
115 lines
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Test for Bug 589640</title>
<script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<script class="testbody" type="application/javascript">
function debug(message) {
document.getElementById('debug').appendChild(document.createTextNode(message + "\n"));
function runTests()
var svg = document.getElementById('svg1');
for (var el = 0; el < svg.children.length; el++) {
is(svg.children[el].id, svg.children[el].localName, svg.children[el].localName + " in the SVG namespace has a valid ID");
debug(svg.children[el].localName + '.id = ' + svg.children[el].id);
<body onload="runTests()">
<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 589640</a>
<pre id="debug"></pre>
<!-- NOTE: This test relies on the ids being the same as the element names -->
<svg id="svg1">
<a id="a" />
<animate id="animate" />
<animateColor id="animateColor" />
<animateMotion id="animateMotion" />
<animateTransform id="animateTransform" />
<circle id="circle" />
<clipPath id="clipPath" />
<color-profile id="color-profile" />
<cursor id="cursor" />
<defs id="defs" />
<desc id="desc" />
<ellipse id="ellipse" />
<feBlend id="feBlend" />
<feColorMatrix id="feColorMatrix" />
<feComponentTransfer id="feComponentTransfer" />
<feComposite id="feComposite" />
<feConvolveMatrix id="feConvolveMatrix" />
<feDiffuseLighting id="feDiffuseLighting" />
<feDisplacementMap id="feDisplacementMap" />
<feDistantLight id="feDistantLight" />
<feDropShadow id="feDropShadow" />
<feFlood id="feFlood" />
<feFuncA id="feFuncA" />
<feFuncB id="feFuncB" />
<feFuncG id="feFuncG" />
<feFuncR id="feFuncR" />
<feGaussianBlur id="feGaussianBlur" />
<feImage id="feImage" />
<feMerge id="feMerge" />
<feMergeNode id="feMergeNode" />
<feMorphology id="feMorphology" />
<feOffset id="feOffset" />
<fePointLight id="fePointLight" />
<feSpecularLighting id="feSpecularLighting" />
<feSpotLight id="feSpotLight" />
<feTile id="feTile" />
<feTurbulence id="feTurbulence" />
<filter id="filter" />
<font id="font" />
<font-face id="font-face" />
<font-face-format id="font-face-format" />
<font-face-name id="font-face-name" />
<font-face-src id="font-face-src" />
<font-face-uri id="font-face-uri" />
<foreignObject id="foreignObject" />
<g id="g" />
<glyph id="glyph" />
<glyphRef id="glyphRef" />
<hkern id="hkern" />
<image id="image" />
<line id="line" />
<linearGradient id="linearGradient" />
<marker id="marker" />
<mask id="mask" />
<metadata id="metadata" />
<missing-glyph id="missing-glyph" />
<mpath id="mpath" />
<path id="path" />
<pattern id="pattern" />
<polygon id="polygon" />
<polyline id="polyline" />
<radialGradient id="radialGradient" />
<rect id="rect" />
<script id="script" />
<set id="set" />
<stop id="stop" />
<style id="style" />
<svg id="svg" />
<switch id="switch" />
<symbol id="symbol" />
<text id="text" />
<textPath id="textPath" />
<title id="title" />
<tref id="tref" />
<tspan id="tspan" />
<use id="use" />
<view id="view" />
<vkern id="vkern" />