Timothy Nikkel 5cb82a0f2a Bug 1762874. Make sure to draw swipe to nav ui element opaque if velocity pushes us over success threshold. r=hiro
Both the velocity and displacement contribute to the success but we only pass the displacement in the swipe events which browser-gestureSupport.js uses to draw the opacity of the ui element. Usually that is what we want, but if the velocity is large we might draw the ui element only very faintly but still navigate the page. We should make sure to draw the ui element so it's well visible.

Differential Revision:
2022-05-26 02:29:10 +00:00

268 lines
10 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
#include "SwipeTracker.h"
#include "InputData.h"
#include "mozilla/FlushType.h"
#include "mozilla/PresShell.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_widget.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include "mozilla/TouchEvents.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/SimpleGestureEventBinding.h"
#include "nsAlgorithm.h"
#include "nsIWidget.h"
#include "nsRefreshDriver.h"
#include "UnitTransforms.h"
// These values were tweaked to make the physics feel similar to the native
// swipe.
static const double kSpringForce = 250.0;
static const double kSwipeSuccessThreshold = 0.25;
namespace mozilla {
static already_AddRefed<nsRefreshDriver> GetRefreshDriver(nsIWidget& aWidget) {
nsIWidgetListener* widgetListener = aWidget.GetWidgetListener();
PresShell* presShell =
widgetListener ? widgetListener->GetPresShell() : nullptr;
nsPresContext* presContext =
presShell ? presShell->GetPresContext() : nullptr;
RefPtr<nsRefreshDriver> refreshDriver =
presContext ? presContext->RefreshDriver() : nullptr;
return refreshDriver.forget();
SwipeTracker::SwipeTracker(nsIWidget& aWidget,
const PanGestureInput& aSwipeStartEvent,
uint32_t aAllowedDirections,
uint32_t aSwipeDirection)
: mWidget(aWidget),
mAxis(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, kSpringForce, 1.0),
mRegisteredWithRefreshDriver(false) {
SendSwipeEvent(eSwipeGestureStart, 0, 0.0, aSwipeStartEvent.mTimeStamp);
ProcessEvent(aSwipeStartEvent, /* aProcessingFirstEvent = */ true);
void SwipeTracker::Destroy() { UnregisterFromRefreshDriver(); }
SwipeTracker::~SwipeTracker() {
"Destroy needs to be called before deallocating");
double SwipeTracker::SwipeSuccessTargetValue() const {
return (mSwipeDirection == dom::SimpleGestureEvent_Binding::DIRECTION_RIGHT)
? -1.0
: 1.0;
double SwipeTracker::ClampToAllowedRange(double aGestureAmount) const {
// gestureAmount needs to stay between -1 and 0 when swiping right and
// between 0 and 1 when swiping left.
double min =
(mSwipeDirection == dom::SimpleGestureEvent_Binding::DIRECTION_RIGHT)
? -1.0
: 0.0;
double max =
(mSwipeDirection == dom::SimpleGestureEvent_Binding::DIRECTION_LEFT)
? 1.0
: 0.0;
return clamped(aGestureAmount, min, max);
bool SwipeTracker::ComputeSwipeSuccess() const {
double targetValue = SwipeSuccessTargetValue();
// If the fingers were moving away from the target direction when they were
// lifted from the touchpad, abort the swipe.
if (mCurrentVelocity * targetValue <
-StaticPrefs::widget_swipe_velocity_twitch_tolerance()) {
return false;
return (mGestureAmount * targetValue +
mCurrentVelocity * targetValue *
StaticPrefs::widget_swipe_success_velocity_contribution()) >=
nsEventStatus SwipeTracker::ProcessEvent(
const PanGestureInput& aEvent, bool aProcessingFirstEvent /* = false */) {
// If the fingers have already been lifted or the swipe direction is where
// navigation is impossible, don't process this event for swiping.
if (!mEventsAreControllingSwipe || !SwipingInAllowedDirection()) {
// Return nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault for events from the swipe gesture
// and nsEventStatus_eIgnore for events of subsequent scroll gestures.
if (aEvent.mType == PanGestureInput::PANGESTURE_MAYSTART ||
aEvent.mType == PanGestureInput::PANGESTURE_START) {
mEventsHaveStartedNewGesture = true;
return mEventsHaveStartedNewGesture ? nsEventStatus_eIgnore
: nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault;
double delta = -aEvent.mPanDisplacement.x /
mWidget.GetDefaultScaleInternal() /
mGestureAmount = ClampToAllowedRange(mGestureAmount + delta);
if (aEvent.mType != PanGestureInput::PANGESTURE_END) {
if (!aProcessingFirstEvent) {
double elapsedSeconds = std::max(
0.008, (aEvent.mTimeStamp - mLastEventTimeStamp).ToSeconds());
mCurrentVelocity = delta / elapsedSeconds;
mLastEventTimeStamp = aEvent.mTimeStamp;
const bool computedSwipeSuccess = ComputeSwipeSuccess();
// The velocity component might push us over the success threshold, in which
// case we want to pass the success threshold in the event we send so that the
// UI draws as 100% opacity to indicate such. We don't want to include the
// velocity in the amount we put on the event if we aren't over the success
// threshold because that would lead to the opacity decreasing even if the
// user continues to increase the swipe distance. If we do compute swipe
// success here and the user does not lift their fingers and then decreases
// the total swipe so that we go below the success threshold the opacity would
// also decrease in that case but that seems okay.
double eventAmount = mGestureAmount;
if (computedSwipeSuccess) {
eventAmount = kSwipeSuccessThreshold;
if (mGestureAmount < 0.f) {
eventAmount = -eventAmount;
SendSwipeEvent(eSwipeGestureUpdate, 0, eventAmount, aEvent.mTimeStamp);
if (aEvent.mType == PanGestureInput::PANGESTURE_END) {
mEventsAreControllingSwipe = false;
if (computedSwipeSuccess) {
// Let's use same timestamp as previous event because this is caused by
// the preceding event.
SendSwipeEvent(eSwipeGesture, mSwipeDirection, 0.0, aEvent.mTimeStamp);
[swipeTracker = RefPtr<SwipeTracker>(this),
timeStamp = aEvent.mTimeStamp] {
} else {
return nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault;
void SwipeTracker::StartAnimating(double aTargetValue) {
mLastAnimationFrameTime = TimeStamp::Now();
// Add ourselves as a refresh driver observer. The refresh driver
// will call WillRefresh for each animation frame until we
// unregister ourselves.
if (mRefreshDriver) {
mRefreshDriver->AddRefreshObserver(this, FlushType::Style,
"Swipe animation");
mRegisteredWithRefreshDriver = true;
void SwipeTracker::WillRefresh(mozilla::TimeStamp aTime) {
TimeStamp now = TimeStamp::Now();
mAxis.Simulate(now - mLastAnimationFrameTime);
mLastAnimationFrameTime = now;
bool isFinished =
mAxis.IsFinished(1.0 / StaticPrefs::widget_swipe_whole_page_pixel_size());
mGestureAmount = (isFinished ? mAxis.GetDestination() : mAxis.GetPosition());
SendSwipeEvent(eSwipeGestureUpdate, 0, mGestureAmount, now);
if (isFinished) {
void SwipeTracker::CancelSwipe(const TimeStamp& aTimeStamp) {
SendSwipeEvent(eSwipeGestureEnd, 0, 0.0, aTimeStamp);
void SwipeTracker::SwipeFinished(const TimeStamp& aTimeStamp) {
SendSwipeEvent(eSwipeGestureEnd, 0, 0.0, aTimeStamp);
void SwipeTracker::UnregisterFromRefreshDriver() {
if (mRegisteredWithRefreshDriver) {
MOZ_ASSERT(mRefreshDriver, "How were we able to register, then?");
mRefreshDriver->RemoveRefreshObserver(this, FlushType::Style);
mRegisteredWithRefreshDriver = false;
/* static */ WidgetSimpleGestureEvent SwipeTracker::CreateSwipeGestureEvent(
EventMessage aMsg, nsIWidget* aWidget,
const LayoutDeviceIntPoint& aPosition, const TimeStamp& aTimeStamp) {
// XXX Why isn't this initialized with nsCocoaUtils::InitInputEvent()?
WidgetSimpleGestureEvent geckoEvent(true, aMsg, aWidget);
geckoEvent.mModifiers = 0;
// XXX How about geckoEvent.mTime?
geckoEvent.mTimeStamp = aTimeStamp;
geckoEvent.mRefPoint = aPosition;
geckoEvent.mButtons = 0;
return geckoEvent;
bool SwipeTracker::SendSwipeEvent(EventMessage aMsg, uint32_t aDirection,
double aDelta, const TimeStamp& aTimeStamp) {
WidgetSimpleGestureEvent geckoEvent =
CreateSwipeGestureEvent(aMsg, &mWidget, mEventPosition, aTimeStamp);
geckoEvent.mDirection = aDirection;
geckoEvent.mDelta = aDelta;
geckoEvent.mAllowedDirections = mAllowedDirections;
return mWidget.DispatchWindowEvent(geckoEvent);
// static
bool SwipeTracker::CanTriggerSwipe(const PanGestureInput& aPanInput) {
if (StaticPrefs::widget_disable_swipe_tracker()) {
return false;
if (aPanInput.mType != PanGestureInput::PANGESTURE_START) {
return false;
// Only initiate horizontal tracking for events whose horizontal element is
// at least eight times larger than its vertical element. This minimizes
// performance problems with vertical scrolls (by minimizing the possibility
// that they'll be misinterpreted as horizontal swipes), while still
// tolerating a small vertical element to a true horizontal swipe. The number
// '8' was arrived at by trial and error.
return std::abs(aPanInput.mPanDisplacement.x) >
std::abs(aPanInput.mPanDisplacement.y) * 8;
} // namespace mozilla