
887 lines
30 KiB

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
import subprocess
from devicemanager import DeviceManager, DMError, _pop_last_line
import re
import os
import sys
import tempfile
class DeviceManagerADB(DeviceManager):
def __init__(self, host=None, port=20701, retrylimit=5, packageName='fennec',
adbPath='adb', deviceSerial=None): = host
self.port = port
self.retrylimit = retrylimit
self.retries = 0
self._sock = None
self.useRunAs = False
self.haveRoot = False
self.useDDCopy = False
self.useZip = False
self.packageName = None
self.tempDir = None
self.deviceRoot = None
# the path to adb, or 'adb' to assume that it's on the PATH
self.adbPath = adbPath
# The serial number of the device to use with adb, used in cases
# where multiple devices are being managed by the same adb instance.
self.deviceSerial = deviceSerial
if packageName == 'fennec':
if os.getenv('USER'):
self.packageName = 'org.mozilla.fennec_' + os.getenv('USER')
self.packageName = 'org.mozilla.fennec_'
elif packageName:
self.packageName = packageName
# verify that we can run the adb command. can't continue otherwise
# try to connect to the device over tcp/ip if we have a hostname
# verify that we can connect to the device. can't continue
# set up device root
# Can we use run-as? (currently not required)
except DMError:
# Can we run things as root? (currently not required)
useRunAsTmp = self.useRunAs
self.useRunAs = False
except DMError, e:
# The root command does not fail even if ADB cannot get
# root rights (e.g. due to production builds), so we have
# to check again ourselves that we have root now.
except DMError:
if useRunAsTmp:
print "restarting as root failed, but run-as available"
print "restarting as root failed"
self.useRunAs = useRunAsTmp
# can we use zip to speed up some file operations? (currently not
# required)
except DMError:
def __del__(self):
# external function: executes shell command on device
# returns:
# success: <return code>
# failure: None
def shell(self, cmd, outputfile, env=None, cwd=None):
# need to quote and escape special characters here
for (index, arg) in enumerate(cmd):
arg.replace('&', '\&')
needsQuoting = False
for char in [ ' ', '(', ')', '"', '&' ]:
if arg.find(char):
needsQuoting = True
if needsQuoting:
cmd[index] = '\'%s\'' % arg
# This is more complex than you'd think because adb doesn't actually
# return the return code from a process, so we have to capture the output
# to get it
# FIXME: this function buffers all output of the command into memory,
# always. :(
cmdline = " ".join(cmd) + "; echo $?"
# prepend cwd and env to command if necessary
if cwd:
cmdline = "cd %s; %s" % (cwd, cmdline)
if env:
envstr = '; '.join(map(lambda x: 'export %s=%s' % (x[0], x[1]), env.iteritems()))
cmdline = envstr + "; " + cmdline
# all output should be in stdout
if self.deviceSerial:
args.extend(['-s', self.deviceSerial])
args.extend(["shell", cmdline])
proc = subprocess.Popen(args,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
lastline = _pop_last_line(outputfile)
if lastline:
m ='([0-9]+)', lastline)
if m:
return_code =, 2)
outputfile.truncate() # truncate off the return code
return int(return_code)
return None
def connectRemoteADB(self):
self.checkCmd(["connect", + ":" + str(self.port)])
def disconnectRemoteADB(self):
self.checkCmd(["disconnect", + ":" + str(self.port)])
# external function
# returns:
# success: True
# failure: False
def pushFile(self, localname, destname):
if ( == "nt"):
destname = destname.replace('\\', '/')
if (self.useRunAs):
remoteTmpFile = self.getTempDir() + "/" + os.path.basename(localname)
self.checkCmd(["push", os.path.realpath(localname), remoteTmpFile])
if self.useDDCopy:
self.checkCmdAs(["shell", "dd", "if=" + remoteTmpFile, "of=" + destname])
self.checkCmdAs(["shell", "cp", remoteTmpFile, destname])
self.checkCmd(["shell", "rm", remoteTmpFile])
self.checkCmd(["push", os.path.realpath(localname), destname])
if (self.isDir(destname)):
destname = destname + "/" + os.path.basename(localname)
return True
return False
# external function
# returns:
# success: directory name
# failure: None
def mkDir(self, name):
result = self.runCmdAs(["shell", "mkdir", name])
if 'read-only file system' in result.lower():
return None
if 'file exists' in result.lower():
return name
return name
return None
# make directory structure on the device
# external function
# returns:
# success: directory structure that we created
# failure: None
def mkDirs(self, filename):
parts = filename.split('/')
name = ""
for part in parts:
if (part == parts[-1]): break
if (part != ""):
name += '/' + part
if (not self.dirExists(name)):
if (self.mkDir(name) == None):
print "failed making directory: " + str(name)
return None
return name
# push localDir from host to remoteDir on the device
# external function
# returns:
# success: remoteDir
# failure: None
def pushDir(self, localDir, remoteDir):
# adb "push" accepts a directory as an argument, but if the directory
# contains symbolic links, the links are pushed, rather than the linked
# files; we either zip/unzip or push file-by-file to get around this
# limitation
if (not self.dirExists(remoteDir)):
if (self.useZip):
localZip = tempfile.mktemp()+".zip"
remoteZip = remoteDir + "/"
subprocess.check_output(["zip", "-r", localZip, '.'], cwd=localDir)
self.pushFile(localZip, remoteZip)
data = self.runCmdAs(["shell", "unzip", "-o", remoteZip, "-d", remoteDir])
self.checkCmdAs(["shell", "rm", remoteZip])
if ("unzip: exiting", data) or"Operation not permitted", data)):
raise Exception("unzip failed, or permissions error")
print "zip/unzip failure: falling back to normal push"
self.useZip = False
self.pushDir(localDir, remoteDir)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(localDir, followlinks=True):
relRoot = os.path.relpath(root, localDir)
for file in files:
localFile = os.path.join(root, file)
remoteFile = remoteDir + "/"
if (relRoot!="."):
remoteFile = remoteFile + relRoot + "/"
remoteFile = remoteFile + file
self.pushFile(localFile, remoteFile)
for dir in dirs:
targetDir = remoteDir + "/"
if (relRoot!="."):
targetDir = targetDir + relRoot + "/"
targetDir = targetDir + dir
if (not self.dirExists(targetDir)):
self.checkCmdAs(["shell", "chmod", "777", remoteDir])
return remoteDir
print "pushing " + localDir + " to " + remoteDir + " failed"
return None
# external function
# returns:
# success: True
# failure: False
def dirExists(self, dirname):
return self.isDir(dirname)
# Because we always have / style paths we make this a lot easier with some
# assumptions
# external function
# returns:
# success: True
# failure: False
def fileExists(self, filepath):
p = self.runCmd(["shell", "ls", "-a", filepath])
data = p.stdout.readlines()
if (len(data) == 1):
if (data[0].rstrip() == filepath):
return True
return False
def removeFile(self, filename):
return self.runCmd(["shell", "rm", filename])
# does a recursive delete of directory on the device: rm -Rf remoteDir
# external function
# returns:
# success: output of telnet, i.e. "removing file: /mnt/sdcard/tests/test.txt"
# failure: None
def removeSingleDir(self, remoteDir):
return self.runCmd(["shell", "rmdir", remoteDir])
# does a recursive delete of directory on the device: rm -Rf remoteDir
# external function
# returns:
# success: output of telnet, i.e. "removing file: /mnt/sdcard/tests/test.txt"
# failure: None
def removeDir(self, remoteDir):
out = ""
if (self.isDir(remoteDir)):
files = self.listFiles(remoteDir.strip())
for f in files:
if (self.isDir(remoteDir.strip() + "/" + f.strip())):
out += self.removeDir(remoteDir.strip() + "/" + f.strip())
out += self.removeFile(remoteDir.strip() + "/" + f.strip())
out += self.removeSingleDir(remoteDir.strip())
out += self.removeFile(remoteDir.strip())
return out
def isDir(self, remotePath):
p = self.runCmd(["shell", "ls", "-a", remotePath])
data = p.stdout.readlines()
if (len(data) == 0):
return True
if (len(data) == 1):
if (data[0].rstrip() == remotePath):
return False
if (data[0].find("No such file or directory") != -1):
return False
if (data[0].find("Not a directory") != -1):
return False
return True
def listFiles(self, rootdir):
p = self.runCmd(["shell", "ls", "-a", rootdir])
data = p.stdout.readlines()
data[:] = [item.rstrip('\r\n') for item in data]
if (len(data) == 1):
if (data[0] == rootdir):
return []
if (data[0].find("No such file or directory") != -1):
return []
if (data[0].find("Not a directory") != -1):
return []
if (data[0].find("Permission denied") != -1):
return []
if (data[0].find("opendir failed") != -1):
return []
return data
# external function
# returns:
# success: array of process tuples
# failure: []
def getProcessList(self):
p = self.runCmd(["shell", "ps"])
# first line is the headers
proc = p.stdout.readline()
ret = []
while (proc):
els = proc.split()
ret.append(list([els[1], els[len(els) - 1], els[0]]))
proc = p.stdout.readline()
return ret
# external function
# DEPRECATED: Use shell() or launchApplication() for new code
# returns:
# success: pid
# failure: None
def fireProcess(self, appname, failIfRunning=False):
#strip out env vars
parts = appname.split('"');
if (len(parts) > 2):
parts = parts[2:]
return self.launchProcess(parts, failIfRunning)
# external function
# DEPRECATED: Use shell() or launchApplication() for new code
# returns:
# success: output filename
# failure: None
def launchProcess(self, cmd, outputFile = "process.txt", cwd = '', env = '', failIfRunning=False):
if cmd[0] == "am":
self.checkCmd(["shell"] + cmd)
return outputFile
acmd = ["shell", "am", "start", "-W"]
cmd = ' '.join(cmd).strip()
i = cmd.find(" ")
# SUT identifies the URL by looking for :\\ -- another strategy to consider
re_url = re.compile('^[http|file|chrome|about].*')
last = cmd.rfind(" ")
uri = ""
args = ""
if re_url.match(cmd[last:].strip()):
args = cmd[i:last].strip()
uri = cmd[last:].strip()
args = cmd[i:].strip()
acmd.append(cmd[0:i] + "/.App")
if args != "":
if env != '' and env != None:
envCnt = 0
# env is expected to be a dict of environment variables
for envkey, envval in env.iteritems():
acmd.append("env" + str(envCnt))
acmd.append(envkey + "=" + envval);
envCnt += 1
if uri != "":
acmd.append(''.join(['\'',uri, '\'']));
print acmd
return outputFile
# external function
# returns:
# success: True
# failure: False
def killProcess(self, appname, forceKill=False):
procs = self.getProcessList()
didKillProcess = False
for (pid, name, user) in procs:
if name == appname:
args = ["shell", "kill"]
if forceKill:
p = self.runCmdAs(args)
didKillProcess = True
return didKillProcess
# external function
# returns:
# success: filecontents
# failure: None
def catFile(self, remoteFile):
#p = self.runCmd(["shell", "cat", remoteFile])
return self.getFile(remoteFile)
# external function
# returns:
# success: output of pullfile, string
# failure: None
def pullFile(self, remoteFile):
#return self.catFile(remoteFile)
return self.getFile(remoteFile)
# copy file from device (remoteFile) to host (localFile)
# external function
# returns:
# success: output of pullfile, string
# failure: None
def getFile(self, remoteFile, localFile = 'tmpfile_dm_adb'):
# TODO: add debug flags and allow for printing stdout
# self.runCmd(["pull", remoteFile, localFile])
# First attempt to pull file regularly
outerr = self.runCmd(["pull", remoteFile, localFile]).communicate()
# Now check stderr for errors
if outerr[1]:
errl = outerr[1].splitlines()
if (len(errl) == 1):
if (((errl[0].find("Permission denied") != -1)
or (errl[0].find("does not exist") != -1))
and self.useRunAs):
# If we lack permissions to read but have run-as, then we should try
# to copy the file to a world-readable location first before attempting
# to pull it again.
remoteTmpFile = self.getTempDir() + "/" + os.path.basename(remoteFile)
self.checkCmdAs(["shell", "dd", "if=" + remoteFile, "of=" + remoteTmpFile])
self.checkCmdAs(["shell", "chmod", "777", remoteTmpFile])
self.runCmd(["pull", remoteTmpFile, localFile])
# Clean up temporary file
self.checkCmdAs(["shell", "rm", remoteTmpFile])
f = open(localFile)
ret =
return ret
return None
# copy directory structure from device (remoteDir) to host (localDir)
# external function
# checkDir exists so that we don't create local directories if the
# remote directory doesn't exist but also so that we don't call isDir
# twice when recursing.
# returns:
# success: list of files, string
# failure: None
def getDirectory(self, remoteDir, localDir, checkDir=True):
ret = []
p = self.runCmd(["pull", remoteDir, localDir])
line = p.stdout.readline()
while (line):
els = line.split()
f = els[len(els) - 1]
i = f.find(localDir)
if (i != -1):
if (localDir[len(localDir) - 1] != '/'):
i = i + 1
f = f[i + len(localDir):]
i = f.find("/")
if (i > 0):
f = f[0:i]
line = p.stdout.readline()
#the last line is a summary
if (len(ret) > 0):
return ret
# true/false check if the two files have the same md5 sum
# external function
# returns:
# success: True
# failure: False
def validateFile(self, remoteFile, localFile):
return self.getRemoteHash(remoteFile) == self.getLocalHash(localFile)
# return the md5 sum of a remote file
# internal function
# returns:
# success: MD5 hash for given filename
# failure: None
def getRemoteHash(self, filename):
data = p = self.runCmd(["shell", "ls", "-l", filename])
return data.split()[3]
def getLocalHash(self, filename):
data = p = subprocess.Popen(["ls", "-l", filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return data.split()[4]
# Internal method to setup the device root and cache its value
def setupDeviceRoot(self):
# /mnt/sdcard/tests is preferred to /data/local/tests, but this can be
# over-ridden by creating /data/local/tests
testRoot = "/data/local/tests"
if (self.dirExists(testRoot)):
self.deviceRoot = testRoot
for (basePath, subPath) in [('/mnt/sdcard', 'tests'),
('/data/local', 'tests')]:
if self.dirExists(basePath):
testRoot = os.path.join(basePath, subPath)
if self.mkDir(testRoot):
self.deviceRoot = testRoot
raise DMError("Unable to set up device root as /mnt/sdcard/tests "
"or /data/local/tests")
# Gets the device root for the testing area on the device
# For all devices we will use / type slashes and depend on the device-agent
# to sort those out. The agent will return us the device location where we
# should store things, we will then create our /tests structure relative to
# that returned path.
# Structure on the device is as follows:
# /tests
# /<fennec>|<firefox> --> approot
# /profile
# /xpcshell
# /reftest
# /mochitest
# external function
# returns:
# success: path for device root
# failure: None
def getDeviceRoot(self):
return self.deviceRoot
# Gets the temporary directory we are using on this device
# base on our device root, ensuring also that it exists.
# internal function
# returns:
# success: path for temporary directory
# failure: None
def getTempDir(self):
# Cache result to speed up operations depending
# on the temporary directory.
if self.tempDir == None:
self.tempDir = self.getDeviceRoot() + "/tmp"
if (not self.dirExists(self.tempDir)):
return self.mkDir(self.tempDir)
return self.tempDir
# Either we will have /tests/fennec or /tests/firefox but we will never have
# both. Return the one that exists
# TODO: ensure we can support org.mozilla.firefox
# external function
# returns:
# success: path for app root
# failure: None
def getAppRoot(self, packageName):
devroot = self.getDeviceRoot()
if (devroot == None):
return None
if (packageName and self.dirExists('/data/data/' + packageName)):
self.packageName = packageName
return '/data/data/' + packageName
elif (self.packageName and self.dirExists('/data/data/' + self.packageName)):
return '/data/data/' + self.packageName
# Failure (either not installed or not a recognized platform)
print "devicemanagerADB: getAppRoot failed"
return None
# Gets the directory location on the device for a specific test type
# Type is one of: xpcshell|reftest|mochitest
# external function
# returns:
# success: path for test root
# failure: None
def getTestRoot(self, type):
devroot = self.getDeviceRoot()
if (devroot == None):
return None
if ('xpcshell', type, re.I)):
self.testRoot = devroot + '/xpcshell'
elif ('?(i)reftest', type)):
self.testRoot = devroot + '/reftest'
elif ('?(i)mochitest', type)):
self.testRoot = devroot + '/mochitest'
return self.testRoot
# external function
# returns:
# success: status from test agent
# failure: None
def reboot(self, wait = False):
ret = self.runCmd(["reboot"])
if (not wait):
return "Success"
countdown = 40
while (countdown > 0):
self.checkCmd(["wait-for-device", "shell", "ls", "/sbin"])
return ret
print "couldn't get root"
return "Success"
# external function
# returns:
# success: text status from command or callback server
# failure: None
def updateApp(self, appBundlePath, processName=None, destPath=None, ipAddr=None, port=30000):
return self.runCmd(["install", "-r", appBundlePath])
# external function
# returns:
# success: time in ms
# failure: None
def getCurrentTime(self):
timestr = self.runCmd(["shell", "date", "+%s"])
if (not timestr or not timestr.isdigit()):
return None
return str(int(timestr)*1000)
# Returns information about the device:
# Directive indicates the information you want to get, your choices are:
# os - name of the os
# id - unique id of the device
# uptime - uptime of the device
# systime - system time of the device
# screen - screen resolution
# memory - memory stats
# process - list of running processes (same as ps)
# disk - total, free, available bytes on disk
# power - power status (charge, battery temp)
# all - all of them - or call it with no parameters to get all the information
# returns:
# success: dict of info strings by directive name
# failure: {}
def getInfo(self, directive="all"):
ret = {}
if (directive == "id" or directive == "all"):
ret["id"] = self.runCmd(["get-serialno"])
if (directive == "os" or directive == "all"):
ret["os"] = self.runCmd(["shell", "getprop", ""])
if (directive == "uptime" or directive == "all"):
utime = self.runCmd(["shell", "uptime"])
if (not utime):
raise DMError("error getting uptime")
utime = utime[9:]
hours = utime[0:utime.find(":")]
utime = utime[utime[1:].find(":") + 2:]
minutes = utime[0:utime.find(":")]
utime = utime[utime[1:].find(":") + 2:]
seconds = utime[0:utime.find(",")]
ret["uptime"] = ["0 days " + hours + " hours " + minutes + " minutes " + seconds + " seconds"]
if (directive == "process" or directive == "all"):
ret["process"] = self.runCmd(["shell", "ps"])
if (directive == "systime" or directive == "all"):
ret["systime"] = self.runCmd(["shell", "date"])
print ret
return ret
def runCmd(self, args):
# If we are not root but have run-as, and we're trying to execute
# a shell command then using run-as is the best we can do
finalArgs = [self.adbPath]
if self.deviceSerial:
finalArgs.extend(['-s', self.deviceSerial])
if (not self.haveRoot and self.useRunAs and args[0] == "shell" and args[1] != "run-as"):
args.insert(1, "run-as")
args.insert(2, self.packageName)
return subprocess.Popen(finalArgs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
def runCmdAs(self, args):
if self.useRunAs:
args.insert(1, "run-as")
args.insert(2, self.packageName)
return self.runCmd(args)
def checkCmd(self, args):
# If we are not root but have run-as, and we're trying to execute
# a shell command then using run-as is the best we can do
finalArgs = [self.adbPath]
if self.deviceSerial:
finalArgs.extend(['-s', self.deviceSerial])
if (not self.haveRoot and self.useRunAs and args[0] == "shell" and args[1] != "run-as"):
args.insert(1, "run-as")
args.insert(2, self.packageName)
return subprocess.check_call(finalArgs)
def checkCmdAs(self, args):
if (self.useRunAs):
args.insert(1, "run-as")
args.insert(2, self.packageName)
return self.checkCmd(args)
def chmodDir(self, remoteDir):
if (self.isDir(remoteDir)):
files = self.listFiles(remoteDir.strip())
for f in files:
if (self.isDir(remoteDir.strip() + "/" + f.strip())):
self.chmodDir(remoteDir.strip() + "/" + f.strip())
self.checkCmdAs(["shell", "chmod", "777", remoteDir.strip()])
print "chmod " + remoteDir.strip()
self.checkCmdAs(["shell", "chmod", "777", remoteDir])
print "chmod " + remoteDir
self.checkCmdAs(["shell", "chmod", "777", remoteDir.strip()])
print "chmod " + remoteDir.strip()
def verifyADB(self):
# Check to see if adb itself can be executed.
if self.adbPath != 'adb':
if not os.access(self.adbPath, os.X_OK):
raise DMError("invalid adb path, or adb not executable: %s", self.adbPath)
except os.error, err:
raise DMError("unable to execute ADB (%s): ensure Android SDK is installed and adb is in your $PATH" % err)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise DMError("unable to execute ADB: ensure Android SDK is installed and adb is in your $PATH")
def verifyDevice(self):
# If there is a device serial number, see if adb is connected to it
if self.deviceSerial:
deviceStatus = None
proc = subprocess.Popen([self.adbPath, "devices"],
for line in proc.stdout:
m = re.match('(.+)?\s+(.+)$', line)
if m:
if self.deviceSerial ==
deviceStatus =
if deviceStatus == None:
raise DMError("device not found: %s" % self.deviceSerial)
elif deviceStatus != "device":
raise DMError("bad status for device %s: %s" % (self.deviceSerial,
# Check to see if we can connect to device and run a simple command
self.checkCmd(["shell", "echo"])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise DMError("unable to connect to device: is it plugged in?")
def verifyRoot(self):
# a test to see if we have root privs
files = self.listFiles("/data/data")
if (len(files) == 0):
print "NOT running as root"
raise DMError("not running as root")
self.haveRoot = True
def isCpAvailable(self):
# Some Android systems may not have a cp command installed,
# or it may not be executable by the user.
data = self.runCmd(["shell", "cp"])
if ('Usage', data)):
return True
data = self.runCmd(["shell", "dd", "-"])
if ('unknown operand', data)):
print "'cp' not found, but 'dd' was found as a replacement"
self.useDDCopy = True
return True
print "unable to execute 'cp' on device; consider installing busybox from Android Market"
return False
def verifyRunAs(self):
# If a valid package name is available, and certain other
# conditions are met, devicemanagerADB can execute file operations
# via the "run-as" command, so that pushed files and directories
# are created by the uid associated with the package, more closely
# echoing conditions encountered by Fennec at run time.
# Check to see if run-as can be used here, by verifying a
# file copy via run-as.
self.useRunAs = False
devroot = self.getDeviceRoot()
if (self.packageName and self.isCpAvailable() and devroot):
tmpDir = self.getTempDir()
# The problem here is that run-as doesn't cause a non-zero exit code
# when failing because of a non-existent or non-debuggable package :(
runAsOut = self.runCmd(["shell", "run-as", self.packageName, "mkdir", devroot + "/sanity"]).communicate()[0]
if runAsOut.startswith("run-as:") and ("not debuggable" in runAsOut or
"is unknown" in runAsOut):
raise DMError("run-as failed sanity check")
tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
self.checkCmd(["push",, tmpDir + "/tmpfile"])
if self.useDDCopy:
self.checkCmd(["shell", "run-as", self.packageName, "dd", "if=" + tmpDir + "/tmpfile", "of=" + devroot + "/sanity/tmpfile"])
self.checkCmd(["shell", "run-as", self.packageName, "cp", tmpDir + "/tmpfile", devroot + "/sanity"])
if (self.fileExists(devroot + "/sanity/tmpfile")):
print "will execute commands via run-as " + self.packageName
self.useRunAs = True
self.checkCmd(["shell", "rm", devroot + "/tmp/tmpfile"])
self.checkCmd(["shell", "run-as", self.packageName, "rm", "-r", devroot + "/sanity"])
def isUnzipAvailable(self):
data = self.runCmdAs(["shell", "unzip"])
if ('Usage', data)):
return True
return False
def isLocalZipAvailable(self):
subprocess.check_call(["zip", "-?"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
return False
return True
def verifyZip(self):
# If "zip" can be run locally, and "unzip" can be run remotely, then pushDir
# can use these to push just one file per directory -- a significant
# optimization for large directories.
self.useZip = False
if (self.isUnzipAvailable() and self.isLocalZipAvailable()):
print "will use zip to push directories"
self.useZip = True
raise DMError("zip not available")