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synced 2025-03-02 06:22:20 +00:00

Subtle things: * We now have shadow trees in NAC, inception! Only a couple lines of code in the style system had to be changed to match :host rules and so properly. * Had to make highlighters.css contentaccessible, because otherwise we can't load it from the shadow tree. I don't think it's a big deal. * I removed some of the code from highlighters.css that claimed that stuff inherited from the html element. That's just no longer true. * Had to switch from `setAttribute("style", ...)` to `.style = ...;`. This is needed because CSSOM from chrome code bypasses CSP (as AnonymousContent did), but setAttribute() doesn't, see bug 1424474. Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D173998
443 lines
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443 lines
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#ifndef AccessibleCaretManager_h
#define AccessibleCaretManager_h
#include "AccessibleCaret.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/CaretStateChangedEvent.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/MouseEventBinding.h"
#include "mozilla/EnumSet.h"
#include "mozilla/EventForwards.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsCoord.h"
#include "nsIFrame.h"
#include "nsISelectionListener.h"
class nsFrameSelection;
class nsIContent;
struct nsPoint;
namespace mozilla {
class PresShell;
namespace dom {
class Element;
class Selection;
} // namespace dom
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AccessibleCaretManager does not deal with events or callbacks directly. It
// relies on AccessibleCaretEventHub to call its public methods to do the work.
// All codes needed to interact with PresShell, Selection, and AccessibleCaret
// should be written in AccessibleCaretManager.
// None the public methods in AccessibleCaretManager will flush layout or style
// prior to performing its task. The caller must ensure the layout is up to
// date.
// TODO: it's unclear, whether that's true. `OnSelectionChanged` calls
// `UpdateCarets`, which may flush layout.
// Please see the wiki page for more information.
// https://wiki.mozilla.org/AccessibleCaret
class AccessibleCaretManager {
// @param aPresShell may be nullptr for testing.
explicit AccessibleCaretManager(PresShell* aPresShell);
virtual ~AccessibleCaretManager() = default;
// Called by AccessibleCaretEventHub to inform us that PresShell is destroyed.
void Terminate();
// The aPoint in the following public methods should be relative to root
// frame.
// Press caret on the given point. Return NS_OK if the point is actually on
// one of the carets.
virtual nsresult PressCaret(const nsPoint& aPoint, EventClassID aEventClass);
// Drag caret to the given point. It's required to call PressCaret()
// beforehand.
virtual nsresult DragCaret(const nsPoint& aPoint);
// Release caret from he previous press action. It's required to call
// PressCaret() beforehand.
virtual nsresult ReleaseCaret();
// A quick single tap on caret on given point without dragging.
virtual nsresult TapCaret(const nsPoint& aPoint);
// Select a word or bring up paste shortcut (if Gaia is listening) under the
// given point.
virtual nsresult SelectWordOrShortcut(const nsPoint& aPoint);
// Handle scroll-start event.
virtual void OnScrollStart();
// Handle scroll-end event.
virtual void OnScrollEnd();
// Handle ScrollPositionChanged from nsIScrollObserver. This might be called
// at anytime, not necessary between OnScrollStart and OnScrollEnd.
virtual void OnScrollPositionChanged();
// Handle reflow event from nsIReflowObserver.
virtual void OnReflow();
// Handle blur event from nsFocusManager.
virtual void OnBlur();
// Handle NotifySelectionChanged event from nsISelectionListener.
// @param aReason potentially multiple of the reasons defined in
// nsISelectionListener.idl.
virtual nsresult OnSelectionChanged(dom::Document* aDoc, dom::Selection* aSel,
int16_t aReason);
// Handle key event.
virtual void OnKeyboardEvent();
// Update the manager with the last input source that was observed. This
// is used in part to determine if the carets should be shown or hidden.
void SetLastInputSource(uint16_t aInputSource);
// Returns True indicating that we should disable APZ to avoid jumpy carets.
bool ShouldDisableApz() const;
class Carets;
// @param aPresShell may be nullptr for testing.
AccessibleCaretManager(PresShell* aPresShell, Carets aCarets);
// This enum representing the number of AccessibleCarets on the screen.
enum class CaretMode : uint8_t {
// No caret on the screen.
// One caret, i.e. the selection is collapsed.
// Two carets, i.e. the selection is not collapsed.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream,
const CaretMode& aCaretMode);
enum class UpdateCaretsHint : uint8_t {
// Update everything including appearance and position.
// Update everything while respecting the old appearance. For example, if
// the caret in cursor mode is hidden due to blur, do not change its
// appearance to Normal.
// No CaretStateChangedEvent will be dispatched in the end of
// UpdateCarets().
using UpdateCaretsHintSet = mozilla::EnumSet<UpdateCaretsHint>;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream,
const UpdateCaretsHint& aResult);
enum class Terminated : bool { No, Yes };
// This method could kill the shell, so callers to methods that call
// MaybeFlushLayout should ensure the event hub that owns us is still alive.
// See the mRefCnt assertions in AccessibleCaretEventHub.
[[nodiscard]] MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT virtual Terminated MaybeFlushLayout();
// Update carets based on current selection status. This function will flush
// layout, so caller must ensure the PresShell is still valid after calling
// this method.
void UpdateCarets(
const UpdateCaretsHintSet& aHints = UpdateCaretsHint::Default);
// Force hiding all carets regardless of the current selection status, and
// dispatch CaretStateChangedEvent if one of the carets is logically-visible.
void HideCaretsAndDispatchCaretStateChangedEvent();
void UpdateCaretsForCursorMode(const UpdateCaretsHintSet& aHints);
void UpdateCaretsForSelectionMode(const UpdateCaretsHintSet& aHints);
// A helper function to update mShouldDisableApz.
void UpdateShouldDisableApz();
// Provide haptic / touch feedback, primarily for select on longpress.
void ProvideHapticFeedback();
// Get the nearest enclosing focusable frame of aFrame.
// @return focusable frame if there is any; nullptr otherwise.
nsIFrame* GetFocusableFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame) const;
// Change focus to aFrame if it isn't nullptr. Otherwise, clear the old focus
// then re-focus the window.
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY void ChangeFocusToOrClearOldFocus(
nsIFrame* aFrame) const;
nsresult SelectWord(nsIFrame* aFrame, const nsPoint& aPoint) const;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void SetSelectionDragState(bool aState) const;
// Return true if the candidate string is a phone number.
bool IsPhoneNumber(const nsAString& aCandidate) const;
// Extend the current selection forwards and backwards if it's already a
// phone number.
void SelectMoreIfPhoneNumber() const;
// Extend the current phone number selection in the requested direction.
void ExtendPhoneNumberSelection(const nsAString& aDirection) const;
void SetSelectionDirection(nsDirection aDir) const;
// If aDirection is eDirNext, get the frame for the range start in the first
// range from the current selection, and return the offset into that frame as
// well as the range start content and the content offset. Otherwise, get the
// frame and the offset for the range end in the last range instead.
nsIFrame* GetFrameForFirstRangeStartOrLastRangeEnd(
nsDirection aDirection, int32_t* aOutOffset,
nsIContent** aOutContent = nullptr,
int32_t* aOutContentOffset = nullptr) const;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT nsresult DragCaretInternal(const nsPoint& aPoint);
nsPoint AdjustDragBoundary(const nsPoint& aPoint) const;
// Start the selection scroll timer if the caret is being dragged out of
// the scroll port.
void StartSelectionAutoScrollTimer(const nsPoint& aPoint) const;
void StopSelectionAutoScrollTimer() const;
void ClearMaintainedSelection() const;
static dom::Element* GetEditingHostForFrame(const nsIFrame* aFrame);
dom::Selection* GetSelection() const;
already_AddRefed<nsFrameSelection> GetFrameSelection() const;
nsAutoString StringifiedSelection() const;
// Get the union of all the child frame scrollable overflow rects for aFrame,
// which is used as a helper function to restrict the area where the caret can
// be dragged. Returns the rect relative to aFrame.
static nsRect GetAllChildFrameRectsUnion(nsIFrame* aFrame);
// Restrict the active caret's dragging position based on
// sCaretsAllowDraggingAcrossOtherCaret. If the active caret is the first
// caret, the `limit` will be the previous character of the second caret.
// Otherwise, the `limit` will be the next character of the first caret.
// @param aOffsets is the new position of the active caret, and it will be set
// to the `limit` when 1) sCaretsAllowDraggingAcrossOtherCaret is false and
// it's being dragged past the limit. 2) sCaretsAllowDraggingAcrossOtherCaret
// is true and the active caret's position is the same as the inactive's
// position.
// @return true if the aOffsets is suitable for changing the selection.
bool RestrictCaretDraggingOffsets(nsIFrame::ContentOffsets& aOffsets);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following functions are made virtual for stubbing or mocking in gtest.
// @return Yes if Terminate() had been called.
virtual Terminated IsTerminated() const {
return mPresShell ? Terminated::No : Terminated::Yes;
// Get caret mode based on current selection.
virtual CaretMode GetCaretMode() const;
// @return true if aStartFrame comes before aEndFrame.
virtual bool CompareTreePosition(nsIFrame* aStartFrame,
nsIFrame* aEndFrame) const;
// Check if the two carets is overlapping to become tilt.
// @return true if the two carets become tilt; false, otherwise.
virtual bool UpdateCaretsForOverlappingTilt();
// Make the two carets always tilt.
virtual void UpdateCaretsForAlwaysTilt(const nsIFrame* aStartFrame,
const nsIFrame* aEndFrame);
// Check whether AccessibleCaret is displayable in cursor mode or not.
// @param aOutFrame returns frame of the cursor if it's displayable.
// @param aOutOffset returns frame offset as well.
virtual bool IsCaretDisplayableInCursorMode(
nsIFrame** aOutFrame = nullptr, int32_t* aOutOffset = nullptr) const;
virtual bool HasNonEmptyTextContent(nsINode* aNode) const;
// This function will flush layout, so caller must ensure the PresShell is
// still valid after calling this method.
// @param aPoint The event point when the user is pressing or dragging a
// caret, which is relative to the root frame.
virtual void DispatchCaretStateChangedEvent(dom::CaretChangedReason aReason,
const nsPoint* aPoint = nullptr);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member variables
nscoord mOffsetYToCaretLogicalPosition = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
// AccessibleCaretEventHub owns us by a UniquePtr. When it's destroyed, we'll
// also be destroyed. No need to worry if we outlive mPresShell.
// mPresShell will be set to nullptr in Terminate(). Therefore mPresShell is
// nullptr either we are in gtest or PresShell::IsDestroying() is true.
PresShell* MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF mPresShell = nullptr;
class Carets {
Carets(UniquePtr<AccessibleCaret> aFirst,
UniquePtr<AccessibleCaret> aSecond);
Carets(Carets&&) = default;
Carets(const Carets&) = delete;
Carets& operator=(const Carets&) = delete;
AccessibleCaret* GetFirst() const { return mFirst.get(); }
AccessibleCaret* GetSecond() const { return mSecond.get(); }
bool HasLogicallyVisibleCaret() const {
return mFirst->IsLogicallyVisible() || mSecond->IsLogicallyVisible();
bool HasVisuallyVisibleCaret() const {
return mFirst->IsVisuallyVisible() || mSecond->IsVisuallyVisible();
void Terminate() {
mFirst = nullptr;
mSecond = nullptr;
// First caret is attached to nsCaret in cursor mode, and is attached to
// selection highlight as the left caret in selection mode.
UniquePtr<AccessibleCaret> mFirst;
// Second caret is used solely in selection mode, and is attached to
// selection highlight as the right caret.
UniquePtr<AccessibleCaret> mSecond;
Carets mCarets;
// The caret being pressed or dragged.
AccessibleCaret* mActiveCaret = nullptr;
// The caret mode since last update carets.
CaretMode mLastUpdateCaretMode = CaretMode::None;
// The last input source that the event hub saw. We use this to decide whether
// or not show the carets when the selection is updated, as we want to hide
// the carets for mouse-triggered selection changes but show them for other
// input types such as touch.
uint16_t mLastInputSource = dom::MouseEvent_Binding::MOZ_SOURCE_UNKNOWN;
// Set to true in OnScrollStart() and set to false in OnScrollEnd().
bool mIsScrollStarted = false;
class LayoutFlusher final {
LayoutFlusher() = default;
LayoutFlusher(const LayoutFlusher&) = delete;
LayoutFlusher& operator=(const LayoutFlusher&) = delete;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void MaybeFlush(const PresShell& aPresShell);
// Set to false to disallow flushing layout in some callbacks such as
// OnReflow(), OnScrollStart(), OnScrollStart(), or
// OnScrollPositionChanged().
bool mAllowFlushing = true;
// Whether we're flushing layout, used for sanity-checking.
bool mFlushing = false;
LayoutFlusher mLayoutFlusher;
// Set to True if one of the caret's position is changed in last update.
bool mIsCaretPositionChanged = false;
class DesiredAsyncPanZoomState final {
void Update(const AccessibleCaretManager& aAccessibleCaretManager);
enum class Value : bool { Disabled, Enabled };
Value Get() const { return mValue; }
Value mValue = Value::Enabled;
DesiredAsyncPanZoomState mDesiredAsyncPanZoomState;
static const int32_t kAutoScrollTimerDelay = 30;
// Clicking on the boundary of input or textarea will move the caret to the
// front or end of the content. To avoid this, we need to deflate the content
// boundary by 61 app units, which is 1 pixel + 1 app unit as defined in
// AppUnit.h.
static const int32_t kBoundaryAppUnits = 61;
enum ScriptUpdateMode : int32_t {
// By default, always hide carets for selection changes due to JS calls.
// Update any visible carets for selection changes due to JS calls,
// but don't show carets if carets are hidden.
// Always show carets for selection changes due to JS calls.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream,
const AccessibleCaretManager::CaretMode& aCaretMode);
std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& aStream,
const AccessibleCaretManager::UpdateCaretsHint& aResult);
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // AccessibleCaretManager_h