Liquan(Max) Gu 395f3500c0 Bug 1484356 [wpt PR 12556] - [UserTiming] Correct measure where start is undefined, a=testonly
Automatic update from web-platform-tests[UserTiming] Correct measure where start is undefined

According to spec, if start is undefined for performance.measure(), 0 will be
used as the start time. However, the current implementation treats undefined as

This CL doesn't solve all the problems. For backward compatibility, L2 should
treat undefined passed to start/end as empty, null as a string 'null'. As a
temporary fix, we treat both null and undefined as undefined, which is safer
than as 'null'.

Bug: 876324

Change-Id: I7d74d6be9552d090ab7f28342be9a739017bf59b
Commit-Queue: Liquan (Max) Gǔ <>
Reviewed-by: Yoav Weiss <>
Reviewed-by: Nicolás Peña Moreno <>
Reviewed-by: Paul Irish <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#585103}


wpt-commits: 54525995564877fbf730c679200a5ae8610e5f2f
wpt-pr: 12556
2018-08-29 10:09:05 +00:00

363 lines
16 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>window.performance User Timing measure() method is working properly</title>
<link rel="author" title="Microsoft" href="" />
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<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/common/performance-timeline-utils.js"></script>
<script src="resources/webperftestharness.js"></script>
// test data
var startMarkName = "mark_start";
var startMarkValue;
var endMarkName = "mark_end";
var endMarkValue;
var measures;
var testThreshold = 20;
// test measures
var measureTestDelay = 200;
name: "measure_no_start_no_end",
startMark: undefined,
endMark: undefined,
startTime: undefined,
duration: undefined,
entryType: "measure",
entryMatch: undefined,
order: undefined,
found: false
name: "measure_start_no_end",
startMark: "mark_start",
endMark: undefined,
startTime: undefined,
duration: undefined,
entryType: "measure",
entryMatch: undefined,
order: undefined,
found: false
name: "measure_start_end",
startMark: "mark_start",
endMark: "mark_end",
startTime: undefined,
duration: undefined,
entryType: "measure",
entryMatch: undefined,
order: undefined,
found: false
name: "measure_no_start_end",
startMark: undefined,
endMark: "mark_end",
startTime: undefined,
duration: undefined,
entryType: "measure",
entryMatch: undefined,
order: undefined,
found: false
// intentional duplicate of the first measure, used to confirm names can be re-used
name: "measure_no_start_no_end",
startMark: undefined,
endMark: undefined,
startTime: undefined,
duration: undefined,
entryType: "measure",
entryMatch: undefined,
order: undefined,
found: false
// the index of the duplicate "measure_no_start_no_end"
const duplicate_index =>'measure_no_start_no_end');
setup({explicit_done: true});
function onload_test()
// test for existence of User Timing and Performance Timeline interface
if (!has_required_interfaces())
"The User Timing and Performance Timeline interfaces, which are required for this test, " +
"are defined.");
// create the start mark for the test measures
// get the start mark's value
startMarkValue = window.performance.getEntriesByName(startMarkName)[0].startTime;
// create the test end mark using the test delay; this will allow for a significant difference between
// the mark values that should be represented in the duration of measures using these marks
step_timeout(measure_test_cb, measureTestDelay);
function measure_test_cb()
// create the end mark for the test measures
// get the end mark's value
endMarkValue = window.performance.getEntriesByName(endMarkName)[0].startTime;
// loop through all measure scenarios and create the corresponding measures
for (var i in TEST_MEASURES)
var scenario = TEST_MEASURES[i];
if (scenario.startMark == undefined && scenario.endMark == undefined)
// both startMark and endMark are undefined, don't provide either parameters
// when startMark isn't provided to the measure() call, a DOMHighResTimeStamp corresponding
// to the navigationStart attribute with a timebase of the same attribute is used; this is
// equivalent to 0
scenario.startTime = 0;
// when endMark isn't provided to the measure() call, a DOMHighResTimeStamp corresponding to
// the current time with a timebase of the navigationStart attribute is used
scenario.duration = (new Date()) - window.performance.timing.navigationStart;
else if (scenario.startMark != undefined && scenario.endMark == undefined)
// only startMark is defined, provide startMark and don't provide endMark
window.performance.measure(, scenario.startMark);
// when startMark is provided to the measure() call, the value of the mark whose name is
// provided is used for the startMark
scenario.startTime = startMarkValue;
// when endMark isn't provided to the measure() call, a DOMHighResTimeStamp corresponding to
// the current time with a timebase of the navigationStart attribute is used
scenario.duration = -
else if (scenario.startMark != undefined && scenario.endMark != undefined)
// both startMark and endMark are defined, provide both parameters
window.performance.measure(, scenario.startMark, scenario.endMark);
// when startMark is provided to the measure() call, the value of the mark whose name is
// provided is used for the startMark
scenario.startTime = startMarkValue;
// when endMark is provided to the measure() call, the value of the mark whose name is
// provided is used for the endMark
scenario.duration = endMarkValue - startMarkValue;
else if (scenario.startMark == undefined && scenario.endMark != undefined)
// endMark is defined but startMark is undefined, provide both parameters
window.performance.measure(, scenario.startMark, scenario.endMark);
// when startMark isn't provided to the measure() call, a DOMHighResTimeStamp corresponding
// to the navigationStart attribute with a timebase of the same attribute is used; this is
// equivalent to 0
scenario.startTime = 0;
// when endMark is provided to the measure() call, the value of the mark whose name is
// provided is used for the endMark
scenario.duration = endMarkValue;
} else
test_true(false, 'Test measure scenario unhandled');
// test that expected measures are returned by getEntriesByName
for (var i in TEST_MEASURES)
entries = window.performance.getEntriesByName(TEST_MEASURES[i].name);
// for all test measures, the test will be validate the test measure against the first entry returned
// by getEntriesByName(), except for the last measure, where since it is a duplicate measure, the test
// will validate it against the second entry returned by getEntriesByName()
test_measure(entries[(i == duplicate_index ? 1 : 0)],
"window.performance.getEntriesByName(\"" + TEST_MEASURES[i].name + "\")[" +
(i == duplicate_index ? 1 : 0) + "]",
TEST_MEASURES[i].entryMatch = entries[(i == duplicate_index ? 1 : 0)];
// test that expected measures are returned by getEntriesByName with the entryType parameter provided
for (var i in TEST_MEASURES)
entries = window.performance.getEntriesByName(TEST_MEASURES[i].name, "measure");
test_true(match_entries(entries[(i == duplicate_index ? 1 : 0)], TEST_MEASURES[i].entryMatch),
"window.performance.getEntriesByName(\"" + TEST_MEASURES[i].name + "\", \"measure\")[" +
(i == duplicate_index ? 1 : 0) + "] returns an object containing the \"" + TEST_MEASURES[i].name +
"\" measure in the correct order, and its value matches the \"" + TEST_MEASURES[i].name +
"\" measure returned by window.performance.getEntriesByName(\"" + TEST_MEASURES[i].name +
// test that expected measures are returned by getEntries
entries = get_test_entries(window.performance.getEntries(), "measure");
test_measure_list(entries, "window.performance.getEntries()", TEST_MEASURES);
// test that expected measures are returned by getEntriesByType
entries = window.performance.getEntriesByType("measure");
test_measure_list(entries, "window.performance.getEntriesByType(\"measure\")", TEST_MEASURES);
function match_entries(entry1, entry2, threshold)
if (threshold == undefined)
threshold = 0;
var pass = true;
// match name
pass = pass && ( ==;
// match startTime
pass = pass && (Math.abs(entry1.startTime - entry2.startTime) <= testThreshold);
// match entryType
pass = pass && (entry1.entryType == entry2.entryType);
// match duration
pass = pass && (Math.abs(entry1.duration - entry2.duration) <= testThreshold);
return pass;
function test_measure(measureEntry, measureEntryCommand, expectedName, expectedStartTime, expectedDuration)
// test name
test_true( == expectedName, measureEntryCommand + ".name == \"" + expectedName + "\"");
// test startTime; since for a mark, the startTime is always equal to a mark's value or the value of a
// navigation timing attribute, the actual startTime should match the expected value exactly
test_true(Math.abs(measureEntry.startTime - expectedStartTime) == 0,
measureEntryCommand + ".startTime is correct");
// test entryType
test_true(measureEntry.entryType == "measure", measureEntryCommand + ".entryType == \"measure\"");
// test duration, allow for an acceptable threshold in the difference between the actual duration and the
// expected value for the duration
test_true(Math.abs(measureEntry.duration - expectedDuration) <= testThreshold, measureEntryCommand +
".duration is approximately correct (up to " + testThreshold + "ms difference allowed)");
function test_measure_list(measureEntryList, measureEntryListCommand, measureScenarios)
// give all entries a "found" property that can be set to ensure it isn't tested twice
for (var i in measureEntryList)
measureEntryList[i].found = false;
for (var i in measureScenarios)
measureScenarios[i].found = false;
for (var j in measureEntryList)
if (match_entries(measureEntryList[j], measureScenarios[i]) && !measureEntryList[j].found)
test_true(match_entries(measureEntryList[j], measureScenarios[i].entryMatch),
measureEntryListCommand + " returns an object containing the \"" +
measureScenarios[i].name + "\" measure, and it's value matches the measure " +
"returned by window.performance.getEntriesByName(\"" + measureScenarios[i].name +
"\")[" + (i == duplicate_index ? 1 : 0) + "].");
measureEntryList[j].found = true;
measureScenarios[i].found = true;
if (!measureScenarios[i].found)
measureEntryListCommand + " returns an object containing the \"" +
measureScenarios[i].name + "\" measure.");
// verify order of output of getEntriesByType
var startTimeCurr = 0;
var pass = true;
for (var i in measureEntryList)
if (measureEntryList[i].startTime < startTimeCurr)
pass = false;
startTimeCurr = measureEntryList[i].startTime;
measureEntryListCommand + " returns an object containing all test " +
"measures in order.");
function get_test_entries(entryList, entryType)
var testEntries = new Array();
// filter entryList
for (var i in entryList)
if (entryList[i].entryType == entryType)
return testEntries;
<body onload="onload_test();">
<p>This test validates that the performance.measure() method is working properly. This test creates the
following measures to test this method:
<li>"measure_no_start_no_end": created using a measure() call without a startMark or endMark
<li>"measure_start_no_end": created using a measure() call with only the startMark provided</li>
<li>"measure_start_end": created using a measure() call with both a startMark or endMark provided</li>
<li>"measure_no_start_end": created using a measure() call with only the endMark provided</li>
<li>"measure_no_start_no_end": duplicate of the first measure, used to confirm names can be re-used</li>
After creating each measure, the existence of these measures is validated by calling
performance.getEntriesByName() (both with and without the entryType parameter provided),
performance.getEntriesByType(), and performance.getEntries()
<div id="log"></div>