gecko-dev/camino/PreferencePanes/Navigation/ f692e33830 make clearing global history work again (bug 236033) and try to prevent
exceptions when history doesn't provide all the data.
2004-03-03 04:43:16 +00:00

399 lines
12 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is the Mozilla browser.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 2002 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* (William Dell Wisner)
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "Navigation.h"
#import "NSString+Utils.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsIServiceManager.h"
#include "nsIBrowserHistory.h"
#include "nsICacheService.h"
#include "nsILocalFileMac.h"
#include "nsDirectoryServiceDefs.h"
const int kDefaultExpireDays = 9;
@interface OrgMozillaChimeraPreferenceNavigation(Private)
- (NSString*)getInternetConfigString:(ConstStr255Param)icPref;
- (NSString*)getDownloadFolderDescription;
- (void)setupDownloadMenuWithPath:(NSString*)inDLPath;
- (NSString*)getSystemHomePage;
- (NSString*)getCurrentHomePage;
- (void)setDownloadFolder:(NSString*)inNewFolder;
@implementation OrgMozillaChimeraPreferenceNavigation
- (id)initWithBundle:(NSBundle *)bundle
self = [super initWithBundle:bundle];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[super dealloc];
- (void)mainViewDidLoad
if (!mPrefService)
BOOL gotPref;
// 0: blank page. 1: home page. 2: last page visited. Our behaviour here should
// match what the browser does when the prefs don't exist.
if (([self getIntPref:"" withSuccess:&gotPref] == 1) || !gotPref)
[checkboxNewWindowBlank setState:YES];
if (([self getIntPref:"browser.tabs.startPage" withSuccess:&gotPref] == 1))
[checkboxNewTabBlank setState:YES];
int expireDays = [self getIntPref:"browser.history_expire_days" withSuccess:&gotPref];
if (!gotPref)
expireDays = kDefaultExpireDays;
[textFieldHistoryDays setIntValue:expireDays];
[radioOpenTabsForCommand selectCellWithTag:[self getBooleanPref:"browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick" withSuccess:&gotPref]];
[radioOpenForAE selectCellWithTag:[self getIntPref:"browser.reuse_window" withSuccess:&gotPref]];
[checkboxLoadTabsInBackground setState:[self getBooleanPref:"browser.tabs.loadInBackground" withSuccess:&gotPref]];
BOOL useSystemHomePage = [self getBooleanPref:"chimera.use_system_home_page" withSuccess:&gotPref] && gotPref;
if (useSystemHomePage)
[textFieldHomePage setEnabled:NO];
[checkboxUseSystemHomePage setState:useSystemHomePage];
[textFieldHomePage setStringValue: [self getCurrentHomePage]];
[mEnableHelperApps setState:[self getBooleanPref:"" withSuccess:&gotPref]];
NSString* downloadFolderDesc = [self getDownloadFolderDescription];
if ([downloadFolderDesc length] == 0)
downloadFolderDesc = [self getLocalizedString:@"MissingDlFolder"];
[self setupDownloadMenuWithPath:downloadFolderDesc];
// [mDownloadFolder setStringValue:[self getDownloadFolderDescription]];
- (void) didUnselect
if (!mPrefService)
// only save the home page pref if it's not the system one
if (![checkboxUseSystemHomePage state])
[self setPref: "browser.startup.homepage" toString: [textFieldHomePage stringValue]];
// ensure that the prefs exist
[self setPref:"" toInt: [checkboxNewWindowBlank state] ? 1 : 0];
[self setPref:"browser.tabs.startPage" toInt: [checkboxNewTabBlank state] ? 1 : 0];
- (IBAction)checkboxClicked:(id)sender
if (!mPrefService)
if (sender == radioOpenTabsForCommand) {
[self setPref:"browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick" toBoolean:[[sender selectedCell] tag]];
else if (sender == radioOpenForAE) {
[self setPref:"browser.reuse_window" toInt:[[sender selectedCell] tag]];
else if (sender == checkboxLoadTabsInBackground) {
[self setPref:"browser.tabs.loadInBackground" toBoolean:[sender state]];
else if (sender == mEnableHelperApps) {
[self setPref:"" toBoolean:[sender state]];
- (IBAction)checkboxUseSystemHomePageClicked:(id)sender
if (!mPrefService)
BOOL useSystemHomePage = [sender state];
// save the mozilla pref
if (useSystemHomePage)
[self setPref: "browser.startup.homepage" toString: [textFieldHomePage stringValue]];
[self setPref:"chimera.use_system_home_page" toBoolean: useSystemHomePage];
[textFieldHomePage setStringValue: [self getCurrentHomePage]];
[textFieldHomePage setEnabled:!useSystemHomePage];
- (IBAction)checkboxStartPageClicked:(id)sender
if (!mPrefService)
char *prefName = NULL;
if (sender == checkboxNewTabBlank)
prefName = "browser.tabs.startPage";
else if (sender == checkboxNewWindowBlank)
prefName = "";
if (prefName)
[self setPref:prefName toInt: [sender state] ? 1 : 0];
- (IBAction)historyDaysModified:(id)sender
if (!mPrefService)
if (sender == textFieldHistoryDays) {
// If any non-numeric characters were entered make some noise and spit it out.
if (([[textFieldHistoryDays stringValue] rangeOfCharacterFromSet:[[NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet] invertedSet]]).length) {
BOOL gotPref;
int prefValue = [self getIntPref:"browser.history_expire_days" withSuccess:&gotPref];
if (!gotPref)
prefValue = kDefaultExpireDays;
[textFieldHistoryDays setIntValue:prefValue];
NSBeep ();
[self setPref:"browser.history_expire_days" toInt:[sender intValue]];
// clearGlobalHistory:
// use the browser history service to clear out the user's global history
- (IBAction)clearGlobalHistory:(id)sender
nsCOMPtr<nsIBrowserHistory> hist ( do_GetService(";2") );
if ( hist )
- (NSString*)getDownloadFolderDescription
NSString* downloadStr = @"";
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> downloadsDir;
NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_MAC_DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIR, getter_AddRefs(downloadsDir));
if (!downloadsDir)
return downloadStr;
nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFileMac> macDir = do_QueryInterface(downloadsDir);
if (!macDir)
return downloadStr;
FSRef folderRef;
nsresult rv = macDir->GetFSRef(&folderRef);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return downloadStr;
UInt8 utf8path[MAXPATHLEN+1];
::FSRefMakePath(&folderRef, utf8path, MAXPATHLEN);
return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:(const char*)utf8path];
// -setDownloadFolder:
// Sets the IC download pref to the given path
- (void)setDownloadFolder:(NSString*)inNewFolder
if (!inNewFolder)
// it would be nice to use PreferenceManager, but I don't want to drag
// all that code into the plugin
ICInstance icInstance = nil;
OSStatus error = ::ICStart(&icInstance, 'CHIM');
if (error != noErr)
// make a ICFileSpec out of our path and shove it into IC. This requires
// creating an FSSpec and an alias. We can't just bail on error because
// we have to make sure we call ICStop() below.
BOOL noErrors = NO;
FSRef fsRef;
Boolean isDir;
AliasHandle alias = nil;
FSSpec fsSpec;
error = ::FSPathMakeRef((UInt8 *)[inNewFolder fileSystemRepresentation], &fsRef, &isDir);
if (!error) {
error = ::FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoNone, nil, nil, &fsSpec, nil);
if (!error) {
error = ::FSNewAlias(nil, &fsRef, &alias);
if (!error)
noErrors = YES;
// copy the data out of our variables into the ICFileSpec and hand it to IC.
if (noErrors) {
long headerSize = offsetof(ICFileSpec, alias);
long aliasSize = ::GetHandleSize((Handle)alias);
ICFileSpec* realbuffer = (ICFileSpec*) calloc(headerSize + aliasSize, 1);
realbuffer->fss = fsSpec;
memcpy(&realbuffer->alias, *alias, aliasSize);
::ICSetPref(icInstance, kICDownloadFolder, kICAttrNoChange, (const void*)realbuffer, headerSize + aliasSize);
- (NSString*)getInternetConfigString:(ConstStr255Param)icPref
NSString* resultString = @"";
ICInstance icInstance = NULL;
// it would be nice to use PreferenceManager, but I don't want to drag
// all that code into the plugin
OSStatus error = ICStart(&icInstance, 'CHIM');
if (error != noErr) {
NSLog(@"Error from ICStart");
return resultString;
ICAttr dummyAttr;
Str255 homePagePStr;
long prefSize = sizeof(homePagePStr);
error = ICGetPref(icInstance, icPref, &dummyAttr, homePagePStr, &prefSize);
if (error == noErr)
resultString = [NSString stringWithCString: (const char*)&homePagePStr[1] length:homePagePStr[0]];
NSLog(@"Error getting pref from Internet Config");
return resultString;
- (NSString*) getSystemHomePage
return [self getInternetConfigString:kICWWWHomePage];
- (NSString*) getCurrentHomePage
BOOL gotPref;
if ([self getBooleanPref:"chimera.use_system_home_page" withSuccess:&gotPref] && gotPref)
return [self getSystemHomePage];
return [self getStringPref: "browser.startup.homepage" withSuccess:&gotPref];
// clearDiskCache:
// Clear the user's disk cache
-(IBAction) clearDiskCache:(id)aSender
nsCOMPtr<nsICacheService> cacheServ ( do_GetService(";1") );
if ( cacheServ )
// -setupDownloadMenuWithPath:
// Given a full path to the d/l dir, display the leaf name and the finder icon associated
// with that folder in the first item of the download folder popup.
- (void)setupDownloadMenuWithPath:(NSString*)inDLPath
NSMenuItem* placeholder = [mDownloadFolder itemAtIndex:0];
if (!placeholder)
// get the finder icon and scale it down to 16x16
NSImage* icon = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFile:inDLPath];
[icon setScalesWhenResized:YES];
[icon setSize:NSMakeSize(16.0, 16.0)];
// set the title to the leaf name and the icon to what we gathered above
[placeholder setTitle:[inDLPath lastPathComponent]];
[placeholder setImage:icon];
// ensure first item is selected
[mDownloadFolder selectItemAtIndex:0];
// -chooseDownloadFolder:
// display a file picker sheet allowing the user to set their new download folder
- (IBAction)chooseDownloadFolder:(id)sender
NSString* oldDLFolder = [self getDownloadFolderDescription];
NSOpenPanel* panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[panel setCanChooseFiles:NO];
[panel setCanChooseDirectories:YES];
[panel setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO];
[panel setPrompt:NSLocalizedString(@"ChooseDirectoryOKButton", @"")];
[panel beginSheetForDirectory:oldDLFolder file:nil types:nil modalForWindow:[mDownloadFolder window]
modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(openPanelDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:)
// -openPanelDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:
// called when the user closes the open panel sheet for selecting a new d/l folder.
// if they clicked ok, change the IC pref and re-display the new choice in the
// popup menu
- (void)openPanelDidEnd:(NSOpenPanel*)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(void*)contextInfo
if (returnCode == NSOKButton) {
// stuff path into pref
NSString* newPath = [[sheet filenames] objectAtIndex:0];
[self setDownloadFolder:newPath];
// update the menu
[self setupDownloadMenuWithPath:newPath];
[mDownloadFolder selectItemAtIndex:0];