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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/* global Components, Services, dump, AppsUtils, NetUtil, XPCOMUtils */
"use strict";
const Cu = Components.utils;
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cr = Components.results;
const signatureFileExtension = ".sig";
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["TrustedHostedAppsUtils"];
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil",
// On Android, define the "debug" function as a binding of the "d" function
// from the AndroidLog module so it gets the "debug" priority and a log tag.
// We always report debug messages on Android because it's unnecessary
// to restrict reporting, per bug 1003469.
let debug = Cu
.import("resource://gre/modules/AndroidLog.jsm", {})
.AndroidLog.d.bind(null, "TrustedHostedAppsUtils");
// Elsewhere, report debug messages only if dom.mozApps.debug is set to true.
// The pref is only checked once, on startup, so restart after changing it.
let debug = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("dom.mozApps.debug") ?
aMsg => dump("-*- TrustedHostedAppsUtils.jsm : " + aMsg + "\n") :
() => {};
* Verification functions for Trusted Hosted Apps.
this.TrustedHostedAppsUtils = {
* Check if the given host is pinned in the CA pinning database.
isHostPinned: function (aUrl) {
let uri;
try {
uri = Services.io.newURI(aUrl, null, null);
} catch(e) {
debug("Host parsing failed: " + e);
return false;
// TODO: use nsSiteSecurityService.isSecureURI()
if (!uri.host || "https" != uri.scheme) {
return false;
// Check certificate pinning
let siteSecurityService;
try {
siteSecurityService = Cc["@mozilla.org/ssservice;1"]
} catch (e) {
debug("nsISiteSecurityService error: " + e);
// unrecoverable error, don't bug the user
if (siteSecurityService.isSecureHost(Ci.nsISiteSecurityService.HEADER_HPKP,
uri.host, 0)) {
debug("\tvalid certificate pinning for host: " + uri.host + "\n");
return true;
debug("\tHost NOT pinned: " + uri.host + "\n");
return false;
* Take a CSP policy string as input and ensure that it contains at
* least the directives that are required ('script-src' and
* 'style-src'). If the CSP policy string is 'undefined' or does
* not contain some of the required csp directives the function will
* return empty list with status set to false. Otherwise a parsed
* list of the unique sources listed from the required csp
* directives is returned.
getCSPWhiteList: function(aCsp) {
let isValid = false;
let whiteList = [];
let requiredDirectives = [ "script-src", "style-src" ];
if (aCsp) {
let validDirectives = [];
let directives = aCsp.split(";");
// TODO: Use nsIContentSecurityPolicy
.map(aDirective => aDirective.trim().split(" "))
.filter(aList => aList.length > 1)
// we only restrict on requiredDirectives
.filter(aList => (requiredDirectives.indexOf(aList[0]) != -1))
.forEach(aList => {
// aList[0] contains the directive name.
// aList[1..n] contains sources.
let directiveName = aList.shift();
let sources = aList;
if ((-1 == validDirectives.indexOf(directiveName))) {
// 'self' is checked separately during manifest check
aSource => (aSource !="'self'" && whiteList.indexOf(aSource) == -1)
// Check if all required directives are present.
isValid = requiredDirectives.length === validDirectives.length;
if (!isValid) {
debug("White list doesn't contain all required directives!");
whiteList = [];
debug("White list contains " + whiteList.length + " hosts");
return { list: whiteList, valid: isValid };
* Verify that the given csp is valid:
* 1. contains required directives "script-src" and "style-src"
* 2. required directives contain only "https" URLs
* 3. domains of the restricted sources exist in the CA pinning database
verifyCSPWhiteList: function(aCsp) {
let domainWhitelist = this.getCSPWhiteList(aCsp);
if (!domainWhitelist.valid) {
return false;
if (!domainWhitelist.list.every(aUrl => this.isHostPinned(aUrl))) {
return false;
return true;
_verifySignedFile: function(aManifestStream, aSignatureStream, aCertDb) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let root = Ci.nsIX509CertDB.TrustedHostedAppPublicRoot;
try {
// Check if we should use the test certificates.
// Please note that this should be changed if we ever allow chages to the
// prefs since that would create a way for an attacker to use the test
// root for real apps.
let useTrustedAppTestCerts = Services.prefs
if (useTrustedAppTestCerts) {
root = Ci.nsIX509CertDB.TrustedHostedAppTestRoot;
} catch (ex) { }
root, aManifestStream, aSignatureStream,
function(aRv, aCert) {
debug("Signature verification returned code, cert & root: " + aRv + " " + aCert + " " + root);
if (Components.isSuccessCode(aRv)) {
} else if (aRv == Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED ||
} else {
return deferred.promise;
verifySignedManifest: function(aApp, aAppId) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let certDb;
try {
certDb = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/x509certdb;1"]
} catch (e) {
debug("nsIX509CertDB error: " + e);
// unrecoverable error, don't bug the user
let principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.getAppCodebasePrincipal(
aApp.origin, aApp.localId, false);
let mRequestChannel = NetUtil.newChannel({
uri: aApp.manifestURL,
loadingPrincipal: principal,
contentPolicyType: Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_OTHER}
mRequestChannel.loadFlags |= Ci.nsIRequest.INHIBIT_CACHING;
mRequestChannel.notificationCallbacks =
AppsUtils.createLoadContext(aAppId, false);
// The manifest signature must be located at the same path as the
// manifest and have the same file name, only the file extension
// should differ. Any fragment or query parameter will be ignored.
let signatureURL;
try {
let mURL = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
.newURI(aApp.manifestURL, null, null)
signatureURL = mURL.prePath +
mURL.directory + mURL.fileBaseName + signatureFileExtension;
} catch(e) {
let sRequestChannel = NetUtil.newChannel({
uri: signatureURL,
loadingPrincipal: principal,
contentPolicyType: Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_OTHER}
sRequestChannel.loadFlags |= Ci.nsIRequest.INHIBIT_CACHING;
sRequestChannel.notificationCallbacks =
AppsUtils.createLoadContext(aAppId, false);
let getAsyncFetchCallback = (resolve, reject) =>
(aInputStream, aResult) => {
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(aResult)) {
debug("Failed to download file");
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
getAsyncFetchCallback(resolve, reject));
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
getAsyncFetchCallback(resolve, reject));
]).then(([aManifestStream, aSignatureStream]) => {
this._verifySignedFile(aManifestStream, aSignatureStream, certDb)
.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject);
}, deferred.reject);
return deferred.promise;
verifyManifest: function(aApp, aAppId, aManifest) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// sanity check on manifest host's CA (proper CA check with
// pinning is done by regular networking code)
if (!this.isHostPinned(aApp.manifestURL)) {
if (!this.verifyCSPWhiteList(aManifest.csp)) {
this.verifySignedManifest(aApp, aAppId).then(resolve, reject);