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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "DrawTargetWebglInternal.h"
#include "SourceSurfaceWebgl.h"
#include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_gfx.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/Blur.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/DrawTargetSkia.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/Helpers.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/HelpersSkia.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/Logging.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/PathSkia.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/Swizzle.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/ImageDataSerializer.h"
#include "ClientWebGLContext.h"
#include "WebGLChild.h"
#include "gfxPlatform.h"
namespace mozilla::gfx {
// Inserts (allocates) a rectangle of the requested size into the tree.
Maybe<IntPoint> TexturePacker::Insert(const IntSize& aSize) {
// Check if the available space could possibly fit the requested size. If
// not, there is no reason to continue searching within this sub-tree.
if (mAvailable < std::min(aSize.width, aSize.height) ||
mBounds.width < aSize.width || mBounds.height < aSize.height) {
return Nothing();
if (mChildren) {
// If this node has children, then try to insert into each of the children
// in turn.
Maybe<IntPoint> inserted = mChildren[0].Insert(aSize);
if (!inserted) {
inserted = mChildren[1].Insert(aSize);
// If the insertion succeeded, adjust the available state to reflect the
// remaining space in the children.
if (inserted) {
mAvailable = std::max(mChildren[0].mAvailable, mChildren[1].mAvailable);
if (!mAvailable) {
return inserted;
// If we get here, we've encountered a leaf node. First check if its size is
// exactly the requested size. If so, mark the node as unavailable and return
// its offset.
if (mBounds.Size() == aSize) {
mAvailable = 0;
return Some(mBounds.TopLeft());
// The node is larger than the requested size. Choose the axis which has the
// most excess space beyond the requested size and split it so that at least
// one of the children matches the requested size for that axis.
if (mBounds.width - aSize.width > mBounds.height - aSize.height) {
mChildren.reset(new TexturePacker[2]{
IntRect(mBounds.x, mBounds.y, aSize.width, mBounds.height)),
TexturePacker(IntRect(mBounds.x + aSize.width, mBounds.y,
mBounds.width - aSize.width, mBounds.height))});
} else {
mChildren.reset(new TexturePacker[2]{
IntRect(mBounds.x, mBounds.y, mBounds.width, aSize.height)),
TexturePacker(IntRect(mBounds.x, mBounds.y + aSize.height,
mBounds.width, mBounds.height - aSize.height))});
// After splitting, try to insert into the first child, which should usually
// be big enough to accomodate the request. Adjust the available state to the
// remaining space.
Maybe<IntPoint> inserted = mChildren[0].Insert(aSize);
mAvailable = std::max(mChildren[0].mAvailable, mChildren[1].mAvailable);
return inserted;
// Removes (frees) a rectangle with the given bounds from the tree.
bool TexturePacker::Remove(const IntRect& aBounds) {
if (!mChildren) {
// If there are no children, we encountered a leaf node. Non-zero available
// state means that this node was already removed previously. Also, if the
// bounds don't contain the request, and assuming the tree was previously
// split during insertion, then this node is not the node we're searching
// for.
if (mAvailable > 0 || !mBounds.Contains(aBounds)) {
return false;
// The bounds match exactly and it was previously inserted, so in this case
// we can just remove it.
if (mBounds == aBounds) {
mAvailable = std::min(mBounds.width, mBounds.height);
return true;
// We need to split this leaf node so that it can exactly match the removed
// bounds. We know the leaf node at least contains the removed bounds, but
// needs to be subdivided until it has a child node that exactly matches.
// Choose the axis to split with the largest amount of excess space. Within
// that axis, choose the larger of the space before or after the subrect as
// the split point to the new children.
if (mBounds.width - aBounds.width > mBounds.height - aBounds.height) {
int split = aBounds.x - mBounds.x > mBounds.XMost() - aBounds.XMost()
? aBounds.x
: aBounds.XMost();
mChildren.reset(new TexturePacker[2]{
IntRect(mBounds.x, mBounds.y, split - mBounds.x, mBounds.height),
TexturePacker(IntRect(split, mBounds.y, mBounds.XMost() - split,
} else {
int split = aBounds.y - mBounds.y > mBounds.YMost() - aBounds.YMost()
? aBounds.y
: aBounds.YMost();
mChildren.reset(new TexturePacker[2]{
IntRect(mBounds.x, mBounds.y, mBounds.width, split - mBounds.y),
IntRect(mBounds.x, split, mBounds.width, mBounds.YMost() - split),
// We've encountered a branch node. Determine which of the two child nodes
// would possibly contain the removed bounds. We first check which axis the
// children were split on and then whether the removed bounds on that axis
// are past the start of the second child. Proceed to recurse into that
// child node for removal.
bool next = mChildren[0].mBounds.x < mChildren[1].mBounds.x
? aBounds.x >= mChildren[1].mBounds.x
: aBounds.y >= mChildren[1].mBounds.y;
bool removed = mChildren[next ? 1 : 0].Remove(aBounds);
if (removed) {
if (mChildren[0].IsFullyAvailable() && mChildren[1].IsFullyAvailable()) {
mAvailable = std::min(mBounds.width, mBounds.height);
} else {
mAvailable = std::max(mChildren[0].mAvailable, mChildren[1].mAvailable);
return removed;
SharedTexture::SharedTexture(const IntSize& aSize, SurfaceFormat aFormat,
const RefPtr<WebGLTextureJS>& aTexture)
: mPacker(IntRect(IntPoint(0, 0), aSize)),
mTexture(aTexture) {}
SharedTextureHandle::SharedTextureHandle(const IntRect& aBounds,
SharedTexture* aTexture)
: mBounds(aBounds), mTexture(aTexture) {}
already_AddRefed<SharedTextureHandle> SharedTexture::Allocate(
const IntSize& aSize) {
RefPtr<SharedTextureHandle> handle;
if (Maybe<IntPoint> origin = mPacker.Insert(aSize)) {
handle = new SharedTextureHandle(IntRect(*origin, aSize), this);
return handle.forget();
bool SharedTexture::Free(const SharedTextureHandle& aHandle) {
if (aHandle.mTexture != this) {
return false;
if (!mPacker.Remove(aHandle.mBounds)) {
return false;
return true;
StandaloneTexture::StandaloneTexture(const IntSize& aSize,
SurfaceFormat aFormat,
const RefPtr<WebGLTextureJS>& aTexture)
: mSize(aSize), mFormat(aFormat), mTexture(aTexture) {}
DrawTargetWebgl::DrawTargetWebgl() = default;
inline void DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::ClearLastTexture() {
mLastTexture = nullptr;
mLastClipMask = nullptr;
// Attempts to clear the snapshot state. If the snapshot is only referenced by
// this target, then it should simply be destroyed. If it is a WebGL surface in
// use by something else, then special cleanup such as reusing the texture or
// copy-on-write may be possible.
void DrawTargetWebgl::ClearSnapshot(bool aCopyOnWrite, bool aNeedHandle) {
if (!mSnapshot) {
if (mSnapshot->hasOneRef() || mSnapshot->GetType() != SurfaceType::WEBGL) {
mSnapshot = nullptr;
RefPtr<SourceSurfaceWebgl> snapshot =
if (aCopyOnWrite) {
// WebGL snapshots must be notified that the framebuffer contents will be
// changing so that it can copy the data.
} else {
// If not copying, then give the backing texture to the surface for reuse.
mSharedContext->WrapSnapshot(GetSize(), GetFormat(), mTex.forget()));
DrawTargetWebgl::~DrawTargetWebgl() {
if (mSharedContext) {
if (mShmem.IsWritable()) {
// Force any Skia snapshots to copy the shmem before it deallocs.
// Ensure we're done using the shmem before dealloc.
auto* child = mSharedContext->mWebgl->GetChild();
if (child && child->CanSend()) {
if (mClipMask) {
if (mFramebuffer) {
if (mTex) {
DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::SharedContext() = default;
DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::~SharedContext() {
if (sSharedContext.init() && sSharedContext.get() == this) {
// Detect context loss before deletion.
if (mWebgl) {
// Remove any SourceSurface user data associated with this TextureHandle.
inline void DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::UnlinkSurfaceTexture(
const RefPtr<TextureHandle>& aHandle) {
if (SourceSurface* surface = aHandle->GetSurface()) {
// Ensure any WebGL snapshot textures get unlinked.
if (surface->GetType() == SurfaceType::WEBGL) {
surface->RemoveUserData(aHandle->IsShadow() ? &mShadowTextureKey
: &mTextureHandleKey);
// Unlinks TextureHandles from any SourceSurface user data.
void DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::UnlinkSurfaceTextures() {
for (RefPtr<TextureHandle> handle = mTextureHandles.getFirst(); handle;
handle = handle->getNext()) {
// Unlinks GlyphCaches from any ScaledFont user data.
void DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::UnlinkGlyphCaches() {
GlyphCache* cache = mGlyphCaches.getFirst();
while (cache) {
ScaledFont* font = cache->GetFont();
// Access the next cache before removing the user data, as it might destroy
// the cache.
cache = cache->getNext();
void DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::OnMemoryPressure() {
mShouldClearCaches = true;
// Clear out the entire list of texture handles from any source.
void DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::ClearAllTextures() {
while (!mTextureHandles.isEmpty()) {
// Scan through the shared texture pages looking for any that are empty and
// delete them.
void DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::ClearEmptyTextureMemory() {
for (auto pos = mSharedTextures.begin(); pos != mSharedTextures.end();) {
if (!(*pos)->HasAllocatedHandles()) {
RefPtr<SharedTexture> shared = *pos;
size_t usedBytes = shared->UsedBytes();
mEmptyTextureMemory -= usedBytes;
mTotalTextureMemory -= usedBytes;
pos = mSharedTextures.erase(pos);
} else {
// If there is a request to clear out the caches because of memory pressure,
// then first clear out all the texture handles in the texture cache. If there
// are still empty texture pages being kept around, then clear those too.
void DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::ClearCachesIfNecessary() {
if (!mShouldClearCaches.exchange(false)) {
mZeroBuffer = nullptr;
if (mEmptyTextureMemory) {
// If a non-recoverable error occurred that would stop the canvas from initing.
static Atomic<bool> sContextInitError(false);
RefPtr<DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext> DrawTargetWebgl::sMainSharedContext;
// Try to initialize a new WebGL context. Verifies that the requested size does
// not exceed the available texture limits and that shader creation succeeded.
bool DrawTargetWebgl::Init(const IntSize& size, const SurfaceFormat format) {
MOZ_ASSERT(format == SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8 ||
format == SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8);
mSize = size;
mFormat = format;
if (!sSharedContext.init()) {
return false;
DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext* sharedContext = sSharedContext.get();
if (!sharedContext || sharedContext->IsContextLost()) {
mSharedContext = new DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext;
if (!mSharedContext->Initialize()) {
mSharedContext = nullptr;
return false;
if (NS_IsMainThread()) {
// Keep the shared context alive for the main thread by adding a ref.
// Ensure the ref will get cleared on shutdown so it doesn't leak.
if (!sMainSharedContext) {
sMainSharedContext = mSharedContext;
} else {
mSharedContext = sharedContext;
if (size_t(std::max(size.width, size.height)) >
mSharedContext->mMaxTextureSize) {
return false;
if (!CreateFramebuffer()) {
return false;
auto* child = mSharedContext->mWebgl->GetChild();
if (child && child->CanSend()) {
size_t byteSize = layers::ImageDataSerializer::ComputeRGBBufferSize(
mSize, SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8);
if (byteSize) {
(void)child->AllocUnsafeShmem(byteSize, &mShmem);
mSkia = new DrawTargetSkia;
if (mShmem.IsWritable()) {
auto stride = layers::ImageDataSerializer::ComputeRGBStride(
SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8, size.width);
if (!mSkia->Init(mShmem.get<uint8_t>(), size, stride,
SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8, true)) {
return false;
} else if (!mSkia->Init(size, SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::Initialize() {
WebGLContextOptions options = {};
options.alpha = true;
options.depth = false;
options.stencil = false;
options.antialias = false;
options.preserveDrawingBuffer = true;
options.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat = true;
mWebgl = new ClientWebGLContext(true);
if (mWebgl->SetDimensions(1, 1) != NS_OK || mWebgl->IsContextLost()) {
mWebgl = nullptr;
return false;
mMaxTextureSize = mWebgl->Limits().maxTex2dSize;
if (!CreateShaders()) {
// There was a non-recoverable error when trying to init shaders.
sContextInitError = true;
mWebgl = nullptr;
return false;
return true;
void DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::SetBlendState(
CompositionOp aOp, const Maybe<DeviceColor>& aColor) {
if (aOp == mLastCompositionOp && mLastBlendColor == aColor) {
mLastCompositionOp = aOp;
mLastBlendColor = aColor;
// AA is not supported for all composition ops, so switching blend modes may
// cause a toggle in AA state. Certain ops such as OP_SOURCE require output
// alpha that is blended separately from AA coverage. This would require two
// stage blending which can incur a substantial performance penalty, so to
// work around this currently we just disable AA for those ops.
mDirtyAA = true;
// Map the composition op to a WebGL blend mode, if possible.
switch (aOp) {
case CompositionOp::OP_OVER:
if (aColor) {
// If a color is supplied, then we blend subpixel text.
mWebgl->BlendColor(aColor->b, aColor->g, aColor->r, 1.0f);
} else {
case CompositionOp::OP_ADD:
mWebgl->BlendFunc(LOCAL_GL_ONE, LOCAL_GL_ONE);
case CompositionOp::OP_ATOP:
case CompositionOp::OP_SOURCE:
if (aColor) {
// If a color is supplied, then we assume there is clipping or AA. This
// requires that we still use an over blend func with the clip/AA alpha,
// while filling the interior with the unaltered color. Normally this
// would require dual source blending, but we can emulate it with only
// a blend color.
mWebgl->BlendColor(aColor->b, aColor->g, aColor->r, aColor->a);
} else {
// Ensure the WebGL framebuffer is set to the current target.
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::SetTarget(DrawTargetWebgl* aDT) {
if (!mWebgl || mWebgl->IsContextLost()) {
return false;
if (aDT != mCurrentTarget) {
mCurrentTarget = aDT;
if (aDT) {
mWebgl->BindFramebuffer(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, aDT->mFramebuffer);
mViewportSize = aDT->GetSize();
mWebgl->Viewport(0, 0, mViewportSize.width, mViewportSize.height);
// Force the viewport to be reset.
mDirtyViewport = true;
return true;
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::SetClipMask(
const RefPtr<WebGLTextureJS>& aTex) {
if (mLastClipMask != aTex) {
if (!mWebgl) {
return false;
mWebgl->BindTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, aTex);
mLastClipMask = aTex;
return true;
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::SetNoClipMask() {
if (mNoClipMask) {
return SetClipMask(mNoClipMask);
if (!mWebgl) {
return false;
mNoClipMask = mWebgl->CreateTexture();
if (!mNoClipMask) {
return false;
mWebgl->BindTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, mNoClipMask);
static const uint8_t solidMask[4] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
{1, 1, 1},
Some(RawBuffer(Range<const uint8_t>(solidMask, sizeof(solidMask))))});
InitTexParameters(mNoClipMask, false);
mLastClipMask = mNoClipMask;
return true;
// If the clip region can't be approximated by a simple clip rect, then we need
// to generate a clip mask that can represent the clip region per-pixel. We
// render to the Skia target temporarily, transparent outside the clip region,
// opaque inside, and upload this to a texture that can be used by the shaders.
bool DrawTargetWebgl::GenerateComplexClipMask() {
if (!mClipChanged) {
// If the clip mask was already generated, use the cached mask and bounds.
return true;
if (!mWebglValid) {
// If the Skia target is currently being used, then we can't render the mask
// in it.
return false;
RefPtr<ClientWebGLContext> webgl = mSharedContext->mWebgl;
if (!webgl) {
return false;
bool init = false;
if (!mClipMask) {
mClipMask = webgl->CreateTexture();
if (!mClipMask) {
return false;
init = true;
// Try to get the bounds of the clip to limit the size of the mask.
if (Maybe<IntRect> clip = mSkia->GetDeviceClipRect(true)) {
mClipBounds = *clip;
} else {
// If we can't get bounds, then just use the entire viewport.
mClipBounds = IntRect(IntPoint(), mSize);
// If initializing the clip mask, then allocate the entire texture to ensure
// all pixels get filled with an empty mask regardless. Otherwise, restrict
// uploading to only the clip region.
RefPtr<DrawTargetSkia> dt = new DrawTargetSkia;
if (!dt->Init(mClipBounds.Size(), SurfaceFormat::A8)) {
return false;
// Set the clip region and fill the entire inside of it
// with opaque white.
for (auto& clipStack : mClipStack) {
if (clipStack.mPath) {
} else {
dt->FillRect(Rect(mClipBounds), ColorPattern(DeviceColor(1, 1, 1, 1)));
// Bind the clip mask for uploading.
webgl->BindTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, mClipMask);
if (init) {
mSharedContext->InitTexParameters(mClipMask, false);
RefPtr<DataSourceSurface> data;
if (RefPtr<SourceSurface> snapshot = dt->Snapshot()) {
data = snapshot->GetDataSurface();
// Finally, upload the texture data and initialize texture storage if
// necessary.
if (init && mClipBounds.Size() != mSize) {
mSharedContext->UploadSurface(nullptr, SurfaceFormat::A8,
IntRect(IntPoint(), mSize), IntPoint(), true,
init = false;
mSharedContext->UploadSurface(data, SurfaceFormat::A8,
IntRect(IntPoint(), mClipBounds.Size()),
mClipBounds.TopLeft(), init);
// We already bound the texture, so notify the shared context that the clip
// mask changed to it.
mSharedContext->mLastClipMask = mClipMask;
// We uploaded a surface, just as if we missed the texture cache, so account
// for that here.
return !!data;
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SetSimpleClipRect() {
// Determine whether the clipping rectangle is simple enough to accelerate.
// Check if there is a device space clip rectangle available from the Skia
// target.
Maybe<IntRect> clip = mSkia->GetDeviceClipRect(false);
if (!clip) {
return false;
// If the clip is empty, leave the final integer clip rectangle empty to
// trivially discard the draw request.
// If the clip rect is larger than the viewport, just set it to the
// viewport.
if (!clip->IsEmpty() && clip->Contains(IntRect(IntPoint(), mSize))) {
clip = Some(IntRect(IntPoint(), mSize));
return true;
// Installs the Skia clip rectangle, if applicable, onto the shared WebGL
// context as well as sets the WebGL framebuffer to the current target.
bool DrawTargetWebgl::PrepareContext(bool aClipped) {
if (!aClipped) {
// If no clipping requested, just set the clip rect to the viewport.
mSharedContext->SetClipRect(IntRect(IntPoint(), mSize));
// Ensure the clip gets reset if clipping is later requested for the target.
mRefreshClipState = true;
} else if (mRefreshClipState || !mSharedContext->IsCurrentTarget(this)) {
// Try to use a simple clip rect if possible. Otherwise, fall back to
// generating a clip mask texture that can represent complex clip regions.
if (!SetSimpleClipRect() && !GenerateComplexClipMask()) {
return false;
mClipChanged = false;
mRefreshClipState = false;
return mSharedContext->SetTarget(this);
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::IsContextLost() const {
return !mWebgl || mWebgl->IsContextLost();
// Signal to CanvasRenderingContext2D when the WebGL context is lost.
bool DrawTargetWebgl::IsValid() const {
return mSharedContext && !mSharedContext->IsContextLost();
already_AddRefed<DrawTargetWebgl> DrawTargetWebgl::Create(
const IntSize& aSize, SurfaceFormat aFormat) {
if (!StaticPrefs::gfx_canvas_accelerated()) {
return nullptr;
// If context initialization would fail, don't even try to create a context.
if (sContextInitError) {
return nullptr;
if (!Factory::AllowedSurfaceSize(aSize)) {
return nullptr;
// The interpretation of the min-size and max-size follows from the old
// SkiaGL prefs. First just ensure that the context is not unreasonably
// small.
static const int32_t kMinDimension = 16;
if (std::min(aSize.width, aSize.height) < kMinDimension) {
return nullptr;
int32_t minSize = StaticPrefs::gfx_canvas_accelerated_min_size();
if (aSize.width * aSize.height < minSize * minSize) {
return nullptr;
// Maximum pref allows 3 different options:
// 0 means unlimited size,
// > 0 means use value as an absolute threshold,
// < 0 means use the number of screen pixels as a threshold.
int32_t maxSize = StaticPrefs::gfx_canvas_accelerated_max_size();
if (maxSize > 0) {
if (std::max(aSize.width, aSize.height) > maxSize) {
return nullptr;
} else if (maxSize < 0) {
// Default to historical mobile screen size of 980x480, like FishIEtank.
// In addition, allow acceleration up to this size even if the screen is
// smaller. A lot content expects this size to work well. See Bug 999841
static const int32_t kScreenPixels = 980 * 480;
IntSize screenSize = gfxPlatform::GetPlatform()->GetScreenSize();
if (aSize.width * aSize.height >
std::max(screenSize.width * screenSize.height, kScreenPixels)) {
return nullptr;
RefPtr<DrawTargetWebgl> dt = new DrawTargetWebgl;
if (!dt->Init(aSize, aFormat) || !dt->IsValid()) {
return nullptr;
return dt.forget();
void* DrawTargetWebgl::GetNativeSurface(NativeSurfaceType aType) {
switch (aType) {
case NativeSurfaceType::WEBGL_CONTEXT:
// If the context is lost, then don't attempt to access it.
if (mSharedContext->IsContextLost()) {
return nullptr;
if (!mWebglValid) {
return mSharedContext->mWebgl.get();
return nullptr;
// Wrap a WebGL texture holding a snapshot with a texture handle. Note that
// while the texture is still in use as the backing texture of a framebuffer,
// it's texture memory is not currently tracked with other texture handles.
// Once it is finally orphaned and used as a texture handle, it must be added
// to the resource usage totals.
already_AddRefed<TextureHandle> DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::WrapSnapshot(
const IntSize& aSize, SurfaceFormat aFormat, RefPtr<WebGLTextureJS> aTex) {
// Ensure there is enough space for the texture.
size_t usedBytes = TextureHandle::UsedBytes(aFormat, aSize);
PruneTextureMemory(usedBytes, false);
// Allocate a handle for the texture
RefPtr<StandaloneTexture> handle =
new StandaloneTexture(aSize, aFormat, aTex.forget());
mTotalTextureMemory += usedBytes;
mUsedTextureMemory += usedBytes;
return handle.forget();
void DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::SetTexFilter(WebGLTextureJS* aTex,
bool aFilter) {
void DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::InitTexParameters(WebGLTextureJS* aTex,
bool aFilter) {
SetTexFilter(aTex, aFilter);
// Copy the contents of the WebGL framebuffer into a WebGL texture.
already_AddRefed<TextureHandle> DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::CopySnapshot() {
// If the target is going away, then we can just directly reuse the
// framebuffer texture since it will never change.
RefPtr<WebGLTextureJS> tex = mWebgl->CreateTexture();
if (!tex) {
return nullptr;
SurfaceFormat format = mCurrentTarget->GetFormat();
IntSize size = mCurrentTarget->GetSize();
// Create a texture to hold the copy
mWebgl->BindTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);
mWebgl->TexStorage2D(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, LOCAL_GL_RGBA8, size.width,
// Copy the framebuffer into the texture
mWebgl->CopyTexSubImage2D(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, size.width,
return WrapSnapshot(size, format, tex.forget());
inline DrawTargetWebgl::AutoRestoreContext::AutoRestoreContext(
DrawTargetWebgl* aTarget)
: mTarget(aTarget),
mLastClipMask(aTarget->mSharedContext->mLastClipMask) {}
inline DrawTargetWebgl::AutoRestoreContext::~AutoRestoreContext() {
if (mLastClipMask) {
mTarget->mRefreshClipState = true;
// Utility method to install the target before copying a snapshot.
already_AddRefed<TextureHandle> DrawTargetWebgl::CopySnapshot() {
AutoRestoreContext restore(this);
if (!PrepareContext(false)) {
return nullptr;
return mSharedContext->CopySnapshot();
// Borrow a snapshot that may be used by another thread for composition. Only
// Skia snapshots are safe to pass around.
already_AddRefed<SourceSurface> DrawTargetWebgl::GetDataSnapshot() {
if (!mSkiaValid) {
} else if (mSkiaLayer) {
return mSkia->Snapshot(mFormat);
already_AddRefed<SourceSurface> DrawTargetWebgl::Snapshot() {
// If already using the Skia fallback, then just snapshot that.
if (mSkiaValid) {
return GetDataSnapshot();
// There's no valid Skia snapshot, so we need to get one from the WebGL
// context.
if (!mSnapshot) {
// Create a copy-on-write reference to this target.
mSnapshot = new SourceSurfaceWebgl(this);
return do_AddRef(mSnapshot);
// If we need to provide a snapshot for another DrawTargetWebgl that shares the
// same WebGL context, then it is safe to directly return a snapshot. Otherwise,
// we may be exporting to another thread and require a data snapshot.
already_AddRefed<SourceSurface> DrawTargetWebgl::GetOptimizedSnapshot(
DrawTarget* aTarget) {
if (aTarget && aTarget->GetBackendType() == BackendType::WEBGL &&
static_cast<DrawTargetWebgl*>(aTarget)->mSharedContext ==
mSharedContext) {
return Snapshot();
return GetDataSnapshot();
// Read from the WebGL context into a buffer. This handles both swizzling BGRA
// to RGBA and flipping the image.
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::ReadInto(uint8_t* aDstData,
int32_t aDstStride,
SurfaceFormat aFormat,
const IntRect& aBounds,
TextureHandle* aHandle) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aFormat == SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8 ||
aFormat == SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8);
// If reading into a new texture, we have to bind it to a scratch framebuffer
// for reading.
if (aHandle) {
if (!mScratchFramebuffer) {
mScratchFramebuffer = mWebgl->CreateFramebuffer();
mWebgl->BindFramebuffer(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, mScratchFramebuffer);
aHandle->GetWebGLTexture(), 0);
webgl::ReadPixelsDesc desc;
desc.srcOffset = *ivec2::From(aBounds);
desc.size = *uvec2::FromSize(aBounds);
desc.packState.rowLength = aDstStride / 4;
bool success = false;
if (mCurrentTarget && mCurrentTarget->mShmem.IsWritable() &&
aDstData == mCurrentTarget->mShmem.get<uint8_t>()) {
success = mWebgl->DoReadPixels(desc, mCurrentTarget->mShmem);
} else {
Range<uint8_t> range = {aDstData, size_t(aDstStride) * aBounds.height};
success = mWebgl->DoReadPixels(desc, range);
// Restore the actual framebuffer after reading is done.
if (aHandle && mCurrentTarget) {
mWebgl->BindFramebuffer(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, mCurrentTarget->mFramebuffer);
return success;
DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::ReadSnapshot(TextureHandle* aHandle) {
// Allocate a data surface, map it, and read from the WebGL context into the
// surface.
SurfaceFormat format = SurfaceFormat::UNKNOWN;
IntRect bounds;
if (aHandle) {
format = aHandle->GetFormat();
bounds = aHandle->GetBounds();
} else {
format = mCurrentTarget->GetFormat();
bounds = mCurrentTarget->GetRect();
RefPtr<DataSourceSurface> surface =
Factory::CreateDataSourceSurface(bounds.Size(), format);
if (!surface) {
return nullptr;
DataSourceSurface::ScopedMap dstMap(surface, DataSourceSurface::WRITE);
if (!dstMap.IsMapped() || !ReadInto(dstMap.GetData(), dstMap.GetStride(),
format, bounds, aHandle)) {
return nullptr;
return surface.forget();
// Utility method to install the target before reading a snapshot.
bool DrawTargetWebgl::ReadInto(uint8_t* aDstData, int32_t aDstStride) {
if (!PrepareContext(false)) {
return false;
return mSharedContext->ReadInto(aDstData, aDstStride, GetFormat(), GetRect());
// Utility method to install the target before reading a snapshot.
already_AddRefed<DataSourceSurface> DrawTargetWebgl::ReadSnapshot() {
AutoRestoreContext restore(this);
if (!PrepareContext(false)) {
return nullptr;
return mSharedContext->ReadSnapshot();
already_AddRefed<SourceSurface> DrawTargetWebgl::GetBackingSurface() {
return Snapshot();
void DrawTargetWebgl::DetachAllSnapshots() {
// Prepare the framebuffer for accelerated drawing. Any cached snapshots will
// be invalidated if not detached and copied here. Ensure the WebGL
// framebuffer's contents are updated if still somehow stored in the Skia
// framebuffer.
bool DrawTargetWebgl::MarkChanged() {
if (mSnapshot) {
// Try to copy the target into a new texture if possible.
ClearSnapshot(true, true);
if (!mWebglValid && !FlushFromSkia()) {
return false;
mSkiaValid = false;
return true;
bool DrawTargetWebgl::LockBits(uint8_t** aData, IntSize* aSize,
int32_t* aStride, SurfaceFormat* aFormat,
IntPoint* aOrigin) {
// Can only access pixels if there is valid, flattened Skia data.
if (mSkiaValid && !mSkiaLayer) {
return mSkia->LockBits(aData, aSize, aStride, aFormat, aOrigin);
return false;
void DrawTargetWebgl::ReleaseBits(uint8_t* aData) {
// Can only access pixels if there is valid, flattened Skia data.
if (mSkiaValid && !mSkiaLayer) {
// Format is x, y, alpha
static const float kRectVertexData[12] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
// Orphans the contents of the path vertex buffer. The beginning of the buffer
// always contains data for a simple rectangle draw to avoid needing to switch
// buffers.
void DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::ResetPathVertexBuffer() {
mWebgl->BindBuffer(LOCAL_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mPathVertexBuffer.get());
std::max(size_t(mPathVertexCapacity), sizeof(kRectVertexData)),
mWebgl->RawBufferSubData(LOCAL_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0,
(const uint8_t*)kRectVertexData,
mPathVertexOffset = sizeof(kRectVertexData);
// Attempts to create all shaders and resources to be used for drawing commands.
// Returns whether or not this succeeded.
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::CreateShaders() {
if (!mPathVertexArray) {
mPathVertexArray = mWebgl->CreateVertexArray();
if (!mPathVertexBuffer) {
mPathVertexBuffer = mWebgl->CreateBuffer();
mWebgl->VertexAttribPointer(0, 3, LOCAL_GL_FLOAT, LOCAL_GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
if (!mSolidProgram) {
// AA is computed by using the basis vectors of the transform to determine
// both the scale and orientation. The scale is then used to extrude the
// rectangle outward by 1 screen-space pixel to account for the AA region.
// The distance to the rectangle edges is passed to the fragment shader in
// an interpolant, biased by 0.5 so it represents the desired coverage. The
// minimum coverage is then chosen by the fragment shader to use as an AA
// coverage value to modulate the color.
auto vsSource =
u"attribute vec3 a_vertex;\n"
"uniform vec2 u_transform[3];\n"
"uniform vec2 u_viewport;\n"
"uniform float u_aa;\n"
"varying vec2 v_cliptc;\n"
"varying vec4 v_dist;\n"
"varying float v_alpha;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" vec2 scale = vec2(dot(u_transform[0], u_transform[0]),\n"
" dot(u_transform[1], u_transform[1]));\n"
" vec2 invScale = u_aa * inversesqrt(scale + 1.0e-6);\n"
" scale *= invScale;\n"
" vec2 extrude = a_vertex.xy + invScale * (2.0 * a_vertex.xy - "
" vec2 vertex = u_transform[0] * extrude.x +\n"
" u_transform[1] * extrude.y +\n"
" u_transform[2];\n"
" gl_Position = vec4(vertex * 2.0 / u_viewport - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
" v_cliptc = vertex / u_viewport;\n"
" v_dist = vec4(extrude, 1.0 - extrude) * scale.xyxy + 1.5 - u_aa;\n"
" v_alpha = a_vertex.z;\n"
auto fsSource =
u"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform vec4 u_color;\n"
"uniform sampler2D u_clipmask;\n"
"varying vec2 v_cliptc;\n"
"varying vec4 v_dist;\n"
"varying float v_alpha;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" float clip = texture2D(u_clipmask, v_cliptc).r;\n"
" vec2 dist = min(v_dist.xy, v_dist.zw);\n"
" float aa = v_alpha * clamp(min(dist.x, dist.y), 0.0, 1.0);\n"
" gl_FragColor = clip * aa * u_color;\n"
RefPtr<WebGLShaderJS> vsId = mWebgl->CreateShader(LOCAL_GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
mWebgl->ShaderSource(*vsId, vsSource);
if (!mWebgl->GetCompileResult(*vsId).success) {
return false;
RefPtr<WebGLShaderJS> fsId = mWebgl->CreateShader(LOCAL_GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
mWebgl->ShaderSource(*fsId, fsSource);
if (!mWebgl->GetCompileResult(*fsId).success) {
return false;
mSolidProgram = mWebgl->CreateProgram();
mWebgl->AttachShader(*mSolidProgram, *vsId);
mWebgl->AttachShader(*mSolidProgram, *fsId);
mWebgl->BindAttribLocation(*mSolidProgram, 0, u"a_vertex"_ns);
if (!mWebgl->GetLinkResult(*mSolidProgram).success) {
return false;
mSolidProgramViewport =
mWebgl->GetUniformLocation(*mSolidProgram, u"u_viewport"_ns);
mSolidProgramAA = mWebgl->GetUniformLocation(*mSolidProgram, u"u_aa"_ns);
mSolidProgramTransform =
mWebgl->GetUniformLocation(*mSolidProgram, u"u_transform"_ns);
mSolidProgramColor =
mWebgl->GetUniformLocation(*mSolidProgram, u"u_color"_ns);
mSolidProgramClipMask =
mWebgl->GetUniformLocation(*mSolidProgram, u"u_clipmask"_ns);
if (!mSolidProgramViewport || !mSolidProgramAA || !mSolidProgramTransform ||
!mSolidProgramColor || !mSolidProgramClipMask) {
return false;
int32_t clipMaskData = 1;
mWebgl->UniformData(LOCAL_GL_INT, mSolidProgramClipMask, false,
{(const uint8_t*)&clipMaskData, sizeof(clipMaskData)});
if (!mImageProgram) {
auto vsSource =
u"attribute vec3 a_vertex;\n"
"uniform vec2 u_viewport;\n"
"uniform float u_aa;\n"
"uniform vec2 u_transform[3];\n"
"uniform vec2 u_texmatrix[3];\n"
"varying vec2 v_cliptc;\n"
"varying vec2 v_texcoord;\n"
"varying vec4 v_dist;\n"
"varying float v_alpha;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" vec2 scale = vec2(dot(u_transform[0], u_transform[0]),\n"
" dot(u_transform[1], u_transform[1]));\n"
" vec2 invScale = u_aa * inversesqrt(scale + 1.0e-6);\n"
" scale *= invScale;\n"
" vec2 extrude = a_vertex.xy + invScale * (2.0 * a_vertex.xy - "
" vec2 vertex = u_transform[0] * extrude.x +\n"
" u_transform[1] * extrude.y +\n"
" u_transform[2];\n"
" gl_Position = vec4(vertex * 2.0 / u_viewport - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
" v_cliptc = vertex / u_viewport;\n"
" v_texcoord = u_texmatrix[0] * extrude.x +\n"
" u_texmatrix[1] * extrude.y +\n"
" u_texmatrix[2];\n"
" v_dist = vec4(extrude, 1.0 - extrude) * scale.xyxy + 1.5 - u_aa;\n"
" v_alpha = a_vertex.z;\n"
auto fsSource =
u"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform vec4 u_texbounds;\n"
"uniform vec4 u_color;\n"
"uniform float u_swizzle;\n"
"uniform sampler2D u_sampler;\n"
"uniform sampler2D u_clipmask;\n"
"varying vec2 v_cliptc;\n"
"varying vec2 v_texcoord;\n"
"varying vec4 v_dist;\n"
"varying float v_alpha;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" vec2 tc = clamp(v_texcoord, u_texbounds.xy, u_texbounds.zw);\n"
" vec4 image = texture2D(u_sampler, tc);\n"
" float clip = texture2D(u_clipmask, v_cliptc).r;\n"
" vec2 dist = min(v_dist.xy, v_dist.zw);\n"
" float aa = v_alpha * clamp(min(dist.x, dist.y), 0.0, 1.0);\n"
" gl_FragColor = clip * aa * u_color *\n"
" mix(image, image.rrrr, u_swizzle);\n"
RefPtr<WebGLShaderJS> vsId = mWebgl->CreateShader(LOCAL_GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
mWebgl->ShaderSource(*vsId, vsSource);
if (!mWebgl->GetCompileResult(*vsId).success) {
return false;
RefPtr<WebGLShaderJS> fsId = mWebgl->CreateShader(LOCAL_GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
mWebgl->ShaderSource(*fsId, fsSource);
if (!mWebgl->GetCompileResult(*fsId).success) {
return false;
mImageProgram = mWebgl->CreateProgram();
mWebgl->AttachShader(*mImageProgram, *vsId);
mWebgl->AttachShader(*mImageProgram, *fsId);
mWebgl->BindAttribLocation(*mImageProgram, 0, u"a_vertex"_ns);
if (!mWebgl->GetLinkResult(*mImageProgram).success) {
return false;
mImageProgramViewport =
mWebgl->GetUniformLocation(*mImageProgram, u"u_viewport"_ns);
mImageProgramAA = mWebgl->GetUniformLocation(*mImageProgram, u"u_aa"_ns);
mImageProgramTransform =
mWebgl->GetUniformLocation(*mImageProgram, u"u_transform"_ns);
mImageProgramTexMatrix =
mWebgl->GetUniformLocation(*mImageProgram, u"u_texmatrix"_ns);
mImageProgramTexBounds =
mWebgl->GetUniformLocation(*mImageProgram, u"u_texbounds"_ns);
mImageProgramSwizzle =
mWebgl->GetUniformLocation(*mImageProgram, u"u_swizzle"_ns);
mImageProgramColor =
mWebgl->GetUniformLocation(*mImageProgram, u"u_color"_ns);
mImageProgramSampler =
mWebgl->GetUniformLocation(*mImageProgram, u"u_sampler"_ns);
mImageProgramClipMask =
mWebgl->GetUniformLocation(*mImageProgram, u"u_clipmask"_ns);
if (!mImageProgramViewport || !mImageProgramAA || !mImageProgramTransform ||
!mImageProgramTexMatrix || !mImageProgramTexBounds ||
!mImageProgramSwizzle || !mImageProgramColor || !mImageProgramSampler ||
!mImageProgramClipMask) {
return false;
int32_t samplerData = 0;
mWebgl->UniformData(LOCAL_GL_INT, mImageProgramSampler, false,
{(const uint8_t*)&samplerData, sizeof(samplerData)});
int32_t clipMaskData = 1;
mWebgl->UniformData(LOCAL_GL_INT, mImageProgramClipMask, false,
{(const uint8_t*)&clipMaskData, sizeof(clipMaskData)});
return true;
void DrawTargetWebgl::ClearRect(const Rect& aRect) {
// OP_SOURCE may not be bounded by a mask, so we ensure that a clip is pushed
// here to avoid a group being pushed for it.
ColorPattern pattern(
DeviceColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, IsOpaque(mFormat) ? 1.0f : 0.0f));
DrawRect(aRect, pattern, DrawOptions(1.0f, CompositionOp::OP_SOURCE));
// Attempts to create the framebuffer used for drawing and also any relevant
// non-shared resources. Returns whether or not this succeeded.
bool DrawTargetWebgl::CreateFramebuffer() {
RefPtr<ClientWebGLContext> webgl = mSharedContext->mWebgl;
if (!mFramebuffer) {
mFramebuffer = webgl->CreateFramebuffer();
if (!mTex) {
mTex = webgl->CreateTexture();
webgl->BindTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, mTex);
webgl->TexStorage2D(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, LOCAL_GL_RGBA8, mSize.width,
webgl->BindFramebuffer(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, mFramebuffer);
mTex, 0);
webgl->Viewport(0, 0, mSize.width, mSize.height);
webgl->ClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, IsOpaque(mFormat) ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
return true;
void DrawTargetWebgl::CopySurface(SourceSurface* aSurface,
const IntRect& aSourceRect,
const IntPoint& aDestination) {
if (mSkiaValid) {
if (mSkiaLayer) {
if (IntRect(aDestination, aSourceRect.Size()).Contains(GetRect())) {
// If the the destination would override the entire layer, discard the
// layer.
mSkiaLayer = false;
} else if (!IsOpaque(aSurface->GetFormat())) {
// If the surface is not opaque, copying it into the layer results in
// unintended blending rather than a copy to the destination.
} else {
// If there is no layer, copying is safe.
mSkia->CopySurface(aSurface, aSourceRect, aDestination);
Matrix matrix = Matrix::Translation(aDestination - aSourceRect.TopLeft());
SurfacePattern pattern(aSurface, ExtendMode::CLAMP, matrix);
DrawRect(Rect(IntRect(aDestination, aSourceRect.Size())), pattern,
DrawOptions(1.0f, CompositionOp::OP_SOURCE), Nothing(), nullptr,
false, false);
void DrawTargetWebgl::PushClip(const Path* aPath) {
mClipChanged = true;
mRefreshClipState = true;
mClipStack.push_back({GetTransform(), Rect(), aPath});
void DrawTargetWebgl::PushClipRect(const Rect& aRect) {
mClipChanged = true;
mRefreshClipState = true;
mClipStack.push_back({GetTransform(), aRect, nullptr});
void DrawTargetWebgl::PushDeviceSpaceClipRects(const IntRect* aRects,
uint32_t aCount) {
mClipChanged = true;
mRefreshClipState = true;
mSkia->PushDeviceSpaceClipRects(aRects, aCount);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
mClipStack.push_back({Matrix(), Rect(aRects[i]), nullptr});
void DrawTargetWebgl::PopClip() {
mClipChanged = true;
mRefreshClipState = true;
bool DrawTargetWebgl::RemoveAllClips() {
if (mClipStack.empty()) {
return true;
if (!mSkia->RemoveAllClips()) {
return false;
mClipChanged = true;
mRefreshClipState = true;
return true;
// Whether a given composition operator can be mapped to a WebGL blend mode.
static inline bool SupportsDrawOptions(const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
switch (aOptions.mCompositionOp) {
case CompositionOp::OP_OVER:
case CompositionOp::OP_ADD:
case CompositionOp::OP_ATOP:
case CompositionOp::OP_SOURCE:
return true;
return false;
// Whether a pattern can be mapped to an available WebGL shader.
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::SupportsPattern(const Pattern& aPattern) {
switch (aPattern.GetType()) {
case PatternType::COLOR:
return true;
case PatternType::SURFACE: {
auto surfacePattern = static_cast<const SurfacePattern&>(aPattern);
if (surfacePattern.mExtendMode != ExtendMode::CLAMP) {
return false;
if (surfacePattern.mSurface) {
IntSize size = surfacePattern.mSurface->GetSize();
// The maximum size a surface can be before triggering a fallback to
// software. Bound the maximum surface size by the actual texture size
// limit.
int32_t maxSize = int32_t(
// Check if either of the surface dimensions or the sampling rect,
// if supplied, exceed the maximum.
if (std::max(size.width, size.height) > maxSize &&
(surfacePattern.mSamplingRect.IsEmpty() ||
surfacePattern.mSamplingRect.height) > maxSize)) {
return false;
return true;
// Patterns other than colors and surfaces are currently not accelerated.
return false;
// Whether a given composition operator is associative and thus allows drawing
// into a separate layer that can be later composited back into the WebGL
// context.
static inline bool SupportsLayering(const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
switch (aOptions.mCompositionOp) {
case CompositionOp::OP_OVER:
// Layering is only supported for the default source-over composition op.
return true;
return false;
// When a texture handle is no longer referenced, it must mark itself unused
// by unlinking its owning surface.
static void ReleaseTextureHandle(void* aPtr) {
bool DrawTargetWebgl::DrawRect(const Rect& aRect, const Pattern& aPattern,
const DrawOptions& aOptions,
Maybe<DeviceColor> aMaskColor,
RefPtr<TextureHandle>* aHandle,
bool aTransformed, bool aClipped,
bool aAccelOnly, bool aForceUpdate,
const StrokeOptions* aStrokeOptions) {
// If there is nothing to draw, then don't draw...
if (aRect.IsEmpty()) {
return true;
// If we're already drawing directly to the WebGL context, then we want to
// continue to do so. However, if we're drawing into a Skia layer over the
// WebGL context, then we need to be careful to avoid repeatedly clearing
// and flushing the layer if we hit a drawing request that can be accelerated
// in between layered drawing requests, as clearing and flushing the layer
// can be significantly expensive when repeated. So when a Skia layer is
// active, if it is possible to continue drawing into the layer, then don't
// accelerate the drawing request.
if (mWebglValid || (mSkiaLayer && !mLayerDepth &&
(aAccelOnly || !SupportsLayering(aOptions)))) {
// If we get here, either the WebGL context is being directly drawn to
// or we are going to flush the Skia layer to it before doing so. The shared
// context still needs to be claimed and prepared for drawing. If this
// fails, we just fall back to drawing with Skia below.
if (PrepareContext(aClipped)) {
// The shared context is claimed and the framebuffer is now valid, so try
// accelerated drawing.
return mSharedContext->DrawRectAccel(
aRect, aPattern, aOptions, aMaskColor, aHandle, aTransformed,
aClipped, aAccelOnly, aForceUpdate, aStrokeOptions);
// Either there is no valid WebGL target to draw into, or we failed to prepare
// it for drawing. The only thing we can do at this point is fall back to
// drawing with Skia. If the request explicitly requires accelerated drawing,
// then draw nothing before returning failure.
if (!aAccelOnly) {
DrawRectFallback(aRect, aPattern, aOptions, aMaskColor, aTransformed,
aClipped, aStrokeOptions);
return false;
void DrawTargetWebgl::DrawRectFallback(const Rect& aRect,
const Pattern& aPattern,
const DrawOptions& aOptions,
Maybe<DeviceColor> aMaskColor,
bool aTransformed, bool aClipped,
const StrokeOptions* aStrokeOptions) {
// Invalidate the WebGL target and prepare the Skia target for drawing.
if (aTransformed) {
// If transforms are requested, then just translate back to FillRect.
if (aMaskColor) {
mSkia->Mask(ColorPattern(*aMaskColor), aPattern, aOptions);
} else if (aStrokeOptions) {
mSkia->StrokeRect(aRect, aPattern, *aStrokeOptions, aOptions);
} else {
mSkia->FillRect(aRect, aPattern, aOptions);
} else if (aClipped) {
// If no transform was requested but clipping is still required, then
// temporarily reset the transform before translating to FillRect.
if (aMaskColor) {
auto surfacePattern = static_cast<const SurfacePattern&>(aPattern);
if (surfacePattern.mSamplingRect.IsEmpty()) {
mSkia->MaskSurface(ColorPattern(*aMaskColor), surfacePattern.mSurface,
aRect.TopLeft(), aOptions);
} else {
mSkia->Mask(ColorPattern(*aMaskColor), aPattern, aOptions);
} else if (aStrokeOptions) {
mSkia->StrokeRect(aRect, aPattern, *aStrokeOptions, aOptions);
} else {
mSkia->FillRect(aRect, aPattern, aOptions);
} else if (aPattern.GetType() == PatternType::SURFACE) {
// No transform nor clipping was requested, so it is essentially just a
// copy.
auto surfacePattern = static_cast<const SurfacePattern&>(aPattern);
} else {
inline already_AddRefed<WebGLTextureJS>
DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::GetCompatibleSnapshot(SourceSurface* aSurface) {
if (aSurface->GetType() == SurfaceType::WEBGL) {
RefPtr<SourceSurfaceWebgl> webglSurf =
if (this == webglSurf->mSharedContext) {
// If there is a snapshot copy in a texture handle, use that.
if (webglSurf->mHandle) {
return do_AddRef(webglSurf->mHandle->GetWebGLTexture());
if (RefPtr<DrawTargetWebgl> webglDT = webglSurf->GetTarget()) {
// If there is a copy-on-write reference to a target, use its backing
// texture directly. This is only safe if the targets don't match, but
// MarkChanged should ensure that any snapshots were copied into a
// texture handle before we ever get here.
if (!IsCurrentTarget(webglDT)) {
return do_AddRef(webglDT->mTex);
return nullptr;
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::UploadSurface(DataSourceSurface* aData,
SurfaceFormat aFormat,
const IntRect& aSrcRect,
const IntPoint& aDstOffset,
bool aInit, bool aZero) {
webgl::TexUnpackBlobDesc texDesc = {
{uint32_t(aSrcRect.width), uint32_t(aSrcRect.height), 1}};
if (aData) {
// The surface needs to be uploaded to its backing texture either to
// initialize or update the texture handle contents. Map the data
// contents of the surface so it can be read.
DataSourceSurface::ScopedMap map(aData, DataSourceSurface::READ);
if (!map.IsMapped()) {
return false;
int32_t stride = map.GetStride();
int32_t bpp = BytesPerPixel(aFormat);
if (mCurrentTarget && mCurrentTarget->mShmem.IsWritable() &&
map.GetData() == mCurrentTarget->mShmem.get<uint8_t>()) {
texDesc.sd = Some(layers::SurfaceDescriptorBuffer(
layers::RGBDescriptor(mCurrentTarget->mSize, SurfaceFormat::R8G8B8A8),
texDesc.structuredSrcSize =
uvec2::From(stride / bpp, mCurrentTarget->mSize.height);
texDesc.unpacking.skipPixels = aSrcRect.x;
texDesc.unpacking.skipRows = aSrcRect.y;
mWaitForShmem = true;
} else {
// Get the data pointer range considering the sampling rect offset and
// size.
Range<const uint8_t> range(
map.GetData() + aSrcRect.y * size_t(stride) + aSrcRect.x * bpp,
std::max(aSrcRect.height - 1, 0) * size_t(stride) +
aSrcRect.width * bpp);
texDesc.cpuData = Some(RawBuffer(range));
// If the stride happens to be 4 byte aligned, assume that is the
// desired alignment regardless of format (even A8). Otherwise, we
// default to byte alignment.
texDesc.unpacking.alignmentInTypeElems = stride % 4 ? 1 : 4;
texDesc.unpacking.rowLength = stride / bpp;
} else if (aZero) {
// Create a PBO filled with zero data to initialize the texture data and
// avoid slow initialization inside WebGL.
MOZ_ASSERT(aSrcRect.TopLeft() == IntPoint(0, 0));
size_t size =
size_t(GetAlignedStride<4>(aSrcRect.width, BytesPerPixel(aFormat))) *
if (!mZeroBuffer || size > mZeroSize) {
mZeroBuffer = mWebgl->CreateBuffer();
mZeroSize = size;
mWebgl->BindBuffer(LOCAL_GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, mZeroBuffer);
// WebGL will zero initialize the empty buffer, so we don't send zero data
// explicitly.
mWebgl->RawBufferData(LOCAL_GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, nullptr, size,
} else {
mWebgl->BindBuffer(LOCAL_GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, mZeroBuffer);
texDesc.pboOffset = Some(0);
// Upload as RGBA8 to avoid swizzling during upload. Surfaces provide
// data as BGRA, but we manually swizzle that in the shader. An A8
// surface will be stored as an R8 texture that will also be swizzled
// in the shader.
GLenum intFormat =
aFormat == SurfaceFormat::A8 ? LOCAL_GL_R8 : LOCAL_GL_RGBA8;
GLenum extFormat =
aFormat == SurfaceFormat::A8 ? LOCAL_GL_RED : LOCAL_GL_RGBA;
webgl::PackingInfo texPI = {extFormat, LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE};
// Do the (partial) upload for the shared or standalone texture.
mWebgl->RawTexImage(0, aInit ? intFormat : 0,
{uint32_t(aDstOffset.x), uint32_t(aDstOffset.y), 0},
texPI, std::move(texDesc));
if (!aData && aZero) {
return true;
static inline SamplingFilter GetSamplingFilter(const Pattern& aPattern) {
return aPattern.GetType() == PatternType::SURFACE
? static_cast<const SurfacePattern&>(aPattern).mSamplingFilter
: SamplingFilter::GOOD;
static inline bool UseNearestFilter(const Pattern& aPattern) {
return GetSamplingFilter(aPattern) == SamplingFilter::POINT;
// Determine if the rectangle is still axis-aligned and pixel-aligned.
static inline Maybe<IntRect> IsAlignedRect(bool aTransformed,
const Matrix& aCurrentTransform,
const Rect& aRect) {
if (!aTransformed || aCurrentTransform.HasOnlyIntegerTranslation()) {
auto intRect = RoundedToInt(aRect);
if (aRect.WithinEpsilonOf(Rect(intRect), 1.0e-3f)) {
if (aTransformed) {
intRect += RoundedToInt(aCurrentTransform.GetTranslation());
return Some(intRect);
return Nothing();
// Common rectangle and pattern drawing function shared by many DrawTarget
// commands. If aMaskColor is specified, the provided surface pattern will be
// treated as a mask. If aHandle is specified, then the surface pattern's
// texture will be cached in the supplied handle, as opposed to using the
// surface's user data. If aTransformed or aClipped are false, then transforms
// and/or clipping will be disabled. If aAccelOnly is specified, then this
// function will return before it would have otherwise drawn without
// acceleration. If aForceUpdate is specified, then the provided texture handle
// will be respecified with the provided surface.
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::DrawRectAccel(
const Rect& aRect, const Pattern& aPattern, const DrawOptions& aOptions,
Maybe<DeviceColor> aMaskColor, RefPtr<TextureHandle>* aHandle,
bool aTransformed, bool aClipped, bool aAccelOnly, bool aForceUpdate,
const StrokeOptions* aStrokeOptions, const PathVertexRange* aVertexRange) {
// If the rect or clip rect is empty, then there is nothing to draw.
if (aRect.IsEmpty() || mClipRect.IsEmpty()) {
return true;
// Check if the drawing options and the pattern support acceleration. Also
// ensure the framebuffer is prepared for drawing. If not, fall back to using
// the Skia target.
if (!SupportsDrawOptions(aOptions) || !SupportsPattern(aPattern) ||
!mCurrentTarget->MarkChanged()) {
// If only accelerated drawing was requested, bail out without software
// drawing fallback.
if (!aAccelOnly) {
mCurrentTarget->DrawRectFallback(aRect, aPattern, aOptions, aMaskColor,
aTransformed, aClipped, aStrokeOptions);
return false;
const Matrix& currentTransform = GetTransform();
if (aOptions.mCompositionOp == CompositionOp::OP_SOURCE &&
((aClipped && HasClipMask()) ||
!IsAlignedRect(aTransformed, currentTransform, aRect)) &&
aPattern.GetType() == PatternType::SURFACE) {
// We must emulate the source op for non-opaque surface patterns to avoid
// using dual-source blending. This requires clearing the clip region
// without using the surface's alpha before we actually add on the surface
// to the destination. For opaque surfaces, we can simply use the over op.
auto surfacePattern = static_cast<const SurfacePattern&>(aPattern);
CompositionOp op = CompositionOp::OP_OVER;
if (!surfacePattern.mSurface ||
!IsOpaque(surfacePattern.mSurface->GetFormat()) ||
aOptions.mAlpha != 1.0f) {
op = CompositionOp::OP_ADD;
if (DrawRectAccel(aRect, ColorPattern(DeviceColor(0, 0, 0, 0)),
DrawOptions(1.0f, CompositionOp::OP_SOURCE,
Nothing(), nullptr, aTransformed, aClipped, aAccelOnly,
aForceUpdate, aStrokeOptions, aVertexRange)) {
return false;
return DrawRectAccel(
aRect, aPattern,
DrawOptions(aOptions.mAlpha, op, aOptions.mAntialiasMode), aMaskColor,
aHandle, aTransformed, aClipped, aAccelOnly, aForceUpdate,
aStrokeOptions, aVertexRange);
// Set up the scissor test to reflect the clipping rectangle, if supplied.
bool scissor = false;
if (!mClipRect.Contains(IntRect(IntPoint(), mViewportSize))) {
scissor = true;
mWebgl->Scissor(mClipRect.x, mClipRect.y, mClipRect.width,
bool success = false;
// Now try to actually draw the pattern...
switch (aPattern.GetType()) {
case PatternType::COLOR: {
if (!aVertexRange) {
// Only an uncached draw if not using the vertex cache.
auto color = static_cast<const ColorPattern&>(aPattern).mColor;
float a = color.a * aOptions.mAlpha;
DeviceColor premulColor(color.r * a, color.g * a, color.b * a, a);
if (((a == 1.0f && aOptions.mCompositionOp == CompositionOp::OP_OVER) ||
aOptions.mCompositionOp == CompositionOp::OP_SOURCE) &&
!aStrokeOptions && !aVertexRange && !HasClipMask()) {
// Certain color patterns can be mapped to scissored clears. The
// composition op must effectively overwrite the destination, and the
// transform must map to an axis-aligned integer rectangle.
if (Maybe<IntRect> intRect =
IsAlignedRect(aTransformed, currentTransform, aRect)) {
if (!intRect->Contains(mClipRect)) {
scissor = true;
auto scissorRect = intRect->Intersect(mClipRect);
mWebgl->Scissor(scissorRect.x, scissorRect.y, scissorRect.width,
mWebgl->ClearColor(premulColor.b, premulColor.g, premulColor.r,
success = true;
// Map the composition op to a WebGL blend mode, if possible.
Maybe<DeviceColor> blendColor;
if (aOptions.mCompositionOp == CompositionOp::OP_SOURCE) {
// The source operator can support clipping and AA by emulating it with
// the over op. Supply the color with blend state, and set the shader
// color to white, to avoid needing dual-source blending.
blendColor = Some(premulColor);
premulColor = DeviceColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
SetBlendState(aOptions.mCompositionOp, blendColor);
// Since it couldn't be mapped to a scissored clear, we need to use the
// solid color shader with supplied transform.
if (mLastProgram != mSolidProgram) {
mLastProgram = mSolidProgram;
// Ensure viewport and AA state is current.
mDirtyViewport = true;
mDirtyAA = true;
if (mDirtyViewport) {
float viewportData[2] = {float(mViewportSize.width),
LOCAL_GL_FLOAT_VEC2, mSolidProgramViewport, false,
{(const uint8_t*)viewportData, sizeof(viewportData)});
mDirtyViewport = false;
if (mDirtyAA || aStrokeOptions || aVertexRange) {
// Native lines use line smoothing. Generated paths provide their own
// AA as vertex alpha.
float aaData = aStrokeOptions || aVertexRange ? 0.0f : 1.0f;
mWebgl->UniformData(LOCAL_GL_FLOAT, mSolidProgramAA, false,
{(const uint8_t*)&aaData, sizeof(aaData)});
mDirtyAA = aaData == 0.0f;
float colorData[4] = {premulColor.b, premulColor.g, premulColor.r,
Matrix xform(aRect.width, 0.0f, 0.0f, aRect.height, aRect.x, aRect.y);
if (aTransformed) {
xform *= currentTransform;
float xformData[6] = {xform._11, xform._12, xform._21,
xform._22, xform._31, xform._32};
mWebgl->UniformData(LOCAL_GL_FLOAT_VEC2, mSolidProgramTransform, false,
{(const uint8_t*)xformData, sizeof(xformData)});
mWebgl->UniformData(LOCAL_GL_FLOAT_VEC4, mSolidProgramColor, false,
{(const uint8_t*)colorData, sizeof(colorData)});
// Finally draw the colored rectangle.
if (aVertexRange) {
// If there's a vertex range, then we need to draw triangles within from
// generated from a path stored in the path vertex buffer.
mWebgl->DrawArrays(LOCAL_GL_TRIANGLES, GLint(aVertexRange->mOffset),
} else {
// Otherwise we're drawing a simple stroked/filled rectangle.
success = true;
case PatternType::SURFACE: {
auto surfacePattern = static_cast<const SurfacePattern&>(aPattern);
// If a texture handle was supplied, or if the surface already has an
// assigned texture handle stashed in its used data, try to use it.
RefPtr<TextureHandle> handle =
aHandle ? aHandle->get()
: (surfacePattern.mSurface
? static_cast<TextureHandle*>(
: nullptr);
IntSize texSize;
IntPoint offset;
SurfaceFormat format;
// Check if the found handle is still valid and if its sampling rect
// matches the requested sampling rect.
if (handle && handle->IsValid() &&
(surfacePattern.mSamplingRect.IsEmpty() ||
surfacePattern.mSamplingRect))) {
texSize = handle->GetSize();
format = handle->GetFormat();
offset = handle->GetSamplingOffset();
} else {
// Otherwise, there is no handle that can be used yet, so extract
// information from the surface pattern.
handle = nullptr;
if (!surfacePattern.mSurface) {
// If there was no actual surface supplied, then we tried to draw
// using a texture handle, but the texture handle wasn't valid.
texSize = surfacePattern.mSurface->GetSize();
format = surfacePattern.mSurface->GetFormat();
if (!surfacePattern.mSamplingRect.IsEmpty()) {
texSize = surfacePattern.mSamplingRect.Size();
offset = surfacePattern.mSamplingRect.TopLeft();
// We need to be able to transform from local space into texture space.
Matrix invMatrix = surfacePattern.mMatrix;
if (!invMatrix.Invert()) {
RefPtr<WebGLTextureJS> tex;
IntRect bounds;
IntSize backingSize;
RefPtr<DataSourceSurface> data;
bool init = false;
if (handle) {
if (aForceUpdate) {
data = surfacePattern.mSurface->GetDataSurface();
if (!data) {
// The size of the texture may change if we update contents.
mUsedTextureMemory -= handle->UsedBytes();
mUsedTextureMemory += handle->UsedBytes();
// If using an existing handle, move it to the front of the MRU list.
} else if ((tex = GetCompatibleSnapshot(surfacePattern.mSurface))) {
backingSize = surfacePattern.mSurface->GetSize();
bounds = IntRect(offset, texSize);
// Count reusing a snapshot texture (no readback) as a cache hit.
} else {
// If we get here, we need a data surface for a texture upload.
data = surfacePattern.mSurface->GetDataSurface();
if (!data) {
// There is no existing handle. Calculate the bytes that would be used
// by this texture, and prune enough other textures to ensure we have
// that much usable texture space available to allocate.
size_t usedBytes = TextureHandle::UsedBytes(format, texSize);
PruneTextureMemory(usedBytes, false);
// The requested page size for shared textures.
int32_t pageSize = int32_t(
if (!aForceUpdate &&
std::max(texSize.width, texSize.height) <= pageSize / 2) {
// Ensure that the surface size won't change via forced update and
// that the surface is no bigger than a quadrant of a shared texture
// page. If so, try to allocate it to a shared texture. Look for any
// existing shared texture page with a matching format and allocate
// from that if possible.
for (auto& shared : mSharedTextures) {
if (shared->GetFormat() == format) {
bool wasEmpty = !shared->HasAllocatedHandles();
handle = shared->Allocate(texSize);
if (handle) {
if (wasEmpty) {
// If the page was previously empty, then deduct it from the
// empty memory reserves.
mEmptyTextureMemory -= shared->UsedBytes();
// If we couldn't find an existing shared texture page with matching
// format, then allocate a new page to put the request in.
if (!handle) {
tex = mWebgl->CreateTexture();
if (!tex) {
RefPtr<SharedTexture> shared =
new SharedTexture(IntSize(pageSize, pageSize), format, tex);
mTotalTextureMemory += shared->UsedBytes();
handle = shared->Allocate(texSize);
if (!handle) {
init = true;
} else {
// The surface wouldn't fit in a shared texture page, so we need to
// allocate a standalone texture for it instead.
tex = mWebgl->CreateTexture();
if (!tex) {
RefPtr<StandaloneTexture> standalone =
new StandaloneTexture(texSize, format, tex);
mTotalTextureMemory += standalone->UsedBytes();
handle = standalone;
init = true;
// Insert the new texture handle into the front of the MRU list and
// update used space for it.
mUsedTextureMemory += handle->UsedBytes();
// Link the handle to the surface's user data.
if (aHandle) {
*aHandle = handle;
} else {
surfacePattern.mSurface->AddUserData(&mTextureHandleKey, handle.get(),
// Map the composition op to a WebGL blend mode, if possible. If there is
// a mask color and a texture with multiple channels, assume subpixel
// blending. If we encounter the source op here, then assume the surface
// is opaque (non-opaque is handled above) and emulate it with over.
format != SurfaceFormat::A8 ? aMaskColor : Nothing());
// Switch to the image shader and set up relevant transforms.
if (mLastProgram != mImageProgram) {
mLastProgram = mImageProgram;
// Ensure viewport and AA state is current.
mDirtyViewport = true;
mDirtyAA = true;
if (mDirtyViewport) {
float viewportData[2] = {float(mViewportSize.width),
LOCAL_GL_FLOAT_VEC2, mImageProgramViewport, false,
{(const uint8_t*)viewportData, sizeof(viewportData)});
mDirtyViewport = false;
if (mDirtyAA || aStrokeOptions || aVertexRange) {
// AA is not supported for OP_SOURCE. Native lines use line smoothing.
// Generated paths provide their own AA as vertex alpha.
float aaData = mLastCompositionOp == CompositionOp::OP_SOURCE ||
aStrokeOptions || aVertexRange
? 0.0f
: 1.0f;
mWebgl->UniformData(LOCAL_GL_FLOAT, mImageProgramAA, false,
{(const uint8_t*)&aaData, sizeof(aaData)});
mDirtyAA = aaData == 0.0f;
DeviceColor color = aMaskColor && format != SurfaceFormat::A8
? DeviceColor::Mask(1.0f, aMaskColor->a)
: aMaskColor.valueOr(DeviceColor(1, 1, 1, 1));
float a = color.a * aOptions.mAlpha;
float colorData[4] = {color.b * a, color.g * a, color.r * a, a};
float swizzleData =
aMaskColor && format == SurfaceFormat::A8 ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
Matrix xform(aRect.width, 0.0f, 0.0f, aRect.height, aRect.x, aRect.y);
if (aTransformed) {
xform *= currentTransform;
float xformData[6] = {xform._11, xform._12, xform._21,
xform._22, xform._31, xform._32};
mWebgl->UniformData(LOCAL_GL_FLOAT_VEC2, mImageProgramTransform, false,
{(const uint8_t*)xformData, sizeof(xformData)});
mWebgl->UniformData(LOCAL_GL_FLOAT_VEC4, mImageProgramColor, false,
{(const uint8_t*)colorData, sizeof(colorData)});
mWebgl->UniformData(LOCAL_GL_FLOAT, mImageProgramSwizzle, false,
{(const uint8_t*)&swizzleData, sizeof(swizzleData)});
// Start binding the WebGL state for the texture.
if (handle) {
if (!tex) {
tex = handle->GetWebGLTexture();
bounds = handle->GetBounds();
backingSize = handle->GetBackingSize();
if (mLastTexture != tex) {
mWebgl->BindTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);
mLastTexture = tex;
if (init) {
// If this is the first time the texture is used, we need to initialize
// the clamping and filtering state.
if (texSize != backingSize) {
// If this is a shared texture handle whose actual backing texture is
// larger than it, then we need to allocate the texture page to the
// full backing size before we can do a partial upload of the surface.
UploadSurface(nullptr, format, IntRect(IntPoint(), backingSize),
IntPoint(), true, true);
if (data) {
UploadSurface(data, format, IntRect(offset, texSize), bounds.TopLeft(),
texSize == backingSize);
// Signal that we had to upload new data to the texture cache.
} else {
// Signal that we are reusing data from the texture cache.
// Set up the texture coordinate matrix to map from the input rectangle to
// the backing texture subrect.
Size backingSizeF(backingSize);
Matrix uvMatrix(aRect.width, 0.0f, 0.0f, aRect.height, aRect.x, aRect.y);
uvMatrix *= invMatrix;
uvMatrix *= Matrix(1.0f / backingSizeF.width, 0.0f, 0.0f,
1.0f / backingSizeF.height,
float(bounds.x - offset.x) / backingSizeF.width,
float(bounds.y - offset.y) / backingSizeF.height);
float uvData[6] = {uvMatrix._11, uvMatrix._12, uvMatrix._21,
uvMatrix._22, uvMatrix._31, uvMatrix._32};
mWebgl->UniformData(LOCAL_GL_FLOAT_VEC2, mImageProgramTexMatrix, false,
{(const uint8_t*)uvData, sizeof(uvData)});
// Clamp sampling to within the bounds of the backing texture subrect.
float texBounds[4] = {
(bounds.x + 0.5f) / backingSizeF.width,
(bounds.y + 0.5f) / backingSizeF.height,
(bounds.XMost() - 0.5f) / backingSizeF.width,
(bounds.YMost() - 0.5f) / backingSizeF.height,
mWebgl->UniformData(LOCAL_GL_FLOAT_VEC4, mImageProgramTexBounds, false,
{(const uint8_t*)texBounds, sizeof(texBounds)});
// Ensure we use nearest filtering when no antialiasing is requested.
if (UseNearestFilter(surfacePattern)) {
SetTexFilter(tex, false);
// Finally draw the image rectangle.
if (aVertexRange) {
// If there's a vertex range, then we need to draw triangles within from
// generated from a path stored in the path vertex buffer.
mWebgl->DrawArrays(LOCAL_GL_TRIANGLES, GLint(aVertexRange->mOffset),
} else {
// Otherwise we're drawing a simple stroked/filled rectangle.
// Restore the default linear filter if overridden.
if (UseNearestFilter(surfacePattern)) {
SetTexFilter(tex, true);
success = true;
gfxWarning() << "Unknown DrawTargetWebgl::DrawRect pattern type: "
<< (int)aPattern.GetType();
// mWebgl->Disable(LOCAL_GL_BLEND);
// Clean up any scissor state if there was clipping.
if (scissor) {
return success;
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::RemoveSharedTexture(
const RefPtr<SharedTexture>& aTexture) {
auto pos =
std::find(mSharedTextures.begin(), mSharedTextures.end(), aTexture);
if (pos == mSharedTextures.end()) {
return false;
// Keep around a reserve of empty pages to avoid initialization costs from
// allocating shared pages. If still below the limit of reserved pages, then
// just add it to the reserve. Otherwise, erase the empty texture page.
size_t maxBytes = StaticPrefs::gfx_canvas_accelerated_reserve_empty_cache()
<< 20;
size_t usedBytes = aTexture->UsedBytes();
if (mEmptyTextureMemory + usedBytes <= maxBytes) {
mEmptyTextureMemory += usedBytes;
} else {
mTotalTextureMemory -= usedBytes;
return true;
void SharedTextureHandle::Cleanup(DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext& aContext) {
// Check if the shared handle's owning page has no more allocated handles
// after we freed it. If so, remove the empty shared texture page also.
if (!mTexture->HasAllocatedHandles()) {
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::RemoveStandaloneTexture(
const RefPtr<StandaloneTexture>& aTexture) {
auto pos = std::find(mStandaloneTextures.begin(), mStandaloneTextures.end(),
if (pos == mStandaloneTextures.end()) {
return false;
mTotalTextureMemory -= aTexture->UsedBytes();
return true;
void StandaloneTexture::Cleanup(DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext& aContext) {
// Prune a given texture handle and release its associated resources.
void DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::PruneTextureHandle(
const RefPtr<TextureHandle>& aHandle) {
// Invalidate the handle so nothing will subsequently use its contents.
// If the handle has an associated SourceSurface, unlink it.
// If the handle has an associated CacheEntry, unlink it.
if (RefPtr<CacheEntry> entry = aHandle->GetCacheEntry()) {
// Deduct the used space from the total.
mUsedTextureMemory -= aHandle->UsedBytes();
// Ensure any allocated shared or standalone texture regions get freed.
// Prune any texture memory above the limit (or margin below the limit) or any
// least-recently-used handles that are no longer associated with any usable
// surface.
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::PruneTextureMemory(size_t aMargin,
bool aPruneUnused) {
// The maximum amount of texture memory that may be used by textures.
size_t maxBytes = StaticPrefs::gfx_canvas_accelerated_cache_size() << 20;
maxBytes -= std::min(maxBytes, aMargin);
size_t maxItems = StaticPrefs::gfx_canvas_accelerated_cache_items();
size_t oldItems = mNumTextureHandles;
while (!mTextureHandles.isEmpty() &&
(mUsedTextureMemory > maxBytes || mNumTextureHandles > maxItems ||
(aPruneUnused && !mTextureHandles.getLast()->IsUsed()))) {
return mNumTextureHandles < oldItems;
void DrawTargetWebgl::FillRect(const Rect& aRect, const Pattern& aPattern,
const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
if (SupportsPattern(aPattern)) {
DrawRect(aRect, aPattern, aOptions);
} else if (!mWebglValid) {
mSkia->FillRect(aRect, aPattern, aOptions);
} else {
// If the pattern is unsupported, then transform the rect to a path so it
// can be cached.
SkPath skiaPath;
RefPtr<PathSkia> path = new PathSkia(skiaPath, FillRule::FILL_WINDING);
DrawPath(path, aPattern, aOptions);
void CacheEntry::Link(const RefPtr<TextureHandle>& aHandle) {
mHandle = aHandle;
// When the CacheEntry becomes unused, it marks the corresponding
// TextureHandle as unused and unlinks it from the CacheEntry. The
// entry is removed from its containing Cache, if applicable.
void CacheEntry::Unlink() {
// The entry may not have a valid handle if rasterization failed.
if (mHandle) {
mHandle = nullptr;
// Hashes a path and pattern to a single hash value that can be used for quick
// comparisons. This currently avoids to expensive hashing of internal path
// and pattern data for speed, relying instead on later exact comparisons for
// disambiguation.
HashNumber PathCacheEntry::HashPath(const QuantizedPath& aPath,
const Pattern* aPattern,
const Matrix& aTransform,
const IntRect& aBounds,
const Point& aOrigin) {
HashNumber hash = 0;
hash = AddToHash(hash, aPath.mPath.num_types);
hash = AddToHash(hash, aPath.mPath.num_points);
// Quantize the relative offset of the path to its bounds.
IntPoint offset = RoundedToInt((aOrigin - Point(aBounds.TopLeft())) * 16.0f);
hash = AddToHash(hash, offset.x);
hash = AddToHash(hash, offset.y);
hash = AddToHash(hash, aBounds.width);
hash = AddToHash(hash, aBounds.height);
if (aPattern) {
hash = AddToHash(hash, (int)aPattern->GetType());
return hash;
// When caching rendered geometry, we need to ensure the scale and orientation
// is approximately the same. The offset will be considered separately.
static inline bool HasMatchingScale(const Matrix& aTransform1,
const Matrix& aTransform2) {
return FuzzyEqual(aTransform1._11, aTransform2._11) &&
FuzzyEqual(aTransform1._12, aTransform2._12) &&
FuzzyEqual(aTransform1._21, aTransform2._21) &&
FuzzyEqual(aTransform1._22, aTransform2._22);
// Determines if an existing path cache entry matches an incoming path and
// pattern.
inline bool PathCacheEntry::MatchesPath(const QuantizedPath& aPath,
const Pattern* aPattern,
const StrokeOptions* aStrokeOptions,
const Matrix& aTransform,
const IntRect& aBounds,
const Point& aOrigin, HashNumber aHash,
float aSigma) {
return aHash == mHash && HasMatchingScale(aTransform, mTransform) &&
// Ensure the clipped relative bounds fit inside those of the entry
aBounds.x - aOrigin.x >= mBounds.x - mOrigin.x &&
(aBounds.x - aOrigin.x) + aBounds.width <=
(mBounds.x - mOrigin.x) + mBounds.width &&
aBounds.y - aOrigin.y >= mBounds.y - mOrigin.y &&
(aBounds.y - aOrigin.y) + aBounds.height <=
(mBounds.y - mOrigin.y) + mBounds.height &&
aPath == mPath &&
(!aPattern ? !mPattern : mPattern && *aPattern == *mPattern) &&
? !mStrokeOptions
: mStrokeOptions && *aStrokeOptions == *mStrokeOptions) &&
aSigma == mSigma;
PathCacheEntry::PathCacheEntry(QuantizedPath&& aPath, Pattern* aPattern,
StoredStrokeOptions* aStrokeOptions,
const Matrix& aTransform, const IntRect& aBounds,
const Point& aOrigin, HashNumber aHash,
float aSigma)
: CacheEntryImpl<PathCacheEntry>(aTransform, aBounds, aHash),
mSigma(aSigma) {}
// Attempt to find a matching entry in the path cache. If one isn't found,
// a new entry will be created. The caller should check whether the contained
// texture handle is valid to determine if it will need to render the text run
// or just reuse the cached texture.
already_AddRefed<PathCacheEntry> PathCache::FindOrInsertEntry(
QuantizedPath aPath, const Pattern* aPattern,
const StrokeOptions* aStrokeOptions, const Matrix& aTransform,
const IntRect& aBounds, const Point& aOrigin, float aSigma) {
HashNumber hash =
PathCacheEntry::HashPath(aPath, aPattern, aTransform, aBounds, aOrigin);
for (const RefPtr<PathCacheEntry>& entry : GetChain(hash)) {
if (entry->MatchesPath(aPath, aPattern, aStrokeOptions, aTransform, aBounds,
aOrigin, hash, aSigma)) {
return do_AddRef(entry);
Pattern* pattern = nullptr;
if (aPattern) {
pattern = aPattern->CloneWeak();
if (!pattern) {
return nullptr;
StoredStrokeOptions* strokeOptions = nullptr;
if (aStrokeOptions) {
strokeOptions = aStrokeOptions->Clone();
if (!strokeOptions) {
return nullptr;
RefPtr<PathCacheEntry> entry =
new PathCacheEntry(std::move(aPath), pattern, strokeOptions, aTransform,
aBounds, aOrigin, hash, aSigma);
return entry.forget();
void DrawTargetWebgl::Fill(const Path* aPath, const Pattern& aPattern,
const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
if (!aPath || aPath->GetBackendType() != BackendType::SKIA) {
const SkPath& skiaPath = static_cast<const PathSkia*>(aPath)->GetPath();
SkRect rect;
// Draw the path as a simple rectangle with a supported pattern when possible.
if (skiaPath.isRect(&rect) && SupportsPattern(aPattern)) {
DrawRect(SkRectToRect(rect), aPattern, aOptions);
} else {
DrawPath(aPath, aPattern, aOptions);
QuantizedPath::QuantizedPath(const WGR::Path& aPath) : mPath(aPath) {}
QuantizedPath::QuantizedPath(QuantizedPath&& aPath) noexcept
: mPath(aPath.mPath) {
aPath.mPath.points = nullptr;
aPath.mPath.num_points = 0;
aPath.mPath.types = nullptr;
aPath.mPath.num_types = 0;
QuantizedPath::~QuantizedPath() {
if (mPath.points || mPath.types) {
bool QuantizedPath::operator==(const QuantizedPath& aOther) const {
return mPath.num_types == aOther.mPath.num_types &&
mPath.num_points == aOther.mPath.num_points &&
mPath.fill_mode == aOther.mPath.fill_mode &&
!memcmp(mPath.types, aOther.mPath.types,
mPath.num_types * sizeof(uint8_t)) &&
!memcmp(mPath.points, aOther.mPath.points,
mPath.num_points * sizeof(WGR::Point));
// Generate a quantized path from the Skia path using WGR. The supplied
// transform will be applied to the path. The path is stored relative to its
// bounds origin to support translation later.
static Maybe<QuantizedPath> GenerateQuantizedPath(const SkPath& aPath,
const IntRect& aBounds,
const Matrix& aTransform) {
WGR::PathBuilder* pb = WGR::wgr_new_builder();
if (!pb) {
return Nothing();
pb, aPath.getFillType() == SkPath::kWinding_FillType
? WGR::FillMode::Winding
: WGR::FillMode::EvenOdd);
SkPath::RawIter iter(aPath);
SkPoint params[4];
SkPath::Verb currentVerb;
// printf_stderr("bounds: (%d, %d) %d x %d\n", aBounds.x, aBounds.y,
// aBounds.width, aBounds.height);
Matrix transform = aTransform;
while ((currentVerb = iter.next(params)) != SkPath::kDone_Verb) {
switch (currentVerb) {
case SkPath::kMove_Verb: {
Point p0 = transform.TransformPoint(SkPointToPoint(params[0]));
// printf_stderr("move (%f, %f)\n", p0.x, p0.y);
WGR::wgr_builder_move_to(pb, p0.x, p0.y);
case SkPath::kLine_Verb: {
Point p1 = transform.TransformPoint(SkPointToPoint(params[1]));
// printf_stderr("line (%f, %f)\n", p1.x, p1.y);
WGR::wgr_builder_line_to(pb, p1.x, p1.y);
case SkPath::kCubic_Verb: {
Point p1 = transform.TransformPoint(SkPointToPoint(params[1]));
Point p2 = transform.TransformPoint(SkPointToPoint(params[2]));
Point p3 = transform.TransformPoint(SkPointToPoint(params[3]));
// printf_stderr("cubic (%f, %f), (%f, %f), (%f, %f)\n", p1.x, p1.y,
// p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y);
WGR::wgr_builder_curve_to(pb, p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y);
case SkPath::kQuad_Verb: {
Point p1 = transform.TransformPoint(SkPointToPoint(params[1]));
Point p2 = transform.TransformPoint(SkPointToPoint(params[2]));
// printf_stderr("quad (%f, %f), (%f, %f)\n", p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
WGR::wgr_builder_quad_to(pb, p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
case SkPath::kConic_Verb: {
Point p0 = transform.TransformPoint(SkPointToPoint(params[0]));
Point p1 = transform.TransformPoint(SkPointToPoint(params[1]));
Point p2 = transform.TransformPoint(SkPointToPoint(params[2]));
float w = iter.conicWeight();
std::vector<Point> quads;
int numQuads = ConvertConicToQuads(p0, p1, p2, w, quads);
for (int i = 0; i < numQuads; i++) {
Point q1 = quads[2 * i + 1];
Point q2 = quads[2 * i + 2];
// printf_stderr("conic quad (%f, %f), (%f, %f)\n", q1.x, q1.y, q2.x,
// q2.y);
WGR::wgr_builder_quad_to(pb, q1.x, q1.y, q2.x, q2.y);
case SkPath::kClose_Verb:
// printf_stderr("close\n");
// Unexpected verb found in path!
return Nothing();
WGR::Path p = WGR::wgr_builder_get_path(pb);
if (!p.num_points || !p.num_types) {
return Nothing();
return Some(QuantizedPath(p));
// Get the output vertex buffer using WGR from an input quantized path.
static Maybe<WGR::VertexBuffer> GeneratePathVertexBuffer(
const QuantizedPath& aPath, const IntRect& aClipRect) {
WGR::VertexBuffer vb = WGR::wgr_path_rasterize_to_tri_list(
&aPath.mPath, aClipRect.x, aClipRect.y, aClipRect.width,
if (!vb.len) {
return Nothing();
return Some(vb);
// Search the path cache for any entries stored in the path vertex buffer and
// remove them.
void PathCache::ClearVertexRanges() {
for (auto& chain : mChains) {
PathCacheEntry* entry = chain.getFirst();
while (entry) {
PathCacheEntry* next = entry->getNext();
if (entry->GetVertexRange().IsValid()) {
entry = next;
inline bool DrawTargetWebgl::ShouldAccelPath(const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
return mWebglValid && SupportsDrawOptions(aOptions) && PrepareContext();
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::DrawPathAccel(
const Path* aPath, const Pattern& aPattern, const DrawOptions& aOptions,
const StrokeOptions* aStrokeOptions, const ShadowOptions* aShadow,
bool aCacheable) {
// Get the transformed bounds for the path and conservatively check if the
// bounds overlap the canvas.
const PathSkia* pathSkia = static_cast<const PathSkia*>(aPath);
const Matrix& currentTransform = GetTransform();
Rect bounds = pathSkia->GetFastBounds(currentTransform, aStrokeOptions);
// If the path is empty, then there is nothing to draw.
if (bounds.IsEmpty()) {
return true;
IntRect viewport(IntPoint(), mViewportSize);
if (aShadow) {
// Inflate the bounds to account for the blur radius.
bounds += aShadow->mOffset;
int32_t blurRadius = aShadow->BlurRadius();
// If the path doesn't intersect the viewport, then there is nothing to draw.
IntRect intBounds = RoundedOut(bounds).Intersect(viewport);
if (intBounds.IsEmpty()) {
return true;
// If a stroke path covers too much screen area, it is likely that most is
// empty space in the interior. This usually imposes too high a cost versus
// just rasterizing without acceleration.
if (aStrokeOptions &&
intBounds.width * intBounds.height >
(mViewportSize.width / 2) * (mViewportSize.height / 2)) {
return false;
// If the pattern is a solid color, then this will be used along with a path
// mask to render the path, as opposed to baking the pattern into the cached
// path texture.
Maybe<DeviceColor> color =
aPattern.GetType() == PatternType::COLOR
? Some(static_cast<const ColorPattern&>(aPattern).mColor)
: Nothing();
// Look for an existing path cache entry, if possible, or otherwise create
// one. If the draw request is not cacheable, then don't create an entry.
RefPtr<PathCacheEntry> entry;
RefPtr<TextureHandle> handle;
if (aCacheable) {
if (!mPathCache) {
mPathCache = MakeUnique<PathCache>();
// Use a quantized, relative (to its bounds origin) version of the path as
// a cache key to help limit cache bloat.
Maybe<QuantizedPath> qp =
GenerateQuantizedPath(pathSkia->GetPath(), intBounds, currentTransform);
if (!qp) {
return false;
entry = mPathCache->FindOrInsertEntry(
std::move(*qp), color ? nullptr : &aPattern, aStrokeOptions,
currentTransform, intBounds, bounds.TopLeft(),
aShadow ? aShadow->mSigma : -1.0f);
if (!entry) {
return false;
handle = entry->GetHandle();
// If there is a shadow, it needs to draw with the shadow color rather than
// the path color.
Maybe<DeviceColor> shadowColor = color;
if (aShadow) {
shadowColor = Some(aShadow->mColor);
if (color) {
shadowColor->a *= color->a;
SamplingFilter filter =
aShadow ? SamplingFilter::GOOD : GetSamplingFilter(aPattern);
if (handle && handle->IsValid()) {
// If the entry has a valid texture handle still, use it. However, the
// entry texture is assumed to be located relative to its previous bounds.
// We need to offset the pattern by the difference between its new unclipped
// origin and its previous previous unclipped origin. Then when we finally
// draw a rectangle at the expected new bounds, it will overlap the portion
// of the old entry texture we actually need to sample from.
Point offset =
(bounds.TopLeft() - entry->GetOrigin()) + entry->GetBounds().TopLeft();
SurfacePattern pathPattern(nullptr, ExtendMode::CLAMP,
Matrix::Translation(offset), filter);
return DrawRectAccel(Rect(intBounds), pathPattern, aOptions, shadowColor,
&handle, false, true, true);
if (mPathVertexCapacity > 0 && !handle && entry && !aShadow &&
SupportsPattern(aPattern)) {
if (entry->GetVertexRange().IsValid()) {
// If there is a valid cached vertex data in the path vertex buffer, then
// just draw that.
return DrawRectAccel(Rect(intBounds.TopLeft(), Size(1, 1)), aPattern,
aOptions, Nothing(), nullptr, false, true, true,
false, nullptr, &entry->GetVertexRange());
// printf_stderr("Generating... verbs %d, points %d\n",
// int(pathSkia->GetPath().countVerbs()),
// int(pathSkia->GetPath().countPoints()));
Maybe<WGR::VertexBuffer> vb;
if (aStrokeOptions) {
// If stroking, then generate a path to fill the stroked region. This
// path will need to be quantized again because it differs from the path
// used for the cache entry, but this allows us to avoid generating a
// fill path on a cache hit.
SkPaint paint;
if (StrokeOptionsToPaint(paint, *aStrokeOptions)) {
Maybe<SkRect> cullRect;
Matrix invTransform = currentTransform;
if (invTransform.Invert()) {
// Transform the stroking clip rect from device space to local space.
Rect invRect = invTransform.TransformBounds(Rect(mClipRect));
cullRect = Some(RectToSkRect(invRect));
SkPath fillPath;
if (paint.getFillPath(pathSkia->GetPath(), &fillPath,
ComputeResScaleForStroking(currentTransform))) {
// printf_stderr(" stroke fill... verbs %d, points %d\n",
// int(fillPath.countVerbs()),
// int(fillPath.countPoints()));
if (Maybe<QuantizedPath> qp = GenerateQuantizedPath(
fillPath, intBounds, currentTransform)) {
vb = GeneratePathVertexBuffer(
*qp, IntRect(-intBounds.TopLeft(), mViewportSize));
} else {
vb = GeneratePathVertexBuffer(
entry->GetPath(), IntRect(-intBounds.TopLeft(), mViewportSize));
if (vb) {
uint32_t vertexBytes = vb->len * sizeof(WGR::OutputVertex);
// printf_stderr(" ... %d verts, %d bytes\n", int(vb->len),
// int(vertexBytes));
if (vertexBytes > mPathVertexCapacity - mPathVertexOffset &&
vertexBytes <= mPathVertexCapacity - sizeof(kRectVertexData)) {
// If the vertex data is too large to fit in the remaining path vertex
// buffer, then orphan the contents of the vertex buffer to make room
// for it.
if (mPathCache) {
if (vertexBytes <= mPathVertexCapacity - mPathVertexOffset) {
// If there is actually room to fit the vertex data in the vertex buffer
// after orphaning as necessary, then upload the data to the next
// available offset in the buffer.
PathVertexRange vertexRange(
uint32_t(mPathVertexOffset / sizeof(WGR::OutputVertex)),
if (entry) {
// printf_stderr(" ... offset %d\n", mPathVertexOffset);
mWebgl->RawBufferSubData(LOCAL_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mPathVertexOffset,
(const uint8_t*)vb->data, vertexBytes);
mPathVertexOffset += vertexBytes;
// Finally, draw the uploaded vertex data.
return DrawRectAccel(Rect(intBounds.TopLeft(), Size(1, 1)), aPattern,
aOptions, Nothing(), nullptr, false, true, true,
false, nullptr, &vertexRange);
// If we failed to draw the vertex data for some reason, then fall through
// to the texture rasterization path.
// If there isn't a valid texture handle, then we need to rasterize the
// path in a software canvas and upload this to a texture. Solid color
// patterns will be rendered as a path mask that can then be modulated
// with any color. Other pattern types have to rasterize the pattern
// directly into the cached texture.
handle = nullptr;
RefPtr<DrawTargetSkia> pathDT = new DrawTargetSkia;
if (pathDT->Init(intBounds.Size(), color || aShadow
? SurfaceFormat::A8
: SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8)) {
Point offset = -intBounds.TopLeft();
if (aShadow) {
// Ensure the the shadow is drawn at the requested offset
offset += aShadow->mOffset;
pathDT->SetTransform(currentTransform * Matrix::Translation(offset));
DrawOptions drawOptions(1.0f, CompositionOp::OP_OVER,
static const ColorPattern maskPattern(DeviceColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
const Pattern& cachePattern = color ? maskPattern : aPattern;
// If the source pattern is a DrawTargetWebgl snapshot, we may shift
// targets when drawing the path, so back up the old target.
DrawTargetWebgl* oldTarget = mCurrentTarget;
if (aStrokeOptions) {
pathDT->Stroke(aPath, cachePattern, *aStrokeOptions, drawOptions);
} else {
pathDT->Fill(aPath, cachePattern, drawOptions);
if (aShadow && aShadow->mSigma > 0.0f) {
// Blur the shadow if required.
uint8_t* data = nullptr;
IntSize size;
int32_t stride = 0;
SurfaceFormat format = SurfaceFormat::UNKNOWN;
if (pathDT->LockBits(&data, &size, &stride, &format)) {
AlphaBoxBlur blur(Rect(pathDT->GetRect()), stride, aShadow->mSigma,
RefPtr<SourceSurface> pathSurface = pathDT->Snapshot();
if (pathSurface) {
// If the target changed, try to restore it.
if (mCurrentTarget != oldTarget && !oldTarget->PrepareContext()) {
return false;
SurfacePattern pathPattern(pathSurface, ExtendMode::CLAMP,
// Try and upload the rasterized path to a texture. If there is a
// valid texture handle after this, then link it to the entry.
// Otherwise, we might have to fall back to software drawing the
// path, so unlink it from the entry.
if (DrawRectAccel(Rect(intBounds), pathPattern, aOptions, shadowColor,
&handle, false, true) &&
handle) {
if (entry) {
} else if (entry) {
return true;
return false;
void DrawTargetWebgl::DrawPath(const Path* aPath, const Pattern& aPattern,
const DrawOptions& aOptions,
const StrokeOptions* aStrokeOptions) {
// If there is a WebGL context, then try to cache the path to avoid slow
// fallbacks.
if (ShouldAccelPath(aOptions) &&
mSharedContext->DrawPathAccel(aPath, aPattern, aOptions,
aStrokeOptions)) {
// There was no path cache entry available to use, so fall back to drawing the
// path with Skia.
if (aStrokeOptions) {
mSkia->Stroke(aPath, aPattern, *aStrokeOptions, aOptions);
} else {
mSkia->Fill(aPath, aPattern, aOptions);
void DrawTargetWebgl::DrawSurface(SourceSurface* aSurface, const Rect& aDest,
const Rect& aSource,
const DrawSurfaceOptions& aSurfOptions,
const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
Matrix matrix = Matrix::Scaling(aDest.width / aSource.width,
aDest.height / aSource.height);
matrix.PreTranslate(-aSource.x, -aSource.y);
matrix.PostTranslate(aDest.x, aDest.y);
SurfacePattern pattern(aSurface, ExtendMode::CLAMP, matrix,
DrawRect(aDest, pattern, aOptions);
void DrawTargetWebgl::Mask(const Pattern& aSource, const Pattern& aMask,
const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
if (!SupportsDrawOptions(aOptions) ||
aMask.GetType() != PatternType::SURFACE ||
aSource.GetType() != PatternType::COLOR) {
mSkia->Mask(aSource, aMask, aOptions);
auto sourceColor = static_cast<const ColorPattern&>(aSource).mColor;
auto maskPattern = static_cast<const SurfacePattern&>(aMask);
DrawRect(Rect(IntRect(IntPoint(), maskPattern.mSurface->GetSize())),
maskPattern, aOptions, Some(sourceColor));
void DrawTargetWebgl::MaskSurface(const Pattern& aSource, SourceSurface* aMask,
Point aOffset, const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
if (!SupportsDrawOptions(aOptions) ||
aSource.GetType() != PatternType::COLOR) {
mSkia->MaskSurface(aSource, aMask, aOffset, aOptions);
} else {
auto sourceColor = static_cast<const ColorPattern&>(aSource).mColor;
SurfacePattern pattern(aMask, ExtendMode::CLAMP,
DrawRect(Rect(aOffset, Size(aMask->GetSize())), pattern, aOptions,
// Extract the surface's alpha values into an A8 surface.
static already_AddRefed<DataSourceSurface> ExtractAlpha(SourceSurface* aSurface,
bool aAllowSubpixelAA) {
RefPtr<DataSourceSurface> surfaceData = aSurface->GetDataSurface();
if (!surfaceData) {
return nullptr;
DataSourceSurface::ScopedMap srcMap(surfaceData, DataSourceSurface::READ);
if (!srcMap.IsMapped()) {
return nullptr;
IntSize size = surfaceData->GetSize();
RefPtr<DataSourceSurface> alpha =
Factory::CreateDataSourceSurface(size, SurfaceFormat::A8, false);
if (!alpha) {
return nullptr;
DataSourceSurface::ScopedMap dstMap(alpha, DataSourceSurface::WRITE);
if (!dstMap.IsMapped()) {
return nullptr;
// For subpixel masks, ignore the alpha and instead sample one of the color
// channels as if they were alpha.
srcMap.GetData(), srcMap.GetStride(),
aAllowSubpixelAA ? SurfaceFormat::A8R8G8B8 : surfaceData->GetFormat(),
dstMap.GetData(), dstMap.GetStride(), SurfaceFormat::A8, size);
return alpha.forget();
void DrawTargetWebgl::DrawShadow(const Path* aPath, const Pattern& aPattern,
const ShadowOptions& aShadow,
const DrawOptions& aOptions,
const StrokeOptions* aStrokeOptions) {
// If there is a WebGL context, then try to cache the path to avoid slow
// fallbacks.
if (ShouldAccelPath(aOptions) &&
mSharedContext->DrawPathAccel(aPath, aPattern, aOptions, aStrokeOptions,
&aShadow)) {
// There was no path cache entry available to use, so fall back to drawing the
// path with Skia.
mSkia->DrawShadow(aPath, aPattern, aShadow, aOptions, aStrokeOptions);
void DrawTargetWebgl::DrawSurfaceWithShadow(SourceSurface* aSurface,
const Point& aDest,
const ShadowOptions& aShadow,
CompositionOp aOperator) {
DrawOptions options(1.0f, aOperator);
if (ShouldAccelPath(options)) {
SurfacePattern pattern(aSurface, ExtendMode::CLAMP,
SkPath skiaPath;
skiaPath.addRect(RectToSkRect(Rect(aSurface->GetRect()) + aDest));
RefPtr<PathSkia> path = new PathSkia(skiaPath, FillRule::FILL_WINDING);
AutoRestoreTransform restore(this);
if (mSharedContext->DrawPathAccel(path, pattern, options, nullptr, &aShadow,
false)) {
DrawRect(Rect(aSurface->GetRect()) + aDest, pattern, options);
mSkia->DrawSurfaceWithShadow(aSurface, aDest, aShadow, aOperator);
already_AddRefed<PathBuilder> DrawTargetWebgl::CreatePathBuilder(
FillRule aFillRule) const {
return mSkia->CreatePathBuilder(aFillRule);
void DrawTargetWebgl::SetTransform(const Matrix& aTransform) {
bool DrawTargetWebgl::StrokeRectAccel(const Rect& aRect,
const Pattern& aPattern,
const StrokeOptions& aStrokeOptions,
const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
// TODO: Support other stroke options. Ensure that we only stroke with the
// default settings for now.
if (mWebglValid && SupportsPattern(aPattern) &&
aStrokeOptions == StrokeOptions() && mTransform.PreservesDistance()) {
DrawRect(aRect, aPattern, aOptions, Nothing(), nullptr, true, true, false,
false, &aStrokeOptions);
return true;
return false;
void DrawTargetWebgl::StrokeRect(const Rect& aRect, const Pattern& aPattern,
const StrokeOptions& aStrokeOptions,
const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
if (!mWebglValid) {
mSkia->StrokeRect(aRect, aPattern, aStrokeOptions, aOptions);
} else if (!StrokeRectAccel(aRect, aPattern, aStrokeOptions, aOptions)) {
// If the stroke options are unsupported, then transform the rect to a path
// so it can be cached.
SkPath skiaPath;
RefPtr<PathSkia> path = new PathSkia(skiaPath, FillRule::FILL_WINDING);
DrawPath(path, aPattern, aOptions, &aStrokeOptions);
bool DrawTargetWebgl::StrokeLineAccel(const Point& aStart, const Point& aEnd,
const Pattern& aPattern,
const StrokeOptions& aStrokeOptions,
const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
if (mWebglValid && SupportsPattern(aPattern) &&
(aStrokeOptions.mLineCap == CapStyle::BUTT ||
aStrokeOptions.mLineCap == CapStyle::SQUARE) &&
aStrokeOptions.mDashPattern == nullptr && aStrokeOptions.mLineWidth > 0) {
// Treat the line as a rectangle whose center-line is the supplied line and
// for which the height is the supplied line width. Generate a matrix that
// maps the X axis to the orientation of the line and the Y axis to the
// normal vector to the line. This only works if the line caps are squared,
// as rounded rectangles are currently not supported for round line caps.
Point start = aStart;
Point dirX = aEnd - aStart;
float scale = aStrokeOptions.mLineWidth / dirX.Length();
Point dirY = Point(-dirX.y, dirX.x) * scale;
if (aStrokeOptions.mLineCap == CapStyle::SQUARE) {
start -= (dirX * scale) * 0.5f;
dirX += dirX * scale;
Matrix lineXform(dirX.x, dirX.y, dirY.x, dirY.y, start.x - 0.5f * dirY.x,
start.y - 0.5f * dirY.y);
AutoRestoreTransform restore(this);
if (DrawRect(Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), aPattern, aOptions, Nothing(), nullptr, true,
true, true)) {
return true;
return false;
void DrawTargetWebgl::StrokeLine(const Point& aStart, const Point& aEnd,
const Pattern& aPattern,
const StrokeOptions& aStrokeOptions,
const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
if (!mWebglValid) {
mSkia->StrokeLine(aStart, aEnd, aPattern, aStrokeOptions, aOptions);
} else if (!StrokeLineAccel(aStart, aEnd, aPattern, aStrokeOptions,
aOptions)) {
// If the stroke options are unsupported, then transform the line to a path
// so it can be cached.
SkPath skiaPath;
RefPtr<PathSkia> path = new PathSkia(skiaPath, FillRule::FILL_WINDING);
DrawPath(path, aPattern, aOptions, &aStrokeOptions);
void DrawTargetWebgl::Stroke(const Path* aPath, const Pattern& aPattern,
const StrokeOptions& aStrokeOptions,
const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
if (!aPath || aPath->GetBackendType() != BackendType::SKIA) {
const auto& skiaPath = static_cast<const PathSkia*>(aPath)->GetPath();
SkRect rect;
if (!mWebglValid) {
mSkia->Stroke(aPath, aPattern, aStrokeOptions, aOptions);
if (skiaPath.isRect(&rect)) {
if (StrokeRectAccel(SkRectToRect(rect), aPattern, aStrokeOptions,
aOptions)) {
// If accelerated rect drawing failed, just treat it as a path.
} else {
// Avoid using Skia's isLine here because some paths erroneously include a
// closePath at the end, causing isLine to not detect the line. In that case
// we just draw a line in reverse right over the original line.
int numVerbs = skiaPath.countVerbs();
if (numVerbs >= 2 && numVerbs <= 3) {
uint8_t verbs[3];
skiaPath.getVerbs(verbs, numVerbs);
if (verbs[0] == SkPath::kMove_Verb && verbs[1] == SkPath::kLine_Verb &&
(numVerbs < 3 || verbs[2] == SkPath::kClose_Verb)) {
Point start = SkPointToPoint(skiaPath.getPoint(0));
Point end = SkPointToPoint(skiaPath.getPoint(1));
if (StrokeLineAccel(start, end, aPattern, aStrokeOptions, aOptions)) {
if (numVerbs >= 3) {
StrokeLineAccel(end, start, aPattern, aStrokeOptions, aOptions);
// If accelerated line drawing failed, just treat it as a path.
DrawPath(aPath, aPattern, aOptions, &aStrokeOptions);
bool DrawTargetWebgl::ShouldUseSubpixelAA(ScaledFont* aFont,
const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
AntialiasMode aaMode = aFont->GetDefaultAAMode();
if (aOptions.mAntialiasMode != AntialiasMode::DEFAULT) {
aaMode = aOptions.mAntialiasMode;
return GetPermitSubpixelAA() &&
(aaMode == AntialiasMode::DEFAULT ||
aaMode == AntialiasMode::SUBPIXEL) &&
aOptions.mCompositionOp == CompositionOp::OP_OVER;
void DrawTargetWebgl::StrokeGlyphs(ScaledFont* aFont,
const GlyphBuffer& aBuffer,
const Pattern& aPattern,
const StrokeOptions& aStrokeOptions,
const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
if (!aFont || !aBuffer.mNumGlyphs) {
bool useSubpixelAA = ShouldUseSubpixelAA(aFont, aOptions);
if (mWebglValid && SupportsDrawOptions(aOptions) &&
aPattern.GetType() == PatternType::COLOR && PrepareContext() &&
mSharedContext->DrawGlyphsAccel(aFont, aBuffer, aPattern, aOptions,
&aStrokeOptions, useSubpixelAA)) {
if (useSubpixelAA) {
// Subpixel AA does not support layering because the subpixel masks can't
// blend with the over op.
} else {
mSkia->StrokeGlyphs(aFont, aBuffer, aPattern, aStrokeOptions, aOptions);
// Depending on whether we enable subpixel position for a given font, Skia may
// round transformed coordinates differently on each axis. By default, text is
// subpixel quantized horizontally and snapped to a whole integer vertical
// baseline. Axis-flip transforms instead snap to horizontal boundaries while
// subpixel quantizing along the vertical. For other types of transforms, Skia
// just applies subpixel quantization to both axes.
// We must duplicate the amount of quantization Skia applies carefully as a
// boundary value such as 0.49 may round to 0.5 with subpixel quantization,
// but if Skia actually snapped it to a whole integer instead, it would round
// down to 0. If a subsequent glyph with offset 0.51 came in, we might
// mistakenly round it down to 0.5, whereas Skia would round it up to 1. Thus
// we would alias 0.49 and 0.51 to the same cache entry, while Skia would
// actually snap the offset to 0 or 1, depending, resulting in mismatched
// hinting.
static inline IntPoint QuantizeScale(ScaledFont* aFont,
const Matrix& aTransform) {
if (!aFont->UseSubpixelPosition()) {
return {1, 1};
if (aTransform._12 == 0) {
// Glyphs are rendered subpixel horizontally, so snap vertically.
return {4, 1};
if (aTransform._11 == 0) {
// Glyphs are rendered subpixel vertically, so snap horizontally.
return {1, 4};
// The transform isn't aligned, so don't snap.
return {4, 4};
// Skia only supports subpixel positioning to the nearest 1/4 fraction. It
// would be wasteful to attempt to cache text runs with positioning that is
// anymore precise than this. To prevent this cache bloat, we quantize the
// transformed glyph positions to the nearest 1/4. The scaling factor for
// the quantization is baked into the transform, so that if subpixel rounding
// is used on a given axis, then the axis will be multiplied by 4 before
// rounding. Since the quantized position is not used for rasterization, the
// transform is safe to modify as such.
static inline IntPoint QuantizePosition(const Matrix& aTransform,
const IntPoint& aOffset,
const Point& aPosition) {
return RoundedToInt(aTransform.TransformPoint(aPosition)) - aOffset;
// Get a quantized starting offset for the glyph buffer. We want this offset
// to encapsulate the transform and buffer offset while still preserving the
// relative subpixel positions of the glyphs this offset is subtracted from.
static inline IntPoint QuantizeOffset(const Matrix& aTransform,
const IntPoint& aQuantizeScale,
const GlyphBuffer& aBuffer) {
IntPoint offset =
offset.x.value &= ~(aQuantizeScale.x.value - 1);
offset.y.value &= ~(aQuantizeScale.y.value - 1);
return offset;
// Hashes a glyph buffer to a single hash value that can be used for quick
// comparisons. Each glyph position is transformed and quantized before
// hashing.
HashNumber GlyphCacheEntry::HashGlyphs(const GlyphBuffer& aBuffer,
const Matrix& aTransform,
const IntPoint& aQuantizeScale) {
HashNumber hash = 0;
IntPoint offset = QuantizeOffset(aTransform, aQuantizeScale, aBuffer);
for (size_t i = 0; i < aBuffer.mNumGlyphs; i++) {
const Glyph& glyph = aBuffer.mGlyphs[i];
hash = AddToHash(hash, glyph.mIndex);
IntPoint pos = QuantizePosition(aTransform, offset, glyph.mPosition);
hash = AddToHash(hash, pos.x);
hash = AddToHash(hash, pos.y);
return hash;
// Determines if an existing glyph cache entry matches an incoming text run.
inline bool GlyphCacheEntry::MatchesGlyphs(
const GlyphBuffer& aBuffer, const DeviceColor& aColor,
const Matrix& aTransform, const IntPoint& aQuantizeOffset,
const IntPoint& aBoundsOffset, const IntRect& aClipRect, HashNumber aHash,
const StrokeOptions* aStrokeOptions) {
// First check if the hash matches to quickly reject the text run before any
// more expensive checking. If it matches, then check if the color and
// transform are the same.
if (aHash != mHash || aBuffer.mNumGlyphs != mBuffer.mNumGlyphs ||
aColor != mColor || !HasMatchingScale(aTransform, mTransform)) {
return false;
// Finally check if all glyphs and their quantized positions match.
for (size_t i = 0; i < aBuffer.mNumGlyphs; i++) {
const Glyph& dst = mBuffer.mGlyphs[i];
const Glyph& src = aBuffer.mGlyphs[i];
if (dst.mIndex != src.mIndex ||
dst.mPosition != Point(QuantizePosition(aTransform, aQuantizeOffset,
src.mPosition))) {
return false;
// Check that stroke options actually match.
if (aStrokeOptions) {
// If stroking, verify that the entry is also stroked with the same options.
if (!(mStrokeOptions && *aStrokeOptions == *mStrokeOptions)) {
return false;
} else if (mStrokeOptions) {
// If not stroking, check if the entry is stroked. If so, don't match.
return false;
// Verify that the full bounds, once translated and clipped, are equal to the
// clipped bounds.
return (mFullBounds + aBoundsOffset)
.IsEqualEdges(GetBounds() + aBoundsOffset);
GlyphCacheEntry::GlyphCacheEntry(const GlyphBuffer& aBuffer,
const DeviceColor& aColor,
const Matrix& aTransform,
const IntPoint& aQuantizeScale,
const IntRect& aBounds,
const IntRect& aFullBounds, HashNumber aHash,
StoredStrokeOptions* aStrokeOptions)
: CacheEntryImpl<GlyphCacheEntry>(aTransform, aBounds, aHash),
mStrokeOptions(aStrokeOptions) {
// Store a copy of the glyph buffer with positions already quantized for fast
// comparison later.
Glyph* glyphs = new Glyph[aBuffer.mNumGlyphs];
IntPoint offset = QuantizeOffset(aTransform, aQuantizeScale, aBuffer);
// Make the bounds relative to the offset so we can add a new offset later.
IntPoint boundsOffset(offset.x / aQuantizeScale.x,
offset.y / aQuantizeScale.y);
mBounds -= boundsOffset;
mFullBounds -= boundsOffset;
for (size_t i = 0; i < aBuffer.mNumGlyphs; i++) {
Glyph& dst = glyphs[i];
const Glyph& src = aBuffer.mGlyphs[i];
dst.mIndex = src.mIndex;
dst.mPosition = Point(QuantizePosition(aTransform, offset, src.mPosition));
mBuffer.mGlyphs = glyphs;
mBuffer.mNumGlyphs = aBuffer.mNumGlyphs;
GlyphCacheEntry::~GlyphCacheEntry() { delete[] mBuffer.mGlyphs; }
// Attempt to find a matching entry in the glyph cache. The caller should check
// whether the contained texture handle is valid to determine if it will need to
// render the text run or just reuse the cached texture.
already_AddRefed<GlyphCacheEntry> GlyphCache::FindEntry(
const GlyphBuffer& aBuffer, const DeviceColor& aColor,
const Matrix& aTransform, const IntPoint& aQuantizeScale,
const IntRect& aClipRect, HashNumber aHash,
const StrokeOptions* aStrokeOptions) {
IntPoint offset = QuantizeOffset(aTransform, aQuantizeScale, aBuffer);
IntPoint boundsOffset(offset.x / aQuantizeScale.x,
offset.y / aQuantizeScale.y);
for (const RefPtr<GlyphCacheEntry>& entry : GetChain(aHash)) {
if (entry->MatchesGlyphs(aBuffer, aColor, aTransform, offset, boundsOffset,
aClipRect, aHash, aStrokeOptions)) {
return do_AddRef(entry);
return nullptr;
// Insert a new entry in the glyph cache.
already_AddRefed<GlyphCacheEntry> GlyphCache::InsertEntry(
const GlyphBuffer& aBuffer, const DeviceColor& aColor,
const Matrix& aTransform, const IntPoint& aQuantizeScale,
const IntRect& aBounds, const IntRect& aFullBounds, HashNumber aHash,
const StrokeOptions* aStrokeOptions) {
StoredStrokeOptions* strokeOptions = nullptr;
if (aStrokeOptions) {
strokeOptions = aStrokeOptions->Clone();
if (!strokeOptions) {
return nullptr;
RefPtr<GlyphCacheEntry> entry =
new GlyphCacheEntry(aBuffer, aColor, aTransform, aQuantizeScale, aBounds,
aFullBounds, aHash, strokeOptions);
return entry.forget();
GlyphCache::GlyphCache(ScaledFont* aFont) : mFont(aFont) {}
static void ReleaseGlyphCache(void* aPtr) {
delete static_cast<GlyphCache*>(aPtr);
void DrawTargetWebgl::SetPermitSubpixelAA(bool aPermitSubpixelAA) {
// Check for any color glyphs contained within a rasterized BGRA8 text result.
static bool CheckForColorGlyphs(const RefPtr<SourceSurface>& aSurface) {
if (aSurface->GetFormat() != SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8) {
return false;
RefPtr<DataSourceSurface> dataSurf = aSurface->GetDataSurface();
if (!dataSurf) {
return true;
DataSourceSurface::ScopedMap map(dataSurf, DataSourceSurface::READ);
if (!map.IsMapped()) {
return true;
IntSize size = dataSurf->GetSize();
const uint8_t* data = map.GetData();
int32_t stride = map.GetStride();
for (int y = 0; y < size.height; y++) {
const uint32_t* x = (const uint32_t*)data;
const uint32_t* end = x + size.width;
for (; x < end; x++) {
// Verify if all components are the same as for premultiplied grayscale.
uint32_t color = *x;
uint32_t gray = color & 0xFF;
gray |= gray << 8;
gray |= gray << 16;
if (color != gray) return true;
data += stride;
return false;
// Draws glyphs to the WebGL target by trying to generate a cached texture for
// the text run that can be subsequently reused to quickly render the text run
// without using any software surfaces.
bool DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::DrawGlyphsAccel(
ScaledFont* aFont, const GlyphBuffer& aBuffer, const Pattern& aPattern,
const DrawOptions& aOptions, const StrokeOptions* aStrokeOptions,
bool aUseSubpixelAA) {
// Whether the font may use bitmaps. If so, we need to render the glyphs with
// color as grayscale bitmaps will use the color while color emoji will not,
// with no easy way to know ahead of time. We currently have to check the
// rasterized result to see if there are any color glyphs. To render subpixel
// masks, we need to know that the rasterized result actually represents a
// subpixel mask rather than try to interpret it as a normal RGBA result such
// as for color emoji.
bool useBitmaps = !aStrokeOptions && aFont->MayUseBitmaps();
// Look for an existing glyph cache on the font. If not there, create it.
GlyphCache* cache =
if (!cache) {
cache = new GlyphCache(aFont);
aFont->AddUserData(&mGlyphCacheKey, cache, ReleaseGlyphCache);
// Hash the incoming text run and looking for a matching entry.
DeviceColor color = static_cast<const ColorPattern&>(aPattern).mColor;
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
// On macOS, depending on whether the text is classified as light-on-dark or
// dark-on-light, we may end up with different amounts of dilation applied, so
// we can't use the same mask in the two circumstances, or the glyphs will be
// dilated incorrectly.
bool lightOnDark =
useBitmaps || (color.r >= 0.33f && color.g >= 0.33f && color.b >= 0.33f &&
color.r + color.g + color.b >= 2.0f);
// On other platforms, we assume no color-dependent dilation.
const bool lightOnDark = true;
// If the font has bitmaps, use the color directly. Otherwise, the texture
// will hold a grayscale mask, so encode the key's subpixel and light-or-dark
// state in the color.
const Matrix& currentTransform = GetTransform();
IntPoint quantizeScale = QuantizeScale(aFont, currentTransform);
Matrix quantizeTransform = currentTransform;
quantizeTransform.PostScale(quantizeScale.x, quantizeScale.y);
HashNumber hash =
GlyphCacheEntry::HashGlyphs(aBuffer, quantizeTransform, quantizeScale);
DeviceColor colorOrMask =
? color
: DeviceColor::Mask(aUseSubpixelAA ? 1 : 0, lightOnDark ? 1 : 0);
IntRect clipRect(IntPoint(), mViewportSize);
RefPtr<GlyphCacheEntry> entry =
cache->FindEntry(aBuffer, colorOrMask, quantizeTransform, quantizeScale,
clipRect, hash, aStrokeOptions);
if (!entry) {
// For small text runs, bounds computations can be expensive relative to the
// cost of looking up a cache result. Avoid doing local bounds computations
// until actually inserting the entry into the cache.
Maybe<Rect> bounds = mCurrentTarget->mSkia->GetGlyphLocalBounds(
aFont, aBuffer, aPattern, aStrokeOptions, aOptions);
if (!bounds) {
return true;
// Transform the local bounds into device space so that we know how big
// the cached texture will be.
Rect xformBounds = currentTransform.TransformBounds(*bounds);
// Check if the transform flattens out the bounds before rounding.
if (xformBounds.IsEmpty()) {
return true;
IntRect fullBounds = RoundedOut(currentTransform.TransformBounds(*bounds));
IntRect clipBounds = fullBounds.Intersect(clipRect);
// Check if the bounds are completely clipped out.
if (clipBounds.IsEmpty()) {
return true;
entry = cache->InsertEntry(aBuffer, colorOrMask, quantizeTransform,
quantizeScale, clipBounds, fullBounds, hash,
if (!entry) {
return false;
// The bounds of the entry may have a different transform offset from the
// bounds of the currently drawn text run. The entry bounds are relative to
// the entry's quantized offset already, so just move the bounds to the new
// offset.
IntRect intBounds = entry->GetBounds();
IntPoint newOffset =
QuantizeOffset(quantizeTransform, quantizeScale, aBuffer);
intBounds +=
IntPoint(newOffset.x / quantizeScale.x, newOffset.y / quantizeScale.y);
// Ensure there is a clear border around the text. This must be applied only
// after clipping so that we always have some border texels for filtering.
RefPtr<TextureHandle> handle = entry->GetHandle();
if (handle && handle->IsValid()) {
// If there is an entry with a valid cached texture handle, then try
// to draw with that. If that for some reason failed, then fall back
// to using the Skia target as that means we were preventing from
// drawing to the WebGL context based on something other than the
// texture.
SurfacePattern pattern(nullptr, ExtendMode::CLAMP,
if (DrawRectAccel(Rect(intBounds), pattern, aOptions,
useBitmaps ? Nothing() : Some(color), &handle, false,
true, true)) {
return true;
} else {
handle = nullptr;
// If we get here, either there wasn't a cached texture handle or it
// wasn't valid. Render the text run into a temporary target.
RefPtr<DrawTargetSkia> textDT = new DrawTargetSkia;
if (textDT->Init(intBounds.Size(),
lightOnDark && !useBitmaps && !aUseSubpixelAA
? SurfaceFormat::A8
: SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8)) {
if (!lightOnDark) {
// If rendering dark-on-light text, we need to clear the background to
// white while using an opaque alpha value to allow this.
textDT->FillRect(Rect(IntRect(IntPoint(), intBounds.Size())),
ColorPattern(DeviceColor(1, 1, 1, 1)),
DrawOptions(1.0f, CompositionOp::OP_OVER));
textDT->SetTransform(currentTransform *
DrawOptions drawOptions(1.0f, CompositionOp::OP_OVER,
// If bitmaps might be used, then we have to supply the color, as color
// emoji may ignore it while grayscale bitmaps may use it, with no way to
// know ahead of time. Otherwise, assume the output will be a mask and
// just render it white to determine intensity. Depending on whether the
// text is light or dark, we render white or black text respectively.
ColorPattern colorPattern(
useBitmaps ? color : DeviceColor::Mask(lightOnDark ? 1 : 0, 1));
if (aStrokeOptions) {
textDT->StrokeGlyphs(aFont, aBuffer, colorPattern, *aStrokeOptions,
} else {
textDT->FillGlyphs(aFont, aBuffer, colorPattern, drawOptions);
if (!lightOnDark) {
uint8_t* data = nullptr;
IntSize size;
int32_t stride = 0;
SurfaceFormat format = SurfaceFormat::UNKNOWN;
if (!textDT->LockBits(&data, &size, &stride, &format)) {
return false;
uint8_t* row = data;
for (int y = 0; y < size.height; ++y) {
uint8_t* px = row;
for (int x = 0; x < size.width; ++x) {
// If rendering dark-on-light text, we need to invert the final mask
// so that it is in the expected white text on transparent black
// format. The alpha will be initialized to the largest of the
// values.
px[0] = 255 - px[0];
px[1] = 255 - px[1];
px[2] = 255 - px[2];
px[3] = std::max(px[0], std::max(px[1], px[2]));
px += 4;
row += stride;
RefPtr<SourceSurface> textSurface = textDT->Snapshot();
if (textSurface) {
// If we don't expect the text surface to contain color glyphs
// such as from subpixel AA, then do one final check to see if
// any ended up in the result. If not, extract the alpha values
// from the surface so we can render it as a mask.
if (textSurface->GetFormat() != SurfaceFormat::A8 &&
!CheckForColorGlyphs(textSurface)) {
textSurface = ExtractAlpha(textSurface, !useBitmaps);
if (!textSurface) {
// Failed extracting alpha for the text surface...
return false;
// Attempt to upload the rendered text surface into a texture
// handle and draw it.
SurfacePattern pattern(textSurface, ExtendMode::CLAMP,
if (DrawRectAccel(Rect(intBounds), pattern, aOptions,
useBitmaps ? Nothing() : Some(color), &handle, false,
true) &&
handle) {
// If drawing succeeded, then the text surface was uploaded to
// a texture handle. Assign it to the glyph cache entry.
} else {
// If drawing failed, remove the entry from the cache.
return true;
return false;
void DrawTargetWebgl::FillGlyphs(ScaledFont* aFont, const GlyphBuffer& aBuffer,
const Pattern& aPattern,
const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
if (!aFont || !aBuffer.mNumGlyphs) {
bool useSubpixelAA = ShouldUseSubpixelAA(aFont, aOptions);
if (mWebglValid && SupportsDrawOptions(aOptions) &&
aPattern.GetType() == PatternType::COLOR && PrepareContext() &&
mSharedContext->DrawGlyphsAccel(aFont, aBuffer, aPattern, aOptions,
nullptr, useSubpixelAA)) {
// If not able to cache the text run to a texture, then just fall back to
// drawing with the Skia target.
if (useSubpixelAA) {
// Subpixel AA does not support layering because the subpixel masks can't
// blend with the over op.
} else {
mSkia->FillGlyphs(aFont, aBuffer, aPattern, aOptions);
void DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::WaitForShmem(DrawTargetWebgl* aTarget) {
if (mWaitForShmem) {
// GetError is a sync IPDL call that forces all dispatched commands to be
// flushed. Once it returns, we are certain that any commands processing
// the Shmem have finished.
mWaitForShmem = false;
// The sync IPDL call can cause expensive round-trips to add up over time,
// so account for that here.
if (aTarget) {
void DrawTargetWebgl::MarkSkiaChanged(const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
if (SupportsLayering(aOptions)) {
if (!mSkiaValid) {
// If the Skia context needs initialization, clear it and enable layering.
mSkiaValid = true;
if (mWebglValid) {
mSkiaLayer = true;
// The WebGL context is no longer up-to-date.
mWebglValid = false;
} else {
// For other composition ops, just overwrite the Skia data.
// Attempts to read the contents of the WebGL context into the Skia target.
void DrawTargetWebgl::ReadIntoSkia() {
if (mSkiaValid) {
if (mWebglValid) {
uint8_t* data = nullptr;
IntSize size;
int32_t stride;
SurfaceFormat format;
// If there's no existing snapshot and we can successfully map the Skia
// target for reading, then try to read into that.
if (!mSnapshot && mSkia->LockBits(&data, &size, &stride, &format)) {
(void)ReadInto(data, stride);
} else if (RefPtr<SourceSurface> snapshot = Snapshot()) {
// Otherwise, fall back to getting a snapshot from WebGL if available
// and then copying that to Skia.
mSkia->CopySurface(snapshot, GetRect(), IntPoint(0, 0));
// Signal that we've hit a complete software fallback.
mSkiaValid = true;
// The Skia data is flat after reading, so disable any layering.
mSkiaLayer = false;
// Reads data from the WebGL context and blends it with the current Skia layer.
void DrawTargetWebgl::FlattenSkia() {
if (!mSkiaValid || !mSkiaLayer) {
if (RefPtr<DataSourceSurface> base = ReadSnapshot()) {
mSkia->BlendSurface(base, GetRect(), IntPoint(),
mSkiaLayer = false;
// Attempts to draw the contents of the Skia target into the WebGL context.
bool DrawTargetWebgl::FlushFromSkia() {
// If the WebGL context has been lost, then mark it as invalid and fail.
if (mSharedContext->IsContextLost()) {
mWebglValid = false;
return false;
// The WebGL target is already valid, so there is nothing to do.
if (mWebglValid) {
return true;
// Ensure that DrawRect doesn't recursively call into FlushFromSkia. If
// the Skia target isn't valid, then it doesn't matter what is in the the
// WebGL target either, so only try to blend if there is a valid Skia target.
mWebglValid = true;
if (mSkiaValid) {
RefPtr<SourceSurface> skiaSnapshot = mSkia->Snapshot();
if (!skiaSnapshot) {
// There's a valid Skia target to draw to, but for some reason there is
// no available snapshot, so just keep using the Skia target.
mWebglValid = false;
return false;
AutoRestoreContext restore(this);
SurfacePattern pattern(skiaSnapshot, ExtendMode::CLAMP);
// If there is a layer, blend the snapshot with the WebGL context,
// otherwise copy it.
if (!DrawRect(Rect(GetRect()), pattern,
DrawOptions(1.0f, mSkiaLayer ? CompositionOp::OP_OVER
: CompositionOp::OP_SOURCE),
Nothing(), mSkiaLayer ? &mSnapshotTexture : nullptr, false,
false, true, true)) {
// If accelerated drawing failed for some reason, then leave the Skia
// target unchanged.
mWebglValid = false;
return false;
return true;
void DrawTargetWebgl::UsageProfile::BeginFrame() {
// Reset the usage profile counters for the new frame.
mFallbacks = 0;
mLayers = 0;
mCacheMisses = 0;
mCacheHits = 0;
mUncachedDraws = 0;
mReadbacks = 0;
void DrawTargetWebgl::UsageProfile::EndFrame() {
bool failed = false;
// If we hit a complete fallback to software rendering, or if cache misses
// were more than cutoff ratio of all requests, then we consider the frame as
// having failed performance profiling.
float cacheRatio =
if (mFallbacks > 0 ||
float(mCacheMisses + mReadbacks + mLayers) >
cacheRatio * float(mCacheMisses + mCacheHits + mUncachedDraws +
mReadbacks + mLayers)) {
failed = true;
if (failed) {
bool DrawTargetWebgl::UsageProfile::RequiresRefresh() const {
// If we've rendered at least the required number of frames for a profile and
// more than the cutoff ratio of frames did not meet performance criteria,
// then we should stop using an accelerated canvas.
uint32_t profileFrames = StaticPrefs::gfx_canvas_accelerated_profile_frames();
if (!profileFrames || mFrameCount < profileFrames) {
return false;
float failRatio =
return mFailedFrames > failRatio * mFrameCount;
void DrawTargetWebgl::SharedContext::CachePrefs() {
uint32_t capacity = StaticPrefs::gfx_canvas_accelerated_gpu_path_size() << 20;
if (capacity != mPathVertexCapacity) {
mPathVertexCapacity = capacity;
if (mPathCache) {
if (mPathVertexBuffer) {
// For use within CanvasRenderingContext2D, called on BorrowDrawTarget.
void DrawTargetWebgl::BeginFrame(const IntRect& aPersistedRect) {
if (mNeedsPresent) {
mNeedsPresent = false;
// If still rendering into the Skia target, switch back to the WebGL
// context.
if (!mWebglValid) {
if (aPersistedRect.IsEmpty()) {
// If nothing needs to persist, just mark the WebGL context valid.
mWebglValid = true;
} else {
// Check if we need to clear out any cached because of memory pressure.
// Cache any prefs for the frame.
// For use within CanvasRenderingContext2D, called on ReturnDrawTarget.
void DrawTargetWebgl::EndFrame() {
// Ensure we're not somehow using more than the allowed texture memory.
// Signal that we're done rendering the frame in case no present occurs.
// Check if we need to clear out any cached because of memory pressure.
// The framebuffer is dirty, so it needs to be copied to the swapchain.
mNeedsPresent = true;
Maybe<layers::SurfaceDescriptor> DrawTargetWebgl::GetFrontBuffer() {
// Only try to present and retrieve the front buffer if there is a valid
// WebGL framebuffer that can be sent to the compositor. Otherwise, return
// nothing to try to reuse the Skia snapshot.
if (mNeedsPresent) {
mNeedsPresent = false;
if (mWebglValid || FlushFromSkia()) {
// Copy and swizzle the WebGL framebuffer to the swap chain front buffer.
webgl::SwapChainOptions options;
options.bgra = true;
// Allow async present to be toggled on for accelerated Canvas2D
// independent of WebGL via pref.
options.forceAsyncPresent =
mSharedContext->mWebgl->CopyToSwapChain(mFramebuffer, options);
if (mWebglValid) {
return mSharedContext->mWebgl->GetFrontBuffer(mFramebuffer);
return Nothing();
already_AddRefed<DrawTarget> DrawTargetWebgl::CreateSimilarDrawTarget(
const IntSize& aSize, SurfaceFormat aFormat) const {
return mSkia->CreateSimilarDrawTarget(aSize, aFormat);
bool DrawTargetWebgl::CanCreateSimilarDrawTarget(const IntSize& aSize,
SurfaceFormat aFormat) const {
return mSkia->CanCreateSimilarDrawTarget(aSize, aFormat);
RefPtr<DrawTarget> DrawTargetWebgl::CreateClippedDrawTarget(
const Rect& aBounds, SurfaceFormat aFormat) {
return mSkia->CreateClippedDrawTarget(aBounds, aFormat);
already_AddRefed<SourceSurface> DrawTargetWebgl::CreateSourceSurfaceFromData(
unsigned char* aData, const IntSize& aSize, int32_t aStride,
SurfaceFormat aFormat) const {
return mSkia->CreateSourceSurfaceFromData(aData, aSize, aStride, aFormat);
const NativeSurface& aSurface) const {
return mSkia->CreateSourceSurfaceFromNativeSurface(aSurface);
already_AddRefed<SourceSurface> DrawTargetWebgl::OptimizeSourceSurface(
SourceSurface* aSurface) const {
if (aSurface->GetType() == SurfaceType::WEBGL) {
return do_AddRef(aSurface);
return mSkia->OptimizeSourceSurface(aSurface);
SourceSurface* aSurface) const {
return mSkia->OptimizeSourceSurfaceForUnknownAlpha(aSurface);
already_AddRefed<GradientStops> DrawTargetWebgl::CreateGradientStops(
GradientStop* aStops, uint32_t aNumStops, ExtendMode aExtendMode) const {
return mSkia->CreateGradientStops(aStops, aNumStops, aExtendMode);
already_AddRefed<FilterNode> DrawTargetWebgl::CreateFilter(FilterType aType) {
return mSkia->CreateFilter(aType);
void DrawTargetWebgl::DrawFilter(FilterNode* aNode, const Rect& aSourceRect,
const Point& aDestPoint,
const DrawOptions& aOptions) {
mSkia->DrawFilter(aNode, aSourceRect, aDestPoint, aOptions);
bool DrawTargetWebgl::Draw3DTransformedSurface(SourceSurface* aSurface,
const Matrix4x4& aMatrix) {
return mSkia->Draw3DTransformedSurface(aSurface, aMatrix);
void DrawTargetWebgl::PushLayer(bool aOpaque, Float aOpacity,
SourceSurface* aMask,
const Matrix& aMaskTransform,
const IntRect& aBounds, bool aCopyBackground) {
PushLayerWithBlend(aOpaque, aOpacity, aMask, aMaskTransform, aBounds,
aCopyBackground, CompositionOp::OP_OVER);
void DrawTargetWebgl::PushLayerWithBlend(bool aOpaque, Float aOpacity,
SourceSurface* aMask,
const Matrix& aMaskTransform,
const IntRect& aBounds,
bool aCopyBackground,
CompositionOp aCompositionOp) {
MarkSkiaChanged(DrawOptions(aOpacity, aCompositionOp));
mSkia->PushLayerWithBlend(aOpaque, aOpacity, aMask, aMaskTransform, aBounds,
aCopyBackground, aCompositionOp);
void DrawTargetWebgl::PopLayer() {
MOZ_ASSERT(mLayerDepth > 0);
} // namespace mozilla::gfx