2016-12-16 22:42:10 +01:00

109 lines
3.0 KiB

/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
namespace console {
void log(any... data);
void info(any... data);
void warn(any... data);
void error(any... data);
void _exception(any... data);
void debug(any... data);
void table(any... data);
void trace();
void dir(any... data);
void dirxml(any... data);
void group(any... data);
void groupCollapsed(any... data);
void groupEnd(any... data);
void time(optional any time);
void timeEnd(optional any time);
void timeStamp(optional any data);
void clear(any... data);
void profile(any... data);
void profileEnd(any... data);
void assert(boolean condition, any... data);
void count(any... data);
// No-op methods for compatibility with other browsers.
void markTimeline();
void timeline();
void timelineEnd();
const boolean IS_NATIVE_CONSOLE = true;
// This is used to propagate console events to the observers.
dictionary ConsoleEvent {
(unsigned long long or DOMString) ID;
(unsigned long long or DOMString) innerID;
any originAttributes = null;
DOMString level = "";
DOMString filename = "";
unsigned long lineNumber = 0;
unsigned long columnNumber = 0;
DOMString functionName = "";
double timeStamp = 0;
sequence<any> arguments;
sequence<DOMString?> styles;
boolean private = false;
// stacktrace is handled via a getter in some cases so we can construct it
// lazily. Note that we're not making this whole thing an interface because
// consumers expect to see own properties on it, which would mean making the
// props unforgeable, which means lots of JSFunction allocations. Maybe we
// should fix those consumers, of course....
// sequence<ConsoleStackEntry> stacktrace;
DOMString groupName = "";
any timer = null;
any counter = null;
// Event for profile operations
dictionary ConsoleProfileEvent {
DOMString action = "";
sequence<any> arguments;
// This dictionary is used to manage stack trace data.
dictionary ConsoleStackEntry {
DOMString filename = "";
unsigned long lineNumber = 0;
unsigned long columnNumber = 0;
DOMString functionName = "";
unsigned long language = 0;
DOMString? asyncCause;
dictionary ConsoleTimerStart {
DOMString name = "";
dictionary ConsoleTimerEnd {
DOMString name = "";
double duration = 0;
dictionary ConsoleTimerError {
DOMString error = "maxTimersExceeded";
dictionary ConsoleCounter {
DOMString label = "";
unsigned long count = 0;
dictionary ConsoleCounterError {
DOMString error = "maxCountersExceeded";