Gijs Kruitbosch 0377d8eece Bug 1598924 - make remote settings handle shutdown gracefully, r=leplatrem,asuth
By and large, this change accomplishes two things:
1. Run db.close() in finally clauses so that even if db access fails, we close
   our connections. It also tries to avoid waiting on other, non-DB operations
   before calling close, to avoid the DB connection needlessly hanging around.
2. Intercept all async database operations from the remote settings client to
   kinto and ensuring they complete before the end of `profile-before-change`.
   Any operations started after Services.startup.isShuttingDown (so after
   quit/restart is initiated by the user) will throw. Operations started
   beforehand are put in a set of operations, and remove themselves once
   complete. We AsyncShutdown block on that set of operations completing.

Differential Revision:

extra : moz-landing-system : lando
2020-03-24 14:55:41 +00:00