
593 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

#!/export2/gnu/files/perl-5.6.0/bin/perl -w
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is Doctor.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape
# are Copyright (C) 2002 Netscape Communications Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Myk Melez <>
# Script Initialization
# Make it harder to do dangerous things in Perl.
use diagnostics;
use strict;
# Make it easier to access Perl's built-in variables by turning on the option
# of referencing them by sensible name instead of punctuation mark.
use English;
# Include the standard Perl CGI library and create a new request object
# to handle this CGI request.
use CGI;
my $request = new CGI;
# Use a useful library for capturing filehandle output into a variable.
use IO::Capture;
# Include the Perl library for creating and deleting directory hierarchies.
use File::Path;
# Use the Template Toolkit ( to generate
# the user interface using templates in the "template/" subdirectory.
use Template;
# Create the global template object that processes templates and specify
# configuration parameters that apply to templates processed in this script.
my $template = Template->new(
# Colon-separated list of directories containing templates.
INCLUDE_PATH => "templates" ,
linebreak => sub
my ($var) = @_;
$var =~ s/\n/\&nl;/g;
$var =~ s/\r/\&cr;/g;
return $var;
# Define the global variables and functions that will be passed to the UI
# template. Individual functions add their own values to this hash before
# sending them to the templates they process.
my $vars = {};
# Script Configuration
# Note: Look in the configuration file for descriptions of each parameter.
# Use the AppConfig module for handling script configuration.
use AppConfig qw(:expand :argcount);
# Create an AppConfig object and populate it with parameters defined
# in the configuration file.
my $config = AppConfig->new(
CREATE => 1 ,
# Write parameters into global variables.
my $TEMP_DIR = $config->get('TEMP_DIR');
my $READ_CVS_SERVER = $config->get('READ_CVS_SERVER');
my $WRITE_CVS_SERVER = $config->get('WRITE_CVS_SERVER');
# Store the home directory so we can get back to it after changing directories
# in certain places in the code.
use Cwd;
my $HOME = cwd;
# Whether or not the user submitted their username with an at sign (@) instead
# of a percentage mark (%). CVS usernames cannot contain at signs, so the sign
# gets replaced by a percentage mark when people use their email addresses as
# usernames, but those people generally forget about the replacement and enter
# their username with the at sign, so we convert it automatically and set this
# variable so we know to warn them about it if it happens.
my $at_sign = 0;
# Main Body Execution
# Note: All calls to this script should contain an "action" variable
# whose value determines what the user wants to do. The code below
# checks the value of that variable and runs the appropriate code.
# Determine whether to use the action specified by the user or the default.
my $action = lc($request->param('action')) || "edit";
if ($action eq "edit")
$vars->{'file'} = $request->param('file');
if ($request->param('content') && $request->param('version'))
$vars->{'content'} = $request->param('content');
$vars->{'version'} = $request->param('version');
($vars->{'content'}, $vars->{'version'}) = RetrieveFile($request->param('file'));
print $request->header;
$template->process("edit.tmpl", $vars)
|| DisplayError("Template Process Failed", $template->error())
&& exit;
elsif ($action eq "review")
elsif ($action eq "commit")
DisplayError("I could not figure out what you wanted to do.", "Unknown action");
# Input Validation
sub ValidateFile
|| DisplayError("You must include the name of the file.")
&& exit;
my $file = $request->param("file");
# Collapse multiple consecutive slashes (i.e. dir//file.txt)
# into a single slash.
$file =~ s:/{2,}:/:;
# If the filename (the last name in the path) contains no period, it is
# probably a directory, so add a slash.
if ($file =~ m:^[^\./]+$: || $file =~ m:/[^\./]+$:) { $file .= "/" }
# If the file ends with a forward slash, it is a directory, so add
# the name of the default file.
if ($file =~ m:/$:) { $file .= "index.html" }
$request->param("file", $file);
# Note: we don't need to validate further because CVS will tell us
# whether or not the filename is valid.
sub ValidateUsername
|| DisplayError("You must enter a username.")
&& exit;
my $username = $request->param('username');
if ($username =~ s/@/%/) { $at_sign = 1 };
$request->param('username', $username);
sub ValidatePassword
|| DisplayError("You must enter a password.")
&& exit;
sub ValidateComment
|| DisplayError("You must enter a check-in comment.")
&& exit;
sub ValidateContent
my $content = $request->param('content');
# The HTML spec tells browsers to remove line breaks (carriage return
# and newline characters) from form values in some cases. This happens
# even if those characters are encoded into entities (&#10; and &#13;).
# To prevent corruption of file content in this case, we have to convert
# those characters into our own custom entities (&cr; and &nl;), when
# using them as form values, so here we convert them back.
$content =~ s/\&nl;/\n/g;
$content =~ s/\&cr;/\r/g;
$request->param('content', $content);
# Utility Functions
sub RetrieveFile
my ($name) = @_;
my @args = ("-d",
"-p", # write to STDOUT
# Check out the file from the CVS repository, capturing the file content
# and any errors/notices.
my $CAPTURE_ERR = IO::Capture->new(\*STDERR);
my $CAPTURE_OUT = IO::Capture->new(\*STDOUT);
my $error_code = system("cvs", @args);
my $output = $CAPTURE_OUT->capture;
my $errors = $CAPTURE_ERR->capture;
if ($error_code != 0)
# Include the command in the error message (but hide the username/password).
my $command = join(" ", "cvs", @args);
$command =~ s/\Q$READ_CVS_PASSWORD\E/[password]/g;
$errors =~ s/\Q$READ_CVS_PASSWORD\E/[password]/g;
DisplayError("I could not check the file out from the repository.<br>
<strong>Command:</strong> <em>$command</em><br>
<strong>Error Code:</strong> <em>$error_code</em><br>
<strong>Error Message:</strong><b><pre>$errors</pre>");
# Extract the file version from the errors/notices.
my $version = "";
if ($errors =~ /VERS:\s([0-9.]+)\s/) { $version = $1 }
return ($output, $version);
sub ReviewChanges
# Displays a diff between the version of a file in the repository
# and the version submitted by the user so the user can review the
# changes they are making to the file. Offers the user the option
# to either commit their changes or edit the file some more.
# Create and change to a temporary sub-directory into which
# we will check out the file being reviewed.
# Check out the file from the repository.
my $file = $request->param('file');
my $oldversion = $request->param('version');
my $newversion = CheckOutFile($file);
# Throw an error if the version of the file that was edited
# does not match the version in the repository. In the future
# we should try to merge the user's changes if possible.
if ($oldversion && $newversion && $oldversion != $newversion)
DisplayError("You edited version <em>$oldversion</em> of the file,
but version <em>$newversion</em> is in the repository.
Reload the edit page and make your changes again
(and bother the authors of this script to implement
change merging).");
# Replace the checked out file with the edited version, generate
# a diff between the edited file, and display it to the user.
$vars->{'diff'} = DiffFile($file);
# Delete the temporary directory into which we checked out the file.
$vars->{'file'} = $file;
$vars->{'content'} = $request->param('content');
$vars->{'version'} = $request->param('version');
print $request->header;
$template->process("review.tmpl", $vars)
|| DisplayError("Template Process Failed", $template->error())
&& exit;
sub CommitFile
# Commit a file to the repository. Checks out the file via cvs,
# applies the changes, generates a diff, and then checks the file
# back in. It would be easier if we could commit a file by piping
# it into standard input, but cvs does not provide for this.
# Create and change to a temporary sub-directory into which
# we will check out the file being committed.
# Check out the file from the repository.
my $file = $request->param('file');
my $oldversion = $request->param('version');
my $newversion = CheckOutFile($file);
# Throw an error if the version of the file that was edited
# does not match the version in the repository. In the future
# we should try to merge the user's changes if possible.
if ($oldversion && $newversion && $oldversion != $newversion)
DisplayError("You edited version <em>$oldversion</em> of the file,
but version <em>$newversion</em> is in the repository.
Reload the edit page and make your changes again
(and bother the authors of this script to implement
change merging).");
# Replace the checked out file with the edited version, generate
# a diff between the edited file and the version in the repository,
# and check in the edited file.
$vars->{'diff'} = DiffFile($file);
$vars->{'checkin_results'} = CheckInFile($file);
# Delete the temporary directory into which we checked out the file.
$vars->{'file'} = $file;
$vars->{'at_sign'} = $at_sign;
print $request->header;
$template->process("committed.tmpl", $vars)
|| DisplayError("Template Process Failed", $template->error())
&& exit;
sub CheckOutFile
# Checks out a file from the repository.
my ($file) = @_;
my @args = ("-t", # debugging messages from which to extract the version
# Check out the file from the repository, capturing the output of the
# command and any error messages/notices.
my $CAPTURE_ERR = IO::Capture->new(\*STDERR);
my $CAPTURE_OUT = IO::Capture->new(\*STDOUT);
my $error_code = system("cvs", @args);
my $output = $CAPTURE_OUT->capture;
my $errors = $CAPTURE_ERR->capture;
if ($error_code != 0)
# Include the command in the error message (but hide the password).
my $command = join(" ", "cvs", @args);
$command =~ s/\Q$READ_CVS_PASSWORD\E/[password]/g;
$errors =~ s/\Q$READ_CVS_PASSWORD\E/[password]/g;
DisplayError("I could not check the file out from the repository.<br>
<strong>Command:</strong> <em>$command</em><br>
<strong>Error Code:</strong> <em>$error_code</em><br>
<strong>Error Message:</strong><b><pre>$errors</pre>");
# Extract the file version from the errors/notices.
my $version = "";
if ($errors =~ /\Q$file\E,v,\s([0-9.]+),/) { $version = $1 }
return $version;
sub ReplaceFile
# Replaces the file checked out from the repository with the edited version.
my ($file) = @_;
my $content = $request->param('content');
# Replace funky end-of-line combinations with good ole unix equivalents.
$content =~ s/\r\n|\r/\n/g;
if (!open(DOC, ">$file"))
DisplayError("I could not open the temporary file <em>$file</em>
for writing: $!");
print DOC $content;
#$windows = ($content =~ /\r\n/);
#$unix = ($content =~ /\n/);
#$mac = ($content =~ /\r/);
sub DiffFile
# Returns the results of diffing a file against the version in the repository.
my ($file) = @_;
my @args = ("-d",
# Diff the file against the version in the repository, capturing the diff
# and any error messages/notices.
my $CAPTURE_ERR = IO::Capture->new(\*STDERR);
my $CAPTURE_OUT = IO::Capture->new(\*STDOUT);
my $error_code = system("cvs", @args);
my $output = $CAPTURE_OUT->capture;
my $errors = $CAPTURE_ERR->capture;
# Check the error messages/notices in addition to the error code
# returned by the system call, because for some reason the call
# sometimes returns a non-zero error code (256) upon success.
if ($error_code && $errors)
# Include the command in the error message (but hide the password).
my $command = join(" ", "cvs", @args);
$command =~ s/\Q$READ_CVS_PASSWORD\E/[password]/g;
$errors =~ s/\Q$READ_CVS_PASSWORD\E/[password]/g;
DisplayError("I could not diff your version of the file against
the version in the repository.<br>
<strong>Command:</strong> <em>$command</em><br>
<strong>Error Code:</strong> <em>$error_code</em><br>
<strong>Error Message:</strong><b><pre>$errors</pre>");
if (!$output)
DisplayError("You didn't change anything!");
return $output;
sub CheckInFile
# Checks a file into the repository.
my ($file) = @_;
my $username = $request->param('username');
my $password = $request->param('password');
my $comment = $request->param('comment');
my @args = ("-d" ,
":pserver:$username:$password\@$WRITE_CVS_SERVER" ,
"commit" ,
"-m" ,
$comment ,
# Check the file into the repository and capture the results.
my $CAPTURE_ERR = IO::Capture->new(\*STDERR);
my $CAPTURE_OUT = IO::Capture->new(\*STDOUT);
my $error_code = system("cvs", @args);
my $output = $CAPTURE_OUT->capture;
my $errors = $CAPTURE_ERR->capture;
if ($error_code != 0)
# Include the command in the error message (but hide the password).
my $command = join(" ", "cvs", @args);
$command =~ s/\Q$password\E/[password]/g;
$errors =~ s/\Q$password\E/[password]/g;
DisplayError("I could not check your version of the file
into the repository.<br>
<strong>Command:</strong> <em>$command</em><br>
<strong>Error Code:</strong> <em>$error_code</em><br>
<strong>Error Message:</strong><br><pre>$errors</pre>");
return $output;
sub DisplayError
($vars->{'message'}, $vars->{'title'}) = @_;
|| die("Could not change back to original working directory
to deliver error message <strong>$vars->{'title'}</strong>:
print $request->header;
$template->process("error.tmpl", $vars)
|| die("<strong>Template Error</strong>: <em>" . $template->error() . "</em>
while trying to deliver error message <strong>$vars->{'title'}</strong>:
sub CreateTempDir
# Creates and changes to a temporary sub-directory unique to this process
# that can be used for CVS activities requiring the checking out of files.
if (!-e $TEMP_DIR and !mkdir($TEMP_DIR))
DisplayError("I could not create the temporary directory <em>$TEMP_DIR</em>: $!");
elsif (!-d $TEMP_DIR)
DisplayError("I could not use the temporary directory <em>$TEMP_DIR</em>
because it is not a directory.");
# Create and change to a unique sub-directory in the temporary directory.
|| DisplayError("I could not create a temporary sub-directory <em>$TEMP_DIR/$PID</em>: $!")
&& exit;
|| DisplayError("I could not change to the temporary sub-directory <em>$TEMP_DIR/$PID</em>: $!")
&& exit;
sub DeleteTempDir
# Changes back to the home directory and deletes the temporary directory.
rmtree("$TEMP_DIR/$PID", 0, 1)
|| DisplayError("I could not delete the temporary sub-directory <em>$TEMP_DIR/$PID</em>: $!")
&& exit;