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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is OEone Calendar Code, released October 31st, 2001.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* OEone Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Garth Smedley <garths@oeone.com>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
// The calendar data source uses an observer pattern to notify clients when things change
// in the data source. The datasource calls back into the observer routines asynchrounously
// In order to keep the tests running we use async test objects.
// keep track of when the calendar data source has loaded. It only has to load once, since
// it is a singleton, so the loaded flag is global to all the tests
var loaded = false;
var gFileUtils = new FileUtils()
function setUp()
gFileUtils.remove( "/tmp/.oecalendar" );
gFileUtils.remove( "/tmp/.oecalendar.bak" );
function tearDown()
gFileUtils.remove( "/tmp/.oecalendar" );
gFileUtils.remove( "/tmp/.oecalendar.bak" );
// test validating a CalendarEvent.
function testValidateClass()
// calendar events that are not instances of CalendarEvent are illegal
var ce = new Object();
var exception = null;
ce.verifyEvent( );
catch( e )
exception = e;
// should throw an exception
assertNotNull( exception );
// test validating missing fields.
function testValidateMissing()
// see that missing fields are validated
var ce = CalendarEvent.makeNewEvent( new Date(), false );
ce.start = null;
var result = ce.verifyEvent( );
assertEquals( "testValidateMissing: invalid len", 0, result.invalid.length );
assertEquals( "testValidateMissing: len", 2, result.missing.length );
assertEquals( "testValidateMissing: title", "title", result.missing[0] );
assertEquals( "testValidateMissing: start" , "start", result.missing[1] );
// test validating units.
function testValidateUnits()
// see that missing fields are validated
var ce = CalendarEvent.makeNewEvent( new Date(), false );
ce.title = "ho";
ce.repeatUnits = "yow";
ce.alarmUnits = "yow2";
var result = ce.verifyEvent( );
assertEquals( "testValidateUnits: missing len" , 0, result.missing.length );
assertEquals( "testValidateUnits: invalid len" , 2, result.invalid.length );
assertEquals( "testValidateUnits: alarmUnits" , "alarmUnits", result.invalid[0].name );
assertEquals( "testValidateUnits: repeatUnits" , "repeatUnits", result.invalid[1].name );
ce.repeatUnits = CalendarEvent.kRepeatUnit_days;
ce.alarmUnits = CalendarEvent.kAlarmUnit_minutes;
result = ce.verifyEvent( );
assertEquals( "testValidateUnits: 1 units" , null, result );
ce.repeatUnits = CalendarEvent.kRepeatUnit_weeks;
ce.alarmUnits = CalendarEvent.kAlarmUnit_hours;
result = ce.verifyEvent( );
assertEquals( "testValidateUnits: 2 units" , null, result );
ce.repeatUnits = CalendarEvent.kRepeatUnit_months;
ce.alarmUnits = CalendarEvent.kAlarmUnit_days;
result = ce.verifyEvent( );
assertEquals( "testValidateUnits: 3 units" , null, result );
ce.repeatUnits = CalendarEvent.kRepeatUnit_months_day;
ce.alarmUnits = CalendarEvent.kAlarmUnit_hours;
result = ce.verifyEvent( );
assertEquals( "testValidateUnits: 4 units" , null, result );
ce.repeatUnits = CalendarEvent.kRepeatUnit_years;
ce.alarmUnits = CalendarEvent.kAlarmUnit_hours;
result = ce.verifyEvent( );
assertEquals( "testValidateUnits: 5 units" , null, result );
// test alarm checking
function testCheckAlarm()
var now = new Date();
// make an event that starts in 15 min
var in15Min = new Date( now );
in15Min.setMinutes( now.getMinutes() + 15 );
var ce = CalendarEvent.makeNewEvent( in15Min , false );
ce.title = "ho";
// give it an alarm of 20 mins before
ce.setAlarmMinutes( 20 );
var alarm = ce.checkAlarm();
assertEquals( "testCheckAlarm: in 15, 20 min before" , true, alarm );
// give it an alarm of 15 mins before
ce.setAlarmMinutes( 15 );
var alarm = ce.checkAlarm();
assertEquals( "testCheckAlarm: in 15, 15 min before" , true, alarm );
// give it an alarm of 10 mins before
ce.setAlarmMinutes( 10 );
alarm = ce.checkAlarm();
assertEquals( "testCheckAlarm: in 15, 10 min before" , false, alarm );
// make an event that starts in 2 hours
var in2Hours = new Date( now );
in2Hours.setHours( now.getHours() + 2 );
ce = CalendarEvent.makeNewEvent( in2Hours , false );
ce.title = "ho";
// give it an alarm of 3 hr before
ce.setAlarmHours( 3 );
alarm = ce.checkAlarm();
assertEquals( "testCheckAlarm: in 2 hours, 3 hr before" , true, alarm );
// give it an alarm of 2 hr before
ce.setAlarmHours( 2 );
alarm = ce.checkAlarm();
assertEquals( "testCheckAlarm: in 2 hours, 2 hr before" , true, alarm );
// give it an alarm of 1 hour before
ce.setAlarmHours( 1 );
var alarm = ce.checkAlarm();
assertEquals( "testCheckAlarm: in 2 hours, 1 hr before" , false, alarm );
// make an event that starts in 2 days
var in2days = new Date( now );
in2days.setDate( now.getDate() + 2 );
ce = CalendarEvent.makeNewEvent( in2days , false );
ce.title = "ho";
// give it an alarm of 3 days before
ce.setAlarmDays( 3 );
alarm = ce.checkAlarm();
assertEquals( "testCheckAlarm: in 2 days, 3 days before" , true, alarm );
// give it an alarm of 3 days before
ce.setAlarmDays( 2 );
alarm = ce.checkAlarm();
assertEquals( "testCheckAlarm: in 2 days, 2 days before" , true, alarm );
// give it an alarm of 1 hour before
ce.setAlarmDays( 1 );
var alarm = ce.checkAlarm();
assertEquals( "testCheckAlarm: in 2 days, 1 day before" , false, alarm );
function testAdd( )
var calendarObserver =
onLoad : function()
onAddItem : function( calendarEvent )
onDeleteItem : function( calendarEvent )
onError : function()
var ds = new CalendarEventDataSource( calendarObserver, "/tmp/" );
var startDate = new Date( 1959, 5, 5, 3, 3, 0 );
var newEvent = CalendarEvent.makeNewEvent( startDate , false );
newEvent.title = "testEvent1";
ds.addEvent( newEvent );
dump( newEvent.toSource() );
// Test basic adding and deleting - always clean up your own test data
function testAddDelete( owner )
testAddDeleteObject = new AsyncTestObject( "testAddDeleteObject", owner );
testAddDeleteObject.startASync = function()
this.done = false;
this.addedEvent = null;
this.deletedEvent = null;
// the observer observer
this.calendarObserver =
onLoad : function()
testAddDeleteObject.loaded = true;
onAddItem : function( calendarEvent )
testAddDeleteObject.addedEvent = calendarEvent;
testAddDeleteObject.done = true;
onDeleteItem : function( calendarEvent )
testAddDeleteObject.deletedEvent = calendarEvent;
testAddDeleteObject.done = true;
onError : function()
this.ds = new CalendarEventDataSource( this.calendarObserver, "/tmp/" );
testAddDeleteObject.startASync.message = "testAddDelete: Starting";
testAddDeleteObject.startASync.done = function()
return this.loaded;
testAddDeleteObject.addEvent = function()
// ADD
this.startDate = new Date( 1959, 5, 5, 3, 3, 0 );
this.newEvent = CalendarEvent.makeNewEvent( this.startDate , false );
this.newEvent.title = "testEvent1";
this.newEvent.snoozeTime = 2200000001;
this.ds.addEvent( this.newEvent );
testAddDeleteObject.addEvent.message = "testAddDelete: Add Event";
testAddDeleteObject.addEvent.done = function()
return this.done;
testAddDeleteObject.deleteEvent = function()
this.done = false;
this.ds.deleteEvent( this.addedEvent );
testAddDeleteObject.deleteEvent.message = "testAddDelete: Delete Event";
testAddDeleteObject.deleteEvent.done = function()
return this.done;
testAddDeleteObject.finish = function()
// stop observing
this.ds.removeObserver( this.calendarObserver );
// make sure the new event is right
assertEquals( "add: title" , "testEvent1", this.addedEvent.title );
assertEquals( "add: allDay" , false, this.addedEvent.allDay );
assertEquals( "add: start" , this.startDate.toString(), this.addedEvent.start.toString() );
assertEquals( "add: snoozeTime" , 2200000001, this.addedEvent.snoozeTime );
// make sure event was deleted
assertEquals( "delete: title", "testEvent1", this.deletedEvent.title );
assertEquals( "delete: id" , this.addedEvent.id, this.deletedEvent.id );
testAddDeleteObject.finish.message = "testAddDelete: Finish";
testAddDeleteObject.finish.done = function()
return true;
testAddDeleteObject.startASync.next = testAddDeleteObject.addEvent;
testAddDeleteObject.addEvent.next = testAddDeleteObject.deleteEvent;
testAddDeleteObject.deleteEvent.next = testAddDeleteObject.finish;
testAddDeleteObject.finish.next = null;
function testModify( owner )
testModifyObject = new AsyncTestObject( "testModifyObject", owner );
testModifyObject.startASync = function()
this.done = false;
this.addedEvent = null;
this.deletedEvent = null;
this.eventId = null;
this.originalEvent = null;
this.testNewEventObserver =
onLoad : function()
testModifyObject.loaded = true;
onAddItem : function( calendarEvent )
// dump( "\n\nadd: " + calendarEvent.toSource() );
testModifyObject.addedEvent = calendarEvent;
testModifyObject.eventId = calendarEvent.id;
testModifyObject.done = true;
onModifyItem : function( calendarEvent, originalEvent )
//dump( "\n\norg: " + originalEvent.toSource() );
//dump( "\n\nmod: " + calendarEvent.toSource() );
testModifyObject.originalEvent = originalEvent;
testModifyObject.modEvent = calendarEvent;
testModifyObject.done = true;
onDeleteItem : function( calendarEvent )
testModifyObject.deletedEvent = calendarEvent;
testModifyObject.done = true;
onError : function()
this.ds = new CalendarEventDataSource( this.testNewEventObserver, "/tmp/" );
testModifyObject.startASync.message = "testModify: Starting";
testModifyObject.startASync.done = function()
return this.loaded;
testModifyObject.addEvent = function()
// ADD
this.startDate = new Date( 1959, 5, 5, 3, 3, 0 );
this.newEvent = CalendarEvent.makeNewEvent( this.startDate , false );
this.newEvent.title = "testModifyEvent1";
this.ds.addEvent( this.newEvent );
testModifyObject.addEvent.message = "testModify: Add Event";
testModifyObject.addEvent.done = function()
return this.done;
testModifyObject.modifyEvent = function()
// make sure the new event is right
assertEquals( "add: title" , "testModifyEvent1", this.addedEvent.title );
assertEquals( "add: allDay" , false, this.addedEvent.allDay );
assertEquals( "add: start" , this.startDate.toString(), this.addedEvent.start.toString() );
this.addedEvent.title = "testModifyEvent2";
this.newStart = new Date( 1958, 4, 4, 1, 2, 0 );
this.addedEvent.start = this.newStart;
this.newEnd = new Date( 1958, 4, 4, 1, 2, 0 );
this.addedEvent.end = this.newEnd;
this.addedEvent.description = "test description";
this.addedEvent.location = "test location";
this.addedEvent.inviteEmailAddress = "invite@em";
this.addedEvent.alarmEmailAddress = "alarm@em";
this.addedEvent.privateEvent = false;
this.addedEvent.alarm = true;
this.addedEvent.alarmLength = "11";
this.addedEvent.alarmUnits = CalendarEvent.kAlarmUnit_hours;
this.addedEvent.snoozeTime = 2000000000;
this.addedEvent.repeat = true;
this.addedEvent.repeatInterval = "2";
this.addedEvent.repeatUnits = CalendarEvent.kRepeatUnit_days;
this.addedEvent.repeatForever = false;
this.repeatEnd = new Date( 2000, 6, 7, 0, 0, 0 );
this.addedEvent.repeatEnd = this.repeatEnd;
this.done = false;
this.ds.modifyEvent( this.addedEvent );
testModifyObject.modifyEvent.message = "testModify: Modify Event";
testModifyObject.modifyEvent.done = function()
return this.done;
testModifyObject.deleteEvent = function()
this.done = false;
this.ds.deleteEvent( this.addedEvent );
testModifyObject.deleteEvent.message = "testModify: Delete Event";
testModifyObject.deleteEvent.done = function()
return this.done;
testModifyObject.finish = function()
// stop observing
this.ds.removeObserver( this.testNewEventObserver );
// make sure the modified event is right
assertEquals( "mod: title" , "testModifyEvent2", this.modEvent.title );
assertEquals( "mod: allDay" , false, this.modEvent.allDay );
assertEquals( "mod: start" , this.newStart.toString(), this.modEvent.start.toString() );
assertEquals( "mod: end" , this.newEnd.toString(), this.modEvent.end.toString() );
assertEquals( "mod: description" , "test description", this.modEvent.description );
assertEquals( "mod: location" , "test location", this.modEvent.location );
assertEquals( "mod: privateEvent" , false, this.modEvent.privateEvent );
assertEquals( "mod: alarm" , true, this.modEvent.alarm );
assertEquals( "mod: alarmLength" , 11, this.modEvent.alarmLength );
assertEquals( "mod: alarmUnits" , CalendarEvent.kAlarmUnit_hours, this.modEvent.alarmUnits );
assertEquals( "mod: snoozeTime" , 2000000000, this.modEvent.snoozeTime );
assertEquals( "mod: inviteEmailAddress" , "invite@em", this.modEvent.inviteEmailAddress );
assertEquals( "mod: alarmEmailAddress" , "alarm@em", this.modEvent.alarmEmailAddress );
assertEquals( "mod: title" , "testModifyEvent1", this.originalEvent.title );
assertEquals( "mod: repeat" , true, this.modEvent.repeat );
assertEquals( "mod: repeatInterval" , "2", this.modEvent.repeatInterval );
assertEquals( "mod: repeatForever" , false, this.modEvent.repeatForever );
assertEquals( "mod: repeatEnd" , this.repeatEnd.toString(), this.modEvent.repeatEnd.toString() );
assertEquals( "mod: repeatUnits" , CalendarEvent.kRepeatUnit_days, this.modEvent.repeatUnits );
// make sure event was deleted
assertEquals( "delete: title", "testModifyEvent2", this.deletedEvent.title );
assertEquals( "delete: id" , this.addedEvent.id, this.deletedEvent.id );
testModifyObject.finish.message = "testModify: Finish";
testModifyObject.finish.done = function()
return true;
testModifyObject.startASync.next = testModifyObject.addEvent;
testModifyObject.addEvent.next = testModifyObject.modifyEvent;
testModifyObject.modifyEvent.next = testModifyObject.deleteEvent;
testModifyObject.deleteEvent.next = testModifyObject.finish;
testModifyObject.finish.next = null;
// Test alarms
function testAlarm( owner )
testAlarmObject = new AsyncTestObject( "testAlarmObject", owner );
testAlarmObject.startASync = function()
this.loaded = false;
this.done = false;
this.addedEvent = null;
this.deletedEvent = null;
this.alarmEvent = null;
this.eventId = null;
// the observer
this.testNewEventObserver =
onLoad : function()
testAlarmObject.loaded = true;
onAddItem : function( calendarEvent )
if( "testAlarmEvent1" == calendarEvent.title )
testAlarmObject.addedEvent = calendarEvent;
testAlarmObject.eventId = calendarEvent.id;
testAlarmObject.done = true;
onDeleteItem : function( calendarEvent )
if( testAlarmObject.eventId && testAlarmObject.eventId == calendarEvent.id )
testAlarmObject.deletedEvent = calendarEvent;
testAlarmObject.done = true;
onAlarm : function( calendarEvent )
if( testAlarmObject.eventId && testAlarmObject.eventId == calendarEvent.id )
testAlarmObject.alarmEvent = calendarEvent;
onError : function()
this.ds = new CalendarEventDataSource( this.testNewEventObserver, "/tmp/" );
testAlarmObject.startASync.message = "testAlarm: Starting";
testAlarmObject.startASync.done = function()
return this.loaded;
testAlarmObject.addEvent = function()
// ADD an event to start in 30 min with an alarm 1 hour before
var startDate = new Date( );
startDate.setMinutes( startDate.getMinutes() + 30 );
this.newEvent = CalendarEvent.makeNewEvent( startDate , false );
this.newEvent.title = "testAlarmEvent1";
this.newEvent.setAlarmHours( 1 );
this.done = false;
this.ds.addEvent( this.newEvent );
testAlarmObject.addEvent.message = "testAlarm: Add";
testAlarmObject.addEvent.done = function()
return this.done;
testAlarmObject.waitForAlarm = function()
testAlarmObject.waitForAlarm.message = "testAlarm: Wait for alarm";
testAlarmObject.waitForAlarm.done = function()
return this.alarmEvent != null;
testAlarmObject.deleteEvent = function()
this.done = false;
this.ds.deleteEvent( this.addedEvent );
testAlarmObject.deleteEvent.message = "testAlarm: delete event";
testAlarmObject.deleteEvent.done = function()
return this.done;
testAlarmObject.finish = function()
// stop observing
this.ds.removeObserver( this.testNewEventObserver );
// make sure the alarm went off
assertEquals( "alarm: title", this.addedEvent.id, this.alarmEvent.id );
testAlarmObject.finish.message = "testAlarm: Finish";
testAlarmObject.finish.done = function()
return true;
testAlarmObject.startASync.next = testAlarmObject.addEvent;
testAlarmObject.addEvent.next = testAlarmObject.waitForAlarm;
testAlarmObject.waitForAlarm.next = testAlarmObject.deleteEvent;
testAlarmObject.deleteEvent.next = testAlarmObject.finish;
testAlarmObject.finish.next = null;
function testGetDay( owner )
testGetDayObject = new AsyncTestObject( "testGetDayObject", owner );
testGetDayObject.waitTime = 1000; // force a longer wait so we do not get two events with the same id
testGetDayObject.startASync = function()
this.loaded = false;
this.done = false;
this.addedEventList = new Array();
this.deletedEvent = null;
this.calendarObserver =
onLoad : function()
testGetDayObject.loaded = true;
onAddItem : function( calendarEvent )
testGetDayObject.addedEventList[ testGetDayObject.addedEventList.length ] = calendarEvent ;
testGetDayObject.done = true;;
onDeleteItem : function( calendarEvent )
testGetDayObject.deletedEvent = calendarEvent;
onError : function()
this.ds = new CalendarEventDataSource( this.calendarObserver, "/tmp/" );
this.startDate1 = new Date( 1972, 5, 5, 3, 3, 0 );
this.startDate2 = new Date( 1972, 5, 5, 4, 3, 0 );
this.startDate3 = new Date( 1972, 5, 6, 5, 3, 0 );
testGetDayObject.startASync.message = "testGetDay: Starting";
testGetDayObject.startASync.done = function()
return this.loaded;
testGetDayObject.deleteOld = function()
var evs = this.ds.getEventsForMonth( this.startDate1 );
this.done = evs.length;
for( var eIndex = 0; eIndex < evs.length; ++eIndex )
this.ds.deleteEvent( evs[ eIndex ] );
testGetDayObject.deleteOld.message = "testGetDay: delete old";
testGetDayObject.deleteOld.done = function()
return this.done == 0;
testGetDayObject.addEvent1 = function()
this.done = false;
this.newEvent1 = CalendarEvent.makeNewEvent( this.startDate1 , false );
this.newEvent1.title = "atestDayEvent1";
this.newEvent1.description = "Test 55";
this.ds.addEvent( this.newEvent1 );
testGetDayObject.addEvent1.message = "testGetDay: Add 1/3";
testGetDayObject.addEvent1.done = function()
return this.done;
// ADD
testGetDayObject.addEvent2 = function()
this.done = false;
this.newEvent2 = CalendarEvent.makeNewEvent( this.startDate2 , false );
this.newEvent2.title = "atestDayEvent2";
this.newEvent2.description = "Test 55";
this.ds.addEvent( this.newEvent2 );
testGetDayObject.addEvent2.message = "testGetDay: Add 2/3";
testGetDayObject.addEvent2.done = function()
return this.done;
// ADD
testGetDayObject.addEvent3 = function()
this.done = false;
this.newEvent3 = CalendarEvent.makeNewEvent( this.startDate3 , false );
this.newEvent3.title = "atestDayEvent3";
this.newEvent3.description = "Test 56";
this.ds.addEvent( this.newEvent3 );
testGetDayObject.addEvent3.message = "testGetDay: Add 3/3";
testGetDayObject.addEvent3.done = function()
return this.done;
testGetDayObject.testResults = function()
this.evs1 = this.ds.getEventsForDay( this.startDate1 );
this.evs2 = this.ds.getEventsForDay( this.startDate3 );
this.evs = this.evs1.concat( this.evs2 );
this.evsMonth = this.ds.getEventsForMonth( this.startDate1 );
testGetDayObject.testResults.message = "testGetDay: get Results";
testGetDayObject.testResults.done = function()
return true;
testGetDayObject.cleanUp = function()
this.done = this.evs.length;
for( var eIndex = 0; eIndex < this.evs.length; ++eIndex )
this.ds.deleteEvent( this.evs[ eIndex ] );
testGetDayObject.cleanUp.message = "testGetDay: clean up";
testGetDayObject.cleanUp.done = function()
return this.done == 0;
testGetDayObject.finish = function()
// stop observing
this.ds.removeObserver( this.calendarObserver );
// make sure the new events are right
for( var eIndex = 1; eIndex < this.evs.length; ++eIndex )
if( this.evs[ eIndex ].id == this.evs[ eIndex - 1 ].id )
alert( "Mcal has added two events with the same ID! Don't trust the results of the getday test" );
assertEquals( "getday: num events" , 2, this.evs1.length );
assertEquals( "getday: description0" , "Test 55", this.evs1[0].description );
assertEquals( "getday: description1" , "Test 55", this.evs1[1].description );
assertEquals( "getday: evsMonth num events" , 3, this.evsMonth.length );
testGetDayObject.finish.message = "testGetDay: finish";
testGetDayObject.finish.done = function()
return true;
testGetDayObject.startASync.next = testGetDayObject.deleteOld;
testGetDayObject.deleteOld.next = testGetDayObject.addEvent1;
testGetDayObject.addEvent1.next = testGetDayObject.addEvent2;
testGetDayObject.addEvent2.next = testGetDayObject.addEvent3;
testGetDayObject.addEvent3.next = testGetDayObject.testResults;
testGetDayObject.testResults.next = testGetDayObject.cleanUp;
testGetDayObject.cleanUp.next = testGetDayObject.finish;
testGetDayObject.finish.next = null;
function testGetById( owner )
testGetByIdObject = new AsyncTestObject( "testGetByIdObject", owner );
testGetByIdObject.startASync = function()
this.loaded = false;
this.done = false;
this.addedEvent = null;
this.deletedEvent = null;
this.calendarObserver =
onLoad : function()
testGetByIdObject.loaded = true;
onAddItem : function( calendarEvent )
testGetByIdObject.addedEvent = calendarEvent;
testGetByIdObject.done = true;
onDeleteItem : function( calendarEvent )
testGetByIdObject.deletedEvent = calendarEvent;
testGetByIdObject.done = true;
onError : function()
this.ds = new CalendarEventDataSource( this.calendarObserver, "/tmp/" );
testGetByIdObject.startASync.message = "testGetById: Starting";
testGetByIdObject.startASync.done = function()
return this.loaded;
testGetByIdObject.addEvent = function()
this.done = false;
this.startDate = new Date( 1975, 5, 5, 3, 3, 0 );
this.newEvent = CalendarEvent.makeNewEvent( this.startDate , false );
this.newEvent.title = "testGetByIdEvent";
this.ds.addEvent( this.newEvent );
testGetByIdObject.addEvent.message = "testGetById: Add";
testGetByIdObject.addEvent.done = function()
return this.done;
testGetByIdObject.getEvents = function()
// get events
this.ev = this.ds.getCalendarEventById( this.addedEvent.id );
testGetByIdObject.getEvents.message = "testGetById: GetEvents";
testGetByIdObject.getEvents.done = function()
return true;
testGetByIdObject.deleteEvent = function()
this.done = false;
this.ds.deleteEvent( this.ev );
testGetByIdObject.deleteEvent.message = "testGetById: delete";
testGetByIdObject.deleteEvent.done = function()
return this.done;
testGetByIdObject.finish = function()
// stop observing
this.ds.removeObserver( this.calendarObserver );
// make sure the new events are right
assert( this.ev.id == this.addedEvent.id );
testGetByIdObject.finish.message = "testGetById: finish";
testGetByIdObject.finish.done = function()
return true;
testGetByIdObject.startASync.next = testGetByIdObject.addEvent;
testGetByIdObject.addEvent.next = testGetByIdObject.getEvents;
testGetByIdObject.getEvents.next = testGetByIdObject.deleteEvent;
testGetByIdObject.deleteEvent.next = testGetByIdObject.finish;
testGetByIdObject.finish.next = null;
function searchHelper( str, reg )
str.search( reg );
return RegExp.$1;
function testXml( )
var ds = new CalendarEventDataSource( null, "/tmp/" );
var startDate = new Date( 1959, 5, 5, 3, 3, 0 );
var newEvent = CalendarEvent.makeNewEvent( startDate , false );
newEvent.title = "testEvent1";
ds.addEvent( newEvent );
var xmlDoc = ds.makeXmlDocument();
var domSerializer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlserializer;1"].getService( Components.interfaces.nsIDOMSerializer );
var content = domSerializer.serializeToString( xmlDoc );
assertEquals( "testXML start", "-333737820000", searchHelper( content, /start="(.*)" displayDate/ ) );
assertEquals( "testXML allDay", "false", searchHelper( content, /allDay="(.*)" title/ ) );
assertEquals( "testXML lastModified", "", searchHelper( content, /lastModified="(.*)" alarm=/ ) );
assertEquals( "testXML privateEvent", "true", searchHelper( content, /privateEvent="(.*)" lastModified/ ) );
ds.writeXmlFile( "/tmp/oecalendar.xml" );
function debug( str )
// dump( "\nOE-debug: " + str + "\n" );
function getTestFunctionNames()
testFunctionNames = new Array(
/* testFunctionNames = new Array( "testModify"
return testFunctionNames;