mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 16:22:53 +00:00

the printing of headers and footers. Printing of selection is implemented by the frames figuring out if they are in the selection and painting if they or not they they don't paint. This also only allows the printing of the first page of selections, alothough it is well documented where this is implemeted so it can be removed. Bugs 63426, 31218, 61075 r=dcone,kmcclusk,erik,buster sr=waterson
1942 lines
72 KiB
1942 lines
72 KiB
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsTableRowGroupFrame.h"
#include "nsTableRowFrame.h"
#include "nsTableFrame.h"
#include "nsTableCellFrame.h"
#include "nsIRenderingContext.h"
#include "nsIPresContext.h"
#include "nsIStyleContext.h"
#include "nsStyleConsts.h"
#include "nsIContent.h"
#include "nsIView.h"
#include "nsIReflowCommand.h"
#include "nsHTMLIIDs.h"
#include "nsIDeviceContext.h"
#include "nsHTMLAtoms.h"
#include "nsIStyleSet.h"
#include "nsIPresShell.h"
#include "nsLayoutAtoms.h"
#include "nsCSSRendering.h"
#include "nsHTMLParts.h"
#include "nsCellMap.h"//table cell navigation
mTimer = new nsReflowTimer(this);
/* ----------- nsTableRowGroupFrame ---------- */
nsrefcnt nsTableRowGroupFrame::AddRef(void)
return 1;//implementation of nsLineIterator
nsrefcnt nsTableRowGroupFrame::Release(void)
return 1;//implementation of nsLineIterator
nsTableRowGroupFrame::QueryInterface(const nsIID& aIID, void** aInstancePtr)
if (NULL == aInstancePtr) {
if (aIID.Equals(kITableRowGroupIID)) {
*aInstancePtr = (void*)this;
return NS_OK;
else if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsILineIteratorNavigator)))
{ // note there is no addref here, frames are not addref'd
*aInstancePtr = (void*)(nsILineIteratorNavigator*)this;
return NS_OK;
else {
return nsHTMLContainerFrame::QueryInterface(aIID, aInstancePtr);
NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetRowCount(PRInt32 &aCount, PRBool aDeepCount)
// init out-param
// loop through children, adding one to aCount for every legit row
nsIFrame *childFrame = GetFirstFrame();
while (PR_TRUE)
if (nsnull==childFrame)
const nsStyleDisplay *childDisplay;
childFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)childDisplay));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == childDisplay->mDisplay)
else if (aDeepCount && NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP == childDisplay->mDisplay) {
PRInt32 childRowGroupCount;
aCount += childRowGroupCount;
GetNextFrame(childFrame, &childFrame);
return NS_OK;
PRInt32 nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetStartRowIndex()
PRInt32 result = -1;
nsIFrame *childFrame = GetFirstFrame();
while (PR_TRUE)
if (nsnull==childFrame)
const nsStyleDisplay *childDisplay;
childFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)childDisplay));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == childDisplay->mDisplay)
result = ((nsTableRowFrame *)childFrame)->GetRowIndex();
else if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP == childDisplay->mDisplay) {
result = ((nsTableRowGroupFrame*)childFrame)->GetStartRowIndex();
if (result != -1)
GetNextFrame(childFrame, &childFrame);
// if the row group doesn't have any children, get it the hard way
if (-1 == result) {
nsTableFrame* tableFrame;
nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (tableFrame) {
return tableFrame->GetStartRowIndex(*this);
return result;
nsTableRowGroupFrame::InitRepeatedFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsTableRowGroupFrame* aHeaderFooterFrame)
nsIFrame* originalRowFrame;
nsIFrame* copyRowFrame = GetFirstFrame();
aHeaderFooterFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &originalRowFrame);
while (copyRowFrame) {
// Set the row frame index
int rowIndex = ((nsTableRowFrame*)originalRowFrame)->GetRowIndex();
// For each table cell frame set its column index
nsIFrame* originalCellFrame;
nsIFrame* copyCellFrame;
originalRowFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &originalCellFrame);
copyRowFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, ©CellFrame);
while (copyCellFrame) {
nsIAtom* frameType;
if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == frameType) {
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
nsIContent* content1;
nsIContent* content2;
NS_ASSERTION(content1 == content2, "cell frames have different content");
PRInt32 colIndex;
// Move to the next cell frame
// Move to the next row frame
GetNextFrame(originalRowFrame, &originalRowFrame);
GetNextFrame(copyRowFrame, ©RowFrame);
return NS_OK;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::Paint(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIRenderingContext& aRenderingContext,
const nsRect& aDirtyRect,
nsFramePaintLayer aWhichLayer)
PRBool isVisible;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(IsVisibleForPainting(aPresContext, aRenderingContext, PR_FALSE, &isVisible)) && !isVisible) {
return NS_OK;
nsresult rv;
nsCompatibility mode;
if (eCompatibility_Standard == mode) {
const nsStyleDisplay* disp =
(const nsStyleDisplay*)mStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display);
if (disp->IsVisibleOrCollapsed()) {
const nsStyleSpacing* spacing =
(const nsStyleSpacing*)mStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Spacing);
const nsStyleColor* color =
(const nsStyleColor*)mStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Color);
nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull;
rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || (nsnull == tableFrame)) {
return rv;
nsRect rect(0,0,mRect.width, mRect.height);
nsCSSRendering::PaintBackground(aPresContext, aRenderingContext, this,
aDirtyRect, rect, *color, *spacing, 0, 0);
#ifdef DEBUG
// for debug...
if ((NS_FRAME_PAINT_LAYER_DEBUG == aWhichLayer) && GetShowFrameBorders()) {
aRenderingContext.DrawRect(0, 0, mRect.width, mRect.height);
PaintChildren(aPresContext, aRenderingContext, aDirtyRect, aWhichLayer);
return NS_OK;
/*nsFrame::Paint(aPresContext, aRenderingContext, aDirtyRect, aWhichLayer);*/
nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetSkipSides() const
PRIntn skip = 0;
if (nsnull != mPrevInFlow) {
skip |= 1 << NS_SIDE_TOP;
if (nsnull != mNextInFlow) {
skip |= 1 << NS_SIDE_BOTTOM;
return skip;
// aDirtyRect is in our coordinate system
// child rect's are also in our coordinate system
/** overloaded method from nsContainerFrame. The difference is that
* we don't want to clip our children, so a cell can do a rowspan
void nsTableRowGroupFrame::PaintChildren(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIRenderingContext& aRenderingContext,
const nsRect& aDirtyRect,
nsFramePaintLayer aWhichLayer)
nsIFrame* kid = GetFirstFrame();
while (nsnull != kid) {
nsIView *pView;
kid->GetView(aPresContext, &pView);
if (nsnull == pView) {
PRBool clipState;
nsRect kidRect;
nsRect damageArea(aDirtyRect);
// Translate damage area into kid's coordinate system
nsRect kidDamageArea(damageArea.x - kidRect.x, damageArea.y - kidRect.y,
damageArea.width, damageArea.height);
aRenderingContext.Translate(kidRect.x, kidRect.y);
kid->Paint(aPresContext, aRenderingContext, kidDamageArea, aWhichLayer);
#ifdef DEBUG
if ((NS_FRAME_PAINT_LAYER_DEBUG == aWhichLayer) &&
GetShowFrameBorders()) {
aRenderingContext.DrawRect(0, 0, kidRect.width, kidRect.height);
GetNextFrame(kid, &kid);
nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetFrameForPoint(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
const nsPoint& aPoint,
nsFramePaintLayer aWhichLayer,
nsIFrame** aFrame)
// this should act like a block, so we need to override
return GetFrameForPointUsing(aPresContext, aPoint, nsnull, aWhichLayer, (aWhichLayer == NS_FRAME_PAINT_LAYER_BACKGROUND), aFrame);
// Position and size aKidFrame and update our reflow state. The origin of
// aKidRect is relative to the upper-left origin of our frame
void nsTableRowGroupFrame::PlaceChild(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState,
nsIFrame* aKidFrame,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
nscoord aX,
nscoord aY,
nsSize* aMaxElementSize,
nsSize& aKidMaxElementSize)
// Place and size the child
FinishReflowChild(aKidFrame, aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aX, aY, 0);
// Adjust the running y-offset
aReflowState.y += aDesiredSize.height;
// If our height is constrained then update the available height
if (PR_FALSE == aReflowState.unconstrainedHeight) {
aReflowState.availSize.height -= aDesiredSize.height;
// Update the maximum element size
if (PR_TRUE==aReflowState.firstRow)
aReflowState.firstRow = PR_FALSE;
if (nsnull != aMaxElementSize) {
aMaxElementSize->width = aKidMaxElementSize.width;
aMaxElementSize->height = aKidMaxElementSize.height;
else if (nsnull != aMaxElementSize) {
aMaxElementSize->width = PR_MAX(aMaxElementSize->width, aKidMaxElementSize.width);
* Reflow the frames we've already created
* @param aPresContext presentation context to use
* @param aReflowState current inline state
* @return true if we successfully reflowed all the mapped children and false
* otherwise, e.g. we pushed children to the next in flow
NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::ReflowMappedChildren(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nsTableRowFrame * aStartFrame,
nsReflowReason aReason,
PRBool aDoSiblings,
PRBool aDirtyOnly)
nsSize kidMaxElementSize;
nsSize* pKidMaxElementSize = (nsnull != aDesiredSize.maxElementSize) ? &kidMaxElementSize : nsnull;
nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull;
nsresult rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !tableFrame) return rv;
nscoord cellSpacingY = tableFrame->GetCellSpacingY();
if (!ContinueReflow(nsnull, aPresContext, aReflowState.y, aReflowState.availSize.height))
return rv;
nsIFrame* kidFrame;
if (nsnull==aStartFrame) {
kidFrame = GetFirstFrameForReflow(aPresContext);
ReflowBeforeRowLayout(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus, aReason);
kidFrame = aStartFrame;
PRUint8 borderStyle = aReflowState.tableFrame->GetBorderCollapseStyle();
for ( ; nsnull != kidFrame; )
// Get the frame state bits
nsFrameState frameState;
// See if we should only reflow the dirty child frames
PRBool doReflowChild = PR_TRUE;
if (aDirtyOnly) {
if ((frameState & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY) == 0) {
doReflowChild = PR_FALSE;
// Reflow the row frame
if (doReflowChild) {
nsSize kidAvailSize(aReflowState.availSize);
if (0>=kidAvailSize.height)
kidAvailSize.height = 1; // XXX: HaCk - we don't handle negative heights yet
nsHTMLReflowMetrics desiredSize(pKidMaxElementSize);
// Reflow the child into the available space, giving it as much room as
// it wants. We'll deal with splitting later after we've computed the row
// heights, taking into account cells with row spans...
kidAvailSize.height = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
nsReflowReason reason = aReason;
if (aDirtyOnly) {
if (frameState & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW) {
// Newly inserted frame
reason = eReflowReason_Initial;
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState.reflowState, kidFrame,
kidAvailSize, reason);
// If this isn't the first row frame, then we can't be at the top of
// the page anymore...
if (kidFrame != GetFirstFrame()) {
kidReflowState.isTopOfPage = PR_FALSE;
if (aReflowState.tableFrame->RowGroupsShouldBeConstrained()) {
// Only applies to the tree widget.
const nsStyleDisplay *rowDisplay;
kidFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)rowDisplay));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP == rowDisplay->mDisplay &&
aReflowState.availSize.height != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
kidReflowState.availableHeight = aReflowState.availSize.height;
rv = ReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, kidReflowState,
0, aReflowState.y, 0, aStatus);
// Place the child
nsRect kidRect (0, aReflowState.y, desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height);
PlaceChild(aPresContext, aReflowState, kidFrame, desiredSize, 0,
aReflowState.y, aDesiredSize.maxElementSize, kidMaxElementSize);
/* if the table has collapsing borders, we need to reset the length of the shared vertical borders
* for the table and the cells that overlap this row
if ((eReflowReason_Initial != aReflowState.reflowState.reason) &&
const nsStyleDisplay *childDisplay;
kidFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)childDisplay));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == childDisplay->mDisplay) {
PRInt32 rowIndex = ((nsTableRowFrame*)kidFrame)->GetRowIndex();
PRInt32 colCount = aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColCount();
PRInt32 colIndex = 0;
nsIFrame *cellFrame;
for (colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++) {
cellFrame = aReflowState.tableFrame->GetCellInfoAt(rowIndex, colIndex);
if (cellFrame) {
const nsStyleDisplay *cellDisplay;
cellFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)cellDisplay));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == cellDisplay->mDisplay) {
((nsTableCellFrame *)(cellFrame))->SetBorderEdgeLength(NS_SIDE_LEFT,
((nsTableCellFrame *)(cellFrame))->SetBorderEdgeLength(NS_SIDE_RIGHT,
aReflowState.y += cellSpacingY;
} else {
// Adjust the running y-offset so we know where the next row should
// be placed
nsSize kidSize;
aReflowState.y += kidSize.height + cellSpacingY;
if (PR_FALSE==aDoSiblings)
if (!ContinueReflow(kidFrame, aPresContext, aReflowState.y, aReflowState.availSize.height))
// Get the next child
GetNextFrameForReflow(aPresContext, kidFrame, &kidFrame);
// Call our post-row reflow hook
ReflowAfterRowLayout(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus, aReason);
return rv;
* Pull-up all the row frames from our next-in-flow
NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::PullUpAllRowFrames(nsIPresContext* aPresContext)
if (mNextInFlow) {
nsTableRowGroupFrame* nextInFlow = (nsTableRowGroupFrame*)mNextInFlow;
while (nsnull != nextInFlow) {
// Any frames on the next-in-flow's overflow list?
nsIFrame* nextOverflowFrames = nextInFlow->GetOverflowFrames(aPresContext,
if (nextOverflowFrames) {
// Yes, append them to its child list
nextInFlow->mFrames.AppendFrames(nextInFlow, nextOverflowFrames);
// Any row frames?
if (nextInFlow->mFrames.NotEmpty()) {
// When pushing and pulling frames we need to check for whether any
// views need to be reparented.
for (nsIFrame* f = nextInFlow->GetFirstFrame(); f; GetNextFrame(f, &f)) {
nsHTMLContainerFrame::ReparentFrameView(aPresContext, f, nextInFlow, this);
// Append them to our child list
mFrames.AppendFrames(this, nextInFlow->mFrames);
// Move to the next-in-flow
return NS_OK;
void nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetNextRowSibling(nsIFrame** aRowFrame)
if (!*aRowFrame) return;
GetNextFrame(*aRowFrame, aRowFrame);
while(*aRowFrame) {
const nsStyleDisplay *display;
(*aRowFrame)->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)display));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == display->mDisplay) {
GetNextFrame(*aRowFrame, aRowFrame);
// allocate the height of rows which have no cells originating in them
// except with cells with rowspan > 1. Store the height as negative
// to distinguish them from regular rows.
AllocateSpecialHeight(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsTableFrame* aTableFrame,
nsIFrame* aRowFrame,
nscoord& aHeight)
nsIFrame* cellFrame;
aRowFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &cellFrame);
while (cellFrame) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> cellType;
if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == cellType.get()) {
PRInt32 rowSpan = aTableFrame->GetEffectiveRowSpan((nsTableCellFrame&)*cellFrame);
if (rowSpan > 1) {
// use a simple average to allocate the special row. This is not exact,
// but much better than nothing.
nsSize cellDesSize = ((nsTableCellFrame*)cellFrame)->GetDesiredSize();
((nsTableRowFrame*)aRowFrame)->CalculateCellActualSize(cellFrame, cellDesSize.width,
cellDesSize.height, cellDesSize.width);
PRInt32 propHeight = NSToCoordRound((float)cellDesSize.height / (float)rowSpan);
// special rows store the largest negative value
aHeight = PR_MIN(aHeight, -propHeight);
/* CalculateRowHeights provides default heights for all rows in the rowgroup.
* Actual row heights are ultimately determined by the table, when the table
* height attribute is factored in.
void nsTableRowGroupFrame::CalculateRowHeights(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState)
nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull;
nsresult rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || nsnull==tableFrame) return;
// all table cells have the same top and bottom margins, namely cellSpacingY
nscoord cellSpacingY = tableFrame->GetCellSpacingY();
PRBool hasRowSpanningCell = PR_FALSE;
PRInt32 numRows;
GetRowCount(numRows, PR_FALSE);
// collect the current height of each row. rows which have 0 height because
// they have no cells originating in them without rowspans > 1, are referred to as
// special rows. The current height of a special row will be a negative number until
// it comes time to actually resize frames.
nscoord* rowHeights = nsnull;
if (numRows > 0) {
rowHeights = new nscoord[numRows];
if (!rowHeights) return;
nsCRT::memset (rowHeights, 0, numRows*sizeof(nscoord));
} // else - tree row groups need not have rows directly beneath them
// Step 1: get the height of the tallest cell in the row and save it for
// pass 2. This height is for table cells that originate in this
// row and that don't span into the rows that follow
nsIFrame* rowFrame = GetFirstFrame();
PRInt32 rowIndex = 0;
// For row groups that are split across pages, the first row frame won't
// necessarily be index 0
PRInt32 startRowIndex = -1;
while (rowFrame) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType;
if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == frameType.get()) {
if (startRowIndex == -1) {
startRowIndex = ((nsTableRowFrame*)rowFrame)->GetRowIndex();
// get the height of the tallest cell in the row (excluding cells that span rows)
rowHeights[rowIndex] = ((nsTableRowFrame*)rowFrame)->GetTallestCell();
// See if a cell spans into the row. If so we'll have to do step 2
if (!hasRowSpanningCell) {
if (tableFrame->RowIsSpannedInto(rowIndex + startRowIndex)) {
hasRowSpanningCell = PR_TRUE;
// special rows need to have some values, so they will get allocations
// later. If left at 0, they would get nothing.
if (0 == rowHeights[rowIndex]) {
AllocateSpecialHeight(aPresContext, tableFrame, rowFrame, rowHeights[rowIndex]);
GetNextFrame(rowFrame, &rowFrame); // Get the next row
// Step 2: Now account for cells that span rows. We only do this if there are cells
// that span rows. A spanning cell's height is the sum of the heights of the
// rows it spans, or it's own desired height, whichever is greater.
// If the cell's desired height is the larger value, resize the rows and contained
// cells by an equal percentage of the additional space.
// We go through this loop twice. The first time, we are adjusting cell heights
// on the fly. The second time through the loop, we're ensuring that subsequent
// row-spanning cells didn't change prior calculations. Since we are guaranteed
// to have found the max height spanners the first time through, we know we only
// need two passes, not an arbitrary number.
if (hasRowSpanningCell) {
nscoord deltaY = 0;
for (PRInt32 counter = 0; counter < 2; counter++) {
rowFrame = GetFirstFrame();
rowIndex = 0;
while (rowFrame) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> rowType;
if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == rowType.get()) {
// check this row for a cell with rowspans
nsIFrame* cellFrame;
rowFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &cellFrame);
while (cellFrame) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> cellType;
if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == cellType.get()) {
PRInt32 rowSpan = tableFrame->GetEffectiveRowSpan(rowIndex + startRowIndex,
if (rowSpan > 1) { // found a cell with rowspan > 1, determine the height
// of the rows it spans
nscoord heightOfRowsSpanned = 0;
nscoord cellSpacingOfRowsSpanned = 0;
PRInt32 spanX;
PRBool cellsOrigInSpan = PR_FALSE; // do any cells originate in the spanned rows
for (spanX = 0; spanX < rowSpan; spanX++) {
PRInt32 rIndex = rowIndex + spanX;
if (rowHeights[rIndex] > 0) {
// don't consider negative values of special rows
heightOfRowsSpanned += rowHeights[rowIndex + spanX];
cellsOrigInSpan = PR_TRUE;
if (0 != spanX) {
cellSpacingOfRowsSpanned += cellSpacingY;
nscoord availHeightOfRowsSpanned = heightOfRowsSpanned + cellSpacingOfRowsSpanned;
// see if the cell's height fits within the rows it spans. If this is
// pass 1 then use the cell's desired height and not the current height
// of its frame. That way this works for incremental reflow, too
nsSize cellFrameSize;
if (0 == counter) {
nsSize cellDesSize = ((nsTableCellFrame*)cellFrame)->GetDesiredSize();
((nsTableRowFrame*)rowFrame)->CalculateCellActualSize(cellFrame, cellDesSize.width,
cellDesSize.height, cellDesSize.width);
cellFrameSize.height = cellDesSize.height;
// see if the cell has 'vertical-align: baseline'
if (((nsTableCellFrame*)cellFrame)->HasVerticalAlignBaseline()) {
// to ensure that a spanning cell with a long descender doesn't
// collide with the next row, we need to take into account the shift
// that will be done to align the cell on the baseline of the row.
cellFrameSize.height += ((nsTableRowFrame*)rowFrame)->GetMaxCellAscent()
- ((nsTableCellFrame*)cellFrame)->GetDesiredAscent();
if (availHeightOfRowsSpanned >= cellFrameSize.height) {
// the cell's height fits with the available space of the rows it
// spans. Set the cell frame's height
cellFrame->SizeTo(aPresContext, cellFrameSize.width, availHeightOfRowsSpanned);
// Realign cell content based on new height
((nsTableCellFrame*)cellFrame)->VerticallyAlignChild(aPresContext, aReflowState, ((nsTableRowFrame*)rowFrame)->GetMaxCellAscent());
else {
// the cell's height is larger than the available space of the rows it
// spans so distribute the excess height to the rows affected
nscoord excessAvail = cellFrameSize.height - availHeightOfRowsSpanned;
nscoord excessBasis = excessAvail;
nsTableRowFrame* rowFrameToBeResized = (nsTableRowFrame *)rowFrame;
// iterate every row starting at last row spanned and up to the row with
// the spanning cell. do this bottom up so that special rows can get a full
// allocation before other rows.
PRInt32 startRowIndex = rowIndex + rowSpan - 1;
for (PRInt32 rowX = startRowIndex; (rowX >= rowIndex) && (excessAvail > 0); rowX--) {
nscoord excessForRow = 0;
// special rows gets as much as they can
if (rowHeights[rowX] <= 0) {
if ((rowX == startRowIndex) || (!cellsOrigInSpan)) {
if (0 == rowHeights[rowX]) {
// give it all since no cell originates in the row
excessForRow = excessBasis;
else { // don't let the allocation excced what it needs
excessForRow = (excessBasis > -rowHeights[rowX]) ? -rowHeights[rowX] : excessBasis;
rowHeights[rowX] = excessForRow;
excessBasis -= excessForRow;
excessAvail -= excessForRow;
else if (cellsOrigInSpan) { // normal rows
// The amount of additional space each normal row gets is based on the
// percentage of space it occupies, i.e. they don't all get the
// same amount of available space
float percent = ((float)rowHeights[rowX]) / ((float)heightOfRowsSpanned);
// give rows their percentage, except for the first row which gets
// the remainder
excessForRow = (rowX == rowIndex)
? excessAvail
: NSToCoordRound(((float)(excessBasis)) * percent);
// update the row height
rowHeights[rowX] += excessForRow;
excessAvail -= excessForRow;
// Get the next row frame
// if excessAvail is > 0 it is because !cellsOrigInSpan and the
// allocation involving special rows couldn't allocate everything.
// just give the remainder to the last row spanned.
if (excessAvail > 0) {
if (rowHeights[startRowIndex] >= 0) {
rowHeights[startRowIndex] += excessAvail;
else {
rowHeights[startRowIndex] = excessAvail;
cellFrame->GetNextSibling(&cellFrame); // Get the next row child (cell frame)
// If this is pass 2 then resize the row to its final size and move the
// row's position if the previous rows have caused a shift
if (1 == counter) {
PRBool movedFrame = (deltaY != 0);
nsRect rowBounds;
// Move the row to the correct position
rowFrame->GetRect(rowBounds); // added
rowBounds.y += deltaY;
// Adjust our running delta
nscoord rowHeight = (rowHeights[rowIndex] > 0) ? rowHeights[rowIndex] : 0;
deltaY += rowHeight - rowBounds.height;
// Resize the row to its final size and position
rowBounds.height = rowHeight;
rowFrame->SetRect(aPresContext, rowBounds);
if (movedFrame) {
// Make sure any views are positioned properly
nsIView* view;
rowFrame->GetView(aPresContext, &view);
if (view) {
nsContainerFrame::PositionFrameView(aPresContext, rowFrame, view);
} else {
nsContainerFrame::PositionChildViews(aPresContext, rowFrame);
GetNextFrame(rowFrame, &rowFrame); // Get the next rowgroup child (row frame)
// step 3: notify the rows of their new heights
nscoord rowGroupHeight = 0;
rowFrame = GetFirstFrame();
rowIndex = 0;
while (rowFrame) {
if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.availableWidth) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> rowType;
if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == rowType.get()) {
// Notify the row of the new size
((nsTableRowFrame *)rowFrame)->DidResize(aPresContext, aReflowState);
// Update the running row group height. The height includes frames that
// aren't rows as well
nsSize rowSize;
rowGroupHeight += rowSize.height;
if (0 != rowIndex) {
rowGroupHeight += cellSpacingY;
GetNextFrame(rowFrame, &rowFrame); // Get the next row
aDesiredSize.height = rowGroupHeight; // Adjust our desired size
delete [] rowHeights; // cleanup
// Called by IR_TargetIsChild() to adjust the sibling frames that follow
// after an incremental reflow of aKidFrame.
// This function is not used for paginated mode so we don't need to deal
// with continuing frames, and it's only called if aKidFrame has no
// cells that span into it and no cells that span across it. That way
// we don't have to deal with rowspans
nsTableRowGroupFrame::AdjustSiblingsAfterReflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState,
nsIFrame* aKidFrame,
nsSize* aMaxElementSize,
nscoord aDeltaY)
NS_PRECONDITION(NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aReflowState.reflowState.availableHeight,
"we're not in galley mode");
nsIFrame* lastKidFrame = aKidFrame;
// Move the frames that follow aKidFrame by aDeltaY and update the max element
// size
nsIFrame* kidFrame;
for (aKidFrame->GetNextSibling(&kidFrame); kidFrame; kidFrame->GetNextSibling(&kidFrame)) {
// Update the max element size
if (aMaxElementSize) {
const nsStyleDisplay *display;
aKidFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)display));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == display->mDisplay) {
nsSize kidMaxElementSize;
aMaxElementSize->width = PR_MAX(aMaxElementSize->width, kidMaxElementSize.width);
// Move the frame if we need to
if (aDeltaY != 0) {
nsPoint origin;
// Adjust the y-origin
origin.y += aDeltaY;
kidFrame->MoveTo(aPresContext, origin.x, origin.y);
// Remember the last frame
lastKidFrame = kidFrame;
// Update our running y-offset to reflect the bottommost child
nsRect rect;
aReflowState.y = rect.YMost();
return NS_OK;
nsTableRowGroupFrame::SplitRowGroup(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
nsTableFrame* aTableFrame,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
nsIFrame* prevRowFrame = nsnull;
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
// Walk each of the row frames looking for the first row frame that
// doesn't fit in the available space
for (nsIFrame* rowFrame = GetFirstFrame(); rowFrame; GetNextFrame(rowFrame, &rowFrame)) {
nsRect bounds;
if (bounds.YMost() > aReflowState.availableHeight) {
// If this is the first row frame then we need to split it
if (!prevRowFrame) {
// Reflow the row in the available space and have it split
nsSize availSize(aReflowState.availableWidth,
aReflowState.availableHeight - bounds.y);
nsHTMLReflowState rowReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, rowFrame,
availSize, eReflowReason_Resize);
nsHTMLReflowMetrics desiredSize(nsnull);
rv = ReflowChild(rowFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, rowReflowState,
0, 0, NS_FRAME_NO_MOVE_FRAME, aStatus);
rowFrame->SizeTo(aPresContext, desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height);
rowFrame->DidReflow(aPresContext, NS_FRAME_REFLOW_FINISHED);
((nsTableRowFrame *)rowFrame)->DidResize(aPresContext, aReflowState);
aDesiredSize.height = desiredSize.height;
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
// Verify it doesn't already have a next-in-flow. The reason it should
// not already have a next-in-flow is that ReflowMappedChildren() reflows
// the row frames with an unconstrained available height
nsIFrame* nextInFlow;
NS_ASSERTION(!nextInFlow, "row frame already has next-in-flow");
// Create a continuing frame, add it to the child list, and then push it
// and the frames that follow
nsIFrame* contRowFrame;
nsIPresShell* presShell;
nsIStyleSet* styleSet;
styleSet->CreateContinuingFrame(aPresContext, rowFrame, this, &contRowFrame);
// Add it to the child list
nsIFrame* nextRow;
GetNextFrame(rowFrame, &nextRow);
// Push the continuing row frame and the frames that follow
PushChildren(aPresContext, contRowFrame, rowFrame);
} else {
// The row frame is complete. It may be the case that it's minimum
// height was greater than the available height we gave it
nsIFrame* nextRowFrame;
// Push the frame that follows
GetNextFrame(rowFrame, &nextRowFrame);
if (nextRowFrame) {
PushChildren(aPresContext, nextRowFrame, rowFrame);
} else {
// See whether the row frame has cells that span into it
const nsStyleDisplay *display;
rowFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)display));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW != display->mDisplay) {
NS_ASSERTION(PR_FALSE, "uh oh, not a row frame...");
PRInt32 rowIndex = ((nsTableRowFrame*)rowFrame)->GetRowIndex();
PRInt32 colCount = aTableFrame->GetColCount();
nsTableCellFrame* prevCellFrame = nsnull;
for (PRInt32 colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++) {
nsTableCellFrame* cellFrame = aTableFrame->GetCellInfoAt(rowIndex, colIndex);
if (!cellFrame) {
// There is no cell at this column index. Go check the next column index
// See if the cell frame is really in this row, or whether it's a
// row span from a previous row
PRInt32 realRowIndex;
if (realRowIndex == rowIndex) {
prevCellFrame = cellFrame;
} else {
// This cell frame spans into the row we're pushing, so we need to:
// - reflow the cell frame into the new smaller space
// - create a continuing frame for the cell frame (we do this regardless
// of whether it's complete)
// - add the continuing frame to the row frame we're pushing
nsIFrame* parentFrame;
nsPoint firstRowOrigin, lastRowOrigin;
nsReflowStatus status;
// Ask the cell frame's parent to reflow it to the height of all the
// rows it spans between its parent frame and the row we're pushing
aReflowState, cellFrame, lastRowOrigin.y - firstRowOrigin.y, status);
// Create the continuing cell frame
nsIFrame* contCellFrame;
nsIPresShell* presShell;
nsIStyleSet* styleSet;
styleSet->CreateContinuingFrame(aPresContext, cellFrame, rowFrame, &contCellFrame);
// Add it to the row's child list
prevCellFrame = (nsTableCellFrame*)contCellFrame;
// Push this row frame and those that follow to the next-in-flow
PushChildren(aPresContext, rowFrame, prevRowFrame);
aDesiredSize.height = bounds.y;
prevRowFrame = rowFrame;
return NS_OK;
/** Layout the entire row group.
* This method stacks rows vertically according to HTML 4.0 rules.
* Rows are responsible for layout of their children.
nsTableRowGroupFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
DO_GLOBAL_REFLOW_COUNT("nsTableRowGroupFrame", aReflowState.reason);
nsTableFrame::DebugReflow(this, (nsHTMLReflowState&)aReflowState);
nsresult rv=NS_OK;
// Initialize out parameter
if (nsnull != aDesiredSize.maxElementSize) {
aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->width = 0;
aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->height = 0;
nsTableFrame *tableFrame=nsnull;
rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
else if (tableFrame == nsnull)
RowGroupReflowState state(aPresContext, aReflowState, tableFrame);
if (eReflowReason_Incremental == aReflowState.reason) {
rv = IncrementalReflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, state, aStatus);
} else {
// Check for an overflow list
// Reflow the existing frames. Before we do, pull-up any row frames from
// our next-in-flow.
// XXX It would be more efficient to do this if we have room left after
// reflowing the frames we have, the problem is we don't know if we have
// room left until after we call CalculateRowHeights()...
rv = ReflowMappedChildren(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, state, aStatus,
nsnull, aReflowState.reason, PR_TRUE);
// Return our desired rect
aDesiredSize.width = aReflowState.availableWidth;
aDesiredSize.height = state.y;
// determine if the row group is repeatable in paginated mode
PRBool isPaginated;
if (isPaginated) {
PRBool repeatable = PR_FALSE;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDeviceContext> dc;
rv = aPresContext->GetDeviceContext(getter_AddRefs(dc));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && dc) {
PRInt32 pageWidth, pageHeight;
dc->GetDeviceSurfaceDimensions(pageWidth, pageHeight);
// don't repeat the thead or tfoot unless it is < 25% of the page height
repeatable = (aDesiredSize.height < (pageHeight / 4));
// account for scroll bars. XXX needs optimization/caching
if (nsnull != aDesiredSize.maxElementSize) {
nsIAtom* pseudoTag;
if (pseudoTag == nsLayoutAtoms::scrolledContentPseudo) {
nsIFrame* scrollFrame;
const nsStyleDisplay *display;
scrollFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)display));
if ((NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_SCROLL == display->mOverflow) ||
(NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_AUTO == display->mOverflow)) {
float sbWidth, sbHeight;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDeviceContext> dc;
dc->GetScrollBarDimensions(sbWidth, sbHeight);
aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->width += NSToCoordRound(sbWidth);
// If scrollbars are always visible then add in the hor sb height
if (NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_SCROLL == display->mOverflow) {
aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->height += NSToCoordRound(sbHeight);
// shrink wrap rows to height of tallest cell in that row
PRBool isTableUnconstrainedReflow = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE ==
// Skip this step if possible. We can skip it if the table is going to be
// doing a pass 2 reflow. In the case where the table is getting an unconstrained
// reflow, then we need to do this because the table will skip the pass 2 reflow,
// but we need to correctly calculate the row group height and we can't if there
// are row spans unless we do this step
if ((eReflowReason_Initial != aReflowState.reason) || isTableUnconstrainedReflow) {
CalculateRowHeights(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState);
// See if all the frames fit
if (aDesiredSize.height > aReflowState.availableHeight &&
!tableFrame->RowGroupsShouldBeConstrained()) {
// Nope, find a place to split the row group
SplitRowGroup(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, tableFrame, aStatus);
// If we computed our max element element size, then cache it so we can return
// it later when asked
if (aDesiredSize.maxElementSize) {
mMaxElementSize = *aDesiredSize.maxElementSize;
nsTableFrame::DebugReflow(this, (nsHTMLReflowState&)aReflowState, &aDesiredSize, aStatus);
return rv;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::IncrementalReflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
// determine if this frame is the target or not
nsIFrame *target=nsnull;
rv = aReflowState.reflowState.reflowCommand->GetTarget(target);
if ((PR_TRUE==NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) && (nsnull!=target))
if (this==target)
rv = IR_TargetIsMe(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus);
// Get the next frame in the reflow chain
nsIFrame* nextFrame;
rv = IR_TargetIsChild(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus, nextFrame);
return rv;
// Helper function. It marks the table frame as dirty and generates
// a reflow command
nsTableRowGroupFrame::AddTableDirtyReflowCommand(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIFrame* aTableFrame)
nsFrameState frameState;
nsIFrame* tableParentFrame;
nsIReflowCommand* reflowCmd;
nsresult rv;
// Mark the table frame as dirty
frameState |= NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY;
// Target the reflow comamnd at its parent frame
rv = NS_NewHTMLReflowCommand(&reflowCmd, tableParentFrame,
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
// Add the reflow command
rv = aPresShell.AppendReflowCommand(reflowCmd);
return rv;
#if 0
// Reflow the new frames. They're already marked dirty, so generate a reflow
// command that tells us to reflow our dirty child frames
nsIReflowCommand* reflowCmd;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(NS_NewHTMLReflowCommand(&reflowCmd, this,
nsIReflowCommand::ReflowDirty))) {
// this does not get called for trees
nsTableRowGroupFrame::AppendFrames(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aFrameList)
// collect the new row frames in an array
nsVoidArray rows;
for (nsIFrame* rowFrame = aFrameList; rowFrame; rowFrame->GetNextSibling(&rowFrame)) {
nsIAtom* frameType;
if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == frameType) {
PRInt32 rowIndex;
// Append the frames to the sibling chain
mFrames.AppendFrames(nsnull, aFrameList);
if (rows.Count() > 0) {
nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull;
nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (tableFrame) {
tableFrame->AppendRows(*aPresContext, *this, rowIndex, rows);
// Because the number of columns may have changed invalidate the column widths
// Reflow the new frames. They're already marked dirty, so generate a reflow
// command that tells us to reflow our dirty child frames
nsIReflowCommand* reflowCmd;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(NS_NewHTMLReflowCommand(&reflowCmd, this,
nsIReflowCommand::ReflowDirty))) {
return NS_OK;
// this does not get called for trees
nsTableRowGroupFrame::InsertFrames(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aPrevFrame,
nsIFrame* aFrameList)
// collect the new row frames in an array
nsVoidArray rows;
for (nsIFrame* rowFrame = aFrameList; rowFrame; rowFrame->GetNextSibling(&rowFrame)) {
nsIAtom* frameType;
if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == frameType) {
// Insert the frames in the sibling chain
mFrames.InsertFrames(nsnull, aPrevFrame, aFrameList);
if (rows.Count() > 0) {
nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull;
nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (tableFrame) {
nsTableRowFrame* prevRow = (nsTableRowFrame *)nsTableFrame::GetFrameAtOrBefore(aPresContext, this, aPrevFrame, nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame);
PRInt32 rowIndex = (prevRow) ? prevRow->GetRowIndex() + 1 : 0;
tableFrame->InsertRows(*aPresContext, *this, rows, rowIndex, PR_TRUE);
// Reflow the new frames. They're already marked dirty, so generate a reflow
// command that tells us to reflow our dirty child frames
nsIReflowCommand* reflowCmd;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(NS_NewHTMLReflowCommand(&reflowCmd, this,
nsIReflowCommand::ReflowDirty))) {
// Because the number of columns may have changed invalidate the column widths
// Generate a reflow command so we reflow the table itself. This will
// do a pass-1 reflow of all the rows including any rows we just added
AddTableDirtyReflowCommand(aPresContext, aPresShell, tableFrame);
return NS_OK;
// this does not get called for trees
nsTableRowGroupFrame::RemoveFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIPresShell& aPresShell,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aOldFrame)
nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull;
nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (tableFrame) {
nsIAtom* frameType;
if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == frameType) {
PRInt32 firstRowIndex = ((nsTableRowFrame *)aOldFrame)->GetRowIndex();
tableFrame->RemoveRows(*aPresContext, firstRowIndex, 1, PR_TRUE);
// Because the number of columns may have changed invalidate the column widths
// Because we haven't added any new frames we don't need to do a pass1
// reflow. Just generate a reflow command so we reflow the table itself
AddTableDirtyReflowCommand(aPresContext, aPresShell, tableFrame);
mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, aOldFrame);
return NS_OK;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::IR_TargetIsMe(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
nsresult rv = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;
nsIReflowCommand::ReflowType type;
nsIFrame *objectFrame;
const nsStyleDisplay *childDisplay=nsnull;
if (nsnull!=objectFrame)
objectFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)childDisplay));
switch (type)
case nsIReflowCommand::ReflowDirty:
// Reflow the dirty child frames. Typically this is newly added frames.
// XXX What we really should do is do a pass-1 reflow of newly added
// frames (only if necessary, i.e., the table isn't fixed layout), then
// see if column widtsh changed and decide whether to do the pass-2 reflow
// of just the dirty rows or have the table rebalance column widths and
// do a pass-2 reflow of all rows
rv = ReflowMappedChildren(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus,
nsnull, aReflowState.reflowState.reason, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE);
// If any column widths have to change due to this, rebalance column widths.
// XXX need to calculate this, but for now just do it
case nsIReflowCommand::StyleChanged :
rv = IR_StyleChanged(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus);
case nsIReflowCommand::ContentChanged :
NS_ASSERTION(PR_FALSE, "illegal reflow type: ContentChanged");
NS_NOTYETIMPLEMENTED("unexpected reflow command type");
// XXX If we have a next-in-flow, then we're not complete
if (mNextInFlow) {
return rv;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetHeightOfRows(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nscoord& aResult)
nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull;
nsresult rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !tableFrame) return rv;
nscoord cellSpacingY = tableFrame->GetCellSpacingY();
// the rows in rowGroupFrame need to be expanded by rowHeightDelta[i]
// and the rowgroup itself needs to be expanded by SUM(row height deltas)
nsIFrame* rowFrame = nsnull;
rv = FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &rowFrame);
while ((NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) && (nsnull!=rowFrame)) {
const nsStyleDisplay* rowDisplay;
rowFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)rowDisplay));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == rowDisplay->mDisplay) {
nsRect rowRect;
aResult += rowRect.height;
else if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP == rowDisplay->mDisplay) {
((nsTableRowGroupFrame*)rowFrame)->GetHeightOfRows(aPresContext, aResult);
GetNextFrame(rowFrame, &rowFrame);
return NS_OK;
// Recovers the reflow state to what it should be if aKidFrame is about
// to be reflowed. Restores the following:
// - availSize
// - y
// - firstRow
nsTableRowGroupFrame::RecoverState(RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState,
nsIFrame* aKidFrame,
nsSize* aMaxElementSize)
nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull;
nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame);
nscoord cellSpacingY = tableFrame->GetCellSpacingY();
// Walk the list of children looking for aKidFrame
for (nsIFrame* frame = mFrames.FirstChild(); frame; frame->GetNextSibling(&frame)) {
if (frame == aKidFrame) {
// Update the running y-offset
nsSize kidSize;
aReflowState.y += cellSpacingY + kidSize.height;
// If our height is constrained then update the available height
if (PR_FALSE == aReflowState.unconstrainedHeight) {
aReflowState.availSize.height -= kidSize.height;
// Update the maximum element size
if (aMaxElementSize) {
const nsStyleDisplay *display;
frame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)display));
if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == display->mDisplay) {
// Get the row frame's cached max element size
nsSize kidMaxElementSize;
if (aReflowState.firstRow) {
aMaxElementSize->width = kidMaxElementSize.width;
aMaxElementSize->height = kidMaxElementSize.height;
} else {
aMaxElementSize->width = PR_MAX(aMaxElementSize->width, kidMaxElementSize.width);
aReflowState.firstRow = PR_FALSE;
return NS_OK;
nsTableRowGroupFrame::IsSimpleRowFrame(nsTableFrame* aTableFrame,
nsIFrame* aFrame)
// Make sure it's a row frame and not a row group frame
nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType;
if (frameType.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame) {
PRInt32 rowIndex = ((nsTableRowFrame*)aFrame)->GetRowIndex();
// It's a simple row frame if there are no cells that span into or
// across the row
if (!aTableFrame->RowIsSpannedInto(rowIndex) &&
!aTableFrame->RowHasSpanningCells(rowIndex)) {
return PR_TRUE;
return PR_FALSE;
GetFrameYMost(nsIFrame* aFrame)
nsRect rect;
return rect.YMost();
GetLastRowSibling(nsIFrame* aRowFrame)
nsIFrame* lastRowFrame = nsnull;
nsIFrame* lastFrame = aRowFrame;
while (lastFrame) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> fType;
if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == fType.get()) {
lastRowFrame = lastFrame;
return lastRowFrame;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::IR_TargetIsChild(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nsIFrame * aNextFrame)
nsresult rv;
// Recover the state as if aNextFrame is about to be reflowed
RecoverState(aReflowState, aNextFrame, aDesiredSize.maxElementSize);
// Remember the old rect
nsRect oldKidRect;
// Reflow the child giving it as much room as it wants. We'll deal with
// splitting later after final determination of rows heights taking into
// account cells with row spans...
nsSize kidAvailSize(aReflowState.availSize.width, NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE);
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState.reflowState,
aNextFrame, kidAvailSize);
nsSize kidMaxElementSize;
nsHTMLReflowMetrics desiredSize(aDesiredSize.maxElementSize ? &kidMaxElementSize : nsnull,
// Pass along the reflow command
rv = ReflowChild(aNextFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, kidReflowState,
0, aReflowState.y, 0, aStatus);
// Place the row frame
nsRect kidRect(0, aReflowState.y, desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height);
PlaceChild(aPresContext, aReflowState, aNextFrame, desiredSize, 0,
aReflowState.y, aDesiredSize.maxElementSize, kidMaxElementSize);
// See if the table needs a reflow (e.g., if the column widths have
// changed). If so, just return and don't bother adjusting the rows
// that follow
if (!aReflowState.tableFrame->NeedsReflow(aReflowState.reflowState)) {
// If the row has no cells that span into or across the row, then we
// don't have to call CalculateRowHeights() which is quite expensive
if (IsSimpleRowFrame(aReflowState.tableFrame, aNextFrame)) {
// See if the row changed height
if (oldKidRect.height == desiredSize.height) {
// We don't need to do any painting. The row frame has made sure that
// the cell is properly positioned, and done any necessary repainting.
// Just calculate our desired height
aDesiredSize.height = GetFrameYMost(GetLastRowSibling(mFrames.FirstChild()));
} else {
// Inform the row of its new height.
((nsTableRowFrame*)aNextFrame)->DidResize(aPresContext, aReflowState.reflowState);
// Because other cells in the row may need to be be aligned differently,
// repaint the entire row
// XXX Improve this so the row knows it should bitblt (or repaint) those
// cells that change position...
Invalidate(aPresContext, kidRect);
// Invalidate the area we're offseting. Note that we only repaint within
// our existing frame bounds.
// XXX It would be better to bitblt the row frames and not repaint,
// but we don't have such a view manager function yet...
if (kidRect.YMost() < mRect.height) {
nsRect dirtyRect(0, kidRect.YMost(),
mRect.width, mRect.height - kidRect.YMost());
Invalidate(aPresContext, dirtyRect);
// Adjust the frames that follow
AdjustSiblingsAfterReflow(aPresContext, aReflowState, aNextFrame,
desiredSize.height - oldKidRect.height);
aDesiredSize.height = aReflowState.y;
} else {
if (desiredSize.mNothingChanged) { // mNothingChanges currently only works when a cell is the target
// the cell frame did not change size. Just calculate our desired height
aDesiredSize.height = GetFrameYMost(GetLastRowSibling(mFrames.FirstChild()));
} else {
// Adjust the frames that follow...
AdjustSiblingsAfterReflow(aPresContext, aReflowState, aNextFrame,
desiredSize.height - oldKidRect.height);
// Now recalculate the row heights
CalculateRowHeights(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState.reflowState);
// Because we don't know what changed repaint everything.
// XXX We should change CalculateRowHeights() to return the bounding
// rect of what changed. Or whether anything moved or changed size...
nsRect dirtyRect(0, 0, mRect.width, mRect.height);
Invalidate(aPresContext, dirtyRect);
// Return our desired width
aDesiredSize.width = aReflowState.reflowState.availableWidth;
if (mNextInFlow) {
return rv;
NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::IR_StyleChanged(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
// we presume that all the easy optimizations were done in the nsHTMLStyleSheet before we were called here
// XXX: we can optimize this when we know which style attribute changed
return rv;
nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetFrameType(nsIAtom** aType) const
NS_PRECONDITION(nsnull != aType, "null OUT parameter pointer");
*aType = nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame;
return NS_OK;
/* ----- global methods ----- */
NS_NewTableRowGroupFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame)
NS_PRECONDITION(aNewFrame, "null OUT ptr");
if (nsnull == aNewFrame) {
nsTableRowGroupFrame* it = new (aPresShell) nsTableRowGroupFrame;
if (nsnull == it) {
*aNewFrame = it;
return NS_OK;
#ifdef DEBUG
nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetFrameName(nsString& aResult) const
return MakeFrameName("TableRowGroup", aResult);
nsTableRowGroupFrame::SizeOf(nsISizeOfHandler* aHandler, PRUint32* aResult) const
if (!aResult) {
PRUint32 sum = sizeof(*this);
*aResult = sum;
return NS_OK;
//nsILineIterator methods for nsTableFrame
nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetNumLines(PRInt32* aResult)
return GetRowCount(*aResult);
nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetDirection(PRBool* aIsRightToLeft)
*aIsRightToLeft = PR_FALSE;
return NS_OK;
nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetLine(PRInt32 aLineNumber, nsIFrame** aFirstFrameOnLine, PRInt32* aNumFramesOnLine,
nsRect& aLineBounds, PRUint32* aLineFlags)
nsTableFrame* parentFrame = nsnull;
if (NS_FAILED(nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, parentFrame)))
nsTableCellMap* cellMap = parentFrame->GetCellMap();
if(aLineNumber >= cellMap->GetRowCount())
*aLineFlags = 0;/// should we fill these in later?
// not gonna touch aLineBounds right now
CellData* firstCellData = cellMap->GetCellAt(aLineNumber, 0);
*aFirstFrameOnLine = (nsIFrame*)firstCellData->GetCellFrame();
while((aLineNumber > 0)&&(!(*aFirstFrameOnLine)))
firstCellData = cellMap->GetCellAt(aLineNumber, 0);
*aFirstFrameOnLine = (nsIFrame*)firstCellData->GetCellFrame();
*aNumFramesOnLine = cellMap->GetNumCellsOriginatingInRow(aLineNumber);
return NS_OK;
nsTableRowGroupFrame::FindLineContaining(nsIFrame* aFrame, PRInt32* aLineNumberResult)
nsTableRowFrame* rowFrame = (nsTableRowFrame*)aFrame;
*aLineNumberResult = rowFrame->GetRowIndex();
return NS_OK;
nsTableRowGroupFrame::FindLineAt(nscoord aY, PRInt32* aLineNumberResult)
nsTableRowGroupFrame::FindFrameAt(PRInt32 aLineNumber, nscoord aX, nsIFrame** aFrameFound,
PRBool* aXIsBeforeFirstFrame, PRBool* aXIsAfterLastFrame)
PRInt32 cellCount = 0;
CellData* cellData;
nsIFrame* tempFrame;
nsRect tempRect;
nsRect& tempRectRef = tempRect;
nsresult rv;
nsTableFrame* parentFrame = nsnull;
rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, parentFrame);
nsTableCellMap* cellMap = parentFrame->GetCellMap();
cellCount = cellMap->GetNumCellsOriginatingInRow(aLineNumber);
*aXIsBeforeFirstFrame = PR_FALSE;
*aXIsAfterLastFrame = PR_FALSE;
PRBool gotParentRect = PR_FALSE;
for(int i =0;i < cellCount; i++)
cellData = cellMap->GetCellAt(aLineNumber, i);
tempFrame = (nsIFrame*)cellData->GetCellFrame();
tempFrame->GetRect(tempRectRef);//offsetting x to be in row coordinates
{//only do this once
nsRect parentRect;
nsRect& parentRectRef = parentRect;
nsIFrame* tempParentFrame;
rv = tempFrame->GetParent(&tempParentFrame);
if(NS_FAILED(rv) || !tempParentFrame)
return rv?rv:NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
aX -= parentRect.x;
gotParentRect = PR_TRUE;
if(i==0 &&(aX <= 0))//short circuit for negative x coords
*aXIsBeforeFirstFrame = PR_TRUE;
*aFrameFound = tempFrame;
return NS_OK;
if(aX < tempRect.x)
if(aX < (tempRect.x + tempRect.width))
*aFrameFound = tempFrame;
return NS_OK;
//x coord not found in frame, return last frame
*aXIsAfterLastFrame = PR_TRUE;
*aFrameFound = tempFrame;
return NS_OK;
nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetNextSiblingOnLine(nsIFrame*& aFrame, PRInt32 aLineNumber)
nsITableCellLayout* cellFrame;
nsresult result = aFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsITableCellLayout),(void**)&cellFrame);
if(NS_FAILED(result) || !cellFrame)
return result?result:NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
nsTableFrame* parentFrame = nsnull;
result = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, parentFrame);
nsTableCellMap* cellMap = parentFrame->GetCellMap();
PRInt32 colIndex;
PRInt32& colIndexRef = colIndex;
CellData* cellData = cellMap->GetCellAt(aLineNumber, colIndex + 1);
if(!cellData)// if this isnt a valid cell, drop down and check the next line
cellData = cellMap->GetCellAt(aLineNumber + 1, 0);
//*aFrame = nsnull;
aFrame = (nsIFrame*)cellData->GetCellFrame();
//PRInt32 numCellsInRow = cellMap->GetNumCellsOriginatingInRow(aLineNumber) - 1;
PRInt32 tempCol = colIndex + 1;
PRInt32 tempRow = aLineNumber;
while((tempCol > 0) && (!aFrame))
cellData = cellMap->GetCellAt(aLineNumber, tempCol);
aFrame = (nsIFrame*)cellData->GetCellFrame();
if(!aFrame && (tempCol==0))
while((tempRow > 0) && (!aFrame))
cellData = cellMap->GetCellAt(tempRow, 0);
aFrame = (nsIFrame*)cellData->GetCellFrame();
return NS_OK;
//end nsLineIterator methods