Glenn Watson 712905dbb9 servo: Merge #17398 - Improve decisions in compositor over when to draw a frame (from glennw:opt-composite); r=jdm
This patch fixes a couple of issues in the compositor:

1) Remove the delayed composition code. Previously, this would schedule
   a composite for 12ms in the future. This doesn't really make any sense
   with WR. There's no point in doing a composite unless WR has provided
   a new frame to be drawn. This fixes issues in several benchmarks where
   we were doing multiple composite / renders per rAF, which is a waste
   of CPU time. This *does* make the framerate slower in some cases (such
   as a slow rAF callback) but it's more correct - otherwise we were just
   compositing the same frame multiple times for no real benefit.

2) Inform the window of the current animation state of the compositor.
   Specifically, if an animation (or rAF) is currently active, the
   window system switches to use event polling, and does not block on
   the OS-level event loop. In the case of active animation, we just
   assume that we want to be running as the vsync interval and not
   blocking. This means the compositor thread only sleeps on vsync
   during animation, which reduces OS scheduling and results in much
   smoother animation.

Source-Revision: 819a40bfb0fd2e1f4832fa3d773c266e9179ae21

extra : subtree_source : https%3A//
extra : subtree_revision : 4847b3de6e3df317f61a144e6e5d931d26a2a2e4
2017-06-21 07:47:53 -07:00

1716 lines
68 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use CompositionPipeline;
use SendableFrameTree;
use compositor_thread::{CompositorProxy, CompositorReceiver};
use compositor_thread::{InitialCompositorState, Msg, RenderListener};
use euclid::{Point2D, TypedPoint2D, TypedVector2D, TypedRect, ScaleFactor, TypedSize2D};
use gfx_traits::Epoch;
use gleam::gl;
use image::{DynamicImage, ImageFormat, RgbImage};
use ipc_channel::ipc::{self, IpcSender, IpcSharedMemory};
use msg::constellation_msg::{Key, KeyModifiers, KeyState, CONTROL};
use msg::constellation_msg::{PipelineId, PipelineIndex, PipelineNamespaceId, TraversalDirection};
use net_traits::image::base::{Image, PixelFormat};
use profile_traits::time::{self, ProfilerCategory, profile};
use script_traits::{AnimationState, AnimationTickType, ConstellationControlMsg};
use script_traits::{ConstellationMsg, DevicePixel, LayoutControlMsg, LoadData, MouseButton};
use script_traits::{MouseEventType, ScrollState};
use script_traits::{TouchpadPressurePhase, TouchEventType, TouchId, WindowSizeData, WindowSizeType};
use script_traits::CompositorEvent::{self, MouseMoveEvent, MouseButtonEvent, TouchEvent, TouchpadPressureEvent};
use servo_config::opts;
use servo_config::prefs::PREFS;
use servo_geometry::DeviceIndependentPixel;
use servo_url::ServoUrl;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs::File;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::mpsc::Sender;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use style_traits::{CSSPixel, PinchZoomFactor};
use style_traits::viewport::ViewportConstraints;
use time::{precise_time_ns, precise_time_s};
use touch::{TouchHandler, TouchAction};
use webrender;
use webrender_traits::{self, ClipId, LayoutPoint, LayoutVector2D, ScrollEventPhase, ScrollLocation, ScrollClamping};
use windowing::{self, MouseWindowEvent, WindowEvent, WindowMethods, WindowNavigateMsg};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum UnableToComposite {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum NotReadyToPaint {
// Default viewport constraints
const MAX_ZOOM: f32 = 8.0;
const MIN_ZOOM: f32 = 0.1;
trait ConvertPipelineIdFromWebRender {
fn from_webrender(&self) -> PipelineId;
impl ConvertPipelineIdFromWebRender for webrender_traits::PipelineId {
fn from_webrender(&self) -> PipelineId {
PipelineId {
namespace_id: PipelineNamespaceId(self.0),
index: PipelineIndex(self.1),
/// Holds the state when running reftests that determines when it is
/// safe to save the output image.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
enum ReadyState {
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct FrameTreeId(u32);
impl FrameTreeId {
pub fn next(&mut self) {
self.0 += 1;
/// One pixel in layer coordinate space.
/// This unit corresponds to a "pixel" in layer coordinate space, which after scaling and
/// transformation becomes a device pixel.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum LayerPixel {}
/// NB: Never block on the constellation, because sometimes the constellation blocks on us.
pub struct IOCompositor<Window: WindowMethods> {
/// The application window.
window: Rc<Window>,
/// The port on which we receive messages.
port: CompositorReceiver,
/// The root pipeline.
root_pipeline: Option<CompositionPipeline>,
/// Tracks details about each active pipeline that the compositor knows about.
pipeline_details: HashMap<PipelineId, PipelineDetails>,
/// The scene scale, to allow for zooming and high-resolution painting.
scale: ScaleFactor<f32, LayerPixel, DevicePixel>,
/// The size of the rendering area.
frame_size: TypedSize2D<u32, DevicePixel>,
/// The position and size of the window within the rendering area.
window_rect: TypedRect<u32, DevicePixel>,
/// "Mobile-style" zoom that does not reflow the page.
viewport_zoom: PinchZoomFactor,
/// Viewport zoom constraints provided by @viewport.
min_viewport_zoom: Option<PinchZoomFactor>,
max_viewport_zoom: Option<PinchZoomFactor>,
/// "Desktop-style" zoom that resizes the viewport to fit the window.
page_zoom: ScaleFactor<f32, CSSPixel, DeviceIndependentPixel>,
/// The device pixel ratio for this window.
scale_factor: ScaleFactor<f32, DeviceIndependentPixel, DevicePixel>,
channel_to_self: CompositorProxy,
/// The type of composition to perform
composite_target: CompositeTarget,
/// Tracks whether we should composite this frame.
composition_request: CompositionRequest,
/// Tracks whether we are in the process of shutting down, or have shut down and should close
/// the compositor.
shutdown_state: ShutdownState,
/// Tracks the last composite time.
last_composite_time: u64,
/// Tracks whether the zoom action has happened recently.
zoom_action: bool,
/// The time of the last zoom action has started.
zoom_time: f64,
/// The current frame tree ID (used to reject old paint buffers)
frame_tree_id: FrameTreeId,
/// The channel on which messages can be sent to the constellation.
constellation_chan: Sender<ConstellationMsg>,
/// The channel on which messages can be sent to the time profiler.
time_profiler_chan: time::ProfilerChan,
/// Touch input state machine
touch_handler: TouchHandler,
/// Pending scroll/zoom events.
pending_scroll_zoom_events: Vec<ScrollZoomEvent>,
/// Whether we're waiting on a recomposite after dispatching a scroll.
waiting_for_results_of_scroll: bool,
/// Used by the logic that determines when it is safe to output an
/// image for the reftest framework.
ready_to_save_state: ReadyState,
/// Whether a scroll is in progress; i.e. whether the user's fingers are down.
scroll_in_progress: bool,
in_scroll_transaction: Option<Instant>,
/// The webrender renderer.
webrender: webrender::Renderer,
/// The webrender interface, if enabled.
webrender_api: webrender_traits::RenderApi,
/// GL functions interface (may be GL or GLES)
gl: Rc<gl::Gl>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct ScrollZoomEvent {
/// Change the pinch zoom level by this factor
magnification: f32,
/// Scroll by this offset, or to Start or End
scroll_location: ScrollLocation,
/// Apply changes to the frame at this location
cursor: TypedPoint2D<i32, DevicePixel>,
/// The scroll event phase.
phase: ScrollEventPhase,
/// The number of OS events that have been coalesced together into this one event.
event_count: u32,
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
enum CompositionRequest {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum ShutdownState {
struct PipelineDetails {
/// The pipeline associated with this PipelineDetails object.
pipeline: Option<CompositionPipeline>,
/// Whether animations are running
animations_running: bool,
/// Whether there are animation callbacks
animation_callbacks_running: bool,
/// Whether this pipeline is visible
visible: bool,
impl PipelineDetails {
fn new() -> PipelineDetails {
PipelineDetails {
pipeline: None,
animations_running: false,
animation_callbacks_running: false,
visible: true,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum CompositeTarget {
/// Normal composition to a window
/// Compose as normal, but also return a PNG of the composed output
/// Compose to a PNG, write it to disk, and then exit the browser (used for reftests)
struct RenderTargetInfo {
framebuffer_ids: Vec<gl::GLuint>,
renderbuffer_ids: Vec<gl::GLuint>,
texture_ids: Vec<gl::GLuint>,
impl RenderTargetInfo {
fn empty() -> RenderTargetInfo {
RenderTargetInfo {
framebuffer_ids: Vec::new(),
renderbuffer_ids: Vec::new(),
texture_ids: Vec::new(),
fn initialize_png(gl: &gl::Gl, width: usize, height: usize) -> RenderTargetInfo {
let framebuffer_ids = gl.gen_framebuffers(1);
gl.bind_framebuffer(gl::FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer_ids[0]);
let texture_ids = gl.gen_textures(1);
gl.bind_texture(gl::TEXTURE_2D, texture_ids[0]);
gl.tex_image_2d(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl::RGB as gl::GLint, width as gl::GLsizei,
height as gl::GLsizei, 0, gl::RGB, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE, None);
gl.tex_parameter_i(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl::NEAREST as gl::GLint);
gl.tex_parameter_i(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl::NEAREST as gl::GLint);
gl.framebuffer_texture_2d(gl::FRAMEBUFFER, gl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl::TEXTURE_2D,
texture_ids[0], 0);
gl.bind_texture(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0);
let renderbuffer_ids = gl.gen_renderbuffers(1);
let depth_rb = renderbuffer_ids[0];
gl.bind_renderbuffer(gl::RENDERBUFFER, depth_rb);
width as gl::GLsizei,
height as gl::GLsizei);
RenderTargetInfo {
framebuffer_ids: framebuffer_ids,
renderbuffer_ids: renderbuffer_ids,
texture_ids: texture_ids,
struct RenderNotifier {
compositor_proxy: CompositorProxy,
impl RenderNotifier {
fn new(compositor_proxy: CompositorProxy,
_: Sender<ConstellationMsg>) -> RenderNotifier {
RenderNotifier {
compositor_proxy: compositor_proxy,
impl webrender_traits::RenderNotifier for RenderNotifier {
fn new_frame_ready(&mut self) {
fn new_scroll_frame_ready(&mut self, composite_needed: bool) {
// Used to dispatch functions from webrender to the main thread's event loop.
struct CompositorThreadDispatcher {
compositor_proxy: CompositorProxy
impl webrender_traits::RenderDispatcher for CompositorThreadDispatcher {
fn dispatch(&self, f: Box<Fn() + Send>) {
impl<Window: WindowMethods> IOCompositor<Window> {
fn new(window: Rc<Window>, state: InitialCompositorState)
-> IOCompositor<Window> {
let frame_size = window.framebuffer_size();
let window_rect = window.window_rect();
let scale_factor = window.hidpi_factor();
let composite_target = match opts::get().output_file {
Some(_) => CompositeTarget::PngFile,
None => CompositeTarget::Window
IOCompositor {
window: window,
port: state.receiver,
root_pipeline: None,
pipeline_details: HashMap::new(),
frame_size: frame_size,
window_rect: window_rect,
scale: ScaleFactor::new(1.0),
scale_factor: scale_factor,
channel_to_self: state.sender.clone_compositor_proxy(),
composition_request: CompositionRequest::NoCompositingNecessary,
touch_handler: TouchHandler::new(),
pending_scroll_zoom_events: Vec::new(),
waiting_for_results_of_scroll: false,
composite_target: composite_target,
shutdown_state: ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown,
page_zoom: ScaleFactor::new(1.0),
viewport_zoom: PinchZoomFactor::new(1.0),
min_viewport_zoom: None,
max_viewport_zoom: None,
zoom_action: false,
zoom_time: 0f64,
frame_tree_id: FrameTreeId(0),
constellation_chan: state.constellation_chan,
time_profiler_chan: state.time_profiler_chan,
last_composite_time: 0,
ready_to_save_state: ReadyState::Unknown,
scroll_in_progress: false,
in_scroll_transaction: None,
webrender: state.webrender,
webrender_api: state.webrender_api_sender.create_api(),
pub fn create(window: Rc<Window>, state: InitialCompositorState) -> IOCompositor<Window> {
let mut compositor = IOCompositor::new(window, state);
let compositor_proxy_for_webrender = compositor.channel_to_self
let render_notifier = RenderNotifier::new(compositor_proxy_for_webrender,
if cfg!(target_os = "windows") {
// Used to dispatch functions from webrender to the main thread's event loop.
// Required to allow WGL GLContext sharing in Windows.
let dispatcher = Box::new(CompositorThreadDispatcher {
compositor_proxy: compositor.channel_to_self.clone_compositor_proxy()
// Set the size of the root layer.
// Tell the constellation about the initial window size.
fn start_shutting_down(&mut self) {
debug!("Compositor sending Exit message to Constellation");
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(ConstellationMsg::Exit) {
warn!("Sending exit message to constellation failed ({}).", e);
self.shutdown_state = ShutdownState::ShuttingDown;
fn finish_shutting_down(&mut self) {
debug!("Compositor received message that constellation shutdown is complete");
// Drain compositor port, sometimes messages contain channels that are blocking
// another thread from finishing (i.e. SetFrameTree).
while self.port.try_recv_compositor_msg().is_some() {}
// Tell the profiler, memory profiler, and scrolling timer to shut down.
if let Ok((sender, receiver)) = ipc::channel() {
let _ = receiver.recv();
self.shutdown_state = ShutdownState::FinishedShuttingDown;
fn handle_browser_message(&mut self, msg: Msg) -> bool {
match (msg, self.shutdown_state) {
(_, ShutdownState::FinishedShuttingDown) => {
error!("compositor shouldn't be handling messages after shutting down");
return false
(Msg::Exit, _) => {
(Msg::ShutdownComplete, _) => {
return false;
(Msg::ChangeRunningAnimationsState(pipeline_id, animation_state),
ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.change_running_animations_state(pipeline_id, animation_state);
(Msg::ChangePageTitle(pipeline_id, title), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.change_page_title(pipeline_id, title);
(Msg::SetFrameTree(frame_tree, response_chan),
ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.set_frame_tree(&frame_tree, response_chan);
(Msg::ScrollFragmentPoint(scroll_root_id, point, _),
ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.scroll_fragment_to_point(scroll_root_id, point);
ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
let rect = self.window.client_window();
if let Err(e) = send.send(rect) {
warn!("Sending response to get client window failed ({}).", e);
(Msg::Status(message), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
(Msg::LoadStart, ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
(Msg::LoadComplete, ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
// If we're painting in headless mode, schedule a recomposite.
if opts::get().output_file.is_some() || opts::get().exit_after_load {
// Inform the embedder that the load has finished.
// TODO(pcwalton): Specify which frame's load completed.
(Msg::AllowNavigation(url, response_chan), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
let allow = self.window.allow_navigation(url);
if let Err(e) = response_chan.send(allow) {
warn!("Failed to send allow_navigation result ({}).", e);
(Msg::Recomposite(reason), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.composition_request = CompositionRequest::CompositeNow(reason)
(Msg::KeyEvent(ch, key, state, modified), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
if state == KeyState::Pressed {
self.window.handle_key(ch, key, modified);
(Msg::TouchEventProcessed(result), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
(Msg::SetCursor(cursor), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
(Msg::CreatePng(reply), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
let res = self.composite_specific_target(CompositeTarget::WindowAndPng);
if let Err(ref e) = res {
info!("Error retrieving PNG: {:?}", e);
let img = res.unwrap_or(None);
if let Err(e) = reply.send(img) {
warn!("Sending reply to create png failed ({}).", e);
(Msg::ViewportConstrained(pipeline_id, constraints),
ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.constrain_viewport(pipeline_id, constraints);
(Msg::IsReadyToSaveImageReply(is_ready), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
assert!(self.ready_to_save_state == ReadyState::WaitingForConstellationReply);
if is_ready {
self.ready_to_save_state = ReadyState::ReadyToSaveImage;
if opts::get().is_running_problem_test {
println!("ready to save image!");
} else {
self.ready_to_save_state = ReadyState::Unknown;
if opts::get().is_running_problem_test {
println!("resetting ready_to_save_state!");
(Msg::NewFavicon(url), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
(Msg::HeadParsed, ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
(Msg::HistoryChanged(entries, current), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.window.history_changed(entries, current);
(Msg::PipelineVisibilityChanged(pipeline_id, visible), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).visible = visible;
if visible {
(Msg::PipelineExited(pipeline_id, sender), _) => {
debug!("Compositor got pipeline exited: {:?}", pipeline_id);
let _ = sender.send(());
(Msg::NewScrollFrameReady(recomposite_needed), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
self.waiting_for_results_of_scroll = false;
if recomposite_needed {
self.composition_request = CompositionRequest::CompositeNow(
(Msg::Dispatch(func), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
// The functions sent here right now are really dumb, so they can't panic.
// But if we start running more complex code here, we should really catch panic here.
(Msg::SetFullscreenState(state), ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown) => {
// When we are shutting_down, we need to avoid performing operations
// such as Paint that may crash because we have begun tearing down
// the rest of our resources.
(_, ShutdownState::ShuttingDown) => { }
/// Sets or unsets the animations-running flag for the given pipeline, and schedules a
/// recomposite if necessary.
fn change_running_animations_state(&mut self,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
animation_state: AnimationState) {
match animation_state {
AnimationState::AnimationsPresent => {
let visible = self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).visible;
self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).animations_running = true;
if visible {
AnimationState::AnimationCallbacksPresent => {
let visible = self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).visible;
self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).animation_callbacks_running = true;
if visible {
AnimationState::NoAnimationsPresent => {
self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).animations_running = false;
AnimationState::NoAnimationCallbacksPresent => {
self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).animation_callbacks_running = false;
fn pipeline_details(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) -> &mut PipelineDetails {
if !self.pipeline_details.contains_key(&pipeline_id) {
self.pipeline_details.insert(pipeline_id, PipelineDetails::new());
self.pipeline_details.get_mut(&pipeline_id).expect("Insert then get failed!")
pub fn pipeline(&self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) -> Option<&CompositionPipeline> {
match self.pipeline_details.get(&pipeline_id) {
Some(ref details) => details.pipeline.as_ref(),
None => {
warn!("Compositor layer has an unknown pipeline ({:?}).", pipeline_id);
fn change_page_title(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId, title: Option<String>) {
let set_title = self.root_pipeline.as_ref().map_or(false, |root_pipeline| { == pipeline_id
if set_title {
fn set_frame_tree(&mut self,
frame_tree: &SendableFrameTree,
response_chan: IpcSender<()>) {
debug!("Setting the frame tree for pipeline {}",;
if let Err(e) = response_chan.send(()) {
warn!("Sending reponse to set frame tree failed ({}).", e);
self.root_pipeline = Some(frame_tree.pipeline.clone());
let pipeline_id =;
fn create_pipeline_details_for_frame_tree(&mut self, frame_tree: &SendableFrameTree) {
self.pipeline_details( = Some(frame_tree.pipeline.clone());
for kid in &frame_tree.children {
fn remove_pipeline_root_layer(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
fn send_window_size(&self, size_type: WindowSizeType) {
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let window_rect = {
let offset = webrender_traits::DeviceUintPoint::new(self.window_rect.origin.x, self.window_rect.origin.y);
let size = webrender_traits::DeviceUintSize::new(self.window_rect.size.width, self.window_rect.size.height);
webrender_traits::DeviceUintRect::new(offset, size)
let frame_size = webrender_traits::DeviceUintSize::new(self.frame_size.width, self.frame_size.height);
self.webrender_api.set_window_parameters(frame_size, window_rect);
let initial_viewport = self.window_rect.size.to_f32() / dppx;
let data = WindowSizeData {
device_pixel_ratio: dppx,
initial_viewport: initial_viewport,
let top_level_browsing_context_id = match self.root_pipeline {
Some(ref pipeline) => pipeline.top_level_browsing_context_id,
None => return warn!("Window resize without root pipeline."),
let msg = ConstellationMsg::WindowSize(top_level_browsing_context_id, data, size_type);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending window resize to constellation failed ({}).", e);
fn scroll_fragment_to_point(&mut self, id: ClipId, point: Point2D<f32>) {
self.webrender_api.scroll_node_with_id(LayoutPoint::from_untyped(&point), id,
fn handle_window_message(&mut self, event: WindowEvent) {
match event {
WindowEvent::Idle => {}
WindowEvent::Refresh => {
WindowEvent::InitializeCompositing => {
WindowEvent::Resize(size) => {
WindowEvent::LoadUrl(url_string) => {
WindowEvent::MouseWindowEventClass(mouse_window_event) => {
WindowEvent::MouseWindowMoveEventClass(cursor) => {
WindowEvent::Touch(event_type, identifier, location) => {
match event_type {
TouchEventType::Down => self.on_touch_down(identifier, location),
TouchEventType::Move => self.on_touch_move(identifier, location),
TouchEventType::Up => self.on_touch_up(identifier, location),
TouchEventType::Cancel => self.on_touch_cancel(identifier, location),
WindowEvent::Scroll(delta, cursor, phase) => {
match phase {
TouchEventType::Move => self.on_scroll_window_event(delta, cursor),
TouchEventType::Up | TouchEventType::Cancel => {
self.on_scroll_end_window_event(delta, cursor);
TouchEventType::Down => {
self.on_scroll_start_window_event(delta, cursor);
WindowEvent::Zoom(magnification) => {
WindowEvent::ResetZoom => {
WindowEvent::PinchZoom(magnification) => {
WindowEvent::Navigation(direction) => {
WindowEvent::TouchpadPressure(cursor, pressure, stage) => {
self.on_touchpad_pressure_event(cursor, pressure, stage);
WindowEvent::KeyEvent(ch, key, state, modifiers) => {
self.on_key_event(ch, key, state, modifiers);
WindowEvent::Quit => {
if self.shutdown_state == ShutdownState::NotShuttingDown {
debug!("Shutting down the constellation for WindowEvent::Quit");
WindowEvent::Reload => {
let top_level_browsing_context_id = match self.root_pipeline {
Some(ref pipeline) => pipeline.top_level_browsing_context_id,
None => return warn!("Window reload without root pipeline."),
let msg = ConstellationMsg::Reload(top_level_browsing_context_id);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending reload to constellation failed ({}).", e);
fn on_resize_window_event(&mut self, new_size: TypedSize2D<u32, DevicePixel>) {
debug!("compositor resizing to {:?}", new_size.to_untyped());
// A size change could also mean a resolution change.
let new_scale_factor = self.window.hidpi_factor();
if self.scale_factor != new_scale_factor {
self.scale_factor = new_scale_factor;
let new_window_rect = self.window.window_rect();
let new_frame_size = self.window.framebuffer_size();
if self.window_rect == new_window_rect &&
self.frame_size == new_frame_size {
self.frame_size = new_size;
self.window_rect = new_window_rect;
fn on_load_url_window_event(&mut self, url_string: String) {
debug!("osmain: loading URL `{}`", url_string);
match ServoUrl::parse(&url_string) {
Ok(url) => {
let msg = match self.root_pipeline {
Some(ref pipeline) =>
ConstellationMsg::LoadUrl(, LoadData::new(url, Some(, None, None)),
None => ConstellationMsg::InitLoadUrl(url)
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending load url to constellation failed ({}).", e);
Err(e) => warn!("Parsing URL {} failed ({}).", url_string, e),
fn on_mouse_window_event_class(&mut self, mouse_window_event: MouseWindowEvent) {
if opts::get().convert_mouse_to_touch {
match mouse_window_event {
MouseWindowEvent::Click(_, _) => {}
MouseWindowEvent::MouseDown(_, p) => self.on_touch_down(TouchId(0), p),
MouseWindowEvent::MouseUp(_, p) => self.on_touch_up(TouchId(0), p),
fn dispatch_mouse_window_event_class(&mut self, mouse_window_event: MouseWindowEvent) {
let point = match mouse_window_event {
MouseWindowEvent::Click(_, p) => p,
MouseWindowEvent::MouseDown(_, p) => p,
MouseWindowEvent::MouseUp(_, p) => p,
let root_pipeline_id = match self.get_root_pipeline_id() {
Some(root_pipeline_id) => root_pipeline_id,
None => return,
if let Some(pipeline) = self.pipeline(root_pipeline_id) {
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let translated_point = (point / dppx).to_untyped();
let event_to_send = match mouse_window_event {
MouseWindowEvent::Click(button, _) => {
MouseButtonEvent(MouseEventType::Click, button, translated_point)
MouseWindowEvent::MouseDown(button, _) => {
MouseButtonEvent(MouseEventType::MouseDown, button, translated_point)
MouseWindowEvent::MouseUp(button, _) => {
MouseButtonEvent(MouseEventType::MouseUp, button, translated_point)
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::SendEvent(root_pipeline_id, event_to_send);
if let Err(e) = pipeline.script_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending control event to script failed ({}).", e);
fn on_mouse_window_move_event_class(&mut self, cursor: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>) {
if opts::get().convert_mouse_to_touch {
self.on_touch_move(TouchId(0), cursor);
fn dispatch_mouse_window_move_event_class(&mut self, cursor: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>) {
let root_pipeline_id = match self.get_root_pipeline_id() {
Some(root_pipeline_id) => root_pipeline_id,
None => return,
if self.pipeline(root_pipeline_id).is_none() {
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let event_to_send = MouseMoveEvent(Some((cursor / dppx).to_untyped()));
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::SendEvent(root_pipeline_id, event_to_send);
if let Some(pipeline) = self.pipeline(root_pipeline_id) {
if let Err(e) = pipeline.script_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending mouse control event to script failed ({}).", e);
fn send_event_to_root_pipeline(&self, event: CompositorEvent) {
let root_pipeline_id = match self.get_root_pipeline_id() {
Some(root_pipeline_id) => root_pipeline_id,
None => return,
if let Some(pipeline) = self.pipeline(root_pipeline_id) {
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::SendEvent(root_pipeline_id, event);
if let Err(e) = pipeline.script_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending control event to script failed ({}).", e);
fn on_touch_down(&mut self, identifier: TouchId, point: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>) {
self.touch_handler.on_touch_down(identifier, point);
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let translated_point = (point / dppx).to_untyped();
fn on_touch_move(&mut self, identifier: TouchId, point: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>) {
match self.touch_handler.on_touch_move(identifier, point) {
TouchAction::Scroll(delta) => {
match point.cast() {
Some(point) => self.on_scroll_window_event(
None => error!("Point cast failed."),
TouchAction::Zoom(magnification, scroll_delta) => {
let cursor = TypedPoint2D::new(-1, -1); // Make sure this hits the base layer.
self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.push(ScrollZoomEvent {
magnification: magnification,
scroll_location: ScrollLocation::Delta(webrender_traits::LayoutVector2D::from_untyped(
cursor: cursor,
phase: ScrollEventPhase::Move(true),
event_count: 1,
TouchAction::DispatchEvent => {
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let translated_point = (point / dppx).to_untyped();
_ => {}
fn on_touch_up(&mut self, identifier: TouchId, point: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>) {
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let translated_point = (point / dppx).to_untyped();
if let TouchAction::Click = self.touch_handler.on_touch_up(identifier, point) {
fn on_touch_cancel(&mut self, identifier: TouchId, point: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>) {
// Send the event to script.
self.touch_handler.on_touch_cancel(identifier, point);
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let translated_point = (point / dppx).to_untyped();
fn on_touchpad_pressure_event(&self,
point: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>,
pressure: f32,
phase: TouchpadPressurePhase) {
if let Some(true) = PREFS.get("dom.forcetouch.enabled").as_boolean() {
let dppx = self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor();
let translated_point = (point / dppx).to_untyped();
fn simulate_mouse_click(&mut self, p: TypedPoint2D<f32, DevicePixel>) {
let button = MouseButton::Left;
self.dispatch_mouse_window_event_class(MouseWindowEvent::MouseDown(button, p));
self.dispatch_mouse_window_event_class(MouseWindowEvent::MouseUp(button, p));
self.dispatch_mouse_window_event_class(MouseWindowEvent::Click(button, p));
fn on_scroll_window_event(&mut self,
scroll_location: ScrollLocation,
cursor: TypedPoint2D<i32, DevicePixel>) {
let event_phase = match (self.scroll_in_progress, self.in_scroll_transaction) {
(false, None) => ScrollEventPhase::Start,
(false, Some(last_scroll)) if last_scroll.elapsed() > Duration::from_millis(80) =>
(_, _) => ScrollEventPhase::Move(self.scroll_in_progress),
self.in_scroll_transaction = Some(Instant::now());
self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.push(ScrollZoomEvent {
magnification: 1.0,
scroll_location: scroll_location,
cursor: cursor,
phase: event_phase,
event_count: 1,
fn on_scroll_start_window_event(&mut self,
scroll_location: ScrollLocation,
cursor: TypedPoint2D<i32, DevicePixel>) {
self.scroll_in_progress = true;
self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.push(ScrollZoomEvent {
magnification: 1.0,
scroll_location: scroll_location,
cursor: cursor,
phase: ScrollEventPhase::Start,
event_count: 1,
fn on_scroll_end_window_event(&mut self,
scroll_location: ScrollLocation,
cursor: TypedPoint2D<i32, DevicePixel>) {
self.scroll_in_progress = false;
self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.push(ScrollZoomEvent {
magnification: 1.0,
scroll_location: scroll_location,
cursor: cursor,
phase: ScrollEventPhase::End,
event_count: 1,
fn process_pending_scroll_events(&mut self) {
let had_events = self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.len() > 0;
// Batch up all scroll events into one, or else we'll do way too much painting.
let mut last_combined_event: Option<ScrollZoomEvent> = None;
for scroll_event in self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.drain(..) {
let this_cursor = scroll_event.cursor;
let this_delta = match scroll_event.scroll_location {
ScrollLocation::Delta(delta) => delta,
ScrollLocation::Start | ScrollLocation::End => {
// If this is an event which is scrolling to the start or end of the page,
// disregard other pending events and exit the loop.
last_combined_event = Some(scroll_event);
if let Some(combined_event) = last_combined_event {
if combined_event.phase != scroll_event.phase {
let combined_delta = match combined_event.scroll_location {
ScrollLocation::Delta(delta) => delta,
ScrollLocation::Start | ScrollLocation::End => {
// If this is an event which is scrolling to the start or end of the page,
// disregard other pending events and exit the loop.
last_combined_event = Some(scroll_event);
// TODO: units don't match!
let delta = combined_delta / self.scale.get();
let cursor =
(combined_event.cursor.to_f32() / self.scale).to_untyped();
let location = webrender_traits::ScrollLocation::Delta(delta);
let cursor = webrender_traits::WorldPoint::from_untyped(&cursor);
self.webrender_api.scroll(location, cursor, combined_event.phase);
last_combined_event = None
match (&mut last_combined_event, scroll_event.phase) {
(last_combined_event @ &mut None, _) => {
*last_combined_event = Some(ScrollZoomEvent {
magnification: scroll_event.magnification,
scroll_location: ScrollLocation::Delta(webrender_traits::LayoutVector2D::from_untyped(
cursor: this_cursor,
phase: scroll_event.phase,
event_count: 1,
(&mut Some(ref mut last_combined_event),
ScrollEventPhase::Move(false)) => {
// Mac OS X sometimes delivers scroll events out of vsync during a
// fling. This causes events to get bunched up occasionally, causing
// nasty-looking "pops". To mitigate this, during a fling we average
// deltas instead of summing them.
if let ScrollLocation::Delta(delta) = last_combined_event.scroll_location {
let old_event_count =
ScaleFactor::new(last_combined_event.event_count as f32);
last_combined_event.event_count += 1;
let new_event_count =
ScaleFactor::new(last_combined_event.event_count as f32);
last_combined_event.scroll_location = ScrollLocation::Delta(
(delta * old_event_count + this_delta) /
(&mut Some(ref mut last_combined_event), _) => {
if let ScrollLocation::Delta(delta) = last_combined_event.scroll_location {
last_combined_event.scroll_location = ScrollLocation::Delta(delta + this_delta);
last_combined_event.event_count += 1
// TODO(gw): Support zoom (WR issue #28).
if let Some(combined_event) = last_combined_event {
let scroll_location = match combined_event.scroll_location {
ScrollLocation::Delta(delta) => {
let scaled_delta = (TypedVector2D::from_untyped(&delta.to_untyped()) / self.scale)
let calculated_delta = webrender_traits::LayoutVector2D::from_untyped(&scaled_delta);
// Leave ScrollLocation unchanged if it is Start or End location.
sl @ ScrollLocation::Start | sl @ ScrollLocation::End => sl,
let cursor = (combined_event.cursor.to_f32() / self.scale).to_untyped();
let cursor = webrender_traits::WorldPoint::from_untyped(&cursor);
self.webrender_api.scroll(scroll_location, cursor, combined_event.phase);
self.waiting_for_results_of_scroll = true
if had_events {
/// If there are any animations running, dispatches appropriate messages to the constellation.
fn process_animations(&mut self) {
let mut pipeline_ids = vec![];
for (pipeline_id, pipeline_details) in &self.pipeline_details {
if (pipeline_details.animations_running ||
pipeline_details.animation_callbacks_running) &&
pipeline_details.visible {
let animation_state = if pipeline_ids.is_empty() {
} else {
for pipeline_id in &pipeline_ids {
fn tick_animations_for_pipeline(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
let animation_callbacks_running = self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).animation_callbacks_running;
if animation_callbacks_running {
let msg = ConstellationMsg::TickAnimation(pipeline_id, AnimationTickType::Script);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending tick to constellation failed ({}).", e);
// We may need to tick animations in layout. (See #12749.)
let animations_running = self.pipeline_details(pipeline_id).animations_running;
if animations_running {
let msg = ConstellationMsg::TickAnimation(pipeline_id, AnimationTickType::Layout);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending tick to constellation failed ({}).", e);
fn constrain_viewport(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId, constraints: ViewportConstraints) {
let is_root = self.root_pipeline.as_ref().map_or(false, |root_pipeline| { == pipeline_id
if is_root {
self.viewport_zoom = constraints.initial_zoom;
self.min_viewport_zoom = constraints.min_zoom;
self.max_viewport_zoom = constraints.max_zoom;
fn hidpi_factor(&self) -> ScaleFactor<f32, DeviceIndependentPixel, DevicePixel> {
match opts::get().device_pixels_per_px {
Some(device_pixels_per_px) => ScaleFactor::new(device_pixels_per_px),
None => match opts::get().output_file {
Some(_) => ScaleFactor::new(1.0),
None => self.scale_factor
fn device_pixels_per_page_px(&self) -> ScaleFactor<f32, CSSPixel, DevicePixel> {
self.page_zoom * self.hidpi_factor()
fn update_zoom_transform(&mut self) {
let scale = self.device_pixels_per_page_px();
self.scale = ScaleFactor::new(scale.get());
fn on_zoom_reset_window_event(&mut self) {
self.page_zoom = ScaleFactor::new(1.0);
fn on_zoom_window_event(&mut self, magnification: f32) {
self.page_zoom = ScaleFactor::new((self.page_zoom.get() * magnification)
fn update_page_zoom_for_webrender(&mut self) {
let page_zoom = webrender_traits::ZoomFactor::new(self.page_zoom.get());
/// Simulate a pinch zoom
fn on_pinch_zoom_window_event(&mut self, magnification: f32) {
self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.push(ScrollZoomEvent {
magnification: magnification,
scroll_location: ScrollLocation::Delta(TypedVector2D::zero()), // TODO: Scroll to keep the center in view?
cursor: TypedPoint2D::new(-1, -1), // Make sure this hits the base layer.
phase: ScrollEventPhase::Move(true),
event_count: 1,
fn on_navigation_window_event(&self, direction: WindowNavigateMsg) {
let direction = match direction {
windowing::WindowNavigateMsg::Forward => TraversalDirection::Forward(1),
windowing::WindowNavigateMsg::Back => TraversalDirection::Back(1),
let top_level_browsing_context_id = match self.root_pipeline {
Some(ref pipeline) => pipeline.top_level_browsing_context_id,
None => return warn!("Sending navigation to constellation with no root pipeline."),
let msg = ConstellationMsg::TraverseHistory(top_level_browsing_context_id, direction);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending navigation to constellation failed ({}).", e);
fn on_key_event(&mut self,
ch: Option<char>,
key: Key,
state: KeyState,
modifiers: KeyModifiers) {
// Steal a few key events for webrender debug options.
if modifiers.contains(CONTROL) && state == KeyState::Pressed {
match key {
Key::F12 => {
let profiler_enabled = self.webrender.get_profiler_enabled();
_ => {}
let msg = ConstellationMsg::KeyEvent(ch, key, state, modifiers);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending key event to constellation failed ({}).", e);
fn send_viewport_rects(&self) {
let mut scroll_states_per_pipeline = HashMap::new();
for scroll_layer_state in self.webrender_api.get_scroll_node_state() {
if &&
! {
let scroll_state = ScrollState {
scroll_offset: scroll_layer_state.scroll_offset.to_untyped(),
for (pipeline_id, scroll_states) in scroll_states_per_pipeline {
if let Some(pipeline) = self.pipeline(pipeline_id.from_webrender()) {
let msg = LayoutControlMsg::SetScrollStates(scroll_states);
let _ = pipeline.layout_chan.send(msg);
// Check if any pipelines currently have active animations or animation callbacks.
fn animations_active(&self) -> bool {
for (_, details) in &self.pipeline_details {
// If animations are currently running, then don't bother checking
// with the constellation if the output image is stable.
if details.animations_running {
return true;
if details.animation_callbacks_running {
return true;
/// Query the constellation to see if the current compositor
/// output matches the current frame tree output, and if the
/// associated script threads are idle.
fn is_ready_to_paint_image_output(&mut self) -> Result<(), NotReadyToPaint> {
match self.ready_to_save_state {
ReadyState::Unknown => {
// Unsure if the output image is stable.
// Collect the currently painted epoch of each pipeline that is
// complete (i.e. has *all* layers painted to the requested epoch).
// This gets sent to the constellation for comparison with the current
// frame tree.
let mut pipeline_epochs = HashMap::new();
for (id, _) in &self.pipeline_details {
let webrender_pipeline_id = id.to_webrender();
if let Some(webrender_traits::Epoch(epoch)) = self.webrender
.current_epoch(webrender_pipeline_id) {
let epoch = Epoch(epoch);
pipeline_epochs.insert(*id, epoch);
// Pass the pipeline/epoch states to the constellation and check
// if it's safe to output the image.
let msg = ConstellationMsg::IsReadyToSaveImage(pipeline_epochs);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Sending ready to save to constellation failed ({}).", e);
self.ready_to_save_state = ReadyState::WaitingForConstellationReply;
ReadyState::WaitingForConstellationReply => {
// If waiting on a reply from the constellation to the last
// query if the image is stable, then assume not ready yet.
ReadyState::ReadyToSaveImage => {
// Constellation has replied at some point in the past
// that the current output image is stable and ready
// for saving.
// Reset the flag so that we check again in the future
// TODO: only reset this if we load a new document?
if opts::get().is_running_problem_test {
println!("was ready to save, resetting ready_to_save_state");
self.ready_to_save_state = ReadyState::Unknown;
fn composite(&mut self) {
let target = self.composite_target;
match self.composite_specific_target(target) {
Ok(_) => if opts::get().output_file.is_some() || opts::get().exit_after_load {
println!("Shutting down the Constellation after generating an output file or exit flag specified");
Err(e) => if opts::get().is_running_problem_test {
if e != UnableToComposite::NotReadyToPaintImage(NotReadyToPaint::WaitingOnConstellation) {
println!("not ready to composite: {:?}", e);
/// Composite either to the screen or to a png image or both.
/// Returns Ok if composition was performed or Err if it was not possible to composite
/// for some reason. If CompositeTarget is Window or Png no image data is returned;
/// in the latter case the image is written directly to a file. If CompositeTarget
/// is WindowAndPng Ok(Some(png::Image)) is returned.
fn composite_specific_target(&mut self,
target: CompositeTarget)
-> Result<Option<Image>, UnableToComposite> {
let (width, height) =
(self.frame_size.width as usize, self.frame_size.height as usize);
if !self.window.prepare_for_composite(width, height) {
return Err(UnableToComposite::WindowUnprepared)
let wait_for_stable_image = match target {
CompositeTarget::WindowAndPng | CompositeTarget::PngFile => true,
CompositeTarget::Window => opts::get().exit_after_load,
if wait_for_stable_image {
// The current image may be ready to output. However, if there are animations active,
// tick those instead and continue waiting for the image output to be stable AND
// all active animations to complete.
if self.animations_active() {
return Err(UnableToComposite::NotReadyToPaintImage(NotReadyToPaint::AnimationsActive));
if let Err(result) = self.is_ready_to_paint_image_output() {
return Err(UnableToComposite::NotReadyToPaintImage(result))
let render_target_info = match target {
CompositeTarget::Window => RenderTargetInfo::empty(),
_ => initialize_png(&*, width, height)
profile(ProfilerCategory::Compositing, None, self.time_profiler_chan.clone(), || {
debug!("compositor: compositing");
// Paint the scene.
let size = webrender_traits::DeviceUintSize::from_untyped(&self.frame_size.to_untyped());
let rv = match target {
CompositeTarget::Window => None,
CompositeTarget::WindowAndPng => {
let img = self.draw_img(render_target_info,
Some(Image {
width: img.width(),
height: img.height(),
format: PixelFormat::RGB8,
bytes: IpcSharedMemory::from_bytes(&*img),
id: None,
CompositeTarget::PngFile => {
profile(ProfilerCategory::ImageSaving, None, self.time_profiler_chan.clone(), || {
match opts::get().output_file.as_ref() {
Some(path) => match File::create(path) {
Ok(mut file) => {
let img = self.draw_img(render_target_info, width, height);
let dynamic_image = DynamicImage::ImageRgb8(img);
if let Err(e) = file, ImageFormat::PNG) {
error!("Failed to save {} ({}).", path, e);
Err(e) => error!("Failed to create {} ({}).", path, e),
None => error!("No file specified."),
// Perform the page flip. This will likely block for a while.
self.last_composite_time = precise_time_ns();
self.composition_request = CompositionRequest::NoCompositingNecessary;
self.waiting_for_results_of_scroll = false;
fn draw_img(&self,
render_target_info: RenderTargetInfo,
width: usize,
height: usize)
-> RgbImage {
let mut pixels =, 0,
width as gl::GLsizei,
height as gl::GLsizei,
gl::RGB, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE);, 0);;;;
// flip image vertically (texture is upside down)
let orig_pixels = pixels.clone();
let stride = width * 3;
for y in 0..height {
let dst_start = y * stride;
let src_start = (height - y - 1) * stride;
let src_slice = &orig_pixels[src_start .. src_start + stride];
(&mut pixels[dst_start .. dst_start + stride]).clone_from_slice(&src_slice[..stride]);
RgbImage::from_raw(width as u32, height as u32, pixels).expect("Flipping image failed!")
fn composite_if_necessary(&mut self, reason: CompositingReason) {
if self.composition_request == CompositionRequest::NoCompositingNecessary {
if opts::get().is_running_problem_test {
println!("updating composition_request ({:?})", reason);
self.composition_request = CompositionRequest::CompositeNow(reason)
} else if opts::get().is_running_problem_test {
println!("composition_request is already {:?}", self.composition_request);
fn initialize_compositing(&mut self) {
fn get_root_pipeline_id(&self) -> Option<PipelineId> {
fn start_scrolling_bounce_if_necessary(&mut self) {
if self.scroll_in_progress {
if self.webrender.layers_are_bouncing_back() {
pub fn handle_events(&mut self, messages: Vec<WindowEvent>) -> bool {
// Check for new messages coming from the other threads in the system.
let mut compositor_messages = vec![];
let mut found_recomposite_msg = false;
while let Some(msg) = self.port.try_recv_compositor_msg() {
match msg {
Msg::Recomposite(_) if found_recomposite_msg => {}
Msg::Recomposite(_) => {
found_recomposite_msg = true;
_ => compositor_messages.push(msg),
for msg in compositor_messages {
if !self.handle_browser_message(msg) {
if self.shutdown_state == ShutdownState::FinishedShuttingDown {
return false;
// Handle any messages coming from the windowing system.
for message in messages {
// If a pinch-zoom happened recently, ask for tiles at the new resolution
if self.zoom_action && precise_time_s() - self.zoom_time > 0.3 {
self.zoom_action = false;
match self.composition_request {
CompositionRequest::NoCompositingNecessary => {}
CompositionRequest::CompositeNow(_) => {
if !self.pending_scroll_zoom_events.is_empty() && !self.waiting_for_results_of_scroll {
self.shutdown_state != ShutdownState::FinishedShuttingDown
pub fn set_webrender_profiler_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool) {
/// Repaints and recomposites synchronously. You must be careful when calling this, as if a
/// paint is not scheduled the compositor will hang forever.
/// This is used when resizing the window.
pub fn repaint_synchronously(&mut self) {
while self.shutdown_state != ShutdownState::ShuttingDown {
let msg = self.port.recv_compositor_msg();
let need_recomposite = match msg {
Msg::Recomposite(_) => true,
_ => false,
let keep_going = self.handle_browser_message(msg);
if need_recomposite {
if !keep_going {
pub fn pinch_zoom_level(&self) -> f32 {
// TODO(gw): Access via WR.
pub fn title_for_main_frame(&self) {
let root_pipeline_id = match self.root_pipeline {
None => return,
Some(ref root_pipeline) =>,
let msg = ConstellationMsg::GetPipelineTitle(root_pipeline_id);
if let Err(e) = self.constellation_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Failed to send pipeline title ({}).", e);
/// Why we performed a composite. This is used for debugging.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum CompositingReason {
/// We hit the delayed composition timeout. (See ``.)
/// The window has been scrolled and we're starting the first recomposite.
/// A scroll has continued and we need to recomposite again.
/// We're performing the single composite in headless mode.
/// We're performing a composite to run an animation.
/// A new frame tree has been loaded.
/// New painted buffers have been received.
/// The window has been zoomed.
/// A new WebRender frame has arrived.
/// WebRender has processed a scroll event and has generated a new frame.