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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
//! Servo's experimental layout system builds a tree of `Flow` and `Fragment` objects and solves
//! layout constraints to obtain positions and display attributes of tree nodes. Positions are
//! computed in several tree traversals driven by the fundamental data dependencies required by
//! inline and block layout.
//! Flows are interior nodes in the layout tree and correspond closely to *flow contexts* in the
//! CSS specification. Flows are responsible for positioning their child flow contexts and
//! fragments. Flows have purpose-specific fields, such as auxiliary line structs, out-of-flow
//! child lists, and so on.
//! Currently, the important types of flows are:
//! * `BlockFlow`: A flow that establishes a block context. It has several child flows, each of
//! which are positioned according to block formatting context rules (CSS block boxes). Block
//! flows also contain a single box to represent their rendered borders, padding, etc.
//! The BlockFlow at the root of the tree has special behavior: it stretches to the boundaries of
//! the viewport.
//! * `InlineFlow`: A flow that establishes an inline context. It has a flat list of child
//! fragments/flows that are subject to inline layout and line breaking and structs to represent
//! line breaks and mapping to CSS boxes, for the purpose of handling `getClientRects()` and
//! similar methods.
use app_units::Au;
use block::{BlockFlow, FormattingContextType};
use context::{LayoutContext, SharedLayoutContext};
use display_list_builder::DisplayListBuildState;
use euclid::{Point2D, Rect, Size2D};
use floats::{Floats, SpeculatedFloatPlacement};
use flow_list::{FlowList, MutFlowListIterator};
use flow_ref::{self, FlowRef, WeakFlowRef};
use fragment::{Fragment, FragmentBorderBoxIterator, Overflow, SpecificFragmentInfo};
use gfx::display_list::{ClippingRegion, StackingContext};
use gfx_traits::{LayerId, LayerType, StackingContextId};
use gfx_traits::print_tree::PrintTree;
use inline::InlineFlow;
use model::{CollapsibleMargins, IntrinsicISizes, MarginCollapseInfo};
use multicol::MulticolFlow;
use parallel::FlowParallelInfo;
use rustc_serialize::{Encodable, Encoder};
use script_layout_interface::restyle_damage::{RECONSTRUCT_FLOW, REFLOW, REFLOW_OUT_OF_FLOW};
use script_layout_interface::restyle_damage::{REPAINT, REPOSITION, RestyleDamage};
use script_layout_interface::wrapper_traits::{PseudoElementType, ThreadSafeLayoutNode};
use std::{fmt, mem, raw};
use std::iter::Zip;
use std::slice::IterMut;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use style::computed_values::{clear, display, empty_cells, float, overflow_x, position, text_align};
use style::context::SharedStyleContext;
use style::dom::TRestyleDamage;
use style::logical_geometry::{LogicalRect, LogicalSize, WritingMode};
use style::properties::{self, ServoComputedValues};
use style::values::computed::LengthOrPercentageOrAuto;
use table::{ColumnComputedInlineSize, ColumnIntrinsicInlineSize, TableFlow};
use table_caption::TableCaptionFlow;
use table_cell::TableCellFlow;
use table_colgroup::TableColGroupFlow;
use table_row::TableRowFlow;
use table_rowgroup::TableRowGroupFlow;
use table_wrapper::TableWrapperFlow;
/// Virtual methods that make up a float context.
/// Note that virtual methods have a cost; we should not overuse them in Servo. Consider adding
/// methods to `ImmutableFlowUtils` or `MutableFlowUtils` before adding more methods here.
pub trait Flow: fmt::Debug + Sync + Send + 'static {
// TODO(pcwalton): Use Rust's RTTI, once that works.
/// Returns the class of flow that this is.
fn class(&self) -> FlowClass;
/// If this is a block flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.
fn as_block(&self) -> &BlockFlow {
panic!("called as_block() on a non-block flow")
/// If this is a block flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails otherwise.
fn as_mut_block(&mut self) -> &mut BlockFlow {
debug!("called as_mut_block() on a flow of type {:?}", self.class());
panic!("called as_mut_block() on a non-block flow")
/// If this is an inline flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.
fn as_inline(&self) -> &InlineFlow {
panic!("called as_inline() on a non-inline flow")
/// If this is an inline flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails
/// otherwise.
fn as_mut_inline(&mut self) -> &mut InlineFlow {
panic!("called as_mut_inline() on a non-inline flow")
/// If this is a table wrapper flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails
/// otherwise.
fn as_mut_table_wrapper(&mut self) -> &mut TableWrapperFlow {
panic!("called as_mut_table_wrapper() on a non-tablewrapper flow")
/// If this is a table wrapper flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.
fn as_table_wrapper(&self) -> &TableWrapperFlow {
panic!("called as_table_wrapper() on a non-tablewrapper flow")
/// If this is a table flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails otherwise.
fn as_mut_table(&mut self) -> &mut TableFlow {
panic!("called as_mut_table() on a non-table flow")
/// If this is a table flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.
fn as_table(&self) -> &TableFlow {
panic!("called as_table() on a non-table flow")
/// If this is a table colgroup flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails
/// otherwise.
fn as_mut_table_colgroup(&mut self) -> &mut TableColGroupFlow {
panic!("called as_mut_table_colgroup() on a non-tablecolgroup flow")
/// If this is a table rowgroup flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails
/// otherwise.
fn as_mut_table_rowgroup(&mut self) -> &mut TableRowGroupFlow {
panic!("called as_mut_table_rowgroup() on a non-tablerowgroup flow")
/// If this is a table rowgroup flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.
fn as_table_rowgroup(&self) -> &TableRowGroupFlow {
panic!("called as_table_rowgroup() on a non-tablerowgroup flow")
/// If this is a table row flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails
/// otherwise.
fn as_mut_table_row(&mut self) -> &mut TableRowFlow {
panic!("called as_mut_table_row() on a non-tablerow flow")
/// If this is a table row flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.
fn as_table_row(&self) -> &TableRowFlow {
panic!("called as_table_row() on a non-tablerow flow")
/// If this is a table cell flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails
/// otherwise.
fn as_mut_table_caption(&mut self) -> &mut TableCaptionFlow {
panic!("called as_mut_table_caption() on a non-tablecaption flow")
/// If this is a table cell flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails
/// otherwise.
fn as_mut_table_cell(&mut self) -> &mut TableCellFlow {
panic!("called as_mut_table_cell() on a non-tablecell flow")
/// If this is a multicol flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails
/// otherwise.
fn as_mut_multicol(&mut self) -> &mut MulticolFlow {
panic!("called as_mut_multicol() on a non-multicol flow")
/// If this is a table cell flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.
fn as_table_cell(&self) -> &TableCellFlow {
panic!("called as_table_cell() on a non-tablecell flow")
/// If this is a table row, table rowgroup, or table flow, returns column intrinsic
/// inline-sizes. Fails otherwise.
fn column_intrinsic_inline_sizes(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<ColumnIntrinsicInlineSize> {
panic!("called column_intrinsic_inline_sizes() on non-table flow")
/// If this is a table row, table rowgroup, or table flow, returns column computed
/// inline-sizes. Fails otherwise.
fn column_computed_inline_sizes(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<ColumnComputedInlineSize> {
panic!("called column_intrinsic_inline_sizes() on non-table flow")
// Main methods
/// Pass 1 of reflow: computes minimum and preferred inline-sizes.
/// Recursively (bottom-up) determine the flow's minimum and preferred inline-sizes. When
/// called on this flow, all child flows have had their minimum and preferred inline-sizes set.
/// This function must decide minimum/preferred inline-sizes based on its children's inline-
/// sizes and the dimensions of any boxes it is responsible for flowing.
fn bubble_inline_sizes(&mut self) {
panic!("bubble_inline_sizes not yet implemented")
/// Pass 2 of reflow: computes inline-size.
fn assign_inline_sizes(&mut self, _shared_context: &SharedStyleContext) {
panic!("assign_inline_sizes not yet implemented")
/// Pass 3a of reflow: computes block-size.
fn assign_block_size<'a>(&mut self, _ctx: &'a LayoutContext<'a>) {
panic!("assign_block_size not yet implemented")
/// Like `assign_block_size`, but is recurses explicitly into descendants.
/// Fit as much content as possible within `available_block_size`.
/// If thats not all of it, truncate the contents of `self`
/// and return a new flow similar to `self` with the rest of the content.
/// The default is to make a flow "atomic": it can not be fragmented.
fn fragment(&mut self,
layout_context: &LayoutContext,
_fragmentation_context: Option<FragmentationContext>)
-> Option<FlowRef> {
fn recursive_assign_block_size<F: ?Sized + Flow>(flow: &mut F, ctx: &LayoutContext) {
for child in mut_base(flow).children.iter_mut() {
recursive_assign_block_size(child, ctx)
recursive_assign_block_size(self, layout_context);
fn collect_stacking_contexts(&mut self, _parent: &mut StackingContext);
/// If this is a float, places it. The default implementation does nothing.
fn place_float_if_applicable<'a>(&mut self) {}
/// Assigns block-sizes in-order; or, if this is a float, places the float. The default
/// implementation simply assigns block-sizes if this flow might have floats in. Returns true
/// if it was determined that this child might have had floats in or false otherwise.
/// `parent_thread_id` is the thread ID of the parent. This is used for the layout tinting
/// debug mode; if the block size of this flow was determined by its parent, we should treat
/// it as laid out by its parent.
fn assign_block_size_for_inorder_child_if_necessary<'a>(&mut self,
layout_context: &'a LayoutContext<'a>,
parent_thread_id: u8,
_content_box: LogicalRect<Au>)
-> bool {
let might_have_floats_in_or_out = base(self).might_have_floats_in() ||
if might_have_floats_in_or_out {
mut_base(self).thread_id = parent_thread_id;
mut_base(self).restyle_damage.remove(REFLOW_OUT_OF_FLOW | REFLOW);
/// CSS Section 11.1
/// This is the union of rectangles of the flows for which we define the
/// Containing Block.
/// FIXME(pcwalton): This should not be a virtual method, but currently is due to a compiler
/// bug ("the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `self`").
/// Assumption: This is called in a bottom-up traversal, so kids' overflows have
/// already been set.
/// Assumption: Absolute descendants have had their overflow calculated.
fn store_overflow(&mut self, _: &LayoutContext) {
// Calculate overflow on a per-fragment basis.
let mut overflow = self.compute_overflow();
match self.class() {
FlowClass::Block |
FlowClass::TableCaption |
FlowClass::TableCell => {
// FIXME(#2795): Get the real container size.
let container_size = Size2D::zero();
let overflow_x = self.as_block();
let overflow_y = self.as_block();
for kid in mut_base(self).children.iter_mut() {
let mut kid_overflow = base(kid).overflow;
let kid_position = base(kid).position.to_physical(base(kid).writing_mode,
// If the overflow for this flow is hidden on a given axis, just
// put the existing overflow in the kid rect, so that the union
// has no effect on this axis.
match overflow_x {
overflow_x::T::hidden => {
kid_overflow.paint.origin.x = overflow.paint.origin.x;
kid_overflow.paint.size.width = overflow.paint.size.width;
kid_overflow.scroll.origin.x = overflow.scroll.origin.x;
kid_overflow.scroll.size.width = overflow.scroll.size.width;
overflow_x::T::scroll |
overflow_x::T::auto |
overflow_x::T::visible => {}
match overflow_y.0 {
overflow_x::T::hidden => {
kid_overflow.paint.origin.y = overflow.paint.origin.y;
kid_overflow.paint.size.height = overflow.paint.size.height;
kid_overflow.scroll.origin.y = overflow.scroll.origin.y;
kid_overflow.scroll.size.height = overflow.scroll.size.height;
overflow_x::T::scroll |
overflow_x::T::auto |
overflow_x::T::visible => {}
_ => {}
mut_base(self).overflow = overflow
/// Phase 4 of reflow: computes absolute positions.
fn compute_absolute_position(&mut self, _: &SharedLayoutContext) {
// The default implementation is a no-op.
/// Phase 5 of reflow: builds display lists.
fn build_display_list(&mut self, state: &mut DisplayListBuildState);
/// Returns the union of all overflow rects of all of this flow's fragments.
fn compute_overflow(&self) -> Overflow;
/// Iterates through border boxes of all of this flow's fragments.
/// Level provides a zero based index indicating the current
/// depth of the flow tree during fragment iteration.
fn iterate_through_fragment_border_boxes(&self,
iterator: &mut FragmentBorderBoxIterator,
level: i32,
stacking_context_position: &Point2D<Au>);
/// Mutably iterates through fragments in this flow.
fn mutate_fragments(&mut self, mutator: &mut FnMut(&mut Fragment));
fn compute_collapsible_block_start_margin(&mut self,
_layout_context: &mut LayoutContext,
_margin_collapse_info: &mut MarginCollapseInfo) {
// The default implementation is a no-op.
/// Marks this flow as the root flow. The default implementation is a no-op.
fn mark_as_root(&mut self) {
debug!("called mark_as_root() on a flow of type {:?}", self.class());
panic!("called mark_as_root() on an unhandled flow");
// Note that the following functions are mostly called using static method
// dispatch, so it's ok to have them in this trait. Plus, they have
// different behaviour for different types of Flow, so they can't go into
// the Immutable / Mutable Flow Utils traits without additional casts.
fn is_root(&self) -> bool {
/// The 'position' property of this flow.
fn positioning(&self) -> position::T {
/// Return true if this flow has position 'fixed'.
fn is_fixed(&self) -> bool {
self.positioning() == position::T::fixed
fn contains_positioned_fragments(&self) -> bool {
self.contains_relatively_positioned_fragments() ||
fn contains_relatively_positioned_fragments(&self) -> bool {
self.positioning() == position::T::relative
/// Returns true if this is an absolute containing block.
fn is_absolute_containing_block(&self) -> bool {
/// Updates the inline position of a child flow during the assign-height traversal. At present,
/// this is only used for absolutely-positioned inline-blocks.
fn update_late_computed_inline_position_if_necessary(&mut self, inline_position: Au);
/// Updates the block position of a child flow during the assign-height traversal. At present,
/// this is only used for absolutely-positioned inline-blocks.
fn update_late_computed_block_position_if_necessary(&mut self, block_position: Au);
/// Return the size of the containing block generated by this flow for the absolutely-
/// positioned descendant referenced by `for_flow`. For block flows, this is the padding box.
/// NB: Do not change this `&self` to `&mut self` under any circumstances! It has security
/// implications because this can be called on parents concurrently from descendants!
fn generated_containing_block_size(&self, _: OpaqueFlow) -> LogicalSize<Au>;
/// Returns a layer ID for the given fragment.
fn layer_id(&self) -> LayerId {
LayerId::new_of_type(LayerType::FragmentBody, base(self).flow_id())
/// Returns a layer ID for the given fragment.
fn layer_id_for_overflow_scroll(&self) -> LayerId {
LayerId::new_of_type(LayerType::OverflowScroll, base(self).flow_id())
/// Attempts to perform incremental fixup of this flow by replacing its fragment's style with
/// the new style. This can only succeed if the flow has exactly one fragment.
fn repair_style(&mut self, new_style: &Arc<ServoComputedValues>);
/// Print any extra children (such as fragments) contained in this Flow
/// for debugging purposes. Any items inserted into the tree will become
/// children of this flow.
fn print_extra_flow_children(&self, _: &mut PrintTree) {
// Base access
pub fn base<T: ?Sized + Flow>(this: &T) -> &BaseFlow {
unsafe {
let obj = mem::transmute::<&&T, &raw::TraitObject>(&this);
mem::transmute::<*mut (), &BaseFlow>(
/// Iterates over the children of this immutable flow.
pub fn child_iter<'a>(flow: &'a Flow) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a Flow> {
pub fn mut_base<T: ?Sized + Flow>(this: &mut T) -> &mut BaseFlow {
unsafe {
let obj = mem::transmute::<&&mut T, &raw::TraitObject>(&this);
mem::transmute::<*mut (), &mut BaseFlow>(
/// Iterates over the children of this flow.
pub fn child_iter_mut<'a>(flow: &'a mut Flow) -> MutFlowListIterator<'a> {
pub trait ImmutableFlowUtils {
// Convenience functions
/// Returns true if this flow is a block flow or subclass thereof.
fn is_block_like(self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if this flow is a table flow.
fn is_table(self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if this flow is a table caption flow.
fn is_table_caption(self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if this flow is a proper table child.
fn is_proper_table_child(self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if this flow is a table row flow.
fn is_table_row(self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if this flow is a table cell flow.
fn is_table_cell(self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if this flow is a table colgroup flow.
fn is_table_colgroup(self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if this flow is a table rowgroup flow.
fn is_table_rowgroup(self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if this flow is one of table-related flows.
fn is_table_kind(self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if anonymous flow is needed between this flow and child flow.
fn need_anonymous_flow(self, child: &Flow) -> bool;
/// Generates missing child flow of this flow.
fn generate_missing_child_flow<N: ThreadSafeLayoutNode>(self, node: &N, ctx: &LayoutContext) -> FlowRef;
/// Returns true if this flow contains fragments that are roots of an absolute flow tree.
fn contains_roots_of_absolute_flow_tree(&self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if this flow has no children.
fn is_leaf(self) -> bool;
/// Returns the number of children that this flow possesses.
fn child_count(self) -> usize;
/// Return true if this flow is a Block Container.
fn is_block_container(self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if this flow is a block flow.
fn is_block_flow(self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if this flow is an inline flow.
fn is_inline_flow(self) -> bool;
/// Dumps the flow tree for debugging.
fn print(self, title: String);
/// Dumps the flow tree for debugging into the given PrintTree.
fn print_with_tree(self, print_tree: &mut PrintTree);
/// Returns true if floats might flow through this flow, as determined by the float placement
/// speculation pass.
fn floats_might_flow_through(self) -> bool;
fn baseline_offset_of_last_line_box_in_flow(self) -> Option<Au>;
pub trait MutableFlowUtils {
// Traversals
/// Traverses the tree in preorder.
fn traverse_preorder<T: PreorderFlowTraversal>(self, traversal: &T);
/// Traverses the tree in postorder.
fn traverse_postorder<T: PostorderFlowTraversal>(self, traversal: &T);
/// Traverse the Absolute flow tree in preorder.
/// Traverse all your direct absolute descendants, who will then traverse
/// their direct absolute descendants.
/// Return true if the traversal is to continue or false to stop.
fn traverse_preorder_absolute_flows<T>(&mut self, traversal: &mut T)
where T: PreorderFlowTraversal;
/// Traverse the Absolute flow tree in postorder.
/// Return true if the traversal is to continue or false to stop.
fn traverse_postorder_absolute_flows<T>(&mut self, traversal: &mut T)
where T: PostorderFlowTraversal;
// Mutators
/// Calls `repair_style` and `bubble_inline_sizes`. You should use this method instead of
/// calling them individually, since there is no reason not to perform both operations.
fn repair_style_and_bubble_inline_sizes(self, style: &Arc<ServoComputedValues>);
pub trait MutableOwnedFlowUtils {
/// Set absolute descendants for this flow.
/// Set this flow as the Containing Block for all the absolute descendants.
fn set_absolute_descendants(&mut self, abs_descendants: AbsoluteDescendants);
/// Sets the flow as the containing block for all absolute descendants that have been marked
/// as having reached their containing block. This is needed in order to handle cases like:
/// <div>
/// <span style="position: relative">
/// <span style="position: absolute; ..."></span>
/// </span>
/// </div>
fn take_applicable_absolute_descendants(&mut self,
absolute_descendants: &mut AbsoluteDescendants);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, RustcEncodable, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum FlowClass {
impl FlowClass {
fn is_block_like(self) -> bool {
match self {
FlowClass::Block | FlowClass::ListItem | FlowClass::Table | FlowClass::TableRowGroup |
FlowClass::TableRow | FlowClass::TableCaption | FlowClass::TableCell |
FlowClass::TableWrapper | FlowClass::Flex => true,
_ => false,
/// A top-down traversal.
pub trait PreorderFlowTraversal {
/// The operation to perform. Return true to continue or false to stop.
fn process(&self, flow: &mut Flow);
/// Returns true if this node must be processed in-order. If this returns false,
/// we skip the operation for this node, but continue processing the descendants.
/// This is called *after* parent nodes are visited.
fn should_process(&self, _flow: &mut Flow) -> bool {
/// A bottom-up traversal, with a optional in-order pass.
pub trait PostorderFlowTraversal {
/// The operation to perform. Return true to continue or false to stop.
fn process(&self, flow: &mut Flow);
/// Returns false if this node must be processed in-order. If this returns false, we skip the
/// operation for this node, but continue processing the ancestors. This is called *after*
/// child nodes are visited.
fn should_process(&self, _flow: &mut Flow) -> bool {
/// An in-order (sequential only) traversal.
pub trait InorderFlowTraversal {
/// The operation to perform. Returns the level of the tree we're at.
fn process(&mut self, flow: &mut Flow, level: u32);
/// Returns true if this node should be processed and false if neither this node nor its
/// descendants should be processed.
fn should_process(&mut self, flow: &mut Flow) -> bool;
bitflags! {
#[doc = "Flags used in flows."]
pub flags FlowFlags: u32 {
// text align flags
#[doc = "Whether this flow must have its own layer. Even if this flag is not set, it might"]
#[doc = "get its own layer if it's deemed to be likely to overlap flows with their own"]
#[doc = "layer."]
const NEEDS_LAYER = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0000,
#[doc = "Whether this flow is absolutely positioned. This is checked all over layout, so a"]
#[doc = "virtual call is too expensive."]
const IS_ABSOLUTELY_POSITIONED = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0100_0000,
#[doc = "Whether this flow clears to the left. This is checked all over layout, so a"]
#[doc = "virtual call is too expensive."]
const CLEARS_LEFT = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_1000_0000,
#[doc = "Whether this flow clears to the right. This is checked all over layout, so a"]
#[doc = "virtual call is too expensive."]
const CLEARS_RIGHT = 0b0000_0000_0000_0001_0000_0000,
#[doc = "Whether this flow is left-floated. This is checked all over layout, so a"]
#[doc = "virtual call is too expensive."]
const FLOATS_LEFT = 0b0000_0000_0000_0010_0000_0000,
#[doc = "Whether this flow is right-floated. This is checked all over layout, so a"]
#[doc = "virtual call is too expensive."]
const FLOATS_RIGHT = 0b0000_0000_0000_0100_0000_0000,
#[doc = "Text alignment. \
NB: If you update this, update `TEXT_ALIGN_SHIFT` below."]
const TEXT_ALIGN = 0b0000_0000_0111_1000_0000_0000,
#[doc = "Whether this flow has a fragment with `counter-reset` or `counter-increment` \
const AFFECTS_COUNTERS = 0b0000_0000_1000_0000_0000_0000,
#[doc = "Whether this flow's descendants have fragments that affect `counter-reset` or \
`counter-increment` styles."]
const HAS_COUNTER_AFFECTING_CHILDREN = 0b0000_0001_0000_0000_0000_0000,
#[doc = "Whether this flow behaves as though it had `position: static` for the purposes \
of positioning in the inline direction. This is set for flows with `position: \
static` and `position: relative` as well as absolutely-positioned flows with \
unconstrained positions in the inline direction."]
const INLINE_POSITION_IS_STATIC = 0b0000_0010_0000_0000_0000_0000,
#[doc = "Whether this flow behaves as though it had `position: static` for the purposes \
of positioning in the block direction. This is set for flows with `position: \
static` and `position: relative` as well as absolutely-positioned flows with \
unconstrained positions in the block direction."]
const BLOCK_POSITION_IS_STATIC = 0b0000_0100_0000_0000_0000_0000,
/// Whether any ancestor is a fragmentation container
const CAN_BE_FRAGMENTED = 0b0000_1000_0000_0000_0000_0000,
/// Whether this flow contains any text and/or replaced fragments.
const CONTAINS_TEXT_OR_REPLACED_FRAGMENTS = 0b0001_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000,
/// The number of bits we must shift off to handle the text alignment field.
/// NB: If you update this, update `TEXT_ALIGN` above.
static TEXT_ALIGN_SHIFT: usize = 11;
impl FlowFlags {
pub fn text_align(self) -> text_align::T {
text_align::T::from_u32((self & TEXT_ALIGN).bits() >> TEXT_ALIGN_SHIFT).unwrap()
pub fn set_text_align(&mut self, value: text_align::T) {
*self = (*self & !TEXT_ALIGN) |
FlowFlags::from_bits(value.to_u32() << TEXT_ALIGN_SHIFT).unwrap();
pub fn float_kind(&self) -> float::T {
if self.contains(FLOATS_LEFT) {
} else if self.contains(FLOATS_RIGHT) {
} else {
pub fn is_float(&self) -> bool {
self.contains(FLOATS_LEFT) || self.contains(FLOATS_RIGHT)
pub fn clears_floats(&self) -> bool {
self.contains(CLEARS_LEFT) || self.contains(CLEARS_RIGHT)
/// Absolutely-positioned descendants of this flow.
pub struct AbsoluteDescendants {
/// Links to every descendant. This must be private because it is unsafe to leak `FlowRef`s to
/// layout.
descendant_links: Vec<AbsoluteDescendantInfo>,
impl AbsoluteDescendants {
pub fn new() -> AbsoluteDescendants {
AbsoluteDescendants {
descendant_links: Vec::new(),
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn push(&mut self, given_descendant: FlowRef) {
self.descendant_links.push(AbsoluteDescendantInfo {
flow: given_descendant,
has_reached_containing_block: false,
/// Push the given descendants on to the existing descendants.
/// Ignore any static y offsets, because they are None before layout.
pub fn push_descendants(&mut self, given_descendants: AbsoluteDescendants) {
for elem in given_descendants.descendant_links {
/// Return an iterator over the descendant flows.
pub fn iter(&mut self) -> AbsoluteDescendantIter {
AbsoluteDescendantIter {
iter: self.descendant_links.iter_mut(),
/// Mark these descendants as having reached their containing block.
pub fn mark_as_having_reached_containing_block(&mut self) {
for descendant_info in self.descendant_links.iter_mut() {
descendant_info.has_reached_containing_block = true
/// Information about each absolutely-positioned descendant of the given flow.
pub struct AbsoluteDescendantInfo {
/// The absolute descendant flow in question.
flow: FlowRef,
/// Whether the absolute descendant has reached its containing block. This exists so that we
/// can handle cases like the following:
/// <div>
/// <span id=a style="position: absolute; ...">foo</span>
/// <span style="position: relative">
/// <span id=b style="position: absolute; ...">bar</span>
/// </span>
/// </div>
/// When we go to create the `InlineFlow` for the outer `div`, our absolute descendants will
/// be `a` and `b`. At this point, we need a way to distinguish between the two, because the
/// containing block for `a` will be different from the containing block for `b`. Specifically,
/// the latter's containing block is the inline flow itself, while the former's containing
/// block is going to be some parent of the outer `div`. Hence we need this flag as a way to
/// distinguish the two; it will be false for `a` and true for `b`.
has_reached_containing_block: bool,
pub struct AbsoluteDescendantIter<'a> {
iter: IterMut<'a, AbsoluteDescendantInfo>,
impl<'a> Iterator for AbsoluteDescendantIter<'a> {
type Item = &'a mut Flow;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut Flow> {|info| flow_ref::deref_mut(&mut info.flow))
pub type AbsoluteDescendantOffsetIter<'a> = Zip<AbsoluteDescendantIter<'a>, IterMut<'a, Au>>;
/// Information needed to compute absolute (i.e. viewport-relative) flow positions (not to be
/// confused with absolutely-positioned flows) that is computed during block-size assignment.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct EarlyAbsolutePositionInfo {
/// The size of the containing block for relatively-positioned descendants.
pub relative_containing_block_size: LogicalSize<Au>,
/// The writing mode for `relative_containing_block_size`.
pub relative_containing_block_mode: WritingMode,
impl EarlyAbsolutePositionInfo {
pub fn new(writing_mode: WritingMode) -> EarlyAbsolutePositionInfo {
// FIXME(pcwalton): The initial relative containing block-size should be equal to the size
// of the root layer.
EarlyAbsolutePositionInfo {
relative_containing_block_size: LogicalSize::zero(writing_mode),
relative_containing_block_mode: writing_mode,
/// Information needed to compute absolute (i.e. viewport-relative) flow positions (not to be
/// confused with absolutely-positioned flows) that is computed during final position assignment.
#[derive(RustcEncodable, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct LateAbsolutePositionInfo {
/// The position of the absolute containing block relative to the nearest ancestor stacking
/// context. If the absolute containing block establishes the stacking context for this flow,
/// and this flow is not itself absolutely-positioned, then this is (0, 0).
pub stacking_relative_position_of_absolute_containing_block: Point2D<Au>,
impl LateAbsolutePositionInfo {
pub fn new() -> LateAbsolutePositionInfo {
LateAbsolutePositionInfo {
stacking_relative_position_of_absolute_containing_block: Point2D::zero(),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct FragmentationContext {
pub available_block_size: Au,
pub this_fragment_is_empty: bool,
/// Data common to all flows.
pub struct BaseFlow {
pub restyle_damage: RestyleDamage,
/// The children of this flow.
pub children: FlowList,
/// Intrinsic inline sizes for this flow.
pub intrinsic_inline_sizes: IntrinsicISizes,
/// The upper left corner of the box representing this flow, relative to the box representing
/// its parent flow.
/// For absolute flows, this represents the position with respect to its *containing block*.
/// This does not include margins in the block flow direction, because those can collapse. So
/// for the block direction (usually vertical), this represents the *border box*. For the
/// inline direction (usually horizontal), this represents the *margin box*.
pub position: LogicalRect<Au>,
/// The amount of overflow of this flow, relative to the containing block. Must include all the
/// pixels of all the display list items for correct invalidation.
pub overflow: Overflow,
/// Data used during parallel traversals.
/// TODO(pcwalton): Group with other transient data to save space.
pub parallel: FlowParallelInfo,
/// The floats next to this flow.
pub floats: Floats,
/// Metrics for floats in computed during the float metrics speculation phase.
pub speculated_float_placement_in: SpeculatedFloatPlacement,
/// Metrics for floats out computed during the float metrics speculation phase.
pub speculated_float_placement_out: SpeculatedFloatPlacement,
/// The collapsible margins for this flow, if any.
pub collapsible_margins: CollapsibleMargins,
/// The position of this flow relative to the start of the nearest ancestor stacking context.
/// This is computed during the top-down pass of display list construction.
pub stacking_relative_position: Point2D<Au>,
/// Details about descendants with position 'absolute' or 'fixed' for which we are the
/// containing block. This is in tree order. This includes any direct children.
pub abs_descendants: AbsoluteDescendants,
/// The inline-size of the block container of this flow. Used for computing percentage and
/// automatic values for `width`.
pub block_container_inline_size: Au,
/// The writing mode of the block container of this flow.
/// FIXME (mbrubeck): Combine this and block_container_inline_size and maybe
/// block_container_explicit_block_size into a struct, to guarantee they are set at the same
/// time? Or just store a link to the containing block flow.
pub block_container_writing_mode: WritingMode,
/// The block-size of the block container of this flow, if it is an explicit size (does not
/// depend on content heights). Used for computing percentage values for `height`.
pub block_container_explicit_block_size: Option<Au>,
/// Reference to the Containing Block, if this flow is absolutely positioned.
pub absolute_cb: ContainingBlockLink,
/// Information needed to compute absolute (i.e. viewport-relative) flow positions (not to be
/// confused with absolutely-positioned flows) that is computed during block-size assignment.
pub early_absolute_position_info: EarlyAbsolutePositionInfo,
/// Information needed to compute absolute (i.e. viewport-relative) flow positions (not to be
/// confused with absolutely-positioned flows) that is computed during final position
/// assignment.
pub late_absolute_position_info: LateAbsolutePositionInfo,
/// The clipping region for this flow and its descendants, in layer coordinates.
pub clip: ClippingRegion,
/// The stacking-relative position of the display port.
/// FIXME(pcwalton): This might be faster as an Arc, since this varies only
/// per-stacking-context.
pub stacking_relative_position_of_display_port: Rect<Au>,
/// The writing mode for this flow.
pub writing_mode: WritingMode,
/// For debugging and profiling, the identifier of the thread that laid out this fragment.
pub thread_id: u8,
/// Various flags for flows, tightly packed to save space.
pub flags: FlowFlags,
/// The ID of the StackingContext that contains this flow. This is initialized
/// to 0, but it assigned during the collect_stacking_contexts phase of display
/// list construction.
pub stacking_context_id: StackingContextId,
impl fmt::Debug for BaseFlow {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let child_count = self.parallel.children_count.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
let child_count_string = if child_count > 0 {
format!(" children={}", child_count)
} else {
let absolute_descendants_string = if self.abs_descendants.len() > 0 {
format!(" abs-descendents={}", self.abs_descendants.len())
} else {
let damage_string = if self.restyle_damage != RestyleDamage::empty() {
format!(" damage={:?}", self.restyle_damage)
} else {
"sc={:?} pos={:?}, {}{} floatspec-in={:?}, floatspec-out={:?}, overflow={:?}{}{}{}",
if self.flags.contains(FLOATS_LEFT) { "FL" } else { "" },
if self.flags.contains(FLOATS_RIGHT) { "FR" } else { "" },
impl Encodable for BaseFlow {
fn encode<S: Encoder>(&self, e: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error> {
e.emit_struct("base", 5, |e| {
try!(e.emit_struct_field("id", 0, |e| self.debug_id().encode(e)));
|e| self.stacking_relative_position.encode(e)));
|e| self.intrinsic_inline_sizes.encode(e)));
try!(e.emit_struct_field("position", 3, |e| self.position.encode(e)));
e.emit_struct_field("children", 4, |e| {
e.emit_seq(self.children.len(), |e| {
for (i, c) in self.children.iter().enumerate() {
try!(e.emit_seq_elt(i, |e| {
try!(e.emit_struct("flow", 2, |e| {
try!(e.emit_struct_field("class", 0, |e| c.class().encode(e)));
e.emit_struct_field("data", 1, |e| {
match c.class() {
FlowClass::Block => c.as_block().encode(e),
FlowClass::Inline => c.as_inline().encode(e),
FlowClass::Table => c.as_table().encode(e),
FlowClass::TableWrapper => c.as_table_wrapper().encode(e),
FlowClass::TableRowGroup => c.as_table_rowgroup().encode(e),
FlowClass::TableRow => c.as_table_row().encode(e),
FlowClass::TableCell => c.as_table_cell().encode(e),
_ => { Ok(()) } // TODO: Support captions
/// Whether a base flow should be forced to be nonfloated. This can affect e.g. `TableFlow`, which
/// is never floated because the table wrapper flow is the floated one.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ForceNonfloatedFlag {
/// The flow should be floated if the node has a `float` property.
/// The flow should be forced to be nonfloated.
impl BaseFlow {
pub fn new(style: Option<&ServoComputedValues>,
writing_mode: WritingMode,
force_nonfloated: ForceNonfloatedFlag)
-> BaseFlow {
let mut flags = FlowFlags::empty();
match style {
Some(style) => {
match style.get_box().position {
position::T::absolute | position::T::fixed => {
let logical_position = style.logical_position();
if logical_position.inline_start == LengthOrPercentageOrAuto::Auto &&
logical_position.inline_end == LengthOrPercentageOrAuto::Auto {
if logical_position.block_start == LengthOrPercentageOrAuto::Auto &&
logical_position.block_end == LengthOrPercentageOrAuto::Auto {
if force_nonfloated == ForceNonfloatedFlag::FloatIfNecessary {
match style.get_box().float {
float::T::none => {}
float::T::left => flags.insert(FLOATS_LEFT),
float::T::right => flags.insert(FLOATS_RIGHT),
match style.get_box().clear {
clear::T::none => {}
clear::T::left => flags.insert(CLEARS_LEFT),
clear::T::right => flags.insert(CLEARS_RIGHT),
clear::T::both => {
if !style.get_counters().counter_reset.0.is_empty() ||
!style.get_counters().counter_increment.0.is_empty() {
// New flows start out as fully damaged.
let mut damage = RestyleDamage::rebuild_and_reflow();
BaseFlow {
restyle_damage: damage,
children: FlowList::new(),
intrinsic_inline_sizes: IntrinsicISizes::new(),
position: LogicalRect::zero(writing_mode),
overflow: Overflow::new(),
parallel: FlowParallelInfo::new(),
floats: Floats::new(writing_mode),
collapsible_margins: CollapsibleMargins::new(),
stacking_relative_position: Point2D::zero(),
abs_descendants: AbsoluteDescendants::new(),
speculated_float_placement_in: SpeculatedFloatPlacement::zero(),
speculated_float_placement_out: SpeculatedFloatPlacement::zero(),
block_container_inline_size: Au(0),
block_container_writing_mode: writing_mode,
block_container_explicit_block_size: None,
absolute_cb: ContainingBlockLink::new(),
early_absolute_position_info: EarlyAbsolutePositionInfo::new(writing_mode),
late_absolute_position_info: LateAbsolutePositionInfo::new(),
clip: ClippingRegion::max(),
stacking_relative_position_of_display_port: Rect::zero(),
flags: flags,
writing_mode: writing_mode,
thread_id: 0,
stacking_context_id: StackingContextId::new(0),
/// Return a new BaseFlow like this one but with the given children list
pub fn clone_with_children(&self, children: FlowList) -> BaseFlow {
BaseFlow {
children: children,
restyle_damage: self.restyle_damage | REPAINT | REFLOW_OUT_OF_FLOW | REFLOW,
parallel: FlowParallelInfo::new(),
floats: self.floats.clone(),
abs_descendants: self.abs_descendants.clone(),
absolute_cb: self.absolute_cb.clone(),
clip: self.clip.clone(),
pub fn child_iter_mut(&mut self) -> MutFlowListIterator {
pub fn debug_id(&self) -> usize {
let p = self as *const _;
p as usize
pub fn flow_id(&self) -> usize {
return self as *const BaseFlow as usize;
pub fn collect_stacking_contexts_for_children(&mut self, parent: &mut StackingContext) {
for kid in self.children.iter_mut() {
pub fn might_have_floats_in(&self) -> bool {
self.speculated_float_placement_in.left > Au(0) ||
self.speculated_float_placement_in.right > Au(0)
pub fn might_have_floats_out(&self) -> bool {
self.speculated_float_placement_out.left > Au(0) ||
self.speculated_float_placement_out.right > Au(0)
impl<'a> ImmutableFlowUtils for &'a Flow {
/// Returns true if this flow is a block flow or subclass thereof.
fn is_block_like(self) -> bool {
/// Returns true if this flow is a proper table child.
/// 'Proper table child' is defined as table-row flow, table-rowgroup flow,
/// table-column-group flow, or table-caption flow.
fn is_proper_table_child(self) -> bool {
match self.class() {
FlowClass::TableRow | FlowClass::TableRowGroup |
FlowClass::TableColGroup | FlowClass::TableCaption => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if this flow is a table row flow.
fn is_table_row(self) -> bool {
match self.class() {
FlowClass::TableRow => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if this flow is a table cell flow.
fn is_table_cell(self) -> bool {
match self.class() {
FlowClass::TableCell => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if this flow is a table colgroup flow.
fn is_table_colgroup(self) -> bool {
match self.class() {
FlowClass::TableColGroup => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if this flow is a table flow.
fn is_table(self) -> bool {
match self.class() {
FlowClass::Table => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if this flow is a table caption flow.
fn is_table_caption(self) -> bool {
match self.class() {
FlowClass::TableCaption => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if this flow is a table rowgroup flow.
fn is_table_rowgroup(self) -> bool {
match self.class() {
FlowClass::TableRowGroup => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if this flow is one of table-related flows.
fn is_table_kind(self) -> bool {
match self.class() {
FlowClass::TableWrapper | FlowClass::Table |
FlowClass::TableColGroup | FlowClass::TableRowGroup |
FlowClass::TableRow | FlowClass::TableCaption | FlowClass::TableCell => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if anonymous flow is needed between this flow and child flow.
/// Spec:
fn need_anonymous_flow(self, child: &Flow) -> bool {
match self.class() {
FlowClass::Table => !child.is_proper_table_child(),
FlowClass::TableRowGroup => !child.is_table_row(),
FlowClass::TableRow => !child.is_table_cell(),
// FIXME(zentner): According to spec, anonymous flex items are only needed for text.
FlowClass::Flex => child.is_inline_flow(),
_ => false
/// Generates missing child flow of this flow.
/// FIXME(pcwalton): This duplicates some logic in
/// `generate_anonymous_table_flows_if_necessary()`. We should remove this function eventually,
/// as it's harder to understand.
fn generate_missing_child_flow<N: ThreadSafeLayoutNode>(self, node: &N, ctx: &LayoutContext) -> FlowRef {
let style_context = ctx.style_context();
let mut style =;
match self.class() {
FlowClass::Table | FlowClass::TableRowGroup => {
&mut style,
let fragment = Fragment::from_opaque_node_and_style(
FlowClass::TableRow => {
&mut style,
let fragment = Fragment::from_opaque_node_and_style(
let hide = == empty_cells::T::hide;
Arc::new(TableCellFlow::from_node_fragment_and_visibility_flag(node, fragment, !hide))
FlowClass::Flex => {
&mut style,
let fragment =
Arc::new(BlockFlow::from_fragment(fragment, None))
_ => {
panic!("no need to generate a missing child")
/// Returns true if this flow contains fragments that are roots of an absolute flow tree.
fn contains_roots_of_absolute_flow_tree(&self) -> bool {
self.contains_relatively_positioned_fragments() || self.is_root()
/// Returns true if this flow has no children.
fn is_leaf(self) -> bool {
/// Returns the number of children that this flow possesses.
fn child_count(self) -> usize {
/// Return true if this flow is a Block Container.
/// Except for table fragments and replaced elements, block-level fragments (`BlockFlow`) are
/// also block container fragments.
/// Non-replaced inline blocks and non-replaced table cells are also block
/// containers.
fn is_block_container(self) -> bool {
match self.class() {
// TODO: Change this when inline-blocks are supported.
FlowClass::Block | FlowClass::TableCaption | FlowClass::TableCell => {
// FIXME: Actually check the type of the node
self.child_count() != 0
_ => false,
/// Returns true if this flow is a block flow.
fn is_block_flow(self) -> bool {
match self.class() {
FlowClass::Block => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if this flow is an inline flow.
fn is_inline_flow(self) -> bool {
match self.class() {
FlowClass::Inline => true,
_ => false,
/// Dumps the flow tree for debugging.
fn print(self, title: String) {
let mut print_tree = PrintTree::new(title);
self.print_with_tree(&mut print_tree);
/// Dumps the flow tree for debugging into the given PrintTree.
fn print_with_tree(self, print_tree: &mut PrintTree) {
print_tree.new_level(format!("{:?}", self));
for kid in child_iter(self) {
fn floats_might_flow_through(self) -> bool {
if !base(self).might_have_floats_in() && !base(self).might_have_floats_out() {
return false
if self.is_root() {
return false
if !self.is_block_like() {
return true
self.as_block().formatting_context_type() == FormattingContextType::None
fn baseline_offset_of_last_line_box_in_flow(self) -> Option<Au> {
for kid in base(self).children.iter().rev() {
if kid.is_inline_flow() {
if let Some(baseline_offset) = kid.as_inline().baseline_offset_of_last_line() {
return Some(baseline_offset)
if kid.is_block_like() &&
kid.as_block().formatting_context_type() == FormattingContextType::None &&
!base(kid).flags.contains(IS_ABSOLUTELY_POSITIONED) {
if let Some(baseline_offset) = kid.baseline_offset_of_last_line_box_in_flow() {
return Some(base(kid).position.start.b + baseline_offset)
impl<'a> MutableFlowUtils for &'a mut Flow {
/// Traverses the tree in preorder.
fn traverse_preorder<T: PreorderFlowTraversal>(self, traversal: &T) {
if traversal.should_process(self) {
for kid in child_iter_mut(self) {
/// Traverses the tree in postorder.
fn traverse_postorder<T: PostorderFlowTraversal>(self, traversal: &T) {
for kid in child_iter_mut(self) {
if traversal.should_process(self) {
/// Calls `repair_style` and `bubble_inline_sizes`. You should use this method instead of
/// calling them individually, since there is no reason not to perform both operations.
fn repair_style_and_bubble_inline_sizes(self, style: &Arc<ServoComputedValues>) {
/// Traverse the Absolute flow tree in preorder.
/// Traverse all your direct absolute descendants, who will then traverse
/// their direct absolute descendants.
/// Return true if the traversal is to continue or false to stop.
fn traverse_preorder_absolute_flows<T>(&mut self, traversal: &mut T)
where T: PreorderFlowTraversal {
let descendant_offset_iter = mut_base(*self).abs_descendants.iter();
for ref mut descendant_link in descendant_offset_iter {
/// Traverse the Absolute flow tree in postorder.
/// Return true if the traversal is to continue or false to stop.
fn traverse_postorder_absolute_flows<T>(&mut self, traversal: &mut T)
where T: PostorderFlowTraversal {
for mut descendant_link in mut_base(*self).abs_descendants.iter() {
impl MutableOwnedFlowUtils for FlowRef {
/// Set absolute descendants for this flow.
/// Set yourself as the Containing Block for all the absolute descendants.
/// This is called during flow construction, so nothing else can be accessing the descendant
/// flows. This is enforced by the fact that we have a mutable `FlowRef`, which only flow
/// construction is allowed to possess.
fn set_absolute_descendants(&mut self, abs_descendants: AbsoluteDescendants) {
let this = self.clone();
let base = mut_base(flow_ref::deref_mut(self));
base.abs_descendants = abs_descendants;
for descendant_link in base.abs_descendants.descendant_links.iter_mut() {
let descendant_base = mut_base(flow_ref::deref_mut(&mut descendant_link.flow));
/// Sets the flow as the containing block for all absolute descendants that have been marked
/// as having reached their containing block. This is needed in order to handle cases like:
/// <div>
/// <span style="position: relative">
/// <span style="position: absolute; ..."></span>
/// </span>
/// </div>
fn take_applicable_absolute_descendants(&mut self,
absolute_descendants: &mut AbsoluteDescendants) {
let mut applicable_absolute_descendants = AbsoluteDescendants::new();
for absolute_descendant in absolute_descendants.descendant_links.iter() {
if absolute_descendant.has_reached_containing_block {
absolute_descendants.descendant_links.retain(|descendant| {
let this = self.clone();
let base = mut_base(flow_ref::deref_mut(self));
base.abs_descendants = applicable_absolute_descendants;
for descendant_link in base.abs_descendants.iter() {
let descendant_base = mut_base(descendant_link);
/// A link to a flow's containing block.
/// This cannot safely be a `Flow` pointer because this is a pointer *up* the tree, not *down* the
/// tree. A pointer up the tree is unsafe during layout because it can be used to access a node
/// with an immutable reference while that same node is being laid out, causing possible iterator
/// invalidation and use-after-free.
/// FIXME(pcwalton): I think this would be better with a borrow flag instead of `unsafe`.
pub struct ContainingBlockLink {
/// The pointer up to the containing block.
link: Option<WeakFlowRef>,
impl ContainingBlockLink {
fn new() -> ContainingBlockLink {
ContainingBlockLink {
link: None,
fn set(&mut self, link: FlowRef) { = Some(Arc::downgrade(&link))
pub fn generated_containing_block_size(&self, for_flow: OpaqueFlow) -> LogicalSize<Au> {
match {
None => {
panic!("Link to containing block not established; perhaps you forgot to call \
Some(ref link) => {
let flow = link.upgrade().unwrap();
pub fn explicit_block_containing_size(&self, shared_context: &SharedStyleContext) -> Option<Au> {
match {
None => {
panic!("Link to containing block not established; perhaps you forgot to call \
Some(ref link) => {
let flow = link.upgrade().unwrap();
if flow.is_block_like() {
} else if flow.is_inline_flow() {
} else {
/// A wrapper for the pointer address of a flow. These pointer addresses may only be compared for
/// equality with other such pointer addresses, never dereferenced.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct OpaqueFlow(pub usize);
impl OpaqueFlow {
pub fn from_flow(flow: &Flow) -> OpaqueFlow {
unsafe {
let object = mem::transmute::<&Flow, raw::TraitObject>(flow);
OpaqueFlow( as usize)