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synced 2025-03-04 15:51:37 +00:00
Using the Java DOM API ---------------------- A Java component obtains a org.w3c.dom.Document by registering for Document load notifications. The Document is passed in along with the notifications. The preferred way for a Java component to register for Document load notifications is to register via the DOMAccessor class. However, currently this does not work and one has to apply a patch to webshell/src/nsWebShell.cpp. See the section on Building for instructions on how to apply the patch. The nsJavaDOM component by means of this patch registers itself as a DocumentLoadObserver with the DocumentLoader service. It then loads a class called DOMFactory, asks it for a Java DocumentLoadListener and starts sending all document load notifications that it recieves to the Java listener. So the first place to start hacking would be DOMFactory.java. Makefiles --------- You may have to set DEPTH to point to the mozilla CVS workspace root in Makefile and jni/Makefile. SInce this stuff is not part of the regular SeaMonkeyBuild, Makefiles are not generated from Makefile.in, so just go ahead and hack the Makefile. That is also why I have a separate Makefile.linux for Linux. (Does not work with Linux... last time I checked, the Blackdown JDK had a problem creating the JVM in nsJavaDOMImpl.cpp::Initialize:CreateJavaVM). Building -------- After having done a configure at the top level of SeaMonkey, do a make in the dom and the dom/jni directories. This will copy over a few header files that are needed by the patch to nsWebShell. You can then apply the patch to nsWebShell.cpp by executing `patch nsWebShell.cpp <nsWebShell.cpp.patch` Edit Makefile.in to add -DJAVA_DOM to the list of defines. Then do a g/make in this directory. Currently, you will have to make the Java class files yourself, which is pretty straight-forward. Just do a javac -d $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/classes *.java in the java/dom/jni directory. I chose to put my class files in $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/classes, you can put them elsewhere, just make sure it is in the CLASSPATH. You will also need to get the w3c DOM interfaces from http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-DOM-Level-1-19981001/java-binding.zip and put the class files in your CLASSPATH. NSPR Logging ------------ The NSPR Log module name is javadom. For instructions on how to enable logging, see dist/include/prlog.h Debug output ------------ The debug build of the Java DOM API creates the JVM with the verbose and the verboseGC options turned on, to help in debugging. It also creates two files in the current working directory, dom-java.txt and dom-cpp.txt, which are simple dumps of the DOM, as printed from C++ and from Java. The two should be identical. The code to write these files is, essentially, my regression test. Feel free to add to it. JVM Crash on Exit ----------------- The JVM dies when apprunner is exiting. Don't know why. WIll need to build a debug version of the JDK to investigate. This will be a non-issue once we start to use OJI to get to the JVM. OJI --- Currently the nsJavaDOM component instantiates its own JVM. When an OJI-compatible JVM is available, we will move over to using it. Dependencies ------------ Currently tested on Solaris 7 only with Java 2 SDK 1.2.1. egcs-2.91.66 and Sun Workshop 4.2 have been know to compile this code fine. gcc-2.8.1 does *not* work. I have not used anything Java2-specific, and it works with JDK1.1.x too (I have been using JDK 1.1.6 too). References ---------- I highly recommend reading Sheng Liang's new JNI book.