Hiroyuki Ikezoe 3face5ef94 Bug 1862140 - Update mVisualViewportSizeUpdatedByDynamicToolbar whenever the visual viewport size is changed. r=botond
When the dynamic toolbar is collapsed, the viewport frame size for
`position: fixed` elements is
But the variable wasn't updated when the visual viewport size is changed by the
software keyboard.

Differential Revision:
2024-01-11 00:39:16 +00:00

70 lines
2.5 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef MVMContext_h_
#define MVMContext_h_
#include "Units.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/PresShellForwards.h"
#include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
#include "nsStringFwd.h"
#include "nsViewportInfo.h"
class nsIDOMEventListener;
class nsIObserver;
class nsISupports;
namespace mozilla {
* The interface MobileViewportManager uses to interface with its surroundings.
* This mainly exists to facilitate testing MobileViewportManager in isolation
* from the rest of Gecko.
class MVMContext {
virtual ~MVMContext() {}
virtual void AddEventListener(const nsAString& aType,
nsIDOMEventListener* aListener,
bool aUseCapture) = 0;
virtual void RemoveEventListener(const nsAString& aType,
nsIDOMEventListener* aListener,
bool aUseCapture) = 0;
virtual void AddObserver(nsIObserver* aObserver, const char* aTopic,
bool aOwnsWeak) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(nsIObserver* aObserver, const char* aTopic) = 0;
virtual void Destroy() = 0;
virtual nsViewportInfo GetViewportInfo(
const ScreenIntSize& aDisplaySize) const = 0;
virtual CSSToLayoutDeviceScale CSSToDevPixelScale() const = 0;
virtual float GetResolution() const = 0;
virtual bool SubjectMatchesDocument(nsISupports* aSubject) const = 0;
virtual Maybe<CSSRect> CalculateScrollableRectForRSF() const = 0;
virtual bool IsResolutionUpdatedByApz() const = 0;
virtual LayoutDeviceMargin ScrollbarAreaToExcludeFromCompositionBounds()
const = 0;
virtual Maybe<LayoutDeviceIntSize> GetDocumentViewerSize() const = 0;
virtual bool AllowZoomingForDocument() const = 0;
virtual bool IsInReaderMode() const = 0;
virtual bool IsDocumentLoading() const = 0;
virtual void SetResolutionAndScaleTo(float aResolution,
ResolutionChangeOrigin aOrigin) = 0;
virtual void SetVisualViewportSize(const CSSSize& aSize) = 0;
virtual void PostVisualViewportResizeEventByDynamicToolbar() = 0;
virtual void UpdateDisplayPortMargins() = 0;
virtual void Reflow(const CSSSize& aNewSize) = 0;
virtual ScreenIntCoord GetDynamicToolbarOffset() = 0;
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // MVMContext_h_