6ddd40a02f Build info
1999-04-07 17:04:59 +00:00
1999-04-05 21:01:37 +00:00
1999-04-06 22:38:01 +00:00
1999-04-06 22:38:01 +00:00
1999-04-07 17:04:59 +00:00
1999-04-05 21:06:29 +00:00
1999-04-05 21:06:29 +00:00

				CCK Read Me

What are all of these files?

bdate.bat - Sets the environment var, BuildID, to the value given it by the PERL script
The BuildID var is used to name the repository folder.

CCKBuild.bat - Build automation file for this whole build processs.  Paths, in the script will have
to updated to work on a machine other than mine.  I plan to move this to PERL to better script the
build process for portability.

ReadMe.txt - Um, uh, well....  DUH! - PERL script that creates a the date that is used to name the repository folder.  Called
by CCKBuild.bat.

WizardMachine.mak - Make file for WizardMachine.  Details below.....

WizardMachine.dep - The dependancy file for WizardMachine.mak  Put both WizardMachine.mak 
and WizardMachine.dep in the mozilla/cck/driver folder to build the WizardMachine project. 
Issue the commands:

NMAKE /f "WizardMachine.mak" CFG="WizardMachine - Win32 Debug"
NMAKE /f "WizardMachine.mak" CFG="WizardMachine - Win32 Release"

And you should end up with nice shiny new .exe, .obj's, .pch and .res files in a "release" or "debug" 
folder, depending on the command issued from above.