Birunthan Mohanathas da44ab0e02 Bug 1038458 - Part 6: Flatten browser/components/sessionstore/src/ directory. r=mak
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/ContentRestore.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/ContentRestore.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/DocShellCapabilities.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/DocShellCapabilities.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/FrameTree.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/FrameTree.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/GlobalState.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/GlobalState.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/PageStyle.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/PageStyle.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/PrivacyFilter.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/PrivacyFilter.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/PrivacyLevel.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/PrivacyLevel.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/RecentlyClosedTabsAndWindowsMenuUtils.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/RecentlyClosedTabsAndWindowsMenuUtils.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/SessionCookies.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/SessionCookies.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/SessionFile.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/SessionFile.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/SessionHistory.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/SessionHistory.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/SessionMigration.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/SessionMigration.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/SessionSaver.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/SessionSaver.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/SessionStorage.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/SessionStorage.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/SessionStore.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/SessionStore.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/SessionWorker.js => browser/components/sessionstore/SessionWorker.js
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/SessionWorker.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/SessionWorker.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/TabAttributes.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/TabAttributes.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/TabState.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/TabState.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/TabStateCache.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/TabStateCache.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/Utils.jsm => browser/components/sessionstore/Utils.jsm
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/nsSessionStartup.js => browser/components/sessionstore/nsSessionStartup.js
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/nsSessionStore.js => browser/components/sessionstore/nsSessionStore.js
rename : browser/components/sessionstore/src/nsSessionStore.manifest => browser/components/sessionstore/nsSessionStore.manifest
2014-07-26 09:32:08 -07:00

120 lines
3.9 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SessionMigration"];
const Cu = Components.utils;
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", this);
// An encoder to UTF-8.
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gEncoder", function () {
return new TextEncoder();
// A decoder.
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gDecoder", function () {
return new TextDecoder();
let SessionMigrationInternal = {
* Convert the original session restore state into a minimal state. It will
* only contain:
* - open windows
* - with tabs
* - with history entries with only title, url
* - with pinned state
* - with tab group info (hidden + group id)
* - with selected tab info
* - with selected window info
* - with tabgroups info
* The complete state is then wrapped into the "about:welcomeback" page as
* form field info to be restored when restoring the state.
convertState: function(aStateObj) {
let state = {
selectedWindow: aStateObj.selectedWindow,
_closedWindows: []
}; = {
var win = {extData: {}};
win.tabs = {
var tab = {};
// Keep only titles and urls for history entries
tab.entries = {
return {url: entry.url, title: entry.title};
tab.index = oldTab.index;
tab.hidden = oldTab.hidden;
tab.pinned = oldTab.pinned;
// The tabgroup info is in the extData, so we need to get it out.
if (oldTab.extData && "tabview-tab" in oldTab.extData) {
tab.extData = {"tabview-tab": oldTab.extData["tabview-tab"]};
return tab;
// There are various tabgroup-related attributes that we need to get out
// of the session restore data for the window, too.
if (oldWin.extData) {
for (let k of Object.keys(oldWin.extData)) {
if (k.startsWith("tabview-")) {
win.extData[k] = oldWin.extData[k];
win.selected = oldWin.selected;
win._closedTabs = [];
return win;
let wrappedState = {
url: "about:welcomeback",
formdata: {
id: {"sessionData": state},
xpath: {}
return {windows: [{tabs: [{entries: [wrappedState]}]}]};
* Asynchronously read session restore state (JSON) from a path
readState: function(aPath) {
return Task.spawn(function() {
let bytes = yield;
let text = gDecoder.decode(bytes);
let state = JSON.parse(text);
throw new Task.Result(state);
* Asynchronously write session restore state as JSON to a path
writeState: function(aPath, aState) {
let bytes = gEncoder.encode(JSON.stringify(aState));
return OS.File.writeAtomic(aPath, bytes, {tmpPath: aPath + ".tmp"});
let SessionMigration = {
* Migrate a limited set of session data from one path to another.
migrate: function(aFromPath, aToPath) {
return Task.spawn(function() {
let inState = yield SessionMigrationInternal.readState(aFromPath);
let outState = SessionMigrationInternal.convertState(inState);
// Unfortunately, we can't use SessionStore's own SessionFile to
// write out the data because it has a dependency on the profile dir
// being known. When the migration runs, there is no guarantee that
// that's true.
yield SessionMigrationInternal.writeState(aToPath, outState);