2020-01-21 17:12:08 +00:00

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Transform the repackage task into an actual task description.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import copy
from six import text_type
from taskgraph.loader.single_dep import schema
from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence
from taskgraph.util.attributes import copy_attributes_from_dependent_job
from taskgraph.util.schema import (
from taskgraph.util.taskcluster import get_artifact_prefix
from import check_if_partners_enabled, get_partner_config_by_kind
from taskgraph.util.platforms import archive_format, executable_extension
from taskgraph.util.workertypes import worker_type_implementation
from taskgraph.transforms.task import task_description_schema
from taskgraph.transforms.repackage import PACKAGE_FORMATS as PACKAGE_FORMATS_VANILLA
from voluptuous import Required, Optional
def _by_platform(arg):
return optionally_keyed_by('build-platform', arg)
# When repacking the stub installer we need to pass a zip file and package name to the
# repackage task. This is not needed for vanilla stub but analogous to the full installer.
PACKAGE_FORMATS['installer-stub']['inputs']['package'] = 'target-stub{archive_format}'
PACKAGE_FORMATS['installer-stub']['args'].extend(["--package-name", "{package-name}"])
packaging_description_schema = schema.extend({
# depname is used in taskref's to identify the taskID of the signed things
Required('depname', default='build'): text_type,
# unique label to describe this repackaging task
Optional('label'): text_type,
# Routes specific to this task, if defined
Optional('routes'): [text_type],
# passed through directly to the job description
Optional('extra'): task_description_schema['extra'],
# Shipping product and phase
Optional('shipping-product'): task_description_schema['shipping-product'],
Optional('shipping-phase'): task_description_schema['shipping-phase'],
Required('package-formats'): _by_platform([text_type]),
# All l10n jobs use mozharness
Required('mozharness'): {
# Config files passed to the mozharness script
Required('config'): _by_platform([text_type]),
# Additional paths to look for mozharness configs in. These should be
# relative to the base of the source checkout
Optional('config-paths'): [text_type],
# if true, perform a checkout of a comm-central based branch inside the
# gecko checkout
Required('comm-checkout', default=False): bool,
# Override the default priority for the project
Optional('priority'): task_description_schema['priority'],
transforms = TransformSequence()
def copy_in_useful_magic(config, jobs):
"""Copy attributes from upstream task to be used for keyed configuration."""
for job in jobs:
dep = job['primary-dependency']
job['build-platform'] = dep.attributes.get("build_platform")
yield job
def handle_keyed_by(config, jobs):
"""Resolve fields that can be keyed by platform, etc."""
fields = [
for job in jobs:
job = copy.deepcopy(job) # don't overwrite dict values here
for field in fields:
resolve_keyed_by(item=job, field=field, item_name="?")
yield job
def make_repackage_description(config, jobs):
for job in jobs:
dep_job = job['primary-dependency']
label = job.get('label',
dep_job.label.replace("signing-", "repackage-"))
job['label'] = label
yield job
def make_job_description(config, jobs):
for job in jobs:
dep_job = job['primary-dependency']
attributes = copy_attributes_from_dependent_job(dep_job)
build_platform = attributes['build_platform']
if job['build-platform'].startswith('win'):
if dep_job.kind.endswith('signing'):
if job['build-platform'].startswith('macosx'):
if dep_job.kind.endswith('repack'):
dependencies = {dep_job.attributes.get('kind'): dep_job.label}
signing_task = None
for dependency in dependencies.keys():
if build_platform.startswith('macosx') and dependency.endswith('signing'):
signing_task = dependency
elif build_platform.startswith('win') and dependency.endswith('repack'):
signing_task = dependency
attributes['repackage_type'] = 'repackage'
repack_id = job['extra']['repack_id']
partner_config = get_partner_config_by_kind(config, config.kind)
partner, subpartner, _ = repack_id.split('/')
repack_stub_installer = partner_config[partner][subpartner].get('repack_stub_installer')
if build_platform.startswith('win32') and repack_stub_installer:
repackage_config = []
for format in job.get('package-formats'):
command = copy.deepcopy(PACKAGE_FORMATS[format])
substs = {
'archive_format': archive_format(build_platform),
'executable_extension': executable_extension(build_platform),
command['inputs'] = {
name: filename.format(**substs)
for name, filename in command['inputs'].items()
run = job.get('mozharness', {})
'using': 'mozharness',
'script': 'mozharness/scripts/',
'job-script': 'taskcluster/scripts/builder/',
'actions': ['setup', 'repackage'],
'extra-workspace-cache-key': 'repackage',
'extra-config': {
'repackage_config': repackage_config,
worker = {
'chain-of-trust': True,
'max-run-time': 7200 if build_platform.startswith('win') else 3600,
'taskcluster-proxy': True if get_artifact_prefix(dep_job) else False,
'env': {
'REPACK_ID': repack_id,
# Don't add generic artifact directory.
'skip-artifacts': True,
worker_type = 'b-linux'
worker['docker-image'] = {"in-tree": "debian7-amd64-build"}
worker['artifacts'] = _generate_task_output_files(
dep_job, worker_type_implementation(config.graph_config, worker_type),
repackage_config, partner=repack_id,
description = (
"Repackaging for repack_id '{repack_id}' for build '"
task = {
'label': job['label'],
'description': description,
'worker-type': worker_type,
'dependencies': dependencies,
'attributes': attributes,
'scopes': ['queue:get-artifact:releng/partner/*'],
'run-on-projects': dep_job.attributes.get('run_on_projects'),
'routes': job.get('routes', []),
'extra': job.get('extra', {}),
'worker': worker,
'run': run,
'fetches': _generate_download_config(dep_job, build_platform,
signing_task, partner=repack_id,
# we may have reduced the priority for partner jobs, otherwise will set it
if job.get('priority'):
task['priority'] = job['priority']
if build_platform.startswith('macosx'):
task.setdefault('fetches', {}).setdefault('toolchain', []).extend([
yield task
def _generate_download_config(task, build_platform, signing_task, partner=None,
project=None, repack_stub_installer=False):
locale_path = '{}/'.format(partner) if partner else ''
if build_platform.startswith('macosx'):
return {
signing_task: [
'artifact': '{}target.tar.gz'.format(locale_path),
'extract': False,
elif build_platform.startswith('win'):
download_config = [
'artifact': '{}'.format(locale_path),
'extract': False,
if build_platform.startswith('win32') and repack_stub_installer:
'artifact': '{}'.format(locale_path),
'extract': False,
return {signing_task: download_config}
raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported build_platform: "{}"'.format(build_platform))
def _generate_task_output_files(task, worker_implementation, repackage_config, partner):
"""We carefully generate an explicit list here, but there's an artifacts directory
too, courtesy of generic_worker_add_artifacts() (windows) or docker_worker_add_artifacts().
Any errors here are likely masked by that.
partner_output_path = '{}/'.format(partner)
artifact_prefix = get_artifact_prefix(task)
if worker_implementation == ('docker-worker', 'linux'):
local_prefix = '/builds/worker/workspace/'
elif worker_implementation == ('generic-worker', 'windows'):
local_prefix = ''
raise NotImplementedError(
'Unsupported worker implementation: "{}"'.format(worker_implementation))
output_files = []
for config in repackage_config:
'type': 'file',
'path': '{}build/outputs/{}{}'
.format(local_prefix, partner_output_path, config['output']),
'name': '{}/{}{}'.format(artifact_prefix, partner_output_path, config['output']),
return output_files