2128 lines
61 KiB

/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Sammy Ford
* Dan Haddix (dan6992@hotmail.com)
* John Ratke (jratke@owc.net)
* Ryan Cassin (rcassin@supernova.org)
/* Main Composer window UI control */
var editorShell;
var documentModified;
var prefAuthorString = "";
var NormalMode = 1;
var PreviewMode = 2;
// These must match enums in nsIEditorShell.idl:
var DisplayModePreview = 0;
var DisplayModeNormal = 1;
var DisplayModeAllTags = 2;
var DisplayModeSource = 3;
var PreviousNonSourceDisplayMode = 1;
var gEditorDisplayMode = 1; // Normal Editor mode
var WebCompose = false; // Set true for Web Composer, leave false for Messenger Composer
var docWasModified = false; // Check if clean document, if clean then unload when user "Opens"
var gContentWindow = 0;
var gSourceContentWindow = 0;
var gContentWindowDeck;
var gFormatToolbar;
var gFormatToolbarHidden = false;
var gFormatToolbarCollapsed;
var gEditModeBar;
// Bummer! Can't get at enums from nsIDocumentEncoder.h
var gOutputSelectionOnly = 1;
var gOutputFormatted = 2;
var gOutputNoDoctype = 4;
var gOutputBodyOnly = 8;
var gOutputPreformatted = 16;
var gOutputWrap = 32;
var gOutputFormatFlowed = 64;
var gOutputAbsoluteLinks = 128;
var gOutputEncodeEntities = 256;
var gEditModeLabel;
var gNormalModeButton;
var gTagModeButton;
var gSourceModeButton;
var gPreviewModeButton;
var gIsWindows;
var gIsMac;
var gIsUNIX;
var gIsHTMLEditor = false;
var gColorObj = new Object();
var gPrefs;
var gDefaultTextColor = "";
var gDefaultBackgroundColor = "";
// These must be kept in synch with the XUL <options> lists
var gFontSizeNames = new Array("xx-small","x-small","small","medium","large","x-large","xx-large");
const nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
function EditorOnLoad()
// See if argument was passed.
if ( window.arguments && window.arguments[0] ) {
// Opened via window.openDialog with URL as argument.
// Put argument where EditorStartup expects it.
document.getElementById( "args" ).setAttribute( "value", window.arguments[0] );
WebCompose = true;
window.tryToClose = EditorCanClose;
// Continue with normal startup.
EditorStartup('html', document.getElementById("content-frame"));
function TextEditorOnLoad()
// See if argument was passed.
if ( window.arguments && window.arguments[0] ) {
// Opened via window.openDialog with URL as argument.
// Put argument where EditorStartup expects it.
document.getElementById( "args" ).setAttribute( "value", window.arguments[0] );
// Continue with normal startup.
EditorStartup('text', document.getElementById("content-frame"));
function PageIsEmptyAndUntouched()
return (editorShell != null) && (editorShell.documentIsEmpty == true) && (docWasModified == false);
// This is called when the real editor document is created,
// before it's loaded.
var DocumentStateListener =
NotifyDocumentCreated: function()
// Call EditorSetDefaultPrefs first so it gets the default author before initing toolbars
DoRecentFilesMenuSave(); // Save the recent files menu
// udpate menu items now that we have an editor to play with
// Note: This must be AFTER window._content.focus();
NotifyDocumentWillBeDestroyed: function() {},
NotifyDocumentStateChanged:function( isNowDirty )
/* Notify our dirty detector so this window won't be closed if
another document is opened */
if (isNowDirty)
docWasModified = true;
// hack! Should not need this updateCommands, but there is some controller
// bug that this works around. ??
// comment out the following line because it cause 41573 IME problem on Mac
function EditorStartup(editorType, editorElement)
gIsHTMLEditor = (editorType == "html");
if (gIsHTMLEditor)
gSourceContentWindow = document.getElementById("content-source");
gEditModeBar = document.getElementById("EditModeToolbar");
gEditModeLabel = document.getElementById("EditModeLabel");
gNormalModeButton = document.getElementById("NormalModeButton");
gTagModeButton = document.getElementById("TagModeButton");
gSourceModeButton = document.getElementById("SourceModeButton");
gPreviewModeButton = document.getElementById("PreviewModeButton");
// XUL elements we use when switching from normal editor to edit source
gContentWindowDeck = document.getElementById("ContentWindowDeck");
gFormatToolbar = document.getElementById("FormatToolbar");
// store the editor shell in the window, so that child windows can get to it.
editorShell = editorElement.editorShell; // this pattern exposes a JS/XBL bug that causes leaks
editorShell.editorType = editorType;
editorShell.webShellWindow = window;
editorShell.contentWindow = window._content;
// add a listener to be called when document is really done loading
editorShell.RegisterDocumentStateListener( DocumentStateListener );
// set up our global prefs object
// Startup also used by other editor users, such as Message Composer
// Commands specific to the Composer Application window,
// (i.e., not embeded editors)
// such as file-related commands, HTML Source editing, Edit Modes...
// Get url for editor content and load it.
// the editor gets instantiated by the editor shell when the URL has finished loading.
var url = document.getElementById("args").getAttribute("value");
// This is the only method also called by Message Composer
function EditorSharedStartup()
// set up JS-implemented commands for HTML editing
// Just for convenience
gContentWindow = window._content;
gIsWindows = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Win") != -1;
gIsUNIX = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("X11") ||
navigator.appVersion.indexOf("nux")) != -1;
gIsMac = !gIsWindows && !gIsUNIX;
//dump("IsWin="+gIsWindows+", IsUNIX="+gIsUNIX+", IsMac="+gIsMac+"\n");
// Set platform-specific hints for how to select cells
// Mac uses "Cmd", all others use "Ctrl"
var tableKey = GetString(gIsMac ? "XulKeyMac" : "TableSelectKey");
var dragStr = tableKey+GetString("Drag");
var clickStr = tableKey+GetString("Click");
var delStr = GetString(gIsMac ? "Clear" : "Del");
SafeSetAttribute("menu_SelectCell", "acceltext", clickStr);
SafeSetAttribute("menu_SelectRow", "acceltext", dragStr);
SafeSetAttribute("menu_SelectColumn", "acceltext", dragStr);
SafeSetAttribute("menu_SelectAllCells", "acceltext", dragStr);
// And add "Del" or "Clear"
SafeSetAttribute("menu_DeleteCellContents", "acceltext", delStr);
// Remove a Privacy menu that causes problems
// (method is in tasksOverlay.js)
// hide UI that we don't have components for
// Use global prefs if EditorStartup already run,
// else get service for other editor users
if (!gPrefs) GetPrefsService();
// Use browser colors as initial values for editor's default colors
var BrowserColors = GetDefaultBrowserColors();
if (BrowserColors)
gDefaultTextColor = BrowserColors.TextColor;
gDefaultBackgroundColor = BrowserColors.BackgroundColor;
//dump(" *** EditorShared startup: gDefaultTextColor="+gDefaultTextColor+", gDefaultBackgroundColor="+gDefaultBackgroundColor+"\n");
// Get these to use for initial default text and background,
// and also pass to prefs and color dialogs
function GetDefaultBrowserColors()
var colors = new Object();
var useWinColors = false;
if (gIsWindows)
// In Windows only, there's a pref to use system colors instead of pref colors
try { useWinColors = gPrefs.GetBoolPref("browser.display.wfe.use_windows_colors"); } catch (e) {}
if (!useWinColors)
try { colors.TextColor = gPrefs.CopyCharPref("browser.display.foreground_color"); } catch (e) {}
try { colors.BackgroundColor = gPrefs.CopyCharPref("browser.display.background_color"); } catch (e) {}
// Use OS colors for text and background if explicitly asked or pref is not set
if (!colors.TextColor)
colors.TextColor = "windowtext";
if (!colors.BackgroundColor)
colors.BackgroundColor = "window";
colors.LinkColor = gPrefs.CopyCharPref("browser.anchor_color");
colors.VisitedLinkColor = gPrefs.CopyCharPref("browser.visited_color");
return colors;
function _EditorNotImplemented()
dump("Function not implemented\n");
function EditorShutdown()
dump("In EditorShutdown..\n");
return editorShell.Shutdown();
function SafeSetAttribute(nodeID, attributeName, attributeValue)
var theNode = document.getElementById(nodeID);
if (theNode)
theNode.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);
// We use this alot!
function GetString(id)
return editorShell.GetString(id);
function FindAndSelectEditorWindowWithURL(urlToMatch)
if (!urlToMatch || urlToMatch.length == 0)
return false;
// returns true if found; false if an error or not found
var windowManager = Components.classes["component://netscape/rdf/datasource?name=window-mediator"].getService();
if ( !windowManager )
return false;
var windowManagerInterface = windowManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
if ( !windowManagerInterface )
return false;
var enumerator = windowManagerInterface.getEnumerator( "composer:html" );
if ( !enumerator )
return false;
while ( enumerator.hasMoreElements() )
var window = windowManagerInterface.convertISupportsToDOMWindow( enumerator.getNext() );
if ( window )
var didFindWindow = editorShell.checkOpenWindowForURLMatch(urlToMatch, window)
if (didFindWindow)
return true;
// not found
return false;
function editorSendPage()
var docModified = editorShell.documentModified;
var pageUrl = window.editorShell.editorDocument.location;
if (pageUrl != "about:blank" && !docModified)
var pageTitle = window.editorShell.editorDocument.title;
window.openDialog("chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/messengercompose.xul", "_blank",
"chrome,all,dialog=no", "attachment='" + pageUrl + "',body='" + pageUrl +
"',subject='" + pageTitle + "',bodyislink=true");
else if (CheckAndSaveDocument(GetString("SendPageReason")), DocumentHasBeenSaved())
function DocumentHasBeenSaved()
var fileurl = "";
try {
fileurl = window._content.location;
} catch (e) {
return false;
if (fileurl == "" || fileurl == "about:blank")
return false;
// We have a file URL already
return true;
function CheckAndSaveDocument(reasonToSave, allowDontSave)
var document = editorShell.editorDocument;
if (!editorShell.documentModified)
return true;
var title = window.editorShell.editorDocument.title;
if (!title)
title = GetString("untitled");
var dialogTitle = window.editorShell.GetString("SaveDocument");
var dialogMsg = window.editorShell.GetString("SaveFilePrompt");
dialogMsg = (dialogMsg.replace(/%title%/,title)).replace(/%reason%/,reasonToSave);
var result = {value:0};
window.editorShell.GetString("Save"), // Save Button
window.editorShell.GetString("Cancel"), // Cancel Button
(allowDontSave ? window.editorShell.GetString("DontSave") : null), // Don't Save Button
(allowDontSave ? 3 : 2),
if (result.value == 0)
// Save
var success = window.editorShell.saveDocument(false, false);
return success;
if (result.value == 2) // "Don't Save"
return true;
// Default or result.value == 1 (Cancel)
return false;
// --------------------------- File menu ---------------------------
// used by openLocation. see openLocation.js for additional notes.
function delayedOpenWindow(chrome, flags, url)
if (PageIsEmptyAndUntouched())
setTimeout("window.openDialog('"+chrome+"','_blank','"+flags+"','"+url+"')", 10);
function EditorNewPlaintext()
window.openDialog( "chrome://editor/content/TextEditorAppShell.xul",
// Check for changes to document and allow saving before closing
// This is hooked up to the OS's window close widget (e.g., "X" for Windows)
function EditorCanClose()
// Returns FALSE only if user cancels save action
// "true" means allow "Don't Save" button
var canClose = CheckAndSaveDocument(GetString("BeforeClosing"), true);
// This is our only hook into closing via the "X" in the caption
// or "Quit" (or other paths?)
// so we must shift association to another
// editor or close any non-modal windows now
if (canClose && window.InsertCharWindow)
return canClose;
// --------------------------- View menu ---------------------------
function EditorSetDocumentCharacterSet(aCharset)
if((! editorShell.documentModified) &&
editorShell.editorDocument.location != "about:blank")
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
function updateCharsetPopupMenu(menuPopup)
for (var i = 0; i < menuPopup.childNodes.length; i++)
var menuItem = menuPopup.childNodes[i];
menuItem.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');
// --------------------------- Text style ---------------------------
function EditorSetTextProperty(property, attribute, value)
editorShell.SetTextProperty(property, attribute, value);
function onParagraphFormatChange(paraMenuList, commandID)
var commandNode = document.getElementById(commandID);
var state = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
var menuList = document.getElementById("ParagraphSelect");
if (!menuList) return;
// force match with "normal"
if (state == "body")
state = "";
if (state == "mixed")
//Selection is the "mixed" ( > 1 style) state
paraMenuList.selectedItem = null;
var menuPopup = document.getElementById("ParagraphPopup");
var menuItems = menuPopup.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i < menuItems.length; i++)
var menuItem = menuItems.item(i);
if (menuItem.data == state)
paraMenuList.selectedItem = menuItem;
function doStatefulCommand(commandID, newState)
var commandNode = document.getElementById(commandID);
if (commandNode)
commandNode.setAttribute("state", newState);
window._content.focus(); // needed for command dispatch to work
function onFontFaceChange(fontFaceMenuList, commandID)
var commandNode = document.getElementById(commandID);
var state = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
if (state == "mixed")
//Selection is the "mixed" ( > 1 style) state
fontFaceMenuList.selectedItem = null;
var menuPopup = document.getElementById("FontFacePopup");
var menuItems = menuPopup.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i < menuItems.length; i++)
var menuItem = menuItems.item(i);
if (menuItem.getAttribute("value") && (menuItem.data.toLowerCase() == state.toLowerCase()))
fontFaceMenuList.selectedItem = menuItem;
function EditorSelectFontSize()
var select = document.getElementById("FontSizeSelect");
if (select)
if (select.selectedIndex == -1)
function onFontSizeChange(fontSizeMenulist, commandID)
// If we don't match anything, set to "0 (normal)"
var newIndex = 2;
var size = fontSizeMenulist.getAttribute("size");
if ( size == "mixed")
// No single type selected
newIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < gFontSizeNames.length; i++)
if( gFontSizeNames[i] == size )
newIndex = i;
if (fontSizeMenulist.selectedIndex != newIndex)
fontSizeMenulist.selectedIndex = newIndex;
function EditorSetFontSize(size)
if( size == "0" || size == "normal" ||
size == "medium" )
editorShell.RemoveTextProperty("font", "size");
} else {
// Temp: convert from new CSS size strings to old HTML size strings
switch (size)
case "xx-small":
case "x-small":
size = "-2";
case "small":
size = "-1";
case "large":
size = "+1";
case "x-large":
size = "+2";
case "xx-large":
size = "+3";
editorShell.SetTextProperty("font", "size", size);
function onFontColorChange()
var commandNode = document.getElementById("cmd_fontColor");
if (commandNode)
var color = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
var button = document.getElementById("TextColorButton");
if (button)
// No color set - get color set on page or other defaults
if (!color)
color = gDefaultTextColor;
button.setAttribute("style", "background-color:"+color);
function onBackgroundColorChange()
var commandNode = document.getElementById("cmd_backgroundColor");
if (commandNode)
var color = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
var button = document.getElementById("BackgroundColorButton");
if (button)
if (!color)
color = gDefaultBackgroundColor;
button.setAttribute("style", "background-color:"+color);
function GetBackgroundElementWithColor()
gColorObj.Type = "";
gColorObj.PageColor = "";
gColorObj.TableColor = "";
gColorObj.CellColor = "";
gColorObj.BackgroundColor = "";
var tagNameObj = new Object;
var countObj = new Object;
var element = window.editorShell.GetSelectedOrParentTableElement(tagNameObj, countObj);
if (element && tagNameObj && tagNameObj.value)
gColorObj.BackgroundColor = element.getAttribute("bgcolor");
if (tagNameObj.value.toLowerCase() == "td")
gColorObj.Type = "Cell";
gColorObj.CellColor = gColorObj.BackgroundColor;
// Get any color that might be on parent table
var table = GetParentTable(element);
gColorObj.TableColor = table.getAttribute("bgcolor");
gColorObj.Type = "Table";
gColorObj.TableColor = gColorObj.BackgroundColor;
element = GetBodyElement();
if (element)
gColorObj.Type = "Page";
gColorObj.BackgroundColor = element.getAttribute("bgcolor");
gColorObj.PageColor = gColorObj.BackgroundColor;
return element;
function EditorSelectColor(colorType)
if (!gColorObj)
gColorObj = new Object;
var element;
var table;
var currentColor = "";
var commandNode;
if (!colorType)
colorType = "";
if (colorType == "Text")
gColorObj.Type = colorType;
// Get color from command node state
commandNode = document.getElementById("cmd_fontColor");
currentColor = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
gColorObj.TextColor = currentColor;
element = GetBackgroundElementWithColor();
if (!element)
// Get the table if we found a cell
if (gColorObj.Type == "Table")
table = element;
else if (gColorObj.Type == "Cell")
table = GetParentTable(element);
// Save to avoid resetting if not necessary
currentColor = gColorObj.BackgroundColor;
if (colorType == "TableOrCell" || colorType == "Cell")
if (gColorObj.Type == "Cell")
gColorObj.Type = colorType;
else if (gColorObj.Type != "Table")
else if (colorType == "Table" && gColorObj.Type == "Page")
if (colorType == "" && gColorObj.Type == "Cell")
// Using empty string for requested type means
// we can let user select cell or table
gColorObj.Type = "TableOrCell";
// Save the type we are really requesting
colorType = gColorObj.Type;
// Launch the ColorPicker dialog
// TODO: Figure out how to position this under the color buttons on the toolbar
window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdColorPicker.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "", gColorObj);
// User canceled the dialog
if (gColorObj.Cancel)
if (colorType == "Text")
if (currentColor != gColorObj.TextColor)
window.editorShell.SetTextProperty("font", "color", gColorObj.TextColor);
// Update the command state (this will trigger color button update)
else if (element)
if (gColorObj.Type == "Table")
// Set background on a table
// Note that we shouldn't trust "currentColor" because of "TableOrCell" behavior
if (table)
var bgcolor = table.getAttribute("bgcolor");
if (bgcolor != gColorObj.BackgroundColor)
if (gColorObj.BackgroundColor)
window.editorShell.SetAttribute(table, "bgcolor", gColorObj.BackgroundColor);
window.editorShell.RemoveAttribute(table, "bgcolor");
else if (currentColor != gColorObj.BackgroundColor)
function GetParentTable(element)
var node = element;
while (node)
if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "table")
return node;
node = node.parentNode;
return node;
/*TODO: We need an oncreate hook to do enabling/disabling for the
Format menu. There should be code like this for the
object-specific "Properties" item
// For property dialogs, we want the selected element,
// but will accept a parent link, list, or table cell if inside one
function GetObjectForProperties()
var element = editorShell.GetSelectedElement("");
if (!element)
element = editorShell.GetElementOrParentByTagName("href",null);
if (!element)
element = editorShell.GetElementOrParentByTagName("list",null);
if (!element)
element = editorShell.GetElementOrParentByTagName("td",null);
return element;
function SetEditMode(mode)
if (gIsHTMLEditor)
var bodyNode = editorShell.editorDocument.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0);
if (!bodyNode)
dump("SetEditMode: We don't have a body node!\n");
// Switch the UI mode before inserting contents
// so user can't type in source window while new window is being filled
var previousMode = gEditorDisplayMode;
if (!SetDisplayMode(mode))
var source;
if (mode == DisplayModeSource)
// Get the entire document's source string
var flags = gOutputNoDoctype | gOutputEncodeEntities;
var prettyPrint = gPrefs.GetBoolPref("editor.prettyprint");
if (prettyPrint)
flags |= gOutputFormatted;
source = editorShell.GetContentsAs("text/html", flags);
var start = source.search(/<html/i);
if (start == -1) start = 0;
gSourceContentWindow.value = source.slice(start);
else if (previousMode == DisplayModeSource)
// We are comming from edit source mode,
// so transfer that back into the document
source = gSourceContentWindow.value;
// Must handle <title> here to make sure new value is updated
// everwhere (also covers bug in RebuildDocumentFromSource that strips it out!)
var titleStart = source.search(/<title>/i);
if (titleStart != -1)
// Skip over tag name
titleStart += 7;
var titleEnd = source.indexOf("<",titleStart);
if (titleEnd > titleStart)
var title = source.slice(titleStart, titleEnd);
// Clear out the string buffers
source = null;
gSourceContentWindow.value = null;
// reset selection to top of doc (wish we could preserve it!)
if (bodyNode)
editorShell.editorSelection.collapse(bodyNode, 0);
function CancelHTMLSource()
// Don't convert source text back into the DOM document
gSourceContentWindow.value = "";
function FinishHTMLSource()
// Switch edit modes -- converts source back into DOM document
function CollapseItem(id, collapse)
var item = document.getElementById(id);
if (item)
if(collapse != (item.getAttribute("collapsed") == "true"))
item.setAttribute("collapsed", collapse ? "true" : "");
function DisableItem(id, disable)
var item = document.getElementById(id);
if (item)
if(disable != (item.getAttribute("disabled") == "true"))
item.setAttribute("disabled", disable ? "true" : "");
function SetDisplayMode(mode)
if (gIsHTMLEditor)
// Already in requested mode:
// return false to indicate we didn't switch
if (mode == gEditorDisplayMode)
return false;
gEditorDisplayMode = mode;
// Save the last non-source mode so we can cancel source editing easily
if (mode != DisplayModeSource)
PreviousNonSourceDisplayMode = mode;
// Editorshell does the style sheet loading/unloading
// Set the UI states
gPreviewModeButton.setAttribute("selected",Number(mode == DisplayModePreview));
gNormalModeButton.setAttribute("selected",Number(mode == DisplayModeNormal));
gTagModeButton.setAttribute("selected",Number(mode == DisplayModeAllTags));
gSourceModeButton.setAttribute("selected", Number(mode == DisplayModeSource));
if (mode == DisplayModeSource)
// Switch to the sourceWindow (second in the deck)
//Hide the formating toolbar if not already hidden
gFormatToolbarHidden = gFormatToolbar.getAttribute("hidden");
if (gFormatToolbarHidden != "true")
gFormatToolbar.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
// Switch to the normal editor (first in the deck)
// Restore menus and toolbars
if (gFormatToolbarHidden != "true")
gFormatToolbar.setAttribute("hidden", gFormatToolbarHidden);
// We must set check on menu item since toolbar may have been used
var menuID;
case DisplayModePreview:
menuID = "viewPreviewMode";
case DisplayModeNormal:
menuID = "viewNormalMode";
case DisplayModeAllTags:
menuID = "viewAllTagsMode";
case DisplayModeSource:
menuID = "viewSourceMode";
if (menuID)
return true;
return false;
// We disable all items in View menu except Edit mode and sidebar items
function DisableMenusForHTMLSource(disable)
// Disable toolbar buttons
DisableItem("spellingButton", disable);
DisableItem("imageButton", disable);
DisableItem("hlineButton", disable);
DisableItem("tableButton", disable);
DisableItem("linkButton", disable);
DisableItem("namedAnchorButton", disable);
// Any toolbar can be toggled on/off except the format toolbar
DisableItem("viewFormatToolbar", disable);
// Top-level menus that we completely hide
CollapseItem("insertMenu", disable);
CollapseItem("formatMenu", disable);
CollapseItem("tableMenu", disable);
// Edit menu items
DisableItem("menu_find", disable);
DisableItem("menu_findnext", disable);
DisableItem("menu_checkspelling", disable);
// Disable all items in the view menu except mode switch items
var viewMenu = document.getElementById("viewMenu");
// menuitems are children of the menupopup child
var children = viewMenu.firstChild.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
var item = children.item(i);
if (item.id != "viewToolbar" &&
item.id != "viewNormalMode" &&
item.id != "viewAllTagsMode" &&
item.id != "viewSourceMode" &&
item.id != "viewPreviewMode" &&
item.id != "sidebar-menu")
DisableItem(item.id, disable);
function EditorToggleParagraphMarks()
var menuItem = document.getElementById("viewParagraphMarks");
if (menuItem)
// Note that the 'type="checbox"' mechanism automatically
// toggles the "checked" state before the oncommand is called,
// so if "checked" is true now, it was just switched to that mode
var checked = menuItem.getAttribute("checked");
try {
editorShell.DisplayParagraphMarks(checked == "true");
catch(e) { return; }
function EditorInitEditMenu()
var DelStr = GetString(gIsMac ? "Clear" : "Delete");
// Yuck. We should be doing this at build time, using
// platform-specific overlays or dtd files.
// Change menu text to "Clear" for Mac
// TODO: Should this be in globalOverlay.j?
if (!gIsMac)
document.getElementById("menu_delete").setAttribute("acceltext", GetString("Del"));
//TODO: We should modify the Paste menuitem to build a submenu
// with multiple paste format types
function EditorOpenUrl(url)
if (!url)
// if the existing window is untouched, just load there
if (!FindAndSelectEditorWindowWithURL(url))
if (PageIsEmptyAndUntouched())
// open new window
function DoRecentFilesMenuSave()
// Can't do anything if no prefs
if (!gPrefs) return;
var curTitle = window.editorShell.editorDocument.title;
var curUrl = window.editorShell.editorDocument.location;
var newDoc = (curUrl == "about:blank");
if(!newDoc) // Can't preform this function if document is new
// Always put latest-opened URL at start of array
SaveRecentFilesPrefs(curTitle, curUrl, "0");
function ShuffleRecentMenu(curUrl)
// This function simply saves the remaining items (from entry 2 and beyond) to the prefs file.
var historyCount = 10; // This will be changed by the next line, but if they don't have that pref, this is a good default
try { historyCount = gPrefs.CopyUnicharPref("editor.history.url_maximum"); } catch(e) {} // Number of items in recent files menu
var titleArray = new Array(historyCount);
var urlArray = new Array(historyCount);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < historyCount; i++)
titleArray[i] = getUnicharPref("editor.history_title_"+i);
urlArray[i] = getUnicharPref("editor.history_url_"+i);
var placeholder = 1; // i+1, holds number that decides which menuitem the recent file is going in
for (i = 0; i < historyCount; i++)
// If we skip over an item in the array, placeholder is not incremented
if (urlArray[i] != curUrl)
// Save the menu one spot down in the list
SaveRecentFilesPrefs(titleArray[i], urlArray[i], placeholder);
gPrefs.SavePrefFile(); // Save the prefs file
function SaveRecentFilesPrefs(title, url, i)
if (!url) {
// Now save the title and url of the document recently opened to the array
setUnicharPref("editor.history_title_"+i, title);
setUnicharPref("editor.history_url_"+i, url);
function BuildRecentMenu()
// Populate the Recent Files Menu.
// Can't do anything if we don't have any prefs
if(!gPrefs) return;
// Build the submenu
var popup = document.getElementById("menupopup_RecentFiles");
if (!popup) return;
// Delete existing menu
while (popup.firstChild)
// Again, this is changed in the next line but if the pref never existed, this default coincides with above
var historyCount = 10;
try { historyCount = gPrefs.CopyUnicharPref("editor.history.url_maximum"); } catch(e) {}
var a=1; // Keeps track of which access key to use in the menuitem
for (var i = 0; i < historyCount; i++)
var title = getUnicharPref("editor.history_title_"+i);
var url = getUnicharPref("editor.history_url_"+i);
if (!url)
// If the current url is already opened, don't put useless entries into the menu
if (url != window.editorShell.editorDocument.location)
AppendRecentMenuitem(a, popup, title, url);
function AppendRecentMenuitem(accessKey, menupopup, title, url)
if (menupopup)
var menuItem = document.createElementNS("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul", "menuitem");
if (menuItem)
// Build the menuitem using the title (or url) and accesskey
var itemString;
if (accessKey > 9)
// Access key is two digits so spaces are put in where the access key
// would go and the title is added.
itemString = " "+title; // Set title and spaces (no access key)
if (title.length < 1)
// There is no title to display on the menuitem so use the URL instead
itemString = " "+url;
} else {
itemString = accessKey+" "+title; // Set the menuitem to use the title and accesskey
if (title.length < 1)
// There is no title to display on the menuitem so use the URL instead
itemString = accessKey+" "+url;
menuItem.setAttribute("accesskey", accessKey);
menuItem.setAttribute("value", itemString);
menuItem.setAttribute("data", url);
menuItem.setAttribute("oncommand", "EditorOpenUrl(getAttribute('data'))");
function setUnicharPref(aPrefName, aPrefValue)
if (!gPrefs) return;
gPrefs.SetUnicharPref(aPrefName, aPrefValue);
function getUnicharPref(aPrefName, aDefVal)
if (!gPrefs) return "";
return gPrefs.CopyUnicharPref(aPrefName);
return "";
function EditorInitFormatMenu()
InitRemoveStylesMenuitems("removeStylesMenuitem", "removeLinksMenuitem");
function InitObjectPropertiesMenuitem(id)
// Set strings and enable for the [Object] Properties item
// Note that we directly do the enabling instead of
// using goSetCommandEnabled since we already have the menuitem
var menuItem = document.getElementById(id);
if (!menuItem) return null;
var element = GetObjectForProperties();
var menuStr = GetString("ObjectProperties");
var name;
if (element && element.nodeName)
var objStr = "";
menuItem.setAttribute("disabled", "");
name = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
switch (name)
case "img":
objStr = GetString("Image");
case "hr":
objStr = GetString("HLine");
case "table":
objStr = GetString("Table");
case "th":
name = "td";
case "td":
objStr = GetString("TableCell");
case "ol":
case "ul":
case "dl":
objStr = GetString("List");
case "a":
if (element.name)
objStr = GetString("NamedAnchor");
name = "anchor";
else if(element.href)
objStr = GetString("Link");
name = "href";
menuStr = menuStr.replace(/%obj%/,objStr);
// We show generic "Properties" string, but disable menu item
// Replace placeholder with "", then remaining space on left side
menuStr = menuStr.replace(/%obj%/,"").replace(/^\s+/, "");
menuItem.setAttribute("value", menuStr);
return name;
function InitParagraphMenu()
var mixedObj = new Object();
var state = editorShell.GetParagraphState(mixedObj);
var IDSuffix;
// PROBLEM: When we get blockquote, it masks other styles contained by it
// We need a separate method to get blockquote state
// We use "x" as uninitialized paragraph state
if (!state || state == "x")
IDSuffix = "bodyText" // No paragraph container
IDSuffix = state;
// Set "radio" check on one item, but...
var menuItem = document.getElementById("menu_"+IDSuffix);
menuItem.setAttribute("checked", "true");
// ..."bodyText" is returned if mixed selection, so remove checkmark
if (mixedObj.value)
menuItem.setAttribute("checked", "false");
function InitListMenu()
var mixedObj = new Object();
var state = editorShell.GetListState(mixedObj);
var IDSuffix = "noList";
if (state)
if (state == "dl")
state = editorShell.GetListItemState(mixedObj);
if (state)
IDSuffix = state;
// Set "radio" check on one item, but...
var menuItem = document.getElementById("menu_"+IDSuffix);
menuItem.setAttribute("checked", "true");
// ..."noList" is returned if mixed selection, so remove checkmark
if (mixedObj.value)
menuItem.setAttribute("checked", "false");
function EditorInitToolbars()
// Nothing to do now, but we might want some state updating here
function EditorSetDefaultPrefs()
/* only set defaults for new documents */
var url = document.getElementById("args").getAttribute("value");
if ( url != "about:blank" )
var element;
var domdoc;
try { domdoc = window.editorShell.editorDocument; } catch (e) { dump( e + "\n"); }
if ( !domdoc )
dump("EditorSetDefaultPrefs: EDITOR DOCUMENT NOT FOUND\n");
// doctype
var newdoctype = domdoc.implementation.createDocumentType("html", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN","");
if (!domdoc.doctype)
domdoc.insertBefore(newdoctype, domdoc.firstChild);
domdoc.replaceChild(newdoctype, domdoc.doctype);
// search for head; we'll need this for meta tag additions
var headelement = 0;
var headnodelist = domdoc.getElementsByTagName("head");
if (headnodelist)
var sz = headnodelist.length;
if ( sz >= 1 )
headelement = headnodelist.item(0);
// search for author meta tag.
// if one is found, don't do anything.
// if not, create one and make it a child of the head tag
// and set its content attribute to the value of the editor.author preference.
var nodelist = domdoc.getElementsByTagName("meta");
if ( nodelist )
// we should do charset first since we need to have charset before
// hitting other 8-bit char in other meta tags
// grab charset pref and make it the default charset
var prefCharsetString = 0;
prefCharsetString = gPrefs.getLocalizedUnicharPref("intl.charset.default");
catch (ex) {}
if ( prefCharsetString && prefCharsetString != 0)
element = domdoc.createElement("meta");
if ( element )
AddAttrToElem(domdoc, "http-equiv", "content-type", element);
AddAttrToElem(domdoc, "content", "text/html; charset=" + prefCharsetString, element);
headelement.appendChild( element );
var node = 0;
var listlength = nodelist.length;
// let's start by assuming we have an author in case we don't have the pref
var authorFound = false;
for (var i = 0; i < listlength && !authorFound; i++)
node = nodelist.item(i);
if ( node )
var value = node.getAttribute("name").toLowerCase();
if (value == "author")
authorFound = true;
var prefAuthorString = 0;
prefAuthorString = gPrefs.CopyUnicharPref("editor.author");
catch (ex) {}
if ( prefAuthorString && prefAuthorString != 0)
if ( !authorFound && headelement)
/* create meta tag with 2 attributes */
element = domdoc.createElement("meta");
if ( element )
AddAttrToElem(domdoc, "name", "author", element);
AddAttrToElem(domdoc, "content", prefAuthorString, element);
headelement.appendChild( element );
// Get editor color prefs
var use_custom_colors = false;
try {
use_custom_colors = gPrefs.GetBoolPref("editor.use_custom_colors");
catch (ex) {}
// XXX BUG: this is always comming up TRUE even when pref panel is used to set false
dump(" *** editor.use_custom_colors="+use_custom_colors+"\n");
if ( use_custom_colors )
// find body node
var bodyelement = GetBodyElement();
// try to get the default color values. ignore them if we don't have them.
var text_color;
var link_color;
var active_link_color;
var followed_link_color;
var background_color;
try { text_color = gPrefs.CopyCharPref("editor.text_color"); } catch (e) {}
try { link_color = gPrefs.CopyCharPref("editor.link_color"); } catch (e) {}
try { active_link_color = gPrefs.CopyCharPref("editor.active_link_color"); } catch (e) {}
try { followed_link_color = gPrefs.CopyCharPref("editor.followed_link_color"); } catch (e) {}
try { background_color = gPrefs.CopyCharPref("editor.background_color"); } catch(e) {}
// add the color attributes to the body tag.
// and use them for the default text and background colors if not empty
if (text_color)
AddAttrToElem(domdoc, "text", text_color, bodyelement);
gDefaultTextColor = text_color;
if (background_color)
AddAttrToElem(domdoc, "bgcolor", background_color, bodyelement);
gDefaultBackgroundColor = background_color
if (link_color)
AddAttrToElem(domdoc, "link", link_color, bodyelement);
if (active_link_color)
AddAttrToElem(domdoc, "alink", active_link_color, bodyelement);
if (followed_link_color)
AddAttrToElem(domdoc, "vlink", followed_link_color, bodyelement);
// auto-save???
function GetBodyElement()
try {
var bodyNodelist = window.editorShell.editorDocument.getElementsByTagName("body");
if (bodyNodelist)
return bodyNodelist.item(0);
catch (ex) {
dump("no body tag found?!\n");
// better have one, how can we blow things up here?
return null;
function AddAttrToElem(dom, attr_name, attr_value, elem)
var a = dom.createAttribute(attr_name);
if ( a )
a.value = attr_value;
function UpdateSaveButton(modified)
var saveButton = document.getElementById("saveButton");
if (saveButton)
if (modified) {
saveButton.setAttribute("src", "chrome://editor/skin/images/ED_SaveMod.gif");
} else {
saveButton.setAttribute("src", "chrome://editor/skin/images/ED_SaveFile.gif");
function EditorReflectDocState()
var docState = window.editorShell.documentStatus;
var stateString;
if (docState == 0) {
stateString = "unmodified";
} else {
stateString = "modified";
var oldModified = documentModified;
documentModified = (window.editorShell.documentStatus != 0);
if (oldModified != documentModified)
return true;
// --------------------------- Logging stuff ---------------------------
function EditorGetNodeFromOffsets(offsets)
var node = null;
node = editorShell.editorDocument;
for (var i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++)
node = node.childNodes[offsets[i]];
return node;
function EditorSetSelectionFromOffsets(selRanges)
var rangeArr, start, end, node, offset;
var selection = editorShell.editorSelection;
for (var i = 0; i < selRanges.length; i++)
rangeArr = selRanges[i];
start = rangeArr[0];
end = rangeArr[1];
var range = editorShell.editorDocument.createRange();
node = EditorGetNodeFromOffsets(start[0]);
offset = start[1];
range.setStart(node, offset);
node = EditorGetNodeFromOffsets(end[0]);
offset = end[1];
range.setEnd(node, offset);
function initFontStyleMenu(menuPopup)
for (var i = 0; i < menuPopup.childNodes.length; i++)
var menuItem = menuPopup.childNodes[i];
var theStyle = menuItem.getAttribute("state");
if (theStyle)
menuItem.setAttribute("checked", theStyle);
function onButtonUpdate(button, commmandID)
var commandNode = document.getElementById(commmandID);
var state = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
button.setAttribute("toggled", state);
function onStateButtonUpdate(button, commmandID, onState)
var commandNode = document.getElementById(commmandID);
var state = commandNode.getAttribute("state");
button.setAttribute("toggled", (state == onState) ? "true" : "false");
// --------------------------- Status calls ---------------------------
function onStyleChange(theStyle)
//dump("in onStyleChange with " + theStyle + "\n");
var broadcaster = document.getElementById("cmd_" + theStyle);
var isOn = broadcaster.getAttribute("state");
// PrintObject(broadcaster);
var theButton = document.getElementById(theStyle + "Button");
if (theButton)
theButton.setAttribute("toggled", (isOn == "true") ? 1 : 0);
var theMenuItem = document.getElementById(theStyle + "MenuItem");
if (theMenuItem)
theMenuItem.setAttribute("checked", isOn);
/* onDirtyChange() is not called */
function onDirtyChange()
// this should happen through style, but that doesn't seem to work.
var theButton = document.getElementById("saveButton");
if (theButton)
var isDirty = theButton.getAttribute("dirty");
if (isDirty == "true") {
theButton.setAttribute("src", "chrome://editor/skin/images/savemod.gif");
} else {
theButton.setAttribute("src", "chrome://editor/skin/images/savefile.gif");
function getColorAndSetColorWell(ColorPickerID, ColorWellID)
var colorWell;
if (ColorWellID)
colorWell = document.getElementById(ColorWellID);
var colorPicker = document.getElementById(ColorPickerID);
if (colorPicker)
// Extract color from colorPicker and assign to colorWell.
var color = colorPicker.getAttribute("color");
if (colorWell && color)
// Use setAttribute so colorwell can be a XUL element, such as titledbutton
colorWell.setAttribute("style", "background-color: " + color);
//TODO: Trigger UI update to get color from the current caret/selection
return color;
var gHaveSpellChecker = false;
var gSoughtSpellChecker = false;
function IsSpellCheckerInstalled()
if (gSoughtSpellChecker)
return gHaveSpellChecker;
var spellcheckerClass = Components.classes["mozilla.spellchecker.1"];
gHaveSpellChecker = (spellcheckerClass != null);
gSoughtSpellChecker = true;
dump("Have SpellChecker = "+gHaveSpellChecker+"\n");
return gHaveSpellChecker;
var gHaveFind = false;
var gSoughtFind = false;
function IsFindInstalled()
if (gSoughtFind)
return gHaveFind;
var findClass = Components.classes["component://netscape/appshell/component/find"];
gHaveFind = (findClass != null);
gSoughtFind = true;
dump("Have Find = "+gHaveFind+"\n");
return gHaveFind;
function RemoveInapplicableUIElements()
// For items that are in their own menu block, remove associated separator
// (we can't use "hidden" since class="hide-in-IM" CSS rule interferes)
// if no find, remove find ui
if (!IsFindInstalled())
var findMenuItem = document.getElementById("menu_find");
if (findMenuItem)
findMenuItem.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
findMenuItem = document.getElementById("menu_findnext");
if (findMenuItem)
findMenuItem.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
var findSepItem = document.getElementById("sep_find");
if (findSepItem)
// if no spell checker, remove spell checker ui
if (!IsSpellCheckerInstalled())
var spellingButton = document.getElementById("spellingButton");
if (spellingButton)
spellingButton.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
var spellingMenuItem = document.getElementById("menu_checkspelling");
if (spellingMenuItem)
spellingMenuItem.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
var spellingSepItem = document.getElementById("sep_checkspelling");
if (spellingSepItem)
function GetPrefsService()
// Store the prefs object
try {
var prefsService = Components.classes["component://netscape/preferences"];
if (prefsService)
prefsService = prefsService.getService();
if (prefsService)
gPrefs = prefsService.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPref);
if (!gPrefs)
dump("failed to get prefs service!\n");
dump("failed to get prefs service!\n");
// Command Updating Strategy:
// Don't update on on selection change, only when menu is displayed,
// with this "oncreate" hander:
function EditorInitTableMenu()
// Set enable states for all table commands
function InitJoinCellMenuitem(id)
// Change text on the "Join..." item depending if we
// are joining selected cells or just cell to right
// TODO: What to do about normal selection that crosses
// table border? Try to figure out all cells
// included in the selection?
var menuText;
var menuItem = document.getElementById(id);
if (!menuItem) return;
// Use "Join selected cells if there's more than 1 cell selected
var tagNameObj = new Object;
var countObj = new Object;
if (window.editorShell.GetSelectedOrParentTableElement(tagNameObj, countObj) && countObj.value > 1)
menuText = GetString("JoinSelectedCells");
menuText = GetString("JoinCellToRight");
function InitRemoveStylesMenuitems(removeStylesId, removeLinksId)
// Change wording of menuitems depending on selection
var stylesItem = document.getElementById(removeStylesId);
var linkItem = document.getElementById(removeLinksId);
var isCollapsed = editorShell.editorSelection.isCollapsed;
if (stylesItem)
stylesItem.setAttribute("value", isCollapsed ? GetString("StopTextStyles") : GetString("RemoveTextStyles"));
stylesItem.setAttribute("accesskey", GetString("RemoveTextStylesAccesskey"));
if (linkItem)
linkItem.setAttribute("value", isCollapsed ? GetString("StopLinks") : GetString("RemoveLinks"));
linkItem.setAttribute("accesskey", GetString("RemoveLinksAccesskey"));
// Note: disabling text style is a pain since there are so many - forget it!
// Disable if not in a link, but always allow "Remove"
// if selection isn't collapsed since we only look at anchor node
isCollapsed && !window.editorShell.GetElementOrParentByTagName("href", null));
function goUpdateTableMenuItems(commandset)
var enabled = false;
var enabledIfTable = false;
if (window.editorShell && window.editorShell.documentEditable)
var selectedCountObj = new Object();
var tagNameObj = new Object();
var element = editorShell.GetSelectedOrParentTableElement(tagNameObj, selectedCountObj);
if (element)
// Value when we need to have a selected table or inside a table
enabledIfTable = true;
// All others require being inside a cell or selected cell
enabled = (tagNameObj.value == "td");
// Loop through command nodes
for (var i = 0; i < commandset.childNodes.length; i++)
var commandID = commandset.childNodes[i].getAttribute("id");
if (commandID)
if (commandID == "cmd_InsertTable" ||
commandID == "cmd_JoinTableCells" ||
commandID == "cmd_SplitTableCell")
// Call the update method in the command class
// Directly set with the values calculated here
else if (commandID == "cmd_DeleteTable" ||
commandID == "cmd_NormalizeTable" ||
commandID == "cmd_TableOrCellColor")
goSetCommandEnabled(commandID, enabledIfTable);
} else {
goSetCommandEnabled(commandID, enabled);
// Helpers for inserting and editing tables:
function IsInTable()
return (window.editorShell && window.editorShell.documentEditable &&
null != window.editorShell.GetElementOrParentByTagName("table", null));
function IsInTableCell()
return (window.editorShell && window.editorShell.documentEditable &&
null != window.editorShell.GetElementOrParentByTagName("td", null));
function IsSelectionInOneCell()
var selection = window.editorShell.editorSelection;
if (selection && selection.rangeCount == 1)
// We have a "normal" single-range selection
if (!selection.isCollapsed &&
selection.anchorNode != selection.focusNode)
// Check if both nodes are within the same cell
var anchorCell = window.editorShell.GetElementOrParentByTagName("td", selection.anchorNode);
var focusCell = window.editorShell.GetElementOrParentByTagName("td", selection.focusNode);
return (focusCell != null && anchorCell != null && (focusCell == anchorCell));
// Collapsed selection or anchor == focus (thus must be in 1 cell)
return true;
return false;
// Call this with insertAllowed = true to allow inserting if not in existing table,
// else use false to do nothing if not in a table
function EditorInsertOrEditTable(insertAllowed)
if (IsInTable()) {
// Edit properties of existing table
window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdTableProps.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "","TablePanel");
} else if(insertAllowed) {
function EditorInsertTable()
// Insert a new table
window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdInsertTable.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "");
function EditorTableCellProperties()
var cell = editorShell.GetElementOrParentByTagName("td", null);
if (cell) {
// Start Table Properties dialog on the "Cell" panel
window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdTableProps.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal", "", "CellPanel");
function EditorOnFocus()
if (window.InsertCharWindow) return;
// Find window with an InsertCharsWindow and switch association to this one
var windowWithDialog = FindEditorWithInsertCharDialog();
if (windowWithDialog)
// Switch the dialog to current window
// this sets focus to dialog, so bring focus back to editor window
if (SwitchInsertCharToThisWindow(windowWithDialog))
function SwitchInsertCharToThisWindow(windowWithDialog)
if (windowWithDialog && windowWithDialog.InsertCharWindow)
// Move dialog association to the current window
window.InsertCharWindow = windowWithDialog.InsertCharWindow;
windowWithDialog.InsertCharWindow = null;
// Switch the dialog's editorShell and opener to current window's
window.InsertCharWindow.editorShell = window.editorShell;
window.InsertCharWindow.opener = window;
// Bring dialog to the forground
return true;
return false;
function FindEditorWithInsertCharDialog()
// Find window with an InsertCharsWindow and switch association to this one
var windowManager = Components.classes['component://netscape/rdf/datasource?name=window-mediator'].getService();
var windowManagerInterface = windowManager.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
var enumerator = windowManagerInterface.getEnumerator( null );
while ( enumerator.hasMoreElements() )
var tempWindow = enumerator.getNext();
if (tempWindow != window && tempWindow.InsertCharWindow)
return tempWindow;
return null;
function EditorFindOrCreateInsertCharWindow()
if (window.InsertCharWindow)
// Since we switch the dialog during EditorOnFocus(),
// this should really never be found, but it's good to be sure
var windowWithDialog = FindEditorWithInsertCharDialog();
if (windowWithDialog)
// The dialog will set window.InsertCharWindow to itself
window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdInsertChars.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar", "");
// Find another HTML editor window to associate with the InsertChar dialog
// or close it if none found (May be a mail composer)
function SwitchInsertCharToAnotherEditorOrClose()
if (window.InsertCharWindow)
var windowManager = Components.classes['component://netscape/rdf/datasource?name=window-mediator'].getService();
var windowManagerInterface = windowManager.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
var enumerator = windowManagerInterface.getEnumerator( null );
// TODO: Fix this to search for command controllers and look for "cmd_InsertChars"
// For now, detect just Web Composer and HTML Mail Composer
while ( enumerator.hasMoreElements() )
var tempWindow = enumerator.getNext();
if (tempWindow != window && tempWindow.editorShell &&
tempWindow.gIsHTMLEditor || tempWindow.editorShell.editorType == "htmlmail")
// tempWindow.editorShell.editorDocument.commandDispatcher.getControllerForCommand("cmd_InsertChars"))
tempWindow.InsertCharWindow = window.InsertCharWindow;
window.InsertCharWindow = null;
tempWindow.InsertCharWindow.editorShell = tempWindow.editorShell;
tempWindow.InsertCharWindow.opener = tempWindow;
// Didn't find another editor - close the dialog