Narcis Beleuzu 722f6a1679 Backed out 6 changesets (bug 1851992) for DT failure on browser_net_image_cache.js . CLOSED TREE
Backed out changeset 3ceaf46f8f55 (bug 1851992)
Backed out changeset c9d322362e22 (bug 1851992)
Backed out changeset 673df3f83249 (bug 1851992)
Backed out changeset 46e18c56dd39 (bug 1851992)
Backed out changeset f9f9143ac713 (bug 1851992)
Backed out changeset 38c40d735ab7 (bug 1851992)
2023-10-24 13:16:40 +03:00

212 lines
6.9 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "mozilla/css/StreamLoader.h"
#include "mozilla/Encoding.h"
#include "mozilla/TaskQueue.h"
#include "nsContentUtils.h"
#include "nsIChannel.h"
#include "nsIInputStream.h"
#include "nsIThreadRetargetableRequest.h"
#include "nsIStreamTransportService.h"
#include "nsNetCID.h"
#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
#include <limits>
namespace mozilla::css {
StreamLoader::StreamLoader(SheetLoadData& aSheetLoadData)
: mSheetLoadData(&aSheetLoadData), mStatus(NS_OK) {}
StreamLoader::~StreamLoader() {
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mOnStopRequestCalled || mChannelOpenFailed);
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(StreamLoader, nsIStreamListener,
/* nsIRequestObserver implementation */
StreamLoader::OnStartRequest(nsIRequest* aRequest) {
// It's kinda bad to let Web content send a number that results
// in a potentially large allocation directly, but efficiency of
// compression bombs is so great that it doesn't make much sense
// to require a site to send one before going ahead and allocating.
if (nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel = do_QueryInterface(aRequest)) {
int64_t length;
nsresult rv = channel->GetContentLength(&length);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && length > 0) {
CheckedInt<nsACString::size_type> checkedLength(length);
if (!checkedLength.isValid()) {
return (mStatus = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
if (!mBytes.SetCapacity(checkedLength.value(), fallible)) {
return (mStatus = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
if (nsCOMPtr<nsIThreadRetargetableRequest> rr = do_QueryInterface(aRequest)) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> sts =
RefPtr queue =
TaskQueue::Create(sts.forget(), "css::StreamLoader Delivery Queue");
mSheetLoadData->mExpirationTime = [&] {
auto info = nsContentUtils::GetSubresourceCacheValidationInfo(
aRequest, mSheetLoadData->mURI);
// For now, we never cache entries that we have to revalidate, or whose
// channel don't support caching.
if (info.mMustRevalidate || !info.mExpirationTime) {
return nsContentUtils::SecondsFromPRTime(PR_Now()) - 1;
return *info.mExpirationTime;
return NS_OK;
StreamLoader::CheckListenerChain() { return NS_OK; }
StreamLoader::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest* aRequest, nsresult aStatus) {
mOnStopRequestCalled = true;
nsresult rv = mStatus;
// Decoded data
nsCString utf8String;
// Hold the nsStringBuffer for the bytes from the stack to ensure release
// no matter which return branch is taken.
nsCString bytes = std::move(mBytes);
nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel = do_QueryInterface(aRequest);
if (NS_FAILED(mStatus)) {
mSheetLoadData->VerifySheetReadyToParse(mStatus, ""_ns, ""_ns, channel);
return mStatus;
rv = mSheetLoadData->VerifySheetReadyToParse(aStatus, mBOMBytes, bytes,
if (rv != NS_OK_PARSE_SHEET) {
return rv;
// BOM detection generally happens during the write callback, but that won't
// have happened if fewer than three bytes were received.
if (mEncodingFromBOM.isNothing()) {
// The BOM handling has happened, but we still may not have an encoding if
// there was no BOM. Ensure we have one.
const Encoding* encoding = mEncodingFromBOM.value();
if (!encoding) {
// No BOM
encoding = mSheetLoadData->DetermineNonBOMEncoding(bytes, channel);
mSheetLoadData->mEncoding = encoding;
size_t validated = 0;
if (encoding == UTF_8_ENCODING) {
validated = Encoding::UTF8ValidUpTo(bytes);
if (validated == bytes.Length()) {
// Either this is UTF-8 and all valid, or it's not UTF-8 but is an empty
// string. This assumes that an empty string in any encoding decodes to
// empty string, which seems like a plausible assumption.
utf8String = std::move(bytes);
} else {
rv = encoding->DecodeWithoutBOMHandling(bytes, utf8String, validated);
} // run destructor for `bytes`
// For reasons I don't understand, factoring the below lines into
// a method on SheetLoadData resulted in a linker error. Hence,
// accessing fields of mSheetLoadData from here.
mSheetLoadData->mLoader->ParseSheet(utf8String, *mSheetLoadData,
return NS_OK;
/* nsIStreamListener implementation */
StreamLoader::OnDataAvailable(nsIRequest*, nsIInputStream* aInputStream,
uint64_t, uint32_t aCount) {
if (NS_FAILED(mStatus)) {
return mStatus;
uint32_t dummy;
return aInputStream->ReadSegments(WriteSegmentFun, this, aCount, &dummy);
void StreamLoader::HandleBOM() {
auto [encoding, bomLength] = Encoding::ForBOM(mBOMBytes);
mEncodingFromBOM.emplace(encoding); // Null means no BOM.
// BOMs are three bytes at most, but may be fewer. Copy over anything
// that wasn't part of the BOM to mBytes. Note that we need to track
// any BOM bytes as well for SRI handling.
mBytes.Append(Substring(mBOMBytes, bomLength));
nsresult StreamLoader::WriteSegmentFun(nsIInputStream*, void* aClosure,
const char* aSegment, uint32_t,
uint32_t aCount, uint32_t* aWriteCount) {
*aWriteCount = 0;
StreamLoader* self = static_cast<StreamLoader*>(aClosure);
if (NS_FAILED(self->mStatus)) {
return self->mStatus;
// If we haven't done BOM detection yet, divert bytes into the special buffer.
if (self->mEncodingFromBOM.isNothing()) {
size_t bytesToCopy = std::min<size_t>(3 - self->mBOMBytes.Length(), aCount);
self->mBOMBytes.Append(aSegment, bytesToCopy);
aSegment += bytesToCopy;
*aWriteCount += bytesToCopy;
aCount -= bytesToCopy;
if (self->mBOMBytes.Length() == 3) {
} else {
return NS_OK;
if (!self->mBytes.Append(aSegment, aCount, fallible)) {
return (self->mStatus = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
*aWriteCount += aCount;
return NS_OK;
} // namespace mozilla::css