Luca Greco e0845722c3 Bug 1706594 - Add nsICancelable out param to nsBaseChannel::BeginAsyncRead virtual method. r=nika,necko-reviewers,valentin
This patch introduces:

- a second nsICancelable out param in nsBaseChannel::BeginAsyncRead, which is meant to be non-null
  when the subclass is unable to set the nsIRequest out param right away (e.g because there is
  some async work needed before the subclass is able to get an nsIRequest instance).
  The nsICancelable does only allow the channel to cancel the underlying request (and stream pump),
  but it doesn't allow the channel to be suspended and resumed, but that was already the case
  for the subclasses that were already not returning an nsIRequest instance (e.g. like the
  ExtensionProtocolHandler was doing when it is asynchrously retriving a stream from the parent

- require NotNull<nsCOMPtr<...>> in the SimpleChannel's BeginAsyncRead callback signature, to make harder
  to overlook the requirement of returning an nsIRequest or nsICancelable.

- a diagnostic assertion (from SimpleChannel's BeginAsyncRead method) to more visible fail if we still end
  up with neither an nsIRequest or nsICancelable result as SimpleChannel callback result.

- changes to ExtensionProtocolHandler, PageThumbProtocolHandler and nsAnnoProtocolHandler to adapt them
  to the new nsBaseChannel::BeginAsyncRead signature.

Differential Revision:
2021-10-11 11:06:47 +00:00

153 lines
5.2 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef SimpleChannel_h
#define SimpleChannel_h
#include "mozilla/ResultExtensions.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "nsBaseChannel.h"
#include "nsIChildChannel.h"
#include "mozilla/net/PSimpleChannelChild.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
class nsIChannel;
class nsIInputStream;
class nsILoadInfo;
class nsIRequest;
class nsIStreamListener;
class nsIURI;
namespace mozilla {
using InputStreamOrReason = Result<nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream>, nsresult>;
using NotNullRequest = NotNull<nsCOMPtr<nsIRequest>>;
using NotNullCancelable = NotNull<nsCOMPtr<nsICancelable>>;
using RequestOrCancelable = Variant<NotNullRequest, NotNullCancelable>;
using RequestOrReason = Result<RequestOrCancelable, nsresult>;
namespace net {
class SimpleChannelCallbacks {
virtual InputStreamOrReason OpenContentStream(bool async,
nsIChannel* channel) = 0;
virtual RequestOrReason StartAsyncRead(nsIStreamListener* stream,
nsIChannel* channel) = 0;
virtual ~SimpleChannelCallbacks() = default;
template <typename F1, typename F2, typename T>
class SimpleChannelCallbacksImpl final : public SimpleChannelCallbacks {
SimpleChannelCallbacksImpl(F1&& aStartAsyncRead, F2&& aOpenContentStream,
T* context)
: mStartAsyncRead(aStartAsyncRead),
mContext(context) {}
virtual ~SimpleChannelCallbacksImpl() = default;
virtual InputStreamOrReason OpenContentStream(bool async,
nsIChannel* channel) override {
return mOpenContentStream(async, channel, mContext);
virtual RequestOrReason StartAsyncRead(nsIStreamListener* listener,
nsIChannel* channel) override {
return mStartAsyncRead(listener, channel, mContext);
F1 mStartAsyncRead;
F2 mOpenContentStream;
RefPtr<T> mContext;
class SimpleChannel : public nsBaseChannel {
explicit SimpleChannel(UniquePtr<SimpleChannelCallbacks>&& aCallbacks);
virtual ~SimpleChannel() = default;
virtual nsresult OpenContentStream(bool async, nsIInputStream** streamOut,
nsIChannel** channel) override;
virtual nsresult BeginAsyncRead(nsIStreamListener* listener,
nsIRequest** request,
nsICancelable** cancelableRequest) override;
UniquePtr<SimpleChannelCallbacks> mCallbacks;
class SimpleChannelChild final : public SimpleChannel,
public nsIChildChannel,
public PSimpleChannelChild {
explicit SimpleChannelChild(UniquePtr<SimpleChannelCallbacks>&& aCallbacks);
virtual ~SimpleChannelChild() = default;
already_AddRefed<nsIChannel> NS_NewSimpleChannelInternal(
nsIURI* aURI, nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo,
UniquePtr<SimpleChannelCallbacks>&& aCallbacks);
} // namespace net
} // namespace mozilla
* Creates a simple channel which wraps an input stream created by the given
* callbacks. The callbacks are not called until the underlying AsyncOpen or
* Open methods are called, and correspond to the nsBaseChannel::StartAsyncRead
* and nsBaseChannel::OpenContentStream methods of the same names.
* The last two arguments of each callback are the created channel instance,
* and the ref-counted context object passed to NS_NewSimpleChannel. A strong
* reference to that object is guaranteed to be kept alive until after a
* callback successfully completes.
template <typename T, typename F1, typename F2>
inline already_AddRefed<nsIChannel> NS_NewSimpleChannel(
nsIURI* aURI, nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo, T* context, F1&& aStartAsyncRead,
F2&& aOpenContentStream) {
using namespace mozilla;
auto callbacks = MakeUnique<net::SimpleChannelCallbacksImpl<F1, F2, T>>(
std::forward<F1>(aStartAsyncRead), std::forward<F2>(aOpenContentStream),
return net::NS_NewSimpleChannelInternal(aURI, aLoadInfo,
template <typename T, typename F1>
inline already_AddRefed<nsIChannel> NS_NewSimpleChannel(nsIURI* aURI,
nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo,
T* context,
F1&& aStartAsyncRead) {
using namespace mozilla;
auto openContentStream = [](bool async, nsIChannel* channel, T* context) {
return NS_NewSimpleChannel(aURI, aLoadInfo, context,
#endif // SimpleChannel_h