Emilio Cobos Álvarez c25b3b246f Bug 1862061 - Remove -moz-font-smoothing-background-color. r=gfx-reviewers,desktop-theme-reviewers,devtools-reviewers,dao,gw
See comments in the bug for reasoning. macOS hasn't used subpixel AA for
quite a while.

Emulating this macOS AA on vibrant backgrounds was the only point of
this feature.

This allows to simplify the WebRender code quite a bit, too.

Differential Revision:
2023-11-01 09:14:29 +00:00

99 lines
3.3 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
# include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
# include <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
# include <CoreText/CoreText.h>
#include "2D.h"
#include "ScaledFontBase.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace gfx {
// Utility to create a CTFont from a CGFont, copying any variations that were
// set on the original CGFont, and applying additional attributes from aDesc
// (which may be NULL).
// Exposed here because it is also used by gfxMacFont and gfxCoreTextShaper.
CTFontRef CreateCTFontFromCGFontWithVariations(
CGFontRef aCGFont, CGFloat aSize, bool aInstalledFont,
CTFontDescriptorRef aFontDesc = nullptr);
class UnscaledFontMac;
class ScaledFontMac : public ScaledFontBase {
ScaledFontMac(CGFontRef aFont, const RefPtr<UnscaledFont>& aUnscaledFont,
Float aSize, bool aOwnsFont = false,
bool aUseFontSmoothing = true, bool aApplySyntheticBold = false,
bool aHasColorGlyphs = false);
ScaledFontMac(CTFontRef aFont, const RefPtr<UnscaledFont>& aUnscaledFont,
bool aUseFontSmoothing = true, bool aApplySyntheticBold = false,
bool aHasColorGlyphs = false);
FontType GetType() const override { return FontType::MAC; }
SkTypeface* CreateSkTypeface() override;
void SetupSkFontDrawOptions(SkFont& aFont) override;
already_AddRefed<Path> GetPathForGlyphs(const GlyphBuffer& aBuffer,
const DrawTarget* aTarget) override;
bool GetFontInstanceData(FontInstanceDataOutput aCb, void* aBaton) override;
bool GetWRFontInstanceOptions(
Maybe<wr::FontInstanceOptions>* aOutOptions,
Maybe<wr::FontInstancePlatformOptions>* aOutPlatformOptions,
std::vector<FontVariation>* aOutVariations) override;
bool CanSerialize() override { return true; }
bool MayUseBitmaps() override { return mHasColorGlyphs; }
bool UseSubpixelPosition() const override { return true; }
cairo_font_face_t* CreateCairoFontFace(
cairo_font_options_t* aFontOptions) override;
friend class DrawTargetSkia;
friend class UnscaledFontMac;
CGFontRef mFont;
mCTFont; // only created if CTFontDrawGlyphs is available, otherwise null
bool mUseFontSmoothing;
bool mApplySyntheticBold;
bool mHasColorGlyphs;
struct InstanceData {
explicit InstanceData(ScaledFontMac* aScaledFont)
: mUseFontSmoothing(aScaledFont->mUseFontSmoothing),
mHasColorGlyphs(aScaledFont->mHasColorGlyphs) {}
InstanceData(const wr::FontInstanceOptions* aOptions,
const wr::FontInstancePlatformOptions* aPlatformOptions);
bool mUseFontSmoothing;
bool mApplySyntheticBold;
bool mHasColorGlyphs;
} // namespace gfx
} // namespace mozilla