maliu a2f6cf439f Bug 1360587 - Part 2. Remove bouncer apk build config; source; docs, r=nalexander
MozReview-Commit-ID: C1QJcr65yWu

extra : rebase_source : 867d143416321adc4820d488991fb4575c767cf0
2017-10-25 22:51:44 +08:00

51 lines
2.4 KiB

// You might think topsrcdir is '.', but that's not true when the Gradle build
// is launched from within IntelliJ.
def topsrcdir = rootProject.projectDir.absolutePath
def commandLine = ["${topsrcdir}/mach", "environment", "--format", "json", "--verbose"]
def proc = commandLine.execute(null, new File(topsrcdir))
def standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
proc.consumeProcessOutput(standardOutput, standardOutput)
// Only show the output if something went wrong.
if (proc.exitValue() != 0) {
throw new GradleException("Process '${commandLine}' finished with non-zero exit value ${proc.exitValue()}:\n\n${standardOutput.toString()}")
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
def json = slurper.parseText(standardOutput.toString())
if (json.substs.MOZ_BUILD_APP != 'mobile/android') {
throw new GradleException("Building with Gradle is only supported for Fennec, i.e., MOZ_BUILD_APP == 'mobile/android'.")
// Set the Android SDK location. This is the *least specific* mechanism, which
// is unfortunate: we'd prefer to use the *most specific* mechanism. That is,
// (first 'sdk.dir', then 'android.dir') and then the
// environment variable ANDROID_HOME will override this. That's unfortunate,
// but it's hard to automatically arrange better.
System.setProperty('android.home', json.substs.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)
include ':app'
include ':geckoview'
include ':geckoview_example'
include ':omnijar'
include ':thirdparty'
project(':app').projectDir = new File("${json.topsrcdir}/mobile/android/app")
project(':geckoview').projectDir = new File("${json.topsrcdir}/mobile/android/geckoview")
project(':geckoview_example').projectDir = new File("${json.topsrcdir}/mobile/android/geckoview_example")
project(':omnijar').projectDir = new File("${json.topsrcdir}/mobile/android/app/omnijar")
project(':thirdparty').projectDir = new File("${json.topsrcdir}/mobile/android/thirdparty")
// The Gradle instance is shared between settings.gradle and all the
// other build.gradle files (see
// We use this ext property to pass the per-object-directory mozconfig
// between scripts. This lets us execute set-up code before we gradle
// tries to configure the project even once, and as a side benefit
// saves invoking |mach environment| multiple times.
gradle.ext.mozconfig = json