
1524 lines
49 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["HealthReporter"];
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
const MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "UpdateChannel",
// Oldest year to allow in date preferences. This module was implemented in
// 2012 and no dates older than that should be encountered.
const DAYS_IN_PAYLOAD = 180;
const DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME = "healthreport.sqlite";
* Helper type to assist with management of Health Reporter state.
* Instances are not meant to be created outside of a HealthReporter instance.
* There are two types of IDs associated with clients.
* Since the beginning of FHR, there has existed a per-upload ID: a UUID is
* generated at upload time and associated with the state before upload starts.
* That same upload includes a request to delete all other upload IDs known by
* the client.
* Per-upload IDs had the unintended side-effect of creating "orphaned"
* records/upload IDs on the server. So, a stable client identifer has been
* introduced. This client identifier is generated when it's missing and sent
* as part of every upload.
* There is a high chance we may remove upload IDs in the future.
function HealthReporterState(reporter) {
this._reporter = reporter;
let profD = OS.Constants.Path.profileDir;
if (!profD || !profD.length) {
throw new Error("Could not obtain profile directory. OS.File not " +
"initialized properly?");
this._log = reporter._log;
this._stateDir = OS.Path.join(profD, "healthreport");
// To facilitate testing.
let leaf = reporter._stateLeaf || "state.json";
this._filename = OS.Path.join(this._stateDir, leaf);
this._log.debug("Storing state in " + this._filename);
this._s = null;
HealthReporterState.prototype = Object.freeze({
* Persistent string identifier associated with this client.
get clientID() {
return this._s.clientID;
* The version associated with the client ID.
get clientIDVersion() {
return this._s.clientIDVersion;
get lastPingDate() {
return new Date(this._s.lastPingTime);
get lastSubmitID() {
return this._s.remoteIDs[0];
get remoteIDs() {
return this._s.remoteIDs;
get _lastPayloadPath() {
return OS.Path.join(this._stateDir, "lastpayload.json");
init: function () {
return Task.spawn(function* init() {
yield OS.File.makeDir(this._stateDir);
let drs = Cc[";1"]
let drsClientID = yield drs.getClientID();
let resetObjectState = function () {
this._s = {
// The payload version. This is bumped whenever there is a
// backwards-incompatible change.
v: 1,
// The persistent client identifier.
clientID: drsClientID,
// Denotes the mechanism used to generate the client identifier.
// 1: Random UUID.
clientIDVersion: 1,
// Upload IDs that might be on the server.
remoteIDs: [],
// When we last performed an uploaded.
lastPingTime: 0,
// Tracks whether we removed an outdated payload.
removedOutdatedLastpayload: false,
try {
this._s = yield CommonUtils.readJSON(this._filename);
} catch (ex if ex instanceof OS.File.Error &&
ex.becauseNoSuchFile) {
this._log.warn("Saved state file does not exist.");
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("Exception when reading state from disk: " +
// Don't save in case it goes away on next run.
if (typeof(this._s) != "object") {
this._log.warn("Read state is not an object. Resetting state.");
if (this._s.v != 1) {
this._log.warn("Unknown version in state file: " + this._s.v);
// We explicitly don't save here in the hopes an application re-upgrade
// comes along and fixes us.
this._s.clientID = drsClientID;
// Always look for preferences. This ensures that downgrades followed
// by reupgrades don't result in excessive data loss.
for (let promise of this._migratePrefs()) {
yield promise;
save: function () {"Writing state file: " + this._filename);
return CommonUtils.writeJSON(this._s, this._filename);
addRemoteID: function (id) {
this._log.warn("Recording new remote ID: " + id);
removeRemoteID: function (id) {
return this.removeRemoteIDs(id ? [id] : []);
removeRemoteIDs: function (ids) {
if (!ids || !ids.length) {
this._log.warn("No IDs passed for removal.");
return Promise.resolve();
this._log.warn("Removing documents from remote ID list: " + ids);
let filtered = this._s.remoteIDs.filter((x) => ids.indexOf(x) === -1);
if (filtered.length == this._s.remoteIDs.length) {
return Promise.resolve();
this._s.remoteIDs = filtered;
setLastPingDate: function (date) {
this._s.lastPingTime = date.getTime();
updateLastPingAndRemoveRemoteID: function (date, id) {
return this.updateLastPingAndRemoveRemoteIDs(date, id ? [id] : []);
updateLastPingAndRemoveRemoteIDs: function (date, ids) {
if (!ids) {
return this.setLastPingDate(date);
}"Recording last ping time and deleted remote document.");
this._s.lastPingTime = date.getTime();
return this.removeRemoteIDs(ids);
* Reset the client ID to something else.
* Returns a promise that is resolved when completed.
resetClientID: Task.async(function* () {
let drs = Cc[";1"]
yield drs.resetClientID();
this._s.clientID = yield drs.getClientID();"Reset client id to " + this._s.clientID + ".");
_migratePrefs: function () {
let prefs = this._reporter._prefs;
let lastID = prefs.get("lastSubmitID", null);
let lastPingDate = CommonUtils.getDatePref(prefs, "lastPingTime",
0, this._log, OLDEST_ALLOWED_YEAR);
// If we have state from prefs, migrate and save it to a file then clear
// out old prefs.
if (lastID || (lastPingDate && lastPingDate.getTime() > 0)) {
this._log.warn("Migrating saved state from preferences.");
if (lastID) {"Migrating last saved ID: " + lastID);
let ourLast = this.lastPingDate;
if (lastPingDate && lastPingDate.getTime() > ourLast.getTime()) {"Migrating last ping time: " + lastPingDate);
this._s.lastPingTime = lastPingDate.getTime();
prefs.reset(["lastSubmitID", "lastPingTime"]);
} else {
this._log.warn("No prefs data found.");
* This is the abstract base class of `HealthReporter`. It exists so that
* we can sanely divide work on platforms where control of Firefox Health
* Report is outside of Gecko (e.g., Android).
function AbstractHealthReporter(branch, policy, sessionRecorder) {
if (!branch.endsWith(".")) {
throw new Error("Branch must end with a period (.): " + branch);
if (!policy) {
throw new Error("Must provide policy to HealthReporter constructor.");
this._log = Log.repository.getLogger("Services.HealthReport.HealthReporter");"Initializing health reporter instance against " + branch);
this._branch = branch;
this._prefs = new Preferences(branch);
this._policy = policy;
this.sessionRecorder = sessionRecorder;
this._dbName = this._prefs.get("dbName") || DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME;
this._storage = null;
this._storageInProgress = false;
this._providerManager = null;
this._providerManagerInProgress = false;
this._initializeStarted = false;
this._initialized = false;
this._initializeHadError = false;
this._initializedDeferred = Promise.defer();
this._shutdownRequested = false;
this._shutdownInitiated = false;
this._shutdownComplete = false;
this._deferredShutdown = Promise.defer();
this._promiseShutdown = this._deferredShutdown.promise;
this._errors = [];
this._lastDailyDate = null;
// Yes, this will probably run concurrently with remaining constructor work.
let hasFirstRun = this._prefs.get("service.firstRun", false);
this._initHistogram = hasFirstRun ? TELEMETRY_INIT : TELEMETRY_INIT_FIRSTRUN;
this._dbOpenHistogram = hasFirstRun ? TELEMETRY_DB_OPEN : TELEMETRY_DB_OPEN_FIRSTRUN;
AbstractHealthReporter.prototype = Object.freeze({
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver]),
* Whether the service is fully initialized and running.
* If this is false, it is not safe to call most functions.
get initialized() {
return this._initialized;
* Initialize the instance.
* This must be called once after object construction or the instance is
* useless.
init: function () {
if (this._initializeStarted) {
throw new Error("We have already started initialization.");
this._initializeStarted = true;
return Task.spawn(function*() {
TelemetryStopwatch.start(this._initHistogram, this);
try {
yield this._state.init();
if (!this._state._s.removedOutdatedLastpayload) {
yield this._deleteOldLastPayload();
this._state._s.removedOutdatedLastpayload = true;
// Normally we should save this to a file but it directly conflicts with
// the "application re-upgrade" decision in HealthReporterState::init()
// which specifically does not save the state to a file.
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("Error deleting last payload: " +
// As soon as we have could have storage, we need to register cleanup or
// else bad things happen on shutdown.
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "quit-application", false);
// The database needs to be shut down by the end of shutdown
// phase profileBeforeChange.
Metrics.Storage.shutdown.addBlocker("FHR: Flushing storage shutdown",
() => {
// Workaround bug 1017706
// Apparently, in some cases, quit-application is not triggered
// (or is triggered after profile-before-change), so we need to
// make sure that `_initiateShutdown()` is triggered at least
// once.
return this._promiseShutdown;
() => ({
shutdownInitiated: this._shutdownInitiated,
initialized: this._initialized,
shutdownRequested: this._shutdownRequested,
initializeHadError: this._initializeHadError,
providerManagerInProgress: this._providerManagerInProgress,
storageInProgress: this._storageInProgress,
hasProviderManager: !!this._providerManager,
hasStorage: !!this._storage,
shutdownComplete: this._shutdownComplete
try {
this._storageInProgress = true;
TelemetryStopwatch.start(this._dbOpenHistogram, this);
let storage = yield Metrics.Storage(this._dbName);
TelemetryStopwatch.finish(this._dbOpenHistogram, this);
yield this._onStorageCreated();
delete this._dbOpenHistogram;"Storage initialized.");
this._storage = storage;
this._storageInProgress = false;
if (this._shutdownRequested) {
return null;
yield this._initializeProviderManager();
yield this._onProviderManagerInitialized();
return this.onInit();
} catch (ex) {
yield this._onInitError(ex);
// You shouldn't need to call any of these externally.
_onInitError: function (error) {
TelemetryStopwatch.cancel(this._initHistogram, this);
TelemetryStopwatch.cancel(this._dbOpenHistogram, this);
delete this._initHistogram;
delete this._dbOpenHistogram;
this._recordError("Error during initialization", error);
this._initializeHadError = true;
return Promise.reject(error);
// FUTURE consider poisoning prototype's functions so calls fail with a
// useful error message.
* Removes the outdated lastpaylaod.json and lastpayload.json.tmp files
* @see Bug #867902
* @return a promise for when all the files have been deleted
_deleteOldLastPayload: function () {
let paths = [this._state._lastPayloadPath, this._state._lastPayloadPath + ".tmp"];
return Task.spawn(function removeAllFiles () {
for (let path of paths) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
if (!ex.becauseNoSuchFile) {
this._log.error("Exception when removing outdated payload files: " +
_initializeProviderManager: Task.async(function* _initializeProviderManager() {
if (this._collector) {
throw new Error("Provider manager has already been initialized.");
}"Initializing provider manager.");
this._providerManager = new Metrics.ProviderManager(this._storage);
this._providerManager.onProviderError = this._recordError.bind(this);
this._providerManager.onProviderInit = this._initProvider.bind(this);
this._providerManagerInProgress = true;
let catString = this._prefs.get("service.providerCategories") || "";
if (catString.length) {
for (let category of catString.split(",")) {
yield this._providerManager.registerProvidersFromCategoryManager(category);
_onProviderManagerInitialized: function () {
TelemetryStopwatch.finish(this._initHistogram, this);
delete this._initHistogram;
this._log.debug("Provider manager initialized.");
this._providerManagerInProgress = false;
if (this._shutdownRequested) {
}"HealthReporter started.");
this._initialized = true;
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "idle-daily", false);
// If upload is not enabled, ensure daily collection works. If upload
// is enabled, this will be performed as part of upload.
// This is important because it ensures about:healthreport contains
// longitudinal data even if upload is disabled. Having about:healthreport
// provide useful info even if upload is disabled was a core launch
// requirement.
// We do not catch changes to the backing pref. So, if the session lasts
// many days, we may fail to collect. However, most sessions are short and
// this code will likely be refactored as part of splitting up policy to
// serve Android. So, meh.
if (!this._policy.healthReportUploadEnabled) {"Upload not enabled. Scheduling daily collection.");
// Since the timer manager is a singleton and there could be multiple
// HealthReporter instances, we need to encode a unique identifier in
// the timer ID.
try {
let timerName = this._branch.replace(".", "-", "g") + "lastDailyCollection";
let tm = Cc[";1"]
tm.registerTimer(timerName, this.collectMeasurements.bind(this),
24 * 60 * 60);
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("Error registering collection timer: " +
// Clean up caches and reduce memory usage.
// nsIObserver to handle shutdown.
observe: function (subject, topic, data) {
switch (topic) {
case "quit-application":
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "quit-application");
case "idle-daily":
_initiateShutdown: function () {
// Ensure we only begin the main shutdown sequence once.
if (this._shutdownInitiated) {
this._log.warn("Shutdown has already been initiated. No-op.");
}"Request to shut down.");
this._initialized = false;
this._shutdownRequested = true;
if (this._initializeHadError) {
this._log.warn("Initialization had error. Shutting down immediately.");
} else {
if (this._providerManagerInProgress) {
this._log.warn("Provider manager is in progress of initializing. " +
"Waiting to finish.");
// If storage is in the process of initializing, we need to wait for it
// to finish before continuing. The initialization process will call us
// again once storage has initialized.
if (this._storageInProgress) {
this._log.warn("Storage is in progress of initializing. Waiting to finish.");
this._log.warn("Initiating main shutdown procedure.");
// Everything from here must only be performed once or else race conditions
// could occur.
TelemetryStopwatch.start(TELEMETRY_SHUTDOWN, this);
this._shutdownInitiated = true;
// We may not have registered the observer yet. If not, this will
// throw.
try {
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "idle-daily");
} catch (ex) { }
Task.spawn(function*() {
try {
if (this._providerManager) {"Shutting down provider manager.");
for (let provider of this._providerManager.providers) {
try {
yield provider.shutdown();
} catch (ex) {
this._log.warn("Error when shutting down provider: " +
}"Provider manager shut down.");
this._providerManager = null;
if (this._storage) {"Shutting down storage.");
try {
yield this._storage.close();
yield this._onStorageClose();
} catch (error) {
this._log.warn("Error when closing storage: " +
this._storage = null;
this._log.warn("Shutdown complete.");
this._shutdownComplete = true;
} finally {
TelemetryStopwatch.finish(TELEMETRY_SHUTDOWN, this);
onInit: function() {
return this._initializedDeferred.promise;
_onStorageCreated: function() {
// Do nothing.
// This method provides a hook point for the test suite.
_onStorageClose: function() {
// Do nothing.
// This method provides a hook point for the test suite.
_onProviderManagerShutdown: function() {
// Do nothing.
// This method provides a hook point for the test suite.
* Convenience method to shut down the instance.
* This should *not* be called outside of tests.
_shutdown: function () {
return this._promiseShutdown;
_performDailyMaintenance: function () {"Request to perform daily maintenance.");
if (!this._initialized) {
let now = new Date();
let cutoff = new Date(now.getTime() - MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY * (DAYS_IN_PAYLOAD - 1));
// The operation is enqueued and put in a transaction by the storage module.
// Provider Management
* Obtain a provider from its name.
* This will only return providers that are currently initialized. If
* a provider is lazy initialized (like pull-only providers) this
* will likely not return anything.
getProvider: function (name) {
if (!this._providerManager) {
return null;
return this._providerManager.getProvider(name);
_initProvider: function (provider) {
provider.healthReporter = this;
* Record an exception for reporting in the payload.
* A side effect is the exception is logged.
* Note that callers need to be extra sensitive about ensuring personal
* or otherwise private details do not leak into this. All of the user data
* on the stack in FHR code should be limited to data we were collecting with
* the intent to submit. So, it is covered under the user's consent to use
* the feature.
* @param message
* (string) Human readable message describing error.
* @param ex
* (Error) The error that should be captured.
_recordError: function (message, ex) {
let recordMessage = message;
let logMessage = message;
if (ex) {
recordMessage += ": " + CommonUtils.exceptionStr(ex);
logMessage += ": " + CommonUtils.exceptionStr(ex);
// Scrub out potentially identifying information from strings that could
// make the payload.
let appData = Services.dirsvc.get("UAppData", Ci.nsIFile);
let profile = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile);
let appDataURI =;
let profileURI =;
// Order of operation is important here. We do the URI before the path version
// because the path may be a subset of the URI. We also have to check for the case
// where UAppData is underneath the profile directory (or vice-versa) so we
// don't substitute incomplete strings.
function replace(uri, path, thing) {
// Try is because .spec can throw on invalid URI.
try {
recordMessage = recordMessage.replace(uri.spec, '<' + thing + 'URI>', 'g');
} catch (ex) { }
recordMessage = recordMessage.replace(path, '<' + thing + 'Path>', 'g');
if (appData.path.contains(profile.path)) {
replace(appDataURI, appData.path, 'AppData');
replace(profileURI, profile.path, 'Profile');
} else {
replace(profileURI, profile.path, 'Profile');
replace(appDataURI, appData.path, 'AppData');
* Collect all measurements for all registered providers.
collectMeasurements: function () {
if (!this._initialized) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Not initialized."));
return Task.spawn(function doCollection() {
yield this._providerManager.ensurePullOnlyProvidersRegistered();
try {
TelemetryStopwatch.start(TELEMETRY_COLLECT_CONSTANT, this);
yield this._providerManager.collectConstantData();
TelemetryStopwatch.finish(TELEMETRY_COLLECT_CONSTANT, this);
} catch (ex) {
TelemetryStopwatch.cancel(TELEMETRY_COLLECT_CONSTANT, this);
this._log.warn("Error collecting constant data: " +
// Daily data is collected if it hasn't yet been collected this
// application session or if it has been more than a day since the
// last collection. This means that providers could see many calls to
// collectDailyData per calendar day. However, this collection API
// makes no guarantees about limits. The alternative would involve
// recording state. The simpler implementation prevails for now.
if (!this._lastDailyDate || - this._lastDailyDate > MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY) {
try {
TelemetryStopwatch.start(TELEMETRY_COLLECT_DAILY, this);
this._lastDailyDate = new Date();
yield this._providerManager.collectDailyData();
TelemetryStopwatch.finish(TELEMETRY_COLLECT_DAILY, this);
} catch (ex) {
TelemetryStopwatch.cancel(TELEMETRY_COLLECT_DAILY, this);
this._log.warn("Error collecting daily data from providers: " +
yield this._providerManager.ensurePullOnlyProvidersUnregistered();
// Flush gathered data to disk. This will incur an fsync. But, if
// there is ever a time we want to persist data to disk, it's
// after a massive collection.
try {
TelemetryStopwatch.start(TELEMETRY_COLLECT_CHECKPOINT, this);
yield this._storage.checkpoint();
TelemetryStopwatch.finish(TELEMETRY_COLLECT_CHECKPOINT, this);
} catch (ex) {
TelemetryStopwatch.cancel(TELEMETRY_COLLECT_CHECKPOINT, this);
throw ex;
throw new Task.Result();
* Helper function to perform data collection and obtain the JSON payload.
* If you are looking for an up-to-date snapshot of FHR data that pulls in
* new data since the last upload, this is how you should obtain it.
* @param asObject
* (bool) Whether to resolve an object or JSON-encoded string of that
* object (the default).
* @return Promise<Object | string>
collectAndObtainJSONPayload: function (asObject=false) {
if (!this._initialized) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Not initialized."));
return Task.spawn(function collectAndObtain() {
yield this._storage.setAutoCheckpoint(0);
yield this._providerManager.ensurePullOnlyProvidersRegistered();
let payload;
let error;
try {
yield this.collectMeasurements();
payload = yield this.getJSONPayload(asObject);
} catch (ex) {
error = ex;
this._collectException("Error collecting and/or retrieving JSON payload",
} finally {
yield this._providerManager.ensurePullOnlyProvidersUnregistered();
yield this._storage.setAutoCheckpoint(1);
if (error) {
throw error;
// We hold off throwing to ensure that behavior between finally
// and generators and throwing is sane.
throw new Task.Result(payload);
* Obtain the JSON payload for currently-collected data.
* The payload only contains data that has been recorded to FHR. Some
* providers may have newer data available. If you want to ensure you
* have all available data, call `collectAndObtainJSONPayload`
* instead.
* @param asObject
* (bool) Whether to return an object or JSON encoding of that
* object (the default).
* @return Promise<string|object>
getJSONPayload: function (asObject=false) {
TelemetryStopwatch.start(TELEMETRY_GENERATE_PAYLOAD, this);
let deferred = Promise.defer();
Task.spawn(this._getJSONPayload.bind(this, this._now(), asObject)).then(
function onResult(result) {
TelemetryStopwatch.finish(TELEMETRY_GENERATE_PAYLOAD, this);
function onError(error) {
TelemetryStopwatch.cancel(TELEMETRY_GENERATE_PAYLOAD, this);
return deferred.promise;
_getJSONPayload: function (now, asObject=false) {
let pingDateString = this._formatDate(now);"Producing JSON payload for " + pingDateString);
// May not be present if we are generating as a result of init error.
if (this._providerManager) {
yield this._providerManager.ensurePullOnlyProvidersRegistered();
let o = {
version: 2,
clientID: this._state.clientID,
clientIDVersion: this._state.clientIDVersion,
thisPingDate: pingDateString,
geckoAppInfo: this.obtainAppInfo(this._log),
data: {last: {}, days: {}},
let outputDataDays =;
// Guard here in case we don't track this (e.g., on Android).
let lastPingDate = this.lastPingDate;
if (lastPingDate && lastPingDate.getTime() > 0) {
o.lastPingDate = this._formatDate(lastPingDate);
// We can still generate a payload even if we're not initialized.
// This is to facilitate error upload on init failure.
if (this._initialized) {
for (let provider of this._providerManager.providers) {
let providerName =;
let providerEntry = {
measurements: {},
// Measurement name to recorded version.
let lastVersions = {};
// Day string to mapping of measurement name to recorded version.
let dayVersions = {};
for (let [measurementKey, measurement] of provider.measurements) {
let name = providerName + "." +;
let version = measurement.version;
let serializer;
try {
// The measurement is responsible for returning a serializer which
// is aware of the measurement version.
serializer = measurement.serializer(measurement.SERIALIZE_JSON);
} catch (ex) {
this._recordError("Error obtaining serializer for measurement: " +
name, ex);
let data;
try {
data = yield measurement.getValues();
} catch (ex) {
this._recordError("Error obtaining data for measurement: " + name,
if (data.singular.size) {
try {
let serialized = serializer.singular(data.singular);
if (serialized) {
// Only replace the existing data if there is no data or if our
// version is newer than the old one.
if (!(name in || version > lastVersions[name]) {[name] = serialized;
lastVersions[name] = version;
} catch (ex) {
this._recordError("Error serializing singular data: " + name,
let dataDays = data.days;
for (let i = 0; i < DAYS_IN_PAYLOAD; i++) {
let date = new Date(now.getTime() - i * MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY);
if (!dataDays.hasDay(date)) {
let dateFormatted = this._formatDate(date);
try {
let serialized = serializer.daily(dataDays.getDay(date));
if (!serialized) {
if (!(dateFormatted in outputDataDays)) {
outputDataDays[dateFormatted] = {};
// This needs to be separate because dayVersions is provider
// specific and gets blown away in a loop while outputDataDays
// is persistent.
if (!(dateFormatted in dayVersions)) {
dayVersions[dateFormatted] = {};
if (!(name in outputDataDays[dateFormatted]) ||
version > dayVersions[dateFormatted][name]) {
outputDataDays[dateFormatted][name] = serialized;
dayVersions[dateFormatted][name] = version;
} catch (ex) {
this._recordError("Error populating data for day: " + name, ex);
} else {
o.notInitialized = 1;
this._log.warn("Not initialized. Sending report with only error info.");
if (this._errors.length) {
o.errors = this._errors.slice(0, 20);
if (this._initialized) {
if (!asObject) {
TelemetryStopwatch.start(TELEMETRY_JSON_PAYLOAD_SERIALIZE, this);
o = JSON.stringify(o);
TelemetryStopwatch.finish(TELEMETRY_JSON_PAYLOAD_SERIALIZE, this);
if (this._providerManager) {
yield this._providerManager.ensurePullOnlyProvidersUnregistered();
throw new Task.Result(o);
_now: function _now() {
return new Date();
// These are stolen from AppInfoProvider.
appInfoVersion: 1,
appInfoFields: {
// From nsIXULAppInfo.
vendor: "vendor",
name: "name",
id: "ID",
version: "version",
appBuildID: "appBuildID",
platformVersion: "platformVersion",
platformBuildID: "platformBuildID",
// From nsIXULRuntime.
os: "OS",
xpcomabi: "XPCOMABI",
* Statically return a bundle of app info data, a subset of that produced by
* AppInfoProvider._populateConstants. This allows us to more usefully handle
* payloads that, due to error, contain no data.
* Returns a very sparse object if Services.appinfo is unavailable.
obtainAppInfo: function () {
let out = {"_v": this.appInfoVersion};
try {
let ai = Services.appinfo;
for (let [k, v] in Iterator(this.appInfoFields)) {
out[k] = ai[v];
} catch (ex) {
this._log.warn("Could not obtain Services.appinfo: " +
try {
out["updateChannel"] = UpdateChannel.get();
} catch (ex) {
this._log.warn("Could not obtain update channel: " +
return out;
* HealthReporter and its abstract superclass coordinate collection and
* submission of health report metrics.
* This is the main type for Firefox Health Report on desktop. It glues all the
* lower-level components (such as collection and submission) together.
* An instance of this type is created as an XPCOM service. See
* DataReportingService.js and
* DataReporting.manifest/HealthReportComponents.manifest.
* It is theoretically possible to have multiple instances of this running
* in the application. For example, this type may one day handle submission
* of telemetry data as well. However, there is some moderate coupling between
* this type and *the* Firefox Health Report (e.g., the policy). This could
* be abstracted if needed.
* Note that `AbstractHealthReporter` exists to allow for Firefox Health Report
* to be more easily implemented on platforms where a separate controlling
* layer is responsible for payload upload and deletion.
* ====================
* These notes apply to the combination of `HealthReporter` and
* `AbstractHealthReporter`.
* Initialization and shutdown are somewhat complicated and worth explaining
* in extra detail.
* The complexity is driven by the requirements of SQLite connection management.
* Once you have a SQLite connection, it isn't enough to just let the
* application shut down. If there is an open connection or if there are
* outstanding SQL statements come XPCOM shutdown time, Storage will assert.
* On debug builds you will crash. On release builds you will get a shutdown
* hang. This must be avoided!
* During initialization, the second we create a SQLite connection (via
* Metrics.Storage) we register observers for application shutdown. The
* "quit-application" notification initiates our shutdown procedure. The
* subsequent "profile-do-change" notification ensures it has completed.
* The handler for "profile-do-change" may result in event loop spinning. This
* is because of race conditions between our shutdown code and application
* shutdown.
* All of our shutdown routines are async. There is the potential that these
* async functions will not complete before XPCOM shutdown. If they don't
* finish in time, we could get assertions in Storage. Our solution is to
* initiate storage early in the shutdown cycle ("quit-application").
* Hopefully all the async operations have completed by the time we reach
* "profile-do-change." If so, great. If not, we spin the event loop until
* they have completed, avoiding potential race conditions.
* @param branch
* (string) The preferences branch to use for state storage. The value
* must end with a period (.).
* @param policy
* (HealthReportPolicy) Policy driving execution of HealthReporter.
this.HealthReporter = function (branch, policy, sessionRecorder, stateLeaf=null) {
this._stateLeaf = stateLeaf;
this._uploadInProgress = false;, branch, policy, sessionRecorder);
if (!this.serverURI) {
throw new Error("No server URI defined. Did you forget to define the pref?");
if (!this.serverNamespace) {
throw new Error("No server namespace defined. Did you forget a pref?");
this._state = new HealthReporterState(this);
this.HealthReporter.prototype = Object.freeze({
__proto__: AbstractHealthReporter.prototype,
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver]),
get lastSubmitID() {
return this._state.lastSubmitID;
* When we last successfully submitted data to the server.
* This is sent as part of the upload. This is redundant with similar data
* in the policy because we like the modules to be loosely coupled and the
* similar data in the policy is only used for forensic purposes.
get lastPingDate() {
return this._state.lastPingDate;
* The base URI of the document server to which to submit data.
* This is typically a Bagheera server instance. It is the URI up to but not
* including the version prefix. e.g.
get serverURI() {
return this._prefs.get("documentServerURI", null);
set serverURI(value) {
if (!value) {
throw new Error("serverURI must have a value.");
if (typeof(value) != "string") {
throw new Error("serverURI must be a string: " + value);
this._prefs.set("documentServerURI", value);
* The namespace on the document server to which we will be submitting data.
get serverNamespace() {
return this._prefs.get("documentServerNamespace", "metrics");
set serverNamespace(value) {
if (!value) {
throw new Error("serverNamespace must have a value.");
if (typeof(value) != "string") {
throw new Error("serverNamespace must be a string: " + value);
this._prefs.set("documentServerNamespace", value);
* Whether this instance will upload data to a server.
get willUploadData() {
return this._policy.userNotifiedOfCurrentPolicy &&
* Whether remote data is currently stored.
* @return bool
haveRemoteData: function () {
return !!this._state.lastSubmitID;
* Called to initiate a data upload.
* The passed argument is a `DataSubmissionRequest` from policy.jsm.
requestDataUpload: function (request) {
if (!this._initialized) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Not initialized."));
return Task.spawn(function doUpload() {
yield this._providerManager.ensurePullOnlyProvidersRegistered();
try {
yield this.collectMeasurements();
try {
yield this._uploadData(request);
} catch (ex) {
} finally {
yield this._providerManager.ensurePullOnlyProvidersUnregistered();
* Request that server data be deleted.
* If deletion is scheduled to occur immediately, a promise will be returned
* that will be fulfilled when the deletion attempt finishes. Otherwise,
* callers should poll haveRemoteData() to determine when remote data is
* deleted.
requestDeleteRemoteData: function (reason) {
if (!this.haveRemoteData()) {
return this._policy.deleteRemoteData(reason);
* Override default handler to incur an upload describing the error.
_onInitError: function (error) {
// Need to capture this before we call the parent else it's always
// set.
let inShutdown = this._shutdownRequested;
let result;
try {
result =, error);
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("Error when calling _onInitError: " +
// This bypasses a lot of the checks in policy, such as respect for
// backoff. We should arguably not do this. However, reporting
// startup errors is important. And, they should not occur with much
// frequency in the wild. So, it shouldn't be too big of a deal.
if (!inShutdown &&
this._policy.healthReportUploadEnabled &&
this._policy.ensureUserNotified()) {
// We don't care about what happens to this request. It's best
// effort.
let request = {
onNoDataAvailable: function () {},
onSubmissionSuccess: function () {},
onSubmissionFailureSoft: function () {},
onSubmissionFailureHard: function () {},
onUploadInProgress: function () {},
return result;
_onBagheeraResult: function (request, isDelete, date, result) {
this._log.debug("Received Bagheera result.");
return Task.spawn(function onBagheeraResult() {
let hrProvider = this.getProvider("org.mozilla.healthreport");
if (!result.transportSuccess) {
// The built-in provider may not be initialized if this instance failed
// to initialize fully.
if (hrProvider && !isDelete) {
try {
hrProvider.recordEvent("uploadTransportFailure", date);
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("Error recording upload transport failure: " +
request.onSubmissionFailureSoft("Network transport error.");
throw new Task.Result(false);
if (!result.serverSuccess) {
if (hrProvider && !isDelete) {
try {
hrProvider.recordEvent("uploadServerFailure", date);
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("Error recording server failure: " +
request.onSubmissionFailureHard("Server failure.");
throw new Task.Result(false);
if (hrProvider && !isDelete) {
try {
hrProvider.recordEvent("uploadSuccess", date);
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("Error recording upload success: " +
if (isDelete) {
this._log.warn("Marking delete as successful.");
yield this._state.removeRemoteIDs([]);
} else {
this._log.warn("Marking upload as successful.");
yield this._state.updateLastPingAndRemoveRemoteIDs(date, result.deleteIDs);
throw new Task.Result(true);
_onSubmitDataRequestFailure: function (error) {
this._log.error("Error processing request to submit data: " +
_formatDate: function (date) {
// Why, oh, why doesn't JS have a strftime() equivalent?
return date.toISOString().substr(0, 10);
_uploadData: function (request) {
// Under ideal circumstances, clients should never race to this
// function. However, server logs have observed behavior where
// racing to this function could be a cause. So, this lock was
// instituted.
if (this._uploadInProgress) {
this._log.warn("Upload requested but upload already in progress.");
let provider = this.getProvider("org.mozilla.healthreport");
let promise = provider.recordEvent("uploadAlreadyInProgress");
request.onUploadInProgress("Upload already in progress.");
return promise;
let id = CommonUtils.generateUUID();"Uploading data to server: " + this.serverURI + " " +
this.serverNamespace + ":" + id);
let client = new BagheeraClient(this.serverURI);
let now = this._now();
return Task.spawn(function doUpload() {
try {
// The test for upload locking monkeypatches getJSONPayload.
// If the next two lines change, be sure to verify the test is
// accurate!
this._uploadInProgress = true;
let payload = yield this.getJSONPayload();
let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById(TELEMETRY_PAYLOAD_SIZE_UNCOMPRESSED);
let lastID = this.lastSubmitID;
yield this._state.addRemoteID(id);
let hrProvider = this.getProvider("org.mozilla.healthreport");
if (hrProvider) {
let event = lastID ? "continuationUploadAttempt"
: "firstDocumentUploadAttempt";
try {
hrProvider.recordEvent(event, now);
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("Error when recording upload attempt: " +
TelemetryStopwatch.start(TELEMETRY_UPLOAD, this);
let result;
try {
let options = {
deleteIDs: this._state.remoteIDs.filter((x) => { return x != id; }),
result = yield client.uploadJSON(this.serverNamespace, id, payload,
TelemetryStopwatch.finish(TELEMETRY_UPLOAD, this);
} catch (ex) {
TelemetryStopwatch.cancel(TELEMETRY_UPLOAD, this);
if (hrProvider) {
try {
hrProvider.recordEvent("uploadClientFailure", now);
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("Error when recording client failure: " +
throw ex;
yield this._onBagheeraResult(request, false, now, result);
} finally {
this._uploadInProgress = false;
* Request deletion of remote data.
* @param request
* (DataSubmissionRequest) Tracks progress of this request.
deleteRemoteData: function (request) {
if (!this._state.lastSubmitID) {"Received request to delete remote data but no data stored.");
this._log.warn("Deleting remote data.");
let client = new BagheeraClient(this.serverURI);
return Task.spawn(function* doDelete() {
try {
let result = yield client.deleteDocument(this.serverNamespace,
yield this._onBagheeraResult(request, true, this._now(), result);
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("Error processing request to delete data: " +
} finally {
// If we don't have any remote documents left, nuke the ID.
// This is done for privacy reasons. Why preserve the ID if we
// don't need to?
if (!this.haveRemoteData()) {
yield this._state.resetClientID();