
284 lines
11 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "CertVerifier.h"
#include "OCSPCache.h"
#include "nss.h"
#include "prerr.h"
#include "prprf.h"
#include "secerr.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
const int MaxCacheEntries = 1024;
class OCSPCacheTest : public ::testing::Test
static void SetUpTestCase()
mozilla::psm::OCSPCache cache;
// Makes a fake certificate with just the fields we need for testing here.
// (And those values are almost entirely bogus.)
// stackCert should be stack-allocated memory.
static void
MakeFakeCert(CERTCertificate* stackCert, const char* subjectValue,
const char* issuerValue, const char* serialNumberValue,
const char* publicKeyValue)
stackCert-> = (unsigned char*)subjectValue;
stackCert->derSubject.len = strlen(subjectValue);
stackCert-> = (unsigned char*)issuerValue;
stackCert->derIssuer.len = strlen(issuerValue);
stackCert-> = (unsigned char*)serialNumberValue;
stackCert->serialNumber.len = strlen(serialNumberValue);
stackCert-> = (unsigned char*)publicKeyValue;
stackCert->derPublicKey.len = strlen(publicKeyValue);
CERTName *subject = CERT_AsciiToName(subjectValue); // TODO: this will leak...
stackCert->subject.arena = subject->arena;
stackCert->subject.rdns = subject->rdns;
static void
PutAndGet(mozilla::psm::OCSPCache& cache, CERTCertificate* subject,
CERTCertificate* issuer,
PRErrorCode error, PRTime time)
// The first time is thisUpdate. The second is validUntil.
// The caller is expecting the validUntil returned with Get
// to be equal to the passed-in time. Since these values will
// be different in practice, make thisUpdate less than validUntil.
ASSERT_TRUE(time >= 10);
SECStatus rv = cache.Put(subject, issuer, error, time - 10, time);
ASSERT_TRUE(rv == SECSuccess);
PRErrorCode errorOut;
PRTime timeOut;
ASSERT_TRUE(cache.Get(subject, issuer, errorOut, timeOut));
ASSERT_TRUE(error == errorOut && time == timeOut);
TEST_F(OCSPCacheTest, TestPutAndGet)
CERTCertificate subject;
MakeFakeCert(&subject, "CN=subject1", "CN=issuer1", "001", "key001");
CERTCertificate issuer;
MakeFakeCert(&issuer, "CN=issuer1", "CN=issuer1", "000", "key000");
PutAndGet(cache, &subject, &issuer, 0, PR_Now());
PRErrorCode errorOut;
PRTime timeOut;
ASSERT_FALSE(cache.Get(&issuer, &issuer, errorOut, timeOut));
TEST_F(OCSPCacheTest, TestVariousGets)
CERTCertificate issuer;
MakeFakeCert(&issuer, "CN=issuer1", "CN=issuer1", "000", "key000");
PRTime timeIn = PR_Now();
for (int i = 0; i < MaxCacheEntries; i++) {
CERTCertificate subject;
char subjectBuf[64];
PR_snprintf(subjectBuf, sizeof(subjectBuf), "CN=subject%04d", i);
char serialBuf[8];
PR_snprintf(serialBuf, sizeof(serialBuf), "%04d", i);
MakeFakeCert(&subject, subjectBuf, "CN=issuer1", serialBuf, "key000");
PutAndGet(cache, &subject, &issuer, 0, timeIn + i);
CERTCertificate subject;
// This will be at the end of the list in the cache
PRErrorCode errorOut;
PRTime timeOut;
MakeFakeCert(&subject, "CN=subject0000", "CN=issuer1", "0000", "key000");
ASSERT_TRUE(cache.Get(&subject, &issuer, errorOut, timeOut));
ASSERT_TRUE(errorOut == 0 && timeOut == timeIn);
// Once we access it, it goes to the front
ASSERT_TRUE(cache.Get(&subject, &issuer, errorOut, timeOut));
ASSERT_TRUE(errorOut == 0 && timeOut == timeIn);
MakeFakeCert(&subject, "CN=subject0512", "CN=issuer1", "0512", "key000");
// This will be in the middle
ASSERT_TRUE(cache.Get(&subject, &issuer, errorOut, timeOut));
ASSERT_TRUE(errorOut == 0 && timeOut == timeIn + 512);
ASSERT_TRUE(cache.Get(&subject, &issuer, errorOut, timeOut));
ASSERT_TRUE(errorOut == 0 && timeOut == timeIn + 512);
// We've never seen this certificate
MakeFakeCert(&subject, "CN=subject1111", "CN=issuer1", "1111", "key000");
ASSERT_FALSE(cache.Get(&subject, &issuer, errorOut, timeOut));
TEST_F(OCSPCacheTest, TestEviction)
CERTCertificate issuer;
PRTime timeIn = PR_Now();
MakeFakeCert(&issuer, "CN=issuer1", "CN=issuer1", "000", "key000");
// By putting more distinct entries in the cache than it can hold,
// we cause the least recently used entry to be evicted.
for (int i = 0; i < MaxCacheEntries + 1; i++) {
CERTCertificate subject;
char subjectBuf[64];
PR_snprintf(subjectBuf, sizeof(subjectBuf), "CN=subject%04d", i);
char serialBuf[8];
PR_snprintf(serialBuf, sizeof(serialBuf), "%04d", i);
MakeFakeCert(&subject, subjectBuf, "CN=issuer1", serialBuf, "key000");
PutAndGet(cache, &subject, &issuer, 0, timeIn + i);
CERTCertificate evictedSubject;
MakeFakeCert(&evictedSubject, "CN=subject0000", "CN=issuer1", "0000", "key000");
PRErrorCode errorOut;
PRTime timeOut;
ASSERT_FALSE(cache.Get(&evictedSubject, &issuer, errorOut, timeOut));
TEST_F(OCSPCacheTest, TestNoEvictionForRevokedResponses)
CERTCertificate issuer;
MakeFakeCert(&issuer, "CN=issuer1", "CN=issuer1", "000", "key000");
CERTCertificate notEvictedSubject;
MakeFakeCert(&notEvictedSubject, "CN=subject0000", "CN=issuer1", "0000", "key000");
PRTime timeIn = PR_Now();
PutAndGet(cache, &notEvictedSubject, &issuer, SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE, timeIn);
// By putting more distinct entries in the cache than it can hold,
// we cause the least recently used entry that isn't revoked to be evicted.
for (int i = 1; i < MaxCacheEntries + 1; i++) {
CERTCertificate subject;
char subjectBuf[64];
PR_snprintf(subjectBuf, sizeof(subjectBuf), "CN=subject%04d", i);
char serialBuf[8];
PR_snprintf(serialBuf, sizeof(serialBuf), "%04d", i);
MakeFakeCert(&subject, subjectBuf, "CN=issuer1", serialBuf, "key000");
PutAndGet(cache, &subject, &issuer, 0, timeIn + i);
PRErrorCode errorOut;
PRTime timeOut;
ASSERT_TRUE(cache.Get(&notEvictedSubject, &issuer, errorOut, timeOut));
CERTCertificate evictedSubject;
MakeFakeCert(&evictedSubject, "CN=subject0001", "CN=issuer1", "0001", "key000");
ASSERT_FALSE(cache.Get(&evictedSubject, &issuer, errorOut, timeOut));
TEST_F(OCSPCacheTest, TestEverythingIsRevoked)
CERTCertificate issuer;
MakeFakeCert(&issuer, "CN=issuer1", "CN=issuer1", "000", "key000");
PRTime timeIn = PR_Now();
// Fill up the cache with revoked responses.
for (int i = 0; i < MaxCacheEntries; i++) {
CERTCertificate subject;
char subjectBuf[64];
PR_snprintf(subjectBuf, sizeof(subjectBuf), "CN=subject%04d", i);
char serialBuf[8];
PR_snprintf(serialBuf, sizeof(serialBuf), "%04d", i);
MakeFakeCert(&subject, subjectBuf, "CN=issuer1", serialBuf, "key000");
PutAndGet(cache, &subject, &issuer, SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE, timeIn + i);
CERTCertificate goodSubject;
MakeFakeCert(&goodSubject, "CN=subject1025", "CN=issuer1", "1025", "key000");
// This will "succeed", allowing verification to continue. However,
// nothing was actually put in the cache.
SECStatus result = cache.Put(&goodSubject, &issuer, 0, timeIn + 1025 - 50,
timeIn + 1025);
ASSERT_TRUE(result == SECSuccess);
PRErrorCode errorOut;
PRTime timeOut;
ASSERT_FALSE(cache.Get(&goodSubject, &issuer, errorOut, timeOut));
CERTCertificate revokedSubject;
MakeFakeCert(&revokedSubject, "CN=subject1026", "CN=issuer1", "1026", "key000");
// This will fail, causing verification to fail.
result = cache.Put(&revokedSubject, &issuer, SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE,
timeIn + 1026 - 50, timeIn + 1026);
PRErrorCode error = PR_GetError();
ASSERT_TRUE(result == SECFailure);
TEST_F(OCSPCacheTest, VariousIssuers)
CERTCertificate issuer1;
MakeFakeCert(&issuer1, "CN=issuer1", "CN=issuer1", "000", "key000");
CERTCertificate issuer2;
MakeFakeCert(&issuer2, "CN=issuer2", "CN=issuer2", "000", "key001");
CERTCertificate issuer3;
// Note: same CN as issuer1
MakeFakeCert(&issuer3, "CN=issuer1", "CN=issuer3", "000", "key003");
CERTCertificate subject;
MakeFakeCert(&subject, "CN=subject", "CN=issuer1", "001", "key002");
PRTime timeIn = PR_Now();
PutAndGet(cache, &subject, &issuer1, 0, timeIn);
PRErrorCode errorOut;
PRTime timeOut;
ASSERT_TRUE(cache.Get(&subject, &issuer1, errorOut, timeOut));
ASSERT_TRUE(errorOut == 0 && timeOut == timeIn);
ASSERT_FALSE(cache.Get(&subject, &issuer2, errorOut, timeOut));
ASSERT_FALSE(cache.Get(&subject, &issuer3, errorOut, timeOut));
TEST_F(OCSPCacheTest, Times)
CERTCertificate subject;
MakeFakeCert(&subject, "CN=subject1", "CN=issuer1", "001", "key001");
CERTCertificate issuer;
MakeFakeCert(&issuer, "CN=issuer1", "CN=issuer1", "000", "key000");
PutAndGet(cache, &subject, &issuer, SEC_ERROR_OCSP_UNKNOWN_CERT, 100);
PutAndGet(cache, &subject, &issuer, 0, 200);
// This should not override the more recent entry.
SECStatus rv = cache.Put(&subject, &issuer, SEC_ERROR_OCSP_UNKNOWN_CERT, 100, 100);
ASSERT_TRUE(rv == SECSuccess);
PRErrorCode errorOut;
PRTime timeOut;
ASSERT_TRUE(cache.Get(&subject, &issuer, errorOut, timeOut));
// Here we see the more recent time.
ASSERT_TRUE(errorOut == 0 && timeOut == 200);
// SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE overrides everything
PutAndGet(cache, &subject, &issuer, SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE, 50);
TEST_F(OCSPCacheTest, NetworkFailure)
CERTCertificate subject;
MakeFakeCert(&subject, "CN=subject1", "CN=issuer1", "001", "key001");
CERTCertificate issuer;
MakeFakeCert(&issuer, "CN=issuer1", "CN=issuer1", "000", "key000");
PutAndGet(cache, &subject, &issuer, PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR, 100);
PutAndGet(cache, &subject, &issuer, 0, 200);
// This should not override the already present entry.
SECStatus rv = cache.Put(&subject, &issuer, PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR, 300, 350);
ASSERT_TRUE(rv == SECSuccess);
PRErrorCode errorOut;
PRTime timeOut;
ASSERT_TRUE(cache.Get(&subject, &issuer, errorOut, timeOut));
ASSERT_TRUE(errorOut == 0 && timeOut == 200);
PutAndGet(cache, &subject, &issuer, SEC_ERROR_OCSP_UNKNOWN_CERT, 400);
// This should not override the already present entry.
rv = cache.Put(&subject, &issuer, PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR, 500, 550);
ASSERT_TRUE(rv == SECSuccess);
ASSERT_TRUE(cache.Get(&subject, &issuer, errorOut, timeOut));
ASSERT_TRUE(errorOut == SEC_ERROR_OCSP_UNKNOWN_CERT && timeOut == 400);
PutAndGet(cache, &subject, &issuer, SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE, 600);
// This should not override the already present entry.
rv = cache.Put(&subject, &issuer, PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR, 700, 750);
ASSERT_TRUE(rv == SECSuccess);
ASSERT_TRUE(cache.Get(&subject, &issuer, errorOut, timeOut));