Lars T Hansen 1ccda3f5bc Bug 1427130 - Add guard to SAB structured clone. r=jorendorff
This demotes a MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT in the SAB case for SC write to a
run-time check.  The reason is that the clone policy must conform to
the clone scope, specifically, if the scope is DifferentProcess then
the policy must deny SAB.

The check was an assert previously because we mistakenly thought that
we controlled all the callers, but we do not - the TestingFunction
serialize() has a permissive API and instead of adding a lot of
complexity there we should change the assert to a run-time check.  The
code is more resilient as a result anyway.

Also document this quirk in the SC header file.

extra : rebase_source : 4b632fe57bc9ebf3f38210b1ffad11fde57befa6
2018-01-15 11:31:35 +01:00

402 lines
15 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef js_StructuredClone_h
#define js_StructuredClone_h
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/BufferList.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "jstypes.h"
#include "js/RootingAPI.h"
#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
#include "js/Value.h"
#include "js/Vector.h"
struct JSRuntime;
struct JSStructuredCloneReader;
struct JSStructuredCloneWriter;
// API for the HTML5 internal structured cloning algorithm.
namespace JS {
enum class StructuredCloneScope : uint32_t {
enum TransferableOwnership {
/** Transferable data has not been filled in yet */
/** Structured clone buffer does not yet own the data */
/** All values at least this large are owned by the clone buffer */
/** Data is a pointer that can be freed */
/** Data is a memory mapped pointer */
* Data is embedding-specific. The engine can free it by calling the
* freeTransfer op. The embedding can also use SCTAG_TMO_USER_MIN and
* greater, up to 32 bits, to distinguish specific ownership variants.
class CloneDataPolicy
bool sharedArrayBuffer_;
// The default is to allow all policy-controlled aspects.
CloneDataPolicy() :
// In the JS engine, SharedArrayBuffers can only be cloned intra-process
// because the shared memory areas are allocated in process-private memory.
// Clients should therefore deny SharedArrayBuffers when cloning data that
// are to be transmitted inter-process.
// Clients should also deny SharedArrayBuffers when cloning data that are to
// be transmitted intra-process if policy needs dictate such denial.
CloneDataPolicy& denySharedArrayBuffer() {
sharedArrayBuffer_ = false;
return *this;
bool isSharedArrayBufferAllowed() const {
return sharedArrayBuffer_;
} /* namespace JS */
* Read structured data from the reader r. This hook is used to read a value
* previously serialized by a call to the WriteStructuredCloneOp hook.
* tag and data are the pair of uint32_t values from the header. The callback
* may use the JS_Read* APIs to read any other relevant parts of the object
* from the reader r. closure is any value passed to the JS_ReadStructuredClone
* function. Return the new object on success, nullptr on error/exception.
typedef JSObject* (*ReadStructuredCloneOp)(JSContext* cx, JSStructuredCloneReader* r,
uint32_t tag, uint32_t data, void* closure);
* Structured data serialization hook. The engine can write primitive values,
* Objects, Arrays, Dates, RegExps, TypedArrays, ArrayBuffers, Sets, Maps,
* and SharedTypedArrays. Any other type of object requires application support.
* This callback must first use the JS_WriteUint32Pair API to write an object
* header, passing a value greater than JS_SCTAG_USER to the tag parameter.
* Then it can use the JS_Write* APIs to write any other relevant parts of
* the value v to the writer w. closure is any value passed to the
* JS_WriteStructuredClone function.
* Return true on success, false on error/exception.
typedef bool (*WriteStructuredCloneOp)(JSContext* cx, JSStructuredCloneWriter* w,
JS::HandleObject obj, void* closure);
* This is called when JS_WriteStructuredClone is given an invalid transferable.
* To follow HTML5, the application must throw a DATA_CLONE_ERR DOMException
* with error set to one of the JS_SCERR_* values.
typedef void (*StructuredCloneErrorOp)(JSContext* cx, uint32_t errorid);
* This is called when JS_ReadStructuredClone receives a transferable object
* not known to the engine. If this hook does not exist or returns false, the
* JS engine calls the reportError op if set, otherwise it throws a
* DATA_CLONE_ERR DOM Exception. This method is called before any other
* callback and must return a non-null object in returnObject on success.
typedef bool (*ReadTransferStructuredCloneOp)(JSContext* cx, JSStructuredCloneReader* r,
uint32_t tag, void* content, uint64_t extraData,
void* closure,
JS::MutableHandleObject returnObject);
* Called when JS_WriteStructuredClone receives a transferable object not
* handled by the engine. If this hook does not exist or returns false, the JS
* engine will call the reportError hook or fall back to throwing a
* DATA_CLONE_ERR DOM Exception. This method is called before any other
* callback.
* tag: indicates what type of transferable this is. Must be greater than
* 0xFFFF0201 (value of the internal SCTAG_TRANSFER_MAP_PENDING_ENTRY)
* ownership: see TransferableOwnership, above. Used to communicate any needed
* ownership info to the FreeTransferStructuredCloneOp.
* content, extraData: what the ReadTransferStructuredCloneOp will receive
typedef bool (*TransferStructuredCloneOp)(JSContext* cx,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj,
void* closure,
// Output:
uint32_t* tag,
JS::TransferableOwnership* ownership,
void** content,
uint64_t* extraData);
* Called when freeing an unknown transferable object. Note that it
* should never trigger a garbage collection (and will assert in a
* debug build if it does.)
typedef void (*FreeTransferStructuredCloneOp)(uint32_t tag, JS::TransferableOwnership ownership,
void* content, uint64_t extraData, void* closure);
// The maximum supported structured-clone serialization format version.
// Increment this when anything at all changes in the serialization format.
// (Note that this does not need to be bumped for Transferable-only changes,
// since they are never saved to persistent storage.)
struct JSStructuredCloneCallbacks {
ReadStructuredCloneOp read;
WriteStructuredCloneOp write;
StructuredCloneErrorOp reportError;
ReadTransferStructuredCloneOp readTransfer;
TransferStructuredCloneOp writeTransfer;
FreeTransferStructuredCloneOp freeTransfer;
enum OwnTransferablePolicy {
namespace js
class SharedArrayRawBuffer;
class SharedArrayRawBufferRefs
SharedArrayRawBufferRefs() = default;
SharedArrayRawBufferRefs(SharedArrayRawBufferRefs&& other) = default;
SharedArrayRawBufferRefs& operator=(SharedArrayRawBufferRefs&& other);
MOZ_MUST_USE bool acquire(JSContext* cx, SharedArrayRawBuffer* rawbuf);
MOZ_MUST_USE bool acquireAll(JSContext* cx, const SharedArrayRawBufferRefs& that);
void takeOwnership(SharedArrayRawBufferRefs&&);
void releaseAll();
js::Vector<js::SharedArrayRawBuffer*, 0, js::SystemAllocPolicy> refs_;
public mozilla::BufferList<js::SystemAllocPolicy>
typedef js::SystemAllocPolicy AllocPolicy;
typedef mozilla::BufferList<js::SystemAllocPolicy> BufferList;
static const size_t kInitialSize = 0;
static const size_t kInitialCapacity = 4096;
static const size_t kStandardCapacity = 4096;
const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* callbacks_ = nullptr;
void* closure_ = nullptr;
OwnTransferablePolicy ownTransferables_ = OwnTransferablePolicy::NoTransferables;
js::SharedArrayRawBufferRefs refsHeld_;
void setOptionalCallbacks(const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* callbacks,
void* closure,
OwnTransferablePolicy policy) {
callbacks_ = callbacks;
closure_ = closure;
ownTransferables_ = policy;
friend struct JSStructuredCloneWriter;
friend class JS_PUBLIC_API(JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer);
explicit JSStructuredCloneData(AllocPolicy aAP = AllocPolicy())
: BufferList(kInitialSize, kInitialCapacity, kStandardCapacity, aAP)
, callbacks_(nullptr)
, closure_(nullptr)
, ownTransferables_(OwnTransferablePolicy::NoTransferables)
MOZ_IMPLICIT JSStructuredCloneData(BufferList&& buffers)
: BufferList(Move(buffers))
, callbacks_(nullptr)
, closure_(nullptr)
, ownTransferables_(OwnTransferablePolicy::NoTransferables)
JSStructuredCloneData(JSStructuredCloneData&& other) = default;
JSStructuredCloneData& operator=(JSStructuredCloneData&& other) = default;
using BufferList::BufferList;
/** Note: if the *data contains transferable objects, it can be read only once. */
JS_ReadStructuredClone(JSContext* cx, JSStructuredCloneData& data, uint32_t version,
JS::StructuredCloneScope scope,
JS::MutableHandleValue vp,
const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* optionalCallbacks, void* closure);
* Note: If the scope is DifferentProcess then the cloneDataPolicy must deny
* shared-memory objects, or an error will be signaled if a shared memory object
* is seen.
JS_WriteStructuredClone(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleValue v, JSStructuredCloneData* data,
JS::StructuredCloneScope scope,
JS::CloneDataPolicy cloneDataPolicy,
const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* optionalCallbacks,
void* closure, JS::HandleValue transferable);
JS_StructuredCloneHasTransferables(JSStructuredCloneData& data, bool* hasTransferable);
JS_StructuredClone(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleValue v, JS::MutableHandleValue vp,
const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* optionalCallbacks, void* closure);
/** RAII sugar for JS_WriteStructuredClone. */
class JS_PUBLIC_API(JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer) {
const JS::StructuredCloneScope scope_;
JSStructuredCloneData data_;
uint32_t version_;
JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer(JS::StructuredCloneScope scope,
const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* callbacks, void* closure)
: scope_(scope), version_(JS_STRUCTURED_CLONE_VERSION)
data_.setOptionalCallbacks(callbacks, closure, OwnTransferablePolicy::NoTransferables);
JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer(JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer&& other);
JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer& operator=(JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer&& other);
~JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer() { clear(); }
JSStructuredCloneData& data() { return data_; }
bool empty() const { return !data_.Size(); }
void clear(const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* optionalCallbacks=nullptr, void* closure=nullptr);
/** Copy some memory. It will be automatically freed by the destructor. */
bool copy(JSContext* cx, const JSStructuredCloneData& data,
const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* callbacks=nullptr, void* closure=nullptr);
* Adopt some memory. It will be automatically freed by the destructor.
* data must have been allocated by the JS engine (e.g., extracted via
* JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer::steal).
void adopt(JSStructuredCloneData&& data, uint32_t version=JS_STRUCTURED_CLONE_VERSION,
const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* callbacks=nullptr, void* closure=nullptr);
* Release the buffer and transfer ownership to the caller.
void steal(JSStructuredCloneData* data, uint32_t* versionp=nullptr,
const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks** callbacks=nullptr, void** closure=nullptr);
* Abandon ownership of any transferable objects stored in the buffer,
* without freeing the buffer itself. Useful when copying the data out into
* an external container, though note that you will need to use adopt() to
* properly release that data eventually.
void abandon() { data_.ownTransferables_ = OwnTransferablePolicy::IgnoreTransferablesIfAny; }
bool read(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandleValue vp,
const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* optionalCallbacks=nullptr, void* closure=nullptr);
bool write(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleValue v,
const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* optionalCallbacks=nullptr, void* closure=nullptr);
bool write(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleValue v, JS::HandleValue transferable,
JS::CloneDataPolicy cloneDataPolicy,
const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* optionalCallbacks=nullptr, void* closure=nullptr);
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf)
return data_.SizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
size_t sizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf)
return mallocSizeOf(this) + sizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
// Copy and assignment are not supported.
JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer(const JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer& other) = delete;
JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer& operator=(const JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer& other) = delete;
// The range of tag values the application may use for its own custom object types.
#define JS_SCTAG_USER_MIN ((uint32_t) 0xFFFF8000)
#define JS_SCTAG_USER_MAX ((uint32_t) 0xFFFFFFFF)
JS_ReadUint32Pair(JSStructuredCloneReader* r, uint32_t* p1, uint32_t* p2);
JS_ReadBytes(JSStructuredCloneReader* r, void* p, size_t len);
JS_ReadTypedArray(JSStructuredCloneReader* r, JS::MutableHandleValue vp);
JS_WriteUint32Pair(JSStructuredCloneWriter* w, uint32_t tag, uint32_t data);
JS_WriteBytes(JSStructuredCloneWriter* w, const void* p, size_t len);
JS_WriteString(JSStructuredCloneWriter* w, JS::HandleString str);
JS_WriteTypedArray(JSStructuredCloneWriter* w, JS::HandleValue v);
JS_ObjectNotWritten(JSStructuredCloneWriter* w, JS::HandleObject obj);
JS_GetStructuredCloneScope(JSStructuredCloneWriter* w);
#endif /* js_StructuredClone_h */