The biggest change is located in
Originally, nsSVGUtils::GetCanvasTM is used. This function returns combination
of svg-transform, e.g. <rect transform="translate(30,40)" />, and
css-to-dev-scale-transform. That why we do not see this bug in a transformed
svg element.
For example, the following svg can be rendered correctly on FF:
<svg xmlns="">
<filter id="blurMe">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="1"/>
<!-- nsSVGUtils::GetCanvasTM return transform="scale(3)" correctly -->
<text x="0" y="35" font-size="35" transform="scale(3)" filter="url(#blurMe)">
Hello, out there
Unfortunately, this function does not report css-transform at all. So, I
replaced it by mPaintTransfom, which is passed from the caller. So now it's the
caller's responsibility to pass a UserSpace-To-DeviceSpace transform into
nsFilterInstance. And, we actually change the meaning of mPaintTransform in this
patch. Before this patch, mPaintTransform means css-to-dev-px scaling transform;
After this patch it means "userspace-to-filterspace-scaling * css-to-dev-scaling"
All the other modifictions are to respect the change in
MozReview-Commit-ID: LwNUAMo98M
extra : rebase_source : 4ed9fbd1493decef43b6d606d78c4dd23e975146
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