gecko-dev/grendel/widgets/ cb5970b456 Old references to Orion, etc. ripped now. Replacements dropped it. It
compiles. Let the games begin.
1999-01-09 03:55:32 +00:00

1944 lines
47 KiB

/* -*- Mode: java; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
* the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is the Grendel mail/news client.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
* Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1997
* Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* Created: Will Scullin <>, 21 Aug 1997.
* Modified: Jeff Galyan <>, 30 Dec 1998
package grendel.widgets;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.FocusListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.swing.event.CellEditorListener;
import javax.swing.CellRendererPane;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JViewport;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import javax.swing.Scrollable;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicGraphicsUtils;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
import grendel.dnd.DropTarget;
import grendel.dnd.DropTargetComponent;
import grendel.dnd.DragSource;
* A outliner view similar to those used in previous versions of
* mail and news.
public class TreeTable extends JComponent implements Scrollable,
// For synchronization
TreeTable fTreeTable;
CellRendererPane fCellRendererPane = new CellRendererPane();
ColumnModel fColumnModel;
ColumnHeader fColumnHeader;
TreeTableDataModel fDataModel;
int fHeight;
TreeNode fRoot;
TreeModelListener fDataModelListener = new TreeModelListener();
// Selection/focus
TreeNode fCaret;
TreeNode fAnchor;
SelectionManager fSelection = new MultiSelectionManager();
int fHitX, fHitY;
Point fHitPoint;
boolean fDragging = false;
Point fTooltipPoint = null;
// Editing
boolean fEditing = false;
CellEditor fEditor;
TreeNode fEditedNode;
Column fEditedColumn;
boolean fMousinessAfoot = false;
boolean fJustSelected = false;
DropTarget fDropTarget = null;
// Attributes
Object fTreeColumn;
int fIndentLevel = 16;
int fRowHeight = 0;
int fRowMargin = 0;
boolean fFixed = true;
static final int kGap = 4;
// Properties
boolean fDrawPipes = false;
// Images
Icon fPlusIcon;
Icon fMinusIcon;
Color fWindowColor;
Color fHighlightColor;
// Constructors
* Constructs a TreeTable with the given data model.
public TreeTable(TreeTableDataModel aDataModel) {
fTreeTable = this;
fColumnModel = new ColumnModelImp();
fColumnModel.addColumnModelListener(new TreeColumnModelListener());
fColumnHeader = new ColumnHeader(fColumnModel);
TreeMouseListener mouseListener = new TreeMouseListener();
addFocusListener(new TreeFocusListener());
fSelection = new MultiSelectionManager();
fSelection.addSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener());
if (aDataModel != null) {
// Accessor functions
* Sets the current data model. A null value (should be)
* acceptable.
public synchronized void setDataModel(TreeTableDataModel aDataModel) {
if (fDataModel != null) {
* Returns the current data model.
* @see TreeTableDataModel
public synchronized TreeTableDataModel getDataModel() {
return fDataModel;
* Retuns the column model
* @see ColumnModel
public synchronized ColumnModel getColumnModel() {
return fColumnModel;
* Adds a column to the tree table. The column is added at the end.
public void addColumn(Column aColumn) {
* Adds a column at the given position. Existing columns may be
* shifted to the right.
public void addColumnAt(Column aColumn, int aIndex) {
fColumnModel.addColumnAt(aColumn, aIndex);
* Returns the ColumnHeader widget that allows the user to
* view and manipulate column properties.
public ColumnHeader getColumnHeader() {
return fColumnHeader;
* Returns the last object on which the user clicked. This
* object is used for keyboard navigation.
public TreePath getCaret() {
return buildTreePath(fCaret);
void setCaret(TreeNode aNode) {
if (fCaret != null) {
fCaret = aNode;
if (fCaret != null) {
* Sets the last object on which the user clicked. This
* object is used for keyboard navigation.
public void setCaret(TreePath aPath) {
TreeNode node = findTreeNode(aPath);
if (node != null) {
* Returns the interface for the tree table's selection manager
public SelectionManager getSelectionManager() {
return fSelection;
// Attributes
* Sets which column in which the tree indention and (eventually)
* icons appear.
public void setTreeColumn(Object aID) {
fTreeColumn = aID;
* Returns which column in which the tree indention and (eventually)
* icons appear.
public Object getTreeColumn() {
return fTreeColumn;
* Sets the number of pixels each level of the tree is indented
* (16 or more is currently recommended.)
public void setIndentLevel(int aIndent) {
fIndentLevel = aIndent;
* Returns the number of pixels each level of the tree is indented.
public int getIndentLevel() {
return fIndentLevel;
* Sets a fixed row height. Overrides the per-row sizing feature.
* A height of 0 enables the per-row sizing feature.
public void setRowHeight(int aHeight) {
fRowHeight = aHeight;
* Returns the fixed row height
* @see setRowHeight()
public int getRowHeight() {
return fRowHeight;
* Sets whether all rows have the same height. Saves a tremendous
* amount of time if true. Defaults to true.
* @see isFixedHeight()
public void setFixedHeight(boolean aFixed) {
fFixed = aFixed;
* Returns whether all rows have the same height. Saves a tremendous
* amount of time if true.
* @see setFixedHeight()
public boolean isFixedHeight() {
return fFixed;
* Does nothing, yet.
public void setRowMargin(int aMargin) {
fRowMargin = aMargin;
* Does nothing, yet.
public int getRowMargin() {
return fRowMargin;
// Selection functions
Enumeration getShiftRange(TreePath aPath) {
if (fAnchor == null) {
fAnchor = getVisibleRoot();
TreeNode node = findTreeNode(aPath);
int anchorY = getNodeY(fAnchor);
int nodeY = getNodeY(node);
TreeNode first;
TreeNode last;
if (anchorY < nodeY) {
first = fAnchor;
last = node;
} else {
first = node;
last = fAnchor;
Vector range = new Vector();
boolean done = false;
while (!done && first != null) {
range.insertElementAt(buildTreePath(first), range.size());
if (first == last) {
done = true;
} else {
TreeNode next = null;
if (!first.isCollapsed() && !first.isLeaf()) {
first = first.getFirstChild();
} else {
next = first.getNextSibling();
if (next == null) {
TreeNode parent = first.getParent();
while (next == null && parent != null) {
next = parent.getNextSibling();
parent = parent.getParent();
first = next;
return range.elements();
void select(TreePath aPath, int aModifiers) {
boolean shiftKey = (aModifiers & KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK) != 0;
boolean controlKey = (aModifiers & KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK) != 0;
boolean rightMouse = (aModifiers & KeyEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) != 0;
// Complex heuristic for selecting based on windows.
// Probably wrong for other platforms.
// Maybe we need a plugable UI after all.
if (controlKey) {
if (!rightMouse) {
if (fSelection.isSelected(aPath)) {
if (shiftKey) {
} else {
} else {
if (shiftKey) {
} else {
} else {
if (rightMouse) {
if (!fSelection.isSelected(aPath)) {
} else {
if (shiftKey) {
} else {
if (!shiftKey) {
fAnchor = findTreeNode(aPath);
* Selects the given TreePath.
public void select(TreePath aPath) {
select(aPath, 0);
// Navigation functions
* Navigation used for up arrow key. Does reverse in-order
* traversal, skipping children of collapsed nodes.
void navigateUp(int aModifiers) {
if (fCaret != null) {
if (fCaret != getVisibleRoot()) {
TreeNode prev, last;
prev = fCaret.getPrevSibling();
if (prev == null) {
} else {
setCaret((TreeNode) null);
while (prev != null && fCaret == null) {
if (!prev.isCollapsed() && prev.getFirstChild() != null) {
prev = prev.getLastChild();
} else {
if (fCaret == null) {
select(buildTreePath(fCaret), aModifiers);
* Navigation used for down arrow key. Does in-order
* traversal, skipping children of collapsed nodes.
void navigateDown(int aModifiers) {
if (fCaret != null) {
TreeNode next = null;
if (!fCaret.isCollapsed()) {
next = fCaret.getFirstChild();
if (next == null) {
next = fCaret.getNextSibling();
if (next == null) {
TreeNode parent = fCaret.getParent();
while (next == null && parent != null) {
next = parent.getNextSibling();
parent = parent.getParent();
if (next != null) {
} else {
select(buildTreePath(fCaret), aModifiers);
* Navigation used for left arrow key. First collapses node,
* then moves to parent
void navigateLeft(int aModifiers) {
if (fCaret != null) {
if (fCaret.isLeaf() || fCaret.isCollapsed()) {
fCaret = fCaret.getParent();
} else {
if (fCaret == null) {
select(buildTreePath(fCaret), aModifiers);
* Navigation used for right arrow key. First expands node,
* then moves to first child
void navigateRight(int aModifiers) {
if (fCaret != null) {
if (!fCaret.isLeaf()) {
if (!fCaret.isCollapsed()) {
fCaret = fCaret.getFirstChild();
} else {
if (fCaret == null) {
select(buildTreePath(fCaret), aModifiers);
void navigateHome(int aModifiers) {
select(buildTreePath(fCaret), aModifiers);
TreeNode findLastVisible() {
TreeNode node = getVisibleRoot();
TreeNode res = null;
while (node != null) {
res = node;
if (node.getNextSibling() != null) {
node = node.getNextSibling();
} else {
node = node.getFirstChild();
return res;
void navigateEnd(int aModifiers) {
if (fCaret == null) {
select(buildTreePath(fCaret), aModifiers);
* Moves the caret up one position, and selects that object.
* (currently doesn't support scrolling)
public void navigateUp() {
* Moves the caret down one position, and selects that object.
* (currently doesn't support scrolling)
public void navigateDown() {
* Returns whether or not the give path is visible. If the path
* points to the root, and the root is not shown, the method
* still returns true.
public boolean isVisible(TreePath aPath) {
return (findTreeNode(aPath) != null);
* Attempts to tweek parent into displaying the given node.
void ensureVisible(TreeNode aNode) {
public void ensureVisible(TreePath aPath) {
int y = getNodeY(aPath);
int h = getNodeHeight(aPath);
if (y != -1) {
Container parent = getParent();
if (parent != null && parent instanceof JViewport) {
JViewport parentView = (JViewport) parent;
Dimension viewSize = parentView.getExtentSize();
Point viewPos = parentView.getViewPosition();
if (y < viewPos.y) {
viewPos.y = y;
} else if ((y + h) > (viewPos.y + viewSize.height)) {
viewPos.y = y - viewSize.height + h;
int getNodeY(TreeNode aNode) {
return getNodeY(buildTreePath(aNode));
* Returns the Y location of the give node
public int getNodeY(TreePath aPath) {
Object path[] = aPath.getPath();
int length = aPath.getLength();
int index = 0;
int y = 0;
TreeNode traverse = fRoot;
if (!fDataModel.showRoot()) {
index = 1;
if (traverse != null) {
traverse = traverse.getFirstChild();
while (index < length) {
while (traverse != null && traverse.getData() != path[index]) {
y += traverse.getTotalHeight();
traverse = traverse.getNextSibling();
if (traverse == null) {
return -1;
if (index < length) {
y += traverse.getNodeHeight();
traverse = traverse.getFirstChild();
return y;
public int getNodeHeight(TreePath aPath) {
if(fRowHeight > 0) {
return fRowHeight;
TreeNode node = findTreeNode(aPath);
if (node == null) {
return -1;
return node.getNodeHeight();
public int getColumnX(Column column) {
int res = -1;
if (column != null) {
int idx = fColumnModel.getColumnIndex(column);
int margin = fColumnModel.getColumnMargin();
res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++) {
res += fColumnModel.getColumn(i).getWidth() + margin;
return res;
// Utility functions
TreeNode getVisibleRoot() {
if (fDataModel == null) {
return null;
if (fDataModel.showRoot()) {
return fRoot;
} else {
return fRoot.getFirstChild();
TreePath buildTreePath(TreeNode aNode) {
if (aNode == null) {
return null;
int depth = aNode.getDepth();
Object path[] = new Object[depth + 1];
while(aNode != null) {
path[depth] = aNode.getData();
aNode = aNode.getParent();
return new TreePath(path);
TreeNode findTreeNodeRecurse(TreeNode aNode, Object aPath[], int aFirst, int aLast) {
while (aNode != null) {
if (aNode.getData() == aPath[aFirst]) {
if (aFirst == aLast) {
return aNode;
} else {
return findTreeNodeRecurse(aNode.getFirstChild(), aPath, aFirst + 1, aLast);
} else {
aNode = aNode.getNextSibling();
return null;
* Finds a TreeNode given a path. If null is returned, either
* the path is invalid, or the path isn't fully visible.
synchronized TreeNode findTreeNode(TreePath aPath) {
return findTreeNodeRecurse(fRoot, aPath.getPath(), 0, aPath.getLength() - 1);
synchronized void resizeAndRepaint() {
synchronized void resizeAndRepaintFrom(TreePath aPath) {
synchronized void clearDataModel() {
setCaret((TreeNode) null);
fDataModel = null;
TreeNode node = fRoot;
while (node != null) {
TreeNode next = node.getNextSibling();
node = next;
fRoot = null;
synchronized void updateDataModel(TreeTableDataModel aDataModel) {
fDataModel = aDataModel;
if (fDataModel != null) {
* Forces the tree to rebuild itself from scratch.
* Doesn't repaint.
public void reload() {
if (fDataModel != null) {
Enumeration children = fDataModel.getChildren(null);
if (children != null) {
if (children.hasMoreElements()) {
// First case where children are given as enumerations
Object node = children.nextElement();
fRoot = new TreeNode(fDataModel, null, node);
TreeNode prev = fRoot;
while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
node = children.nextElement();
prev.addSiblingAfter(new TreeNode(fDataModel, null, node));
prev = prev.getNextSibling();
} else {
fRoot = null;
} else {
// Second case where children are give by getFirstChild,
// getNextSibling
Object node = fDataModel.getRoot();
if (node != null) {
fRoot = new TreeNode(fDataModel, null, node);
TreeNode prev = fRoot;
node = fDataModel.getNextSibling(node);
while (node != null) {
prev.addSiblingAfter(new TreeNode(fDataModel, null, node));
prev = prev.getNextSibling();
node = fDataModel.getNextSibling(node);
} else {
fRoot = null;
void initializeCached() {
TreeNode node = getVisibleRoot();
fHeight = 0;
while (node != null) {
fHeight += node.getTotalHeight();
node = node.getNextSibling();
void initializeKeys() {
registerKeyboardAction(new NavigateUpAction(0),
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_UP, 0),
registerKeyboardAction(new NavigateDownAction(0),
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, 0),
registerKeyboardAction(new NavigateLeftAction(0),
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, 0),
registerKeyboardAction(new NavigateRightAction(0),
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, 0),
registerKeyboardAction(new NavigateHomeAction(0),
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_HOME, 0),
registerKeyboardAction(new NavigateEndAction(0),
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_END, 0),
registerKeyboardAction(new OpenAction(),
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0),
void expand(TreeNode aNode) {
fDataModel.setCollapsed(buildTreePath(aNode), false);
void collapse(TreeNode aNode) {
fDataModel.setCollapsed(buildTreePath(aNode), true);
int getIndent(Column aColumn, TreeNode aNode) {
int indent = 0;
if (aColumn.getID().equals(fTreeColumn)) {
Icon icon = fDataModel.getIcon(aNode.getData());
indent = aNode.getVisibleDepth() * fIndentLevel + fIndentLevel +
(icon != null ? icon.getIconWidth() : 0) + kGap;
return indent;
int drawPipes(Graphics g, TreeNode aNode, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
TreeNode node = aNode;
int depth = aNode.getVisibleDepth();
x += depth * fIndentLevel;
int midY = y + h / 2;
int iconWidth = 0;
Icon icon = fDataModel.getIcon(aNode.getData());
if (icon != null) {
iconWidth = icon.getIconWidth();
int iconY = midY - icon.getIconHeight() / 2;
icon.paintIcon(this, g, x + fIndentLevel, iconY);
Icon overlayIcon = fDataModel.getOverlayIcon(aNode.getData());
if (overlayIcon != null) {
overlayIcon.paintIcon(this, g, x + fIndentLevel, iconY);
while (node != null && node.getVisibleDepth() >= 0) {
int midX = x + fIndentLevel / 2;
if (fDrawPipes) {
if (node.getNextSibling() != null) {
g.drawLine(midX, y, midX, y + h);
if (aNode == node) {
g.drawLine(midX, midY, x + fIndentLevel, midY);
if (node.getParent() != null) {
g.drawLine(midX, midY, midX, y);
if (node == aNode && !node.isLeaf()) {
if (node.isCollapsed()) {
fPlusIcon.paintIcon(this, g, x, y);
} else {
fMinusIcon.paintIcon(this, g, x, y);
node = node.getParent();
x -= fIndentLevel;
return fIndentLevel + depth * fIndentLevel + iconWidth + kGap;
* Recursive part of <code>paint()</code>.
* @see #paint
static int fPaintedRows;
void paintRecurse(Graphics g, TreeNode aRoot, int y) {
int x;
int w, h;
boolean selected = false;
boolean done = false;
TreeNode node = aRoot;
int columnMargin = fColumnModel.getColumnMargin();
Rectangle rect = g.getClipBounds();
while (node != null && !done) {
TreePath path = buildTreePath(node);
h = node.getNodeHeight();
x = 0;
selected = fSelection.isSelected(path);
if (y + h >= rect.y) { // Paint only visible stuff
if (y < rect.y + rect.height) { // ditto
Enumeration columns = fColumnModel.getColumns();
g.setColor(selected ? fHighlightColor : fWindowColor);
g.fillRect(0, y, getWidth(), h);
while (columns.hasMoreElements()) {
Column column = (Column) columns.nextElement();
CellRenderer renderer = column.getCellRenderer();
w = column.getWidth();
if (x + w >= rect.x && x < rect.x + rect.width) {
fDataModel.getData(node.getData(), column.getID()),
Component component = renderer.getComponent();
int dx = x;
int dw = w;
if (column.getID().equals(fTreeColumn)) {
int pipeWidth = drawPipes(g, node, x, y, w, h);
dx = x + pipeWidth;
dw = w - pipeWidth;
fCellRendererPane.paintComponent(g, component, this, dx, y, dw, h);
x += w + columnMargin;
if (hasFocus() && node == fCaret) {
BasicGraphicsUtils.drawDashedRect(g, 0, y, getWidth(), h);
} else {
done = true;
if (!done) {
y += h;
if (node.getFirstChild() != null && !node.isCollapsed()) {
paintRecurse(g, node.getFirstChild(), y);
y += node.getChildrenHeight();
node = node.getNextSibling();
* Recursive part of <code>hitTestNode()</code>
* @see #hitTestNode
TreeNode hitTestNodeRecurse(TreeNode aFirst, int aTop, int aY) {
TreeNode node = aFirst;
int nodeHeight, totalHeight;
while (node != null) {
nodeHeight = node.getNodeHeight();
totalHeight = node.getTotalHeight();
if (aY < aTop + totalHeight) { // hit node or child
if (aY < aTop + nodeHeight) { // hit node
return node;
} else { // hit child
return hitTestNodeRecurse(node.getFirstChild(), aTop + nodeHeight, aY);
node = node.getNextSibling();
aTop += totalHeight;
return null;
* Determines what node is under the given coordinate
synchronized TreeNode hitTestNode(int aY) {
return hitTestNodeRecurse(getVisibleRoot(), 0, aY);
* Determines what column is under the given coordinate
Column hitTestColumn(int aX) {
int columnMargin = fColumnModel.getColumnMargin();
int w, x = 0;
fHitX = -1;
Enumeration columns = fColumnModel.getColumns();
while (columns.hasMoreElements()) {
Column column = (Column) columns.nextElement();
w = column.getWidth() + columnMargin;
if (aX < x + w) {
fHitX = aX - x;
return column;
x += w;
return null;
// Component Overloads
public synchronized void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
fPaintedRows = 0;
paintRecurse(g, getVisibleRoot(), 0);
// System.out.println("Painted " + fPaintedRows + " Rows");
if (fHeight < getHeight()) {
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, fHeight, getWidth(), getHeight() - fHeight).
g.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
void repaint(TreeNode aNode) {
int y = getNodeY(aNode);
int h = aNode.getNodeHeight();
repaint(0, y, getWidth(), h);
public void repaint(TreePath aPath) {
int y = getNodeY(aPath);
int h = getNodeHeight(aPath);
repaint(0, y, getWidth(), h);
public void repaintFrom(TreePath aPath) {
int y = getNodeY(aPath);
repaint(0, y, getWidth(), getHeight() - y);
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
return new Dimension(fColumnModel.getTotalColumnWidth(), fHeight);
public Dimension getMaximumSize() {
return getPreferredSize();
public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
return getPreferredSize();
public void updateUI() {
fPlusIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("images/plus.gif"));
fMinusIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("images/minus.gif"));
fWindowColor = UIManager.getColor("window");
fHighlightColor = UIManager.getColor("textHighlight");
public boolean isOpaque() {
return true;
public boolean getAutoscrolls() {
return true;
public Point getToolTipLocation(MouseEvent aEvent) {
return fTooltipPoint;
public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent aEvent) {
TreeNode node = hitTestNode(aEvent.getY());
if (node != null) {
Column column = hitTestColumn(aEvent.getX());
if (column != null) {
int indent = getIndent(column, node);
CellRenderer renderer = column.getCellRenderer();
Component component = renderer.getComponent();
Object data = fDataModel.getData(node.getData(), column.getID());
renderer.setValue(node.getData(), data, false);
Dimension size = component.getSize();
if (size.width + indent > column.getWidth()) {
fTooltipPoint =
new Point(getColumnX(column) + indent, getNodeY(node));
return data.toString();
fTooltipPoint = null;
return null;
// Scrollable interface
public Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() {
return getPreferredSize();
public int getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle aVisible, int aOrient,
int aDirection) {
if (aOrient == SwingConstants.VERTICAL) {
return aVisible.height;
} else {
return aVisible.width;
public int getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle aVisible, int aOrient,
int aDirection) {
if (aOrient == SwingConstants.VERTICAL) {
if (fRowHeight != 0) {
return fRowHeight + fRowMargin;
return 10;
public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() {
return false;
public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() {
return false;
// DropTargetComponentInterface
public void setDropTarget(DropTarget dt) throws IllegalArgumentException {
fDropTarget = dt;
public DropTarget getDropTarget() {
return fDropTarget;
// TreeMouseListener class
class TreeMouseListener extends MouseAdapter implements MouseMotionListener {
boolean isContextClick(MouseEvent aEvent) {
return (aEvent.isPopupTrigger() ||
(aEvent.getModifiers() & MouseEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) != 0);
MouseEvent convertMouseEvent(MouseEvent aEvent) {
return SwingUtilities.convertMouseEvent(fTreeTable, aEvent,
void dispatchMouseEvent(MouseEvent aEvent) {
void checkEditor(MouseEvent aEvent, Column column, TreeNode node) {
fEditor = column != null ? column.getCellEditor() : null;
fEditing = false;
if (fEditor != null) {
TreePath path = buildTreePath(node);
if (fEditor.isCellEditable(aEvent)) {
fEditedColumn = column;
fEditedNode = node;
fEditor.addCellEditorListener(new TreeCellEditorListener());
Component editorComponent = fEditor.getCellEditorComponent();
Dimension preferredSize = editorComponent.getPreferredSize();
int x = getColumnX(column);
int w = column.getWidth();
int indent = getIndent(column, node);
x += indent;
w -= indent;
int y = getNodeY(path);
int h = getNodeHeight(path);
editorComponent.setLocation(x, y);
editorComponent.setSize(w, h);
fEditing = true;
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent aEvent) {
fJustSelected = false;
fMousinessAfoot = true;
fHitPoint = new Point(aEvent.getPoint());
fDragging = false;
TreeNode node = hitTestNode(aEvent.getY());
if (node != null) {
Column column = hitTestColumn(aEvent.getX());
if (column != null && !isContextClick(aEvent)) {
if (column.getID().equals(fTreeColumn)) {
int plusX = node.getVisibleDepth() * fIndentLevel;
if (fHitX > plusX && fHitX < (plusX + fIndentLevel)) {
if (node.isCollapsed()) {
} else {
fJustSelected = true; // Pretend we did a selection to
// Avoid triggering editor
return; // Don't do selection
if (fEditing) {
if (fEditedColumn == column && fEditedNode == node) {
} else {
fEditing = false;
checkEditor(aEvent, column, node);
if (!fEditing) {
select(buildTreePath(fCaret), aEvent.getModifiers());
} else {
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent aEvent) {
fDragging = false;
if (fEditing) {
} else if (isContextClick(aEvent)) {
} else if (!fJustSelected) {
TreeNode node = hitTestNode(aEvent.getY());
if (node != null) {
Column column = hitTestColumn(aEvent.getX());
checkEditor(aEvent, column, node);
fMousinessAfoot = false;
fJustSelected = false;
fHitPoint = null;
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent aEvent) {
if (fEditing) {
} else if (aEvent.getClickCount() == 2) {
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent aEvent) {
if (fEditing) {
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent aEvent) {
if (fEditing) {
} else if (!fDragging && fHitPoint != null) {
Rectangle box =
if (!box.contains(aEvent.getPoint())) {
fDragging = true;
// TreeCellEditorListener class
class TreeCellEditorListener implements CellEditorListener {
public void editingStarted(ChangeEvent aEvent) {
fEditing = true;
public void editingStopped(ChangeEvent aEvent) {
fEditing = false;
fDataModel.setData(fEditedNode.getData(), fEditedColumn.getID(), fEditor.getCellEditorValue());
Rectangle edRect = fEditor.getCellEditorComponent().getBounds();
public void editingCanceled(ChangeEvent aEvent) {
fEditing = false;
Rectangle edRect = fEditor.getCellEditorComponent().getBounds();
// TreeColumnModelListener Class
class TreeColumnModelListener implements ColumnModelListener {
public void columnAdded(ColumnModelEvent e) {
public void columnRemoved(ColumnModelEvent e) {
public void columnMoved(ColumnModelEvent e) {
public void columnMarginChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
public void columnWidthChanged(ColumnModelEvent e) {
public void columnSelectionChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
class TreeModelListener implements TreeTableModelListener {
public void nodeExpanded(TreeTableModelEvent aEvent) {
synchronized (fTreeTable) {
// We take the leap of faith here that we're not
// expanding an already expanded node
TreeNode node = findTreeNode(aEvent.getPath());
fHeight += node.expand();
public void nodeCollapsed(TreeTableModelEvent aEvent) {
synchronized (fTreeTable) {
// We take the leap of faith here that we're not
// collapsing an already collapsed node
TreeNode node = findTreeNode(aEvent.getPath());
if (fCaret != null && fCaret.isChildOf(node)) {
if (fSelection.isSelected(buildTreePath(fCaret))) {
select(buildTreePath(node), 0);
fHeight += node.collapse();
public void nodeInserted(TreeTableModelEvent aEvent) {
synchronized (fTreeTable) {
TreePath path = aEvent.getPath();
if (path.getPath().length == 0) { // something at the root changed
} else {
TreeNode node = findTreeNode(path);
if (node != null) { // visible node changed
node.reload(); // Redo everything for now
public void nodeDeleted(TreeTableModelEvent aEvent) {
synchronized (fTreeTable) {
TreePath path = aEvent.getPath();
if (path.getPath().length == 0) { // something at the root changed
} else {
TreeNode node = findTreeNode(path);
if (node != null) { // visible node changed
node.reload(); // Redo everything for now
public void nodeChanged(TreeTableModelEvent aEvent) {
// TreeSelectionListener class
class TreeSelectionListener implements SelectionListener {
public void selectionChanged(SelectionEvent aEvent) {
// repaint();
int i;
Object added[] = aEvent.getAdded();
Object removed[] = aEvent.getRemoved();
if (added != null) {
if (fMousinessAfoot)
fJustSelected = true;
for (i = 0; i < added.length; i++) {
repaint((TreePath) added[i]);
if (removed != null) {
for (i = 0; i < removed.length; i++) {
repaint((TreePath) removed[i]);
public void selectionDoubleClicked(MouseEvent aEvent) {
public void selectionContextClicked(MouseEvent aEvent) {
public void selectionDragged(MouseEvent aEvent) {
// TreeFocusListener class
class TreeFocusListener implements FocusListener {
public void focusGained(FocusEvent aEvent) {
public void focusLost(FocusEvent aEvent) {
// ActionListener Classes
class NavigateUpAction implements ActionListener {
int fModifiers;
NavigateUpAction(int aModifiers) {
fModifiers = aModifiers;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aEvent) {
class NavigateDownAction implements ActionListener {
int fModifiers;
NavigateDownAction(int aModifiers) {
fModifiers = aModifiers;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aEvent) {
class NavigateLeftAction implements ActionListener {
int fModifiers;
NavigateLeftAction(int aModifiers) {
fModifiers = aModifiers;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aEvent) {
class NavigateRightAction implements ActionListener {
int fModifiers;
NavigateRightAction(int aModifiers) {
fModifiers = aModifiers;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aEvent) {
class NavigateHomeAction implements ActionListener {
int fModifiers;
NavigateHomeAction(int aModifiers) {
fModifiers = aModifiers;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aEvent) {
class NavigateEndAction implements ActionListener {
int fModifiers;
NavigateEndAction(int aModifiers) {
fModifiers = aModifiers;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aEvent) {
class OpenAction implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aEvent) {
// TreeNode Class
class TreeNode {
Object fData;
TreeNode fParent;
TreeNode fFirstChild;
TreeNode fNextSibling;
boolean fBuilt = false;
boolean fFreeOnCollapse = true;
boolean fInvalid = true;
boolean fIsLeaf = false;
int fChildrenHeight = 0;
int fDepth = -1;
int fNodeHeight = 0;
// Constructor
public TreeNode(TreeTableDataModel aDataModel, TreeNode aParent, Object aData) {
fDataModel = aDataModel;
fData = aData;
fParent = aParent;
fIsLeaf = aDataModel.isLeaf(fData);
if (!fIsLeaf && !isCollapsed()) {
// Building
final void addChild(TreeNode aNode) {
addChildAfter(getLastChild(), aNode);
final void addChildAfter(TreeNode aPrev, TreeNode aNode) {
aNode.fParent = this;
if (aPrev == null) { // add at beginning
aNode.fNextSibling = fFirstChild;
fFirstChild = aNode;
} else {
final void addSiblingAfter(TreeNode aNode) {
aNode.fNextSibling = fNextSibling;
fNextSibling = aNode;
// Unbuilding
final int remove() {
if (fParent != null) {
} else {
TreeNode prev = getPrevSibling();
prev.fNextSibling = fNextSibling;
return -getHeight();
final int removeChild(TreeNode aNode) {
if (fFirstChild == aNode && aNode != null) {
fFirstChild = aNode.fNextSibling;
aNode.fParent = null;
return aNode.remove();
* Make garbage collection possible
final void detachChildren() {
TreeNode node = fFirstChild;
while (node != null) {
TreeNode next = node.fNextSibling;
node = next;
fFirstChild = null;
final void detachSelf() {
fParent = null;
fNextSibling = null;
void invalidateBranch() {
TreeNode node = this;
while (node != null) {
fInvalid = true;
node = node.getParent();
public final int collapse() {
int res = -getChildrenHeight();
if (fFreeOnCollapse) {
fBuilt = false;
return res;
public final int expand() {
if (!fBuilt) {
return getChildrenHeight();
public final int reload() {
fIsLeaf = fDataModel.isLeaf(fData);
if (fIsLeaf || isCollapsed()) {
return 0;
int oldChildHeight = getChildrenHeight();
return getChildrenHeight() - oldChildHeight;
final void build() {
if (!fIsLeaf) {
Enumeration children = fDataModel.getChildren(fData);
if (children == null) {
Object node = fDataModel.getChild(fData);
while (node != null) {
addChild(new TreeNode(fDataModel, this, node));
node = fDataModel.getNextSibling(node);
} else {
while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
addChild(new TreeNode(fDataModel, this, children.nextElement()));
public final boolean isCollapsed() {
return fDataModel.isCollapsed(buildTreePath(this));
public final boolean isLeaf() {
return fIsLeaf;
public final int getVisibleDepth() {
return fDataModel.showRoot() ? getDepth() : getDepth() - 1;
public final int getDepth() {
if (fDepth < 0) {
if (getParent() != null) {
fDepth = getParent().getDepth() + 1;
} else {
fDepth = 0;
return fDepth;
public final TreeNode getParent() {
return fParent;
public final TreeNode getPrevSibling() {
TreeNode node = (fParent != null) ? fParent.getFirstChild() : fRoot;
while (node != null) {
if (node.fNextSibling == this) {
return node;
node = node.fNextSibling;
return null;
public final TreeNode getNextSibling() {
return fNextSibling;
public final TreeNode getFirstChild() {
return fFirstChild;
public final TreeNode getLastChild() {
TreeNode node = fFirstChild;
while (node != null && node.fNextSibling != null) {
node = node.fNextSibling;
return node;
public final boolean isChildOf(TreeNode aNode) {
TreeNode parent = fParent;
while (parent != null) {
if (parent == aNode) {
return true;
parent = parent.fParent;
return false;
public final Object getData() {
return fData;
public final int getNodeHeight() {
if (fRowHeight != 0) {
return fRowHeight;
if (fNodeHeight == 0) {
Enumeration columns = fColumnModel.getColumns();
while (columns.hasMoreElements()) {
Column column = (Column) columns.nextElement();
CellRenderer renderer = column.getCellRenderer();
fDataModel.getData(fData, column.getID()),
Component component = renderer.getComponent();
Dimension size = component.getPreferredSize();
if (size.height > fNodeHeight) {
fNodeHeight = size.height;
Icon icon = fDataModel.getIcon(fData);
if (icon != null && icon.getIconHeight() > fNodeHeight) {
fNodeHeight = icon.getIconHeight();
// If we're fixed, we can avoid this calculation
if (fFixed) {
fRowHeight = fNodeHeight;
return fNodeHeight;
public final int getChildrenHeight() {
if (fInvalid) {
fChildrenHeight = 0;
TreeNode node = getFirstChild();
while (node != null) {
fChildrenHeight += node.getTotalHeight();
node = node.getNextSibling();
return fChildrenHeight;
public final int getTotalHeight() {
return getNodeHeight() + (isCollapsed() ? 0 : getChildrenHeight());