gecko-dev/js2/tools/ 06f0a5261f Removed all xxxCall, using simple call for everything.
Changed methods to use mMethods vector instead.
Various other fixes etc.
2000-07-18 20:53:03 +00:00

596 lines
15 KiB

use strict;
my $tab = " ";
my $init_tab = $tab;
my $enum_decs = "";
my $class_decs = "";
my @name_array;
my $opcode_maxlen = 0;
# fields are:
# * super: Class to inherit from, if super is Instruction_(1|2|3), the script
# will automatically append the correct template info based on |params|
# * super_has_print: Set to 1 if you want to inherit the print() and print_args()
# methods from the superclass, set to 0 (or just don't set)
# to generate print methods.
# * rem: Remark you want to show up after the enum def, and inside the class.
# * params: The parameter list expected by the constructor, you can specify a
# default value, using the syntax, [ ("Type = default") ].
# class names will be generated based on the opcode mnemonic. See the
# subroutine get_classname for the implementation. Basically underscores will
# be removes and the class name will be WordCapped, using the positions where the
# underscores were as word boundries. The only exception occurs when a word is
# two characters, in which case both characters will be capped,
# as in BRANCH_GT -> BranchGT.
# template definitions for compare, arithmetic, and conditional branch ops
my $binary_op =
super => "Instruction_3",
super_has_print => 1,
rem => "dest, source1, source2",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "TypedRegister") ]
my $math_op =
super => "Arithmetic",
super_has_print => 1,
rem => "dest, source1, source2",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "TypedRegister") ]
my $cbranch_op =
super => "GenericBranch",
super_has_print => 1,
rem => "target label, condition",
params => [ ("Label*", "TypedRegister") ]
my $unary_op =
super => "Instruction_2",
rem => "dest, source",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister") ]
# op defititions
my %ops;
$ops{"NOP"} =
super => "Instruction",
rem => "do nothing and like it",
$ops{"DEBUGGER"} =
super => "Instruction",
rem => "drop to the debugger",
super => "Instruction_4",
rem => "dest, op, source1, source2",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "BinaryOperator::BinaryOp", "TypedRegister", "TypedRegister") ]
$ops{"MOVE"} =
super => "Instruction_2",
rem => "dest, source",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister") ]
super => "Instruction_2",
rem => "dest, immediate value (double)",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "double" ) ]
$ops{"LOAD_BOOLEAN"} =
super => "Instruction_2",
rem => "dest, immediate value (boolean)",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "bool" ) ]
$ops{"LOAD_STRING"} =
super => "Instruction_2",
rem => "dest, immediate value (string)",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "JSString*" ) ]
$ops{"LOAD_NAME"} =
super => "Instruction_2",
rem => "dest, name",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "const StringAtom*" ) ]
$ops{"SUPER"} =
super => "Instruction_1",
rem => "dest",
params => [ ("TypedRegister" ) ]
$ops{"SAVE_NAME"} =
super => "Instruction_2",
rem => "name, source",
params => [ ("const StringAtom*", "TypedRegister") ]
$ops{"NEW_OBJECT"} =
super => "Instruction_1",
rem => "dest",
params => [ ("TypedRegister") ]
$ops{"NEW_CLASS"} =
super => "Instruction_2",
rem => "dest, class",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "JSClass*") ]
$ops{"NEW_FUNCTION"} =
super => "Instruction_2",
rem => "dest, ICodeModule",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "ICodeModule*") ]
$ops{"NEW_ARRAY"} =
super => "Instruction_1",
rem => "dest",
params => [ ("TypedRegister") ]
$ops{"DELETE_PROP"} =
super => "Instruction_3",
rem => "dest, object, prop name",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "const StringAtom*") ]
$ops{"GET_PROP"} =
super => "Instruction_3",
rem => "dest, object, prop name",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "const StringAtom*") ]
$ops{"SET_PROP"} =
super => "Instruction_3",
rem => "object, name, source",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "const StringAtom*", "TypedRegister") ]
$ops{"GET_SLOT"} =
super => "Instruction_3",
rem => "dest, object, slot number",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "uint32") ]
$ops{"SET_SLOT"} =
super => "Instruction_3",
rem => "object, slot number, source",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "uint32", "TypedRegister") ]
$ops{"GET_STATIC"} =
super => "Instruction_3",
rem => "dest, class, index",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "JSClass*", "uint32") ]
$ops{"SET_STATIC"} =
super => "Instruction_3",
rem => "class, index, source",
params => [ ("JSClass*", "uint32", "TypedRegister") ]
$ops{"STATIC_XCR"} =
super => "Instruction_4",
rem => "dest, class, index, value",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "JSClass*", "uint32", "double") ]
$ops{"SLOT_XCR"} =
super => "Instruction_4",
rem => "dest, source, slot number, value",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "uint32", "double") ]
$ops{"PROP_XCR"} =
super => "Instruction_4",
rem => "dest, source, name, value",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "const StringAtom*", "double") ]
$ops{"ELEM_XCR"} =
super => "Instruction_4",
rem => "dest, base, index, value",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "double") ]
$ops{"NAME_XCR"} =
super => "Instruction_3",
rem => "dest, name, value",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "const StringAtom*", "double") ]
$ops{"VAR_XCR"} =
super => "Instruction_3",
rem => "dest, source, value",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "double") ]
$ops{"GET_ELEMENT"} =
super => "Instruction_3",
rem => "dest, base, index",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "TypedRegister") ]
$ops{"SET_ELEMENT"} =
super => "Instruction_3",
rem => "base, index, value",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "TypedRegister") ]
$ops{"ADD"} = $math_op;
$ops{"SUBTRACT"} = $math_op;
$ops{"MULTIPLY"} = $math_op;
$ops{"DIVIDE"} = $math_op;
$ops{"REMAINDER"} = $math_op;
$ops{"SHIFTLEFT"} = $math_op;
$ops{"SHIFTRIGHT"} = $math_op;
$ops{"USHIFTRIGHT"}= $math_op;
$ops{"AND"} = $math_op;
$ops{"OR"} = $math_op;
$ops{"XOR"} = $math_op;
$ops{"COMPARE_LT"} = $binary_op;
$ops{"COMPARE_LE"} = $binary_op;
$ops{"COMPARE_EQ"} = $binary_op;
$ops{"COMPARE_NE"} = $binary_op;
$ops{"COMPARE_GE"} = $binary_op;
$ops{"COMPARE_GT"} = $binary_op;
$ops{"COMPARE_IN"} = $binary_op;
$ops{"STRICT_EQ"} = $binary_op;
$ops{"STRICT_NE"} = $binary_op;
$ops{"INSTANCEOF"} = $binary_op;
$ops{"BITNOT"} = $unary_op;
$ops{"NOT"} = $unary_op;
$ops{"TEST"} = $unary_op;
$ops{"NEGATE"} = $unary_op;
$ops{"POSATE"} = $unary_op;
$ops{"BRANCH"} =
super => "GenericBranch",
rem => "target label",
params => [ ("Label*") ]
$ops{"BRANCH_TRUE"} = $cbranch_op;
$ops{"BRANCH_FALSE"} = $cbranch_op;
$ops{"RETURN"} =
super => "Instruction_1",
rem => "return value",
params => [ ("TypedRegister") ]
$ops{"RETURN_VOID"} =
super => "Instruction",
rem => "Return without a value"
$ops{"CALL"} =
super => "Instruction_4",
rem => "result, base, target, args",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "RegisterList") ]
$ops{"GET_METHOD"} =
super => "Instruction_3",
rem => "result, target base, index",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "uint32") ]
$ops{"THROW"} =
super => "Instruction_1",
rem => "exception value",
params => [ ("TypedRegister") ]
$ops{"TRYIN"} =
super => "Instruction_2",
rem => "catch target, finally target",
params => [ ("Label*", "Label*") ]
$ops{"TRYOUT"} =
super => "Instruction",
rem => "mmm, there is no try, only do",
$ops{"JSR"} =
super => "GenericBranch",
rem => "target",
params => [ ("Label*") ]
$ops{"RTS"} =
super => "Instruction",
rem => "Return to sender",
$ops{"WITHIN"} =
super => "Instruction_1",
rem => "within this object",
params => [ ("TypedRegister") ]
$ops{"WITHOUT"} =
super => "Instruction",
rem => "without this object",
$ops{"CAST"} =
super => "Instruction_3",
rem => "dest, rvalue, toType",
params => [ ("TypedRegister", "TypedRegister", "JSType*") ]
# nasty perl code, you probably don't need to muck around below this line
my $k;
if (!$ARGV[0]) {
# no args, collect all opcodes
for $k (sort(keys(%ops))) {
} else {
# collect defs for only the opcodes specified on the command line
while ($k = pop(@ARGV)) {
&collect (uc($k));
sub collect {
# grab the info from the $k record in $ops, and append it to
# $enum_decs, @name_array, and $class_decs.
my ($k) = @_;
if (length($k) > $opcode_maxlen) {
$opcode_maxlen = length($k);
my $c = $ops{$k};
if (!$c) {
die ("Unknown opcode, $k\n");
my $opname = $k;
my $cname = get_classname ($k);
my $super = $c->{"super"};
my $constructor = $super;
my @params;
if ($c->{"params"}) {
@params = @{$c->{"params"}};
} else {
@params = ();
my $rem = $c->{"rem"};
my ($dec_list, $call_list, $template_list) =
my @types = split (", ", $template_list);
my $constr_params = $call_list ? $opname . ", " . $call_list : $opname;
if ($super =~ /Instruction_\d/) {
$super .= "<" . $template_list . ">";
push (@name_array, $opname);
$enum_decs .= "$init_tab$tab$opname, /* $rem */\n";
if ($super) {
$class_decs .= ($init_tab . "class $cname : public $super {\n" .
$init_tab . "public:\n" .
$init_tab . $tab . "/* $rem */\n" .
$init_tab . $tab . "$cname ($dec_list) :\n" .
$init_tab . $tab . $tab . "$super\n" .
"$init_tab$tab$tab($constr_params) " .
if (!$c->{"super_has_print"}) {
$class_decs .= ($init_tab . $tab .
"virtual Formatter& print(Formatter& f) {\n" .
$init_tab . $tab . $tab . "f << opcodeNames[$opname]" .
&get_print_body(@types) . ";\n" .
$init_tab . $tab . $tab . "return f;\n" .
$init_tab . $tab . "}\n");
my $printops_body = &get_printops_body(@types);
my $printops_decl = "virtual Formatter& printOperands(Formatter& f, ";
$printops_decl .= ($printops_body ne "" ?
"const JSValues& registers" :
"const JSValues& /*registers*/");
$printops_decl .= ") {\n";
$class_decs .= ($init_tab . $tab .
$printops_decl .
$printops_body .
$init_tab . $tab . $tab . "return f;\n" .
$init_tab . $tab . "}\n");
} else {
$class_decs .= $init_tab . $tab .
"/* print() and printOperands() inherited from $super */\n";
$class_decs .= $init_tab . "};\n\n";
sub spew {
# print the info in $enum_decs, @name_aray, and $class_decs to stdout.
my $opname;
print "#if !defined(OPCODE_NAMES)\n\n";
print $tab . "enum {\n$enum_decs$tab};\n\n";
print $class_decs;
print "#else\n\n";
print $tab . "char *opcodeNames[] = {\n";
for $opname (@name_array) {
print "$tab$tab\"$opname";
for (0 .. $opcode_maxlen - length($opname) - 1) {
print " ";
print "\",\n"
print "$tab};\n\n";
print "#endif\n\n"
sub get_classname {
# munge an OPCODE_MNEMONIC into a ClassName
my ($enum_name) = @_;
my @words = split ("_", $enum_name);
my $cname = "";
my $i = 0;
my $word;
for $word (@words) {
if ((length($word) == 2) && ($i != 0)) {
$cname .= uc($word);
} else {
$cname .= uc(substr($word, 0, 1)) . lc(substr($word, 1));
return $cname;
sub get_paramlists {
# parse the params entry (passed into @types) into various parameter lists
# used in the class declaration
my @types = @_;
my @dec;
my @call;
my @tostr;
my @template;
my $op = 1;
my $type;
for $type (@types) {
my $pfx;
my $deref;
my $member;
my $default;
($type, $default) = split (" = ", $type);
if ($default ne "") {
$default = " = " . $default;
$pfx = $deref = "";
$member = "mOp$op";
push (@dec, "$type aOp$op" . "$default");
push (@call, "aOp$op");
push (@template, $type);
return (join (", ", @dec), join (", ", @call), join (", ", @template));
sub get_print_body {
# generate the body of the print() function
my (@types) = @_;
my $type;
my @oplist;
my $op = 1;
my $in = $init_tab . $tab . $tab;
for $type (@types) {
if ($type eq "TypedRegister") {
push (@oplist, "mOp$op" );
# push (@oplist, "\"R\" << ((mOp$op.first == NotARegister) ? -1 : mOp$op.first)");
} elsif ($type eq "Label*") {
push (@oplist, "\"Offset \" << ((mOp$op) ? mOp$op->mOffset : NotAnOffset)")
} elsif ($type =~ /String/) {
push (@oplist, "\"'\" << *mOp$op << \"'\"");
} elsif ($type =~ /JSType\*/) {
push (@oplist, "\"'\" << mOp$op->getName() << \"'\"");
} elsif ($type =~ /bool/) {
push (@oplist, "\"'\" << ((mOp$op) ? \"true\" : \"false\") << \"'\"");
} elsif ($type =~ /ICodeModule/) {
push (@oplist, "\"ICodeModule\"");
} elsif ($type =~ /JSClass\*/) {
push (@oplist, "mOp$op->getName()");
} else {
push (@oplist, "mOp$op");
my $rv = join (" << \", \" << ", @oplist);
if ($rv ne "") {
$rv = " << \"\\t\" << " . $rv;
return $rv;
sub get_printops_body {
# generate the body of the printOperands() function
my (@types) = @_;
my $type;
my @oplist;
my $op = 1;
my $in = $init_tab . $tab . $tab;
for $type (@types) {
if ($type eq "TypedRegister") {
push (@oplist, "mOp$op.first");
# push (@oplist, "\"R\" << mOp$op.first << '=' << registers[mOp$op.first]");
} elsif ($type eq "RegisterList") {
push (@oplist, "ArgList(mOp$op, registers)");
my $rv = join (" << \", \" << ", @oplist);
if ($rv ne "") {
$rv = $init_tab . $tab . $tab . "f << " . $rv . ";\n";
return $rv;