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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_indexeddb_idbresult_h__
#define mozilla_dom_indexeddb_idbresult_h__
#include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h"
#include "mozilla/ResultVariant.h"
#include "mozilla/Variant.h"
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace mozilla::dom::indexedDB {
// IDBSpecialValue represents two special return values, distinct from any other
// value, used in several places in the IndexedDB spec.
enum class IDBSpecialValue {
namespace detail {
template <IDBSpecialValue Value>
using SpecialConstant = std::integral_constant<IDBSpecialValue, Value>;
using FailureType = SpecialConstant<IDBSpecialValue::Failure>;
using InvalidType = SpecialConstant<IDBSpecialValue::Invalid>;
struct ExceptionType final {};
} // namespace detail
// Put these in a subnamespace to avoid conflicts from the combination of 1.
// using namespace mozilla::dom::indexedDB; in cpp files, 2. the unified build
// and 3. mozilla::dom::Exception
namespace SpecialValues {
constexpr const detail::FailureType Failure;
constexpr const detail::InvalidType Invalid;
constexpr const detail::ExceptionType Exception;
} // namespace SpecialValues
namespace detail {
template <IDBSpecialValue... Elements>
struct IsSortedSet;
template <IDBSpecialValue First, IDBSpecialValue Second,
IDBSpecialValue... Rest>
struct IsSortedSet<First, Second, Rest...>
: std::integral_constant<bool, IsSortedSet<First, Second>::value &&
IsSortedSet<Second, Rest...>::value> {};
template <IDBSpecialValue First, IDBSpecialValue Second>
struct IsSortedSet<First, Second>
: std::integral_constant<bool, (First < Second)> {};
template <IDBSpecialValue First>
struct IsSortedSet<First> : std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsSortedSet<> : std::true_type {};
template <IDBSpecialValue... S>
class IDBError {
// This assertion ensures that permutations of the set of possible special
// values don't create distinct types.
"special value list must be sorted and unique");
template <IDBSpecialValue... U>
friend class IDBError;
MOZ_IMPLICIT IDBError(nsresult aRv) : mVariant(ErrorResult{aRv}) {}
IDBError(ExceptionType, ErrorResult&& aErrorResult)
: mVariant(std::move(aErrorResult)) {}
template <IDBSpecialValue Special>
MOZ_IMPLICIT IDBError(SpecialConstant<Special>)
: mVariant(SpecialConstant<Special>{}) {}
IDBError(IDBError&&) = default;
IDBError& operator=(IDBError&&) = default;
// Construct an IDBResult from another IDBResult whose set of possible special
// values is a subset of this one's.
template <IDBSpecialValue... U>
MOZ_IMPLICIT IDBError(IDBError<U...>&& aOther)
: mVariant(aOther.mVariant.match(
[](auto& aVariant) { return VariantType{std::move(aVariant)}; })) {}
bool Is(ExceptionType) const { return mVariant.template is<ErrorResult>(); }
template <IDBSpecialValue Special>
bool Is(SpecialConstant<Special>) const {
return mVariant.template is<SpecialConstant<Special>>();
ErrorResult& AsException() { return mVariant.template as<ErrorResult>(); }
template <typename... SpecialValueMappers>
ErrorResult ExtractErrorResult(SpecialValueMappers... aSpecialValueMappers) {
#if defined(__clang__) || (defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 8)
return mVariant.match(
[](ErrorResult& aException) { return std::move(aException); },
[aSpecialValueMappers](const SpecialConstant<S>& aSpecialValue) {
return ErrorResult{aSpecialValueMappers(aSpecialValue)};
// gcc 7 doesn't accept the kind of parameter pack expansion above,
// probably due to
return mVariant.match([aSpecialValueMappers...](auto& aValue) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ErrorResult&, decltype(aValue)>) {
return std::move(aValue);
} else {
return ErrorResult{aSpecialValueMappers(aValue)...};
template <typename... SpecialValueMappers>
nsresult ExtractNSResult(SpecialValueMappers... aSpecialValueMappers) {
return mVariant.match(
[](ErrorResult& aException) { return aException.StealNSResult(); },
using VariantType = Variant<ErrorResult, SpecialConstant<S>...>;
VariantType mVariant;
} // namespace detail
// Represents a return value of an IndexedDB algorithm. T is the type of the
// regular return value, while S is a list of special values that can be
// returned by the particular algorithm.
template <typename T, IDBSpecialValue... S>
using IDBResult = Result<T, detail::IDBError<S...>>;
template <nsresult E>
nsresult InvalidMapsTo(const indexedDB::detail::InvalidType&) {
return E;
inline detail::IDBError<> IDBException(nsresult aRv) {
return {SpecialValues::Exception, ErrorResult{aRv}};
template <IDBSpecialValue Special>
detail::IDBError<Special> IDBError(detail::SpecialConstant<Special> aResult) {
return {aResult};
} // namespace mozilla::dom::indexedDB
#endif // mozilla_dom_indexeddb_idbresult_h__