To build the tests,
 - Run make or gmake.

To run the tests,
 - Run each server and client modules on separate terminals.
 - Type the following,

     sIn   -  server for IN parameter tests
     cIn   -  client for IN parameter tests
     sOut  -  server for OUT parameter tests
     cOut  -  client for OUT parameter tests
     sIO   -  server for INOUT parameter tests
     cIO   -  client for INOUT parameter tests
     sComb -  server for Combinational tests
     cComb -  client for Combinational tests
   Each server and client module writes the values of each
   parameter that it sends and/or receive to a result file. 
   Each has its own result file.

To check the result, the result files of the server and 
the client will be compared using the diff tool. Tests
pass if data in both files exactly match; otherwise,
they fail.
     chkIn   - comparing the IN result files  
     chkOut  - comparing the OUT result files
     chkIO   - comparing the INOUT result files
     chkComb - comparing the Combinational result files