
386 lines
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
# ifndef mozilla_EventDispatcher_h_
# define mozilla_EventDispatcher_h_
# include "mozilla/dom/BindingDeclarations.h"
# include "mozilla/dom/Touch.h"
# include "mozilla/EventForwards.h"
# include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
# include "nsCOMPtr.h"
# include "nsTArray.h"
// Microsoft's API Name hackery sucks
# undef CreateEvent
class nsIContent;
class nsPresContext;
template <class E>
class nsCOMArray;
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class Event;
class EventTarget;
} // namespace dom
* About event dispatching:
* When either EventDispatcher::Dispatch or
* EventDispatcher::DispatchDOMEvent is called an event target chain is
* created. EventDispatcher creates the chain by calling GetEventTargetParent
* on each event target and the creation continues until either the mCanHandle
* member of the EventChainPreVisitor object is false or the mParentTarget
* does not point to a new target. The event target chain is created in the
* heap.
* If the event needs retargeting, mEventTargetAtParent must be set in
* GetEventTargetParent.
* The capture, target and bubble phases of the event dispatch are handled
* by iterating through the event target chain. Iteration happens twice,
* first for the default event group and then for the system event group.
* While dispatching the event for the system event group PostHandleEvent
* is called right after calling event listener for the current event target.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS EventChainVisitor {
// For making creators of this class instances guarantee the lifetime of
// aPresContext, this needs to be marked as MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT.
EventChainVisitor(nsPresContext* aPresContext, WidgetEvent* aEvent,
dom::Event* aDOMEvent,
nsEventStatus aEventStatus = nsEventStatus_eIgnore)
: mPresContext(aPresContext),
mItemFlags(0) {}
* The prescontext, possibly nullptr.
* Note that the lifetime of mPresContext is guaranteed by the creators.
MOZ_KNOWN_LIVE nsPresContext* const mPresContext;
* The WidgetEvent which is being dispatched. Never nullptr.
WidgetEvent* const mEvent;
* The DOM Event assiciated with the mEvent. Possibly nullptr if a DOM Event
* is not (yet) created.
dom::Event* mDOMEvent;
* The status of the event.
* @see nsEventStatus.h
nsEventStatus mEventStatus;
* Bits for items in the event target chain.
* Set in GetEventTargetParent() and used in PostHandleEvent().
* @note These bits are different for each item in the event target chain.
* It is up to the Pre/PostHandleEvent implementation to decide how to
* use these bits.
* @note Using uint16_t because that is used also in EventTargetChainItem.
uint16_t mItemFlags;
* Data for items in the event target chain.
* Set in GetEventTargetParent() and used in PostHandleEvent().
* @note This data is different for each item in the event target chain.
* It is up to the Pre/PostHandleEvent implementation to decide how to
* use this.
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> mItemData;
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS EventChainPreVisitor final : public EventChainVisitor {
EventChainPreVisitor(nsPresContext* aPresContext, WidgetEvent* aEvent,
dom::Event* aDOMEvent, nsEventStatus aEventStatus,
bool aIsInAnon,
dom::EventTarget* aTargetInKnownToBeHandledScope)
: EventChainVisitor(aPresContext, aEvent, aDOMEvent, aEventStatus),
mTargetInKnownToBeHandledScope(aTargetInKnownToBeHandledScope) {}
void Reset() {
mItemFlags = 0;
mItemData = nullptr;
mCanHandle = true;
mAutomaticChromeDispatch = true;
mForceContentDispatch = false;
mWantsWillHandleEvent = false;
mMayHaveListenerManager = true;
mWantsPreHandleEvent = false;
mRootOfClosedTree = false;
mItemInShadowTree = false;
mParentIsSlotInClosedTree = false;
mParentIsChromeHandler = false;
// Note, we don't clear mRelatedTargetRetargetedInCurrentScope explicitly,
// since it is used during event path creation to indicate whether
// relatedTarget may need to be retargeted.
mIgnoreBecauseOfShadowDOM = false;
mParentTarget = nullptr;
mEventTargetAtParent = nullptr;
mRetargetedRelatedTarget = nullptr;
dom::EventTarget* GetParentTarget() { return mParentTarget; }
void SetParentTarget(dom::EventTarget* aParentTarget, bool aIsChromeHandler) {
mParentTarget = aParentTarget;
if (mParentTarget) {
mParentIsChromeHandler = aIsChromeHandler;
void IgnoreCurrentTargetBecauseOfShadowDOMRetargeting() {
mCanHandle = false;
mIgnoreBecauseOfShadowDOM = true;
SetParentTarget(nullptr, false);
mEventTargetAtParent = nullptr;
* Member that must be set in GetEventTargetParent by event targets. If set to
* false, indicates that this event target will not be handling the event and
* construction of the event target chain is complete. The target that sets
* mCanHandle to false is NOT included in the event target chain.
bool mCanHandle;
* If mCanHandle is false and mAutomaticChromeDispatch is also false
* event will not be dispatched to the chrome event handler.
bool mAutomaticChromeDispatch;
* If mForceContentDispatch is set to true,
* content dispatching is not disabled for this event target.
* FIXME! This is here for backward compatibility. Bug 329119
bool mForceContentDispatch;
* true if it is known that related target is or is a descendant of an
* element which is anonymous for events.
bool mRelatedTargetIsInAnon;
* true if the original target of the event is inside anonymous content.
* This is set before calling GetEventTargetParent on event targets.
bool mOriginalTargetIsInAnon;
* Whether or not EventTarget::WillHandleEvent will be
* called. Default is false;
bool mWantsWillHandleEvent;
* If it is known that the current target doesn't have a listener manager
* when GetEventTargetParent is called, set this to false.
bool mMayHaveListenerManager;
* Whether or not EventTarget::PreHandleEvent will be called. Default is
* false;
bool mWantsPreHandleEvent;
* True if the current target is either closed ShadowRoot or root of
* chrome only access tree (for example native anonymous content).
bool mRootOfClosedTree;
* If target is node and its root is a shadow root.
bool mItemInShadowTree;
* True if mParentTarget is HTMLSlotElement in a closed shadow tree and the
* current target is assigned to that slot.
bool mParentIsSlotInClosedTree;
* True if mParentTarget is a chrome handler in the event path.
bool mParentIsChromeHandler;
* True if event's related target has been already retargeted in the
* current 'scope'. This should be set to false initially and whenever
* event path creation crosses shadow boundary.
bool mRelatedTargetRetargetedInCurrentScope;
* True if Shadow DOM relatedTarget retargeting causes the current item
* to not show up in the event path.
bool mIgnoreBecauseOfShadowDOM;
* Parent item in the event target chain.
dom::EventTarget* mParentTarget;
* If the event needs to be retargeted, this is the event target,
* which should be used when the event is handled at mParentTarget.
dom::EventTarget* mEventTargetAtParent;
* If the related target of the event needs to be retargeted, set this
* to a new EventTarget.
dom::EventTarget* mRetargetedRelatedTarget;
* If mEvent is a WidgetTouchEvent and its mTouches needs retargeting,
* set the targets to this array. The array should contain one entry per
* each object in WidgetTouchEvent::mTouches.
mozilla::Maybe<nsTArray<RefPtr<dom::EventTarget>>> mRetargetedTouchTargets;
* Set to the value of mEvent->mTarget of the previous scope in case of
* Shadow DOM or such, and if there is no anonymous content this just points
* to the initial target.
dom::EventTarget* mTargetInKnownToBeHandledScope;
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS EventChainPostVisitor final
: public mozilla::EventChainVisitor {
// Note that for making guarantee the lifetime of mPresContext and mDOMEvent,
// creators should guarantee that aOther won't be deleted while the instance
// of this class is alive.
explicit EventChainPostVisitor(EventChainVisitor& aOther)
: EventChainVisitor(aOther.mPresContext, aOther.mEvent,
aOther.mEventStatus) {}
* If an EventDispatchingCallback object is passed to Dispatch,
* its HandleEvent method is called after handling the default event group,
* before handling the system event group.
* This is used in PresShell.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS EventDispatchingCallback {
virtual void HandleEvent(EventChainPostVisitor& aVisitor) = 0;
* The generic class for event dispatching.
* Must not be used outside Gecko!
class EventDispatcher {
* aTarget should QI to EventTarget.
* If the target of aEvent is set before calling this method, the target of
* aEvent is used as the target (unless there is event
* retargeting) and the originalTarget of the DOM Event.
* aTarget is always used as the starting point for constructing the event
* target chain, no matter what the value of aEvent->mTarget is.
* In other words, aEvent->mTarget is only a property of the event and it has
* nothing to do with the construction of the event target chain.
* Neither aTarget nor aEvent is allowed to be nullptr.
* If aTargets is non-null, event target chain will be created, but
* event won't be handled. In this case aEvent->mMessage should be
* eVoidEvent.
* @note Use this method when dispatching a WidgetEvent.
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static nsresult Dispatch(
nsISupports* aTarget, nsPresContext* aPresContext, WidgetEvent* aEvent,
dom::Event* aDOMEvent = nullptr, nsEventStatus* aEventStatus = nullptr,
EventDispatchingCallback* aCallback = nullptr,
nsTArray<dom::EventTarget*>* aTargets = nullptr);
* Dispatches an event.
* If aDOMEvent is not nullptr, it is used for dispatching
* (aEvent can then be nullptr) and (if aDOMEvent is not |trusted| already),
* the |trusted| flag is set if the caller uses the system principal.
* Otherwise this works like EventDispatcher::Dispatch.
* @note Use this method when dispatching a dom::Event.
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static nsresult DispatchDOMEvent(
nsISupports* aTarget, WidgetEvent* aEvent, dom::Event* aDOMEvent,
nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsEventStatus* aEventStatus);
* Creates a DOM Event. Returns null if the event type is unsupported.
static already_AddRefed<dom::Event> CreateEvent(
dom::EventTarget* aOwner, nsPresContext* aPresContext,
WidgetEvent* aEvent, const nsAString& aEventType,
dom::CallerType aCallerType = dom::CallerType::System);
static void GetComposedPathFor(WidgetEvent* aEvent,
nsTArray<RefPtr<dom::EventTarget>>& aPath);
* Called at shutting down.
static void Shutdown();
} // namespace mozilla
# endif // mozilla_EventDispatcher_h_