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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#ifndef mozilla_a11y_XULTreeGridAccessible_h__
#define mozilla_a11y_XULTreeGridAccessible_h__
#include "XULTreeAccessible.h"
#include "TableAccessible.h"
#include "TableCellAccessible.h"
#include "xpcAccessibleTable.h"
#include "xpcAccessibleTableCell.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace a11y {
* Represents accessible for XUL tree in the case when it has multiple columns.
class XULTreeGridAccessible : public XULTreeAccessible,
public xpcAccessibleTable,
public nsIAccessibleTable,
public TableAccessible
XULTreeGridAccessible(nsIContent* aContent, DocAccessible* aDoc,
nsTreeBodyFrame* aTreeFrame) :
XULTreeAccessible(aContent, aDoc, aTreeFrame), xpcAccessibleTable(this)
{ mGenericTypes |= eTable; }
// nsISupports
// nsIAccessibleTable
// TableAccessible
virtual uint32_t ColCount();
virtual uint32_t RowCount();
virtual Accessible* CellAt(uint32_t aRowIndex, uint32_t aColumnIndex);
virtual void ColDescription(uint32_t aColIdx, nsString& aDescription);
virtual bool IsColSelected(uint32_t aColIdx);
virtual bool IsRowSelected(uint32_t aRowIdx);
virtual bool IsCellSelected(uint32_t aRowIdx, uint32_t aColIdx);
virtual uint32_t SelectedCellCount();
virtual uint32_t SelectedColCount();
virtual uint32_t SelectedRowCount();
virtual void SelectedCells(nsTArray<Accessible*>* aCells);
virtual void SelectedCellIndices(nsTArray<uint32_t>* aCells);
virtual void SelectedColIndices(nsTArray<uint32_t>* aCols);
virtual void SelectedRowIndices(nsTArray<uint32_t>* aRows);
virtual void SelectRow(uint32_t aRowIdx);
virtual void UnselectRow(uint32_t aRowIdx);
virtual Accessible* AsAccessible() { return this; }
// Accessible
virtual void Shutdown();
virtual TableAccessible* AsTable() { return this; }
virtual a11y::role NativeRole();
virtual ~XULTreeGridAccessible();
// XULTreeAccessible
virtual already_AddRefed<Accessible>
CreateTreeItemAccessible(int32_t aRow) const MOZ_OVERRIDE;
* Represents accessible for XUL tree item in the case when XUL tree has
* multiple columns.
class XULTreeGridRowAccessible : public XULTreeItemAccessibleBase
using Accessible::GetChildAt;
XULTreeGridRowAccessible(nsIContent* aContent, DocAccessible* aDoc,
Accessible* aParent, nsITreeBoxObject* aTree,
nsITreeView* aTreeView, int32_t aRow);
// nsISupports and cycle collection
// Accessible
virtual void Shutdown();
virtual a11y::role NativeRole();
virtual ENameValueFlag Name(nsString& aName);
virtual Accessible* ChildAtPoint(int32_t aX, int32_t aY,
EWhichChildAtPoint aWhichChild);
virtual Accessible* GetChildAt(uint32_t aIndex) const MOZ_OVERRIDE;
virtual uint32_t ChildCount() const MOZ_OVERRIDE;
// XULTreeItemAccessibleBase
virtual Accessible* GetCellAccessible(nsITreeColumn* aColumn) const MOZ_OVERRIDE;
virtual void RowInvalidated(int32_t aStartColIdx, int32_t aEndColIdx);
virtual ~XULTreeGridRowAccessible();
// Accessible
virtual void CacheChildren();
// XULTreeItemAccessibleBase
mutable AccessibleHashtable mAccessibleCache;
* Represents an accessible for XUL tree cell in the case when XUL tree has
* multiple columns.
{ /* 84588ad4-549c-4196-a932-4c5ca5de5dff */ \
0x84588ad4, \
0x549c, \
0x4196, \
{ 0xa9, 0x32, 0x4c, 0x5c, 0xa5, 0xde, 0x5d, 0xff } \
class XULTreeGridCellAccessible : public LeafAccessible,
public nsIAccessibleTableCell,
public TableCellAccessible,
public xpcAccessibleTableCell
XULTreeGridCellAccessible(nsIContent* aContent, DocAccessible* aDoc,
XULTreeGridRowAccessible* aRowAcc,
nsITreeBoxObject* aTree, nsITreeView* aTreeView,
int32_t aRow, nsITreeColumn* aColumn);
// nsISupports
// nsIAccessible
NS_IMETHOD GetBounds(int32_t* aX, int32_t* aY,
int32_t* aWidth, int32_t* aHeight);
NS_IMETHOD GetActionName(uint8_t aIndex, nsAString& aName);
NS_IMETHOD DoAction(uint8_t aIndex);
// nsIAccessibleTableCell
// Accessible
virtual TableCellAccessible* AsTableCell() { return this; }
virtual void Shutdown();
virtual ENameValueFlag Name(nsString& aName);
virtual Accessible* FocusedChild();
virtual already_AddRefed<nsIPersistentProperties> NativeAttributes() MOZ_OVERRIDE;
virtual int32_t IndexInParent() const;
virtual Relation RelationByType(RelationType aType) MOZ_OVERRIDE;
virtual a11y::role NativeRole();
virtual uint64_t NativeState();
virtual uint64_t NativeInteractiveState() const;
// ActionAccessible
virtual uint8_t ActionCount();
// TableCellAccessible
virtual TableAccessible* Table() const MOZ_OVERRIDE;
virtual uint32_t ColIdx() const MOZ_OVERRIDE;
virtual uint32_t RowIdx() const MOZ_OVERRIDE;
virtual void ColHeaderCells(nsTArray<Accessible*>* aHeaderCells) MOZ_OVERRIDE;
virtual void RowHeaderCells(nsTArray<Accessible*>* aCells) MOZ_OVERRIDE { }
virtual bool Selected() MOZ_OVERRIDE;
// XULTreeGridCellAccessible
* Fire name or state change event if the accessible text or value has been
* changed.
* @return true if name has changed
bool CellInvalidated();
virtual ~XULTreeGridCellAccessible();
// Accessible
virtual Accessible* GetSiblingAtOffset(int32_t aOffset,
nsresult* aError = nullptr) const;
virtual void DispatchClickEvent(nsIContent* aContent, uint32_t aActionIndex);
// XULTreeGridCellAccessible
* Return true if value of cell can be modified.
bool IsEditable() const;
enum { eAction_Click = 0 };
nsCOMPtr<nsITreeBoxObject> mTree;
nsITreeView* mTreeView;
int32_t mRow;
nsCOMPtr<nsITreeColumn> mColumn;
nsString mCachedTextEquiv;
} // namespace a11y
} // namespace mozilla