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synced 2025-02-26 12:20:56 +00:00
314 lines
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314 lines
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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import io
import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import buildconfig
from mozbuild.preprocessor import Preprocessor
from variables import get_buildid
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// Note: if you contain versioning information in an included
// RC script, it will be discarded
// Use module.ver to explicitly set these values
// Do not edit this file. Changes won't affect the build.
Identity LimitedAccessFeature {{ L"{lafidentity}_pcsmm0jrprpb2" }}
// Version
FILEVERSION {fileversion}
PRODUCTVERSION {productversion}
FILEFLAGS {fileflags}
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "000004b0"
VALUE "Comments", "{comment}"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "{copyright}"
VALUE "CompanyName", "{company}"
VALUE "FileDescription", "{description}"
VALUE "FileVersion", "{mfversion}"
VALUE "ProductVersion", "{mpversion}"
VALUE "InternalName", "{module}"
VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "{trademarks}"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "{binary}"
VALUE "ProductName", "{productname}"
VALUE "BuildID", "{buildid}"
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x0, 1200
class SystemClockDiscrepancy(Exception):
"""Represents an error encountered during the build when determining delta between the build time and
the commit time of milestone.txt via VCS."""
def preprocess(path, defines):
pp = Preprocessor(defines=defines, marker="%")
pp.out = io.StringIO()
pp.do_include(io.open(path, "r", encoding="latin1"))
return pp.out
def parse_module_ver(path, defines):
result = {}
for line in preprocess(path, defines):
content, *comment = line.split("#", 1)
if not content.strip():
entry, value = content.split("=", 1)
result[entry.strip()] = value.strip()
return result
def last_winversion_segment(buildid, app_version_display):
The last segment needs to fit into a 16 bit number. We also need to
encode what channel this version is from. We'll do this by using 2 bits
to encode the channel, and 14 bits to encode the number of hours since
the 'config/milestone.txt' was modified (relative to the build time).
This gives us about ~682 days of release hours that will yield a unique
file version for a specific channel/milestone combination. This should suffice
since the main problem we're trying to address is uniqueness in CI for a
channel/milestone over about a 1 month period.
If two builds for the same channel/milestone are done in CI within the same
hour there's still a chance for overlap and issues with AV as originally
reported in https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1872242
If a build is done after the ~682 day window of uniqueness, the value for
this segment will always be the maximum value for the channel (no overflow).
It will also always be the maximum value for the channel if a build is done
from a source distribution, because we cannot determine the milestone date
change without a VCS.
If necessary, you can decode the result of this function. You just need to
do integer division and divide it by 4. The quotient will be the delta
between the milestone bump and the build time, and the remainder will be
the channel digit. Refer to the if/else chain near the end of the function
for what channels the channel digits map to.
Encoded: 1544
1554 / 4 =
Quotient: 388
Remainder: 2 (ESR)
from mozversioncontrol import MissingVCSTool, get_repository_object
# Max 16 bit value with 2 most significant bits as 0 (reserved so we can
# shift later and make room for the channel digit).
import time
from datetime import timedelta, timezone
from pathlib import Path
topsrcdir = buildconfig.topsrcdir
repo = get_repository_object(topsrcdir)
milestone_time = repo.get_last_modified_time_for_file(
Path(topsrcdir) / "config" / "milestone.txt"
# The buildid doesn't include timezone info, but the milestone_time does.
# We're building on this machine, so we just need the system local timezone
# added to a buildid constructed datetime object to make a valid comparison.
local_tz = timezone(timedelta(seconds=time.timezone))
buildid_time = datetime.strptime(buildid, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S").replace(
time_delta = buildid_time - milestone_time
# If the time delta is negative it means that the system clock on the build machine is
# significantly far ahead. If we're in CI we'll raise an error, since this number mostly
# only matters for doing releases in CI. If we're not in CI, we'll just set the value to
# the maximum instead of needlessly interrupting the build of a user with fast/intentionally
# modified system clock.
if time_delta.total_seconds() < 0:
if "MOZ_AUTOMATION" in os.environ:
raise SystemClockDiscrepancy(
f"The system clock is ahead of the milestone.txt commit time "
f"by at least {int(time_delta.total_seconds())} seconds (Since "
f"the milestone commit must come before the build starts). This "
f"is a problem because use a relative time difference to determine the"
f"file_version (and it can't be negative), so we cannot proceed. \n\n"
f"Please ensure the system clock is correct."
hours_from_milestone_date = MAX_VALUE
# Convert from seconds to hours
# When a build is done more than ~682 days in the future, we can't represent the value.
# We'll always set the value to the maximum value instead of overflowing.
hours_from_milestone_date = min(
int(time_delta.total_seconds() / 3600), MAX_VALUE
except MissingVCSTool:
# If we're here we can't use the VCS to determine the time differential, so
# we'll just set it to the maximum value instead of doing something weird.
hours_from_milestone_date = MAX_VALUE
if buildconfig.substs.get("NIGHTLY_BUILD"):
# Nightly
channel_digit = 0
elif "b" in app_version_display:
# Beta
channel_digit = 1
elif buildconfig.substs.get("MOZ_ESR"):
channel_digit = 2
# Release
channel_digit = 3
# left shift to make room to encode the channel digit
return str((hours_from_milestone_date << 2) + channel_digit)
def digits_only(s):
for l in range(len(s), 0, -1):
if s[:l].isdigit():
return s[:l]
return "0"
def split_and_normalize_version(version, len):
return ([digits_only(x) for x in version.split(".")] + ["0"] * len)[:len]
def has_manifest(module_rc, manifest_id):
for lineFromInput in module_rc.splitlines():
line = lineFromInput.split(None, 2)
if len(line) < 2:
id, what, *rest = line
if id == manifest_id and what in ("24", "RT_MANIFEST"):
return True
return False
def generate_module_rc(binary="", rcinclude=None):
deps = set()
buildid = get_buildid()
milestone = buildconfig.substs["GRE_MILESTONE"]
app_version = buildconfig.substs.get("MOZ_APP_VERSION") or milestone
app_version_display = buildconfig.substs.get("MOZ_APP_VERSION_DISPLAY")
app_winversion = ",".join(split_and_normalize_version(app_version, 4))
milestone_winversion = ",".join(
split_and_normalize_version(milestone, 3)
+ [last_winversion_segment(buildid, app_version_display)]
display_name = buildconfig.substs.get("MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME", "Mozilla")
milestone_string = milestone
flags = ["0"]
if buildconfig.substs.get("MOZ_DEBUG"):
milestone_string += " Debug"
if not buildconfig.substs.get("MOZILLA_OFFICIAL"):
if buildconfig.substs.get("NIGHTLY_BUILD"):
defines = {
"MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME": display_name,
"MOZ_APP_VERSION": app_version,
"MOZ_APP_WINVERSION": app_winversion,
relobjdir = os.path.relpath(".", buildconfig.topobjdir)
srcdir = os.path.join(buildconfig.topsrcdir, relobjdir)
module_ver = os.path.join(srcdir, "module.ver")
if os.path.exists(module_ver):
overrides = parse_module_ver(module_ver, defines)
overrides = {}
if rcinclude:
include = "// From included resource {}\n{}".format(
rcinclude, preprocess(rcinclude, defines).read()
include = ""
# Set the identity field for the Limited Access Feature
# Must match the tokens used in Win11LimitedAccessFeatures.cpp
lafidentity = "MozillaFirefox"
# lafidentity = "FirefoxBeta"
# lafidentity = "FirefoxNightly"
data = TEMPLATE.format(
fileversion=overrides.get("WIN32_MODULE_FILEVERSION", milestone_winversion),
"WIN32_MODULE_PRODUCTVERSION", milestone_winversion
fileflags=" | ".join(flags),
comment=overrides.get("WIN32_MODULE_COMMENT", ""),
copyright=overrides.get("WIN32_MODULE_COPYRIGHT", "License: MPL 2"),
company=overrides.get("WIN32_MODULE_COMPANYNAME", "Mozilla Foundation"),
description=overrides.get("WIN32_MODULE_DESCRIPTION", ""),
mfversion=overrides.get("WIN32_MODULE_FILEVERSION_STRING", milestone_string),
mpversion=overrides.get("WIN32_MODULE_PRODUCTVERSION_STRING", milestone_string),
module=overrides.get("WIN32_MODULE_NAME", ""),
trademarks=overrides.get("WIN32_MODULE_TRADEMARKS", "Mozilla"),
binary=overrides.get("WIN32_MODULE_ORIGINAL_FILENAME", binary),
productname=overrides.get("WIN32_MODULE_PRODUCTNAME", display_name),
manifest_id = "2" if binary.lower().endswith(".dll") else "1"
if binary and not has_manifest(data, manifest_id):
manifest_path = os.path.join(srcdir, binary + ".manifest")
if os.path.exists(manifest_path):
manifest_path = manifest_path.replace("\\", "\\\\")
data += '\n{} RT_MANIFEST "{}"\n'.format(manifest_id, manifest_path)
with io.open("{}.rc".format(binary or "module"), "w", encoding="latin1") as fh:
if __name__ == "__main__":