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synced 2025-02-22 10:27:03 +00:00
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components;
// Override DOM promises with Promise.jsm helpers
const { defer, all } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", {}).Promise;
const { Task } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", {});
const require = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/Loader.jsm", {}).devtools.require;
const EventEmitter = require("devtools/toolkit/event-emitter");
const STRINGS_URI = "chrome://browser/locale/devtools/webaudioeditor.properties"
const L10N = new ViewHelpers.L10N(STRINGS_URI);
const Telemetry = require("devtools/shared/telemetry");
const telemetry = new Telemetry();
let { console } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/Console.jsm", {});
// The panel's window global is an EventEmitter firing the following events:
const EVENTS = {
// Fired when the first AudioNode has been created, signifying
// that the AudioContext is being used and should be tracked via the editor.
START_CONTEXT: "WebAudioEditor:StartContext",
// On node creation, connect and disconnect.
CREATE_NODE: "WebAudioEditor:CreateNode",
CONNECT_NODE: "WebAudioEditor:ConnectNode",
DISCONNECT_NODE: "WebAudioEditor:DisconnectNode",
// When a node gets GC'd.
DESTROY_NODE: "WebAudioEditor:DestroyNode",
// On a node parameter's change.
CHANGE_PARAM: "WebAudioEditor:ChangeParam",
// When the devtools theme changes.
THEME_CHANGE: "WebAudioEditor:ThemeChange",
// When the UI is reset from tab navigation.
UI_RESET: "WebAudioEditor:UIReset",
// When a param has been changed via the UI and successfully
// pushed via the actor to the raw audio node.
UI_SET_PARAM: "WebAudioEditor:UISetParam",
// When a node is to be set in the InspectorView.
UI_SELECT_NODE: "WebAudioEditor:UISelectNode",
// When the inspector is finished setting a new node.
UI_INSPECTOR_NODE_SET: "WebAudioEditor:UIInspectorNodeSet",
// When the inspector is finished rendering in or out of view.
UI_INSPECTOR_TOGGLED: "WebAudioEditor:UIInspectorToggled",
// When an audio node is finished loading in the Properties tab.
UI_PROPERTIES_TAB_RENDERED: "WebAudioEditor:UIPropertiesTabRendered",
// When the Audio Context graph finishes rendering.
// Is called with two arguments, first representing number of nodes
// rendered, second being the number of edge connections rendering (not counting
// param edges), followed by the count of the param edges rendered.
UI_GRAPH_RENDERED: "WebAudioEditor:UIGraphRendered"
* The current target and the Web Audio Editor front, set by this tool's host.
let gToolbox, gTarget, gFront;
* Track an array of audio nodes
let AudioNodes = [];
let AudioNodeConnections = new WeakMap(); // <AudioNodeView, Set<AudioNodeView>>
let AudioParamConnections = new WeakMap(); // <AudioNodeView, Object>
// Light representation wrapping an AudioNode actor with additional properties
function AudioNodeView (actor) {
this.actor = actor;
this.id = actor.actorID;
// A proxy for the underlying AudioNodeActor to fetch its type
// and subsequently assign the type to the instance.
AudioNodeView.prototype.getType = Task.async(function* () {
this.type = yield this.actor.getType();
return this.type;
// Helper method to create connections in the AudioNodeConnections
// WeakMap for rendering. Returns a boolean indicating
// if the connection was successfully created. Will return `false`
// when the connection was previously made.
AudioNodeView.prototype.connect = function (destination) {
let connections = AudioNodeConnections.get(this) || new Set();
AudioNodeConnections.set(this, connections);
// Don't duplicate add.
if (!connections.has(destination)) {
return true;
return false;
// Helper method to create connections in the AudioNodeConnections
// WeakMap for rendering. Returns a boolean indicating
// if the connection was successfully created. Will return `false`
// when the connection was previously made.
AudioNodeView.prototype.connectParam = function (destination, param) {
let connections = AudioParamConnections.get(this) || {};
AudioParamConnections.set(this, connections);
let params = connections[destination.id] = connections[destination.id] || [];
if (!~params.indexOf(param)) {
return true;
return false;
// Helper method to remove audio connections from the current AudioNodeView
AudioNodeView.prototype.disconnect = function () {
AudioNodeConnections.set(this, new Set());
AudioParamConnections.set(this, {});
// Returns a promise that resolves to an array of objects containing
// both a `param` name property and a `value` property.
AudioNodeView.prototype.getParams = function () {
return this.actor.getParams();
* Initializes the web audio editor views
function startupWebAudioEditor() {
return all([
* Destroys the web audio editor controller and views.
function shutdownWebAudioEditor() {
return all([
* Functions handling target-related lifetime events.
let WebAudioEditorController = {
* Listen for events emitted by the current tab target.
initialize: function() {
this._onTabNavigated = this._onTabNavigated.bind(this);
this._onThemeChange = this._onThemeChange.bind(this);
gTarget.on("will-navigate", this._onTabNavigated);
gTarget.on("navigate", this._onTabNavigated);
gFront.on("start-context", this._onStartContext);
gFront.on("create-node", this._onCreateNode);
gFront.on("connect-node", this._onConnectNode);
gFront.on("connect-param", this._onConnectParam);
gFront.on("disconnect-node", this._onDisconnectNode);
gFront.on("change-param", this._onChangeParam);
gFront.on("destroy-node", this._onDestroyNode);
// Hook into theme change so we can change
// the graph's marker styling, since we can't do this
// with CSS
gDevTools.on("pref-changed", this._onThemeChange);
// Set up events to refresh the Graph view
window.on(EVENTS.CREATE_NODE, this._onUpdatedContext);
window.on(EVENTS.CONNECT_NODE, this._onUpdatedContext);
window.on(EVENTS.DISCONNECT_NODE, this._onUpdatedContext);
window.on(EVENTS.DESTROY_NODE, this._onUpdatedContext);
window.on(EVENTS.CONNECT_PARAM, this._onUpdatedContext);
* Remove events emitted by the current tab target.
destroy: function() {
gTarget.off("will-navigate", this._onTabNavigated);
gTarget.off("navigate", this._onTabNavigated);
gFront.off("start-context", this._onStartContext);
gFront.off("create-node", this._onCreateNode);
gFront.off("connect-node", this._onConnectNode);
gFront.off("connect-param", this._onConnectParam);
gFront.off("disconnect-node", this._onDisconnectNode);
gFront.off("change-param", this._onChangeParam);
gFront.off("destroy-node", this._onDestroyNode);
window.off(EVENTS.CREATE_NODE, this._onUpdatedContext);
window.off(EVENTS.CONNECT_NODE, this._onUpdatedContext);
window.off(EVENTS.DISCONNECT_NODE, this._onUpdatedContext);
window.off(EVENTS.DESTROY_NODE, this._onUpdatedContext);
window.off(EVENTS.CONNECT_PARAM, this._onUpdatedContext);
gDevTools.off("pref-changed", this._onThemeChange);
* Called when page is reloaded to show the reload notice and waiting
* for an audio context notice.
reset: function () {
$("#reload-notice").hidden = true;
$("#waiting-notice").hidden = false;
$("#content").hidden = true;
* Called when a new audio node is created, or the audio context
* routing changes.
_onUpdatedContext: function () {
* Fired when the devtools theme changes (light, dark, etc.)
* so that the graph can update marker styling, as that
* cannot currently be done with CSS.
_onThemeChange: function (event, data) {
window.emit(EVENTS.THEME_CHANGE, data.newValue);
* Called for each location change in the debugged tab.
_onTabNavigated: Task.async(function* (event) {
switch (event) {
case "will-navigate": {
// Make sure the backend is prepared to handle audio contexts.
yield gFront.setup({ reload: false });
// Reset UI to show "Waiting for Audio Context..." and clear out
// current UI.
// Clear out stored audio nodes
AudioNodes.length = 0;
case "navigate": {
// TODO Case of bfcache, needs investigating
// bug 994250
* Called after the first audio node is created in an audio context,
* signaling that the audio context is being used.
_onStartContext: function() {
$("#reload-notice").hidden = true;
$("#waiting-notice").hidden = true;
$("#content").hidden = false;
* Called when a new node is created. Creates an `AudioNodeView` instance
* for tracking throughout the editor.
_onCreateNode: Task.async(function* (nodeActor) {
let node = new AudioNodeView(nodeActor);
yield node.getType();
window.emit(EVENTS.CREATE_NODE, node.id);
* Called on `destroy-node` when an AudioNode is GC'd. Removes
* from the AudioNode array and fires an event indicating the removal.
_onDestroyNode: function (nodeActor) {
for (let i = 0; i < AudioNodes.length; i++) {
if (equalActors(AudioNodes[i].actor, nodeActor)) {
AudioNodes.splice(i, 1);
window.emit(EVENTS.DESTROY_NODE, nodeActor.actorID);
* Called when a node is connected to another node.
_onConnectNode: Task.async(function* ({ source: sourceActor, dest: destActor }) {
let [source, dest] = yield waitForNodeCreation(sourceActor, destActor);
// Connect nodes, and only emit if it's a new connection.
if (source.connect(dest)) {
window.emit(EVENTS.CONNECT_NODE, source.id, dest.id);
* Called when a node is conneceted to another node's AudioParam.
_onConnectParam: Task.async(function* ({ source: sourceActor, dest: destActor, param }) {
let [source, dest] = yield waitForNodeCreation(sourceActor, destActor);
if (source.connectParam(dest, param)) {
window.emit(EVENTS.CONNECT_PARAM, source.id, dest.id, param);
* Called when a node is disconnected.
_onDisconnectNode: function(nodeActor) {
let node = getViewNodeByActor(nodeActor);
window.emit(EVENTS.DISCONNECT_NODE, node.id);
* Called when a node param is changed.
_onChangeParam: function({ actor, param, value }) {
window.emit(EVENTS.CHANGE_PARAM, getViewNodeByActor(actor), param, value);
* Convenient way of emitting events from the panel window.
* DOM query helper.
function $(selector, target = document) { return target.querySelector(selector); }
function $$(selector, target = document) { return target.querySelectorAll(selector); }
* Compare `actorID` between two actors to determine if they're corresponding
* to the same underlying actor.
function equalActors (actor1, actor2) {
return actor1.actorID === actor2.actorID;
* Returns the corresponding ViewNode by actor
function getViewNodeByActor (actor) {
for (let i = 0; i < AudioNodes.length; i++) {
if (equalActors(AudioNodes[i].actor, actor))
return AudioNodes[i];
return null;
* Returns the corresponding ViewNode by actorID
function getViewNodeById (id) {
return getViewNodeByActor({ actorID: id });
// Since node create and connect are probably executed back to back,
// and the controller's `_onCreateNode` needs to look up type,
// the edge creation could be called before the graph node is actually
// created. This way, we can check and listen for the event before
// adding an edge.
function waitForNodeCreation (sourceActor, destActor) {
let deferred = defer();
let eventName = EVENTS.CREATE_NODE;
let source = getViewNodeByActor(sourceActor);
let dest = getViewNodeByActor(destActor);
if (!source || !dest)
window.on(eventName, function createNodeListener (_, id) {
let createdNode = getViewNodeById(id);
if (equalActors(sourceActor, createdNode.actor))
source = createdNode;
if (equalActors(destActor, createdNode.actor))
dest = createdNode;
if (source && dest) {
window.off(eventName, createNodeListener);
deferred.resolve([source, dest]);
deferred.resolve([source, dest]);
return deferred.promise;