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synced 2025-02-02 03:49:37 +00:00
Bug=73085 Small fix to Makefile.in. Adding the links to the libjawt.so for the Java Native AWT Interface. This had mistakenly been backed out in the previous fix.
Here lies the MozWebShell java wrapper to mozilla M8. Authors: Kirk Baker <kbaker@eb.com> Ian Wilkinson <iw@ennoble.co> Build hacking and packaging: Ed Burns <edburns@acm.org> Unix port: Mark Lin <mark.lin@eng.sun.com> ======================================================================== Win32 Build Directions: ======================================================================== Requirements: * built mozilla with source code from after 10/5/99 * JDK1.1.7 or greater * built org.mozilla.util java classes (see NOTE_UTIL) * Perl 5 perl.exe must be in your path How To Build: * Follow the directions in ..\README * type "nmake /f makefile.win all" and hope for the best How to Run: * once the build has successfully completed, run this batch file: .\src\WIN32_D.OBJ\runem.bat <opt: YOUR_URL> Note that YOUR_URL is probably necessary since firewall support wasn't working in M8. Problems: * clobber_all doesn't remove the .class files from dist\classes. You have to do this manually. * post to netscape.public.mozilla.java newsgroup ======================================================================== Unix Build Directions (currently only Linux, Solaris support is coming soon): ======================================================================== Requirements: * built mozilla tree for some variant of Linux * JDK1.2 with native threads support from http://www.blackdown.org (JDK1.1 doesn't seem to work) * built org.mozilla.util java classes (see NOTE_UTIL) How To Build: * Follow the directions in ../util/README * set JDKHOME to where your JDK install directory resides -> setenv JDKHOME /usr/local/jdk1.2 * cd to 'classes' and type "make -f makefile.unix" and hope for the best -> cd classes; make -f Makefile.unix * then cd to 'src' and type "make -f makefile.unix" and hope for the best -> cd src; make -f Makefile.unix How to Run: * once the build has successfully completed, run 'runem.unix' in your 'src' directory: -> cd src; ./runem.unix <YOUR_URL> Note that YOUR_URL is probably necessary since firewall support wasn't working in M8. Problems? Email mark.lin@eng.sun.com or post to netscape.public.mozilla.java. ======================================================================== NOTE_UTIL: ======================================================================== * this package depends on the org.mozilla.util classes, which can be found in the mozilla tree under mozilla\java\util. They are a separate checkout and build. Once you check out the org.mozilla.util classes, see the README in the mozilla\java\util\README. General notes: * Please update the ChangeLog (changelo) when you make changes.