Nick Alexander b525daac01 Bug 1540820 - Don't write generated JNI wrappers for every Java-level change. r=agi
This was fallout from Bug 1509572, which moved the "invalidation
smarts" to Gradle. Unfortunately, those smarts are not smart enough:
there are many situations where the annotations might change (a new
method) but where they don't actually change (a new method that isn't
annotated with @JNITarget).

Since we don't want to spend the time to make the "invalidation
smarts" truly smart, we need to bring back this little bit of Bug

While we're here, we ensure that there is only one JNI wrapper
generation task for GeckoView and Fennec, regardless of variant.
Right now, those are named like:

- geckoview:generateJNIWrappersForGeneratedWithGeckoBinariesDebug
- app:generateJNIWrappersForFennecWithoutGeckoBinariesDebug

See for some
discussion of these JNI wrapper generation tasks.

Differential Revision:

extra : moz-landing-system : lando
2019-04-09 20:02:44 +00:00

519 lines
23 KiB

buildDir "${topobjdir}/gradle/build/mobile/android/app"
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'checkstyle'
apply plugin: 'findbugs'
if (mozconfig.substs.MOZILLA_OFFICIAL) {
apply plugin: 'com.getkeepsafe.dexcount'
apply from: "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/gradle/product_flavors.gradle"
if (mozconfig.substs.MOZILLA_OFFICIAL) {
dexcount {
format = "tree"
android {
compileSdkVersion project.ext.compileSdkVersion
useLibrary 'android.test.runner'
useLibrary 'android.test.base'
useLibrary 'android.test.mock'
defaultConfig {
targetSdkVersion project.ext.targetSdkVersion
minSdkVersion project.ext.minSdkVersion
manifestPlaceholders = project.ext.manifestPlaceholders
applicationId mozconfig.substs.ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME
testApplicationId 'org.mozilla.roboexample.test'
testInstrumentationRunner 'org.mozilla.gecko.FennecInstrumentationTestRunner'
// Used by Robolectric based tests; see TestRunner.
buildConfigField 'String', 'BUILD_DIR', "\"${project.buildDir}\"".tr(File.separator, "/")
vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
multiDexEnabled true
aaptOptions {
// The omnijar is already a compressed file itself and Gecko expects it to be
// STORED within the APK rather than DEFLATED.
noCompress 'ja'
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
dexOptions {
javaMaxHeapSize "4g"
jumboMode = true
lintOptions {
abortOnError true
buildTypes {
// We have the following difficult situation. Minification (Proguard) is only available per
// Android-Gradle `buildType`. Instrumentation (Robocop) is only available for exactly one
// `buildType` (see Android-Gradle `testBuildType`, which defaults to "debug"). Local
// developers expect to build and run tests against the "debug" build type. Automation
// needs to produce an instrumentation (Robocop) APK against a Fennec APK that will ship.
// (This is very unusual; usually, instrumentation tests do _not_ run against a shipping
// APK.)
// Given these constraints, we should not change `testBuildType` to avoid confusing local
// developers. Also, we should not Proguard any "debug" builds, because we don't want local
// developers to incur the cost of Proguard. However, we still need to find a way to
// Proguard a shipping APK and produce an instrumentation (Robocop APK) against it. To
// achieve this, we make "debug" builds Proguard in automation alone. This does have the
// unfortunate side effect of Proguarding the instrumentation (Robocop) APK, but nothing
// uses runtime inspection or class-loading with that APK, so it shouldn't be a problem.
def configureMinifyClosure = {
// Bug 1229269: we can't yet shrinkResources effectively. Be sure
// to use -stripped.ap_ after enabling this.
// shrinkResources true
minifyEnabled true
proguardFile "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/config/proguard/proguard.cfg"
testProguardFile "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/config/proguard/proguard-robocop.cfg"
release configureMinifyClosure
if (mozconfig.substs.MOZILLA_OFFICIAL) {
debug configureMinifyClosure
def isDebuggable = (!mozconfig.substs.MOZILLA_OFFICIAL) || (mozconfig.substs.NIGHTLY_BUILD && mozconfig.substs.MOZ_DEBUG)
debug {
debuggable isDebuggable
multiDexKeepProguard file("${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/config/proguard/debug-robocop-keeps.cfg")
release {
debuggable isDebuggable
project.configureProductFlavors.delegate = it
flavorDimensions "geckoBinaries"
sourceSets {
main {
aidl {
srcDir "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/base/aidl"
java {
srcDir "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/base/java"
srcDir "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/services/src/main/java"
if (mozconfig.substs.MOZ_ANDROID_MLS_STUMBLER) {
srcDir "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/stumbler/java"
if (!mozconfig.substs.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER) {
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/'
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/'
if (!mozconfig.substs.MOZ_NATIVE_DEVICES) {
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/'
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/'
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/'
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/'
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/'
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/'
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/'
if (mozconfig.substs.MOZ_INSTALL_TRACKING) {
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/adjust/'
} else {
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/adjust/'
if (mozconfig.substs.MOZ_ANDROID_MMA) {
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/mma/'
} else {
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/mma/'
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/mma/'
if (!mozconfig.substs.MOZ_ANDROID_GCM) {
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/gcm/**/*.java'
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/push/**/*.java'
res {
srcDir "${topsrcdir}/${mozconfig.substs.MOZ_BRANDING_DIRECTORY}/res"
srcDir "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/services/src/main/res"
if (mozconfig.substs.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER) {
srcDir "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/base/crashreporter/res"
assets {
srcDir "${mozconfig.substs.MOZ_ANDROID_DISTRIBUTION_DIRECTORY}/assets"
test {
java {
// Bug 1229149 tracks pushing this into a :services Gradle project.
srcDir "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/services/src/test/java"
if (!mozconfig.substs.MOZ_ANDROID_GCM) {
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/gcm/**/*.java'
exclude 'org/mozilla/gecko/push/**/*.java'
resources {
// Bug 1229149 tracks pushing this into a :services Gradle project.
srcDir "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/services/src/test/resources"
androidTest {
java {
srcDir "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/tests/browser/robocop/src"
// Bug 1229149 tracks pushing this into a :services Gradle project.
srcDir "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/services/src/androidTest/java"
srcDir "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/tests/browser/junit3/src"
res {
srcDir "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/tests/browser/robocop/res"
assets {
srcDir "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/tests/browser/robocop/assets"
testOptions {
// For Robolectric: see
unitTests.includeAndroidResources true
unitTests.all {
// We'd like to use (Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors()/2), but
// we have tests that start test servers and the bound ports
// collide. We'll fix this soon to have much faster test cycles.
maxParallelForks 1
dependencies {
implementation "$support_library_version"
implementation "$support_library_version"
implementation "$support_library_version"
implementation "$support_library_version"
implementation "$support_library_version"
implementation "$support_library_version"
implementation "$support_library_version"
// We always include support for multidexing even when we don't enable it at runtime.
// We could conditionally include support, but we'd need
// to generate the `Application` class or fork the file on disk.
implementation ""
if (mozconfig.substs.MOZ_NATIVE_DEVICES) {
implementation "$support_library_version"
implementation "$google_play_services_version"
implementation "$google_play_services_version"
implementation "$google_play_services_cast_version"
if (mozconfig.substs.MOZ_INSTALL_TRACKING) {
implementation "$google_play_services_version"
implementation "$google_play_services_version"
if (mozconfig.substs.MOZ_ANDROID_GCM) {
implementation "$google_play_services_version"
implementation "$google_play_services_version"
implementation "$google_play_services_version"
// Include LeakCanary in local builds, but not in official builds.
if (mozconfig.substs.MOZILLA_OFFICIAL) {
implementation 'com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android-no-op:1.4-beta1'
} else {
implementation 'com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android:1.4-beta1'
testImplementation 'com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android-no-op:1.4-beta1'
implementation project(path: ':geckoview')
implementation project(path: ':thirdparty')
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
testImplementation 'org.robolectric:robolectric:3.8'
testImplementation 'org.simpleframework:simple-http:6.0.1'
testImplementation 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.10.19'
// Including the Robotium JAR directly can cause issues with dexing.
androidTestImplementation ''
// TODO: (bug 1261486): This impl is not robust -
// we just wanted to land something.
task checkstyle(type: Checkstyle) {
configFile file("checkstyle.xml")
// TODO: should use sourceSets from project instead of hard-coded str.
source = ['../base/java/','../geckoview/src/main/java/']
// TODO: This ignores our pre-processed resources.
include '**/*.java'
// TODO: classpath should probably be something.
classpath = files()
// The localization system uses the preprocessor to interpolate a .dtd
// file of XML entity definitions into an XML file of elements referencing those
// entities. (Each locale produces its own .dtd file, backstopped by the en-US
// .dtd file in tree.) Android Studio (and IntelliJ) don't handle these inline
// entities smoothly. This filter merely expands the entities in place, making
// them appear properly throughout the IDE. Be aware that this assumes that the
// JVM's file.encoding is utf-8. See comments in
// mobile/android/
class ExpandXMLEntitiesFilter extends FilterReader {
ExpandXMLEntitiesFilter(Reader input) {
// Extremely inefficient, but whatever.
super(new StringReader(groovy.xml.XmlUtil.serialize(new XmlParser(false, false, true).parse(input))))
apply from: "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/gradle/with_gecko_binaries.gradle"
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def syncPreprocessedJava = task("syncPreprocessedJavaFor${}", type: Sync) {
// This is an Android-Gradle plugin 3+-ism. Culted from reading the source,
// searching for "registerJavaGeneratingTask", and finding
// The added directory doesn't appear in the paths listed by the
// `sourceSets` task, for reasons unknown.
variant.registerJavaGeneratingTask(syncPreprocessedJava, syncPreprocessedJava.destinationDir)
def syncPreprocessedRes = task("syncPreprocessedResFor${}", type: Sync) {
filesMatching('**/strings.xml') {
// Bug 1478411: We want to turn XML entity expansion errors into the "error:" strings that
// Tree Herder parses. It's surprisingly difficult to do useful things with exceptions in a
// filter, but it appears that something deep in the XML parser prints errors to stderr, so
// we amplify those error outputs to achieve the goal.
def listener = {
def matches = (it =~ /\[Fatal Error\] +(.*)/)
if (matches) {
def (_, message) = matches[0]
logger.lifecycle "error: ${topobjdir}/mobile/android/base/res/values/strings.xml${message}"
} as StandardOutputListener
doFirst {
doLast {
// This is an Android-Gradle plugin 3+-ism. Determined by reading the
// source. The added directory doesn't appear in the paths listed by the
// `sourceSets` task, for reasons unknown.
// It's not easy -- see the backout in Bug 1242213 -- to change the
// <manifest> package for Fennec. Gradle has grown a mechanism to achieve
// what we want for Fennec, however, with applicationId. To use the same
// manifest as, we replace the package with org.mozilla.gecko (the
// eventual package) here.
def rewriteManifestPackage = task("rewriteManifestPackageFor${}", type: Copy, dependsOn: rootProject.machBuildGeneratedAndroidCodeAndResources) {
filter { it.replaceFirst(/package=".*?"/, 'package="org.mozilla.gecko"') }
// Every configuration needs the stub manifest at
// src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and the generated manifest. We can't use
// the main sourceSet without losing the stub, so we cover all the
// configurations here.
android.sourceSets."${}".manifest.srcFile "${rewriteManifestPackage.destinationDir}/AndroidManifest.xml"
variant.preBuild.dependsOn rewriteManifestPackage
// Local (read, not 'official') builds want to reflect developer changes to
//, strings.xml, and preprocessed Java code. To do
// this, the Gradle build calls out to the system, which can be
// re-entrant. Official builds are driven by the system and
// should never be re-entrant in this way.
if (!mozconfig.substs.MOZILLA_OFFICIAL) {
syncPreprocessedJava.dependsOn rootProject.machBuildGeneratedAndroidCodeAndResources
syncPreprocessedRes.dependsOn rootProject.machBuildGeneratedAndroidCodeAndResources
rewriteManifestPackage.dependsOn rootProject.machBuildGeneratedAndroidCodeAndResources
// When driven from via |mach build|, Gradle does not require or
// use Gecko binaries. It's only |mach package| that packs the Gecko
// binaries into the resulting APK. The "withoutGeckoBinaries" variants
// handle this. When driven from Android Studio or Gradle, the
// "withGeckoBinaries" variants handle packing the Gecko binaries into the
// resulting APK (for on-device deployment). They also update the Omnijars
// as necessary, smoothing out the edit-compile-test development cycle.
// They do what they say on the tin!
if ((variant.productFlavors*.name).contains('withGeckoBinaries')) {
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
if ( == mozconfig.substs.GRADLE_ANDROID_APP_VARIANT_NAME) {
configureApplicationVariantWithJNIWrappers(variant, "Fennec")
if (gradle.startParameter.taskNames.any { it.endsWith('UnitTest') }) {
// Approach cribbed from
int maxKeyLen = javax.crypto.Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength("AES")
if (maxKeyLen <= 128) {
throw new GradleException(
"Android unit tests require " +
"Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy, see " +
// Bug 1320035: Gradle configuration for running findbugs. Findbugs only allows
// to generate one report per invocation:
// Run two tasks, accepting the cost of duplicate work.
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
task("findbugsHtml${}", type: FindBugs) {
// TODO: figure out how to share the shared configuration.
description "Analyze ${} code with findbugs (HTML report)"
group "Verification"
ignoreFailures = false // We want builds to fail when running this task and issues are found
effort = "max" // Using more memory and time to find issues is acceptable in automation
reportLevel = "high" // For now we only care about high priority bugs. After we have fixed
// the issues with medium/low priority we can lower the report level here.
classes = files("$project.buildDir/intermediates/classes")
source = variant.javaCompile.source
classpath = variant.javaCompile.classpath
excludeFilter = file("findbugs-exclude.xml")
dependsOn "bundleAppClasses${}"
reports {
html.enabled = true // HTML reports for humans.
html.destination = file("$project.buildDir/reports/findbugs/findbugs-${}-output.html")
xml.enabled = false
task("findbugsXml${}", type: FindBugs) {
// TODO: figure out how to share the shared configuration.
description "Analyze ${} code with findbugs (XML report)"
group "Verification"
ignoreFailures = false // We want builds to fail when running this task and issues are found
effort = "max" // Using more memory and time to find issues is acceptable in automation
reportLevel = "high" // For now we only care about high priority bugs. After we have fixed
// the issues with medium/low priority we can lower the report level here.
classes = files("$project.buildDir/intermediates/classes")
source = variant.javaCompile.source
classpath = variant.javaCompile.classpath
excludeFilter = file("findbugs-exclude.xml")
dependsOn "bundleAppClasses${}"
reports {
xml.enabled = true // XML reports for machines.
xml.destination = file("$project.buildDir/reports/findbugs/findbugs-${}-output.xml")
html.enabled = false
// Bug 1353055 - Strip 'vars' debugging information to agree with
apply from: "${topsrcdir}/mobile/android/gradle/debug_level.gradle"
android.applicationVariants.all configureVariantDebugLevel
// Bug 1320310 - Hack up the manifest produced by Gradle to match that produced
// by Per,
// this breaks launching in Android Studio; therefore, we only do this for
// official automation builds and not for local developer builds.
import groovy.xml.XmlUtil
// Workaround for fixing sub-dependencies upon gradle error:
// All gms/firebase (except play-services-cast since it has sub-dependencies in 15.0.0)
// libraries must use the exact same version specification (mixing versions can
// lead to runtime crashes). Found versions 15.0.1, 15.0.0. Examples include
// and
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
if ( == ''
&& != 'play-services-cast') {
details.useVersion "$google_play_services_version"
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
if (!mozconfig.substs.MOZILLA_OFFICIAL) {
variant.outputs.each { output ->
output.processManifest.doLast {
].each({ File manifestOutFile ->
if (manifestOutFile.exists()) {
def contents = manifestOutFile.getText('UTF-8')
// A non-validating, non-namespace aware XML processor.
def xml = new XmlSlurper(false, false).parseText(contents)
// First, reinstate our <activity-alias android:name=".App">.
.findAll { == 'activity-alias' && it.'@android:name' == 'org.mozilla.gecko.App' }
.each { it.'@android:name' = '.App' }
manifestOutFile.write(XmlUtil.serialize(xml), 'UTF-8')
// Bug 1415298: make Robolectric find assets. Fix adapted from
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def productFlavor = ""
variant.productFlavors.each {
productFlavor += "${}"
def buildType = "${}"