Alan Jeffrey 412f60331c servo: Merge #17410 - Support nested requestAnimationFrame in the presence of reftest-wait (from asajeffrey:compositor-nested-rAF-with-reftest-wait); r=jdm
<!-- Please describe your changes on the following line: -->

Currently, nested rAF callbacks don't get called in the presence of reftest-wait. This PR fixes that.

<!-- Thank you for contributing to Servo! Please replace each `[ ]` by `[X]` when the step is complete, and replace `__` with appropriate data: -->
- [X] `./mach build -d` does not report any errors
- [X] `./mach test-tidy` does not report any errors
- [X] These changes fix #17408
- [X] There are tests for these changes

<!-- Also, please make sure that "Allow edits from maintainers" checkbox is checked, so that we can help you if you get stuck somewhere along the way.-->

<!-- Pull requests that do not address these steps are welcome, but they will require additional verification as part of the review process. -->

Source-Revision: 5f10a25ead8bae973ed9d5f6104f84b8dc1b8a16

extra : subtree_source : https%3A//
extra : subtree_revision : 2867317a41dfdad424d3e2e4093b562144b54442
2017-06-19 13:25:36 -07:00

1750 lines
69 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use CompositionPipeline;
use SendableFrameTree;
use compositor_thread::{CompositorProxy, CompositorReceiver};
use compositor_thread::{InitialCompositorState, Msg, RenderListener};
use delayed_composition::DelayedCompositionTimerProxy;
use euclid::{Point2D, TypedPoint2D, TypedVector2D, TypedRect, ScaleFactor, TypedSize2D};
use gfx_traits::Epoch;
use gleam::gl;
use image::{DynamicImage, ImageFormat, RgbImage};
use ipc_channel::ipc::{self, IpcSender, IpcSharedMemory};
use msg::constellation_msg::{Key, KeyModifiers, KeyState, CONTROL};
use msg::constellation_msg::{PipelineId, PipelineIndex, PipelineNamespaceId, TraversalDirection};
use net_traits::image::base::{Image, PixelFormat};
use profile_traits::time::{self, ProfilerCategory, profile};
use script_traits::{AnimationState, AnimationTickType, ConstellationControlMsg};
use script_traits::{ConstellationMsg, DevicePixel, LayoutControlMsg, LoadData, MouseButton};
use script_traits::{MouseEventType, ScrollState};
use script_traits::{TouchpadPressurePhase, TouchEventType, TouchId, WindowSizeData, WindowSizeType};
use script_traits::CompositorEvent::{self, MouseMoveEvent, MouseButtonEvent, TouchEvent, TouchpadPressureEvent};
use servo_config::opts;
use servo_config::prefs::PREFS;
use servo_geometry::DeviceIndependentPixel;
use servo_url::ServoUrl;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs::File;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::mpsc::Sender;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use style_traits::{CSSPixel, PinchZoomFactor};
use style_traits::viewport::ViewportConstraints;
use time::{precise_time_ns, precise_time_s};
use touch::{TouchHandler, TouchAction};
use webrender;
use webrender_traits::{self, ClipId, LayoutPoint, LayoutVector2D, ScrollEventPhase, ScrollLocation, ScrollClamping};
use windowing::{self, MouseWindowEvent, WindowEvent, WindowMethods, WindowNavigateMsg};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum UnableToComposite {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum NotReadyToPaint {
// Default viewport constraints
const MAX_ZOOM: f32 = 8.0;
const MIN_ZOOM: f32 = 0.1;
trait ConvertPipelineIdFromWebRender {
fn from_webrender(&self) -> PipelineId;
impl ConvertPipelineIdFromWebRender for webrender_traits::PipelineId {
fn from_webrender(&self) -> PipelineId {
PipelineId {
namespace_id: PipelineNamespaceId(self.0),
index: PipelineIndex(self.1),
/// Holds the state when running reftests that determines when it is
/// safe to save the output image.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
enum ReadyState {
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct FrameTreeId(u32);
impl FrameTreeId {
pub fn next(&mut self) {
self.0 += 1;
/// One pixel in layer coordinate space.
/// This unit corresponds to a "pixel" in layer coordinate space, which after scaling and
/// transformation becomes a device pixel.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum LayerPixel {}
/// NB: Never block on the constellation, because sometimes the constellation blocks on us.
pub struct IOCompositor<Window: WindowMethods> {
/// The application window.
window: Rc<Window>,
/// The port on which we receive messages.
port: CompositorReceiver,
/// The root pipeline.
root_pipeline: Option<CompositionPipeline>,
/// Tracks details about each active pipeline that the compositor knows about.
pipeline_details: HashMap<PipelineId, PipelineDetails>,
/// The scene scale, to allow for zooming and high-resolution painting.
scale: ScaleFactor<f32, LayerPixel, DevicePixel>,
/// The size of the rendering area.
frame_size: TypedSize2D<u32, DevicePixel>,
/// The position and size of the window within the rendering area.
window_rect: TypedRect<u32, DevicePixel>,
/// "Mobile-style" zoom that does not reflow the page.
viewport_zoom: PinchZoomFactor,
/// Viewport zoom constraints provided by @viewport.
min_viewport_zoom: Option<PinchZoomFactor>,
max_viewport_zoom: Option<PinchZoomFactor>,
/// "Desktop-style" zoom that resizes the viewport to fit the window.
page_zoom: ScaleFactor<f32, CSSPixel, DeviceIndependentPixel>,
/// The device pixel ratio for this window.
scale_factor: ScaleFactor<f32, DeviceIndependentPixel, DevicePixel>,
channel_to_self: CompositorProxy,
/// A handle to the delayed composition timer.
delayed_composition_timer: DelayedCompositionTimerProxy,
/// The type of composition to perform
composite_target: CompositeTarget,
/// Tracks whether we should composite this frame.
composition_request: CompositionRequest,
/// Tracks whether we are in the process of shutting down, or have shut down and should close
/// the compositor.
shutdown_state: ShutdownState,
/// Tracks the last composite time.
last_composite_time: u64,
/// Tracks whether the zoom action has happened recently.
zoom_action: bool,
/// The time of the last zoom action has started.
zoom_time: f64,
/// The current frame tree ID (used to reject old paint buffers)
frame_tree_id: FrameTreeId,
/// The channel on which messages can be sent to the constellation.
constellation_chan: Sender<ConstellationMsg>,
/// The channel on which messages can be sent to the time profiler.
time_profiler_chan: time::ProfilerChan,
/// Touch input state machine
touch_handler: TouchHandler,
/// Pending scroll/zoom events.
pending_scroll_zoom_events: Vec<ScrollZoomEvent>,
/// Whether we're waiting on a recomposite after dispatching a scroll.
waiting_for_results_of_scroll: bool,
/// Used by the logic that determines when it is safe to output an
/// image for the reftest framework.
ready_to_save_state: ReadyState,
/// Whether a scroll is in progress; i.e. whether the user's fingers are down.
scroll_in_progress: bool,
in_scroll_transaction: Option<Instant>,
/// The webrender renderer.
webrender: webrender::Renderer,
/// The webrender interface, if enabled.
webrender_api: webrender_traits::RenderApi,
/// GL functions interface (may be GL or GLES)
gl: Rc<gl::Gl>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct ScrollZoomEvent {
/// Change the pinch zoom level by this factor
magnification: f32,
/// Scroll by this offset, or to Start or End
scroll_location: ScrollLocation,
/// Apply changes to the frame at this location
cursor: TypedPoint2D<i32, DevicePixel>,
/// The scroll event phase.
phase: ScrollEventPhase,
/// The number of OS events that have been coalesced together into this one event.
event_count: u32,
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
enum CompositionRequest {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum ShutdownState {
struct PipelineDetails {
/// The pipeline associated with this PipelineDetails object.
pipeline: Option<CompositionPipeline>,
/// Whether animations are running
animations_running: bool,
/// Whether there are animation callbacks
animation_callbacks_running: bool,
/// Whether this pipeline is visible
visible: bool,
impl PipelineDetails {
fn new() -> PipelineDetails {
PipelineDetails {
pipeline: None,
animations_running: false,
animation_callbacks_running: false,
visible: true,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum CompositeTarget {
/// Normal composition to a window
/// Compose as normal, but also return a PNG of the composed output
/// Compose to a PNG, write it to disk, and then exit the browser (used for reftests)
struct RenderTargetInfo {
framebuffer_ids: Vec<gl::GLuint>,
renderbuffer_ids: Vec<gl::GLuint>,
texture_ids: Vec<gl::GLuint>,
impl RenderTargetInfo {
fn empty() -> RenderTargetInfo {
RenderTargetInfo {
framebuffer_ids: Vec::new(),
renderbuffer_ids: Vec::new(),
texture_ids: Vec::new(),
fn initialize_png(gl: &gl::Gl, width: usize, height: usize) -> RenderTargetInfo {
let framebuffer_ids = gl.gen_framebuffers(1);
gl.bind_framebuffer(gl::FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer_ids[0]);
let texture_ids = gl.gen_textures(1);
gl.bind_texture(gl::TEXTURE_2D, texture_ids[0]);
gl.tex_image_2d(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl::RGB as gl::GLint, width as gl::GLsizei,
height as gl::GLsizei, 0, gl::RGB, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE, None);
gl.tex_parameter_i(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl::NEAREST as gl::GLint);
gl.tex_parameter_i(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl::NEAREST as gl::GLint);
gl.framebuffer_texture_2d(gl::FRAMEBUFFER, gl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl::TEXTURE_2D,
texture_ids[0], 0);
gl.bind_texture(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0);
let renderbuffer_ids = gl.gen_renderbuffers(1);
let depth_rb = renderbuffer_ids[0];
gl.bind_renderbuffer(gl::RENDERBUFFER, depth_rb);
width as gl::GLsizei,
height as gl::GLsizei);
RenderTargetInfo {
framebuffer_ids: framebuffer_ids,
renderbuffer_ids: renderbuffer_ids,
texture_ids: texture_ids,
struct RenderNotifier {
compositor_proxy: CompositorProxy,
impl RenderNotifier {
fn new(compositor_proxy: CompositorProxy,
_: Sender<ConstellationMsg>) -> RenderNotifier {
RenderNotifier {
compositor_proxy: compositor_proxy,
impl webrender_traits::RenderNotifier for RenderNotifier {
fn new_frame_ready(&mut self) {
fn new_scroll_frame_ready(&mut self, composite_needed: bool) {
// Used to dispatch functions from webrender to the main thread's event loop.
struct CompositorThreadDispatcher {
compositor_proxy: CompositorProxy
impl webrender_traits::RenderDispatcher for CompositorThreadDispatcher {
fn dispatch(&self, f: Box<Fn() + Send>) {
impl<Window: WindowMethods> IOCompositor<Window> {
fn new(window: Rc<Window>, state: InitialCompositorState)
-> IOCompositor<Window> {
let frame_size = window.framebuffer_size();
let window_rect = window.window_rect();
let scale_factor = window.hidpi_factor();
let composite_target = match opts::get().output_file {
Some(_) => CompositeTarget::PngFile,
None => CompositeTarget::Window
IOCompositor {
window: window,
port: state.receiver,
root_pipeline: None,
pipeline_details: HashMap::new(),
frame_size: frame_size,
window_rect: window_rect,
scale: ScaleFactor::new(1.0),
scale_factor: scale_factor,
channel_to_self: state.sender.clone_compositor_proxy(),
delayed_composition_timer: DelayedCompositionTimerProxy::new(state.sender),
composition_request: CompositionRequest::NoCompositingNecessary,
touch_handler: TouchHandler::new(),
pending_scroll_zoom_events: Vec::new(),
waiting_for_results_of_scroll: false,
composite_target: composite_target,
shutdown_state: ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown,
page_zoom: ScaleFactor::new(1.0),
viewport_zoom: PinchZoomFactor::new(1.0),
min_viewport_zoom: None,
max_viewport_zoom: None,
zoom_action: false,
zoom_time: 0f64,
frame_tree_id: FrameTreeId(0),
constellation_chan: state.constellation_chan,
time_profiler_chan: state.time_profiler_chan,
last_composite_time: 0,
ready_to_save_state: ReadyState::Unknown,
scroll_in_progress: false,
in_scroll_transaction: None,
webrender: state.webrender,
webrender_api: state.webrender_api_sender.create_api(),
pub fn create(window: Rc<Window>, state: InitialCompositorState) -> IOCompositor<Window> {
let mut compositor = IOCompositor::new(window, state);
let compositor_proxy_for_webrender = compositor.channel_to_self
let render_notifier = RenderNotifier::new(compositor_proxy_for_webrender,
if cfg!(target_os = "windows") {
// Used to dispatch functions from webrender to the main thread's event loop.
// Required to allow WGL GLContext sharing in Windows.
let dispatcher = Box::new(CompositorThreadDispatcher {
compositor_proxy: compositor.channel_to_self.clone_compositor_proxy()
// Set the size of the root layer.
// Tell the constellation about the initial window size.
fn start_shutting_down(&mut self) {
debug!("Compositor sending Exit message to Constellation");
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(ConstellationMsg::Exit) {
warn!("Sending exit message to constellation failed ({}).", e);
self.shutdown_state = ShutdownState::ShuttingDown;
fn finish_shutting_down(&mut self) {
debug!("Compositor received message that constellation shutdown is complete");
// Drain compositor port, sometimes messages contain channels that are blocking
// another thread from finishing (i.e. SetFrameTree).
while self.port.try_recv_compositor_msg().is_some() {}
// Tell the profiler, memory profiler, and scrolling timer to shut down.
if let Ok((sender, receiver)) = ipc::channel() {
let _ = receiver.recv();
self.shutdown_state = ShutdownState::FinishedShuttingDown;
fn handle_browser_message(&mut self, msg: Msg) -> bool {
match (msg, self.shutdown_state) {
(_, ShutdownState::FinishedShuttingDown) => {
error!("compositor shouldn't be handling messages after shutting down");
return false
(Msg::Exit, _) => {
(Msg::ShutdownComplete, _) => {
return false;
(Msg::ChangeRunningAnimationsState(pipeline_id, animation_state),
ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.change_running_animations_state(pipeline_id, animation_state);
(Msg::ChangePageTitle(pipeline_id, title), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.change_page_title(pipeline_id, title);
(Msg::SetFrameTree(frame_tree, response_chan),
ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.set_frame_tree(&frame_tree, response_chan);
(Msg::ScrollFragmentPoint(scroll_root_id, point, _),
ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.scroll_fragment_to_point(scroll_root_id, point);
ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
let rect = self.window.client_window();
if let Err(e) = send.send(rect) {
warn!("Sending response to get client window failed ({}).", e);
(Msg::Status(message), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
(Msg::LoadStart, ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
(Msg::LoadComplete, ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
// If we're painting in headless mode, schedule a recomposite.
if opts::get().output_file.is_some() || opts::get().exit_after_load {
// Inform the embedder that the load has finished.
// TODO(pcwalton): Specify which frame's load completed.
(Msg::AllowNavigation(url, response_chan), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
let allow = self.window.allow_navigation(url);
if let Err(e) = response_chan.send(allow) {
warn!("Failed to send allow_navigation result ({}).", e);
(Msg::DelayedCompositionTimeout(timestamp), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
if let CompositionRequest::DelayedComposite(this_timestamp) =
self.composition_request {
if timestamp == this_timestamp {
self.composition_request = CompositionRequest::CompositeNow(
(Msg::Recomposite(reason), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.composition_request = CompositionRequest::CompositeNow(reason)
(Msg::KeyEvent(ch, key, state, modified), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
if state == KeyState::Pressed {
self.window.handle_key(ch, key, modified);
(Msg::TouchEventProcessed(result), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
(Msg::SetCursor(cursor), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
(Msg::CreatePng(reply), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
let res = self.composite_specific_target(CompositeTarget::WindowAndPng);
if let Err(ref e) = res {
info!("Error retrieving PNG: {:?}", e);
let img = res.unwrap_or(None);
if let Err(e) = reply.send(img) {
warn!("Sending reply to create png failed ({}).", e);
(Msg::ViewportConstrained(pipeline_id, constraints),
ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.constrain_viewport(pipeline_id, constraints);
(Msg::IsReadyToSaveImageReply(is_ready), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
assert!(self.ready_to_save_state == ReadyState::WaitingForConstellationReply);
if is_ready {
self.ready_to_save_state = ReadyState::ReadyToSaveImage;
if opts::get().is_running_problem_test {
println!("ready to save image!");
} else {
self.ready_to_save_state = ReadyState::Unknown;
if opts::get().is_running_problem_test {
println!("resetting ready_to_save_state!");
(Msg::NewFavicon(url), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
(Msg::HeadParsed, ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
(Msg::HistoryChanged(entries, current), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.window.history_changed(entries, current);
(Msg::PipelineVisibilityChanged(pipeline_id, visible), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).visible = visible;
if visible {
(Msg::PipelineExited(pipeline_id, sender), _) => {
debug!("Compositor got pipeline exited: {:?}", pipeline_id);
let _ = sender.send(());
(Msg::NewScrollFrameReady(recomposite_needed), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.waiting_for_results_of_scroll = false;
if recomposite_needed {
self.composition_request = CompositionRequest::CompositeNow(
(Msg::Dispatch(func), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
// The functions sent here right now are really dumb, so they can't panic.
// But if we start running more complex code here, we should really catch panic here.
(Msg::SetFullscreenState(state), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
// When we are shutting_down, we need to avoid performing operations
// such as Paint that may crash because we have begun tearing down
// the rest of our resources.
(_, ShutdownState::ShuttingDown) => { }
/// Sets or unsets the animations-running flag for the given pipeline, and schedules a
/// recomposite if necessary.
fn change_running_animations_state(&mut self,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
animation_state: AnimationState) {
match animation_state {
AnimationState::AnimationsPresent => {
let visible = self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).visible;
self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).animations_running = true;
if visible {
AnimationState::AnimationCallbacksPresent => {
let visible = self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).visible;
self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).animation_callbacks_running = true;
if visible {
AnimationState::NoAnimationsPresent => {
self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).animations_running = false;
AnimationState::NoAnimationCallbacksPresent => {
self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).animation_callbacks_running = false;
fn pipeline_details(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) -> &mut PipelineDetails {
if !self.pipeline_details.contains_key(&pipeline_id) {
self.pipeline_details.insert(pipeline_id, PipelineDetails::new());
self.pipeline_details.get_mut(&pipeline_id).expect("Insert then get failed!")
pub fn pipeline(&self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) -> Option<&CompositionPipeline> {
match self.pipeline_details.get(&pipeline_id) {
Some(ref details) => details.pipeline.as_ref(),
None => {
warn!("Compositor layer has an unknown pipeline ({:?}).", pipeline_id);
fn change_page_title(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId, title: Option<String>) {
let set_title = self.root_pipeline.as_ref().map_or(false, |root_pipeline| { == pipeline_id
if set_title {
fn set_frame_tree(&mut self,
frame_tree: &SendableFrameTree,
response_chan: IpcSender<()>) {
debug!("Setting the frame tree for pipeline {}",;
if let Err(e) = response_chan.send(()) {
warn!("Sending reponse to set frame tree failed ({}).", e);
self.root_pipeline = Some(frame_tree.pipeline.clone());
let pipeline_id =;
fn create_pipeline_details_for_frame_tree(&mut self, frame_tree: &SendableFrameTree) {
self.pipeline_details( = Some(frame_tree.pipeline.clone());
for kid in &frame_tree.children {
fn remove_pipeline_root_layer(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
fn send_window_size(&self, size_type: WindowSizeType) {
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let window_rect = {
let offset = webrender_traits::DeviceUintPoint::new(self.window_rect.origin.x, self.window_rect.origin.y);
let size = webrender_traits::DeviceUintSize::new(self.window_rect.size.width, self.window_rect.size.height);
webrender_traits::DeviceUintRect::new(offset, size)
let frame_size = webrender_traits::DeviceUintSize::new(self.frame_size.width, self.frame_size.height);
self.webrender_api.set_window_parameters(frame_size, window_rect);
let initial_viewport = self.window_rect.size.to_f32() / dppx;
let data = WindowSizeData {
device_pixel_ratio: dppx,
initial_viewport: initial_viewport,
let top_level_browsing_context_id = match self.root_pipeline {
Some(ref pipeline) => pipeline.top_level_browsing_context_id,
None => return warn!("Window resize without root pipeline."),
let msg = ConstellationMsg::WindowSize(top_level_browsing_context_id, data, size_type);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending window resize to constellation failed ({}).", e);
fn schedule_delayed_composite_if_necessary(&mut self) {
match self.composition_request {
CompositionRequest::CompositeNow(_) => return,
CompositionRequest::DelayedComposite(_) |
CompositionRequest::NoCompositingNecessary => {}
let timestamp = precise_time_ns();
self.composition_request = CompositionRequest::DelayedComposite(timestamp);
fn scroll_fragment_to_point(&mut self, id: ClipId, point: Point2D<f32>) {
self.webrender_api.scroll_node_with_id(LayoutPoint::from_untyped(&point), id,
fn handle_window_message(&mut self, event: WindowEvent) {
match event {
WindowEvent::Idle => {}
WindowEvent::Refresh => {
WindowEvent::InitializeCompositing => {
WindowEvent::Resize(size) => {
WindowEvent::LoadUrl(url_string) => {
WindowEvent::MouseWindowEventClass(mouse_window_event) => {
WindowEvent::MouseWindowMoveEventClass(cursor) => {
WindowEvent::Touch(event_type, identifier, location) => {
match event_type {
TouchEventType::Down => self.on_touch_down(identifier, location),
TouchEventType::Move => self.on_touch_move(identifier, location),
TouchEventType::Up => self.on_touch_up(identifier, location),
TouchEventType::Cancel => self.on_touch_cancel(identifier, location),
WindowEvent::Scroll(delta, cursor, phase) => {
match phase {
TouchEventType::Move => self.on_scroll_window_event(delta, cursor),
TouchEventType::Up | TouchEventType::Cancel => {
self.on_scroll_end_window_event(delta, cursor);
TouchEventType::Down => {
self.on_scroll_start_window_event(delta, cursor);
WindowEvent::Zoom(magnification) => {
WindowEvent::ResetZoom => {
WindowEvent::PinchZoom(magnification) => {
WindowEvent::Navigation(direction) => {
WindowEvent::TouchpadPressure(cursor, pressure, stage) => {
self.on_touchpad_pressure_event(cursor, pressure, stage);
WindowEvent::KeyEvent(ch, key, state, modifiers) => {
self.on_key_event(ch, key, state, modifiers);
WindowEvent::Quit => {
if self.shutdown_state == ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown {
debug!("Shutting down the constellation for WindowEvent::Quit");
WindowEvent::Reload => {
let top_level_browsing_context_id = match self.root_pipeline {
Some(ref pipeline) => pipeline.top_level_browsing_context_id,
None => return warn!("Window reload without root pipeline."),
let msg = ConstellationMsg::Reload(top_level_browsing_context_id);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending reload to constellation failed ({}).", e);
fn on_resize_window_event(&mut self, new_size: TypedSize2D<u32, DevicePixel>) {
debug!("compositor resizing to {:?}", new_size.to_untyped());
// A size change could also mean a resolution change.
let new_scale_factor = self.window.hidpi_factor();
if self.scale_factor != new_scale_factor {
self.scale_factor = new_scale_factor;
let new_window_rect = self.window.window_rect();
let new_frame_size = self.window.framebuffer_size();
if self.window_rect == new_window_rect &&
self.frame_size == new_frame_size {
self.frame_size = new_size;
self.window_rect = new_window_rect;
fn on_load_url_window_event(&mut self, url_string: String) {
debug!("osmain: loading URL `{}`", url_string);
match ServoUrl::parse(&url_string) {
Ok(url) => {
let msg = match self.root_pipeline {
Some(ref pipeline) =>
ConstellationMsg::LoadUrl(, LoadData::new(url, Some(, None, None)),
None => ConstellationMsg::InitLoadUrl(url)
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending load url to constellation failed ({}).", e);
Err(e) => warn!("Parsing URL {} failed ({}).", url_string, e),
fn on_mouse_window_event_class(&mut self, mouse_window_event: MouseWindowEvent) {
if opts::get().convert_mouse_to_touch {
match mouse_window_event {
MouseWindowEvent::Click(_, _) => {}
MouseWindowEvent::MouseDown(_, p) => self.on_touch_down(TouchId(0), p),
MouseWindowEvent::MouseUp(_, p) => self.on_touch_up(TouchId(0), p),
fn dispatch_mouse_window_event_class(&mut self, mouse_window_event: MouseWindowEvent) {
let point = match mouse_window_event {
MouseWindowEvent::Click(_, p) => p,
MouseWindowEvent::MouseDown(_, p) => p,
MouseWindowEvent::MouseUp(_, p) => p,
let root_pipeline_id = match self.get_root_pipeline_id() {
Some(root_pipeline_id) => root_pipeline_id,
None => return,
if let Some(pipeline) = self.pipeline(root_pipeline_id) {
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let translated_point = (point / dppx).to_untyped();
let event_to_send = match mouse_window_event {
MouseWindowEvent::Click(button, _) => {
MouseButtonEvent(MouseEventType::Click, button, translated_point)
MouseWindowEvent::MouseDown(button, _) => {
MouseButtonEvent(MouseEventType::MouseDown, button, translated_point)
MouseWindowEvent::MouseUp(button, _) => {
MouseButtonEvent(MouseEventType::MouseUp, button, translated_point)
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::SendEvent(root_pipeline_id, event_to_send);
if let Err(e) = pipeline.script_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending control event to script failed ({}).", e);
fn on_mouse_window_move_event_class(&mut self, cursor: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>) {
if opts::get().convert_mouse_to_touch {
self.on_touch_move(TouchId(0), cursor);
fn dispatch_mouse_window_move_event_class(&mut self, cursor: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>) {
let root_pipeline_id = match self.get_root_pipeline_id() {
Some(root_pipeline_id) => root_pipeline_id,
None => return,
if self.pipeline(root_pipeline_id).is_none() {
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let event_to_send = MouseMoveEvent(Some((cursor / dppx).to_untyped()));
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::SendEvent(root_pipeline_id, event_to_send);
if let Some(pipeline) = self.pipeline(root_pipeline_id) {
if let Err(e) = pipeline.script_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending mouse control event to script failed ({}).", e);
fn send_event_to_root_pipeline(&self, event: CompositorEvent) {
let root_pipeline_id = match self.get_root_pipeline_id() {
Some(root_pipeline_id) => root_pipeline_id,
None => return,
if let Some(pipeline) = self.pipeline(root_pipeline_id) {
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::SendEvent(root_pipeline_id, event);
if let Err(e) = pipeline.script_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending control event to script failed ({}).", e);
fn on_touch_down(&mut self, identifier: TouchId, point: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>) {
self.touch_handler.on_touch_down(identifier, point);
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let translated_point = (point / dppx).to_untyped();
fn on_touch_move(&mut self, identifier: TouchId, point: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>) {
match self.touch_handler.on_touch_move(identifier, point) {
TouchAction::Scroll(delta) => {
match point.cast() {
Some(point) => self.on_scroll_window_event(
None => error!("Point cast failed."),
TouchAction::Zoom(magnification, scroll_delta) => {
let cursor = TypedPoint2D::new(-1, -1); // Make sure this hits the base layer.
self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.push(ScrollZoomEvent {
magnification: magnification,
scroll_location: ScrollLocation::Delta(webrender_traits::LayoutVector2D::from_untyped(
cursor: cursor,
phase: ScrollEventPhase::Move(true),
event_count: 1,
TouchAction::DispatchEvent => {
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let translated_point = (point / dppx).to_untyped();
_ => {}
fn on_touch_up(&mut self, identifier: TouchId, point: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>) {
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let translated_point = (point / dppx).to_untyped();
if let TouchAction::Click = self.touch_handler.on_touch_up(identifier, point) {
fn on_touch_cancel(&mut self, identifier: TouchId, point: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>) {
// Send the event to script.
self.touch_handler.on_touch_cancel(identifier, point);
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let translated_point = (point / dppx).to_untyped();
fn on_touchpad_pressure_event(&self,
point: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>,
pressure: f32,
phase: TouchpadPressurePhase) {
if let Some(true) = PREFS.get("dom.forcetouch.enabled").as_boolean() {
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let translated_point = (point / dppx).to_untyped();
fn simulate_mouse_click(&mut self, p: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>) {
let button = MouseButton::Left;
self.dispatch_mouse_window_event_class(MouseWindowEvent::MouseDown(button, p));
self.dispatch_mouse_window_event_class(MouseWindowEvent::MouseUp(button, p));
self.dispatch_mouse_window_event_class(MouseWindowEvent::Click(button, p));
fn on_scroll_window_event(&mut self,
scroll_location: ScrollLocation,
cursor: TypedPoint2D<i32, DevicePixel>) {
let event_phase = match (self.scroll_in_progress, self.in_scroll_transaction) {
(false, None) => ScrollEventPhase::Start,
(false, Some(last_scroll)) if last_scroll.elapsed() > Duration::from_millis(80) =>
(_, _) => ScrollEventPhase::Move(self.scroll_in_progress),
self.in_scroll_transaction = Some(Instant::now());
self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.push(ScrollZoomEvent {
magnification: 1.0,
scroll_location: scroll_location,
cursor: cursor,
phase: event_phase,
event_count: 1,
fn on_scroll_start_window_event(&mut self,
scroll_location: ScrollLocation,
cursor: TypedPoint2D<i32, DevicePixel>) {
self.scroll_in_progress = true;
self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.push(ScrollZoomEvent {
magnification: 1.0,
scroll_location: scroll_location,
cursor: cursor,
phase: ScrollEventPhase::Start,
event_count: 1,
fn on_scroll_end_window_event(&mut self,
scroll_location: ScrollLocation,
cursor: TypedPoint2D<i32, DevicePixel>) {
self.scroll_in_progress = false;
self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.push(ScrollZoomEvent {
magnification: 1.0,
scroll_location: scroll_location,
cursor: cursor,
phase: ScrollEventPhase::End,
event_count: 1,
fn process_pending_scroll_events(&mut self) {
let had_events = self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.len() > 0;
// Batch up all scroll events into one, or else we'll do way too much painting.
let mut last_combined_event: Option<ScrollZoomEvent> = None;
for scroll_event in self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.drain(..) {
let this_cursor = scroll_event.cursor;
let this_delta = match scroll_event.scroll_location {
ScrollLocation::Delta(delta) => delta,
ScrollLocation::Start | ScrollLocation::End => {
// If this is an event which is scrolling to the start or end of the page,
// disregard other pending events and exit the loop.
last_combined_event = Some(scroll_event);
if let Some(combined_event) = last_combined_event {
if combined_event.phase != scroll_event.phase {
let combined_delta = match combined_event.scroll_location {
ScrollLocation::Delta(delta) => delta,
ScrollLocation::Start | ScrollLocation::End => {
// If this is an event which is scrolling to the start or end of the page,
// disregard other pending events and exit the loop.
last_combined_event = Some(scroll_event);
// TODO: units don't match!
let delta = combined_delta / self.scale.get();
let cursor =
(combined_event.cursor.to_f32() / self.scale).to_untyped();
let location = webrender_traits::ScrollLocation::Delta(delta);
let cursor = webrender_traits::WorldPoint::from_untyped(&cursor);
self.webrender_api.scroll(location, cursor, combined_event.phase);
last_combined_event = None
match (&mut last_combined_event, scroll_event.phase) {
(last_combined_event @ &mut None, _) => {
*last_combined_event = Some(ScrollZoomEvent {
magnification: scroll_event.magnification,
scroll_location: ScrollLocation::Delta(webrender_traits::LayoutVector2D::from_untyped(
cursor: this_cursor,
phase: scroll_event.phase,
event_count: 1,
(&mut Some(ref mut last_combined_event),
ScrollEventPhase::Move(false)) => {
// Mac OS X sometimes delivers scroll events out of vsync during a
// fling. This causes events to get bunched up occasionally, causing
// nasty-looking "pops". To mitigate this, during a fling we average
// deltas instead of summing them.
if let ScrollLocation::Delta(delta) = last_combined_event.scroll_location {
let old_event_count =
ScaleFactor::new(last_combined_event.event_count as f32);
last_combined_event.event_count += 1;
let new_event_count =
ScaleFactor::new(last_combined_event.event_count as f32);
last_combined_event.scroll_location = ScrollLocation::Delta(
(delta * old_event_count + this_delta) /
(&mut Some(ref mut last_combined_event), _) => {
if let ScrollLocation::Delta(delta) = last_combined_event.scroll_location {
last_combined_event.scroll_location = ScrollLocation::Delta(delta + this_delta);
last_combined_event.event_count += 1
// TODO(gw): Support zoom (WR issue #28).
if let Some(combined_event) = last_combined_event {
let scroll_location = match combined_event.scroll_location {
ScrollLocation::Delta(delta) => {
let scaled_delta = (TypedVector2D::from_untyped(&delta.to_untyped()) / self.scale)
let calculated_delta = webrender_traits::LayoutVector2D::from_untyped(&scaled_delta);
// Leave ScrollLocation unchanged if it is Start or End location.
sl @ ScrollLocation::Start | sl @ ScrollLocation::End => sl,
let cursor = (combined_event.cursor.to_f32() / self.scale).to_untyped();
let cursor = webrender_traits::WorldPoint::from_untyped(&cursor);
self.webrender_api.scroll(scroll_location, cursor, combined_event.phase);
self.waiting_for_results_of_scroll = true
if had_events {
/// If there are any animations running, dispatches appropriate messages to the constellation.
fn process_animations(&mut self) {
let mut pipeline_ids = vec![];
for (pipeline_id, pipeline_details) in &self.pipeline_details {
if (pipeline_details.animations_running ||
pipeline_details.animation_callbacks_running) &&
pipeline_details.visible {
for pipeline_id in &pipeline_ids {
fn tick_animations_for_pipeline(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
let animation_callbacks_running = self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).animation_callbacks_running;
if animation_callbacks_running {
let msg = ConstellationMsg::TickAnimation(pipeline_id, AnimationTickType::Script);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending tick to constellation failed ({}).", e);
// We may need to tick animations in layout. (See #12749.)
let animations_running = self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).animations_running;
if animations_running {
let msg = ConstellationMsg::TickAnimation(pipeline_id, AnimationTickType::Layout);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending tick to constellation failed ({}).", e);
fn constrain_viewport(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId, constraints: ViewportConstraints) {
let is_root = self.root_pipeline.as_ref().map_or(false, |root_pipeline| { == pipeline_id
if is_root {
self.viewport_zoom = constraints.initial_zoom;
self.min_viewport_zoom = constraints.min_zoom;
self.max_viewport_zoom = constraints.max_zoom;
fn hidpi_factor(&self) -> ScaleFactor<f32, DeviceIndependentPixel, DevicePixel> {
match opts::get().device_pixels_per_px {
Some(device_pixels_per_px) => ScaleFactor::new(device_pixels_per_px),
None => match opts::get().output_file {
Some(_) => ScaleFactor::new(1.0),
None => self.scale_factor
fn device_pixels_per_page_px(&self) -> ScaleFactor<f32, CSSPixel, DevicePixel> {
self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor()
fn update_zoom_transform(&mut self) {
let scale = self.device_pixels_per_page_px();
self.scale = ScaleFactor::new(scale.get());
fn on_zoom_reset_window_event(&mut self) {
self.page_zoom = ScaleFactor::new(1.0);
fn on_zoom_window_event(&mut self, magnification: f32) {
self.page_zoom = ScaleFactor::new((self.page_zoom.get() * magnification)
fn update_page_zoom_for_webrender(&mut self) {
let page_zoom = webrender_traits::ZoomFactor::new(self.page_zoom.get());
/// Simulate a pinch zoom
fn on_pinch_zoom_window_event(&mut self, magnification: f32) {
self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.push(ScrollZoomEvent {
magnification: magnification,
scroll_location: ScrollLocation::Delta(TypedVector2D::zero()), // TODO: Scroll to keep the center in view?
cursor: TypedPoint2D::new(-1, -1), // Make sure this hits the base layer.
phase: ScrollEventPhase::Move(true),
event_count: 1,
fn on_navigation_window_event(&self, direction: WindowNavigateMsg) {
let direction = match direction {
windowing::WindowNavigateMsg::Forward => TraversalDirection::Forward(1),
windowing::WindowNavigateMsg::Back => TraversalDirection::Back(1),
let top_level_browsing_context_id = match self.root_pipeline {
Some(ref pipeline) => pipeline.top_level_browsing_context_id,
None => return warn!("Sending navigation to constellation with no root pipeline."),
let msg = ConstellationMsg::TraverseHistory(top_level_browsing_context_id, direction);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending navigation to constellation failed ({}).", e);
fn on_key_event(&mut self,
ch: Option<char>,
key: Key,
state: KeyState,
modifiers: KeyModifiers) {
// Steal a few key events for webrender debug options.
if modifiers.contains(CONTROL) && state == KeyState::Pressed {
match key {
Key::F12 => {
let profiler_enabled = self.webrender.get_profiler_enabled();
_ => {}
let msg = ConstellationMsg::KeyEvent(ch, key, state, modifiers);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending key event to constellation failed ({}).", e);
fn send_viewport_rects(&self) {
let mut scroll_states_per_pipeline = HashMap::new();
for scroll_layer_state in self.webrender_api.get_scroll_node_state() {
if &&
! {
let scroll_state = ScrollState {
scroll_offset: scroll_layer_state.scroll_offset.to_untyped(),
for (pipeline_id, scroll_states) in scroll_states_per_pipeline {
if let Some(pipeline) = self.pipeline(pipeline_id.from_webrender()) {
let msg = LayoutControlMsg::SetScrollStates(scroll_states);
let _ = pipeline.layout_chan.send(msg);
// Check if any pipelines currently have active animations or animation callbacks.
fn animations_active(&self) -> bool {
for (_, details) in &self.pipeline_details {
// If animations are currently running, then don't bother checking
// with the constellation if the output image is stable.
if details.animations_running {
return true;
if details.animation_callbacks_running {
return true;
/// Query the constellation to see if the current compositor
/// output matches the current frame tree output, and if the
/// associated script threads are idle.
fn is_ready_to_paint_image_output(&mut self) -> Result<(), NotReadyToPaint> {
match self.ready_to_save_state {
ReadyState::Unknown => {
// Unsure if the output image is stable.
// Collect the currently painted epoch of each pipeline that is
// complete (i.e. has *all* layers painted to the requested epoch).
// This gets sent to the constellation for comparison with the current
// frame tree.
let mut pipeline_epochs = HashMap::new();
for (id, _) in &self.pipeline_details {
let webrender_pipeline_id = id.to_webrender();
if let Some(webrender_traits::Epoch(epoch)) = self.webrender
.current_epoch(webrender_pipeline_id) {
let epoch = Epoch(epoch);
pipeline_epochs.insert(*id, epoch);
// Pass the pipeline/epoch states to the constellation and check
// if it's safe to output the image.
let msg = ConstellationMsg::IsReadyToSaveImage(pipeline_epochs);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending ready to save to constellation failed ({}).", e);
self.ready_to_save_state = ReadyState::WaitingForConstellationReply;
ReadyState::WaitingForConstellationReply => {
// If waiting on a reply from the constellation to the last
// query if the image is stable, then assume not ready yet.
ReadyState::ReadyToSaveImage => {
// Constellation has replied at some point in the past
// that the current output image is stable and ready
// for saving.
// Reset the flag so that we check again in the future
// TODO: only reset this if we load a new document?
if opts::get().is_running_problem_test {
println!("was ready to save, resetting ready_to_save_state");
self.ready_to_save_state = ReadyState::Unknown;
fn composite(&mut self) {
let target = self.composite_target;
match self.composite_specific_target(target) {
Ok(_) => if opts::get().output_file.is_some() || opts::get().exit_after_load {
println!("Shutting down the Constellation after generating an output file or exit flag specified");
Err(e) => if opts::get().is_running_problem_test {
if e != UnableToComposite::NotReadyToPaintImage(NotReadyToPaint::WaitingOnConstellation) {
println!("not ready to composite: {:?}", e);
/// Composite either to the screen or to a png image or both.
/// Returns Ok if composition was performed or Err if it was not possible to composite
/// for some reason. If CompositeTarget is Window or Png no image data is returned;
/// in the latter case the image is written directly to a file. If CompositeTarget
/// is WindowAndPng Ok(Some(png::Image)) is returned.
fn composite_specific_target(&mut self,
target: CompositeTarget)
-> Result<Option<Image>, UnableToComposite> {
let (width, height) =
(self.frame_size.width as usize, self.frame_size.height as usize);
if !self.window.prepare_for_composite(width, height) {
return Err(UnableToComposite::WindowUnprepared)
let wait_for_stable_image = match target {
CompositeTarget::WindowAndPng | CompositeTarget::PngFile => true,
CompositeTarget::Window => opts::get().exit_after_load,
if wait_for_stable_image {
// The current image may be ready to output. However, if there are animations active,
// tick those instead and continue waiting for the image output to be stable AND
// all active animations to complete.
if self.animations_active() {
return Err(UnableToComposite::NotReadyToPaintImage(NotReadyToPaint::AnimationsActive));
if let Err(result) = self.is_ready_to_paint_image_output() {
return Err(UnableToComposite::NotReadyToPaintImage(result))
let render_target_info = match target {
CompositeTarget::Window => RenderTargetInfo::empty(),
_ => initialize_png(&*, width, height)
profile(ProfilerCategory::Compositing, None, self.time_profiler_chan.clone(), || {
debug!("compositor: compositing");
// Paint the scene.
let size = webrender_traits::DeviceUintSize::from_untyped(&self.frame_size.to_untyped());
let rv = match target {
CompositeTarget::Window => None,
CompositeTarget::WindowAndPng => {
let img = self.draw_img(render_target_info,
Some(Image {
width: img.width(),
height: img.height(),
format: PixelFormat::RGB8,
bytes: IpcSharedMemory::from_bytes(&*img),
id: None,
CompositeTarget::PngFile => {
profile(ProfilerCategory::ImageSaving, None, self.time_profiler_chan.clone(), || {
match opts::get().output_file.as_ref() {
Some(path) => match File::create(path) {
Ok(mut file) => {
let img = self.draw_img(render_target_info, width, height);
let dynamic_image = DynamicImage::ImageRgb8(img);
if let Err(e) = file, ImageFormat::PNG) {
error!("Failed to save {} ({}).", path, e);
Err(e) => error!("Failed to create {} ({}).", path, e),
None => error!("No file specified."),
// Perform the page flip. This will likely block for a while.
self.last_composite_time = precise_time_ns();
self.composition_request = CompositionRequest::NoCompositingNecessary;
self.waiting_for_results_of_scroll = false;
fn draw_img(&self,
render_target_info: RenderTargetInfo,
width: usize,
height: usize)
-> RgbImage {
let mut pixels =, 0,
width as gl::GLsizei,
height as gl::GLsizei,
gl::RGB, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE);, 0);;;;
// flip image vertically (texture is upside down)
let orig_pixels = pixels.clone();
let stride = width * 3;
for y in 0..height {
let dst_start = y * stride;
let src_start = (height - y - 1) * stride;
let src_slice = &orig_pixels[src_start .. src_start + stride];
(&mut pixels[dst_start .. dst_start + stride]).clone_from_slice(&src_slice[..stride]);
RgbImage::from_raw(width as u32, height as u32, pixels).expect("Flipping image failed!")
fn composite_if_necessary(&mut self, reason: CompositingReason) {
if self.composition_request == CompositionRequest::NoCompositingNecessary {
if opts::get().is_running_problem_test {
println!("updating composition_request ({:?})", reason);
self.composition_request = CompositionRequest::CompositeNow(reason)
} else if opts::get().is_running_problem_test {
println!("composition_request is already {:?}", self.composition_request);
fn initialize_compositing(&mut self) {
fn get_root_pipeline_id(&self) -> Option<PipelineId> {
fn start_scrolling_bounce_if_necessary(&mut self) {
if self.scroll_in_progress {
if self.webrender.layers_are_bouncing_back() {
pub fn handle_events(&mut self, messages: Vec<WindowEvent>) -> bool {
// Check for new messages coming from the other threads in the system.
let mut compositor_messages = vec![];
let mut found_recomposite_msg = false;
while let Some(msg) = self.port.try_recv_compositor_msg() {
match msg {
Msg::Recomposite(_) if found_recomposite_msg => {}
Msg::Recomposite(_) => {
found_recomposite_msg = true;
_ => compositor_messages.push(msg),
if found_recomposite_msg {
compositor_messages.retain(|msg| {
match *msg {
Msg::DelayedCompositionTimeout(_) => false,
_ => true,
for msg in compositor_messages {
if !self.handle_browser_message(msg) {
if self.shutdown_state == ShutdownState::FinishedShuttingDown {
return false;
// Handle any messages coming from the windowing system.
for message in messages {
// If a pinch-zoom happened recently, ask for tiles at the new resolution
if self.zoom_action && precise_time_s() - self.zoom_time > 0.3 {
self.zoom_action = false;
match self.composition_request {
CompositionRequest::NoCompositingNecessary |
CompositionRequest::DelayedComposite(_) => {}
CompositionRequest::CompositeNow(_) => {
if !self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.is_empty() && !self.waiting_for_results_of_scroll {
self.shutdown_state != ShutdownState::FinishedShuttingDown
pub fn set_webrender_profiler_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool) {
/// Repaints and recomposites synchronously. You must be careful when calling this, as if a
/// paint is not scheduled the compositor will hang forever.
/// This is used when resizing the window.
pub fn repaint_synchronously(&mut self) {
while self.shutdown_state != ShutdownState::ShuttingDown {
let msg = self.port.recv_compositor_msg();
let need_recomposite = match msg {
Msg::Recomposite(_) => true,
_ => false,
let keep_going = self.handle_browser_message(msg);
if need_recomposite {
if !keep_going {
pub fn pinch_zoom_level(&self) -> f32 {
// TODO(gw): Access via WR.
pub fn title_for_main_frame(&self) {
let root_pipeline_id = match self.root_pipeline {
None => return,
Some(ref root_pipeline) =>,
let msg = ConstellationMsg::GetPipelineTitle(root_pipeline_id);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Failed to send pipeline title ({}).", e);
/// Why we performed a composite. This is used for debugging.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum CompositingReason {
/// We hit the delayed composition timeout. (See ``.)
/// The window has been scrolled and we're starting the first recomposite.
/// A scroll has continued and we need to recomposite again.
/// We're performing the single composite in headless mode.
/// We're performing a composite to run an animation.
/// A new frame tree has been loaded.
/// New painted buffers have been received.
/// The window has been zoomed.
/// A new WebRender frame has arrived.
/// WebRender has processed a scroll event and has generated a new frame.