rginda%netscape.com 5f82a6723b - not built -
add javadoc comments, remove jsdIScript::isActive, add jasIService::GC()
2001-08-03 05:15:27 +00:00
2001-08-03 05:15:27 +00:00
2001-08-03 05:14:21 +00:00
2001-07-03 22:21:56 +00:00
2001-07-20 05:33:34 +00:00

/* jband - 10/26/98 -  */

js/jsd contains code for debugging support for the C-based JavaScript engine 
in js/src.

Currently the makefiles are for Win32 only (using MS nmake.exe from MSDEV 4.2).
jsd.mak will build a standalone dll. jsdshell.mak will build the dll and also
a version of the js/src/js.c shell which will launch a Java VM and run the 
JavaSript Debugger (built in js/jsdj). This version assumes that you have a 
JRE compatible JVM installed. Only Windows is supported for this Java-based 

The makefile assumes that the jdk/include directory is part of the path
in your 'include' environment variable so that is can find jni.h.

Though only Windows makefiles are supplied, the basic code in js/jsd should 
compile for other platforms -- it is a newer version of code that builds and 
ships with Communicator 4.x on many platforms.

js/jsd/jsdb is a console debugger using only native code (see README in that 