hsingh 9a445675ca Bug 1869087: Properly handle QuotaInitRunnable failure in Context::OnQuotaInit.r=dom-storage-reviewers,janv
QuotaInitRunnable is invoked by Context to set up cache directory. This is not always successful as it could be
interrupted by shutdown or other filesystem issues. By the time in ran into error, it's possible that some objects
needed by Context are not yet initialized in QuotaInitRunnable::Run. Since QuotaInitRunnable internal state machine
will always transition to 'COMPLETING' and Context::OnQuotaInit would always be called; it's possible that some objects
like mDirectoryLock, mCipherKeyManager and mDirectoryMetadata didn't get initialized yet. As an effect, we should
only assert these objects being non-null in Context::OnQuotaInit if the QuotaInitRunnable was successful.

Differential Revision:
2023-12-14 16:31:23 +00:00

235 lines
8.0 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_cache_Context_h
#define mozilla_dom_cache_Context_h
#include "CacheCipherKeyManager.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/SafeRefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/cache/Types.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/quota/StringifyUtils.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
#include "nsProxyRelease.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsTObserverArray.h"
class nsIEventTarget;
class nsIThread;
namespace mozilla::dom {
namespace quota {
class DirectoryLock;
} // namespace quota
namespace cache {
class Action;
class Manager;
// The Context class is RAII-style class for managing IO operations within the
// Cache.
// When a Context is created it performs the complicated steps necessary to
// initialize the QuotaManager. Action objects dispatched on the Context are
// delayed until this initialization is complete. They are then allow to
// execute on any specified thread. Once all references to the Context are
// gone, then the steps necessary to release the QuotaManager are performed.
// After initialization the Context holds a self reference, so it will stay
// alive until one of three conditions occur:
// 1) The Manager will call Context::AllowToClose() when all of the actors
// have removed themselves as listener. This means an idle context with
// no active DOM objects will close gracefully.
// 2) The QuotaManager aborts all operations so it can delete the files.
// In this case the QuotaManager calls Client::AbortOperationsForLocks()
// which in turn cancels all existing Action objects and then marks the
// Manager as invalid.
// 3) Browser shutdown occurs and the Manager calls Context::CancelAll().
// In either case, though, the Action objects must be destroyed first to
// allow the Context to be destroyed.
// While the Context performs operations asynchronously on threads, all of
// methods in its public interface must be called on the same thread
// originally used to create the Context.
// As an invariant, all Context objects must be destroyed before permitting
// the "profile-before-change" shutdown event to complete. This is ensured
// via the code in ShutdownObserver.cpp.
class Context final : public SafeRefCounted<Context>, public Stringifyable {
using DirectoryLock = mozilla::dom::quota::DirectoryLock;
// Define a class allowing other threads to hold the Context alive. This also
// allows these other threads to safely close or cancel the Context.
class ThreadsafeHandle final : public AtomicSafeRefCounted<ThreadsafeHandle> {
friend class Context;
explicit ThreadsafeHandle(SafeRefPtr<Context> aContext);
void AllowToClose();
void InvalidateAndAllowToClose();
void AllowToCloseOnOwningThread();
void InvalidateAndAllowToCloseOnOwningThread();
void ContextDestroyed(Context& aContext);
// Cleared to allow the Context to close. Only safe to access on
// owning thread.
SafeRefPtr<Context> mStrongRef;
// Used to support cancelation even while the Context is already allowed
// to close. Cleared by ~Context() calling ContextDestroyed(). Only
// safe to access on owning thread.
Context* mWeakRef;
nsCOMPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> mOwningEventTarget;
// Different objects hold references to the Context while some work is being
// performed asynchronously. These objects must implement the Activity
// interface and register themselves with the AddActivity(). When they are
// destroyed they must call RemoveActivity(). This allows the Context to
// cancel any outstanding Activity work when the Context is cancelled.
class Activity : public Stringifyable {
virtual void Cancel() = 0;
virtual bool MatchesCacheId(CacheId aCacheId) const = 0;
// Create a Context attached to the given Manager. The given Action
// will run on the QuotaManager IO thread. Note, this Action must
// be execute synchronously.
static SafeRefPtr<Context> Create(SafeRefPtr<Manager> aManager,
nsISerialEventTarget* aTarget,
SafeRefPtr<Action> aInitAction,
Maybe<Context&> aOldContext);
// Execute given action on the target once the quota manager has been
// initialized.
// Only callable from the thread that created the Context.
void Dispatch(SafeRefPtr<Action> aAction);
Maybe<DirectoryLock&> MaybeDirectoryLockRef() const;
CipherKeyManager& MutableCipherKeyManagerRef();
const Maybe<CacheDirectoryMetadata>& MaybeCacheDirectoryMetadataRef() const;
// Cancel any Actions running or waiting to run. This should allow the
// Context to be released and Listener::RemoveContext() will be called
// when complete.
// Only callable from the thread that created the Context.
void CancelAll();
// True if CancelAll() has been called.
bool IsCanceled() const;
// Like CancelAll(), but also marks the Manager as "invalid".
void Invalidate();
// Remove any self references and allow the Context to be released when
// there are no more Actions to process.
void AllowToClose();
// Cancel any Actions running or waiting to run that operate on the given
// cache ID.
// Only callable from the thread that created the Context.
void CancelForCacheId(CacheId aCacheId);
void AddActivity(Activity& aActivity);
void RemoveActivity(Activity& aActivity);
// Tell the Context that some state information has been orphaned in the
// data store and won't be cleaned up. The Context will leave the marker
// in place to trigger cleanup the next times its opened.
void NoteOrphanedData();
class Data;
class QuotaInitRunnable;
class ActionRunnable;
enum State {
struct PendingAction {
nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> mTarget;
SafeRefPtr<Action> mAction;
void Init(Maybe<Context&> aOldContext);
void Start();
void DispatchAction(SafeRefPtr<Action> aAction, bool aDoomData = false);
void OnQuotaInit(nsresult aRv,
const Maybe<CacheDirectoryMetadata>& aDirectoryMetadata,
RefPtr<DirectoryLock> aDirectoryLock,
RefPtr<CipherKeyManager> aCipherKeyManager);
SafeRefPtr<ThreadsafeHandle> CreateThreadsafeHandle();
void SetNextContext(SafeRefPtr<Context> aNextContext);
void DoomTargetData();
void DoStringify(nsACString& aData) override;
SafeRefPtr<Manager> mManager;
nsCOMPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> mTarget;
RefPtr<Data> mData;
State mState;
bool mOrphanedData;
Maybe<CacheDirectoryMetadata> mDirectoryMetadata;
RefPtr<QuotaInitRunnable> mInitRunnable;
SafeRefPtr<Action> mInitAction;
nsTArray<PendingAction> mPendingActions;
// Weak refs since activites must remove themselves from this list before
// being destroyed by calling RemoveActivity().
nsTObserverArray<NotNull<Activity*>> mActivityList;
// The ThreadsafeHandle may have a strong ref back to us. This creates
// a ref-cycle that keeps the Context alive. The ref-cycle is broken
// when ThreadsafeHandle::AllowToClose() is called.
SafeRefPtr<ThreadsafeHandle> mThreadsafeHandle;
RefPtr<DirectoryLock> mDirectoryLock;
RefPtr<CipherKeyManager> mCipherKeyManager;
SafeRefPtr<Context> mNextContext;
// XXX Consider adding a private guard parameter.
Context(SafeRefPtr<Manager> aManager, nsISerialEventTarget* aTarget,
SafeRefPtr<Action> aInitAction);
} // namespace cache
} // namespace mozilla::dom
#endif // mozilla_dom_cache_Context_h