1998-06-25 05:50:45 +00:00

1587 lines
56 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* NPL.
* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
/* classes and functions used to implement the IMAP4 netlib module.
/* 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
#ifndef IMAP4PVT_H
#define IMAP4PVT_H
#include "rosetta.h"
#include "mkimap4.h"
#include "prthread.h"
#include "prtypes.h"
#include "prmon.h"
#include "xp_list.h"
#include "imap.h"
#include "imaphier.h"
#include "idarray.h"
#include "ptrarray.h"
#include "mktcp.h"
#define IMAP4_PORT 143 /* the iana port for imap4 */
#define IMAP4_PORT_SSL_DEFAULT 993 /* use a separate port for imap4 over ssl */
/* amount to expand for imap entry flags when we need more */
#define kFlagEntrySize 100
// convenient function for atol on int32's
int32 atoint32(char *ascii);
Using a separate thread to drive the IMAP4 server connection algorithm
is being introduced in 4.0. Since this adding another thread to an
otherwise single threaded program (navigator), then we need a mechanism
for the IMAP thread to use existing, non thread safe, code.
It is a basic rule that all pre-existing code should be executed in the
main 'mozilla' thread.
TImapFEEventQueue and TImapFEEvent exist to accomplish this goal.
Whenever the imap thread needs to do something like post an alert or
operate a thermo, then it will add an TImapFEEvent to a TImapFEEventQueue.
The main (mozilla) thread, in NET_ProcessIMAP4, will periodically check the queue
and execute any events.
The mozilla thread will also run events in NET_InterruptIMAP4. However, some events
should not be run when interrupted. This is mainly because of sharing memory
between threads through these events, but it can also be for reasons of context
as well. (For instace, running a certain event might not make sense if we get
interrupted). In general, if any event dispatcher creates an event and passes memory
to it which will be freed in the IMAP thread after that event has run, then it should
tell it not to execute when interrupted. This is because interruption tells the thread
to die, which notifies the Event Completion monitor. So, we think these events have
finished, and therefore free the memory; however, the next thing that NET_InterruptIMAP4
does is try to run these events, which access freed memory, and then bad things happen...
typedef void (FEEventFunctionPointer)(void*,void*);
class TImapFEEvent {
TImapFEEvent(FEEventFunctionPointer *function, void *arg1, void*arg2, XP_Bool executeWhenInterrupted);
virtual ~TImapFEEvent();
virtual XP_Bool ShouldExecuteWhenInterrupted() { return fExecuteWhenInterrupted; }
virtual void DoEvent();
virtual FEEventFunctionPointer *GetEventFunction() { return fEventFunction; }
virtual void SetEventFunction(FEEventFunctionPointer *f) { fEventFunction = f; }
FEEventFunctionPointer *fEventFunction;
void *fArg1, *fArg2;
XP_Bool fExecuteWhenInterrupted;
// all of the member functions of TImapFEEventQueue are multithread safe
class TImapFEEventQueue {
static TImapFEEventQueue *CreateFEEventQueue();
virtual ~TImapFEEventQueue();
virtual void AdoptEventToEnd(TImapFEEvent *event);
virtual void AdoptEventToBeginning(TImapFEEvent *event);
virtual TImapFEEvent* OrphanFirstEvent();
virtual int NumberOfEventsInQueue();
XP_List *fEventList;
PRMonitor *fListMonitor;
int fNumberOfEvents;
/* This class is used by the imap module to get info about a
url. This ensures that the knowledge about the URL syntax
is not spread across hundreds of strcmp calls.
class TIMAPUrl {
TIMAPUrl(const char *url_string, XP_Bool internal);
virtual ~TIMAPUrl();
XP_Bool ValidIMAPUrl();
enum EUrlIMAPstate {
EUrlIMAPstate GetUrlIMAPstate();
enum EIMAPurlType {
// kAuthenticatedStateURL urls
// kSelectedStateURL urls
EIMAPurlType GetIMAPurlType();
const char *GetUrlHost() { return fHostSubString; }
// these functions have Preconditions
char *CreateCanonicalSourceFolderPathString();
char *CreateCanonicalDestinationFolderPathString();
char *CreateServerSourceFolderPathString();
char *CreateServerDestinationFolderPathString();
char *CreateSearchCriteriaString();
char *CreateListOfMessageIdsString();
char *GetIMAPPartToFetch();
imapMessageFlagsType GetMsgFlags(); // kAddMsgFlags, kSubtractMsgFlags, or kSetMsgFlags only
XP_Bool MessageIdsAreUids();
XP_Bool MimePartSelectorDetected() { return fMimePartSelectorDetected; }
void SetOnlineSubDirSeparator(char onlineDirSeparator);
char GetOnlineSubDirSeparator();
char *AllocateServerPath(const char *canonicalPath);
char *AllocateCanonicalPath(const char *serverPath);
int GetChildDiscoveryDepth() { return fDiscoveryDepth; }
XP_Bool GetShouldSubscribeToAll();
// assigning and copying not allowed
TIMAPUrl(const TIMAPUrl& copy);
TIMAPUrl& operator=(const TIMAPUrl& copy);
void Parse();
void ParseSearchCriteriaString();
void ParseListofMessageIds();
void ParseUidChoice();
void ParseMsgFlags();
void ParseChildDiscoveryDepth();
void ParseFolderPath(char **resultingCanonicalPath);
char *ReplaceCharsInCopiedString(const char *stringToCopy, char oldChar, char newChar);
char *fUrlString;
char *fHostSubString;
char *fUrlidSubString;
char *fSourceCanonicalFolderPathSubString;
char *fDestinationCanonicalFolderPathSubString;
char *fSearchCriteriaString;
char *fListOfMessageIds;
char *fTokenPlaceHolder;
char fOnlineSubDirSeparator; // not static anymore - one delimiter for each URL we run.
imapMessageFlagsType fFlags;
XP_Bool fIdsAreUids;
XP_Bool fMimePartSelectorDetected;
EUrlIMAPstate fIMAPstate;
EIMAPurlType fUrlType;
XP_Bool fValidURL;
XP_Bool fInternal;
int fDiscoveryDepth;
class TSearchResultSequence {
virtual ~TSearchResultSequence();
static TSearchResultSequence *CreateSearchResultSequence();
virtual void AddSearchResultLine(const char *searchLine);
virtual void ResetSequence();
friend class TSearchResultIterator;
XP_List *fListOfLines;
class TSearchResultIterator {
TSearchResultIterator(TSearchResultSequence &sequence);
virtual ~TSearchResultIterator();
void ResetIterator();
int32 GetNextMessageNumber(); // returns 0 at end of list
TSearchResultSequence &fSequence;
XP_List *fCurrentLine;
char *fPositionInCurrentLine;
class TIMAP4BlockingConnection;
class TImapFlagAndUidState {
TImapFlagAndUidState(int numberOfMessages, XP_Bool bSupportUserFlag = FALSE);
TImapFlagAndUidState(const TImapFlagAndUidState& state, XP_Bool bSupportUserFlag = FALSE);
virtual ~TImapFlagAndUidState();
int GetNumberOfMessages();
int GetNumberOfDeletedMessages();
imap_uid GetUidOfMessage(int zeroBasedIndex);
imapMessageFlagsType GetMessageFlags(int zeroBasedIndex);
imapMessageFlagsType GetMessageFlagsFromUID(imap_uid uid, XP_Bool *foundIt, int32 *ndx);
XP_Bool IsLastMessageUnseen(void);
void ExpungeByIndex(uint32 index);
// adds to sorted list. protects against duplicates and going past fNumberOfMessageSlotsAllocated
void AddUidFlagPair(imap_uid uid, imapMessageFlagsType flags);
imap_uid GetHighestNonDeletedUID();
void Reset(uint32 howManyLeft);
int32 fNumberOfMessagesAdded;
int32 fNumberOfMessageSlotsAllocated;
int32 fNumberDeleted;
IDArray fUids;
imapMessageFlagsType *fFlags;
XP_Bool fSupportUserFlag;
class TIMAPGenericParser {
virtual ~TIMAPGenericParser();
// Connected() && !SyntaxError()
// Add any specific stuff in the derived class
virtual XP_Bool LastCommandSuccessful();
XP_Bool SyntaxError();
virtual XP_Bool ContinueParse();
// if we get disconnected, end the current url processing and report to the
// the user.
XP_Bool Connected();
virtual void SetConnected(XP_Bool error);
char *CreateSyntaxErrorLine();
// This is a pure virtual member which must be overridden in the derived class
// for each different implementation of a TIMAPGenericParser.
// For instance, one implementation (the TImapServerState) might get the next line
// from an open socket, whereas another implementation might just get it from a buffer somewhere.
// This fills in nextLine with the buffer, and returns TRUE if everything is OK.
// Returns FALSE if there was some error encountered. In that case, we reset the parser.
virtual XP_Bool GetNextLineForParser(char **nextLine) = 0;
virtual void HandleMemoryFailure();
virtual void skip_to_CRLF();
virtual void skip_to_close_paren();
virtual char *CreateString();
virtual char *CreateAstring();
virtual char *CreateNilString();
virtual char *CreateLiteral();
virtual char *CreateAtom();
virtual char *CreateQuoted(XP_Bool skipToEnd = TRUE);
virtual char *CreateParenGroup();
virtual void SetSyntaxError(XP_Bool error);
virtual XP_Bool at_end_of_line();
char *GetNextToken();
void AdvanceToNextLine();
void AdvanceTokenizerStartingPoint (int32 bytesToAdvance);
void ResetLexAnalyzer();
// use with care
char *fNextToken;
char *fCurrentLine;
char *fLineOfTokens;
char *fStartOfLineOfTokens;
char *fCurrentTokenPlaceHolder;
XP_Bool fAtEndOfLine;
XP_Bool fTokenizerAdvanced;
char *fSyntaxErrorLine;
XP_Bool fDisconnected;
XP_Bool fSyntaxError;
class TIMAPNamespace;
class TIMAPNamespaceList;
class TIMAPBodyShell;
class TImapServerState : public TIMAPGenericParser {
TImapServerState(TIMAP4BlockingConnection &imapConnection);
virtual ~TImapServerState();
// Overridden from the base parser class
virtual XP_Bool LastCommandSuccessful();
virtual void HandleMemoryFailure();
virtual void ParseIMAPServerResponse(const char *currentCommand);
virtual void InitializeState();
XP_Bool CommandFailed();
enum eIMAPstate {
} ;
virtual eIMAPstate GetIMAPstate();
virtual void SetIMAPstate(eIMAPstate state) { fIMAPstate = state; };
const char *GetSelectedMailboxName(); // can be NULL
// if we get a PREAUTH greeting from the server, initialize the parser to begin in
// the kAuthenticated state
void PreauthSetAuthenticatedState();
// these functions represent the state of the currently selected
// folder
XP_Bool CurrentFolderReadOnly();
int32 NumberOfMessages();
int32 NumberOfRecentMessages();
int32 NumberOfUnseenMessages();
int32 FolderUID();
uint32 CurrentResponseUID();
uint32 HighestRecordedUID();
int32 SizeOfMostRecentMessage();
void SetTotalDownloadSize(int32 newSize) { fTotalDownloadSize = newSize; }
TSearchResultIterator *CreateSearchResultIterator();
void ResetSearchResultSequence() {fSearchResults->ResetSequence();}
// create a struct mailbox_spec from our info, used in
// libmsg c interface
struct mailbox_spec *CreateCurrentMailboxSpec(const char *mailboxName = NULL);
// zero stops a list recording of flags and causes the flags for
// each individual message to be sent back to libmsg
void ResetFlagInfo(int numberOfInterestingMessages);
// set this to false if you don't want to alert the user to server
// error messages
void SetReportingErrors(XP_Bool reportThem) { fReportingErrors=reportThem;}
XP_Bool GetReportingErrors() { return fReportingErrors; }
uint32 GetCapabilityFlag() { return fCapabilityFlag; }
void SetCapabilityFlag(uint32 capability) {fCapabilityFlag = capability;}
XP_Bool ServerHasIMAP4Rev1Capability() { return (fCapabilityFlag & kIMAP4rev1Capability); }
XP_Bool ServerHasACLCapability() { return (fCapabilityFlag & kACLCapability); }
XP_Bool ServerHasNamespaceCapability() { return (fCapabilityFlag & kNamespaceCapability); }
XP_Bool ServerIsNetscape3xServer() { return fServerIsNetscape3xServer; }
XP_Bool ServerHasServerInfo() {return (fCapabilityFlag & kXServerInfoCapability);}
void ResetCapabilityFlag() ;
const char *GetMailAccountUrl() { return fMailAccountUrl; }
const char *GetXSenderInfo() { return fXSenderInfo; }
void FreeXSenderInfo() { FREEIF(fXSenderInfo); }
const char *GetManageListsUrl() { return fManageListsUrl; }
const char *GetManageFiltersUrl() {return fManageFiltersUrl;}
const char *GetManageFolderUrl() {return fFolderAdminUrl;}
TImapFlagAndUidState *GetCurrentFlagState() { return fFlagState; }
// Call this when adding a pipelined command to the session
void IncrementNumberOfTaggedResponsesExpected(const char *newExpectedTag);
// Interrupt a Fetch, without really Interrupting (through netlib)
XP_Bool GetLastFetchChunkReceived();
void ClearLastFetchChunkReceived();
virtual XP_Bool SupportsUserFlags() { return fSupportsUserDefinedFlags; };
void SetFlagState(TImapFlagAndUidState *state);
XP_Bool GetFillingInShell();
void UseCachedShell(TIMAPBodyShell *cachedShell);
virtual void flags();
virtual void response_data();
virtual void resp_text();
virtual void resp_cond_state();
virtual void text_mime2();
virtual void text();
virtual void resp_text_code();
virtual void response_done();
virtual void response_tagged();
virtual void response_fatal();
virtual void resp_cond_bye();
virtual void mailbox_data();
virtual void numeric_mailbox_data();
virtual void capability_data();
virtual void xserverinfo_data();
virtual void xmailboxinfo_data();
virtual void namespace_data();
virtual void myrights_data();
virtual void acl_data();
virtual void bodystructure_data();
virtual void mime_data();
virtual void mime_part_data();
virtual void mime_header_data();
virtual void msg_fetch();
virtual void msg_obsolete();
virtual void msg_fetch_headers(const char *partNum);
virtual void msg_fetch_content(XP_Bool chunk, int32 origin, const char *content_type);
virtual XP_Bool msg_fetch_quoted(XP_Bool chunk, int32 origin);
virtual XP_Bool msg_fetch_literal(XP_Bool chunk, int32 origin);
virtual void mailbox_list(XP_Bool discoveredFromLsub);
virtual void mailbox(mailbox_spec *boxSpec);
virtual XP_Bool IsNumericString(const char *string);
virtual void ProcessOkCommand(const char *commandToken);
virtual void ProcessBadCommand(const char *commandToken);
virtual void PreProcessCommandToken(const char *commandToken,
const char *currentCommand);
virtual void PostProcessEndOfLine();
// Overridden from the TIMAPGenericParser, to retrieve the next line
// from the open socket.
virtual XP_Bool GetNextLineForParser(char **nextLine);
virtual void end_of_line();
XP_Bool fProcessingTaggedResponse;
XP_Bool fCurrentCommandFailed;
XP_Bool fReportingErrors;
XP_Bool fCurrentFolderReadOnly;
XP_Bool fCurrentLineContainedFlagInfo;
imapMessageFlagsType fSavedFlagInfo;
XP_Bool fSupportsUserDefinedFlags;
int32 fFolderUIDValidity;
int32 fNumberOfUnseenMessages;
int32 fNumberOfExistingMessages;
int32 fNumberOfRecentMessages;
uint32 fCurrentResponseUID;
uint32 fHighestRecordedUID;
int32 fSizeOfMostRecentMessage;
int32 fTotalDownloadSize;
int fNumberOfTaggedResponsesExpected;
char *fCurrentCommandTag;
char *fZeroLengthMessageUidString;
char *fSelectedMailboxName;
TSearchResultSequence *fSearchResults;
TImapFlagAndUidState *fFlagState; // NOT owned by this object, it's a copy, do not destroy
eIMAPstate fIMAPstate;
uint32 fCapabilityFlag;
char *fMailAccountUrl;
char *fNetscapeServerVersionString;
char *fXSenderInfo; /* changed per message download */
char *fLastAlert; /* used to avoid displaying the same alert over and over */
char *fManageListsUrl;
char *fManageFiltersUrl;
char *fFolderAdminUrl;
// used for index->uid mapping
XP_Bool fCurrentCommandIsSingleMessageFetch;
int32 fUidOfSingleMessageFetch;
int32 fFetchResponseIndex;
// used for aborting a fetch stream when we're pseudo-Interrupted
XP_Bool fDownloadingHeaders;
int32 numberOfCharsInThisChunk;
int32 charsReadSoFar;
XP_Bool fLastChunk;
// Is the server a Netscape 3.x Messaging Server?
XP_Bool fServerIsNetscape3xServer;
// points to the current body shell, if any
TIMAPBodyShell *m_shell;
// The connection object
TIMAP4BlockingConnection &fServerConnection;
This virtual base class contains the interface and the code
that drives the algorithms for performing imap4 server
This base class contains no knowledge of 'how things were' before
4.0. The knowledge of our URL language, how we do socket io,
and how we perform events in other threads is found in a concrete
#define kOutputBufferSize 2048
class TNavigatorImapConnection;
class TIMAP4BlockingConnection {
enum eFetchFields {
virtual ~TIMAP4BlockingConnection();
// This should be used only for setting the connection status, i.e. MK_CONNECTED, MK_WAITING_FOR_CONNECTION, etc.
// This should not be used for getting/setting the status of the currently running ActiveEntry.
// (Use Get/SetCurrentEntryStatus()) for passing values back to libnet about the currently running ActiveEntry.
int GetConnectionStatus();
void SetConnectionStatus(int status);
// safe downcast, returns non-null if cast worked
virtual TNavigatorImapConnection *GetNavigatorConnection();
// Have we detected new mail ?
virtual XP_Bool NewMailDetected(void) { return FALSE; };
virtual void ParseIMAPandCheckForNewMail(char *buff = NULL) = 0;
// These 2 functions are thread safe. If BlockedForIO then it will
// become unblocked with a call to NotifyIOCompletionMonitor
void NotifyIOCompletionMonitor();
XP_Bool BlockedForIO();
virtual void ProcessBIFFRequest();
// non-authenticated state commands
virtual void InsecureLogin(const char *userName, const char *password);
// Authenticate will happen later
virtual void AuthLogin(const char *userName, const char *password);
// authenticated state commands
virtual void SelectMailbox(const char *mailboxName);
// will do examine as needed
virtual void CreateMailbox(const char *mailboxName);
virtual void DeleteMailbox(const char *mailboxName);
virtual void RenameMailbox(const char *existingName, const char *newName);
virtual void AppendMessage(const char *mailboxName,
const char *messageSizeString,
imapMessageFlagsType flags);
virtual void Subscribe(const char *mailboxName);
virtual void Unsubscribe(const char *mailboxName);
virtual void List(const char *mailboxPattern,XP_Bool pipeLined = FALSE, XP_Bool dontTimeStamp = FALSE);
virtual void Lsub(const char *mailboxPattern, XP_Bool pipelined = FALSE);
// selected state commands
virtual void FetchMessage(const char *messageIds,
eFetchFields whatToFetch,
XP_Bool idAreUid,
uint32 startByte = 0, uint32 endByte = 0,
char *part = 0) = 0;
virtual void Bodystructure(const char *messageId, XP_Bool idIsUid) = 0;
virtual void Close();
virtual void Expunge();
virtual void Check();
virtual void Search(const char *searchCriteria, XP_Bool useUID,
XP_Bool notifyHit = TRUE);
virtual void Store(const char *messageList,
const char *messageData,
XP_Bool idsAreUid);
virtual void Copy( const char *messageList,
const char *destinationMailbox,
XP_Bool idsAreUid);
virtual void Netscape();
virtual void XServerInfo();
virtual void XMailboxInfo(const char *mailboxName);
// any state commands
virtual void Logout();
virtual void Noop();
virtual void Capability();
virtual void Namespace();
virtual void MailboxData();
virtual void GetMyRightsForFolder(const char *mailboxName);
virtual void GetACLForFolder(const char *mailboxName);
virtual void StatusForFolder(const char *mailboxName);
virtual void AlertUserEvent_UsingId(uint32 msgId) = 0;
virtual void AlertUserEvent(char *message) = 0;
virtual void AlertUserEventFromServer (char *serverSaid) = 0;
virtual void ProgressUpdateEvent(char *message) = 0;
virtual void ProgressEventFunction_UsingId(uint32 msgId) = 0;
virtual void ProgressEventFunction_UsingIdWithString(uint32 msgId, const char * extraInfo) = 0;
virtual void PercentProgressUpdateEvent(char *message, int percent) = 0;
virtual void PastPasswordCheckEvent() = 0;
// does a blocking read of the socket, returns a newly allocated
// line or nil and a status
virtual char *CreateNewLineFromSocket() = 0;
// does a write to the socket
virtual int WriteLineToSocket(char *line) = 0;
// Use these functions to stream a message fetch to the current context
// Used initially by TImapServerState
virtual void BeginMessageDownLoad(uint32 total_size,
const char *content_type)=0; // some downloads are header only
virtual void HandleMessageDownLoadLine(const char *line, XP_Bool chunkEnd)=0;
virtual void NormalMessageEndDownload()=0;
virtual void AbortMessageDownLoad()=0;
virtual void AddXMozillaStatusLine(uint16 flags)=0; // for XSender auth info
// used to notify the fe to upload the message to this
// connection's socket
virtual void UploadMessage() = 0;
// notify the fe about a message's imap message flags
virtual void NotifyMessageFlags( imapMessageFlagsType flags, MessageKey key) = 0;
// notify the fe about a search hit
virtual void NotifySearchHit(const char *hitLine) = 0;
// a call back from TImapServerState to handle mailbox discovery
virtual void DiscoverMailboxSpec(mailbox_spec *adoptedBoxSpec) = 0;
// notify the fe about the state of the selected mailbox
virtual void UpdatedMailboxSpec(mailbox_spec *adoptedBoxSpec) = 0;
virtual void UpdateMailboxStatus(mailbox_spec *adoptedBoxSpec) = 0;
// notify the fe that the current online copy is done
virtual void OnlineCopyCompleted(ImapOnlineCopyState copyState) = 0;
// notify the fe that a folder was deleted
virtual void FolderDeleted(const char *mailboxName) = 0;
// notify the fe that a folder creation failed
virtual void FolderNotCreated(const char *mailboxName) = 0;
// notify the fe that a folder was deleted
virtual void FolderRenamed(const char *oldName,
const char *newName) = 0;
// notify the fe that we're done finding folders
virtual void MailboxDiscoveryFinished() = 0;
// return the server response parser
virtual TImapServerState &GetServerStateParser();
// This function will report the low mem conditions to the user,
// empty the fe event queue and set the connection status to negative
// so netlib will exit ProcessImap4.
virtual void HandleMemoryFailure() = 0;
// if you call TellThreadToDie(FALSE) then you are responsible for
// calling SetIsSafeToDie when you are ready for the imap thread to
// delete the connection.
virtual void TellThreadToDie(XP_Bool isSafeToDie = TRUE)=0;
virtual void SetIsSafeToDie()=0;
virtual XP_Bool DeathSignalReceived()=0;
virtual void ShowProgress()=0;
virtual const char *GetHostName()=0;
void SetDeleteIsMoveToTrash(XP_Bool deleteIsMoveToTrash) {fDeleteModelIsMoveToTrash = deleteIsMoveToTrash;}
// used the convert to/from UTF7IMAP
virtual char* CreateUtf7ConvertedString(const char *sourceString, XP_Bool toUtf7Imap)=0;
static int64 GetTimeStampOfNonPipelinedList() { return fgTimeStampOfNonPipelinedList; }
void WaitForIOCompletion();
void WaitForFEEventCompletion();
void WaitForTunnelCompletion();
// manage the IMAP server command tags
void IncrementCommandTagNumber();
char *CreateEscapedMailboxName(const char *rawName);
// establish connection, this will not alert the user if there is a problem
// affects GetConnectionStatus()
virtual void EstablishServerConnection() = 0;
// called from concrete subclass constructor
virtual XP_Bool ConstructionSuccess(); // called by subclass factory
char *GetOutputBuffer();
char *GetServerCommandTag();
PRMonitor *GetDataMemberMonitor();
// returns TRUE if the messageIdString indicates that this is an operation
// on more than one message.
XP_Bool HandlingMultipleMessages(char *messageIdString);
void TimeStampListNow();
XP_Bool SupportsUserDefinedFlags() { return fServerState.SupportsUserFlags(); };
static int64 fgTimeStampOfNonPipelinedList;
TImapServerState fServerState;
XP_Bool fBlockedForIO;
XP_Bool fCloseNeededBeforeSelect;
XP_Bool fDeleteModelIsMoveToTrash;
int fConnectionStatus;
PRMonitor *fDataMemberMonitor;
PRMonitor *fIOMonitor;
char fCurrentServerCommandTag[10]; // enough for a billion
int fCurrentServerCommandTagNumber;
char fOutputBuffer[kOutputBufferSize];
XP_Bool fFromHeaderSeen;
XP_Bool fNotifyHit;
#define kDownLoadCacheSize 1536
struct msg_line_info;
class TLineDownloadCache {
virtual ~TLineDownloadCache();
uint32 CurrentUID();
uint32 SpaceAvailable();
XP_Bool CacheEmpty();
msg_line_info *GetCurrentLineInfo();
void ResetCache();
void CacheLine(const char *line, uint32 uid);
char fLineCache[kDownLoadCacheSize];
uint32 fBytesUsed;
msg_line_info *fLineInfo;
class TIMAPSocketInfo;
class TIMAPBodyShellCache;
// this is a linked list of host info's
class TIMAPHostInfo
// Host List
static XP_Bool AddHostToList(const char *hostName);
static void ResetAll();
// Capabilities
static uint32 GetCapabilityForHost(const char *hostName);
static XP_Bool SetCapabilityForHost(const char *hostName, uint32 capability);
static XP_Bool GetHostHasAdminURL(const char *hostName);
static XP_Bool SetHostHasAdminURL(const char *hostName, XP_Bool hasAdminUrl);
// Subscription
static XP_Bool GetHostIsUsingSubscription(const char *hostName);
static XP_Bool SetHostIsUsingSubscription(const char *hostName, XP_Bool usingSubscription);
// Passwords
static char *GetPasswordForHost(const char *hostName);
static XP_Bool SetPasswordForHost(const char *hostName, const char *password);
static XP_Bool GetPasswordVerifiedOnline(const char *hostName);
static XP_Bool SetPasswordVerifiedOnline(const char *hostName);
// Folders
static XP_Bool SetHaveWeEverDiscoveredFoldersForHost(const char *hostName, XP_Bool discovered);
static XP_Bool GetHaveWeEverDiscoveredFoldersForHost(const char *hostName);
// Trash Folder
static XP_Bool SetOnlineTrashFolderExistsForHost(const char *hostName, XP_Bool exists);
static XP_Bool GetOnlineTrashFolderExistsForHost(const char *hostName);
static char *GetOnlineInboxPathForHost(const char *hostName);
static XP_Bool GetShouldAlwaysListInboxForHost(const char *hostName);
static XP_Bool SetShouldAlwaysListInboxForHost(const char *hostName, XP_Bool shouldList);
// Namespaces
static TIMAPNamespace *GetNamespaceForMailboxForHost(const char *hostName, const char *mailbox_name);
static XP_Bool AddNewNamespaceForHost(const char *hostName, TIMAPNamespace *ns);
static XP_Bool ClearServerAdvertisedNamespacesForHost(const char *hostName);
static XP_Bool ClearPrefsNamespacesForHost(const char *hostName);
static TIMAPNamespace *GetDefaultNamespaceOfTypeForHost(const char *hostName, EIMAPNamespaceType type);
static XP_Bool SetNamespacesOverridableForHost(const char *hostName, XP_Bool overridable);
static XP_Bool GetNamespacesOverridableForHost(const char *hostName);
static int GetNumberOfNamespacesForHost(const char *hostName);
static TIMAPNamespace *GetNamespaceNumberForHost(const char *hostName, int n);
static XP_Bool CommitNamespacesForHost(const char *hostName, MSG_Master *master);
// Hierarchy Delimiters
static XP_Bool AddHierarchyDelimiter(const char *hostName, char delimiter);
static char *GetHierarchyDelimiterStringForHost(const char *hostName);
static XP_Bool SetNamespaceHierarchyDelimiterFromMailboxForHost(const char *hostName, const char *boxName, char delimiter);
// Message Body Shells
static XP_Bool AddShellToCacheForHost(const char *hostName, TIMAPBodyShell *shell);
static TIMAPBodyShell *FindShellInCacheForHost(const char *hostName, const char *mailboxName, const char *UID);
static PRMonitor *gCachedHostInfoMonitor;
static TIMAPHostInfo *fHostInfoList;
TIMAPHostInfo(const char *hostName);
static TIMAPHostInfo *FindHost(const char *hostName);
char *fHostName;
char *fCachedPassword;
TIMAPHostInfo *fNextHost;
uint32 fCapabilityFlags;
char *fHierarchyDelimiters; // string of top-level hierarchy delimiters
XP_Bool fHaveWeEverDiscoveredFolders;
char *fCanonicalOnlineSubDir;
TIMAPNamespaceList *fNamespaceList;
XP_Bool fNamespacesOverridable;
XP_Bool fUsingSubscription;
XP_Bool fOnlineTrashFolderExists;
XP_Bool fShouldAlwaysListInbox;
XP_Bool fHaveAdminURL;
XP_Bool fPasswordVerifiedOnline;
TIMAPBodyShellCache *fShellCache;
class MSG_FolderInfo;
class TIMAPMessagePartIDArray;
class TNavigatorImapConnection : public TIMAP4BlockingConnection {
static TNavigatorImapConnection*
Create(const char *hostName);
virtual ~TNavigatorImapConnection();
static SetupConnection(ActiveEntry * ce, MSG_Master *master, XP_Bool loadingURL);
// Performs a PR_LOG on logData, formatting it to a standard IMAP i/o log format.
// This checks the state of the parser and tells us which connection we're using, the selected folder, etc.
// logSubName is a name like "BODYSHELL," "NETWORK," "URL," etc... basically, a way to subcategorize what
// type of log entry this is.
// extraInfo is any extra notes that should be added to this log entry. For instance, a "NETWORK" entry
// might also pass in "READ" or "WRITE" as extraInfo. extraInfo can be NULL, in which case we don't add anything.
// logData is the data to be logged.
void Log(const char *logSubName, const char *extraInfo, const char *logData);
// checks for new mail and gets headers if nescesary
virtual XP_Bool CheckNewMail(void);
virtual void SelectMailbox(const char *mailboxName);
virtual void Configure(XP_Bool GetHeaders, int32 TooFastTime, int32 IdealTime,
int32 ChunkAddSize, int32 ChunkSize, int32 ChunkThreshold,
XP_Bool FetchByChunks, int32 MaxChunkSize);
// dumb but usefull safe downcast, returns non-null if cast worked
virtual TNavigatorImapConnection *GetNavigatorConnection();
// gets/sets the status of the currently running ActiveEntry.
// This should not be used for setting the connection status, i.e. MK_CONNECTED, MK_WAITING_FOR_CONNECTION, etc.
int GetCurrentEntryStatus();
void SetCurrentEntryStatus(int status);
// call by imap thread to endlessly process active entries
virtual void StartProcessingActiveEntries();
// thread safe: Called by main thread to submit ActiveEntry
// for processing
// Will block if !BlockedWaitingForActiveEntry
virtual void SubmitActiveEntry(ActiveEntry * ce, XP_Bool newConnection);
// returns true if another thread is blocked waiting
virtual XP_Bool BlockedWaitingForActiveEntry();
/* I don't know about this!
// thread safe call to add another ActiveEntry to the queue
virtual void AddActiveEntryJob(ActiveEntry *entry);
// thread safe call that will
// 1. Stop processing the current entry if it shares
// the same context with the passed entry
// 2. Remove entries from the queue if they share the
// same context with the passed entry
virtual void AbortActiveEntry(ActiveEntry *entry);
// Tunnels
virtual int32 OpenTunnel (int32 maxNumberOfBytesToRead);
XP_Bool GetIOTunnellingEnabled();
int32 GetTunnellingThreshold();
TImapFEEventQueue &GetFEEventQueue();
void SetBlockingThread(PRThread *blockingThread);
// if you call TellThreadToDie(FALSE) then you are responsible for
// calling SetIsSafeToDie when you are ready for the imap thread to
// delete the connection.
virtual void TellThreadToDie(XP_Bool isSafeToDie = TRUE);
virtual void SetIsSafeToDie();
virtual XP_Bool DeathSignalReceived();
// this function is thread safe
// this function is used by the fe functions to signal their completion
void NotifyEventCompletionMonitor();
// This function is threadsafe
// It is used by certain FE events to signal the completion of an IO tunnel.
void NotifyTunnelCompletionMonitor();
// this function is thread safe
// this function is used by the fe signal complete message upload
void NotifyMessageUploadMonitor();
// this function is thread safe
// notifies that the fe thread is done processing fe events
void SignalEventQueueEmpty();
// not thread safe. intended to be called from the fe event functions
ActiveEntry *GetActiveEntry();
TCP_ConData **GetTCPConData();
// these functions might seem silly but I don't want the IMAP thread
// to ever muck with the ActiveEntry structure fields, so the socket
// will be set when we begin the connection. These setters and getters
// are thread safe
void SetIOSocket(PRFileDesc *socket);
PRFileDesc * GetIOSocket();
void SetOutputStream(NET_StreamClass *outputStream);
NET_StreamClass *GetOutputStream();
virtual XP_Bool UseSSL() { return FALSE; };
virtual void FetchMessage(const char *messageIds,
eFetchFields whatToFetch,
XP_Bool idAreUid,
uint32 startByte = 0, uint32 endByte = 0,
char *part = 0);
virtual void FetchTryChunking(const char *messageIds,
eFetchFields whatToFetch,
XP_Bool idAreUid,
char *part,
uint32 downloadSize);
virtual void PipelinedFetchMessageParts(const char *uid,
TIMAPMessagePartIDArray *parts);
virtual void Bodystructure(const char *messageId, XP_Bool idIsUid);
virtual void Logout();
virtual void AlertUserEvent_UsingId(uint32 msgId);
virtual void AlertUserEvent(char *message);
virtual void AlertUserEventFromServer(char *serverSaid);
virtual void ProgressUpdateEvent(char *message);
virtual void ProgressEventFunction_UsingId(uint32 msgId);
virtual void ProgressEventFunction_UsingIdWithString(uint32 msgId, const char* extraInfo);
virtual void PercentProgressUpdateEvent(char *message, int percent);
virtual void PastPasswordCheckEvent();
void WaitForFEEventCompletion();
void WaitForTunnelCompletion();
// does a blocking read of the socket, returns a newly allocated
// line or nil and a status
virtual char *CreateNewLineFromSocket();
// does a write to the socket
virtual int WriteLineToSocket(char *line);
// establish connection, this will not alert the user if there is a
// problem. affects GetConnectionStatus()
virtual void EstablishServerConnection();
// Use these functions to stream a message fetch to the current context
// Used initially by TImapServerState
virtual void BeginMessageDownLoad(uint32 total_size, // for user, headers and body
const char *content_type); // some downloads are header only
virtual void HandleMessageDownLoadLine(const char *line, XP_Bool chunkEnd);
virtual void NormalMessageEndDownload();
virtual void AbortMessageDownLoad();
virtual void PostLineDownLoadEvent(msg_line_info *downloadLineDontDelete);
virtual void AddXMozillaStatusLine(uint16 flags); // for XSender auth info
// used to notify the fe to upload the message to this
// connection's socket
virtual void UploadMessage();
virtual void UploadMessageFromFile(const char *srcFilePath,
const char *mailboxName,
imapMessageFlagsType flags);
// notify the fe about a message's imap message flags
virtual void NotifyMessageFlags( imapMessageFlagsType flags, MessageKey key);
// notify the fe about a search hit
virtual void NotifySearchHit(const char *hitLine);
// a call back from TImapServerState to handle mailbox discovery
virtual void DiscoverMailboxSpec(mailbox_spec *adoptedBoxSpec);
// notify the fe about the state of the selected mailbox
virtual void UpdatedMailboxSpec(mailbox_spec *adoptedBoxSpec);
virtual void UpdateMailboxStatus(mailbox_spec *adoptedBoxSpec);
// notify the fe that the current online copy is done
virtual void OnlineCopyCompleted(ImapOnlineCopyState copyState);
// notify the fe that a folder was deleted
virtual void FolderDeleted(const char *mailboxName);
// notify the fe that a folder was renamed
virtual void FolderRenamed(const char *oldName,
const char *newName);
// notify the fe that a folder creation failed
virtual void FolderNotCreated(const char *mailboxName);
// handle any post-mailbox-discovery tasks (Trash folder, etc.)
virtual void MailboxDiscoveryFinished();
// notify the fe that we're done finding folders
virtual void SetFolderDiscoveryFinished();
// This function will report the low mem conditions to the user,
// empty the fe event queue and set the connection status to negative
// so netlib will exit ProcessImap4.
// threadsafe
virtual void HandleMemoryFailure();
// These three functions are used to graph the progress of a
// message download
int32 GetMessageSizeForProgress();
int32 GetBytesMovedSoFarForProgress();
void SetBytesMovedSoFarForProgress(int32 bytesMoved);
// Returns true if a msg move/copy is happening
XP_Bool CurrentConnectionIsMove();
// receive the list of msg ids for fetching msgs
void NotifyKeyList(uint32 *bodyKeys, uint32 bodyCount); // storage adopted
// receive the size of the next message append
void NotifyAppendSize(uint32 msgSize, imapMessageFlagsType flags);
virtual XP_Bool NewMailDetected(void);
virtual void ParseIMAPandCheckForNewMail(char *buff = NULL);
// returns a newly allocated string
char *GetCurrentConnectionURL();
// These calls are not thread safe. Called from the mozilla
// thread to keep track of whether we have set call netlib all the time
inline void SetCallingNetlibAllTheTime(XP_Bool callingNetlib)
{ fCallingNetlibAllTheTime = callingNetlib; };
inline XP_Bool GetCallingNetlibAllTheTime() { return fCallingNetlibAllTheTime; };
static void ResetCachedConnectionInfo();
// sets the folder info for the currently running URL
void SetFolderInfo(MSG_FolderInfo *folder, XP_Bool folderNeedsSubscribing,
XP_Bool folderNeedsACLRefreshed);
virtual void ShowProgress();
virtual void SetMailboxDiscoveryStatus(EMailboxDiscoverStatus status);
virtual EMailboxDiscoverStatus GetMailboxDiscoveryStatus();
//static XP_Bool HaveWeEverDiscoveredNewMailboxes() { return fHaveWeEverFoundImapMailboxes; }
void BodyIdMonitor(XP_Bool enter);
void SetNeedsGreeting(XP_Bool need) { fNeedGreeting = need; }
void SetNeedsNoop(XP_Bool need) {fNeedNoop = need;}
static void ImapStartup();
static void ImapShutDown();
TIMAPUrl *GetCurrentUrl() {return fCurrentUrl;}
// used the convert to/from UTF7IMAP
virtual char* CreateUtf7ConvertedString(const char *sourceString, XP_Bool toUtf7Imap);
uint32 GetMessageSize(const char *messageId, XP_Bool idsAreUids);
virtual const char *GetHostName() {return fHostName;}
void PseudoInterrupt(XP_Bool interrupt);
void SetSubscribeParameters(XP_Bool autoSubscribe,
XP_Bool autoUnsubscribe, XP_Bool autoSubscribeOnOpen, XP_Bool autoUnsubscribeFromNoSelect,
XP_Bool shouldUpgrade, XP_Bool upgradeLeaveAlone, XP_Bool upgradeSubscribeAll);
XP_Bool GetSubscribingNow();
// includes subscription management
XP_Bool CreateMailboxRespectingSubscriptions(const char *mailboxName);
XP_Bool DeleteMailboxRespectingSubscriptions(const char *mailboxName);
XP_Bool RenameMailboxRespectingSubscriptions(const char *existingName, const char *newName, XP_Bool reallyRename);
// notifies libmsg that we have a new personal/default namespace that we're using
void CommitNamespacesForHostEvent();
// notifies libmsg that we have new capability data for the current host
void CommitCapabilityForHostEvent();
// Adds a set of rights for a given user on a given mailbox on the current host.
// if userName is NULL, it means "me," or MYRIGHTS.
// rights is a single string of rights, as specified by RFC2086, the IMAP ACL extension.
void AddFolderRightsForUser(const char *mailboxName, const char *userName, const char *rights);
// Clears all rights for a given folder, for all users.
void ClearAllFolderRights(const char *mailboxName);
// Refreshes the icon / flags for the given folder
void RefreshFolderACLView(const char *mailboxName);
XP_Bool FolderNeedsACLInitialized(const char *folderName);
// Returns true if we know that the given mailbox on the current host is \NoSelect
XP_Bool MailboxIsNoSelectMailbox(const char *mailboxName);
virtual void StatusForFolder(const char *mailboxName);
XP_Bool InitializeFolderUrl(const char *folderName);
// We really need to break out the thread synchronizer from the
// connection class...
XP_Bool GetShowAttachmentsInline();
XP_Bool GetPseudoInterrupted();
void ResetProgressInfo();
void SetActive(XP_Bool active);
XP_Bool GetActive();
// Sets whether or not the content referenced by the current ActiveEntry has been modified.
// Used for MIME parts on demand.
void SetContentModified(XP_Bool modified);
XP_Bool GetShouldFetchAllParts();
TNavigatorImapConnection(const char *hostName);
// Given the canonical pattern prefix, list the children of the pattern
void CanonicalChildList(const char *canonicalPrefix, XP_Bool pipeLined);
void NthLevelChildList(const char *canonicalPrefix, int depth);
void ChildDiscoverySucceeded();
// called within the IMAP thread
virtual XP_Bool TryToLogon();
virtual void ProcessCurrentURL();
// called immediately after we have been authenticated, to do
// an assorted variety of housekeeping (NAMESPACE, etc...)
virtual void ProcessAfterAuthenticated();
virtual void WaitForNextActiveEntry();
virtual void WaitForEventQueueEmptySignal();
virtual void WaitForPotentialListOfMsgsToFetch(uint32 **msgs, uint32 &count);
virtual void WaitForNextAppendMessageSize();
virtual uint32 GetAppendSize();
virtual imapMessageFlagsType GetAppendFlags();
virtual void WaitForMessageUploadToComplete();
XP_Bool DeleteSubFolders(const char *selectedMailbox);
XP_Bool RenameHierarchyByHand(const char *oldParentMailboxName, const char *newParentMailboxName);
virtual XP_Bool ConstructionSuccess(); // called by subclass factory
virtual void ProcessStoreFlags(const char *messageIds,
XP_Bool idsAreUids,
imapMessageFlagsType flags,
XP_Bool addFlags);
virtual void ProcessAuthenticatedStateURL();
virtual void ProcessSelectedStateURL();
virtual void HandleCurrentUrlError();
virtual void ProcessMailboxUpdate(XP_Bool handlePossibleUndo, XP_Bool fromBiffUpdate = FALSE);
virtual void HeaderFetchCompleted();
virtual void FolderHeaderDump(uint32 *hdrUids, uint32 hdrCount);
virtual void FolderMsgDump(uint32 *bodyUids, uint32 bodyCount, TIMAP4BlockingConnection::eFetchFields fields);
virtual void FolderMsgDumpRecurse(uint32 *bodyUids, uint32 bodyCount, TIMAP4BlockingConnection::eFetchFields fields);
virtual void PeriodicBiff();
virtual void SendSetBiffIndicatorEvent(MSG_BIFF_STATE newState);
virtual void AutoSubscribeToMailboxIfNecessary(const char *mailboxName);
virtual void FindMailboxesIfNecessary();
virtual void DiscoverMailboxList();
virtual void DiscoverAllAndSubscribedBoxes();
int GetNumberOfListedMailboxesWithUnlistedChildren();
void GetOldIMAPHostNameEvent(char **oldHostName);
void UpgradeToSubscriptionFinishedEvent(EIMAPSubscriptionUpgradeState);
XP_Bool PromptUserForSubscribeUpgradePath();
virtual void SubscribeToAllFolders();
virtual void UpgradeToSubscription();
virtual void RefreshACLForFolder(const char *mailboxName);
virtual void RefreshACLForFolderIfNecessary(const char *mailboxName);
virtual void RefreshAllACLs();
char *CreatePossibleTrashName(const char *prefix);
uint32 CountMessagesInIdString(const char *idString);
void AdjustChunkSize(void);
char *GetArbitraryHeadersToDownload();
TImapFEEventQueue *fFEEventQueue;
ActiveEntry *fCurrentEntry;
int32 fInputBufferSize;
char *fInputSocketBuffer;
TImapFlagAndUidState *fFlagState;
time_t fStartTime; // time in secs we started to download last message
time_t fEndTime; // ending time
int32 fTooFastTime; // secs, buffer filled ? make it bigger
int32 fIdealTime; // secs, buffer filled, good.
int32 fChunkAddSize; // size to add to buffer when not big enough
int32 fChunkStartSize; // size of buffer to start with or to reset to in bad connections
int32 fMaxChunkSize; // max size buffer can grow
XP_Bool fNewMail; // is there new mail waiting for next biff ?
XP_Bool fTrackingTime; // are we supposed to track it ?
XP_Bool fFEeventCompleted;
XP_Bool fTunnelCompleted;
XP_Bool fEventQueueEmptySignalHappened;
XP_Bool fMessageUploadCompleted;
XP_Bool fFetchMsgListIsNew;
XP_Bool fMsgAppendSizeIsNew;
XP_Bool fNextEntryEventSignalHappened;
XP_Bool fThreadShouldDie;
XP_Bool fCallingNetlibAllTheTime;
XP_Bool fIsSafeToDie;
XP_Bool fNeedGreeting;
XP_Bool fNeedNoop;
XP_Bool fMailToFetch;
XP_Bool fGetHeaders;
XP_Bool fShouldUpgradeToSubscription;
XP_Bool fUpgradeShouldLeaveAlone;
XP_Bool fUpgradeShouldSubscribeAll;
int fProgressStringId;
uint32 fProgressIndex;
uint32 fProgressCount;
int64 fLastProgressTime;
int fLastPercent;
int fLastProgressStringId;
uint32 *fFetchMsgIdList;
uint32 fFetchCount;
TIMAPUrl *fCurrentUrl;
TCP_ConData *fTCPConData;
PRThread *fBlockingThread;
PRMonitor *fEventCompletionMonitor;
PRMonitor *fTunnelCompletionMonitor;
PRMonitor *fActiveEntryMonitor;
PRMonitor *fEventQueueEmptySignalMonitor;
PRMonitor *fMessageUploadMonitor;
PRMonitor *fMsgCopyDataMonitor;
PRMonitor *fThreadDeathMonitor;
PRMonitor *fPermissionToDieMonitor;
PRMonitor *fPseudoInterruptMonitor;
PRMonitor *fWaitForBodyIdsMonitor;
PRFileDesc *fIOSocket;
NET_StreamClass *fOutputStream;
enum EMailboxHierarchyNameState {
XP_Bool fOnlineBaseFolderExists;
ImapHierarchyMover *fHierarchyMover;
const char *fRootToBeRenamed;
EMailboxHierarchyNameState fHierarchyNameState;
XP_List *fDeletableChildren;
int32 fBytesMovedSoFarForProgress;
uint32 fAppendMessageSize;
imapMessageFlagsType fAppendMsgFlags;
TLineDownloadCache fDownLoadLineCache;
EMailboxDiscoverStatus fDiscoveryStatus;
static PRMonitor *fFindingMailboxesMonitor;
static PRMonitor *fUpgradeToSubscriptionMonitor;
static XP_Bool fHaveWeEverCheckedForSubscriptionUpgrade;
static MSG_BIFF_STATE fCurrentBiffState;
// chunking prefs
XP_Bool fFetchByChunks;
int32 fChunkSize;
int32 fChunkThreshold;
XP_Bool fAutoSubscribe, fAutoUnsubscribe, fAutoSubscribeOnOpen, fAutoUnsubscribeFromNoSelect;
XP_List *fListedMailboxList;
static XP_Bool IsConnectionActive(const char *hostName, const char *folderName);
static XPPtrArray *connectionList;
TIMAPSocketInfo *fSocketInfo;
XP_Bool fPseudoInterrupted;
char *fHostName;
MSG_FolderInfo *fFolderInfo;
XP_Bool fFolderNeedsSubscribing, fFolderNeedsACLRefreshed;
XP_Bool fActive;
class TIMAPSocketInfo {
// methods
PRFileDesc * GetIOSocket() { return fIOSocket; }
void SetIOSocket(PRFileDesc *sock) { fIOSocket = sock; }
char** GetNewLineBuffer() { return &newLine; }
void SetNewLineBuffer(char *buffer) { newLine = buffer; }
int GetReadStatus() { return readStatus; }
void SetReadStatus(int status) { readStatus = status; }
int32* GetInputBufferSize() { return pInputBufferSize; }
void SetInputBufferSize(int32 *size) { pInputBufferSize = size; }
char** GetInputSocketBuffer() { return pInputSocketBuffer; }
void SetInputSocketBuffer(char **buf) { pInputSocketBuffer = buf; }
Bool GetPauseForRead() { return pauseForRead; }
void SetPauseForRead(Bool pause) { pauseForRead = pause; }
// members
PRFileDesc *fIOSocket;
char** pInputSocketBuffer;
int32* pInputBufferSize;
char* newLine;
Bool pauseForRead;
int readStatus;
int writeStatus;
char* writeLine;
// This class is only used for passing data
// between the IMAP and mozilla thread
class TIMAPACLRightsInfo
char *hostName, *mailboxName, *userName, *rights;
// a simple reference counting class used to keep Biff from interrupting an INBOX connection
// the inbox usage count is incremented by one if TRUE is passed to the constructor and then
// decremented by the destructor
class TInboxReferenceCount {
TInboxReferenceCount(XP_Bool bumpInboxCount);
int GetInboxUsageCount();
static void ImapStartup();
static void ImapShutDown();
static PRMonitor *fgDataSafeMonitor;
static int fgInboxUsageCount;
XP_Bool fInboxCountWasBumped;
class TIMAPNamespace
TIMAPNamespace(EIMAPNamespaceType type, const char *prefix, char delimiter, XP_Bool from_prefs);
EIMAPNamespaceType GetType() { return m_namespaceType; }
const char * GetPrefix() { return m_prefix; }
char GetDelimiter() { return m_delimiter; }
void SetDelimiter(char delimiter);
XP_Bool GetIsDelimiterFilledIn() { return m_delimiterFilledIn; }
XP_Bool GetIsNamespaceFromPrefs() { return m_fromPrefs; }
// returns -1 if this box is not part of this namespace,
// or the length of the prefix if it is part of this namespace
int MailboxMatchesNamespace(const char *boxname);
EIMAPNamespaceType m_namespaceType;
char *m_prefix;
char m_delimiter;
XP_Bool m_fromPrefs;
XP_Bool m_delimiterFilledIn;
// represents a list of namespaces for a given host
// Basically, a C++ wrapper around an XP_List
class TIMAPNamespaceList
static TIMAPNamespaceList *CreateTIMAPNamespaceList();
void ClearNamespaces(XP_Bool deleteFromPrefsNamespaces, XP_Bool deleteServerAdvertisedNamespaces);
int GetNumberOfNamespaces();
int GetNumberOfNamespaces(EIMAPNamespaceType);
TIMAPNamespace *GetNamespaceNumber(int nodeIndex);
TIMAPNamespace *GetNamespaceNumber(int nodeIndex, EIMAPNamespaceType);
TIMAPNamespace *GetDefaultNamespaceOfType(EIMAPNamespaceType type);
int AddNewNamespace(TIMAPNamespace *ns);
TIMAPNamespace *GetNamespaceForMailbox(const char *boxname);
TIMAPNamespaceList(); // use CreateTIMAPNamespaceList to create one
XP_List *m_NamespaceList;
// This class is currently only used for the one-time upgrade
// process from a LIST view to the subscribe model.
// It basically contains the name of a mailbox and whether or not
// its children have been listed.
class TIMAPMailboxInfo
TIMAPMailboxInfo(const char *name);
virtual ~TIMAPMailboxInfo();
void SetChildrenListed(XP_Bool childrenListed) { m_childrenListed = childrenListed; }
XP_Bool GetChildrenListed() { return m_childrenListed; }
const char *GetMailboxName() { return m_mailboxName; }
XP_Bool m_childrenListed;
char *m_mailboxName;
#endif // IMAP4PVT_H