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synced 2025-03-04 07:40:42 +00:00

This also cleans up some of the unnecessary flags & memebrs which were held during the changes in bug 1818998. mSelf was unncessary as the runnable reference will be keeping the instance alive for the same lifetime, and mSocketThreadShutDown was redundant with !mInitialized. This change will also fix a potential issue where the socket thread was not being shut down when switching the browser into an offline state from `profile-change-net-teardown`, which could've lead to thread leaks when the browser is returned to an online state. The restore codepath, however, has been dead for a long time so this is unlikely to be a real issue in practice. Depends on D178867 Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D178868
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362 lines
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/* vim:set ts=4 sw=2 sts=2 ci et: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#ifndef nsSocketTransportService2_h__
#define nsSocketTransportService2_h__
#include "PollableEvent.h"
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/LinkedList.h"
#include "mozilla/Logging.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/Mutex.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/net/DashboardTypes.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsASocketHandler.h"
#include "nsIDirectTaskDispatcher.h"
#include "nsIObserver.h"
#include "nsIRunnable.h"
#include "nsIThreadInternal.h"
#include "nsITimer.h"
#include "nsPISocketTransportService.h"
#include "prinit.h"
#include "prinrval.h"
struct PRPollDesc;
class nsIPrefBranch;
namespace mozilla {
namespace net {
// set MOZ_LOG=nsSocketTransport:5
extern LazyLogModule gSocketTransportLog;
#define SOCKET_LOG(args) MOZ_LOG(gSocketTransportLog, LogLevel::Debug, args)
#define SOCKET_LOG1(args) MOZ_LOG(gSocketTransportLog, LogLevel::Error, args)
#define SOCKET_LOG_ENABLED() MOZ_LOG_TEST(gSocketTransportLog, LogLevel::Debug)
// set MOZ_LOG=UDPSocket:5
extern LazyLogModule gUDPSocketLog;
#define UDPSOCKET_LOG(args) MOZ_LOG(gUDPSocketLog, LogLevel::Debug, args)
#define UDPSOCKET_LOG_ENABLED() MOZ_LOG_TEST(gUDPSocketLog, LogLevel::Debug)
// These maximums are borrowed from the linux kernel.
static const int32_t kMaxTCPKeepIdle = 32767; // ~9 hours.
static const int32_t kMaxTCPKeepIntvl = 32767;
static const int32_t kMaxTCPKeepCount = 127;
static const int32_t kDefaultTCPKeepCount =
#if defined(XP_WIN)
10; // Hardcoded in Windows.
#elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
8; // Hardcoded in OSX.
4; // Specifiable in Linux.
class LinkedRunnableEvent final
: public LinkedListElement<LinkedRunnableEvent> {
explicit LinkedRunnableEvent(nsIRunnable* event) : mEvent(event) {}
~LinkedRunnableEvent() = default;
already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable> TakeEvent() { return mEvent.forget(); }
nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> mEvent;
class nsSocketTransportService final : public nsPISocketTransportService,
public nsISerialEventTarget,
public nsIThreadObserver,
public nsIRunnable,
public nsIObserver,
public nsINamed,
public nsIDirectTaskDispatcher {
static const uint32_t SOCKET_LIMIT_MIN = 50U;
// Max Socket count may need to get initialized/used by nsHttpHandler
// before this class is initialized.
static uint32_t gMaxCount;
static PRCallOnceType gMaxCountInitOnce;
static PRStatus DiscoverMaxCount();
bool CanAttachSocket();
// Called by the networking dashboard on the socket thread only
// Fills the passed array with socket information
void GetSocketConnections(nsTArray<SocketInfo>*);
uint64_t GetSentBytes() { return mSentBytesCount; }
uint64_t GetReceivedBytes() { return mReceivedBytesCount; }
// Returns true if keepalives are enabled in prefs.
bool IsKeepaliveEnabled() { return mKeepaliveEnabledPref; }
bool IsTelemetryEnabledAndNotSleepPhase();
PRIntervalTime MaxTimeForPrClosePref() { return mMaxTimeForPrClosePref; }
// According the preference value of `network.socket.forcePort` this method
// possibly remaps the port number passed as the arg.
void ApplyPortRemap(uint16_t* aPort);
// Reads the preference string and updates (rewrites) the mPortRemapping
// array on the socket thread. Returns true if the whole pref string was
// correctly formed.
bool UpdatePortRemapPreference(nsACString const& aPortMappingPref);
virtual ~nsSocketTransportService();
// misc (any thread)
// The value is guaranteed to be valid and not dangling while on the socket
// thread as mThread is only ever reset after it's been shutdown.
// This member should only ever be read on the socket thread.
nsIThread* mRawThread{nullptr};
// Returns mThread in a thread-safe manner.
already_AddRefed<nsIThread> GetThreadSafely();
// Same as above, but return mThread as a nsIDirectTaskDispatcher
already_AddRefed<nsIDirectTaskDispatcher> GetDirectTaskDispatcherSafely();
// initialization and shutdown (any thread)
Atomic<bool> mInitialized{false};
// indicates whether we are currently in the process of shutting down
Atomic<bool> mShuttingDown{false};
Mutex mLock{"nsSocketTransportService::mLock"};
// Variables in the next section protected by mLock
// mThread and mDirectTaskDispatcher are only ever modified on the main
// thread. Will be set on Init and set to null after shutdown. You must access
// mThread and mDirectTaskDispatcher outside the main thread via respectively
// GetThreadSafely and GetDirectTaskDispatchedSafely().
nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> mThread MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mLock);
// We store a pointer to mThread as a direct task dispatcher to avoid having
// to do do_QueryInterface whenever we need to access the interface.
nsCOMPtr<nsIDirectTaskDispatcher> mDirectTaskDispatcher MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mLock);
UniquePtr<PollableEvent> mPollableEvent MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mLock);
bool mOffline MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mLock) = false;
bool mGoingOffline MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mLock) = false;
// Detaches all sockets.
void Reset(bool aGuardLocals);
nsresult ShutdownThread();
// socket lists (socket thread only)
// only "active" sockets are on the poll list. the active list is kept
// in sync with the poll list such that:
// mActiveList[k].mFD == mPollList[k+1].fd
// where k=0,1,2,...
class SocketContext {
SocketContext(PRFileDesc* aFD,
already_AddRefed<nsASocketHandler>&& aHandler,
PRIntervalTime aPollStartEpoch)
: mFD(aFD), mHandler(aHandler), mPollStartEpoch(aPollStartEpoch) {}
SocketContext(PRFileDesc* aFD, nsASocketHandler* aHandler,
PRIntervalTime aPollStartEpoch)
: mFD(aFD), mHandler(aHandler), mPollStartEpoch(aPollStartEpoch) {}
~SocketContext() = default;
// Returns true iff the socket has not been signalled longer than
// the desired timeout (mHandler->mPollTimeout).
bool IsTimedOut(PRIntervalTime now) const;
// Engages the timeout by marking the epoch we start polling this socket.
// If epoch is already marked this does nothing, hence, this method can be
// called everytime we put this socket to poll() list with in-flags set.
void EnsureTimeout(PRIntervalTime now);
// Called after an event on a socket has been signalled to turn of the
// timeout calculation.
void DisengageTimeout();
// Returns the number of intervals this socket is about to timeout in,
// or 0 (zero) when it has already timed out. Returns
// NS_SOCKET_POLL_TIMEOUT when there is no timeout set on the socket.
PRIntervalTime TimeoutIn(PRIntervalTime now) const;
// When a socket timeout is reset and later set again, it may happen
// that mPollStartEpoch is not reset in between. We have to manually
// call this on every iteration over sockets to ensure the epoch reset.
void MaybeResetEpoch();
PRFileDesc* mFD;
RefPtr<nsASocketHandler> mHandler;
PRIntervalTime mPollStartEpoch; // time we started to poll this socket
using SocketContextList = AutoTArray<SocketContext, SOCKET_LIMIT_MIN>;
int64_t SockIndex(SocketContextList& aList, SocketContext* aSock);
SocketContextList mActiveList;
SocketContextList mIdleList;
nsresult DetachSocket(SocketContextList& listHead, SocketContext*);
void AddToIdleList(SocketContext* sock);
void AddToPollList(SocketContext* sock);
void RemoveFromIdleList(SocketContext* sock);
void RemoveFromPollList(SocketContext* sock);
void MoveToIdleList(SocketContext* sock);
void MoveToPollList(SocketContext* sock);
void InitMaxCount();
// Total bytes number transfered through all the sockets except active ones
uint64_t mSentBytesCount{0};
uint64_t mReceivedBytesCount{0};
// poll list (socket thread only)
// first element of the poll list is mPollableEvent (or null if the pollable
// event cannot be created).
nsTArray<PRPollDesc> mPollList;
PRIntervalTime PollTimeout(
PRIntervalTime now); // computes ideal poll timeout
nsresult DoPollIteration(TimeDuration* pollDuration);
// perfoms a single poll iteration
int32_t Poll(TimeDuration* pollDuration, PRIntervalTime ts);
// calls PR_Poll. the out param
// interval indicates the poll
// duration in seconds.
// pollDuration is used only for
// telemetry
// pending socket queue - see NotifyWhenCanAttachSocket
AutoCleanLinkedList<LinkedRunnableEvent> mPendingSocketQueue;
// Preference Monitor for SendBufferSize and Keepalive prefs.
nsresult UpdatePrefs();
static void UpdatePrefs(const char* aPref, void* aSelf);
void UpdateSendBufferPref();
int32_t mSendBufferSize{0};
// Number of seconds of connection is idle before first keepalive ping.
int32_t mKeepaliveIdleTimeS{600};
// Number of seconds between retries should keepalive pings fail.
int32_t mKeepaliveRetryIntervalS{1};
// Number of keepalive probes to send.
int32_t mKeepaliveProbeCount{kDefaultTCPKeepCount};
// True if TCP keepalive is enabled globally.
bool mKeepaliveEnabledPref{false};
// Timeout of pollable event signalling.
TimeDuration mPollableEventTimeout MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mLock);
Atomic<bool> mServingPendingQueue{false};
Atomic<int32_t, Relaxed> mMaxTimePerPollIter{100};
Atomic<PRIntervalTime, Relaxed> mMaxTimeForPrClosePref;
// Timestamp of the last network link change event, tracked
// also on child processes.
Atomic<PRIntervalTime, Relaxed> mLastNetworkLinkChangeTime{0};
// Preference for how long we do busy wait after network link
// change has been detected.
Atomic<PRIntervalTime, Relaxed> mNetworkLinkChangeBusyWaitPeriod;
// Preference for the value of timeout for poll() we use during
// the network link change event period.
Atomic<PRIntervalTime, Relaxed> mNetworkLinkChangeBusyWaitTimeout;
// Between a computer going to sleep and waking up the PR_*** telemetry
// will be corrupted - so do not record it.
Atomic<bool, Relaxed> mSleepPhase{false};
nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mAfterWakeUpTimer;
// Lazily created array of forced port remappings. The tuple members meaning
// is exactly:
// <0> the greater-or-equal port number of the range to remap
// <1> the less-or-equal port number of the range to remap
// <2> the port number to remap to, when the given port number falls to the
// range
using TPortRemapping =
CopyableTArray<std::tuple<uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t>>;
Maybe<TPortRemapping> mPortRemapping;
// Called on the socket thread to apply the mapping build on the main thread
// from the preference.
void ApplyPortRemapPreference(TPortRemapping const& portRemapping);
void OnKeepaliveEnabledPrefChange();
void NotifyKeepaliveEnabledPrefChange(SocketContext* sock);
// Socket thread only for dynamically adjusting max socket size
#if defined(XP_WIN)
void ProbeMaxCount();
bool mProbedMaxCount{false};
// Report socket status to about:networking
void AnalyzeConnection(nsTArray<SocketInfo>* data, SocketContext* context,
bool aActive);
void ClosePrivateConnections();
void DetachSocketWithGuard(bool aGuardLocals, SocketContextList& socketList,
int32_t index);
void MarkTheLastElementOfPendingQueue();
#if defined(XP_WIN)
Atomic<bool> mPolling{false};
nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mPollRepairTimer;
void StartPollWatchdog();
void DoPollRepair();
void StartPolling();
void EndPolling();
void TryRepairPollableEvent();
CopyableTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsISTSShutdownObserver>> mShutdownObservers;
extern nsSocketTransportService* gSocketTransportService;
bool OnSocketThread();
} // namespace net
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // !nsSocketTransportService_h__