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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
// Tests that flame graph widget has proper keyboard support.
var TEST_DATA = [{ color: "#f00", blocks: [{ x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: 20, text: "FOO" }, { x: 50, y: 0, width: 100, height: 20, text: "BAR" }] }, { color: "#00f", blocks: [{ x: 0, y: 30, width: 30, height: 20, text: "BAZ" }] }];
var TEST_BOUNDS = { startTime: 0, endTime: 150 };
const KEY_CODE_UP = 38;
const KEY_CODE_DOWN = 40;
const KEY_CODE_LEFT = 37;
const KEY_CODE_RIGHT = 39;
var {FlameGraph} = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/FlameGraph");
add_task(function*() {
yield addTab("about:blank");
yield performTest();
function* performTest() {
let [host, win, doc] = yield createHost();
doc.body.setAttribute("style", "position: fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0;");
let graph = new FlameGraph(doc.body, TEST_DPI_DENSITIY);
yield graph.ready();
yield testGraph(host, graph);
yield graph.destroy();
function* testGraph(host, graph) {
graph.setData({ data: TEST_DATA, bounds: TEST_BOUNDS });
is(graph._selection.start, 0,
"The graph's selection start value is initially correct.");
is(graph._selection.end, TEST_BOUNDS.endTime * TEST_DPI_DENSITIY,
"The graph's selection end value is initially correct.");
yield pressKeyForTime(graph, KEY_CODE_LEFT, 1000);
is(graph._selection.start, 0,
"The graph's selection start value is correct after pressing LEFT.");
ok(graph._selection.end < TEST_BOUNDS.endTime * TEST_DPI_DENSITIY,
"The graph's selection end value is correct after pressing LEFT.");
graph._selection.start = 0;
graph._selection.end = TEST_BOUNDS.endTime * TEST_DPI_DENSITIY;
info("Graph selection was reset (1).");
yield pressKeyForTime(graph, KEY_CODE_RIGHT, 1000);
ok(graph._selection.start > 0,
"The graph's selection start value is correct after pressing RIGHT.");
is(graph._selection.end, TEST_BOUNDS.endTime * TEST_DPI_DENSITIY,
"The graph's selection end value is correct after pressing RIGHT.");
graph._selection.start = 0;
graph._selection.end = TEST_BOUNDS.endTime * TEST_DPI_DENSITIY;
info("Graph selection was reset (2).");
yield pressKeyForTime(graph, KEY_CODE_UP, 1000);
ok(graph._selection.start > 0,
"The graph's selection start value is correct after pressing UP.");
ok(graph._selection.end < TEST_BOUNDS.endTime * TEST_DPI_DENSITIY,
"The graph's selection end value is correct after pressing UP.");
let distanceLeft = graph._selection.start;
let distanceRight = TEST_BOUNDS.endTime * TEST_DPI_DENSITIY - graph._selection.end;
ok(Math.abs(distanceRight - distanceLeft) < 0.1,
"The graph zoomed correctly towards the center point.");
function pressKeyForTime(graph, keyCode, ms) {
let deferred = promise.defer();
graph._onKeyDown({ keyCode });
setTimeout(() => {
graph._onKeyUp({ keyCode });
}, ms);
return deferred.promise;