
181 lines
4.3 KiB

# This script dumps out a list of all public Mozilla headers based on what the
# embedding samples use. It uses dependency generator tools to find all
# headers, sorts them removes duplicates and dumps them out to display.
use Getopt::Long;
$showhelp = 0;
$verbose = 0;
$nodefaults = 0;
$appname = "Gecko public header list generator";
# Configuration
$win32 = ($^O eq "MSWin32") ? 1 : 0; # ActiveState Perl
if ($win32) {
$moz = "$ENV{'MOZ_SRC'}/mozilla";
$makedepexe = "$moz/config/makedep.exe";
else {
$moz = "/usr/local/src/mozilla";
$makedepexe = "makedepend";
GetOptions('verbose!' => \$verbose,
'nodefaults' => \$nodefaults,
'mozpath=s' => \$moz,
'deptool=s' => \$makedepexe,
'include=s' => \@cmd_incs,
'dir=s' => \@cmd_dirs,
'help' => \$showhelp);
if ($showhelp) {
print STDERR "$appname\n",
"--help Show this help\n",
"--verbose Print out more information\n",
"--nodefaults Don't use the default include and directory settings\n",
"--mozsrc <path> Specify the path to Mozilla source code (e.g. /usr/src/mozilla)\n",
"--deptool <exe> Specify the dependency tool path\n",
"--include <path> Add an include path\n",
"--dir <path> Add a directory to be inspected\n";
exit 1;
print STDERR "$appname\n",
"Path to mozilla is \"$moz\"\n",
"Dependency tool is \"$makedepexe\"\n" unless !$verbose;
# List of default include directories
@default_incs = (
# List of default directories to analyze
@default_dirs = (
@deps = ();
if ($nodefaults) {
@incs = ( @cmd_incs );
@dirs = ( @cmd_dirs );
else {
@incs = ( @default_incs, @cmd_incs );
@dirs = ( @default_dirs, @cmd_dirs );
if ($verbose) {
print "Include paths:\n";
foreach $inc (@incs) {
print " ", $inc, "\n";
# Analyze each embedding project in turn
foreach $dir (@dirs) {
# Remove duplicate dependencies & sort alphabetically
$prev = 'nonesuch';
@out = grep($_ ne $prev && ($prev = $_), sort @deps);
# Output the list of headers
foreach $h (@out) {
$printinfo{$h} = 0;
foreach $i (@incs) {
$i =~ s/\\/\//g; # Back slash to forward slash
foreach $h (@out) {
# Compare lowercase portion of header to include dir
$h =~ s/\\/\//g;
$lci = lc($i);
$lch = lc(substr($h, 0, length($i)));
if ($lch eq $lci && $printinfo{$h} == 0) {
print $h, "\n";
$printinfo{$h} = 1; # Stops same header from matching two include dirs
sub makedep {
my($dir) = @_;
print STDERR "Analyzing dependencies for \"$dir\" ...\n" unless !$verbose;
chdir $dir
or die "Cannot change directory to \"$dir\"";
# Search for .c, .cpp and .h files
opendir(THISDIR, ".")
or die "Cannot open directory \"$dir\"";
@srcfiles = grep(/\.(cpp|c|h)$/i, readdir(THISDIR));
# Construct the arguments for the dependency tool
if ($win32) {
@args = ($makedepexe);
foreach $inc (@incs) {
push(@args, "-I$inc");
foreach $src (@srcfiles) {
push(@args, $src);
else {
@args = ($makedepexe);
push(@args, "-f-"); # To stdout
push(@args, "-w1"); # width = 1 forces one dependency per line
foreach $inc (@incs) {
push(@args, "-I$inc");
foreach $src (@srcfiles) {
push(@args, $src);
$cmd = join(' ', @args);
if (!$win32) {
open(OLDERR, ">&STDERR");
open(STDERR, ">/dev/null");
# Run the dependency tool and read the output
open(DATA, "$cmd |")
or die("Cannot open output from dependency tool");
# Filter out all lines not containing ".h"
while (<DATA>) {
foreach $inc (@incs) {
if (/\.h/i) {
# Remove whitespace and trailing backslash, newline
# Store in list
push @deps, $_;
if (!$win32) {
open(STDERR, ">&OLDERR");