
1128 lines
45 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<bindings id="mailBindings"
<!-- dummy widget to force this file to load -->
<binding id="dummy" extends="xul:box"/>
<!-- Message Pane Widgets -->
<!-- mail-toggle-headerfield: non email addrss headers which have a toggle associated with them (i.e. the subject).
use label to set the header name.
use headerValue to set the header value. -->
<binding id="mail-toggle-headerfield">
<xul:hbox class="headerNameBox" align="start">
<xul:image class="expandHeaderViewButton" xbl:inherits="onclick=ontwistyclick"/>
<xul:spacer flex="1"/>
<xul:label class="headerName" xbl:inherits="value=label"/>
<xul:textbox originalclass="headerValue plain" appendoriginalclass="true" keywordrelated="true" class="headerValue plain" anonid="headerValue" flex="1" readonly="true"/>
<property name="headerValue" onset="return document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, 'anonid', 'headerValue').value = val;"/>
<!-- mail-headerfield: presents standard text header name & value pairs. Don't use this for email addresses.
use label to set the header name.
use headerValue to set the header value. -->
<binding id="mail-headerfield">
<xul:hbox class="headerNameBox" align="start">
<xul:label class="headerName" xbl:inherits="value=label" flex="1"/>
<xul:textbox originalclass="headerValue plain" appendoriginalclass="true" keywordrelated="true" class="headerValue plain" anonid="headerValue" flex="1" readonly="true"/>
<property name="headerValue" onset="return document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, 'anonid', 'headerValue').value = val;"/>
<binding id="mail-emailheaderfield">
<xul:hbox class="headerNameBox" align="start">
<xul:label class="headerName" xbl:inherits="value=label" flex="1"/>
<xul:mail-emailaddress anonid="emailAddressNode"/>
<property name="emailAddressNode" onget="return document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, 'anonid', 'emailAddressNode');"
<!-- multi-emailHeaderField: presents multiple emailheaderfields with a toggle -->
<binding id="mail-multi-emailHeaderField">
<xul:hbox class="headerNameBox" align="start" pack="end">
<xul:image class="addresstwisty" anonid="toggleIcon"
<xul:label class="headerName" xbl:inherits="value=label"/>
<xul:label class="headerValue" anonid="emailAddresses" flex="1"/>
<xul:label class="headerValue" anonid="longEmailAddresses" flex="1" collapsed="true"/>
this.mLongViewCreated = false;
this.mAddresses = new Array;
<field name="mLongViewCreated"/>
<field name="mAddresses"/>
<!-- as a perf optimization we are going to keep a cache of email address nodes which we've
created around for the lifetime of the widget. mSizeOfAddressCache controls how many of these
elements we keep around -->
<field name="mSizeOfAddressCache">3</field>
<!-- addAddressView: a public method used to add an address to this widget.
aAddresses is an object with 3 properties: displayName, emailAddress and fullAddress
<method name="addAddressView">
<parameter name="aAddress"/>
<!-- updateEmailAddressNode: private method used to set properties on an address node -->
<method name="updateEmailAddressNode">
<parameter name="aEmailNode"/>
<parameter name="aAddress"/>
aEmailNode.setAttribute("label", aAddress.fullAddress);
aEmailNode.setTextAttribute("emailAddress", aAddress.emailAddress);
aEmailNode.setTextAttribute("fullAddress", aAddress.fullAddress);
aEmailNode.setTextAttribute("displayName", aAddress.displayName);
if ("AddExtraAddressProcessing" in top)
AddExtraAddressProcessing(aAddress.emailAddress, aEmailNode);
dump("AddExtraAddressProcessing failed: " + ex);
<!-- fillCachedAddresses: private method used to fill up any cached pre-existing
emailAddress fields without creating new email address fields. Returns a remainder
for the # of addresses which require new addresses being created.
Invariants: 1) aNumAddressesToShow >= 0 && it is <= mAddresses.length -->
<method name="fillCachedAddresses">
<parameter name="aAddressesNode"/>
<parameter name="aNumAddressesToShow"/>
var numExistingCachedAddresses = aAddressesNode.childNodes.length;
if (!numExistingCachedAddresses)
return this.mAddresses.length; // we couldn't pre fill anything
else if (numExistingCachedAddresses > 1)
numExistingCachedAddresses = (numExistingCachedAddresses + 1)/ 2;
var index = 0;
var numAddressesAdded = 0;
var emailAddressNode;
var commaNode;
while (numAddressesAdded < numExistingCachedAddresses && numAddressesAdded < aNumAddressesToShow)
if (index && numExistingCachedAddresses > 1)
commaNode = aAddressesNode.childNodes[index++];
if (commaNode)
// get the node pointed to by index
emailAddressNode = aAddressesNode.childNodes[index++];
this.updateEmailAddressNode(emailAddressNode, this.mAddresses[numAddressesAdded]);
// if we have added all of our elements but we still have more cached items in this address node
// then make sure the extra cached copies are collapsed...
numExistingCachedAddresses = aAddressesNode.childNodes.length; // reset
while (index < numExistingCachedAddresses)
aAddressesNode.childNodes[index++].setAttribute('collapsed', true);
return this.mAddresses.length - numAddressesAdded;
<!-- fillAddressesNode: private method used to create email address nodes for either our short
or long view. aAddressesNode: the div we want to add addresses too.
aNumAddressesToShow: number of addresses to put into the list -->
<method name="fillAddressesNode">
<parameter name="aAddressesNode"/>
<parameter name="aNumAddressesToShow"/>
var numAddresses = this.mAddresses.length;
if (aNumAddressesToShow <= 0 || aNumAddressesToShow > numAddresses) // then show all
aNumAddressesToShow = numAddresses;
// before we try to create email address nodes, try to leverage any cached nodes...
var remainder = this.fillCachedAddresses(aAddressesNode, aNumAddressesToShow);
var index = numAddresses - remainder;
while (index < numAddresses && index < aNumAddressesToShow)
var newAddressNode = document.createElement("mail-emailaddress");
if (index)
var textNode = document.createElement("text");
textNode.setAttribute("value", ", ");
textNode.setAttribute("class", "emailSeparator");
var itemInDocument = aAddressesNode.appendChild(newAddressNode);
this.updateEmailAddressNode(itemInDocument, this.mAddresses[index]);
<property name="emailAddresses" onget="return document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, 'anonid', 'emailAddresses');"
<property name="longEmailAddresses" onget="return document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, 'anonid', 'longEmailAddresses');"
<property name="toggleIcon" onget="return document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, 'anonid', 'toggleIcon');"
<!-- buildView: public method used by callers when they are done adding all the email addresses to the widget
aNumAddressesToShow: total # of addresses to show in the short view -->
<method name="buildViews">
<parameter name="aNumAddressesToShow"/>
// always build the short view...its cheap...
this.fillAddressesNode(this.emailAddresses, aNumAddressesToShow);
// if we are currently toggled to show all the email addresses, build the long one too...
if (this.emailAddresses.collapsed)
// make sure the icon is always visible if we have more than the # of addresses to show
this.toggleIcon.collapsed = this.mAddresses.length <= aNumAddressesToShow;
<!-- buildLongView: private method used for delayed construction of the long view -->
<method name="buildLongView">
if (!this.mLongViewCreated)
this.fillAddressesNode(this.longEmailAddresses, -1);
this.mLongViewCreated = true;
<method name="toggleAddressView">
var shortNode = this.emailAddresses;
var longNode = this.longEmailAddresses;
var imageNode = this.toggleIcon;
// test to see which if short is already collapsed...
if (shortNode.collapsed)
longNode.collapsed = true;
shortNode.collapsed = false;
shortNode.collapsed = true;
longNode.collapsed = false;
imageNode.setAttribute("open", "true");
if (!this.mLongViewCreated)
// Need to call UpdateMessageHeaders() because this is the first
// time the long view is being built. This is required in order
// to update the addresses of the long view that might contain
// extra image info.
// It should also only be called from toggleAddressView(), not
// from buildView().
<!-- internal method used to clear both our divs -->
<method name="clearChildNodes">
<parameter name="aParentNode"/>
// we want to keep around the first mSizeOfAddressCache email address nodes
// don't forget that we have comma text nodes in there too so really we want to keep
// around cache size * 2 - 1.
var numItemsToPreserve = this.mSizeOfAddressCache * 2 - 1;
var numItemsInNode = aParentNode.childNodes.length;
while (numItemsInNode && (numItemsInNode > numItemsToPreserve))
numItemsInNode = numItemsInNode - 1;
<method name="clearEmailAddresses">
// clear out our local state
this.mAddresses = new Array;
this.mLongViewCreated = false;
// remove anything inside of each of our labels....
var parentLabel = this.emailAddresses;
if (parentLabel)
parentLabel = this.longEmailAddresses;
if (parentLabel)
<binding id="mail-emailaddress">
<content popup="emailAddressPopup" context="emailAddressPopup">
<xul:label anonid="emailValue" class="emailDisplayButton plain"
<xul:image class="emailDisplayImage" anonid="emailImage"
context="emailAddressPopup" xbl:inherits="src=image"/>
<property name="label" onset="this.getPart('emailValue').setAttribute('label',val); return val;"
onget="return this.getPart('emailValue').getAttribute('label');"/>
<property name="crop" onset="this.getPart('emailValue').setAttribute('crop',val); return val;"
onget="return this.getPart('emailValue').getAttribute('crop');"/>
<property name="disabled" onset="this.getPart('emailValue').setAttribute('disabled',val); return val;"
onget="return this.getPart('emailValue').getAttribute('disabled');"/>
<property name="src" onset="this.getPart('emailImage').setAttribute('src',val); return val;"
onget="return this.getPart('emailImage').getAttribute('src');"/>
<property name="imgalign" onset="this.getPart('emailImage').setAttribute('imgalign',val); return val;"
onget="return this.getPart('emailImage').getAttribute('imgalign');"/>
<method name="getPart">
<parameter name="aPartId"/>
return document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", aPartId);
<method name="setTextAttribute">
<parameter name="attributeName"/>
<parameter name="attributeValue"/>
this.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);
this.getPart("emailImage").setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);
this.getPart("emailValue").setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);
<method name="getTextAttribute">
<parameter name="attributeName"/>
return this.getPart("emailValue").getAttribute(attributeName);
<method name="GetIconNode">
return this.getPart("emailImage");
<binding id="search-menulist-abstract" name="searchMenulistAbstract" extends="xul:box">
<xul:menulist class="search-menulist" xbl:inherits="flex" oncommand="this.parentNode.onSelect(event)">
<xul:menupopup class="search-menulist-popup"/>
<field name="internalScope">null</field>
<field readonly="true" name="validityManager">
<property name="searchScope" onget="return this.internalScope;">
<!-- scope ID - retrieve the table -->
// if scope isn't changing this is a noop
if (this.internalScope == val) return val;
this.internalScope = val;
var targets = this.targets;
if (targets) {
for (var i=0; i< targets.length; i++) {
targets[i].searchScope = val;
return val;
<property name="validityTable" readonly="true" onget="return this.validityManager.getTable(this.searchScope)"/>
<property name="valueStrings" readonly="true">
var strings = new Array;
var ids = this.valueIds;
var pref = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
var hdrs;
hdrs = pref.getCharPref("mailnews.customHeaders");
var hdrsArray = new Array;
if (hdrs)
hdrs = hdrs.replace(/\s+/g,''); //remove white spaces before splitting
hdrsArray = hdrs.split(":");
for (var i = 0; i< hdrsArray.length; i++)
if (!hdrsArray[i])
hdrsArray.splice(i,1); //remove any null elements
var bundle = this.stringBundle;
var j=0;
for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++)
if(ids[i] > Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.OtherHeader && hdrs)
strings[i] = hdrsArray[j++];
strings[i] = this.stringBundle.GetStringFromID(ids[i]);
return strings;
<property name="targets" readonly="true">
var forAttrs = this.getAttribute("for");
if (!forAttrs) return null;
var targetIds = forAttrs.split(",");
if (targetIds.length == 0) return null;
var targets = new Array;
var j=0;
for (var i=0; i<targetIds.length;i++) {
var target = document.getElementById(targetIds[i]);
if (target) targets[j++] = target;
return targets;
<property name="optargets" readonly="true">
var forAttrs = this.getAttribute("opfor");
if (!forAttrs) return null;
var optargetIds = forAttrs.split(",");
if (optargetIds.length == 0) return null;
var optargets = new Array;
var j=0;
for (var i=0; i<optargetIds.length;i++) {
var optarget = document.getElementById(optargetIds[i]);
if (optarget) optargets[j++] = optarget;
return optargets;
<!-- value forwards to the internal menulist's "value" attribute -->
<property name="value" onget="return document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[0].selectedItem.getAttribute('value');">
var menulist = document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[0];
var dataItems = menulist.getElementsByAttribute("value", val);
if (dataItems.length > 0)
menulist.selectedItem = dataItems[0];
// now notify targets of new parent's value
var targets = this.targets;
if (targets) {
for (var i=0; i < targets.length; i++) {
targets[i].parentValue = val;
// now notify optargets of new op parent's value
var optargets = this.optargets;
if (optargets) {
for (i=0; i < optargets.length; i++) {
optargets[i].opParentValue = val;
return val;
<!-- label forwards to the internal menulist's "label" attribute -->
<property name="label" onget="return document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[0].selectedItem.getAttribute('label');">
<method name="refreshList">
var menuItemIds = this.valueIds;
var menuItemStrings = this.valueStrings;
var menulist = document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[0];
var popup = menulist.firstChild;
// save our old "value" so we can restore it later
var oldData = menulist.value;
// remove the old popup children
while (popup.hasChildNodes())
var newSelection;
var customizePos=-1;
for (var i=0; i<menuItemIds.length; i++)
// create the menuitem
if (Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.OtherHeader == menuItemIds[i].toString())
customizePos = i;
var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem");
menuitem.setAttribute("label", menuItemStrings[i]);
menuitem.setAttribute("value", menuItemIds[i]);
// try to restore the selection
if (!newSelection || oldData == menuItemIds[i].toString())
newSelection = menuitem;
if (customizePos != -1)
var separator = document.createElement("menuseparator");
menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem");
menuitem.setAttribute("label", menuItemStrings[customizePos]);
menuitem.setAttribute("value", menuItemIds[customizePos]);
// now restore the selection
menulist.selectedItem = newSelection;
<method name="onSelect">
<parameter name="event"/>
var menulist = document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[0];
// notify targets
var targets = this.targets;
if (targets) {
for (var i=0; i < targets.length; i++) {
targets[i].parentValue = menulist.value;
var optargets = this.optargets;
if (optargets) {
for (i=0; i < optargets.length; i++) {
optargets[i].opParentValue = menulist.value;
<!-- searchattribute - Subject, Sender, To, CC, etc. -->
<binding id="searchattribute" name="searchAttribute"
<field name="stringBundle">
<property name="valueIds" readonly="true">
var length = new Object;
return this.validityTable.getAvailableAttributes(length);
<!-- searchoperator - Contains, Is Less than, etc -->
<binding id="searchoperator" name="searchOperator"
<field name="searchAttribute">Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.Default</field>
<field name="stringBundle">
<property name="valueIds" readonly="true">
var length = new Object;
return this.validityTable.getAvailableOperators(this.searchAttribute,length);
<property name="parentValue">
if (this.searchAttribute == val && val != Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.OtherHeader) return val;
this.searchAttribute = val;
if (val == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.OtherHeader)
window.openDialog('chrome://messenger/content/CustomHeaders.xul', "", 'modal,titlebar,chrome', null);
return val;
return this.searchAttribute;
<!-- searchvalue - a widget which dynamically changes its user interface
depending on what type of data it's supposed to be showing
currently handles arbitrary text entry, and menulists for
priority, status, junk status, hasAttachment status, and addressbook
<binding id="searchvalue" name="searchValue">
<xul:textbox flex="1" class="search-value-textbox"/>
<xul:menulist flex="1" class="search-value-menulist">
<xul:menupopup class="search-value-popup">
<xul:menuitem value="2" stringTag="priorityLowest" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:menuitem value="3" stringTag="priorityLow" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:menuitem value="4" stringTag="priorityNormal" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:menuitem value="5" stringTag="priorityHigh" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:menuitem value="6" stringTag="priorityHighest" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:menulist flex="1" class="search-value-menulist">
<xul:menupopup class="search-value-popup">
<xul:menuitem value="2" stringTag="replied" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:menuitem value="1" stringTag="read" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:menuitem value="1048576" stringTag="new" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:menuitem value="65536" stringTag="forwarded" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:textbox flex="1" class="search-value-textbox"/>
<xul:menulist flex="1" class="search-value-menulist">
<xul:menupopup ref="moz-abdirectory://" class="search-value-popup" datasources="rdf:addressdirectory">
<xul:rule nc:IsRemote="true"/>
<xul:rule nc:IsMailList="false">
<xul:menuitem uri="..."
<xul:menulist flex="1" class="search-value-menulist">
<xul:menupopup class="search-value-popup">
<xul:menuitem value="0" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:menuitem value="1" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:menuitem value="2" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:menuitem value="3" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:menuitem value="4" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:menuitem value="5" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:menulist flex="1" class="search-value-menulist">
<xul:menupopup class="search-value-popup">
<xul:menuitem value="2" stringTag="junk" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<xul:menulist flex="1" class="search-value-menulist">
<xul:menupopup class="search-value-popup">
<xul:menuitem value="0" stringTag="hasAttachments" class="search-value-menuitem"/>
<field name="internalOperator">null</field>
<field name="internalAttribute">null</field>
<field name="internalValue">null</field>
<property name="opParentValue" onget="return this.internalOperator;">
// noop if we're not changing it
if (this.internalOperator == val) return val;
// if it's not sender, we don't care
if (this.searchAttribute != Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.Sender) {
this.internalOperator = val;
return val;
var children = document.getAnonymousNodes(this);
if (val == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchOp.IsntInAB ||
val == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchOp.IsInAB) {
// if the old internalOperator was
// IsntInAB or IsInAB, and the new internalOperator is
// IsntInAB or IsInAB, noop because the search value
// was an ab type, and it still is.
// otherwise, switch to the ab picker and select the PAB
if (this.internalOperator != Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchOp.IsntInAB &&
this.internalOperator != Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchOp.IsInAB) {
var abs = children[4].getElementsByAttribute("value", "moz-abmdbdirectory://abook.mab");
if (abs.length > 0)
children[4].selectedItem = abs[0];
this.setAttribute("selectedIndex", "4");
else {
// if the old internalOperator wasn't
// IsntInAB or IsInAB, and the new internalOperator isn't
// IsntInAB or IsInAB, noop because the search value
// wasn't an ab type, and it still isn't.
// otherwise, switch to the textbox and clear it
if (this.internalOperator == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchOp.IsntInAB ||
this.internalOperator == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchOp.IsInAB) {
children[0].value = "";
this.setAttribute("selectedIndex", "0");
this.internalOperator = val;
return val;
<!-- parentValue forwards to the attribute -->
<property name="parentValue" onset="return this.searchAttribute=val;"
onget="return this.searchAttribute;"/>
<property name="searchAttribute" onget="return this.internalAttribute;">
// noop if we're not changing it
if (this.internalAttribute == val) return val;
this.internalAttribute = val;
// if the searchAttribute changing, null out the internalOperator
this.internalOperator = null;
// we inherit from a deck, so just use it's index attribute
// to hide/show widgets
if (val == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.Priority)
this.setAttribute("selectedIndex", "1");
else if (val == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.MsgStatus)
this.setAttribute("selectedIndex", "2");
else if (val == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.Date)
this.setAttribute("selectedIndex", "3");
else if (val == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.Sender) {
// since the internalOperator is null
// this is the same as the initial state
// the initial state for Sender isn't an ab type search
// it's a text search, so show the textbox
this.setAttribute("selectedIndex", "0");
else if (val == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.Label)
var children = document.getAnonymousNodes(this);
var abs = children[5].getElementsByAttribute("value", "1");
if (abs.length > 0)
children[5].selectedItem = abs[0];
this.setAttribute("selectedIndex", "5");
else if (val == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.JunkStatus) {
this.setAttribute("selectedIndex", "6");
else if (val == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.HasAttachmentStatus) {
this.setAttribute("selectedIndex", "7");
else {
// a normal text field
this.setAttribute("selectedIndex", "0");
return val;
<property name="value" onget="return this.internalValue;">
// val is a nsIMsgSearchValue object
this.internalValue = val;
var attrib = val.attrib;
var nsMsgSearchAttrib = Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib;
var children = document.getAnonymousNodes(this);
this.searchAttribute = attrib;
if (attrib == nsMsgSearchAttrib.Priority) {
var matchingPriority =
children[1].getElementsByAttribute("value", val.priority);
if (matchingPriority.length > 0)
children[1].selectedItem = matchingPriority[0];
else if (attrib == nsMsgSearchAttrib.MsgStatus) {
var matchingStatus =
children[2].getElementsByAttribute("value", val.status);
if (matchingStatus.length > 0)
children[2].selectedItem = matchingStatus[0];
else if (attrib == nsMsgSearchAttrib.AgeInDays)
children[0].value = val.age;
else if (attrib == nsMsgSearchAttrib.Date)
children[3].value = convertPRTimeToString(;
else if (attrib == nsMsgSearchAttrib.Sender)
if (this.internalOperator == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchOp.IsntInAB ||
this.internalOperator == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchOp.IsInAB) {
var abs = children[4].getElementsByAttribute("value", val.str);
if (abs.length > 0)
children[4].selectedItem = abs[0];
children[0].value = val.str;
else if (attrib == nsMsgSearchAttrib.Label)
var labelVal = children[5].getElementsByAttribute("value", val.label);
if (labelVal.length > 0)
children[5].selectedItem = labelVal[0];
else if (attrib == nsMsgSearchAttrib.JunkStatus) {
var junkStatus =
children[6].getElementsByAttribute("value", val.junkStatus);
if (junkStatus.length > 0)
children[6].selectedItem = junkStatus[0];
else if (attrib == nsMsgSearchAttrib.HasAttachmentStatus) {
var hasAttachmentStatus =
children[7].getElementsByAttribute("value", val.hasAttachmentStatus);
if (hasAttachmentStatus.length > 0)
children[7].selectedItem = hasAttachmentStatus[0];
children[0].value = val.str;
return val;
<method name="save">
var searchValue = this.value;
var searchAttribute = this.searchAttribute;
var nsMsgSearchAttrib = Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib;
var children = document.getAnonymousNodes(this);
searchValue.attrib = searchAttribute;
if (searchAttribute == nsMsgSearchAttrib.Priority) {
searchValue.priority = children[1].selectedItem.value;
else if (searchAttribute == nsMsgSearchAttrib.MsgStatus)
searchValue.status = children[2].value;
else if (searchAttribute == nsMsgSearchAttrib.AgeInDays)
searchValue.age = children[0].value;
else if (searchAttribute == nsMsgSearchAttrib.Date) = convertStringToPRTime(children[3].value);
else if (searchAttribute == nsMsgSearchAttrib.Sender) {
if (this.internalOperator == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchOp.IsntInAB ||
this.internalOperator == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchOp.IsInAB)
searchValue.str = children[4].selectedItem.value;
searchValue.str = children[0].value;
else if (searchAttribute == nsMsgSearchAttrib.Label)
searchValue.label = children[5].selectedItem.value;
else if (searchAttribute == nsMsgSearchAttrib.JunkStatus)
searchValue.junkStatus = children[6].value;
else if (searchAttribute == nsMsgSearchAttrib.Size)
searchValue.size = children[0].value;
else if (searchAttribute == nsMsgSearchAttrib.HasAttachmentStatus)
searchValue.status = 0x10000000; // 0x10000000 is MSG_FLAG_ATTACHMENT;
searchValue.str = children[0].value;
<method name="saveTo">
<parameter name="searchValue"/>
this.internalValue = searchValue;;
<method name="fillStringsForChildren">
<parameter name="parentNode"/>
<parameter name="bundle"/>
var children = parentNode.childNodes;
var len=children.length;
for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
var node = children[i];
var stringTag = node.getAttribute("stringTag");
if (stringTag) {
var attr = (node.tagName == "label") ? "value" : "label";
node.setAttribute(attr, bundle.GetStringFromName(stringTag));
<method name="initialize">
<parameter name="menulist"/>
<parameter name="bundle"/>
this.fillStringsForChildren(menulist.firstChild, bundle);
// to work around bug #78429
menulist.setAttribute("label", menulist.selectedItem.getAttribute('label'));
// initialize strings
var bundle = srGetStrBundle("chrome://messenger/locale/");
// intialize the priority picker
this.initialize(document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[1], bundle);
// initialize the status picker
this.initialize(document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[2], bundle);
// initialize the date picker
var datePicker = document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[3];
var searchAttribute = this.searchAttribute;
var nsMsgSearchAttrib = Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib;
var time;
if (searchAttribute == nsMsgSearchAttrib.Date)
time = datePicker.value;
time = new Date();
// do .value instead of .setAttribute("value", xxx);
// to work around for bug #179412
// (caused by bug #157210)
// the searchvalue widget has two textboxes
// one for text, one as a placeholder for a date / calendar widget
datePicker.value = convertDateToString(time);
// initialize the address book picker
this.initialize(document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[4], bundle);
// initialize the label picker....
var labelStrings = GetLabelStrings();
var children = document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[5].firstChild.childNodes;
// set the label string on each label element...
for (var index = 0; index < 6; index++)
children[index].setAttribute('label', labelStrings[index]);
// initialize the junk status picker
this.initialize(document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[6], bundle);
// initialize the has attachment status picker
this.initialize(document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[7], bundle);
<handler event="keypress"><![CDATA[
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
<binding id="searchterm" name="searchTerm" extends="xul:box">
<field name="internalSearchTerm">null</field>
<field name="internalBooleanAnd">null</field>
<!-- the actual nsIMsgSearchTerm object -->
<property name="searchTerm" onget="return this.internalSearchTerm">
this.internalSearchTerm = val;
var term = val;
// val is a nsIMsgSearchTerm
var searchAttribute=this.searchattribute;
var searchOperator=this.searchoperator;
var searchValue=this.searchvalue;
// now reflect all attributes of the searchterm into the widgets
if (searchAttribute) searchAttribute.value = term.attrib;
if (searchOperator) searchOperator.value = val.op;
if (searchValue) searchValue.value = term.value;
this.booleanAnd = val.booleanAnd;
<property name="searchScope">
var searchAttribute = this.searchattribute;
if (searchAttribute)
return searchAttribute.searchScope;
return undefined;
var searchAttribute = this.searchattribute;
if (searchAttribute) searchAttribute.searchScope=val;
<!-- the three tags that make up a term - to use, set the
attribute in the XUL to the ID of the term.
<property name="searchattribute"
onget="return document.getElementById(this.getAttribute('searchattribute'));"
<property name="searchoperator"
onget="return document.getElementById(this.getAttribute('searchoperator'));"
<property name="searchvalue"
onget="return document.getElementById(this.getAttribute('searchvalue'));"
<field name="booleanNodes">
<field name="stringBundle">
<property name="booleanAnd" onget="return this.internalBooleanAnd">
// whenever you set this, all nodes in booleanNodes
// are updated to reflect the string
if (this.internalBooleanAnd == val) return;
this.internalBooleanAnd = val;
var booleanNodes = this.booleanNodes;
if (!booleanNodes) return;
var stringBundle = this.stringBundle;
var andString = val ? "And" : "Or";
for (var i=0; i<booleanNodes.length; i++) {
try {
var staticString =
stringBundle.GetStringFromName("search" + andString + i);
if (staticString && staticString.length>0)
booleanNodes[i].setAttribute("value", staticString);
} catch (ex) { /* no error, means string not found */}
<method name="save">
var searchTerm = this.searchTerm;
searchTerm.attrib = this.searchattribute.value;
if (this.searchAttribute > nsMsgSearchAttrib.OtherHeader && this.searchAttribute < nsMsgSearchAttrib.kNumMsgSearchAttributes)
searchTerm.arbitraryHeader = this.searchattribute.label;
searchTerm.op = this.searchoperator.value;
if (this.searchvalue.value);
searchTerm.value = this.searchvalue.value;
searchTerm.booleanAnd = this.booleanAnd;
<!-- if you have a search term element with no search term -->
<method name="saveTo">
<parameter name="searchTerm"/>
this.internalSearchTerm = searchTerm;;