arc<StackingContext>,
scale: f32) {
self.sender.send(MsgToWorkerThread::PaintTile(tile, layer_buffer, stacking_context, scale)).unwrap()
fn get_painted_tile_buffer(&mut self) -> Box<LayerBuffer> {
match self.receiver.recv().unwrap() {
MsgFromWorkerThread::PaintedTile(layer_buffer) => layer_buffer,
fn exit(&mut self) {
struct WorkerThread {
sender: Sender<MsgFromWorkerThread>,
receiver: Receiver<MsgToWorkerThread>,
native_graphics_context: Option<NativePaintingGraphicsContext>,
font_context: Box<FontContext>,
time_profiler_sender: TimeProfilerChan,
impl WorkerThread {
fn new(sender: Sender<MsgFromWorkerThread>,
receiver: Receiver<MsgToWorkerThread>,
native_graphics_metadata: Option<NativeGraphicsMetadata>,
font_cache_task: FontCacheTask,
time_profiler_sender: TimeProfilerChan)
-> WorkerThread {
WorkerThread {
sender: sender,
receiver: receiver,
native_graphics_context:|metadata| {
font_context: box FontContext::new(font_cache_task.clone()),
time_profiler_sender: time_profiler_sender,
fn main(&mut self) {
loop {
match self.receiver.recv().unwrap() {
MsgToWorkerThread::Exit => break,
MsgToWorkerThread::PaintTile(tile, layer_buffer, stacking_context, scale) => {
let draw_target = self.optimize_and_paint_tile(&tile, stacking_context, scale);
let buffer = self.create_layer_buffer_for_painted_tile(&tile,
fn optimize_and_paint_tile(&mut self,
tile: &BufferRequest,
stacking_context: Arc<StackingContext>,
scale: f32)
-> DrawTarget {
let size = Size2D(tile.screen_rect.size.width as i32, tile.screen_rect.size.height as i32);
let draw_target = if !opts::get().gpu_painting {
DrawTarget::new(BackendType::Skia, size, SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8)
} else {
// FIXME(pcwalton): Cache the components of draw targets (texture color buffer,
// paintbuffers) instead of recreating them.
let native_graphics_context =
native_graphics_context!(self) as *const _ as AzGLNativeContextRef;
let draw_target = DrawTarget::new_with_fbo(BackendType::Skia,
// Build the paint context.
let mut paint_context = PaintContext {
draw_target: draw_target.clone(),
font_ctx: &mut self.font_context,
page_rect: tile.page_rect,
screen_rect: tile.screen_rect,
clip_rect: None,
transient_clip: None,
// Apply a translation to start at the boundaries of the stacking context, since the
// layer's origin starts at its overflow rect's origin.
let tile_bounds = tile.page_rect.translate(
&Point2D(stacking_context.overflow.origin.x.to_subpx() as AzFloat,
stacking_context.overflow.origin.y.to_subpx() as AzFloat));
// Apply the translation to paint the tile we want.
let matrix: Matrix2D<AzFloat> = Matrix2D::identity();
let matrix = matrix.scale(scale as AzFloat, scale as AzFloat);
let matrix = matrix.translate(-tile_bounds.origin.x as AzFloat,
-tile_bounds.origin.y as AzFloat);
// Clear the buffer.
// Draw the display list.
profile(TimeProfilerCategory::PaintingPerTile, None,
self.time_profiler_sender.clone(), || {
stacking_context.optimize_and_draw_into_context(&mut paint_context,
fn create_layer_buffer_for_painted_tile(&mut self,
tile: &BufferRequest,
layer_buffer: Option<Box<LayerBuffer>>,
draw_target: DrawTarget,
scale: f32)
-> Box<LayerBuffer> {
// Extract the texture from the draw target and place it into its slot in the buffer. If
// using CPU painting, upload it first.
// FIXME(pcwalton): We should supply the texture and native surface *to* the draw target in
// GPU painting mode, so that it doesn't have to recreate it.
if !opts::get().gpu_painting {
let mut buffer = layer_buffer.unwrap();
draw_target.snapshot().get_data_surface().with_data(|&mut:data| {
buffer.native_surface.upload(native_graphics_context!(self), data);
debug!("painting worker thread uploading to native surface {}",
return buffer
// GPU painting path:
let StolenGLResources {
surface: azure_surface
} = draw_target.steal_gl_resources().unwrap();
// We mark the native surface as not leaking in case the surfaces
// die on their way to the compositor task.
let mut native_surface: NativeSurface = NativeSurface::from_azure_surface(azure_surface);
box LayerBuffer {
native_surface: native_surface,
rect: tile.page_rect,
screen_pos: tile.screen_rect,
resolution: scale,
stride: (tile.screen_rect.size.width * 4) as uint,
painted_with_cpu: false,
content_age: tile.content_age,
enum MsgToWorkerThread {
PaintTile(BufferRequest, Option<Box<LayerBuffer>>, Arc<StackingContext>, f32),
enum MsgFromWorkerThread {