2014-10-14 11:33:34 -06:00

317 lines
12 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use platform::font_list::get_available_families;
use platform::font_list::get_system_default_family;
use platform::font_list::get_variations_for_family;
use platform::font_list::get_last_resort_font_families;
use platform::font_context::FontContextHandle;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use sync::Arc;
use font_template::{FontTemplate, FontTemplateDescriptor};
use platform::font_template::FontTemplateData;
use servo_net::resource_task::{ResourceTask, load_whole_resource};
use style::{Source, LocalSource, UrlSource_};
/// A list of font templates that make up a given font family.
struct FontFamily {
templates: Vec<FontTemplate>,
impl FontFamily {
fn new() -> FontFamily {
FontFamily {
templates: vec!(),
/// Find a font in this family that matches a given desriptor.
fn find_font_for_style<'a>(&'a mut self, desc: &FontTemplateDescriptor, fctx: &FontContextHandle)
-> Option<Arc<FontTemplateData>> {
// TODO(Issue #189): optimize lookup for
// regular/bold/italic/bolditalic with fixed offsets and a
// static decision table for fallback between these values.
// TODO(Issue #190): if not in the fast path above, do
// expensive matching of weights, etc.
for template in self.templates.iter_mut() {
let maybe_template = template.get_if_matches(fctx, desc);
if maybe_template.is_some() {
return maybe_template;
// If a request is made for a font family that exists,
// pick the first valid font in the family if we failed
// to find an exact match for the descriptor.
for template in self.templates.iter_mut() {
let maybe_template = template.get();
if maybe_template.is_some() {
return maybe_template;
fn add_template(&mut self, identifier: &str, maybe_data: Option<Vec<u8>>) {
for template in self.templates.iter() {
if template.identifier() == identifier {
let template = FontTemplate::new(identifier, maybe_data);
/// Commands that the FontContext sends to the font cache task.
pub enum Command {
GetFontTemplate(String, FontTemplateDescriptor, Sender<Reply>),
GetLastResortFontTemplate(FontTemplateDescriptor, Sender<Reply>),
AddWebFont(String, Source, Sender<()>),
/// Reply messages sent from the font cache task to the FontContext caller.
pub enum Reply {
/// The font cache task itself. It maintains a list of reference counted
/// font templates that are currently in use.
struct FontCache {
port: Receiver<Command>,
generic_fonts: HashMap<String, String>,
local_families: HashMap<String, FontFamily>,
web_families: HashMap<String, FontFamily>,
font_context: FontContextHandle,
resource_task: ResourceTask,
fn add_generic_font(generic_fonts: &mut HashMap<String, String>,
generic_name: &str, mapped_name: &str) {
let opt_system_default = get_system_default_family(generic_name);
let family_name = match opt_system_default {
Some(system_default) => system_default,
None => mapped_name.to_string(),
generic_fonts.insert(generic_name.to_string(), family_name);
impl FontCache {
fn run(&mut self) {
loop {
let msg = self.port.recv();
match msg {
GetFontTemplate(family, descriptor, result) => {
let maybe_font_template = self.get_font_template(&family, &descriptor);
GetLastResortFontTemplate(descriptor, result) => {
let font_template = self.get_last_resort_font_template(&descriptor);
AddWebFont(family_name, src, result) => {
if !self.web_families.contains_key(&family_name) {
let family = FontFamily::new();
self.web_families.insert(family_name.clone(), family);
match src {
UrlSource_(ref url_source) => {
let url = &url_source.url;
let maybe_resource = load_whole_resource(&self.resource_task, url.clone());
match maybe_resource {
Ok((_, bytes)) => {
let family = self.web_families.get_mut(&family_name);
family.add_template(url.to_string().as_slice(), Some(bytes));
Err(_) => {
debug!("Failed to load web font: family={} url={}", family_name, url);
LocalSource(ref local_family_name) => {
let family = self.web_families.get_mut(&family_name);
get_variations_for_family(local_family_name.as_slice(), |path| {
family.add_template(path.as_slice(), None);
Exit(result) => {
fn refresh_local_families(&mut self) {
get_available_families(|family_name| {
if !self.local_families.contains_key(&family_name) {
let family = FontFamily::new();
self.local_families.insert(family_name, family);
fn transform_family(&self, family: &String) -> String {
match self.generic_fonts.find(family) {
None => family.to_string(),
Some(mapped_family) => (*mapped_family).clone()
fn find_font_in_local_family<'a>(&'a mut self, family_name: &String, desc: &FontTemplateDescriptor)
-> Option<Arc<FontTemplateData>> {
// TODO(Issue #188): look up localized font family names if canonical name not found
// look up canonical name
if self.local_families.contains_key(family_name) {
debug!("FontList: Found font family with name={:s}", family_name.to_string());
let s = self.local_families.get_mut(family_name);
if s.templates.len() == 0 {
get_variations_for_family(family_name.as_slice(), |path| {
s.add_template(path.as_slice(), None);
// TODO(Issue #192: handle generic font families, like 'serif' and 'sans-serif'.
// if such family exists, try to match style to a font
let result = s.find_font_for_style(desc, &self.font_context);
if result.is_some() {
return result;
} else {
debug!("FontList: Couldn't find font family with name={:s}", family_name.to_string());
fn find_font_in_web_family<'a>(&'a mut self, family_name: &String, desc: &FontTemplateDescriptor)
-> Option<Arc<FontTemplateData>> {
if self.web_families.contains_key(family_name) {
let family = self.web_families.get_mut(family_name);
let maybe_font = family.find_font_for_style(desc, &self.font_context);
} else {
fn get_font_template(&mut self, family: &String, desc: &FontTemplateDescriptor)
-> Option<Arc<FontTemplateData>> {
let transformed_family_name = self.transform_family(family);
let mut maybe_template = self.find_font_in_web_family(&transformed_family_name, desc);
if maybe_template.is_none() {
maybe_template = self.find_font_in_local_family(&transformed_family_name, desc);
fn get_last_resort_font_template(&mut self, desc: &FontTemplateDescriptor)
-> Arc<FontTemplateData> {
let last_resort = get_last_resort_font_families();
for family in last_resort.iter() {
let maybe_font_in_family = self.find_font_in_local_family(family, desc);
if maybe_font_in_family.is_some() {
return maybe_font_in_family.unwrap();
fail!("Unable to find any fonts that match (do you have fallback fonts installed?)");
/// The public interface to the font cache task, used exclusively by
/// the per-thread/task FontContext structures.
pub struct FontCacheTask {
chan: Sender<Command>,
impl FontCacheTask {
pub fn new(resource_task: ResourceTask) -> FontCacheTask {
let (chan, port) = channel();
spawn(proc() {
// TODO: Allow users to specify these.
let mut generic_fonts = HashMap::with_capacity(5);
add_generic_font(&mut generic_fonts, "serif", "Times New Roman");
add_generic_font(&mut generic_fonts, "sans-serif", "Arial");
add_generic_font(&mut generic_fonts, "cursive", "Apple Chancery");
add_generic_font(&mut generic_fonts, "fantasy", "Papyrus");
add_generic_font(&mut generic_fonts, "monospace", "Menlo");
let mut cache = FontCache {
port: port,
generic_fonts: generic_fonts,
local_families: HashMap::new(),
web_families: HashMap::new(),
font_context: FontContextHandle::new(),
resource_task: resource_task,
FontCacheTask {
chan: chan,
pub fn get_font_template(&self, family: String, desc: FontTemplateDescriptor)
-> Option<Arc<FontTemplateData>> {
let (response_chan, response_port) = channel();
self.chan.send(GetFontTemplate(family, desc, response_chan));
let reply = response_port.recv();
match reply {
GetFontTemplateReply(data) => {
pub fn get_last_resort_font_template(&self, desc: FontTemplateDescriptor)
-> Arc<FontTemplateData> {
let (response_chan, response_port) = channel();
self.chan.send(GetLastResortFontTemplate(desc, response_chan));
let reply = response_port.recv();
match reply {
GetFontTemplateReply(data) => {
pub fn add_web_font(&self, family: String, src: Source) {
let (response_chan, response_port) = channel();
self.chan.send(AddWebFont(family, src, response_chan));
pub fn exit(&self) {
let (response_chan, response_port) = channel();